| Famous Mol 0€ Tractor 1 We will have a carload of the Famous |P I MOLINE Universal Tractor | and Tractor Improvements m in a few days. This is the only Tractor made and equipped with electric starter and lights and governor. [Mj Also, the only Tractor made th&t will do all kinds of «§ farm work, inqjpding breaking, harrowing, cultivating jUJ crops, drilling wheat, corn, cotton, pulling wheat reapers, M and all classes of w r ork. * |n) This Tractor will saw from four to five thousand feet of w timber a day with two hands—one to operate Tractor and all implements. HI It is believed by tho.se w 7 ho own them that it is the m) BEST Tractor on the' market for farm work. • IjijJi We will be glad to demonstrate it to you at any time. jjj| Chatham Hardware Co., I PITTSBORO, *— —l NORTH CAROLINA. | *.-*:■«« ■*** <33 it, *♦> t We Solicit i ib - f‘ \it ■ ' » t Your Account * rt \ ' «*' (1/ w Vii On the basis of our nineteen year’s record as a £ •f- Safe, Strong and Conservative Bank. Your sav- , * a yl mgs deposited here will absolutely be safe, and ?' i will earn for you 4 per cent interest, compounded }*■ ii i ' quarterly, in our Savings Department. / if ts • , ' ■ rt. VI, ESTABLISHED 1904. >i rt i v rt rt “ ' • rt 1 Banting Los asi Tm Co., 1 rt SANFORD, U» R lii R. E. Carrington, W. W. Robards, J. W. Cunningham, iit President Vice-Pres. Cashier. j’ \l> ’ ' * i vi/ . Ji- JONESBORO: • MONCURE: I. P. Lasater, Cashier J. K. Barnes. W • * Bfc*3h3ftiSys££ i-'- •~i . ■, .. i—murn - ihinTrn l-I •■.t* AA |j ■ h'i rig Ip IS *j • < •'! 1 *-•; SHaM >« J * $■ J 1 i.isiiiyii y.iS \ Unit U Lit I Ullltl IUIIL. UlJi) ? (THE OLD RELIABLE) , f SANFORD, N. C. I HEADQUARTERS \ For all Kinds ©f FURNITURE PATHF Talking T “t 1 *IL Machines and ORGANS ' ' '■ \ , Prices as low as the lowest, cash or credit. -■ * Goods delivered by truck, SSO worth or more, ' in or near Pittsboro. * We Jhave an Auto - Hearse and a full line'of Caskets and Coffins, w ——— Comfort and Wear jt Depend Upon -UMu.- Clothes Vfwjf —What they are made of J3BL. rmh •—how they are designed iiSm *' —how they are tailored —how they fit , /jJSr —how htey retain their KUPPENHEIMER . ; ’ ( "/41 t/LOTHES ? I ire a revelation on all v I An ' e Points. . I 1* k'uppenheimer r^%v/) I Good Clothes i $ I Prom «! 540 to sls. C. R. BOONE “Good Quality Spells What Boone Sells” DeLuxe Clothiers RALEIGH, N. C. 1 Rtrr ff 'if .i . nwp ■iLJ Wl WBIHI II^ —— ■ CDLiHUSATE AT MONCURE. i i . Exe.cisiia in Honor of George Y/ash •-•Lo-..al and reoso^al. i,J.V . .VJ .J Vn, —G. .ili. S. Ux t C*- - i£ , _i 1. v*. $U i iiOUlliS CtiC iO E— “ i ing Florida' d.iring the Uce wi i They expect to visit Jacksonville, Cl. . o. ~ iu uti. Tampa, St. Peters , burg and other points Ox interest ! Miss Virginia Cathell, who is at-, hxgn school at Sanford, is- at I home lor a week or two for the pur ) pose ot\ obrerving primary work at Moncure school. Miss Cain’s music class will give ) a “Musical Comedy” next Saturday \ evening, Mr-.h 3rd. Everybody cor dially invited. j Miss Reda Umstead ,the primary teacher, spent last week-end with d*er parents at Stem, N. C. A splendid program was rendered i at the Moncure school last Friday evening, Feb. 22nd, by the 6th and J 7th grades in commemoration of the birth of George Washington and Ab raham Lincoln, as well as to cele brate St. Valentine’s day. (We have a report of the program ! but for lack of space we cannot print it until next week.—Editor.) i >■ CATARRH i Catarrh Is a Local disease greatly In fluenced by Constitutional conditions.- HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which gives Quick Relief by local application, and the 1 Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces and assists in ridding your System of Catarrh. Sold by druggists for over 40 Years, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Hastings’ Seeds 1923 Catalog Free Write today for Hastings’ new 11*23 ; catalog. You will need the information I it giv©3 almost daily—the most valu ; able and useful seed book ever publish- j ed. It contains 100 pages, picturing l and correctly describing the best and •j most popular vegetables, flowers and farm crops for South. How and what to plant in your yard, garden and field for* every purpose. [ How to bat the boll weevil, bean beetle-and other pests. Full natural color pictures of the best Roses, Glad ioli and other flowers. How to ge 5 packets of seed of beautiful flowers free. How much seed is required to plant a row or acre, when and how to plant and cultivate. Why it pays to plant good seeds and how to get them as cheap or cheaper than common or ordinary seeds. Just write for this handsome new 1923 Se.d Book. It’s a beautiful book and you’ll be mighty glad to have it in your home. It is absolutely frea. Write for it today. H. G. HASTINGS CO. # Atlanta, G«U * 7I c T Y 1(7 JOHNS ON", iL.cjy-at-L.aw, Tactice' ” -joints—Federal, State d Cou. ty. :Ti.:c <• c'ko & Eubaiks Store. I • ” . ■ eoiirt horse square, TSBORO, N. C. i * IS E^-.v A V t ‘ y A'l-LA W ■ rs ’ORo,' N. ( I. Elmer Long, Du ham, N. C. Janiel L. Eell, Pittsboro. N.( C. RAY, : j, aTTO’ N j A)-LA* - ’lj T « J)R. R. M. FARRELL, DENTIST Offices over the drug store, Main st. Hoursß to 6. PITTSBORO, N. C. PILKINGTON PHARMACY Prescriptions,drugs, medicines and toilet articles * kod’aks Your Every Need Can be found in our Grocery Store, We believe that the Grocery Business should be on a level basis and for that reason we are carrying a Complete Stock of New, Fresh Groceries, and we can sell them to you at the Low er Priecs. A trial will convince you. Call and see. THE BOONE BROS. ERNEST and JARVIS PITTSORO, —, , . —, Hil l ——■■l I | jjj Feedstuff ] [ * ,For Hay, Oats, Sweet Feed, Ship Stuff, Cotton Seed Meal, Corn Meal, Poultry I _ Feeds, Oyster Shells, Laying Mash and g Scratch Feed, See us. We carry a Good Supply at Reasonable Prices. Give us a call and be convinced. 1 BLAND & CONNELL f NEWS FROM OAKLAND. , , Moncure, Rt. 2, Feb. Lb.—Mr. a. d ! Mrs. ii. 0. Clegg, J ;>. a babie , Horace and William, visited Mr. and | _, jL . ii -'—g g i*. kJUi.J-uUI Xilw-x—" td -J. . ' - i ! 1. li. IC-lglit, accompanied by Mes- j ,ji*s Ernest Harris,*' Ashley Allen and ■ Graham Con. ell, speEi- xliursday uc Mr. Knight s home bird hunting. _ j I Mrs. B. A. Ferry a d sou, Jamie, spent the week-end visiting relatives in Raleigh. . Miss Myrtle Perry, of Raleigh, spent a few days this week with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Perry. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clegg, Jr., spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Burns. We were inded glad to have so many visitors at Chatham church Sunday. Am sure they enjoyed the splendid sermon preached by Rev. J. J. Boone. Hunters in this section certainly made use of the last few days of the bird law. They were death on any thing that resembled a quail. WHAT TO READ. If you have the blues, read the 27th Psalm. If your pocket or pocket- book is empty, read the 37th Psalm. If people seem unkind or misjudge you, read the 15th chapter of John. If you are discouraged about your work, read the 126th Psalm. If you are losing confidence in men, read the 13th chapter of first Cor inthians. If you can’t have your own way in everything, keep silent and read the third chapter of James. If you are feelir.g all out of sorts, read the 12th chapter .of Hebrew". J. N. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. S The umErpi 0 * ed having qualified ! ns administratrix o? the estate of the i i a te Weslev Marsh, deceased, o | Chatham county, North (*a ’oPna. this s r, to notify all persons*holding claims -H;ahv -the •: state* of the said Wer!e Via h, d i ?d to .f ■ ■ • "•e wjfh 1 dm igned on or before the 22"< r ) day of January, 3924, or this notice! | /ill 'n y' T.d i b: r the'r recov i | er ,r . .* M oer'O’S cwi- g e said estrt'*' | will p 1 eo.se come forward a d' in a *'c | irn-mdirt ■ settlement. This 22nd day of January, 1923. SALLJE M ‘ rSH, W P HORTON, Ad i istratrix. Attorney MchS-Ct-R-p ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of-the estate of James Jones, deceas ed late o*‘ Chatham county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the urdersig ed duly verified, on or before the 7th day of February, 1924, or"this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons the said estate wil 1 please come forward and make im mediate settlement. This, the 7th day of Feb. 3923. S. D. JONES, V. R. JOHNSON, Administrator. Attorney. Mclils-R-c. or ? i NTSTR 4TOR’S NOTICE. The undersigned having this . day qualified as administrator of tKe estate ’ Iv. J Pei * . deceased late of Chatham rorn ty, th.is is to ” , otif* all t s - ' fdiag claims against 'he •• hi ° *■■■'* to pro c *a t the sa*"c to fhp n-ip">rsia*ned hofpre the ° o 'h d - t o’ Ja-uafy, 1924, or this not-we will u e plead in her of' the : recovery. A ll persons owing the sai * estate wid * please come forward and maho immediate settlement. This 29th day of January, 1923. A. CARL PERRY, , W. P. HORTON, Administrator Attorney. Mch 8-R-6p NOTICE TO CREDITORS. This is to certify that the under signed has qualified as executor of the last will and Testament of the es tate of Thomas Beal, deceased. All persons holding claims against the said estate will present them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of February, 1924, or this notice will be plead in bar of thqjr recovery. All persons owing said estate wll please come forward and make imme diate pawnent. , ' This, the 3fd day of Feb. 1923. T. B. BEAL, W. P. HORTON, Executor. Attorney. Mch 15-R-p BUILD A HOME NOW! V ft ft *1 •* * • ■ IT M H ft |i’ Hd f j - '•* ,• P VjJ |ti| The price of everything is rising. Gasoline sold Satur. W day morning at 25 cents, jumped two cents before night I Sugar that sold at nine cents is now IX cents. You better come and buy some of those Men’s Socks Handkerchiefs and collars at a low price before the rise strikes them. We have Ladies’ Silk Hose. Men’s Overalls, ($1.75.) Suspenders and furnishings. We are taking orders for tailor made suits. Come and pick you a suit, made by the celebrated toilors—J. L. Tav. [fit) lor & Co., Chicago. Suits range from $22 to S6O. fly) My Grocery Department is Up-to-date m and is Fresh and Pure. I Cecil H. Lindley, H’ The Pure Food Grocer. W Main Street. Pittsboro, N. C, -- ■ s " This style, No. 790 T / N '\ <1j523 Black Satin Orchid t - V\\\ fined, 14=8, Louis heel, ; ' N nil widths. Priced, ;j \ AN '® 4o ° j \; . , ' , j STKCUD & HUBBARD, Sanford, N. C I Largest Stock of good Shoes and Hosiery in Lee, Chatham, Moore and Harnett Counties. / % ;P?’ Come and See Us% j Make our Store your Store when you come to Court next I* week. We are headquarters for everything good to eat. We make a specialty of low prices'and our immense vol ume of trade proves that we are leading-—be convinced. WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR CHICKENS y AND EGGS—BUY ALL OF PRODUCE. Little & Farrell. J D mamwmm". i yf.-tv.i— Ml Imll M I Ifn In I~ " I i.-C-Xi - '.z—.lQB 1 JBLZZKT The FARMERS. BANE / , PITTSBORO,-N. C. The Bank with a reputation of being the most accom* modating and the most apprecia tive of your business When you fcrave money, *•' When you want money, we want it. we have it. FOUR PER GENT PAID ON .SAVINGS T. M. BLAND, . BURTIS BENTON President Gashiei , A. G. RAY, Vice-President | As the Old Saying A Stitch in Time SAVES NINE. j; Now is the time to look over the Mower , Binder ai» any machinery you have that is in need of repair. •I; So please mail us your orders as*early as possible. B )} sure to give to avoid mistakes. Do not put oJ > ordering what you may need. IWe are headquarters for the following machinery $ repairs: McCORMICK AND DEERING LINE OF MA CHINERY; SUPERIOR AND COLE COTTON J PLANTERS. ! i| Beware of Imitation Goods. : / Y'ours For Service, I The Hardware Store, Inc E. H. JORDAN, Manager, SILER CITY, N. ( Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed? ' Phone 139.

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