1 THE f| I MOLINE TRACTOR I 111 and 8 I TRACTOR IMPROVEMENTS | A Tractor that will do all kinds of farm work, breaking |j| harrowing, cultivating crops, drilling wheat, corn, cotton w pulling wheat reapers and other classes of work, is here |Kjj ready to give a demonstration to the farmers of Chat- m ham. , , J _ M\ Give us a trial to demonstrate and let us show you what this farmers' friend can do for you. It is the best tractor on the market for farm work. m |jj See us for prices. I Chatham Hardware Co., 1 | Pittsboro, N. C. 1 Kuppenheimer C% 4 Good Clothes \ STYLE WITH A f FOUNDATION. m&'jggjL Tastes vary in buying clothes. But. every man f'i&mgjjmYßgp wants quality and value. _£?jr Tl You can find the style you Ja/ like in Kuppenheimer Good &j/V * 4 Clothes and buy them with ./////). the positive assurance that Yyy^ y ' they represent the highest standards of tailoring and f iW&WMfI.jyA quality. f T i X . r> j * wWyfflfc. An Investment in Good Appearance. - C.H. BOONE ”Goed Quality Spells What Boone Sells” DeLuxe Clothiers RALEIGH, N. C. | 5555iSS.SS u COUPE New Price i I The world has never known 1 | 1 an enclosed car of this type 11 at a lower price. No car at 1 I 1 any price has ever offered a 1 •1 || Place your order now to in- I II THE F~:.. | | CHATHAM MOTOR CO. ..;? PITTSBORO, N. C. 7- \y l ■ B I NORTH CAROLINA EVENTS, j | News in Concise Form For The Busy Reader. I > Mocksville has a new overall fac tory. > Wake Forest college is without a j] freshman. „ ■* > The Belk stores will add another j| link to their already long chain. They !) are going to open a store in Paris, > France. Over in Union county four white i men have been arrsted for stealing chickens. Taking the black man’s J job away from him, as it were. Mayor Sid J. Smyer, of Newton, is > eating tomatoes grown in his garden : this year. The plants were grown in i pots, set out in early warm days and • kept on growing. A. G. Brawley, a student at State ; college, jumped from a freight train i at Cary Thursday night, falling on j his head, crushing it. He died in a > few minutes after the accident. Mr. Palmer Jerman, of Raleigh, has > been elected president of the North fj Carolina Federation of Women’s | club in session at Winston-Salem, last > week. Raleigh.—Efforts to fill public > school faculty lists for the 1923-24 |j sessions discloses an acute shortage 'of teachers in the western part of North Carolina, it is announced by Jule Warren, secretary of the State education association. Greensboro. —Federal census offi cials announce the recent special cen sus discloses this city has a popula tion of 43,525, giving the city third rank in the State. Recent extension of city limits added 18,453 to the po pulation, which was 19,861 in 1910. Greensboro. —Damages in the sum of SB,OOO is asked by Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cox, of Guilford county, in a suit aaginst E. E. Wilson, also of this county, in which it is alleged the wife suffered permanent injuries when she fell while running from a bulldog owned by Wilson. Kinston. —Twelve banks in eastern 1 North Carolina have raised a fund of, $21,000 for loans to members of the poultry club in 49 counties for the j purchase of poultry stock. Lenoir! county alone proposes to develop its | poultry industry to 1,000.000 hens, i cost of which will be about $1 each. Monroe.—An anonymous letter re ceived by Sheriff Fowler leads to the arrest of Walter Morgan, 49, former-; ly of York, S. C., on charges ofter-1 rorizing his family and of being the father of his 17-year-old daughter’s unborn chi’d Sheriff Fowler said Morgan admits his guilt on each charge. Raleigh.—The investigation of the Stale prison at Raleigh and county! convict camps, ordered by the State board of charities and public welfare, will give particular attention to camps where guards recently have willed convicts alleged to have been attempt ing to escape, Mrs. Kate Burr John son, commissioner of welfare, an nounces. Raleigh.—Governor Cameron Mor rison is one of the three governors on the program for addesses before the annual convetion of the American Cotton Manufacturers’ Association at Richmond, Va., May 16-17. Governor McLeod, of South Carolina, Governor Trinkle, of Virginia, and Edgar Wat kins, of Atlanta, are others expected to deliver addresses. NOTICE. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. April 16th, 1923. North Carolina, Chatham county. Annie Puryear vs. Miller Puryear. The defendant above namedi, Miller Puryear, will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above, has been com menced in the Superior Court of Chat ! ham County, N. C., to obtain an ab solute divorce from the defendant, Miller Puryear, upon the statutory .. i grounds of more than five years sep aration and abandonment; that the said defendant will take further no tice that he is required to appear be fore his Honor, J. Dewey Dorsett, Clerk of the Superior Court of Chat ham County, at his office in Pittsboro, N. C., on the 26th day of May, 1923, at 10 o’clock, a. m., at the court house of said county, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint fil ed in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in the complaint. This the 16th day of April, 1923. J. DEWEY DORSETT, Clerk Superior Court of Chatham Co. W. P. HORTON, Atty. May 17-R-p. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER MORTGAGE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort gage deed executed by Jas. Taylor and his wife C. E, Taylor, to. J. R. Bright, which is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chatham coun ty in Book “E W”, at page 306, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the same, the undersigned mortgagee will on _ . . Monday, May 21, 1923, at 12 o’clock noon, at the court house door of Chat ham county in Pittsboro, N. C., sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash the following described tract of land located in Oakland town ship, Chatham county, N. C., which is bounded as follows: • ' , Bounded on the north by the lands of Colon Gunter; on the East by Jas. Toomer; on the South by John Mc- Pherson and on the West by R*.C. Gunter, and J. A. Stedman; containing 23 3-4 acres, more or less. This the 16th day of April. 1923 J. R, BRIGHT, LONG & BELL, Mortgagee. Attorneys, May 17-R-c. j Garner Hill, Gladstone, N. J., Sells Rat-Snap, He Says. ■ “I sell and use RAT-SNAP. Like ll to look any man in the face and tell < ! it’s the best. It’s good.” People like ! RAT-SNAP becouse it “does” kill rats { \ Petrifies carcass —leaves no smell. < Comes in cakes—no mixing to do. Cats and dogs won’t touch it. Three ' sizes, 25c, 50c, SI.OO. Sold and guar anteed by Pilkington Pharmacy, Chat ham Hardware and W. L. London and Son. [ ’* Not a Fitten Place. [ Houston Post. • ( Billie Sunday wears spats, but it must be remembered that Billy is a ! Republican. Old Howdy Martin once ‘ said that a Republican might be a j Christian, but he didn’t think one i ought to be allowed in the pulpit. MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort gage deed executed by T. B. Patterson . and wife, Anna Patterson, dated ] March 29, 1917, which mortgage deed , is duly registered in the office of the ■ register of deeds for Chatham county, | in book number F. F. at page 460, < payment of the bond accompanying said mortgage deed having been de- | manded and refused, I will on the 14th day of May, 1923, at the court house door in Pittsboro, Chathm county, North Carolina, at 12 o’clock, noon, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract of , land: i Beginning at a large sweet gum. Moore's corner, and running north, 67 | 3-2 degrees, east 30 poles to a stone; ’thence with Houston’s ’ine S’.ith de grees west 54 poles to a stone; thence south 7G i-2 degrees west 26 poles to p?;one: thence north 5 degree:' east 16 | .»Hes t > a stone; thence north 29 de | grees east 18 poles to a stone; thence j north 32 degrees west 19 poles to the beginning. Containing 7 5-16 acres, | more or less. This April 12th, 1923. ; Place: Court house door at Pitts- | boro, N. C. Time: May 14th, 1923, at noon. ‘ Terms: cash. F. A. HOUSTON, ; Dixon & Dixon, Attys. Mortgagee. | NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administratrix « c. t. a., of the estate of W. H. Taylor, < ; deceased, during the minority of the ‘ executrix named in the last will and < testament of said W. H. Taylor, Paul- S< ; ine Taylor, this is to notify all per ! sons holding claims against the said | estate to present the same, duly veri i led, to the undersigned on or before ! the 3rd day of May, 1924, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar oi their re- ■ covery. All persons indebted to the said es- j tate are requested to make immediate j j settlement of the same to the under i signed. This the- 3rd dav cf Mav, 1922. Mrs. LOLA A. JONES, Administratrix c. t. a., W .H. Taylor L'»ig & Relf, Attorneys. June 7-R-c MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the power contained in J a certain deett of mortgage executed on tire 10th day of August, 1917, by G. M.. Phillips and Elia Phillips, his wife, to The Bonlee Bank & Trust Co., and dialy recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Chatham County, North Carolina in Book “F J” at page 283, we will sell to the high est bidder for cash at the Post Office door in the town of Bennett, Chatham County, North Carolina, on Saturday, the 19th day of May, 1923, at 12 o’clock,. those two certain tracts or parcels of land lying; and being in Bear Creek Township, Chatham County, North Carolina, and described as follows: First tract, being lots Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16 and 47* as shown by the map and survey of'the village of Bennett, j N. C., which said map is duly record ed iii the office of thes Register of Deeds for Chatham county, N. C., in Book “E N.” Second tract:* That certain tract or parcel of land conveyed’ by M. S. Brown and wife'to G’. M. Phillips and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chatham County, in Book “B F”, at page 278, safeT tract con taining eighteen (18) acres more or less. This the 17th dav of April, 1923. BONLEE BANK & TRUST CO. SILER & BARBER, Mortgagee. Attorneys. May 17-R. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS is often caused by/ an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When thia. tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing. Unless Idle inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may be de stroyed forever. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim* for it—rid your system 1 of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL’S.CATARRH MEDICINE 1 has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for over Forty Years. Sold by all druggists. | F. J. Cheney St Co., Toledo, O. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in Item sth, of the last will and testament of the late R. R. Ham let, which said will is dated February the 24th, 190'8, and appears of record in Book of Wills F, at pages 521, 522, 523 and 524 in the office of the clerk of the Superior court of Chatham county, N. C., the undersigned, Fred W. Bynum, executor, named in said will, will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door J in Pittsboro, North Carolina, on Monday, the 14th Day of May, 1923, at 12 o’clock, m., the following describ ed tract of land lying and being in Baldwin township,'Chatham county, N. C., and being the balance of the real estate belonging to the said R. R. Hamlet after the specific devises nam ed in said will had been allotted. The same being a tract of 93 acres more or less, allotted to Petty and Lynch heirs by the will of the late R. R. Hamlet adjoining the lands of Mrs. Annie Henderson, Zeb Lynch and oth ers and for a more complete descrip tion see record of wills above referred to. This May the Ist, 1923. Respectfully, FRED W. BYNUM, Executor of the last will of the said R. R. Hamlet. , A. C. Ray, Atty. May 10-R-c. I^iiFiu7ips=j at the Square Filling Station I FREE AIR AND WATER I JAMES MAY, Manager, __ Pittsboro, N. c | I WE WANT Yoil TO COME TO I 1 The place where your dollars reach the $2.00 mark for | . values: | Men’s Work Shoes, $3.00 value at $1.93 j LL, the very best grade Sheeting, per yd. 14 B2 C 1 I Men’s Work Shirts, SI.OO Value at._ 65 c a I Men it will pay you to Look Over our Stock of Clothing I I for men and Boys. I SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHATHAM COUNTY BUY I I ERS. S. BERMAN, I The Square Deal Merchant Chapel Hill, N. C. I BANK of PITTSBORO j wants you as a custo= irser. Do your banking (with us. WE APPRE CIATE YOUR BUSINESS . A. 11. LONDON President JAS. 1.. GRIFFIN Cashier W. L. FARRELL Asst. Cashier IgpiffctP/ts Our stock is featured by Groceries—it is our first inten tion to keep a line that is fresh and one that will meet the demand of Pittsboro and vicinity. However, we car ry as. few notions and dry gooffs' that will surprise you in price. Also buy and sell country produce. BOONE BROS. - - Ernest and Jarvis PITTSORO, !ft A BANK $ (1/ is more than a private business enterprise. Its relations (|/ with its customers and, indeed, with the community ® (1/ which it operates, makes' it essentially a servant of the public. It is judged, as- iit should be judged, by the qual ity of the service it renders. We desire to be judged by this standard, by the qualit} ijf of our contribution to the upbuilding qf the community i w a conservative institution, but awake always to the ne cessities of its customers and the development 01 indu= it# try. It/ * | Banking Loan and Tnist Co., & SANFORD, _ _ _ _ NORTH CAROLIN-' jjj R. E. Carrington, W. W. Robards, J. W. Cunningham , President Vice-Pres. Cashier. # JONESBORO: MONCURE: L P. Lasater, Cashier J- K. Barn >

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