_L After Every Meal wmairs ‘ ■ Chew your food ■ well, then use WRIGLEY’S to I aid digestion. | It also keeps the teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen. I The Great American There are scores of reasons why "Vaseline" Petroleum Jelly should be accounted a household mainstay. A few of them are burns, sores, blisters, cuts. It comes in bottles—at all drug gists and general stores. CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING CO. lC«naoll<Ut*dJ Sate Street New York Vaseline RegUS.PatOff PETROLEUM JELLY Evtry"VastUnt" Productis rtommmdtdrvtrywhart bnaust of its abseiutt purity arid tftctivtnut WHAT FUN IT IS TO BE HUNGRY! YOU can’t be well and hearty un less you are properly nourished —• you can’t be strong unless your .appetite is good. For a keen appetite, good digestion, .rich red blood, and the “punch” and “pep” that goes with perfect health. You need Gude’s Pepto-Mangan. Take Gude’s for a short time and note the big difference in the way you look, eat and feel. Your druggist has it —liquid or tab lets, as you prefer. Gude’s pepto-^angan Tonic and Blood Enricher Instant Relief /j|Jk BABIES LOVE 1 MRS.WiNSLOW'S SYRUP m The Infants’ and Children’s Regulator I Pleasant tc give—pleasant to 3h take. Guaranteed purely veg stable and absolutely harmless. % It Quickly overcomes colic, H f 5 diarrhoea, flatulency end The open published formula appears on HWj| ; Freedom! | -no mare sluggishness 1 v, : eJDIi I Dr. KINGS PILLS I constipation P Every married woman thinks thal all her husband’s bachelor friends envj him. Doing good is the one certain happj action of a man or woman. lr Morning EVes CroanV Clear and Healthy ttfrHw For Fr«. fym Car* Book Hurt a* Co. Chicago. U& DECLARES tanlac “IS BEST OF ALL” St. Paul Woman Says Stomach Trouble Is Gone and She Has Gained 10 Pounds. - <*• “Tanlac lias meant health and hap piness to me, and I think it has no equal,” declared Afrs. Albert Raping, highly-respected resident of 29 E. 10th St., St. Paul, Minn. “I was so terribly run down my housework seemed like a mountain to me, and lots of times I had to give up and rest. I was nervous, weak, and had splitting headaches and a vful diz zy spells. My stomach was so bud v out of order almost everything 1 ue would sour and I suffered terribly from gas, heartburn and a distressing smoth ering feeling. I could not sleep nights, my back ached terribly, I lost weight till my clothes didn’t fit, and was in a generally wretched condition. “But now I get real joy out of car ing for my house. Since taking Tan lac I have gained ten pounds, never have indigestion and all my aches and pains are gone. I take pleasure in recommending Tanlac.” Tanlac is for sale by all good drug gists. Over 35 million bottles sold.— Advertisement. Robe Rolls Like Shade. Rolling like an overgrown window shade a new automobile lap robe is re turned when idle by a spring into a case that serves as a foot rail. HAIR STAYS COMBED, GLOSSY “Hair Groom” Keeps, Hair Combed—Well-Groomed. I HAIRI/CQK groom L TRAD* HAW U 4 /V ( CbmbedJj £ Millions Use It—Fine for Hair!—Not Sticky, Greasy or Smelly. A few cents buys, a jar of “Hair- Groom” at any drug store. Even stub born, unruly or shampooed hair stays combed all day in any style you like. “Hair-Groom”, is a dignified combing cream which gives that natural gloss and wfcll-groomed effect to your hair — that final touch to good dress both in business and on social occasions. Greaseless, stainless “Hair-Groom** does not show on the hair because it is absorbed by the scalp, therefore your hair remains feo soft and pliable and so natural tha*t no one can pos sibly tell you used it. Small United States Towns. It has been estimated that there are about 120,000 small towns in the United States, half of them with popu lations of 500 or less. Cough Following “FLU” Check it Today! WITH ’ FOLEY’S mfw Established 1875 In the Foreign Field. There are 099 foreign mission boards ind their auxiliaries, represented by 15,000 missionaries laboring in the vorld-field, and they are associated with an army of 110,000 native teach ers and preachers. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION P\\ / IN DIGESTION 1 6 Bell-ans Hot water mkryfel Sure Relief Bell-ans £ss AND 75$ PACKAGES EVERYWHERE ■' 1 ■" "KM' I ■■■'.-'"f '■'l HOW HUMAN LIFE IS THROWN AWAY TO PROCURE IVORY. —The globe of ivory that is knocked about a table in a game of billiards costs, if of good qual ity, at least sls. This repre sents its cost in money. There is, however, a far more impor tant and formidable element in the price that has been paid for it. The billiard ball of pure ivory represents, as it lies white * and glistening upon the cloth, an expenditure of human blood as well as of money. Elephants’ tusks are brought down to the African coast for the most part by caravans, gen erally in eharg#lof Arabs whig have been trading in the inte rior. Very often they have picked up slaves as well as ivory, hut ihi* phase of the mat ter may be left out of the ac count. it is estimated that every 1 large caravan bringing ivory to the coast has cost more than 160 human lives thiough *fights and murders in the course of the ex pedition. Thirty more men are likely to have succumbed to fe vers and other diseases and the I fatigues of the march. The hunting of the elephants and the capture of the ivory are very likely to have caused, the death of ten men altogether. Such casualties are the rule in elephant hunting rather than the j exception. An average tusk does not fur nish more than enough material for two good billiard balls. Os ' course, the remainder of the ' ivory in each tusk is made use of in other ways. A perfectly cut billiard ball requires special quality, or so-called “nerve,” which is faund only in one port of the tusk. The chances are that a billiard ball of the first quality has cost at least one human life, and there is not one such ball which may not be truly said to be stained with men’s blood. TO USE IN OPERATING ROOM How Men of Science Have Succeeded in Producing Light Which Casts No Shadow. One of the most remarkable lamps in the world never casts a shadow. Solid pieces of wood can be placed across it, but it continues to give an absolutely clear and regular tight. This lamp is being used in surgery, in eases where a shadow would be disastrous. Another feature is that ft gives 3,000 candlepower without throwing off any heat. Ari ordinary 100-watt bulb is used, and the whole secret lies in a wonderful ser es of mirrors which reflect the tight and so possess its power. In an ordinary lamp it would he im possible to obtain as much Tight with out a great dettl of heat, the absence of which,is necessary in many opera tions. TTie mirrors reflect the light around the obstruction, and unless tire globe is completely covered it is impossible to produce a shadow. It is no easy task to fit the mirrors so that fill reflect light «ito the same spot. A minute inaccuracy would ruin the whole use of the lamp. How Mo.on Is £ 'ought Closer. It appears that, with the aid of the world’s largest telescope, not so long ago installed at the Mount Wilson ob servatory, the moon has been brought nearer the earth than ever before. The reflector of the great telescope measures 100 inches in diameter, or more than eight feet. The observa tory in which tMs glass is mounted is 100 feet in height and Its dome is 100 feet in diameter. The whole stands at an altitude of 6,000 feet. The photograph taken of the moon measures four feet in diameter and reveals details of the lunar surface never before seen by the human eye. How Territory Was Acquired. Four cents’ an acre was the price paid by the United States for the land which now constitutes the states of Arkansas, Missouri, lowa, Nebraska, the Dakotas and Indian Territory, to gether with most of Louisiana, Okla homa, Kansas, Wyoming, Montana, Minnesota and Colorado. It included 883,072 square miles. The purchase ‘«<as made from Napoleon (who by-the , way had no right to sell it) and the Federalists who opposed the deal did so on the ground that the price was too high. Parties of explorers soon I entered the newly acquired territory. The Missouri was ascended in keel boats and pirogues; and as they passed La Charette, Daniel Boone, a very old man, stood watching their difficult progress. They saw parrakeets where I Kansas City was to follow; and at Council Bluffs they first met the Indb : ans, under an awning formed by the mainsail. The Rieara Indians, to theii surprise, refused any gifts of whisky, an attitude in which the Mnndan vil lages, where, in North Dakota, they spent the winter, took no part. —Ex change. How English Babies Travel. The motor baby-carriage las ar rived; it was invented in England Now baby can travel at four -miles a a hour, and there are foot rests or which the nurse can stand, scootei fashion, while she directs the courgi j of the oram GRANDMOTHER KNEW There Was Nothing So Good for Congestion and Colds as Mustard But the old-fashioned mustard plaster burned and blistered while it acted. Get the relief and help that mustard plasters gave, without the plaster and without the blister. Musterole does it.« It is a dean, white ointment, made with oil of mus tard. It is scientifically prepared, so that it works wonders. Gently massage Musterole in with the finger-tips. See how quickly it brings re lief-how speedily the pain disappears. Try Musterole for sore throat, bron chitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, conges tion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chil- v -- blains, frosted feet, colds .of the chest (it may prevent pneumonia). 35c and 65c, jars and tubes; hospital size, $3.00. Better than a mustard plaster WATCH THE BIG 4 Stomach-Kidneys-Heart-Liver Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the world's standardremedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles — hATHROP'C The National Remedy of Holland for centimes. At all druggists in three sizes. Guaranteed as represented. Look for the name Cold Medal on every box end accept no imitation Hove you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? Take RH EUMACTDF to remove the cause and the poison from the system. "■■ICSUCIDB OS TUB ISSIDI PUTS BIIKCaUTISa OS TUB OCTSIDB” At All Druggists Jss. Bail 7 & Sob, Wholesale Distributors - Cuticura Talcum is Fragrant and Very Healthful Soap 25c, Ointment 25 aa4 s§c, Talcum 25c. am w a • tB ATOID dropplß* |VI irr*hA K strong drug* in I 111 f | 11 eyes sore from Alkali or other Irritation. I \/|Qi The old simple remedy thet brings comforting relief CmK fa best. 25*. alt dtuvgtittt For SORE EVES it occasionally Happens that a good debater proves liis case when he isn’t sure of it himself. The course ©f true love requires a lot of money to keep it in repair. A single application of Roman Eye Bal sam on going to bed will prove its merit for inflammations of the Eyes, external and In ternal. Advertisement. There is just as much room for do mestic jars in a flat as there is in a j palace. _ m . ii —... i . i THE STORY I People throughout this country are giving more thought to hygiene and to the purity of remedies on the market, but no one doubts the purity of Doctor Pierce’s vegetable medicines, for they ! have been so favorably known for over j fifty years that everyone knows they are | just what they are claimed to be. These 1 medicines are the result of long research | by a well-known physician, R. V. Pierce, j M. D., who compounded them from I health-giving herbs and roots long used ! fn sickness by the Indians. Dr. Pierce’s 1 reputation as a leading and honored 1 citizen of Buffalo, is a sufficient guaran tee for the purity of that splendid tonic and blood purified, the Golden Medical Discovery, and the equally fine nerve tonic and system builder so? women’s ailments. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion. Send 10c. for trial pkg. tablets to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y. mpra LVUII UL U I! bottle of Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer will bring back original color quickly stops dandruff. At all good druggists, 76c, or direct from Uwmc-EUm, Ckmirti. Mrniliii Tm, Find Yon Tired and Achy? DOES winter find you miserable with an aching back? Dfc you get up lame and stiff • lag through the day tired, weak and depressed? Do you know why you are so run down? There's good reason for your condition and likely it's weak . kidneys. Winter's colds and chills throw a heavy burden on the kidneys The kidneys fall behind and poisons accumulate. It's little wonder, then, that you suffer backache, rheumatic pains, headaches, dizziness and bladder irregularities. Don't risk serious kidney disease. Use Doan's Kidney Pills before it is too late. Doan's have helped thousands and should help you. Ask pour neighbor / “Use Doan’s, ”Say These Good Folks: Joseph Eason, carpenter, Smithfield, N. C., says: “My kidneys got out of order, caused by a cold settling in the small of my back. Lumbago set in and my back was so lame I could hardly bend over to pick up any of my tools. I was all played out and too frequent action of my kidneys made me get up during the night to pass the kidney secretions. I began using Doan’s Kidney Pfils. .One box put my kidneys in good order and relieved all the other symptoms of kidney complaint.” DOAN’S 38? At AH Dealers, 60c a Box. Foster-Milbum Co., Mfg. Chest, Buffalo, N. Y. For Forgetful Correspondents. Australia is experimenting with a system whereby radio messages are sent to mail steamers that have left port*, on which they are written and mailed as letters at any port of gall. Don’t let child stay MOTHER, YOUR CHILD’S BOWELS NEED “CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP 0 3ven Cross, Feverish, Sick Children Love its Taste and it Never Fails to Empty Little Bowels If your child is listless, full of cold, has colic, or if the stomach is sour, breath bad, tongue coated, a teaspoon ful of “California Fig Syrup” will quickly start liver and bowel action. In, a few hours you can see for your self how thoroughly it works the con stipation poison, sour bile and waste right out and you have -a well, playful rhilrt again. Man Owes Much to the Birds. Birds help keep down many insect pests even when they are not suffi ciently numerous to exterminate them over a large area of infestation, and j there are many instances where the saving of a crop appears to be en tirely the work of bird's. Break it-w time! Stuffy heads irritated . tkroats-cough-tired chests— welcome the cooling, sooth ing relief so quickly brought by this dependable 50-year- Mrs. H. B. Buss, 121 Depot St., Cheraw, S. C., says: “I caught cold and it gave me a severe backache and settled in my kidneys. I had pains through my kidneys all the time. Dizzy spells often came over me and many a time I thought I would fall. I had ar tired feeling and my kidneys acted irregularly. I heard of Doan’s Kidney Pills and took two boxes. After I had fin ished the second box I was entirely cured of all the kidney i trouble.” Mutually Satisfied. Ethel —Was their honeymoon a stic cess? Clara —Goodness, yes! They spent the last week of it In arranging for a qifiet divorce. pillions of mothers keep “Californh Fig Syrup” handy. They know a tea spoonful today may save a sick child tomorrow. It never cramps or over acts. Ask your druggist for genuine “California Fig Syrup,” which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle Mother, you must say “California” or you maj get an imitation fig syrup. old family remedy. Don’t let your cola drag you down. Ask for Dr. King’s New Discovery at your nearest druggist. Proven safe for children as well as grown-ups.

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