Nature uatnereT^Sfi^Uff^T N e " There- -PersonaI Mention | I _ - 11 MBit THOUGHT FOR TODAY. Reasoning. . re ason together, said the l«* though y° ur sil,s be aS SCar r‘' as white as snow.—ls. iah pittsboro and siler City wiU S °° baseball teams. The P^Apif?’^ 01 6ndS Ui . . ripvt is Easter Monday and Parties are talked of. nTnrrellus Perry has been visit- Ml \h Aes in Carthage and else ing lCItl where rr T Frank Burns, of Pittsboro, T - l : ij-eud guests in the home of were ' NC p Andrew Bum-. ... To \ Ve l Hatch has returned to r!v vn after visiting her mother, ivi- been Quite sick. who i |tU , r . m „ pollard, telegrapher at Col- J ort while with his aunt, JjV C A. Brown, last Sunday. p Farrell and his Sunday J v \ j/ / Av ill picnic at Buckhom \ good time is expected. rr from the South are pass . A ?i‘ 'Uidi Pittsboro daily. Probably V;, ' Teen here Saturday and Stm day. ,r w. A. Cox, of Laurinburg, is .; A e( i here on a visit to her father, |, ‘t yi. Bland, the latter part of the week. Tr prnn Hearn, the famous Chap , pin twirier, is living at Wilson, working insurance, and manager of the Wilson league team. Tp rs w. P. Horton has returned fro n High Point where she went to Vh her sister who has returned from the Colorado University. Mr. Ben Harper has associated him celt with Mr. Joe Hammock in the bhrksmith and woodworking business. Their shop is in the eastern part of town. Dr. J. H. Ihrie, of Wendell, former ly of Pittsboro, has gone to Nashville, Term., to take a course in the latest and most approved practice in den tistry. judge Lloyd Horton is holding court in Lee county this week. This is his first appearance there. Lawbreakers will have a hard road to travel when they come before this young judge. Ron A. C. Ray, chairman of the Laymens Association, accompanied by a party of ladies, held religious sendees at the prison camp in Al bright township last Sunday after noon. Supposed mad dogs are on the rampage in Chatham. It is said sev eral have been killed already. Mr. W. T. Johnson shot his bird dog last week. It is thought it had the ra bies. One of the finest sermons heard in the Baptist church for some time was delivered there last Sunday morning bv the pa*ror. Rev. R. R. Gordon. Those who heard it say it was a mas terpiece. One day last week Prof. W. R. Thompson accidentally stuck some thin in one of his ears. Later the ear began to pain him and Monday he wert to Durham to be treated by an ear specialist. Pittsboro high school boys went to Bynum last Thursday and played the Bynum school hoys, the score result ing in favor of Pittsboro, 11 to 5. This is the first baseball game of the season. It is said that work on the new road from Pittsboro to Sanford "will rot begin before the first of June. Several surveys have been made on this route, but the one that will be selected has not been hp@ n .- Mrs. Matilda Ford, widow of tli£ {# R«brrt J. Ford, died in Raleigh last Thursday, aged 83’ ysaM. Re sides three brothers, she leaves a sis- M ‘* ?ne Nolt, New Hill. - Hi i brd was a woman of high char acter find was much esteemed by her acquaintances. i Os course no one want* to die and be buried, but when the time comes v.hen you have td shake off this mor tal coil you wish to be taken to your lasting resting place in something de- The Chatham Hardware Co. has recently purchased a modem hearse, and it is a thing of beauty, some thing Pittsboro long has needed. A meeting of the teachers of Chat ham county were held in the school auditorium of the Pittsboro school last Saturday. It was a big meeting and was well worth telling the folks about ! n advance of the meeting, but those ln Position to know failed to tell the Paper men anything about it. We trust oat those in authority will remember yoat these things should be publish -6(1 m advance. Jt bas been requested that religi ous services he held at every prison camp in Chatham county next Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. All those who are willing to go as singers, to make yoort talks or carry. lunches, are re jaested to confer with Mr. A. C. Ray,- airman of the Laymen’s Associa jon Chatham county before Sun- Inasmuch as ye did it unto onei least of these ye did it unto County commissioners meet in Pittsboro next Monday. Mr. Harlowe Taylor is having his home place repaired, a room being added. i Material is being hauled out on West street for the erection of two .iew houses on that pretty boulevard. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wrenn and son, .v liliam, of Siler City, spent the week-end with relatives in Aberdeen. Mrs. Mary Caudle, of Trinity, spent l the first of the week in Siler City with her daughter, Mrs. Kielfer Tea gue. There seems to be ,a slack in the capturing of stills. The moonshiners seem not to be making much moon . shine these days. Mrs. Roy Teague is substituting in the central office in Siler City for » Mrs. Beaman Buckner, who is suffer , ing from an attack of measles. There will be a box supper at Burke ■ school at Evans on Saturday night, f March 31. Everybody is invited to be present. The proceeds are for the benefit of the school. r 1 Wilkins-Ricks, of Sanford, the Mo line Tractor by the Chatham Hard ware Co., and the Merchants of Chap ■ el Hill are new’ ads in this paper. r Read them.' The Pittsboro Case has moved into the old postoffice building on Hills > boro street and will hold a banquet > next Thursday night. See their ad s vertisement in this paper. The old Headen house on court ■ house square has been lowered from ; its foundation and is no\v T on its w r ay to the new locatiion south of the court house to the old Clark lot. I A picnic will be held at Moses > school house on Easter Monday, Ap l ril 2nd. There will also be an egg hunt and we are asked to tell every body to be present. Mr. T. B. Bray sends the editor an ; invitation to be prese.rt at an Easter picnic to be held at Brayk Mill next Saturday, March 31st. He wants ev erybody to go and have a good time. ■ Let’s go and take a basket and spend . the day with Mr. Bray. Song service and Easter program of music at the Methodist church Sun day night at 7:30. The administra ; tion of the sacrament will be observ ed. There will be no sermon at night, ; but the pastor will fill the pulpit on i Sunday morning. By reference to another column will be found a proclamatioin by the may-. ! or calling on the citizens to observe next week, from April 2 to April 7, as clean-up week. It is hoped every one will read the proclamation and heed it. Mrs. S. D. Johnson has moved in to his new store on the corner of Hillsboro and Salisbury street, the site of the old Bynum building. He will have his formal opening on Fri day and Saturday, March 30 and 31, at which time he is making some in teresting dollar specials. His new store is an attraction and a decided addition to Pittsboro. Mr. Herman Wade, who is repres enting the Volume Library in Chat ham county, donated to the Pittsboro High school a copy of that book. The school is gratified to him for the book. The Volume Library is a one volume book and is very useful to the busy man. It is a ready reference and is filled with useful information. The citizens of lower Center town ship are circulating a petition among the residents on the road from Pitts boro to Goldston, asking that the county commissioners take over that section of the road to Whites bridge and grade it and top soil it. The ci tizens signing it are agreeing to give $25 each as well as work to have it done. This is one of the most import ant roads In the county and the com missioners can well afford to heed the petition. Already some fifteen men have signed it agreeing to give the twenty-fire dollars value. MOUNT ZION NEWS. Moucure, Rt. 2, March 27.—Mr. W. B. Thomas, of Raleigh, returned home , Wednesday of last week with chilis. He returned to his work last Sunday very much improved. There will be preaching service at Mt. Zion next Sunday afternoon. The choir is planning to have Easter mus ic. Mrs. Fred Ray and little daughter, Frances, of Sanford, spent one day last week with her mother, Mrs. N. B. Gunter. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harmon, of Pittsboro, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Harper. Mr: Charlie Brooks has returned home from a visit to relatives in Dur ham. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Gunter are ex pecting Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Gunter and children, of Lucama, to spend Easter with them.. Mrs. Gunter is recovering nicely from a broken arm. Broke His Leg. Last Saturday morning, while work inv at a sawmill near Brown’s Chapel, in the northwest part of the county, Mr. Frank Durham had the misfor tune to get his left leg broken when he stepped upon the carriage while it was in motion. A physician was call ed in and set the broken limb and at last accounts the young man was get ting along as well as could bs ex pected. • ■ ' • j serve clean-up week next week from i Monday, April 2 to Saturday, April 7th. ' NEWS FROM FALL CREEK. Bear Creek, Rt. 3, March 27.—A large crowd attended the Fall Creek Sunday school Sunday. Mr. Will BroWn is having lots of cross ties made and hauled. He ex pects to have a mill in this week and will soon begin sawing. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Brewer, of Greensboro, are visiting his mother, Mrs. Ada Brewer. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Phillips were visitors at Mr. B; F. Scott’s Sunday. Mrs.. W. G.Powers spent the week end with her father, Mr. Mack Phil lips, Bear Creek, route 1. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hill spent Sat urday night and Sunday at Mr. C. R. Jones’. Misses Nellie and Essie Hill spent Saturday night with Miss Leona Phil lips. Mrs. J. R. Powers and Miss Alma Scott spent last Tuesday with Mrs. W. G. Powers. After, spending a week with home ; olks Miss Nannie Powers has return ed to Greensboro. Mrs. W. R. Jones snent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Clattie Brewer. Bear Creek Two. Bear Creek, March 26.—Rev.J. W. Broom, of Louisville, Ky., preached at Sandy Branch Baptist church Sun day morning. W. S. Dowd, of Greensboro, was a visitor in the home of Mrs. D. H. Johnson last week.. Mr. J. W. Pierce is very sick, his many friends will learn with regret. Mr. S. W. Foster was a visitor in Greensboro Sunday. Messrs. I. P. and I. C. Coggins were off selling guano last week. Miss Mary George Blair, of Pitts boro school, spent the week-end with home folks. Mrs. J. H. Covert was on the sick list last week. Mr. L. K. Smith is treating his house to a coat of paint. Miss Margie Blalock visited her uncle, “Bob” Spring, on Moncure, route 1, last week. PHIL. Surprise Marriage. Her many friends in Chatham will be surprised to learn of the marriage of Miss Blanche Carter, which took place in Roxboro last Friday, the lucky young man being Mr. Theodore Clayton, a son of the former register of deeds of Person county. Mrs. Clayton resided with her parents for several years in Pittsboro and she made many friends by her charming manners. The Record wishes for both of them many years of happiness. FOUND DEAD. Wednesday morning Mrs. Clara Calvert went to awaken her sister, Miss Velna Haithcock, for breakfast, she found her dead in her room. When Miss Haithcock retired Tues day night she was accompanied to her room by Miss Bvnum, who placed a lighted lamp in her room and left her to retire, for some months Miss Haithcock had been in feeble health but Tuesday night she seemed to be in her usual spirits. Wednesday morn ing when her sister entered the room the stricken woman was found lying on the floor dead. She was still dressed and the cover on the bed had not been turned down and the lamp was still burning. Miss Haithcock was about 69 years of age and had lived in Pittsboro all her life, being bom and reared here. She was a quiet, Christian lady, be ing a member of the Methodist church since childhood. She leaves several sisters, Mrs. Clara Calvert, with who she resided, of Pittsboro, Mrs. Lenora Bryan, of Washington, D. C., Mrs. Alice Hatch, of Charlotte, and Mrs. * Eugene Heame, of Bynum, a niece, Mrs. Henry A. Bynum, of Pittsboro, and! other relatives. j Funeral services were held in the Methodist church in Pittsboro Thurs day afternoon, conducted by Rev. J. J. Boone, and interment was in the Methodist cemetery. Banquet j The Pittsboro Case will give a ban quet to their friends in Pittsboro and vicinity in their new rooms in the old I postoffice building next Thursday j I evening, April 5, at 8 o’clock. A I j special invitation is extended to all. j I There will no charge. j FARRELL & FARRELL J the residence of the late T. A. Beal, I will offer for sale to the highest ! cash bidder the following: One Su perior corn planter, one 2-horse Oliv er No. 13 plow, four one-horse plows, one one-horse wagon and harness, one wheat cradle, one harrow and other articles. Time of sale 10 a. m. T. B. BEAL, Executor. lt-B-C. GET WHITE’S ICECREAM from the OLD RELIABLE. It’s pure. D. M. SMITH. p lt-C. FOR SALE—One 3 1-2 ton lumber truck, chassis 16 feet, and one two ton truck, chassis 12 feet. Both trucks m fine condition. Good bargains. Pennsylvania Lumber Co., Greens boro, N. C. Apr. 12-B-C. EXTRA FINE Gentle,. Jersey Milk Cows fot* Sale. A. E. FOLK,- Kiggs bee, N. : Mu' 29-ts. GET OUR PRICES on repairing your car and all other classes of machin ery. We are prepared in every way to give you the flat rate price on all work. All work guaranteed. BONLEE MOTOR & MACHINE WORKS, Bon lee, N. C. ts-B-C. TENANT WA.NTED for small farm. Call at Record office, Pittsboro. JITNEY BUS for Hire. Will carry 15. \ See D. M. Smith. It. MIGHT as Well Place Your Orders; with the old reliable D. M. Smith for your fish and beef and especially j for your Easter supplies. Don’t be dis-; appointed. Ice cream, whole sale and retail. 2t-B-C. ; EASTER SEASON is here and it has found us well prepared to take care of your needs. We have anything for j a perfect gift or personal use, both ' '■ in novelties and useful articles. Also j repair work on watches or jewelry by I an expert. TOD R. EDWARDS, pion- j eer jeweler, Siler City, N. C. ts-B-C. | DON T BE FOOLED—The Old Re- 1 liable never fools you. You got | i your fish from me last Saturday. Place your orders now for fish, any • quantity, for Easter. You’ll get ’em , from D. M. SMITH. lt-C. IF IT IS GALVENIZED SHINGLES The Hardware Store, Inc., Siler City, N. C., has the best. They weigh about 100 lbs. per square. If it is High j I Point Buggies, we have them too. Two ; • j old second had buggies for sale. |! YOU CAN’T be Happy and you can’t ! ’ I do good work unless you are com- i | j sortable and you can’t be comfortable; jif your shoes are in bad condition.! i Mail your old shoes to us. Vass Elec- i j trie Shoe Shop, Vass, N. C. Apr. 12- ! l R “ p - I AM PREPARED to fix your motor car at a reasonable price, work guaranteed. Your patronage solicited. John R. Durham, Roscoe, N. C. ts-B. C. FLOWERS —For flowers for every oc casion, see or phone your orders to Mrs. P .H. Elkins, Siler City, N. C., county agent for J. Van Lindley, Flo rists. ts. PINE WOOD WANTED—Quote low est price on cars and freight rate to this place. Address P. O. Box 172, ! Ruloigh* N. C. Apr. 12. B-C. WE NOW HAVE on hand supply of ice. Deliveries made in 25 pound lots in morning only. Phone vour or ders early. The Chatham Hardware Co. - Mch29.c NEW GRIST MILL—We are now prepared to grind corn in the old fashioned way on old fashioned rocks, and you get the best meal. Located at the James O. Brown Sales stables, j on Fayetteville street. Beard Broth : ers, Pitsboro. 3-1-ts-c | MONEY TO LEND FARMERS; in terest 5i per cent. Chatham Realty , Co., Pittsboro, A. M. Riddle, Pres., V. i R. Johnson, Secretary, Oc 13 ts ! STEAM PRESSING AND CLEAN | i n g — w e are prepared to do your work promptly and satisfactorily. Lo [ cated on north Hillsboro street, Pitts boro. Give us a trial, Bun Bynuin» btf MILL TIMBER FOR SALE—Oak, pine, hickory and poplar. J. N. Hackney. Pittsboro, N. 0. ts R-G. N. C. ! ; ' LUMBER OF ALL KINDS and qual ity. Florida kiln dried ceiling and flooring; we buy cross ties standing in woods or delivered to road. W. F. Bland. - ti LAND POSTED NOTICES can be had at this office when you need them. 1 —• 'l * B - • - ■ • » ■» * jl k is now complete with latest styles in dress ||j y notions, millinery, clothing, gents furnish- W ioes. Give us an opportunity to show we can flu Wand that our prices are right. London & Son 1 O, jeverybody] I FEELING GOOD | Since we began a cash basis on aMrch first our trade 1 i|| has increased at a wonderful rate. There are two reasons |4 9 h| The first and most important is that we are enabled to g H sell goods at a Much Lower Price than heretofore and the g ||j other reason is that we have Increased Our Stock so that g one can find just what they want at the Lowest Cost. j| S 3 Join the Happy Feeling Band now and give us a Call, i We want to surprise you with some Real Cash Values. ||| H; Specials this week are Sugar 11 cents and Flour $7.50. ji I L. N. WOMBLE, 1 ti PITTSBORO, That's what you want your horse or mule to do when you hitch to the plow or wagon. A good mule wants only one thing in order to pull when you tell him to. That is good harness. We have it. Come to us for it and save money on any kind of hardware you may need. The Chatham Hardware Co., UNDERTAKERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ’ Court House Square • Pittsboro, N. C. Day By Day I In Every Way f BUSINESS IS GETTING | BETTER AND BETTER g People Are Finding at This Store Furniture to Fit Every $ i Need. I Whether you want to purchase one of our pretty new jj bed room, living room or dining room suits or nothing, we I will endeavor to make your visit to this store a pleasure ® to you as well as ourselves, g| The Lee Furniture Company I “Home Furnishers,” Sanford, N. C. * 1 This is to certify that aiwippTics^ tic a will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for pardon for W. S. Burns-on or about the 7th day of Ap ril; 1923. All persons having objection to said Burns being pardoned will file their objections with the Governor on or before said date. This the 20th da -of March, 1023. Men. 29-R-P. s‘gred* W. S. BURNS.

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