The Kind That ; Makes You Like Fruit Cake . (That tender, almost juicy just the kind you like—and cake with the rare flavor of save baking at home, delicious raisins and piquant These plump, tender, juicy, spice. thin-skinned raisins are ideal . , , . , . for cake. Taste the cake you 1 hat rich, fruity luscious get and see. cake that doesn t crumble and You’ll enjoy fruit cake more dry out. often when you can secure such l* j .l i 9°°d cake ready-made. The kind that you have Mail oupon for free book of :| always liked—the kind you tested recipes suggesting scores mean when you say ** fruit of other luscious raisin foods. cake.” . , Just ask your bake shop or , . confectioner for it—the cake You can buy it now— get that’s made with ' Sun-Maid Raisins Sun-Maid Raisin Growers J Co-operative Organization Comprising 14.000 Grower Members Dept. N-540-31, Fresno, California tCUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT Sun-Maid Raisin Growers, Dept. N-540-31, Fresno, California. Please send me copy of your free book, Blue Packs It CITY STATE... Oodles of Rubles. “Money isn’t everything/’ "They realize that now in Russia.” — Louisville Courier-Journal. Aspirin Say “Bayer” and Insistl Unless you see the name “Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not get ting the genuine Bayer product pre scribed by physicians over twenty-two years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Toothach# Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Prug gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid.—Advertisement. The Enchantment of Distance. She —I just love the farm ! * He—How long have you lived in the city? | Mother Used Teethina for Twenty Years “When my baby was six writes Mrs. L. D. Powell, of Barbers ville, Fla., “he began crying* with colic, which he had for three months. My mother, who had used Teethina twenty years, advised me to give it to niy baby. I did so and he soon got all right and at five months weighed pounds. He is now so big and fat that everybody admires him.” Colic is caused by indigestion and is often the result of overloading baby’s stomach with too much food. Teethina soon relieves this condition, keeps the baby well and insures a healthy growth and a good disposition. Teethina is sold by all druggists, 0r send 30c to the Moffett Labora tories and get a package of Teethina fini a wonderful free booklet about Baby.—Advertisement. A political pull is often a great •train on the candidate’s leg. r which Are the I Snap Beans / —the Best Yleldingy Garden Peas / —the Sweetest I Cantaloupe 9 The Select-Rite Charts in the 1923 Catalog of WOOLfS SEEDS Show at a glance the varieties of each vegetable to plant for earliness, yield, length of bearing season, or for whatever purpose is most desired. The most helpful catalog we have ever issued is ready to be mailed to you free on request. FREE FLOWER SEEDS Oar 1928 Catalog tell* how you can hava them without cost Send a post card for your copy. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen 37 S. 14th St. Richmond, Va. up of Costs, RobeSg Capes Tell us the kind of furs. Prompt answer. W.W. Weaver, Reading, Thirty years in fur bittiness. SENDS 2000 MILES FOR BEAR’S EMULSION n Mr. John D. Bear, Clearbrook, Va. Dear Sir: — Enclosed find Post Office money order for which please send me one bottle of Bear’s Emulsion. I have used one bottle and I think it works fine. What will half a dozen bottles cost me delivered to my post office? 1 don’t like to have them sent by Express, as I live forty miles from the railroad. Your truly, J. S. Stauffer, Kendrick, Colo. The above letter shows what a won derful reputation Bear’s Emulsion has among the thousands who have used It. For coughs, colds, bronchitis, lung troubles and general run-down condi tion there is nothing more beneficial Bear’s Emulsion is for sale at leading druggists, price $1.25 a bottle. IN USE FOR 35 YEARS Bjm. nW dC3LJaM3jJAi The Quick aid Sure Cure for MALARIA, CHILLS, FEVER AND LA GRIPPE It la a Powerful Tonic and Appetiser Will cure that tired feeling, pains in back, limbs and head. Contains no quinine, arsenic or habit—forming ingredient. ASSURERS DAWN BRINGSANEWDW aA'U'» vssnS ialqSnel eakThatCbtdand ns FitTomorrtxr. cimsl I ' l ■■■■—-==!======= j W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 7-1923 KNOW NOTHING OF LAUGHTER Most Solemn People in the World Said to Be Aboriginal In habitants of Ceylon. Laughter and the faculty of being nerry and bright are gifts of the gods to a world in which there is not too Much sunshine at any time. But this ?ift, according to scientists, has been lenied to the Veddas, the aboriginal inhabitants of Ceylon. They are the 'only people in the world who never laugh, and in conse juence they are thin and flabby folk. For nearly 2,0Q0 years, according to the best chronicles, these people, now almost extinct, have preserved the same characteristics, and no one has ever seen a smile on the face of one of them or heard a laugh while in their section cf Ceylon. Why these peonle do not smile Is a mystery. They alone of all the people on the earth kTiow nothing of the sen sation of laughter. A scientist, who Journeyed to Ceylon for the purpose of Investigating this question, persuaded some of them to permit him to tickle them in the ribs and in the middle of their feet with straws. He never caught even the flicker of a smile on their faces, nor did lie ever succeed in making one of them squirm during the operation. Another strange thing about the Veddas, and one which may possibly be connected with their lack of humor, is the fact that every one of them is a George Washington, unable to tell a lie or to conceive of anyone else tell ing a lie. They cannot even believe that any one\ would take the property of any one else, and association with civiliza tion has failed to convince them that It is possible. With all this—or, rather, without all this—the Veddas are a peaceable, gentle, quiet people. They take wives without any marriage ceremony, and are faithful and constant to them. Government Apprenticing System. The Australian government has laid the foundation for future supply of good workmen by regulating the ap prentice system by which the interests of all the parties concerned are taken care of. The pay, care, instruction and amusement of apprentices are pre scribed in carefully prepared laws. In certain specified districts, instruction from a state or continuation trade school, approved by the authorities, must be given £or not less than five hours a week for not less than three years and this must be given on the time of the employer. If the appren tice elects to take such course in his own time, allowance must be made for it upon his term of apprenticeship. Apprentices must be allowed all holi days or paid for their services upon such days at the rate allowed for adult workmen. All disputes between ap prentices and employers must be set tled by the board, which has the power to prescribe a punishment in the shape of a fine. -■ ■ ■ '■ ■ From Small Beginnings. Missionary beginning* have been marked by ma*y discouragements. Dr. Robert Laws of Livingstonia, Af rica, balanced assets and liabilities after the first five years in that mis sion. On one side he was able to count one convert, but against this there were five European graves, five years’ hardship and an expense of SIOO,OOO. But wtiat a difference to day! Before the missionary arrived Nyassaland was a vast region where cruelty, witchcraft, drunkenness and -bloodshed terrorized the people. “We want sleep,” they cried as Livingstone became acquainted with them. Men now carry spears but it is to ward off wild beasts. Women and children are not afraid to sleep or travel the busli paths. They are now sending mis sionaries to other parts of Africa and t the Mission Pres* turns out 30,00 C books and pamphlets a year in eight languages. v Victory for Cuf>id. Weddings in Japan increased in 1922 despite an old superstition that con siders the year unlucky. At the Hiblya shrine only, they numbered 300 more .than in 1921, but the ceremonies were conducted under the qiost economical plan. The Hibiya shrine hai six classes of weddings, ranging from 15 to 70 yen. During the war most families desired the first or second class ceremonies, rated 70 or 50 yen, but this year’s weddings were generally performed with the pine, bamboo or plum classes, the cost being respectively 25, 20 and 15 yen. Whereas there used to be elaborate receptions and banquets, nowadays invitations are sent out de clining wedding gifts in the hope of making the entire affair as simple as possible. Clothes Make the Man. I was anxious to get the window. 4 washed, but all the neighboring Jan ltors were too*busy to undertake th< work. I happened to see a man wash ing the windows of a house that hac recently been sold. Impulsively, 1 went into the yard and asked him it he would not do mine. He laugliec and said he did not believe he had time, and I later on, much to m 3 chagrin, learned the real reason: Ht was the owner of the house, and had had the same difficulty ns I in get ting the work done, so had put or his old clothes and got busy himself —Chicago Tribune. Record for Caution. “Mrs. Blimp is a very careful moth er, isn't she?” “Very. She wanted to know how many calories wild oats contain be fore she would let Jack sow any.** - - \ ~ 111 .^t^OTn^^a^toeWMviT * Farmer* in State* where the boll weevil first appeared have proven that cotton can be successfully grown even in badly infest ed sections. If you are willing to faithfully follow the rules for weevil control, rules dis covered by the U. S. Department of Agriculture and vouched for by all county and State authorities, you too can make money this season on your cotton, despite the boll weevil. Remember, you can not neglect one of these rules and expect to get the best of the weevil. For the information of our good friends who grow cotton, we' briefly state below the ten rules to be followed. Tear . them out of this paper, and keep them ever before you. 1. Grow not more than 8 or 10 acres of cotton to the plow until you learn for your self how many you can handle profitably. 2. Prepare land early. Break heavy lands in the Fall, sandy lands earlier than usual. 3. Plant early, using delinted seed for quicker germination and better stand. 4. Plant early fruiting varieties, such as Cleveland, Cook or Express. 5. Fertilize liberally, both to hasten ma turity and to set unusual quantity of fruit. You must depend on phosphoric acid for an early crop. Bto 10 per cent on sandy soils and 9 to 12 per cent on heavy soils. Apply when rows are bedded, at least two weeks before planting. ROYSTER Tie/d* Tested TertiUzers \ DIFFERENT KIND OF CAPTAIN That Particular Police Official Was the Incarcerator, Not Liberator, of Suspected Persons. The letters O. R. following the name on the slate at the city prison mean that the person ramed has been re leased from jail on his own recog nizance, or without being required to give bond. Naturally, % the first thought of an attorney representing a prisoner Is to obtain the release of his client on his O. R. Several days ago a lawyer walked Into the office of Edward Shubert, captain of police, at headquarters and made an eloquent plea for the release on his own recognizance of a craps shooter. His plea fell on deaf ears. “Say, look here,. you’ve got the wrong captain,” Shubert said. “There’s the let ’em pass out captain over there. I’m the put ’em in captain.” The law3 T er left the office, shaking his head. —Indianapolis News. A Melancholy J.oy. “I heard the most distressing bit of scandal about Helen.” “I’m so so#ry to Jiear it. Do tell me.” Many a slow man has been made fast —to a widow for the rest of his natural life. sWhat is W good health worth ¥ 0 to you? HEALTH is priceless. You wouldn’t knowingly part with it for anything in the world. « ■ Why then do you risk it needlessly for A the sake of a few cups of coffee? Coffee IA contains caffeine, a harmful drug which ~A often interferes with nerves and digestion. £sA There’s an easy, pleasant way to avoid EEEAI this menace to health, without any £hc- rifice of comfort or satisfaction. Drink Postum instead of coffee. Postum is a pure, cereal beverage— wholesome and delicious —a safeguard health. “ There’s a Reason” jg for Postum JS Made by ' "-*" * « If ~ 1 - i - i-ij r-r- .- umj Postum Cereal Co., Ine. ~ """- _ ■ i «■■*»■■■■ Battle Creek, Mich. Norfolk Richmond Lynchburg Charlotte Washington Tarboro ; Man's Length of Life. According to the president of Cor nell university the average length of life in North America Is fifty-six years. In 1870 it was forty-one and in 1910 fifty -two and one-half years. Students of tiiis interesting subject say ihat the average life could be prolonged twenty years if all people could learn and profit by what health experts know. Health education has a lot to do with it. In tropical India the aver age man is destined to die at twenty four. Longest lived people In the world are the progressive New Zea landers. They are said to live sixty years on the average. Due for Disappointment “Well, I’ll tell you, Gap,” said Zeke Lopp, “I aim to sell off some of my stuff, pack the rest of It and the old woman and children Into the waggin, whistle to the dogs, and start for Okla homy.” “All right,” replied Gap Johnson of Rumpus Ridge. “But ’pears like I’ve heered, from two, three fellers that have been there, that the ravens hain’t running no free boarding house in Oklahomy this year.”—Kansas City Star. The man who has no time to waste never gets into an argument with a suffragette. 6. Cultivate crops every week or ten days, especially during early stages, to promote growth. 7. Kill weevils when they first emerge from winter quarters. They will first ap pear in small areas near woods, haystacks or shelter. Poison them quickly or pick them by hand. 8. Gather and destroy infected squares. When squares flare open and turn brown the young weevils are in them. This is your chance to do the weev4ls the most damage. Gather all .such squares, whether on stalks or on ground, and destroy them. 9. Use calcium arsenate poisoning on small acreage under advice of your county agent. While the,U. S. Dept, of Agriculture says this is the best method, you won’t suc ceed with it unless you follow instructions. 10. Destroy stalks early. Gather cotton and immediately plow up or otherwise kill the green stalks on which the weevils feed. Because of the part fertilizer plays in mak ing the early crop which is so necessary, you will want to be more careful than ever to choose a dependable, reliable mixture. Our 40 years experience gives to Royster's Fertilizer a quality that wins the lasting friendship of farmers who understand the food requirements of plants. Look for the FSR trademark on every bag. Write the Farm Service Dept.. F. S. Royster Guano Co.; for free advice. Birmingham Montgomarj} Columbia Macon Atlanta LIVED UP TO HIS GROUCH New Yorker Surely Went the Limit Be tween Saturday Afternoon and Monday Morning. Wljjit had a grouch when he left the office Saturday afternoon. He re fused an invitation to joiq a friend Who said he knew a place where the modern substitute for the wild thyme blows and started for his lonesome home. The grouch was still In evidence* when he returned Monday morning. “I got home Saturday,” he said, “sat around a while, took a nap and de cided I did not want to go out to din ner, so I drank a part of a bottle of. stale milk and went to bed. I have* spoken just two words since I went away Saturday. They are* the namer of a brand of cigar, and I used them In buying a smoke." “Didn’t you speak to the waiter where you get your meals?” asked a friend. “Not a word," said the owner of the grouch. “I ate in a nickle-In-the-slot place." —New York Sun. f None know how high they can fly until they have to fly. Too much honey is sometimes as’ bad as too much gall. —jaggik, ' iiWßllfes 5 = E*2£!f£*®lSs=siß=i- ■*<“ ;» ' tnBM 1 * I m ****** ema% "j • Your grocer sells Postum in two forms: Instant VC, Postum (in tins) prepared • instantly in the cup by Vg the addition of tailing water. Postum Cereal (in packages) for those B who prefer to make the drink while the meal ia B being prepared; made by B boiling fully 20 minutes. S