I "SiiOivO N O'l liM I 9 " * • . o a i ocat Nature Gathered Mere and \ Tfiere==Personal Mention \ GilT FOII TODAY. . e i-s For Longevity. ~■ Duher and thy mother | .3.3,': ma y be long upon the \ s Lord, thy God, givetii I ~ ]o don who has had the ft I '. / I TT - 1V is able to be out agai I/'. attack of the flu. I _r y> j? Haves is out ag’ain si* , ■ with the flu. I , n . e four prisoners in the | I. C all colored. ■jaa 111 A^l, j -e are 18 inmates at the county j ■ tes and six colored. ,< .. h. Brooks has returned " v sit to Mrs. Horton at Burke ft ville, Va. ■ v, L. D. Marlin and Prof. Amick, f spent Sunday with Dr. ft W. B. Chapin. •v .... p)aniel L. Bell has been con ■ fi red to her room with flu. She is im- I provii.g rapidly. rrton sold in Ralegh Wednesday I at 10 cents. It is selling at Pittsboro ■ W for 28 to 29 cents. , y.. s h. T. Chapin has returned ■ from Leesburg, Fla., where she has I been on a visit to her son. p ret l W. Bynum, of Rockingham, I spent Wednesday in Pittsboro shaking I hands with his many friends. Miss Myrna Straughan, of Raleigh, I has been on a short visit to he*’ moth- I er. Mrs. Isaac Straughan on Hickory j M Mt. Mr. John Harris, his son, Cooper I Harris, and four children, who have I been sick with the flu, are able to be I out again. Mrs. R. M. Burns and Mrs. A. H. I Loudon have returned from Raleigh I where they attended the funeral of ■ Herbert E'. Norris.. Mrs. James H. Cordon, of Raleigh, I has been appointed matron of honor at the Confederate reunion which I meets in New Orleans April 10. Next week is court week. Come in I The Record office and see the “steel I man” at work and bring us your sub- I scription. Tell your neighbor to come. ■ Mr. George Wall, of Lockville, who I recently went to a hospital at Wil mington for treatment, has returned to his home much improved in health. Misses Blanche and Louise Stalvey, of Raleigh, and Katherine Eubanks, of Winston-Salem, have bc Q n on a visit to Mrs. W. M. Eu banks. Fayetteville street at the comer of West street, has recently been im proved and it is now in fme condi tion. At one time it was almost im passable. I rs. A. C. Ray has returned home from Raleigh where she, has been un de- treatment of a physician for two or three weeks. She is much improved in health. The Chapel Hill News compliments Pittsboro on the sale of school bonds, and her progressive work in having electric lights and movements for ward for greater things. The remains of Mrs. Scott* Stone, who fh'ecl at her home in West Dur ham Tuesday, passed through Pitts boro Wednesday on the way to Jones boro, where she was buried. There will be no service# at the Episcopal church next Sunday morn ing, but there will be Sunday even ing. Services will also be held tomor row (Friday) evening at 7:30. All are welcome. > Early Mitchell, of Merry Oaks, 22 years of age and Miss Arizona Stone, •f Raleigh, age 19 were united in marriage by ’Squire R. M. Bums at his home in Pittsboro on Saturday February 24th. e received a nice letter this from Pittsboro Rt. 3, signed k F -k,” but in the absence of the sig ‘ pt re of the author we carfnot print it. M e must know who sends the let before we can publish them. Kizzie Mitchell, who has been ar ; inmate of the county home and v; has been critically ill for the wvo weeks, died Monday and was tiu 'od near New Elam church on iay. She was about 75 years of j ag»\ i j ri „ postoffice is being moved into ' quarters todav. The new store Lg of J. J. Johnson & Son is . g completion and the store wiH .. vd at an early datrf. That por ° he occupied by the postofike K; wen completed. ‘ ‘count of congestion of vehic the corner of East Salisbury w-ll streets, the Pitsboro au s nave made wider a r d graded l -on street, running from H'Ds "d connecting with the New . r oad in the eastern part of the i. town. / (Sandy) Wicker, 78 years of | ‘l 1 at the home of his (laugh- g s. H. Booker, of Co’on. last 1 'a Wi*»k ei . v/as a former j mte and at o~e fiwp rwm- g : ' e county in the legislature. | and fcro I i&i. and o e • -.V j " 2:1. */' : 6 ii.ua economy on the farm starts witn self suppoit of tne farm family. I Miss Jewel Hatch, of Burlington, | . p j-.t Sunday- la Pittsooro with her ■mother. A. FI. London has returned from .iQ\v xork, where he went on a bus mess trip. • Real happiness is cheap enough, et no w dearly we pay for its coun v-erxeit.—Ballou. The nineteen year old son of Willie Perry, near Gum Springs, is quite j Sim with pneumonia. A. M. Burns and son of Roxboro, i spent the week-end in Pittsboro with | Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Bums. I Roy Cole and Ehrie Farrell, of the j University, spent the weex-end in Pittsboro wiui their parents. Edwin Winchester has returned to his home in after a visit to his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Bums. A Catawba county boy made more than SSOO with a small flock of sheep in three years. The money and the sheep are his own. Mr. Fred P. Nooe has sold the home place on west Salisbury street and will build on the northwest corner of East and Small streets. • Mesdames John C. Cheek, John Crutchfield, Will Clark and Beaman Buckner, of Siler City, were the guests this week of Mrs. C. G. Shaw. The bird law closed Wednesday night at 12 o’clock. Now, hunter man, put your gun away. If you don’t do j it, W alker Hanks will know it, and punish you sure 'as day. One day last week Ed. W. Riggs bee, of Baldwin township, found a bee tree in the woods and cut it down. He got several pounds of honey and also two big fat ’possums. Miss Summie Williams, of Oakland township, has accepted the position of stenographer in The Record office. She is boarding with Mrs. C.- A. Brown on Fayetteville street. Quite a large congregation attend ed Hanks Chapel church Sunday to listen to a fine sermon delivered by the pastor, Rev. n Mr. Carden, and to hear good singing by the church choir. In this paper will be found an ad vertisement of the J. M. Harper prop erty on cojjrt house square, which takes place next Tuesday, March 6. This property is centrally located and the most desirably located unimprov ed property located in Pittsboro. At the same time Allen Brothers will sell the old Haughton homestead that has been cut into lots for residen tial purposes. * I Now Listen, Folks! 1 Agreeable to our announcement for the past two weeks in the papers, we are now on a strictly cash basis. Busi- pi ness conditions and opportunity to give bigger and better n . values for the money, have demanded this action. M We are stocking our store every day with the most de- JB jga pendable goods the market affords and we can save you a If good per cent on every purchase you may make. •• fit Buy for cash and save the difference. No use in your |gj helping pay the other fellow's bad debts. We want all our B I customers to call around and take advantage of the op- H |l portunitieS that we are offering. fi| Yours to Serve, H I L. N. WOMBLE, I PITTSBORO, -- - - - « ----- - - - ' Break Away $ From that old habit of taking just the first thing you see when you are in need. 9 K ' 1 We handle Goodrich and Silver Cord Tires. Poultry Netting of all Descriptions.' Select line of Chinaware. Harness and Buggies, made by Tyson and Jones. Almost anything you need in the way of first Class Hardware. Come to see us and let us show you. < Highest Cash Price Paid for Country Produce.-; I i ■ His wars | j P?::.?shorO, N. C. j (j ■ ini’" 1 - "jl. ~::3rr : - v. ilac.: . | Mr. J. S. Wrehn has bought the F. P. Nooe home on west Lmisbury ureet Li Pitt: boro: tie bougnt the , .u -Ox *,.:0 Dupjxxt paisoilage. Rev. R. R. Gorc.o the paetor, will aove in about March 15. n item a cfcate paper a few r days ago stated that a ehlcbe raiser 1 uue.e.i . eggs during January. ! ie had 50 hens. A lady in Pitsboro ; has -3 hens a d during January she ■ gathered 5.33 eggs, an average of IS ! a day. There will be a U. S. deputy col lector of ie ter: al revenue at Sanford cli March 2 and 3; Southern Pines o r M:a_\ h 5 a d G; Pittsboio on March 7 a d G; at Sanford again on- March 9 ‘ a d 10 and at Sanford again on M&reh 12 to 15. The red bird is daily singing his! lay, the cat bird, the mocking bird 1 a cl the robins have made their ap-1 pearagee the cackling of hens in ev- 1 e y direct on, a d the sound of the saw and hammer about town, is a sure harbinger of early spring. A Center township farmer walked over his farm Sunday to see how it looked. ITe was in later and while standing on the street a friend walked up to him and pulled off a live boll weevil from his coat. It seems that extreme cold weather has not “friz* out the pesky weevils. Archie was up be fore ’Squire John R. Blair Monday charged with being drunk *and asleep on the highway. He was also charged with carrying a concealed weapon— a “rhzoo.” For being naughty in get # ting clnmk he was sent to jail under * a S3OO bond and he will now sleep I there until'-court meets. Mr. Eugene S. Reynolds, *of Rock-1 ing ham, will arrive in Pittsboro next; week to become cashier of the Farm- J ers Bank. Mr. Reynolds comes highly i recommended by the banks of Rock inghani, having held a responsible position with the Farmers Bank there for the past three years. He succeeds Mr. Burtis Benton in Pitsboro,' who has endeared himself to the people here and his many friends regret to see him leave. Mr. Benton gotes to the Commercial National Bank, in Raleigh. It is a matter of history that The Fanners Bank has served as a training camp for splendid bankers. All those splendid young men who have served here have gone to some of the largest banks in the country. MOLINE TRACTOR ON MARKET The Chatham Hardware Co., have placed on the market in Chatham county the Moline Tractor, a new tractor in this part of the state. It is claimed by those who own one of these time savers that they are the best machines used on the farm for the purposes for which they are in tended. A car load of these machines will be here in a few days and a dem onstration will be given the public. The School Bonds Sold. i The school bonds which were voted for on private slle to Bray Brothers, of Greensboro. These bonds are to bear interest at per cent and are to run for 30 years. In selling these bonds the school board saves SIOO in pre miums, besides all the expenses of printing and legal opinions. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals. w'U be rece ved 'V ‘the T-us'-oes o ’ PStsbo o STnool Firtr'ct No. G, tip to 1 . o’do k . oo , March ’5, 1 9J3, or the /erection of a ißgh School building at Pittsboro, N. tec ■ gto y : a j cifiea t i prepa. ed b? r G Murray Nelson, Architect, Raleigh, N. C. P'ass a d o.is may be res at the off: eof the .Arch its't or add.tional copies may be obi. hied o •j i" i e r -*t. by Go Tir covs c re ogai;: :d i respo sibility upo: receipt of a d-- p6sxt in _the amount or Fifteen j 15 00) Dos a s v uch amount will ibe refunded if plans a d specifica ! tio is are returned i * good condition i ’ A Ister than the 18th day of March, : 1923. X • I Eaeh proposai shall be accompanied | by a certified check in the amoa: t Oi" ; two (2 per cent) per cent of the pro | posal, said dieck being made pay |haele to A. He London Chairman, as ; a guarantee that the Contractor, w‘ll if awarded the co tract for the v/ork, e 'ter into a written agreement and execute bond as required by the state.* Proposals for heating and plumbing subject to the above stipulations, will ! he received at the same time sepa rately from the General Contract. ! The owners reserve the right to reject any or all bicK A. H. LONDON/Chairman. G. M. NELSON, Architect. Commercial National Bank, Raleigh, N. C. First National Bank, Durham, N.C. //VCur es , Malarie, Chills flail) and Fever, Dengue or j V W Bilious Fever. DIAMONDS | We have formed Connections With a Large Diamond Impotrer We are Selling on 10 Per. Cent Basis This arrangement gives you an opportunity of buying a Diamond at parctically the wholesale price J. P. COULTER CO. Jewelers, SANFORD, N. C. * * * V * RICHARD F. GIERSCH, JR. * * . ENGINEER * Sanford. N. C. * * * ♦ * Surveying. Design. Supervision of * * Construction. Reports. * * * * Hydro and Hydro Electric Devel- * * opment, Transmission and Distri- * * bution. Architectural Engineering. * * Mh-8-R-p. * * . * ! ———i———■MM—EMB. I * .... ! 1 Williams-Belk Company I :wj SANFORD, _____ NORTH CAROLINA. Ml I After Making Alterations | , in our Ready-to-wear Department, giving us more dis- play and selling space, we are now prepared to serve j| you \yith the most complete selection of Ready-to- || Wear garments we have evor shown. , fi P LADIES’ SUITS. in all the new boxy and blouse effects, braid and embrpidery trimmed; poiret and tricotine, in the season's best colors, H Priced $9.95, $14.95, $19.50, $24.95. H , NEW FROCKS. iKJ in canton crepes, flat crepes, taffetas, and m printed crepes and combinations. Spring's [WI favorite styles for your selection— M Priced From $5.95 up ta $35.00 NEW SKIRTS. jw! in prunellas and plaids, great values, for H $3.75 and $4.98. I' L - - - 7S I 1 —^n— l «" , w | *" l '"■■■■-- 1 ■■! ■ , mi ni ■ ■ r»————— , W v \ _ . ■, \ ifcjj Visit Our Ready-to-Wear and Millinery Department, p 8- ' MAY WE SHOW YOU. *' 1 ' Wii UAW pel*' company |£ «■ * gg| jj sgjg gjjs ||' jg | The Hohenzollern, formerly the P - latial pleasure yacht of the German emperor, is being; fitted out as a trade ship by the German government. The vessel will be sent on a cruise to the British, dominions. •ret 1 < '>y> 1 Mi m m - ra i H • ; LSi tiiii H I W. L London a son 1 GENERAL : MERCHANT 1 ■i 1 I |i|| AND p COTTON BUYER 1 I ESTABLISHED 1865 M il [lcl Ile! B pjj » pi BANK of PITTSBORO I « wants you as a custo= 81 i • 3 mer. Do your banking with us. WE APPRE- Cl ATE YOUR BUSINESS H ♦ |H| ' A. H. LONDON i I Pnesident | JAS. L. GRIFI lN H Cashier \\ . L. FARRELL 1 Asst, Cashier H i m NEW BLOUSES. . 8 of printed crepe and many embroidered |s| Priced $4.95 and $5.95. 0 — i COATS, CAPES and WRAPS. {flj Coats and capes in all the new and novelty M materials, including the ever popular cam- Kj el hair cloth for Spring—a style here for M you. * M Popular Prices—s9.9s up to $35.00 fjal MILLINERY. W Almost .every express brings us new hats. (s}) Newest ideas in shapes; and materials Strong values. - M Priced—s2.9B, $4.98 and up. n Tv/o buffaloes from the Wainwright Park herd in Alberta will be supplied by the Canadian Federal authorities to one . ter .. >ul Committee for the big barbecue which will be held there so e time in late February.

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