ttsboro notes J" *• vpxvs of a Local Nature Gathered Here-and There—Personal Mention I mBI-E thought_for today. Thy Keeper. r oic thv keper; the Lord is ‘’right hand. H Psalm 12.1: o- % Tohn White is erecting on Nooe I Jill S"e-room dwelling. is now on the last lap of I a S*ee-weeks siege of court. .. Mike Harris, of Allendale, S. I r has' been liere on a short visit. n ii V Rav, of Fayetteville, was a | in th? home of K. L. Beal, rt. I 5," last week. w w has become of Pittsboro’s ! chamber of Commerce. In agony, we ; sk the question. ... to nr and Mrs. Roscoe Farrell, SatmUv/Wh 17 ’ a 10 - pound daughter. Happy pa. Linda Hoskins and Emily Thivno-on- of Siler City, were week -1 lioupsom Mann . end guests oi u. £ K Hinton lost a valuable ’’ last week from lockjaw. He had been offered SIOO for the cow. q uoior court adjourned yesterday m L{i n o- The balance of the proceed- j nu C W iii be published in our next is sue. Miss Blanche Welsh, of Oakland township, was united in marriage last Friday in Winston-Salem, to R. D. Herndon. Mr R. C. Griffin is having material placed on his land on Foushee street preparatory to erecting a five-room ' bungalow. Mrs. R- R- Gordon and daughter, Ruth, are spending a few days with her brother, J. W. Seawell, on route 1, Carthage. Mrs. R. L. McDavid and two child ren, Nettie and Virginia, of Durham, N. C., spent Sunday with her daugh ter, Mrs. Latt Poe. Miss Jewel Hatch, of Burlington, is here on a visit to her mother, Mrs. Nancy Hatch, who has been quite sick but has improved some. Tire commissioners of Lee county have called an election to be held Ap-. ril 28 to vote oil SIOO,OOO bonds to build roads in the county. There was a pretty big drop in the thermometer late Monday when it fell from 60 down to 34 in three hours# No wonder our people shivered. We fear that the flu has attacked our good firehd Frank Nash over at Corinth. Seldom does he fail to pres* ent the news from his vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Blair, of Nor lina, have been here on a short visit to relatives. Mr. Blair holds a re sponsible position with the S. A. L. at Norlina. j J The new store building of J. J. Johnson and Son, on the comer of Hillsboro and Salisbury streets, is about complete and will be occupied tomorrow. Workmen commenced Wednesday to tear down the chimneys and por cnes on the Headen house on Main -treet. The building will be moved to a lot in rear of the jail, l Up to last Monday there had fal len 3.30 inches of rain in Raleigh. We expect there has been that much or more fallen in this community up to that date. Hon. J. W. Bailey will make the commencement address at the Pitts boro high school on Monday, April 80th. The school is indeed fortunate in securing him for a speaker. He is the most forceful orator in North Caro ina and everyone should plan now to bear him. Jim Wilson, white, was lodged in .uni last Friday for the larceny of MOO. He was given a preliminary * n before Squire B. A. Phillips, , Hear Creek township, and put un . 1 a bond, and failing to give it he is now boarding at Hotel de Taylor. Mr. Remington, representing the ttopkms Tailoring Co., of Baltimore, , * Je at the store of J. J. Johnson ana Son tomorrow and Saturday with a selec t line of new materials. daughters of the Confederacy, Minnie Davis chapter, will meet to morrow (Friday) afternoon at 3:30 a t the residence of Mrs. F. E. Mrs. Fletcher Mann and Mrs. ■Louis Nooe, hostesses. Here’s a boll weevil story. A farm h'p iving on Pi ttsboro, route 3, says , e v ' as gathering tobacco sticks one l y last week and found two weevils in 3 stic k* They looked him straight J , ne e^e a yd the farmer swears ,'/W asked him if he was going to P-am. tobacco instead of cotton. ,We the farmer imagined the above. tv kave. received two curiosities c; 1 ]- in the way of hen eggs. . Pnrke, of Center township, dpvof !it re P° r t of a completely »ttl K d with a twin soft egg attached to the end. While Joe Ham- K ov M-‘ !n a twin soft shell egg re comoiSS ai i old st y Je sa ddle bag, v ,, r .! L formed on each end and er > s *nall in the center. h av e implicit confid-j c n i 1 er husband because no one) . [ SUPERIOR COURT. In the second week of Chatham Su perior court, Judge C. C. Lyons pre siding, several cases on the calendar were compromised. The following were disposed of; Malinda Smith et als vs* Nelson Smith. In this case the jury awarded the plaintiff 2 1-2 acres of land for which they were contending. M. L. Dawkins et al vs. T. M. By *um. Plaintiff recovers SBOO. The next case wad T. M. Bynum vs. M. L. , Dawkins et al. The palintiff was al lowed the mill in the settlement. A. D. Andrews vs. T. J. Lambe. The' plaintiff loses. This was a case of much interest. Some years ago the defendant gave the Lambsville people a quarter of an acre of land on which to build a church. Later he sold the land to the plaintiff. Nothing was said of the donation to the church. The plaintiff contended that he bought the church and began to take out some of the articles in the building. Some ot the members objected to this, as they had furinshed the lumber and built the church. Hence the suit against the de fendant. • L. M. Petty vs. Louis Alston. Plain tic loses. \ - J. N. Rives vs. J. L. Womble. Palin tiff wins and jury awards him $l,lOO. GOOD ADVICE. Mr. J. Paul Leonard, secretary of the North Carolina Merchants’ Asso ciation, in an address before a meet ing of Statesville merchants Friday night, had the following to say in re gard to advertising: “You should steer clear of all ques tionable advertising schemes. The newspapers are your best medium for advertising, and they deserve your liberal patronage. Money spent on ad vertising in your local newspaper al so helps to give you a larger and bet ter newspaper, and the newspaper is undoubtedly one of the community’s greatest institutioins. Give your news paper your moral and financial sup port and then demand a good paper which covers your trade territory in order that your advertising will be read. You are just as vitally interest ed in the circulation of your newspa per as the owner of the paper can possibly be, because if the people of your trade territory do not read your newspaper containing your advertis ing, they will read some other news paper and read the advertising of the merchants of some other town,” con cluded the speaker. ASBURY NEWS. Sanford, Rt. 4, March 19.—Rev. E. C. Sell, pastor of Goldston circuit, preached an excellent sermon Sunday morning. Miss Nettie Johnson, a member of the faculty at Goldston, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. F. Johnson . Misses Annie Taylor and Lena Pop lin, of North Wilkesboro, are getting on nicely with the school at Asbury. They know how to make the children love them. The school will close about the middle of April. Messrs. P. M. and J. M. Johnson re turned form Winston-Salem Friday, very much improved. , JMr. C. M. Pattishall is attending court at Pittsboro this week. Mr. Harvey Stedman visited friends! down in the Fork Sunday afternoon. Mr. J. M. Johnson and Miss Rose Gunter were pleasant callers on Misses Lena Poplin and Annie Taylor Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Johnson. We are glad to learn that the Rocky River Power and Light Com pany will begin work again -about | April 1. They were stopped on ac count of bad weather . « . —■- EBENEZER NEWS. New Hill, Rt. 2, March 19. —Mr. Tom Strickland happened to the mis- ] fortune of seriously injuring his eye j while sawing for Mr. Medlin, a knot j being thrown from a log hitting him ! in the eye. He went to a hospital at Raleigh whree it was taken out. He is now getting on nicely. Among the callers at the home of Mr. C. R. Hearne Sunday were Mrs. Charlie Wimbly and two children, Mrs. John Eubanks, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hearne and son, Misses Mag gie Hearne and Ethel Johnson. Messrs. Exum Mann and Roy Far rar motored to Apex Saturday. Mr. Paul Farrar was the dinner guest of Mr. J. R. Matthews Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Matthews and daughter, Mrs. Mamie Strickalnd, motored to Raleigh Saturday. Mr. W. A. Sloan was the dinner guest of Mr. E. H. Holt Sunday. Mr. J. C. Jones is on the sick list this week. Mr. Herman Scott, who was shot at Fearrington, and has been in Rex hospital at Raleigh, was taken home to his brother Ralph Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Johnson and children spent Sunday with Mr. Lon nie Carroll. Messrs. Kemp and Robert Goodwin called on their sister, Mrs. Flossie Medlin, Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Bossie Jones and son, Ermee, were callers at Mr. Jaspus Medlin’s Sunday. NOTES FROM NEW ELAM. New Hill, Rt. 2, March 19.—Mrs. C .C. Olinger, of Moncure, is spend ing a while with her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Moore. Messrs. R. L. Moore, and J. W. Bland motored to Pittsboro and San ford last Monday on business. Miss Ruth Holt was the guest of Miss Lola Jones Sunday. , Miss Minnie Johnson was the week end guest of Miss Ronnie Jones. i Mr. H. D. Jones and family visited i his son, near Bonsai, Sunday. Mis* Minnie Johnson visited Miss ; Blanche Partin Sunday afternoon, { NEW OFFICERS ARE ELECTED, j Chatham Fair Association Plans for i Next Fair. j On Wednesday night, March 14th, the stockholders of the Chatham County Fair Association met in the , Gem theater, Siler City, for the pur pose of electing officers for the com ing year and to formulate plans for the Fair to be held in SilenPCity on October 17, 18 and 19. Mr. W. C. York, who has an abund ant experience in holding fairs, hav ing . very successfully handled the j Randolph county fair for several ; years, was employed to manage the Chatham fair, and there *is every f prospect of the fair being the biggest ! and best that Chatham county has ev er had. Mr. York has already selected amusements that will make the cir cuit with other fairs in the district, that are of the better class, better than have heretofore visited Chatham | and have a greater variety’ of enter i taining features. Ample provision will be made for the exhibits .In fact the i ground is to be improved and set in order for the biggest event that the i Fair has ever enjoyed. I Dr. J. D. Gregg, president, presided ! at the meeting held in Siler City, and j stated that owing to pressure of per- I sonal affairs that it was impossible for him to serve longer in that capa city. Dr. J. B. ‘Milliken was then el ected as president; J. C. Gregson, vice-president; Earl Wren, treasurer, and Mrs. P. H. .Elkins, secretary. Di rectors are as follows: Ernest Brewer, Dr. J. D. Gregg, W. J. Richardson, J. C. Lane, C. and the offi cers.- j With this personnel to direct the fair and’the experience and executive ability of Mr. York, there is no reason that Chatham should not be in the forefront with the fourth annual ex hibit next October. Let every one throughout the coun |ty begin to plan now for the Fair | and not wait until the last minute. Re member it in your planting and grow i something especially for the Fair. OAKLAND NEWS. Moncure, R-2, March 19. C. E. Bland and family, of Pittsboro, spent Sunday with Mrs. Bland’s parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. W, M. Burns. | R. C. Griffin and family, of Pitts boro ,spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Womble. j Miss Berta Dark spent the week end with Miss Emma Lee Knight, j Mr.* and Mrs. W. B. Knight have moved near Moncure where Mr. ■ Knight will open a blacksmith shop, j Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gunter, of Dur ham, have occupied the house that 1 was recently vacated by W. B. Knight, i Mr. Jack Harris accompanied his father to Lumber Bridge last week, whre he will take a position as clerk in his father’s store. | Preaching services will be held at 1 Chatham church next Sunday after noon at 3 o’clock. MT. ZION NEWS. Moncure, Rt. 2, March 19. The wife of Mr. A. O. Harmon, of Raleigh, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis at a hospital, at Dur ham, is getting on very nicely. Their : friends here will be glad to learn of her successful operation. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Petty and children, of Pittsboro,. spent Sunday afternoon with his mother, Mrs. N. I B. Gunter. ; M iss Ethel Desern has returned to t her home from Raleigh, where she | spent two weeks with her brother, Mr. Clarence Desern. Mr. J. Lee Harmon spent the week end at home with his mother, Mrs. J. C. Harmon. We are glad to learn that the two youngest children of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Mclntyre, who have been very sick, are very iruch improved. __ j j Mr. W. B t Thomas, of Raleigh, 1 Spent the week-end at home with his family. Miss Janie Clegg spent the week-, end at home. Mrs. W. W. Stedman and daughters, Misses Camelia and Ruth, of Mon cure, spent Sunday afternoon with her ! mother, Mrs. J. C. Harmon. Mrs. J. W. Griffin and son, Carey, i spent last Sunday with her son, Mr. Sam B. Griffin, Pittsboro. They were , privileged to hear Mr. John M. Yon an, an Armenian, speak at the Meth odist church Sunday morning. Mrs. W. B. hunter, Mrs. W. B. Thomas. Mrs. W. B. Harper; Messrs. Clyde Thomas and Wade Harper spent last Wednesday in the home of Mrs. Fred Ray, at Sanford. GOLDSTON RT. 1 NEWS. Goldston, Rt. 1, March 20.—Messrs. Robert Hilliard and Carl Oldham spent the week-end in Greensboro. 1 Mrs. Ike Gains, of Orange county, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. R. M. Wilkie. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Oldham, Mrs. W. E. Hillard visited relatives in , Greensboro and Madison recently. Mr. George Sanders, of Siler City, ■ spent the week-end with his father, Atlas Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Dixon, of ; Greensboro, are visiting in the home ; of Mr. E. P. Barber. 1 Mr. R. H. Oldham spent the week end with his father, Thomas Oldham, j Mr. and Mrs. Huss Beal and child ren and Mrs. E. P. Barber spent Sun day with Mr. Beal’s father near Har per’s roads. Mrs. Charlie Jordan, Mr. Melvin Roach and Miss Myrtice Roach and father, of Orange county, were recent visitors at W. N. Fields. ROSES. , ORE HILL LOCALS. 1 - - i Ore Kill, March i9.—Mrsj L. - M. Phillips, who has been 6n the sick list, is improving, We are pleased to state. Miss Flossie Phillips entertained a number of her friends at her home last Saturday evening in of her cousin, Miss Ethel Phillips, of Glen dan, who has been visiting her. Miss Alice Fae Edwards had as her guest during the week-end Miss Flos sie Dawkins, of Goldston. | OH! FOR BETTER ROADS! News of Local Matters in and Afound Corinth Section. Corinth, March 19.—-Ed Crawford, from over in the Truth neighborhood, has moved to the Grimes place at Cor inth. Mr. Joe Mann, at Merry Oaks, says he made S4O Sunday pulling "cars out of the “Mud Lane” between Merry Oaks and Corinth. One car out on a most urgent trip for the sick got stuck twice within 300 yards of Merry Oaks and not in the same hole either time. Some roads or bogs down here in lower Cape Fear! The territory, people and industries served by this 10 mile loop from ’Merry Oaks down to Corinth and back by Brickhaven to the highway pay this year some thing like 10 per cent of the total county, tax and we sure would ap preciate the return of a little of this tax money to us in the form of road maintenance. But then its an ill wind that blows no one any good for Joe Mann will soon be rich at sr4o$ r 4O a day, $14,600 a year and on leap year sl4- 640. That is better than being gov ernor and United States Senator com bined. The Cape Fear has been on a high all week but not over the graded roads j in any place yet. Mrs. Eb. Cox, of Lee county, is spending a few days with her daugh- , ter, Mrs. N. M. Thomas at Brick haven. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas are both on the sick list. Does any one know just why the | community service pictures have quit; coming entirely. If it is on account of bad roads “that’s nuff said.” A new steel cable was installed at Avents Ferry last week and now peo ple can use their ferry in safety at any time the river is not high. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Allen, of Char lotte, are spending a few days with Mr .and Mrs. D. A. Clark. The fishing season must be at hand O. A. Mims is patrolling the river banks from the Phoenix hill to Brick haven with a net over his shoulder and a big tow sack on his arm. ; Our average attendance at school for the fifth month of school is the best yet, 44.05 This is fine but don’t drop out boys and girls, come right on every day until school closes and let’s go over the top with colors fly ing. Below is quite an honor roll for the month: First grade Ethel Champion, Vance Leo Sexton, Igce Cross, Odell Champion. Second grade—Eloise Mims, Albert Champion, Paul Jefferson. Third grade—Lewis Johnson, Ma linda Buchanan, Woodrow Williams, Jay Cross, Foy Buchanan, Joseph Pol lard. Fourth grade—Louise Nash, James Cross, Foster Champion, Elton Cham pion, Henry * Cross, Loyce Pollard, j Kcrmit Buchanan. Sixth grade Hugh Buchanan, Rovse Dickens, Clara Chappell, Ruth Williams, Zephia Cross. Seventh grade Elizabeth Steph enson. ROUTE TWO ITEMS. Bear Creek. Rt. 2., March 19. —Mrs. T. B. Beal visited her sister, Mrs. I. M. Gilmore, of Pittsboro, Rt. 3, last week. Messrs. M. F. Norwood, G. W. Burke, S. B. Burke and G. B. Emer son were among those who attended j the Baptist meeting at Sanford last i Thursday, 11th. Miss Eliza Willett has returned home from Dr. Long's hospital where she recently underwent an operation. C. O. Hackney, who has been in Washington, D. C., is visiting home folks. E. S. Baker has purchased a Ford touring car. J. R. Mobley has moved from Dr. Burns’ place to C. G. Sharpe’s. Mrs. J. W. Griswold and children have moved to Liberty. They will live on the place owned by Mrs. J. D. I Thomas, T. W. Phillips, of Buffalo, N. Y., was a recent visitor in the home of his father. , Rev. J. E. Ayscue, of Carthage, preached at Sandy Branch Sunday afternoon on the “Unchangeable Christ.” irsing as a text Heb. 13:8. T. B. Beal attended the Fayette ville District Conference at Sanford last Thursday as a delegate from Goldston circuit. H. E. Stewart is attending court this week as juror. D. H. Johnson died at his home on route 2 last Friday after an illness of one week. Mr. Johnson seemed as well as usual until Saturday before he died. He was taken very sudden ly and later developed pneumonia. j He is survived by a wife and six i ■ children. ■ j j Our heartfelt sympathy is herewith > extended to those who are bereaved. PHIL. r • 1 The man who has the least time to read usually has the largest library. j Be it good or bad, most people manufacture their luck. | noticeT” North Carolina, Chatham County, i IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. H. L. Stone. Administrator of ! Patsy Dowdy, | vs. Edgar Stone, Alvas Stone, Phoebe { Elmore and others. ! The defendants, Alvas Stone and Phoebe Elmore, above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Chatham County, to sell the lands of the late Patsy Dowdy, deceased, for the pur pose of making personal assets for the said estate; and the said defend -1 ant will further take notice that thSy* 1 afe required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court on the 9th day of April, 1923, and answer or demur to the complaint in | said action, which said complaint is now on file in the said Clerk’s office, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com ■ plaint. I This sth day-of March, 1923. J. DEWEY DORSETT SILER & BARBER Clk. Superior Ct. Attorneys. Apr. 5. R-P j PITTSBORO CIRCUIT. Regular preaching services Sunday at Pleasant Hill and Chatham churches. I hope each church will make provision for communion ser vice. Write every lady in your church community to attend church and wor ship with you on the Lord’s day. If you have company that are non church goers, leave them at home and come on to church and apologize for treating friends in such a manner. Jb J. BOONE. j j | Our stock is now complete with latest styles in dress Mj M goods, fancy notions, millinery, clothing, gents furnish \m ings and shoes. Give us an opportunity to show we can lo| W please you and that our prices are right. M 1 W. L. London & Son 1 I! PITTSBORO, ISee Our Specials, j In addition to our large and well selected stock of gen- ||| H eral merchandise at a cash and save price, we also sea- S H ture certain articles each week, that are priced much be- I This week we are offering Ladies Silk and Wool hose, This lot is arranged in a show case for observation and ® we can easily show you that you get two pairs for less H than the price of one. * f |g| Call in our store and let us show you anything that gl you may need of any character and the price will be B found to be the lowest and always see the specials. g Flour this week $7.50 Sugar 11 cents. ' H “Pay Cash and Save the Difference.” ||| LN. WOMBLE, I PITTSBORO, That’s what you want your horse or mule to do when you hitch to the plow or wagon. A good mule wants only one thing in order to pull when you tell him to. That is good harness. We have it. Come to us for it and save money on any kind of hardware you may need. The Chatham Hardware Co, UNDERTAKERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ~ Court House Square Pittsboro, N. C. - - EDay I Every Way jj ESS IS GETTING 1 SR AND BETTER I This Store Furniture to Fit Every I j Need. Whether you want to purchase one of our pretty new !? bed room, living room or dining room suits or nothing, we ® will endeavor to make your visit to this storg'a 8 to you as well as ourselves. | The Lee Furniture Company | j “Home Furnishers,” Sanford, N. C. jj AT THE METHODIST CHURCH. Quite a large audience listened to John M. Yonan, of Charlotte, a young Armenian, who gave a talk in the Pittsboro Methodist church last Sun day morning. Mr. Yonan told of many horrible atrocities committed by the Turks in his far away country; of the many children made homeless and parentless. After the speaking was ov er a collection was taken up resulting in the sum of $405 being given in money and pledges. BUILD A HOME NOW!

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