fcjj7Eß NliWs" . News Picked Up Here and There—Per- I Local - sonal and Otherwise JKbLE THOUGH^ OR TODAY. JV Real Peace. . .. ways are ways of pleas- ' a ,f her paths are peace. r*H Jordan went to Greens- to visit friends. ■ , uarlev. of Greensboro, spent ■s. US family. ■ of Spies, was a bus- in Siler City last week. vTor+hn Buie returned Monday |Mf» to relatives in San- Bird. I „ w F Womble, of Greensboro, I. “the finest recently of Mrs. Jumus are here and we * rive them to ell fbo m»>' e *"‘ * farm without records is like a ,4 '{rithout hands, running, but no information. u W. K. of Durham, is nlntnft a few days with her sis- T - p - B>rnum * Ur* Hurley Fox returned to her u . Word after a visit to her parents! Mn*and Mm. H. G. Harris. Miss Joyce Fox, who is in sehool _x recently visited her moth- Mre. Louis Fox near Siler City. t « Wienn, who has been asso ciated 'with the High Point Bending Chair Co., has resigned Us position. H. G. Harris and daughter, Margaret, hav* returned from several •“ spent with relatives in Burling tpn. S J. Lambe, of Greensboro, spent davs here with relatives u>> return with J. F. Lnmbe. of tills plato fro* a trip from F.erifU. With things se high, the vvho puts out a good prd*- for t\ » , m m%r is likely to be well repaid, ev* though he may sell nothin* from it farmers in county rs odptly sold » ' •- shipnenfc of 4y bows federative’V through the efortfl oi County /goat L. W. An derson. Elton Sto *t, a:conspanied by his frimd, M L. Pssd, of Asheville, akM home fre n State College to Sunday with hie mother, Mrs. Rosa Stout. f W. D. Poe, who lives north of Siler Ogty, has returned from Greensboro yrhere he went to see his son, Roscoe Poe, who is critically ill as a result 4 blood poisoning. A. S. Fields and family have mov ed from their bungalow on Greens boro street to a new home built on Find recently purchased from J A. dtoae south of ®Bdf (Sty Quite a number es subscribers- have, ent in renewals since we corrected] m mail list this weal: end e number f of now ones received. The labels will show the credit next wed. Mrs. Baxter Finnison ,of Finehurat, who recently underwent an operation g a Fayetteville hospital, is upend ing twa weeks with her ester, Mrs. Hauy W. Feomire, east es Siler City. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alston end lit flle daughter have moved in to the eattage recently occupied by George Brooks and family, coming te Siler City from their farm east of town. H. J. { Aik who s an experienced «tore dee«Tator of Baltimere, is ruur raiging the stock es C. L. Brower • Company’s store, which when com pleted will present the appearance of an up-to-date department establish ment ' A letter from friend Glosson at Bonlee is ncouraging. It gives us pep for greater efforts, when he says, "you are a live wire in Chatham coun ty, and you have done lots of good work for the upbuilding of our great county.” Friends here of Mrs. Olive Web ster are pleased that she has return ed here to live. She has moved into her property on Greensboro street and will spend her week-ends here while she continues to travel in the interest of the state insurance department. W© higly appreciate a letter we re ceived this week from J. J Norwood, at Bear Creek, in which he says: ‘I want to congratulate you upon the splendid paper you are getting out. I think Chatham county ought to be proud of it.” . t We have sent notices to all our sub scribers, whose subscriptions in February. We hope to hear from every one that is now taking the pa- per, because we don’t want to stop a 'ingle copy if the subscriber wants it. Look at your label and if your sub scription has expired let us hear from you at once. After this week all pa pers will be discontinued that have not been renewed. On© of our republican friends from Bennett has sent us a suggestion for candidates in the next election for several of the county offices. The let ter is alright but has no signature. We hav© a rule that we must know the author of a letter before we print it, therefore we will have to ask the writer, “0 Henry.” to let us know his °r her name before we can publish the letter. The sweetest type of heaven is home—J. G. Holland. C. N. Bray has been confined to his home for several days suffering with his throat. We are glad to report his improvement and hope to see him out soon. Os interest was the burial here last week of Joseph Reeves, a colored man who went from Siler City several years ago, to New York, where he prospered R. G. Edwards now has charge of the express business, taking the place made vacant by K. G. Clapp, who has accepted a position with the' High Point Bending and Chair Co. M. M. Fox, C. K. Wrenn. G. W. Perry and R. P. Hilliard are dele gates from this charge to attend the Fayetteville District Conference in Sanford on March 14 and 15. The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Baptist church are observing this week in prayer service, the first of these meetings being held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. S. Edwards. Mrs. Sanki© Jordan spent Sunday here with her sister, Mrs Lydia Camp bell, enroute from a visit to relatives in Moore county. She was accompa nied on her trip by her daughter, Mrs. A. D. Dorsett. The chimneys to the old Mathews property, now owned by J. C. Greg son, have been torn down and ar© this week being rebuilt. A new porch has also been bult to this the oldest house in this entire community. Mrs. Olive Webster, representing the state insurance department, wll be in Siler City this week making ar rsngsments for the observance of the cl«*an program, which is to be held i in 'forth Carolina this year the first j week in April. BAPTIST WOMEN TO MEET. I The thirty-third annual session es ‘ the Woman’s Missonary Union Con t veaton of North Carolina, auxiliary to ; the Baptist State Convention, will be held in the audterium it the First Baptist church es Durham om March 27 to 29th. This is an outstanding event in the calendar es the Baptist women of the estate. Their multifarious church activities head up this meeting. Durham being in the eantrel sec tion of the state and easy es access, the largest delegation in the history 1 es the convention is expected. a i New KjU 11 a 11 I At the new low price the Ford I 1 ue than has ever been offered. II It provides enclosed car com- j fort in a dependable, quality f product at a minimum cost. I I Your order placed now will I I insure reasonably prompt de- - I I livery. Terms if desired. . I I . CHATHAM MOTOR CO. II Hil * LADIES MUST NOT READ! •puaq .xoq uo pixels o; puq oqs jj ‘Avoqauios 31 sa3 p,aqs Mauq ipuai Apsai]s snq oqs rnaod siqj, ; - -sui * -qjißj v o; uaj joShm r,om •Avoqs v jo jiq oqj sjaM eqs JJ *Akoq -auios }no qi pug rim aqs jaq noA ‘Avouq oj jou jqhno aqs 3uiqjauios ‘ubuioav v sauuo m. 2um%Aire jj MARRIAGE OF POPULAR COUPLE iViends and relatives in Siler City were surprised Saturday morning to learn of the marriage on Friday ev ening of Mr. Tatum T. Elkins and Miss Alma Lambert, which occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stone, the ceremony being performed by Mr. Stone, who is justice of the peace. Mr. Elkins is the son of .Mr. James Elkins who lives on Siler Cty Rt. 3, and is a young man of sterling qual ities and pleasing personality. His bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. Thomas R. Lambert and is a most at tractive young lady, numbering her friends by the score. Mr. and Mrs. Elkins will live at the old home place of the late Frank Jones. SIEIPHMPO IT. A friend writes- ms that Bennett beats the band for babies, and asks us to broadcast warning to those hav ing no desire to multiply and replen ish, to keep their distance. Onr friend says the new human arrival© in and around Bennett run one to three n night, and that Earl Brown, com munity all round utility man, has not had a good night’s sleep in weeks, he has been so run for doctor*, medicines, nurses, cooks and washar-women. Here are only a few of the new ones: Mr. and Mrs. John Powers, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cox, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Levi Caviness, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brady, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Noy Bray, boy; Mr. and Mr*. Millard Brown, boy (15k Tbs.); Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hieks, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Graham Scott, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lambe, girl. /%Cot a colg iMENIHOLArUM 1 k desa it out .M .■ ■ - »• ■■■ ************* * * * Ernest Jehassa, Pxopr. * * THE CENTRAL CAPE * * SILER CITY ,N. C. • * * * * Located in basement es Drug Store * * Opposite the Postoffice. * * * * •***♦* ** ——HIM— 1 DR. J. D. GREGG, Dentist. Siler City, N. C. - Office over Siler Drug Store., Hours 8 a. m., to 5 p. m. —i *e**e a a a a a a a * R. F. PASCHAL, * Attorney-at-Law, * * Office over Postoffice Siler City. * a a aaaaa a a a » * K -- - i\- * ; > ' y\ . ‘ Yeur werk r N wt a iml Mty mmd im MmU fhMmlfah Bpißlto’ BE ; §L' noL MMg |n moti Ml fcpfcp m* 25 Bpm>i Hjl mMlnliLL .• „ f I*AYE*TOHB ETEs” EX AMIKEpi •Y AR EXPERT—COSTS NO ] , MORE. I I Dr. J. C. Mann, the wall known] eyesight Specialist* end Optician} will be at Dr. Farrell’s office, Pitts-! boro, N. C., every fourth Tuesday] in neck month. Headache relieved | when caused by ©yf strain. When! he fits you with glasses you have] > the satisfaction of knowng that they ere sonnet Make a note es the date end one hint if year eyes nr&t visit will he Tuesday,! 1 Merck 22nd. 1- »'4* INEW I SHANTUNG 8 SILKS I SI.OO j S The Place Is Siler City 1 I Time, March Bto March 15 I I We want you to see our New Spring Line of | H Dry Goods. As an inducement, we have de- || i cided to offer every reader of the Siler City P I Herald and Chatham Record, who will cut I H out this ad and bring to us during the week || | MARCH 1 AND MARCH 8A DISCOUNT OF 10 PR CT |j 111 This means, when you buy a bill of $lO. This | j II coupon and Nine Dollars pays the bill. || j I PLAID AND I |j i PLAIN RATINE 8 i • I Are very strong. I Ij I 50 to 75c. I 8 Most all colors 1 g, a ■— iW a »- In the sparkling boanty, in the kastroui coloring end in the cost that they bring to motoring, the Buick Sport Roadsters fit; the spirit of springtime. * Quite in keeping with every outdoor pastime, equally suited to eveiry day tasks and duties and always smart, up to the Tamila aad attractive, the apart soadetsrs provide luTSrians mslariag. Only a trip behind the wheel can reveH bow far their appointments aad refinement have battered motor oar coariort and aanesnianaa* Fours 9*ee 2Pats.M«cr(Ms 3 F«ml Tta.Jrtgr Hfr 4 Pwm,Q*m+ -SMBS llStcSg l . M M M» JlWT—* I*o 5 Pas,, Secteo * 13S& 5 Pou. tmtedm . 7 tah Mm - 3*96 5 Pa»«. Tourloc w U» Sport2o«d»ter* s2s‘ *Pm Was - SO ********** *W# Prices f.O . 6. Putck Sectaries; dfrsernmsnt f* tobe added. Ask about the G. PLm, which provides for P dfearfod IliliiiO. - When better automobiles are built, Buick will build dhuan BROWN-BtriCK SERVICE STATION, SANFORD, Distributors : Chatham, Lee, Moore and Montgomery \ . * Wise, FriendsTj B Every week, in every way, we are trying to convince I ■ the buying public of Chatham county, that the most prof- ■ ■ itable and economical thing to do is to buy the best in the B 9 grocery line and vegetables, 9 I We have a nice, fresh stock at all times of vegetables, B fruits, country produce and staple and fancy groceries. 9 We make our prices at. a low level and we want everybody B to give us a call and be convinced of these tilings. 9 Our business for the past year has greatly increased, B and we made many new friends. There are,however, a B few who are not now trading with us, and we want them w I to share the opportunities with our old friends. Come to B one of our stores and save money on your purchaser B A,cordial welcome awaits you at all times, I Richardson Bros., | " —— WHY? WHEN? WHERE? MMW, I We Sell Most Everything Phone 34 I # Siler City, N. C. \ |K, 1 SILVER SPRAY I If TISSUES I m I A beautiful fab- I J| ric for Spring I M Dresses I ffi 65c yard IWf wmmmmmmmmmmm m ORGANDIES H FLOXANS Lawns Nainsooks Long Cloth Dimities ll

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