ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 19,1878. COMMISSIONERS IN SESSION. Pay Old Veterans’ Fare to Re [ M* ll Pay u^ion an d Return. /.nnntv commissioners were in Th® their rooms in the court sessl° Monday transacted mostly if h Se b»Mness. Among other things 1 decided not to make any new they f property this year, as.essmen a resolution paying I Tbey t JIS of the old Confed the railroad tare ot at New •t'te ' e ‘ e n r f* “rn. There will hard- Orleans dozen of the old soldiers lv be hlf , a k ‘‘advantage of this free Who £ he reason as most of them wp . are too feeble to take the long hater"''were appointed, as fol , * “or the different townships: Beat Creek-B. A. Phillips. a I r?df—D W. Talley. R i v er—Waverly H. Lassiter. Had lev —A. F. Whitaker. Hickory Mt -Alston Brooks. »; t,^c.D.M”o r Oakland — C. M. Pattishall. Williams— E. J. Riggsbee For the first time in the history of Chatham county a woman has been appointed tax lister. Mrs. Farrell, from Center, is a business woman and make one of the best listers ever appointed. FROM BROWN’S CHAPEL. Pittsboro, Rt. 2, Apr. 2.—We are glad to report that Mr. Frank Dur ham, who recently had the misfortune of getting his leg broken, is improv ing Mrs. C. W. Lutterloh spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. H. M. Marshall, who has returned * home from a hospital in Burlington where she underwent an operation for appen dicitis. She is much improved in health. , . . ... Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Cheek and child ren, of Carrboro, spent Saturday night and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Dark and daughter, Maxine, of Orford, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cheek and children, of San ford and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Griffin, of Pittsboro, spent Sunday in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Justice. Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Justice ~ and children spent Sunday with her moth er, Mrs. I. H. Straughan. Miss Lizzie Clegg is visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Henderson. Miss Lila Justice spent the Easter holidays with her mother and father. Miss Janie Clegg spent the week end at her home near Moncure. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Whitaker and children spent Sunday in Carrboro vis iting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lutterloh,, Mrs. C. H. Lutterloh and Mrs. W. M. Per ry spent Sunday in Durham hospital with Elizabeth and Charles Lutter loh. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Gurmine and children, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Elling ton and Miss Pauline Wright spent the Easter holidays with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wright. We are sorry to report that Mrs. France Perry is very sick. The children in the primary room at Gum Springs school very much en joyed a picnic supper and egg hunt on last Friday afternoon. LAW ENFORCEMENT. By Judge John D. Humphries, Atlan ta (Ga.) Circuit. That our State and Nation have suffered from an abnormal amount of crime during the last two and a half years is too well established by the records of our courts to admit of doubt. A restless and unsettled state of mind on the part of those possess ing criminal tendencies, incident to a recent state of war, and causing them not to be satisfied with the honest re turns of useful employment, has had a large part in this unfortunate state of affairs. The remedy lies in a firm and con sistent enforcement of our criminal laws. No man can remain a good citi zen and be a conscious, constant vio lator of the law. The psychology of it is bad, to say nothing of good citizen ship or spiritual mindedness. Whether a particular law should be repealed not may admit of discussion, but whether it should be enforced, never, so long as it remains upon the stat ute books. A wholesome respect for law and order should be so deeply rooted in heart and mind that a wilful crimin al act would not be expected to go some degree of punishment, inere are cases that demand the sev erest penalty, unfortunately, it is true, j and when demanded, courts and jur ors should not hesitate to impose it; out as a general rule, certainty of Punishment is more effective in de terrmg crime than the severity of it “-certainty of that character and de- F ree of punishment that will deter, including chaingang sentences where nnes will not deter. dudge&jßidaßßflffi are sworn to up hold the jtefejpood citizens should expect support, Sid, if need be, de it of them. This is essential to tnat high regaaPdfor law and order -nat a wholesome-state of society de- Biands. v~ twW* Pittsboro’s now case opening JJght an d see what a nice place the essrs. Farrell have. Ladies are es «*ally invited. The Chatham Record DEFICIT MAY RUN HIGHER. Accountants Have Rummaged State’s Business for Leak. Special Correspondence Greensboro * News. Raleigh, March 30.—Without a word from agy auditor engaged in the vast enterprise of digging up defic its or surpluses, expert accountants innocently by-standing about Ra leigh are willing to bet their last dol lar that the State is worse behind than even Maxwell has calculated it. These accountants have rummaged about the State’s business not a lit tle and watched how the common wealth has sought to daub the spigot the while the bunghole was sawed wider open. Symptoms of State bus iness are easily diagnosed by a man who never saw the capitol except at Legislature time. And without exact numbers on which to hang a perfect story in detail, some of the results of a running audit are found. The best anybody has been able to get from the railroad tax case and the penny which the State pays for winning it, is that special lawyers cost North Carolina $55,000, if the State pays the bill. And nobody can give a very good reason for not pay ing it. When it comes to paying for extra help, the State is right there. It kicks and snorts and cusses terri bly when it is asked to pay legisla tive members ordinary mule feed, and it won’t pay it. It lets out a roar of righteousness when anybody under takes to pay a school teacher, a State official, a judge, a governor, or a what not a living wage, but when it comes to handing the dough out to politi cal favorites, the State is right there. Nobody believes it was necessary j to hire a single, or a married lawyer, jto win that tax case. Frank Nash I or Jim Manning, assistant and regu j lar attorney general, could have beat ; en the whole posse comitatus hands j down. Governor Morrison often has j said Manning is the best attorney gen i eral in the South. Nash is an un commonly fine lawyer. Then there is Judge George H. Brown who wanted to do some work to earn his judicial pension and Judge Ferguson or any other retired jurist could have been pulled in. But the State long before Governor Morrison took off red-shirts or any other kind of shirts, was wed ded to the policy of handing special fees out. Thousands for public pro vender, but not a cent for the payment of a decent salary. Governor Morri son’s attachment of a brigade of at torneys to the State is exactly in line with a long list of distinguished "pre cedents and it was wholly proper in the program of progress that lawyers employed by this administration should draw vastly greater fees than any others ever did. , And there’s practical Tom Warren, intensely practical. He went down the line and came back. He cer tainly shared the enthusiasm of his friends over a progressive appoint ment on the supreme court bench. In his wisdom Governor Morrison made another choice, but that did not mean irretrievable loss, whatever the Warren fee is. This is exactly the way North Carolina does business— politically, unintelligently, wasteful ly, unnecessarily. But Governor Mor rison didn’t invent the system. He has merely set the program of prog ress to political music. He has ap plied super-progressive principles to it. MUST NOT SUPPRESS NEWS. Washington Post. There are more varying views as to what a newspaper should be and should not be, but we presume every body will agree that the chief func tion of a newspaper is to print the news. It would not be a true newspa per if it suppressed legitimate news, or colored news to misrepresent the truth or distorted it in order to in jure private persons or public wel fare. A newspaper to be worthy of public respect and confidence, must be fair to all, impartial and devoted to the public interest. Necessarily it must be without fear or intimidation when it publishes the day’s news. It cannot take the dictum of any one who wishes to suppress news, or dis tort it or misuse it for private advan tage. A request to a newspaper to sup press legitimate news is similar to a request to a merchant to quit selling a certain legitimate kind of goods. In order to succeed, a merchant must carry all kinds of goods within the scope of his service to the public. He can not accept dictation from outsid ers, because he must exercise his own judgment or fail. A newspaper, if worthy of the name, caters to the en tire public, and therefore it must car ry all the news that is fit to print. It is a department store of news, and it must maintain its lines full and with i out adulteration. Whenever a newspaper begins to grind a private ax the public becomes aware of the imposition. Whenever a newspaper of general circulation fav ors a certain individual, group, class or section it risks its reputation and is immediately indicted for bad faith. Unless it mends its ways it loses pres tige and finally disappears. Its only means of existence is the confidence of the public; hence, if managed pro perly, it refuses to abuse the public confidence by suppressing true news, by distorting it or by misusing it for private advantage. The Daughters of the Confederacy, we are informed, requested that the commissioners pay the. fare of the oid soldiers to New Orleans and return. The request was granted. f PITTSBORO, N. C., CHATHAM COUNTY, THURSDAY, APRIL 5,1923. A SUDDEN DEATH. The Sad Ending of a Well-Known Citizen Saturday. People in Pittsboro were thrown into a ilttle excitement Saturday morning when word went from mouth to mouth that Mr. J. N; Purgason, a commission merchant in Pittsboro, had dropped dead. ; Mr. Purgason for the past two years had his place of business in the j office of Dr. W. B. Chapin and up to Tuesday morning was in his usual . health, altthough for some months he had complained of a throat affection, which, it was thought, was not seri ; dus. The writer of this article was talk ing to him a few minutes before his i death and he never once thought that ; death was so near. Mr. Purgason ; was as lively as he usually is and ; seemed to be in a most talkative i mood. Mr. Purgason was between 55 and ! 60 years of age. He leaves a widow l and one child by his second wife and • two sons by his first wife. Mrs. Pur ; gason lives in Burlington, the two 5 sons living in Richmond, all of whom i were telegraphed of the death of their • husband and father. Mrs. Purgason • and both of his sons arrived Satur . day afternoon. Funeral services were held Sunday • at the Methodist church at 2 o’clock l conducted by Rev. J. J. Boone. Inter • ment was in the Methodist cemetery. • * Dr. Chapin pronounced the cause of i his death as heart trouble. Mr. Purgason was a quiet, unof -3 fensive man. He came to Pittsboro ■ from Burlington about three years . ago and has made this place his home r ever since, * • - Bear Creek, Rt. 2, Apr. 2.—Mr. and 3 j Mrs. H. D. Vestal and family, of 3 Greensboro, were Easter visitors in " and around Bear Creek. Mrs. R. T. Beal was a week-ejid 3 visitor in Sanford, visiting her sister, j Mrs. W. I. Williamson. 1 Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Mclver and fam -7 ily, of Siler City, visited at Mr. E. J. 1 Mclver’s Saturday and Sunday. ' The play at Meronies Friday night 3 was well attended notwithstanding the • inclement weather. Over S2O was re l alized. Mr. J. W. Pierce is improving, his t friends will learn with pleasure. Mr. B. S. Beaver was sick last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Straughan, of ' Burlington, were visiting relatives _on “■’ this route recently. ’**"* 1 Miss Ollie Pike was a visitor in 5 Siler City during the week-end. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. H.. Nall, of Pomo i na Mills, were Easter visitors in the home of Mr. T. P. Beaver. , Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Coggins and • J. F. Jr., were Sunday visitors at Mr. ■ W. A. Coggins’. 5 Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Highfill and • family, of Guilford College, visited • Mrs. Highfill’s father, Mr. I. P. Cog i gins, on route 2, during the week t end. / “PHIL.” i ■■ s Oakland News. Moncure, Rt. 2, Apr. 2.—C. E. Bland . and family, of Pittsboro, spent Sun k day and Monday with Mrs. Bland’s [ parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Burns. Roland Bums, of Yemassee, S. C., > is visiting his sister, Mrs. C. M. Ed dins. Miss Stacy Eddins, of Durham, spent Easter with her parents. Miss Dora Gunter, of Durham, spent the week-end at her home. Mr. Dallas Griffin spent a few days s of last week with his son, J. T. Gris -1 fin. Mrs. C. D. Bums and son, Robert, ■ and Mrs. Benton Roberson, spent Sun • day and Monday with their sister, at • Buie’s Creek. > Miss Berta Dark spent the Easter - holidays with her sister, Miss Wil • ma Dark, who is teaching school near ; Bynum. Mrs. H. C. Clegg, Sr., spent Sun ' day with Mrs. Tom Lasatei*, who has ’ been very sick and underwent an oper ; ation Sunday, but not a very serious 1 one. ; Miss Lizzie Clegg is visiting her 1 sister, Mrs. W. C. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Knight, of Lock ville, Miss Frizelle Knight, of Pitts boro, and J. R. Knight, of Raleigh, spent the week-end at their home. Mr. S. G. -Gunter and family, of Lucama, spent Sunday with Mr. Gun ter’s sister, Mrs. A. B. Gunter. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brown visited Mrs. Brown’s parents last week. Mt. Zion News. Moncure, Rt. 2, Apr. 2. —A number of the people here spent Easter Mon day picnicing. Miss Olivia Harmon and Mr. Obie Harmon, of Chapel Hill, spent the Easter holidays at home with their father, Mr. John C. Harmon. Mr. Dallas Griffin, of Pittsboro, spent the Easter holidays with his brother, Mr.*J. W. Griffin. - Masters Claiboure and Marian Har mon, of Raleigh, spent the Easter holidays with their grandmother, Mrs. J. C. Harmon. Dr. Cox, from the eastern part of the State, was a guest at the home of Mr. John E. Harmon Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Gunter, of Lu cama, spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Gunter. Mr. and-Mrs. T. D. Bynum, of Siler City, spent last Sunday with his brother, Mr. G. L. Bynum, who has been very sick. * • | The first brick of Alamance Hall at» Elon College has been laid. | ■ BEWARE OF FAKE REMEDIES. ! Department Warns Cotton Planters Against Fake Weevil “Remedies.” The present great interest in the boll weevil problem in the Southeast ern States has resulted in a large number of patented preparations and machines that are being vigorously •exploited, says the United States De partment of Agriculture, j The claims for these preparations are not based on scientific tests al though in many cases the persons ex ploiting them are undoubtedly sincere in their belief that they will yield £ood results. Generally speaking they are based on misinterpretations of what occurs in the field. To deter mine whether a remedy is effective it is necessary to have control areas and to consider the effects of numerous cultural practices. It is very easy for an untrained observer to attribute to i some preparation he has applied, the beneficial results of some variation in . climatic or cultural factors. The Department of Agriculture and 1 many of the State experiment sta tions have tested the new boll weevil remedies which have been proposed from year to year and many of those now beifig offered the public are not essentially different from the kind i that have been tested and discarded. : The Association of Southern Agri ! cultural Workers, at its recent con • vention at Memphis, heartily endorsed I the use of the dusting method in areas ] where the yield of cotton was high ; enough to warrant the expense. It also endorsed the Florida method for the region in whieh it has been prov en to be applicable, and further re ; commends extensive tests of this me ■thod in other regions of light yields. In another paragraph it called at*- tention to the fact that the molasses ! arsenate treatment, although not yet ( subjected to sufficiently detailed ex ■ ‘ perimental tests to warrant its en- I dorsement, had apparently given re- I I suits over a wide area that warranted i j farther consideration, and it, there fore recommended thorough and im ’ i mediate tests of this method by State | and Federal agencies, j If anything of value is discovered 1 j by the State experiment stations or !by the Federal Department, prompt ' and widespread notice of the fact | will be given the public. FALL CREEK ITEMS. Bar Creek, Rt. 3, Apr. 3.—Mr. and S Mrs. Robert Willet spent the week -end with Mrs. Willet’s mother, Mrs. i Amanda Brewer. T '"Mr. Ross Brewer and family, of Bonlee, and Mrs. C. R. Jones and sop, Victor, spent Saturday night and Sun day with Mrs. Sarah Phillips. : Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Fesmire, of Siler City, and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. , Fennison, of Pinehurst, were visitors at Mr. A. H. Brooks’ Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Klass, of Vir ginia and Mr. and Mrs. John Moore were visitors of Mr. Rich Klass Sun day and Sunday night. Mr. Lonnie Phillips left about two weeks ago for Alabama where he has accepted a position as a medicine sal esman. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spoon, of Ashe boro, were visitors of Mr. J. W. Brew er Saturday night. Miss Pearl Hudson, of Virginia, was a visitor of Misses Myrtle and Eva Brewer and others last week. Mrs. J. B. Nall, who has been quite sick, is somewhat improved. Mr. J. B. McManus and family have moved to Bonlee where he will be em ployed in a garage. Mr. Clyde Welch and Miss Effie Lambert attended the play at Bonlee Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Phillips visit-' ed her father, Mr. John Brewer, of near High Falls, Sunday. Mrs. Davis Bruten spent a part of last week at the home of her father, Mr. John Brewer. Mr. Everett Brewer returned home last Saturday after working in Dur ham for a while. Misses Mae and Vail Scott spent Friday night and Saturday with their sister, Mrs. R* G: Phillips. Misses Eula Teague and Mary Gu thrie spent the week-end with home folks. Miss Pattye Andrews spent the week-end with home folks. Doings at Bynum. Bynum, Apr. 3.—Mrs. Oakley and sons, Marvin and Howard, of Durham, spent the week-end here with her daughter, Mrs. Carl L. Neal. Miss Letta Riddle, of Durham, spent Easter with Miss Pearl Johnson. Messrs. James - Hackney, of Bon lee High school, Cary Durham, of Sal isbury, Marvin Snipes, of A. and E. College, Raleigh spent Easter here with home folks. Quite a number of young people* from here went on a picnic to Oco neechee and Durham Monday, while people from Durham and Chapel Hill came here to picnic and fish. Mrs. S. E. Poythress and daughter, Thelma, of Chapel Hill, have been visiting her brother, D. M. Canada, near here, who has been quite ill. Miss Mattie Temples, of Chapel Hill, spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. J. M. Garner. Messrs. Sam Woods and family, J. P. Griffin and family, Mrs. Mossie Williams and daughters, Elizabeth and Mary, and Miss Pearl Foushee, of Durham, spent Easter here with re latives. * Replacing regular preaching ser vices Sunday night a short program was rendered by the children and a | talk by the pastor, f Born, to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bu* ‘banks. Tuesday, April 3, a daughter; j Ivey Marie. THE LOCKVILLE COPPER MINES. Work to be Resumed at An Early Date. In a letter to the News and Obser ver, D. C. Stainbahk, of Moncure, says: Please allow a few lines about the copper mines located in Lee county, nine miles north of Sanford on the Raleigh highway. The large ledge carrying the copper crosses the high way on the apex of the hill between the residence of J. M. Womble and Mrs. Maggie Bridges. The ledge is one mile long on the company’s pro perty, then it can be traced several miles, crossing Deep river, and run ning through Chatham county. The large ledge was prospected and mined first in the years of 1850 to 1860. The shaft was sunk 230 feet showing the vein to be from two to three feet wide, and carrying a large amount of high grade ore, assaying $18.64 in copper. It alsp carries gold and sil ver, and other by-products, which have not been assayed. Along in 1900 to 1902 the mine was again worked by the company from Richmond, Va., with J. N. Godman as president. He is now the owner of the property. There being a slump in I the copper market, the work at the mine had to be suspended, as it was not a paying propositioin. “The old shaft where the Richmond company worked, is still intact. This shaft is located a half mile south of the highway, where the company will start up working. The mine will be five miles from Moncure, a thriving village on the Seaboard, thirty miles from Raleigh. The property contains 392 acres. It has many advantages for economical operation seldom found: water and i wood to furnish the required energy to operate the machinery of the plant, a super abundance of lumber and tim ber for mining and building purposes, rich agricultural land adapted to the, cultivation of grain, vegetables and ■ fruit to supply the needs of man and beast, good climate and open winters, ! comparatively cheap and efficient la bor, and last but not least, a quantity [ of exceedingly high grade ore carry • ing values seldom equalled.- ; Assays made by Ledeaux & Co., ; New York, the Colorado Assaying Co., Denver, Colo., show the by-products will more than take care of the cost of operation, leaving the copper clear profit. Heretofore all work has been dose in the crudest fashion imaginable. With proper machinery necessary to . develop the property the company proposes practically to demonstrate 1 that with judicious management the same results can be obtained as cop , per mines in the west have had. LONG TONGUE IS MISFORTUNE. Minister Says Some Women Can Lick Neighbors Four Blocks Away. Youngstown, Ohio, March 31.—“A long tongue is an unfortunate posses sion when there is a vacant spot just behind the eyeballs,” declared Evan gelist F. Lincicome, addressing a local audience. “Some women have tongues as long as a cow,” he continued. “A cow can stand on one side of a fence and lick her calf on the other side. Some women can sit in their parlors and lick their neighbors four squares away. “It is up to the young ladies to give us a better brand of young men by raising the standard for them. One 1 of the perils of young manhood in America today is that there is not any standard being raised for them on the part of young women,” Evangelist Lincicome said. * “When our young womfcn put the standard up where it belongs we can combat with the social evils that are running our cities.” Bound Over to Court. Early Mitchell ,of Merry Oaks, a negro moonshiner, was arrested in Ra leigh Monday and brought to Pitts boro where he was tried before Squire J. R. Blair for manufacturing liquor. He was bound over to court under a S2OO bond for his appearance at court. Early contended that the still did not belong to him; that he was rab bit hunting and found the still. Ear ly is unable to do any hard labor on account of infirmities received in the world war, hence the light borid. Gum Spring Locals. Mrs. Frances Perry is on the sick list but is improving. The visitors at J. T. Wright’s- Sun day and Monday, were, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ellington * and children, Edgar Jr., and Gilmer, and Miss Pauline Wright, of Carrboro, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Terrentine and children and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Webster. Mr. Lee Wright spent Monday night in Carrboro. Charles Willis and Elizabeth Lut terloh had the misfortune to fall from a mule and break their arms. They were carried to a hospital in Durham for an x-ray examination. Mr. W. M. Perry spent Wednesday in Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Whitaker and children spent Sunday in Carrboro visiting relatives. Messrs. Lee, Roland and Wm. Wright and Edgar Ellington spent Monday at Moncure fishing. They caught three. Mr. R. H. Herndon is suffering from a broken rib but is slowly improving. WEATHER FORECAST. April 6.—A storm will form over the lower Mississippi valley and movie eastward. April 7-B—Rain over southern, snow over northern States. April 9-10.—Cold, blustery. April 11- 12.—Pleasant. PLF iNT SOCIAL AFFAIRS Locf 4 Personal News of Interest to Our Readers. Ne>. Hill, Rt. 2, Apr. 2.—One of the much enjoyed social functions of the season was a party given by Misses Mary and Alice Webster at their home last Saturday evening compli mentary to their brother, Mr. Daniel Webster, of Durham. . * The living room was artistically de corated with spring flowers. Music and games and social conversations were the main features of the even ing. Before the guests departed they were invited to the dining room, where Mrs. Webster, assisted by Miss Jennie Moore, served fruit salad and cake. The dining room was decorated, car rying out the color scheme of white and green. 1 The guests included Misses Jennie Moore, Rose Sturdivant, Swannie Drake, Hilda Lasater, Mozell Poe and Lilia Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Beckwith, Messrs. Leymond and Tom Reynolds, of Merry Oaks; Mil lard Goodwin, Donnie Beckwith, Ex um Mann, Edward Holleman, Britt Gatlin, Newton Moore, Andrew Ellis, Robert Beckwith, Bailey Sturdivant, Edgar Beckwith and Douglas Pur year. Mrs. Mary Bell was buried in New Elam cemetery Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Bell was born and spent most of her life in Chatham, but for a few years had made her home in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Beckwith and Mr. W. H. Beckwith motored to Dur ham Wednesday shopping. Mr. Floyd M. Lasater, of Durham, spent the \yeek-end With witl} his par ents. * ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Woody and child ren spent the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lasater. t Mr. Jim Sturdivant, of Pittsboro, spent the week-end with his parents, • Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Sturdivant. * Mr. and Mrs. Tavie Jones spent a few days in Hillsboro, with Mr. and Mrs. Will Gunter. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tyler and chil dren, of Hillsboro, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Mann the latter part of last week. * * * Mr. W. L. Beckwith, of Seaforth, has been on a visit to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs'. W. H. Beck with. Miss Mary Webster spent Monday with her grand-mother, Mrs. J. A. Thomas, of Pittsboro, route 1. Mr. Lattie Stephens and Miss Es ther Jones, of Apex, were guests of Miss Blanche Holt Sunday. Mr. Claud Bland, of Durham, has been spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bland. Mr. Seymour Olinger, while trying to crank an automobile Sunday hap pened to the misfortune of breaking his arm. Mr. Carr accompanied him to a physician at once and he is get ting on nicely. New Hill, Rt. 2, Apr. 2.—Mrs. Wes ley Mann, who has been sick for some time, is growing weaker. Dr. C. G. Upchurch, the attending physician, extends little hope for her recovery. Mr. W. A. Sloan and family will move to Durham in a short time. They have lived in this community for some time and their many friends re gret their departure. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jones spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Partin. Mrs. Jones’ lit tle sister returned home with them to spend the Easter holidays. Misses Maggie Hearn, Lena Medlin and Katie Johnson spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Jones. Pittsboro’s New Case. Pittsboro’s new case opens up to night with a banquet to which the citizens in Pittsboro and vicinity have a specal invitation to attend. This case is the newest addition to the restaurants of Pittsboro and is located in the old postoffice building on Hillsboro street. Two local young men, Robert Farrell and Atlas Far rell, are the proprietors. The stand presents a pleasing ap pearance. Everything is clean and fresh and neatly arranged. The case is completely outfitted with walnut top counter and tables and mahogany finished chairs. Back in the kitchen an expert chef presides and all is sanitary and in its proper place. The Pittsboro Case is a nice place and would be a credit to a town much larger than Pittsboro. The .owners have gone to considerable expense in - making the place modem in every re spect and in giving it a neat and at tractive appearance. Messrs. Farrell are experienced in the business and they state that every effort will be made to please and satisfy the patron age. Death of a Little Girl. Margaret Elizabeth, the 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. D.. Vaughn, died at her parents’ home on Masonic street, Pittsboro, last Fri day morning. The little girl had been suffering several days with a heart trouble and everything loving hearts could do for the little tot was done but-to no avail. The funeral took place Saturday, conducted by Rev. Mr. Jonas Bark ley, interment in the Methodist ceme tery. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn have re cently moved to Pittsboro from Ches terfield, S. C. They have the sym pathy of the entire community in their bereavement. Hugh Stinnes says the Ruhr situa tion does not call for talk. He’s right It calls for payment.—Pittsburgh Ga zette Times. v NUMBER 43.

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