SOCIAL AT MR. LASATER’S. Baseball Fans to Meet at New Hope Saturday . New Hill, Apr. 9.—With exquisite appointment the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lasater was converted into a bower of loveliness when on last Sat urday evening their daughter, Miss Hilda Lasater, was at home to a num ber of friends. Several piano selections were ren dered and games and social conveisa tions were enjoyed during the even ing. After which the hostess served delicious chocolate candy. Those enjoying the hospitality of Miss Lasater were Misses Mozell Foe, Clara Copeland, Rose Sturdivant, Mary Webster, Bettie Sturdivant and Lilia Ellis; Messrs. Douglas Puryear, Edward Holleman, Andrew Ellis, r loy Sturdivant, Willie Webster, Edgar Beckwith, John Langley, Roy Farrai, Exum Mann, Frank Copeland, Dwight Webster, Bailey Sturdivant and Rob ert Beckwith. . Mrs. J. W. Mann died at her home Tuesday evening after an illness of several months. She was about 58 vears of age and had been a member of New Elam Christian church since girlhood but for some time had been unable to attend. Services were held there for her Wednesday afternoon, conducted by the pastor, Rev. B. J. Howard, of Chapel Hill. She leaves her husband, one son, Mr. W. A. Mann, and five grandchil dren to mourn her passing. Mr. Joe Goodwin, of Ra\eisrh, snoot the week-end with his sister, Mrs. Hi— —-— —- i I! the • I 8 MAI IMF TP ATTAR 1 p tf!^llj I I vli B I' A ' ;D I i tractor improvements i # A Tractor that will do all kinds of farm work, breaking J! M harrowing, cultivating crops, drilling wheat, corn, cotton K IP pulling wheat reapers and other classes of work, is heie M ready to give a demonstration to the farmers of Chat fjfsj J iam J:f Give us a trial to demonstrate and let us show you V what this farmers’ friend can do for you. It is the best K tractor on the market for farm work. $ H See us for prices. | I Cimt’nam Hardware So., f t Pittsboro, N. C. 1 I DO YOU KNOW THE I Economy and Satisfaction OF COOKING ON A New Perfection Stove I Well, Just Ask Your Neighbor. You Can Use the NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVE twelve months in the year. You Can Get It Here. The Lee Furniture Company “Home Furnishers,” Sanford, N. C. !! The Best Fo LeS t e Money | We have a full and complete stock of the best in Fur niture. Why go from Chatham county when you can get j! it at home cheaper. We have the best for the least <! money. Also general line of Hardware at the same low <; i | prices. Call on us. i; j Funeral Directors and Undertaker’s Supplies. WALDEN & THOMAS i; MONCURE, - NORTH CAROLINA. < .... ip You Want the Best . :: __ : I SEE OUR COLLARS SHIRTS HOSIERY SHOES BEFORE YOU BUY. NOT THE CHEAPEST BUT THE BEST.- Little & Farrell. 4j VrhTTt77,i ».rr 'l"*** - — ■ ■ I John Gunter. _ . ~ Mrs. Hattie Hatley and children, of j near Bynum, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Beckwith, the latter part of last week. . ' i : Mr. Willie Webster, of near Apex , spent the week-end in the home of his i i aunt, Mrs. Addie Webster. Mr. Allen Gilmore, Mrs. Waltei ;. Gilmore and little son, Max, of Jr eP j county, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.. j Wm. Brown Tuesday. j Mrs. J. A. Thomas, of Pittsboro, rt. 1, spent a few days recently with her • I daughters on this route. !: Miss Rennie Webster was a guest! j during the week-end of Miss Swanme , I ft • ,! Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Drake received j , a telegram last week from Mr. am : Mrs. J. W. Drake, of Spartanburg, S. , C., announcing the birth of a son. Miss Clara Copeland and brother, • Frank, have been on a snort visit to , the home of Mr. J. A. Ellis. j Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mann were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grif fin, near Bynum, Sunday. Little John King Woody of Dup- , ‘ ham, spent last week with his grand- . > parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lasater .. j • The New Elam singing choir met; i with Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Carr Sun- j da Missls in ßl' an che Holt, Flonnie ard : , Lilia Goodwin and Bernest Holt at j tended services at Christian Chape Snndav. „ , , A , Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Johnson and children, of Bvnum, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Holt Sunday. j Anyone interested in the New Hope , . baseball team are requested to meet on the New Hope diamond Saturday 1 afternoon at 4 o’clock. ' Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Mann and Mrs. T. E. Mann spent Sunday afternoon in the home of Mr. W. A. Sloan. Mr. J. L. Goodwin visited his aunt. Mrs. Julia Matthews. She has been ill for several days. Ebenezer Section. Rev. J. R. Edward filled his appoini : ment at Ebenezer Sunday, preaching : a good sermon. There was a large crowd in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Eubanks and j little daughter, Leonia, spent the day with Mrs. Eubanks’ parents, Mr. and ! Mrs. N. A. Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Heame spent the I afternoon Sunday at Mr M. E. Mann’s Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fish spent the week-end at Mrs. Fish’s brother’s, Mr. W. A. Sloan. „ , , M _ Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Holt and children spent the afternoon Sunday at Mr. G. T. Holt’s. Upper Route News. Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. John Eu banks, a son, 'Tuesday, March 27. ■ Miss Burline Jones is spending some i time with her sister, Mrs. Nina Eu banks, on New Hill, Route 2. plie Index of Yohf Health | mitted to the various organs. Let your human mach jt uj H ist (Chiropractor), examine it periodically to see that it g || is in perfect condition. Consultation and Spinal Analysis |*| ißii Free - *• M Inn 14 M DR. ERNEST C. BROWN, 9 Pulmer Graduate. CHIROPRACTOR Santa*, N.C. | I _ I I Vft«r Qwmtf Saif I I oily i our dpi iis m g $| Made to order by Taylor, the tailor, New York’s best. |jj Leave your order today. Come around and let us take « your measure. Suits from $22 to S6O. j|| I Dress Shirts ft i I $ New line just arrived. Also Spring Underwear and fine <g hi Hose. See us before you purchase your Spring Under- I*l H wean I || My Grocery Department is Up-to-date >• ||j and is Fresh and Pure. M I Cecil H. Lindley, | M The Pure Food Grocer. || j| Main Street. Pittsboro, N. C. ® Report of the Condition of the l BANK OF PITTSBORO, 4 at Pittsboro, N. C. (j in the State of North Carolina, at the I close of business, April 3, 1923. > Resources. (j Loans and Discouts $245,072.63 |l Demand Loans 15,585.03 > Overdrafts, [I United States Bonds and J Liberty Bonds, 9,900.00 « North Carolina State AA I Bonds | 5,000.00 n All other Stocks, Bonds, * AAAAnn \ and Mortgages, 10,000.00 i Banking houses, $4,840.00; Furniture and Fix - } tures, $2,058.00, 6,898.00 Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks Bankers ,and Trust Companies, 48,751.18 Cash Items held over 24 OQ i I hours, ; Total $342,238.52 j I Liabilities. I Capital Stock paid in, $ 20,000.00 | Surplus Fund, 10,000.00 \ Undivided Profits, less cur- | rent expenses and taxes i 4jWSZ.Zo I Unearned Discount, qo 000 00 ! Bills Payable -- 30,??2*?2 : [ Deposits subject to check, 183,145.49 » Time Certificates of Depo- I sit, due in less than 30 A ! days, -----r 45,956.13 I Cashier’s Checks outstand ! ing, 2,065.90 ; Time Certificates of Depo ; fjjV- Pue ° n ° r After 43,235.77 I Savings Deposits, —--- 1,333.00 ! Accrued Interest due depo- Q() » sitorSj ————— ——* * J Total $342,238.52 :; State of North Carolina, County of \\ Chatham, April 10, 1923.. , ! I, Jas. L. Griffin, cashier of the II above named Bank,, do solemnly swear '; that the above statement it true to tne !; best of my knowledge and belief. ; I JAS. L. GRIFFIN, Cashier. 1 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me, ;! this 10th day of April, 1023. G. R. PILKINGTON, N. P. I [ Correct—Attest: ![ W. M. EUBANKS, J* L. N. WOMP.LL. E. R. HINTCX, cl |;| A newspaper heading rest??: *Gir J* Grown When They Reach Trfir *4 Birthday.” They aI«ro <* T " they reach their 34th css* .*4*- We are sorry to learn that Miss ■ Mabel Wilson, the daughter of Mr. ■ and Mrs. Lossie Wilson, has been very \ sick, but is recovering nicely. Mr. David Jones, of Bonsai, spent j the week-end witn his parents, Mr. j and Mrs. Joel Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jones, near Sea forth, were the week-end guests of Mr. j Joel Jones, on Apex, route 3. Mr. Lennie Games, Mr. Ben Jones, ' Mr. John Eubanks, Mr. David Jones, j and Mr. Joel Jones spent a while with | Mr. M. D. Holt Sunday, near Merry | Oaks. Chatham County Men Elected as Officers. 1 At a meeting of the directors of the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, in Winston-Salem, two former Chat ham county men were elected officer., in this company. They were Mr. R. E. Lasater, appointed general mana ! eer of the department of manufac . ture, and Mr. J. P. Stedman, also a native of Chatham, was made assist , ant treasurer. I BUILD~]THOME NOW! m M “INVESTIGATE BEFORE INVESTING.” 1 WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET (H “BONDS” 1 | Alamance Insurance and RealEstateOfl M CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $300,000. H H w. E. SHARPE, Manager. C. G. SOMERS, Field Representat‘ (l l I BURLINGTON, N. C. 9 Planters, Saws, Hammers, Trowels, Wrenches, Spades tools for every purpose and every trade are HERE in Great Abundance. There is a variety of kind, size and price but only one Quality—The Best The Chatham Hardware Co,j UNDERTAKERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Court House Square Pittsboro, N. c. | I ipr IT 1 1 For Quality j JL Bty II Groceries The surest way of disappointing yourself is to buy infer ior goods at low prices. Quality demands its price—but only a fair price. | We have the low prices and the Quality in everything we sell. Groceries, Feedsuff, Roofing and we buy and sell Country Produce. Don't be disappointed with your larder. Let us price things to you first and then youTl be satisfied. | T. M. Bland & Co., PITTSBORO, —— The Basic Wealth I of the Nation I Land and buildings—the basic wealth of the nation, is tiifl security behind Alamance First Mortgage six per ce® Gold Bonds. WHEN YOU INVEST you do so expecting to reap the benefit of a good i®® est yield with the absolute safety of your principal. First Mortgage Bonds are an ideal investment ® when they are backed by a company like the Alania® Insurance and Real Estate Company whose business® tegrity and financial strength is established they offer® maximum of safety for the person with a fortune or s® savings. Write for free booklet, “Bonds”, and learn more a® the proposition and what well-known people think of ®

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