“Tpistinguished AppearaneTl sidence is attractively painted with §,#' L&M SEMI-PASTE MBIT /X' 1 .longest years cf wear because costly tr)tehrs.‘ \ W&ite Zinc is added for durability /iji-p ‘ 15! Least Cost, because you add 3 quarts of Lin- | II /Q ’ - seed Cii to each gall, paint, making the Best | ' . Bure Paint for $2.82 a gall., ready to use. 1 - !, t Extensively used for SO years i. sAxeFOR SALE I "7 kn BROTHERS DURHAM, N. C. 7, TOXDOX & SON PITTSORO, N. C. r 'v CRUTCH FIELD, MONCURE, N. C. Everybody. Is Doing It j . , , ~e 4 of the good people of Pittsboro are buying k; Groceries from US, why not you? We have new tlU |, i ec ted eats and our prices ahe at a low level. Be- I -i to profit today by giving us your trade. THE BOONE BROS, j IIHNIST and JARVIS PITTSORO, T, T-;i -J 'J S -5 rs $ A BANK J/ is more than a private business enterprise. Its relations \vi!h its customers and, indeed, with the community in f\\ which it operates, makes it essentially a servant of the f\\ public. It is judged, as it should be judged, by the qual- ff\ ity of the service it renders. )) \Ve desire to be judged by this standard, by the quality M of our contribution to the upbuilding of the community— a consemtive institution, but awake always to the ne- \y cessities of its customers and the development of indus- V" try. » _ \h iiliii Loan and Trust Co., f SANFORD, R. E. Carrington, W. W. Robards, J. W. Cunningham, « President Vice-Pres. Cashier. JONESBORO: MONCURE: U/ I. P. Lasater, Cashier J. K. Barnes. vi/ \)i PIANOS PLAYER-PIANOS PHONOGRAPHS -AND RECORDS Write us for catalog and terms. IRNELL & THOMAS CO., RALEIGH, N. C. BANK of PITTSBORO 1 wants you as a custo* £5 mer. Do your bankiri£ Bp, with us. WE APPRE- £’ Cl ATE YOUR BUSINESS || A. 11. LONDON 1 President JAS. 1,. GRIFFIN if Cashier §§* W. L. FARRELL Asst. Cashier HI k ■ —■— aboard Air*line Railway through the heart of the south Schedule Effective April 16, 1922. A. M., For Moncure and points north and south. > 231 2*i“ p . I : j • M., For Moncure and points north land south. ? ' lr?l^es a nd other travel information, call on • ! *TRR, Agent., JNO. T. WEST, D.P.A., j Pittsboro, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. CONFESS TO MURDER. Man Who Dies in Natchez, Miss., May Have Been John Lee. Raleigh, April 30.—“ Sam Lee,” who died at Natchez, Miss., April 1, alter confessing tnat he had committed a murder shortly after the C vii War, according to a letter received by Sec retary ol: State W. N. Everett from Captain C. L. Kearnes, of the.-Salva t“o'l 1 vrmy, may have been John W. —ee, Halifax county, who was alleged to have killed a woman about 45 years ago and escaped, J. H. Norman, Halifax, has advised the Salvation Ar my officers in the Mississippi city. Secretary Everett received a better Lroni Captain Kearnes today in which it was stated that Norman’s descrip tion of John W. Lee, as being “75 o SO years, light complexion, scar on his face, a little slow of speech and had i very little to say,” was identical of I Sam Lee. Captain Kearnes wrote the I secretary of state several weeks a° - o asking for assistance in identifying | the man. j _ Norman in his letter to the Salva ■ lion Army man, said Lee was alleged [ to have slain a woman and escaped j A man thought to be bee later was I arrested in Texas, but the sheriff of I Halifax went to the town and failed | to identify him as the man wanted for j murder, Norman continued. I Lee was a merchant and a farmer s of Terrapine, N. C., when the crime | was said to have been committed. The | man “owned much property in this | county,” Norman asserted, giving the I name of a close relatives from whom | information could be obtained by the i secretary or the Salvation Army cam tain. METHODIST REVIVAL CLOSES. t . Ku Klux Klan Gives Donation to Church J Apex Journal. * The revival which has been in pro ( gress for ten days at the Methodist church came to a close last Thursday night. Rev. Marvin Caveness, who did some splendid preaching, took as his closing theme, “Almost persuaded means altogether lost.” k Just before the sermon five mask , ed men in full regalia of the Ku Klux ‘Klan marched silently into the church i and up to the chancel. The leader i handed Mr. Caveness an envoi ope in which was a donation of forty dollars. 1 The five men then silently withdrew. f hhe meeting was greatly enjoyed and well attended by the people of 1 this community. Mr. Caveness made i a number of friends, and his coming to Apex will mean much towaid the moral uplift of our town. ! Mrs. Kate Badders Dead. I Sanford, Apr. 21.—Mrs. Kate Bad ders, ore of the oldest citizens of Lee county, died early Friday morning in ! her 91st year at her home 8 miles north of town. The funeral services were held at 11 o’clock Saturday morn ing at Jones’ Chapel Methodist church, of which she had been a life long member, Rev. Walter M. Gilmore, of l this place, officiating. , Four sons, Vance Badders, Phila delphia. Nick, W. P., and Fred Bad s ders, of Moncur.e R-l, and two daugh * ters, Mrs. Florence Tyson and Mrs. E. M. C. Wicker, Moncure, R-l, survive. BUILD A HOME NOW! NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as the administra trix of the estate of the late Joseph T. Henderson, deceased, 4 his is to not ify all persons holding claims against the said estate to exhibit same to me duly verified on or before the 23rd day of March, 1924, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate payment. This the 23rd dav of March, 1923. Mrs. ANNIE B.* HENDERSON, i W. P. HORTON, Administratrix. Attorney. May 4-R-C. MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF LANIL 'Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort l gage deed executed by T. B. Patterson l and wife, Anna Patterson, dated ! March zO, 1917, which mortgage deed | is duly registered in the office of the I register of deeds for Chatham county, j in book number F. F. at page 460, payment of the bond accompanying said mortgage deed having been de manded and refused, I will on the 14th day of May, 1923, at the court house door in Pittsboro, Chathm county, North Carolina, at 12 o’clock, noon, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract of land: 1 Beginning at a large sweet gum, Moores corner, and running north, 67 i-2 degrees, east 30 poles to a stone; thence with Houston’s line su-th 3 de grees west 54 poles to a stone; thence couth 7G 1-2 degrees west 26 poles to stone; theiuc north 5 degrees east 16 ,r les t» a stone; thenc:* north 29 de grees east 18 poles to a stone; thence north 32 degrees west 19 poles to the beginning. Containing 7 5-16 acres, more or less. This April 12th, 1923. Place: Court house door at Pitts boro, N. C. Time: May 14th, 1923, at noon. Terms: cash. F. A. HOUSTON, Dixon & Dixon, Attys. Mortgagee. May 10-R-c. DIAMONDS We have formed Connections With a Large Diamond Importer We are Selling on 10 Per Cent Basis This arrangement gives you an opportunity of buying a Diamond at parctically the wholesale price J. P. COULTER CO. Jewelers, SANFORD, N. C. WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT, fj Friend Dorseit, of Washington, D. C., S Writes Good Letter. Washington, D. C. !l April 20, 1923. S Mr. Colin G. Shaw, Editor. The Weekly Herald. [I I have just received my Weekly A Herald and see by your note, with j: much regret, your reasons for having i * to reduce the size of your paper name- % ly, that you are rot rereivmg the fin- i ancial support of the merchants, citi- 1 ! zens and business concur sos your 3 community. I think this a very serf- ji our mistake of all concerned and es- ; pedal ly for your good little city. A good live newsy newspaper is the Jj greatest asset any community ca . > have and in these days of progress ed 'j vertisement is absolutely necessary in 1 every kind of business. In a thriving > little town like Siler City the mayor and city council, board of trade, min isters of the gospel, church organiza tions, and in fact every man, woman *> and child should back up a good, dea~ < newspaper for it is the true baromrt- j er and life of a city. Merchants | should judiciously advertise their \ wares and will receive full value for ] so doing, besides ehlping to keep the < paper up to full standards. The far- \ ' mens of Chatham county need a good I paper to give them the daily news and \ also market reports etc. Chatham \ county has forged to the front very j rapkllv in the past 10 years in good < road building which has opened up al- \ most every part of the county to the \ centers of trade can now market \ in a couple of hours what) it took all J day and with a little “John Henry” i can go to market and get back be- j fore they would have hard I '/ gotten j started a few years ago. Your soil is good, roads fine, the people the be t on earth, so why not have and sun port a good newspaper that gives the , latest news. Sincerely hope that the P’ood busi- ! ness men and citizens of Siler Citv ) will rally to your support in a whole- j hearted manner and thereby enable I you to go hank to your 8-nage weekly. > It is a well-known fact that the edit- jj ing and running of a newspaper in a I small town is a hazardous undertak- ' ing financially and unless fully sup ported by sll its ppfrons bv advertis- | ing and subscriptions it will be a fail- > ure and have to suspend or reduce ;i size to make ends meet. I hope you -j will not have to do either. You have > my best wishes and I wish I was ; there as a citizen to add mv little ! mite. It pays to advertise—the more , so when business is dull. Mv best wishes for you and the : Weekly Herald. Your ;j SAM T. DCRSETT. j!! THE SILER CITY CIRCUIT, j f O. I. Hinson, Pastor. The poet, Henry Wadsworth Long fellow, must have had some lion cor puscles in his blood when he wrote the “Psalm of Life”. Listen to him: Tell me not in idle numbers, Life is but an empty dream. For the soul is dead that slumbers, And things are not what the;, 7 seam. So he says: Let us then be up and doing, With a heart for any fate, Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait. He. believed in a two-eyed soul, wide awake to the daily tasks that are ever before us. Christ taught us re ligion of aggressive work. He said: “I must work.” He spent 30 years in preparation for his work and then He worked day and night in an effort to bring a fuller life to the people. Listen at the Hickory Mt. Sunday * school report: 84 on roll, 60 present. I with a perfect attendance of teachers and officers. Besides a teacher train ing class of ten has been organized. Supt. O. B. Mann and his good wife ? have their eyes open to the possibi- ! lities of the school and the school is | growing. Mt. Verr.on has gore to mountain climbing though she does not get up in time to see the sun rise The school there has new song books and a little ater they will invite their friends to come and hear them sing “I want to be a worker for the Lord.” . We will all be glad when the epi- 4 demic of measles is over so that the , oldest and youngest can be present ; each Sunday. . ; The pastor preaches at First church j at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m., and at Mt. < Vernon at 3 in the afternoon. ! Epworth League meets kt 7:15, ; prayer services Wednesday at 8 p* j m. A cordail welcome to friends and j strangers. ; Caught at a Still. j News and Observer, April 21. | Rex Markham and Ernest Sorrell. J two white men caught red handed J at a whiskey still about four miles < north of Cary yesterday waived ex- < animation before Jusitce of the Peace 3 E. Lloyd Tilley and were committed * to jail in default of bonds of SSOO ? eac ]l. fb The raid was conducted by federal g prohibition agent D. T. Franks and | deputy sheriffs A. W. Thompson and g I. H. Rowland. The officers also cap tured 25 gallons of whiskey and 1,000 | gallons of mash. Dealers say that motorists are de- | manding lighter cars. > So are the ped- | estrians. —Asheville Times. g TOWN ELECTION. | The regular biennial election of a | Mayor and five Commissioners for the | Town of Pittsboro, will be held on | Tuesday, May Bth, 1923. . i The registration books will open for jh the registration of voters not hereto- | fore registered on Thursday, April | sth, 1923, and will remain open for | the registration of said voters until g Saturday, April 28th, 1923, at 9 o’- p clock, p. m. . . | The registrar for said election is | E. E. Williams, and the said registra- F tion books will be open during the | hours provided by Jaw at the regular | polling place for the town. The judges | of election for the said election are 1 W. L. Powell and Whalen Moo/e. The voting place for said election i will be at the Court House. This March 29th, 1923. DANIEL L. BELL, I May 4-R-C. Mayor Pro Tern. " | The New Way ( The new and quickest way to Health is via Chiropractic raj Hundreds of thousands of people are now taking this |j| road and if you wish to get well you, too, should tread O p| this path. Chiropractic Verebral Adjustments will do raj you good. Try them. Consultation and Spinal Analysis pS M Free. Ijjj f| DR. ERNES r C. || |i)j Palmer Graduate. CHIROPRACTOR Sanford, N.C. IN __ _ _ __ ___ m .*•' > -\ - saj | The Best F Money j We have a full and complete stock of the best in Fur j niture. Why go from Chatham County when you can get | I it at home cheaper. We have the best for the least ? money. Also general line of Hardware at the same low prices. Call on us. | Funeral Directors and Undertaker’s Supplies. | LATEST, MOST MODERN DODGE HEARSE. | WALDEN & THOMAS \ | MONCURE, NQRTH CAROLINA. I l ? If THE LEE HARDWARE COMPANY. !| mi IM |f HEADQUARTRS FOR §| Mi Oliver Plows, Cultivators, M M Stalk Cutters, |M] |»ji Disc Harrows, M Moline Implements [k| Field Fence. M In fact Everything that the Farmer Needs. |S|j 1 LEE HARDWARE CO. | SANFORD, —" ■ ■■ ■ - ■■ ■ 1 11 " 1 ■■■■■■ KiiPDeiiiieimer f ''% 4 *** * i ***** ““ i«m hf .Good Clothes >m3F /| r-J STYLE WITH A /*! FOUNDATION. Tastes vary in buying • clothes. But every man wants quality and value. 77W i You can find the style you l like in Kuppenheimer Good r/y ) Clothes and buy them with the positive assurance that ■ they represent the highest standards of tailoring and 'Zfcy// quality. An Investment in Good ’ * Appearance. : : \ C. R. BOONE “Good Quality Spells What Boone Sells” DeLuxe Clothiers RALEIGH, N. C. P" You Want the Best SEE OUR . ; ; COLLARS SHIRTS ; I; HOSIERY SHOES j j! BEFORE YOU BUY. j jj NOT THE CHEAPEST BUT THE BEST. Nf fi lT 3 HF sa==s^Bt' = Si 1 I '' _ .3i l E SELL EVERYTHING that is needed for any home, whether it be for the kitchen, cellar, living rofrcn or the parlor, spare room or porch, hallway or lawn. It is conceded that- our prices are lower than the rest and our goods are the best. Don’t hesitate, call today. De livered anywhere Free. B I The Lee Furniture Company 1 “Home Furnishers,” Sanford, N. C.

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