rSTEER eiTv Ni*j ws f || E2ES g | News Picked Up. Here and There-=Per= |! I Loca sonal and Otherwise jjj •*T7Uew. of Mt. Airy, wit h home folks spent and fi' enll '- x Gilliland, of Bennett, Mies A«ek-en<l guest of Miss » u « U‘V„. Clara CL. ■ ~i. T Q Seawell attend- Mr- ar ‘ l .hankers association at 6(1 la-t week, pine-rui si * r q Mclver and son Sy?ves- Mrr. her parents, Mr. ter. h. i Moody, on route 5. . u Teague and family,.or Siler, J. n- 1 . v , recently visitors to ' j 0 f Hr. and Mrs. C. S ’ :r wtve'xeil Dowd, of Earth-, B. of New Bern. age and A |CX r) ri I(>m pcon, of Mt. Vernon 1 t 0 gt T eo ’ s hospital at Spt. ,nday for an operation. , r i V’ ,lan is attending the an- I B s ’Vom-e-uion of The . Hardware nua t u-p Carolinas in Columbia Dealers oi this week. t r F’kins, a lumber dealer of ~ r‘- v-k a business visitor here, i W Walker and family are this lve *'moving to Greenshjto. «... I nePie Check, of Sanford, re • r Cr- ■ last week after spentl t»ret'l hd with Mr. and Mrs. ij-vby j. Dark on Hickory Mt. r .» music in the play, “Mr and M.- Pol'v Tick” lias the right pep i t th e kind you whistle on* the street for weeks afterward. W’i La 1 a’i Dixon, who has been JSn* at Barnardsville and Miss ■ ci r%n. who .Graduated from the I ; r V OO i at Burnsville, will return to I homes here this week. Wivp' brine: vour husbands to see |«Mr ami Mrs. Polly Tick” at the I town hall Friday night and you will I never aeain hear them say “Where is ■ that dollar 1 gave you last week?’’ Mv-. ,T. E. Pritchard, of Henderson, I after spending some time with her I hro-her,* H. 0. Vestal and family, near; I Ore Hill, spent 'ast week visiting her! I aunts. Mrs. Alice Wrenn and Miss 1 I Kate Vestal. X. C. Beal, of Bear Creek, route 1 ; ! I was a business visitor in town Mt>n- I day. Mr. Beal at present is spend ■ ;.,o. +kp, greater part- of his time in I Harnett county in the lumber t*usi- I ness*. Mbs .Tosie Dorsett, who is teach- I ins: in the Vocational school in ‘Char- I lotto, will arrive home May 19. - She ■ expeci? to spend her vacation with ■ her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. 'B. Dor ■ sett on route 4. Mothers Day will be fittingly ob ■ served at the various churches here I text Sunday with appropriate exer- I cises at the Sunday school "hour. Let ■ every one do honor to their mother I wearing on that day a flower in :ping with her memory. t number of new homes are to be teted herem the near future. One these will be an attractive bunga r for Mr. and Mrs. A. Diffee Dor t across the street from the home hr. J. D. Edwards. J- M. Marlev and Mrs. W. J. Rich -lop attended the commencement 'vi es at Pleasant Garden Tuesday. '• Marlev’’? granddaughter, Miss | ace JVkman. was amng the mem- i ■s of the graduating -class. ! Mach interest was manifested in j ! opening here last "Saturday of f i Mc More bv Messrs. Hamer and ' eeil - They have a further an jncement to the public in this is • Look for it and save money on Jr piano baying. lev. tv. H. H. LawTton will preach sermon to the Masonic fra- V Sunday night, May 13, at anttst church. ATI members of °rner are reouested to meet at t °i e ror, m at 7:30 o’clock in order ofP- e ' may attend this service in 0 'be local characters in the _ t Z l ™y night are M. M. Fox and p T F’ , - V Thompson as Mr. and • PolJy Tick. Miss Thelma Spier .. 'y -^ nn Gray and Mr. Wynn as \vliV aon - ’ e Diem and others VI,H ver F much appreciate. r. and Mrs. Polly Tick, the play ~,;,j,] e ' e n^, i et the town hall Fri h f ’ : y J1 » by local talent, on S p Jein ? coac hed by Miss Hen !s'onv"Tit^ n for lau £ hin S pur or „ ; V" 0 ,. 1 * you have £ broken one ' Jlp you bad better stay h-/-!- 1 ater offering an un e Timi e P r °gram this week.; I S ueen ” * such an ex-! ) tku!. 4l l’ 13 *' folks can hardlyj e r rpt , Reats as the hero and he tbav ! a;f T mto their adventures : irdav • \'"- Q of this, Friday and r ; ; m addition to ‘angle in love—one are < . -n men > star cast. -Mu l U1 run all day Tues commencement. rhs i,, 1 , ni '» who for several y ,f . en living at the Lon r lace, east of Siler City, '- !r h -Tie saw mill business. . morning at 10 o’clock bo- ;ic g of pneumonia. F A], , taken to Montgomery ; - f , , morning for burial. s wife and two small Soon after entering upon his duties on the first of the month Mr. R. H. Dixon was stricken with measles and had to leave the postoffice. Mr. Ju nius Wren and Mr. Roland Webster have smee held on to the work for Mr. Dixon and the service has been unimpaired. His friends will be glad to know that Mr. Dixon is rapidly re covering. A. A. Ray Dead. Mr. A. A. Ray, father of N. C. Ray, of Siler City, died at his home in the Eureka community, in Moore county, on Friday, April 27th. He was 8G years of age. Mr. Ray was one of the oldest men in ir-s commurity and one of the few j remaining men who served the Con- i federaev in the Civil War in which he was a brave and fearless soldier. He was born and reared in the commun ity in w r hich he died, and an ac tive and devoted member of the Union Presbyterian church, and a highly respected citizen. He was held 1 in high regard by ail who knew him l and he had many friends over the county w T ho sorrow at his passing. CAPTURES A STILL. Not by the side of a sparkling: spring branch where the water to be i used was even fairly clear, but rather: out in a big woods by the side of a j muddy frog pond was the 35 gallon capacity still found by deputy George Pickett last week three miles north- i cast of Siler City. The still v r as cap- j tured and 200 gallons of beer destroy-! ed after the two negro operators were given a lively chase, failure to get them being due to an untimely fall on the part of the deputy. MT. GILEAD NEWS. Pittsboro, Rt. 1, May s.—Mr. and Mrs. Jim Neal and sons, Ernest and Elmer, of Carrboro, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Yancey Neal. Mr. Irne Johnson, of Siler City, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. D. G. Hatley. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burnett and family, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Leonard Hatley and children, Bruce and 11a, and Mrs. A. J. Mann and son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hearne. Mr. and Mrs. Yancey Neal and chil j dx*en spent Sunday evening in the ; of Mr. W. E. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hatley and Miss Emma Short, of Raleigh, spent Sun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Don nie Hatley. Mr. Jeter Clark, of Raleigh, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Clark. Messrs. Odell and Douglass Hatley w r ere the guests of Mr. Silas Hatley Sunday. Mrs. Lola Seymore and Miss Ethel Herndon, of Raleigh, visited their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Herndon Sun day. Miss Jessie Seymore was reported sick Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hatley and sons, Robert and Raymond, spent Sun day with Mr. Hatley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hatley. Misses Josephine and Leonie 'Neal spent Sunday afternoon with Misses Gertrude and Lillian Hatle^. Master Bernice Ward had his ton sils removed last week and is getting nicely. Mrs. W. Ti. Brassington and child ren visited Mrs. Yancey Neal Sunday afternoon. Mr. ad Mrs. Noie Windham and little daughter, Jennie Louise, of Dur ham. snent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Windham. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Neal w<we vis ;tors in the home of Mrs. D. G.Hatley Sunday. Mr. and Mn<?. Minnow Johnson and children and Miss Magpie'Trinn Hie week-end in Mt. Zion neighbor hood vipiitng Mrs. Johnson’s sister, Mrs. Marks. Mr and M v s. .Tc*er X Jr. v Messrs. Clyde. Ralph and Mrs. I. J. Morris amended the home coming ser vices at Mavs’ Chapel Buudav. Mr. A. J. Mann «ne~t Sunday after noon with W. L. Brassington. The matrimonial bark Js wrecked W Hie matrimonial barking.—Columbia Record. jp» ■—*» * —a— ] as spring Approaches | We are all happy and free from vexations and worry that M are incident to the whiter and wet, rainy weather. How- ever, we all want something to eat and we want it of a j| 8 standard quality that will match our pocket hooks—at a u H price that we can afford to pay. & lAny of our stores will furnish you with the best the A market affords and you will find that the price is about ■ the same that others charge for inferior food. IS If you wan tvegetables, fruits, meats, country produce, M or anything in the general Grocery line you will find it gg here and at a satisfactory price. I Service is our motto. We are ready and anxious to give you the attention that any customer deserves. If S you are not already a patron of ours drop around and B let’s be friends. Richardson Bros., 1 fi Phone 42. SILER CITY, N. C. Phone 42. jg * %gss €Hs? GENERAL NEWS BRIEFS. ; Short Items of Common Interest to All. Washington. Attorney General I Daugherty declares that government in thirty days will start vigorously to enforce the law as interpreted by Supreme court to stop American and foreign ships from carrying liquor within three-mile limit. Augusta, Me.—Maine floods cause estimated property loss of $3,000,000 and closing of factories puts thous ands temporarily out of jobs. Claremore, Okla.—Cora V. Fry is found dead in a water trough near her home, two hours before she was to have been married. Her throat was slashed from ear to ear. .Aurora, 111.—-Officials search for body of Warren J. Lincoln, floriticul turist, who they believe was killed with an Indian cub as he lay in his j bed and his body spirited away. What Whiskey Will Do. Whiskey has wrecked more homes and ruined more lives than any one thing you can find. It causes those who drink to lose respect for themsel i ves and for all they come in contact | with. It will excite men. to deeds of l'iot, robbery and blood and by all such acts will lessen the comfoi't and en danger the welfore of the community. Whiskey fills the asylums, poor hous es and prisons. It will increase dis ! eases and render those that are harm i less incurable. It will make widows j and orphans. Whiskey will cause the ! rising generations to grow lip in ig- ‘ norance, it will make mothers forget their children and young women to i lose all self-respect. Wkiskey will j make little children go to bed hungry ! and cold. It will cause the wife and mother many sleepless nights. 1 It will corrupt the church, cause temperal spiritual and eternal death, j Some nrofessing Christians give whis key their cheerful countenance and never speak one word against the use of such fiiery stuff that is sending thousands to untimely graves, with out honor or I'espeet. I wish we could I cut out whiskey in full, not that it has i ever given me as an individual any ! trouble but I know of its power to destroy, that is grand and noble in I man. It fires them to do that which he would not do while sober. It is one of Satan’s best tools. May press, pulpit platforms unite and fight stronglv until deliverance comes. A PROHIBITIONIST. FLINT RIDGE NEWS. I Siler City, Rt. 1, May 7.—Quite a i number attended Sunday school at Rocky River Sunday. Also at Flint j Ridge church. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Thompson visit ed Mr. J. A. Carter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Thomas. Sr., entertained a number of their re latives Sunday some of whom came from Liberty and others from near Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Webster and Mr. Thomas Overman visited Mr. Hen ry Fogleman. I * Mt? Lizzie Dorsett is visiting at Mr. Williams’. i Am nleased to report that Miss Eula Murchison, who has had the measles, is much better. Her sister, * Mrs. May Patterson, from near Stal ! ey, has been with her fr the past ! week. Mr. Paul Wrenn has left, home to get a nositiou elsewhere, his present , whereabouts is not known. ’ Mr. Mavnard Berry was at Mr. G. j W. Wright’s late Sunday evening. r i Messrs. Dewey Scott. L. Keller and r iC. C. Thompson visited a number of l places yesterday and last night. ; It is said that Mr. Lonnie Teague , has a new car. ’ j A large crowd attended the regu i lar services at Bethlehem church. ’ I Quarterly meeting at the Rocky r i River Friends church, May 11th to . 13th. Evervone is urged to attend. The new roads and bridges will enable ' • auvone to leave even if it does rain. Miss Ollie Pike is now at home. She ’ taught school at Bear Creek and has jbeen at Siler City since the school -. closed. j IT’S NOT WHAT YOU PAY I IT’S WHAT YOU GET FOR I WHAT YOU PAY. THAT | COUNTS WHEN YOU BUY I FROM AN ADVERTISER ! | WORK AT PHOENIX HILL. Local N(jvs Briefs of Interest From Corinth. Corinth, May 7. —The Chatham j County clinic has “come and went” ! again. This time some 125 school children were benefited. They had a,! full house every day in spite of the ■ ] short time in which to work it up and j Mr. Thompson has been fully justi- j fied in his belief that Chatham coun- ■ ty people do not have to be pulled j into a thing of this kind. People have ! j learned its real, value and from now ; \ on will demand these clinics. Now; ] let us begin working for an eye din- ; j ic for school children in Chatham. W e want to say that what the la- i \ dies of Pittsboro did to help out in j 1 this clinic was most praiseworthy, j j Their hot coffee, kind words and gen- ] erous help cheei’ed and strengthened ! a great many tired and anxious par- f ents. i I Mrs. J. W. Stephenson and her; | daughter, Esther, have gone to Rock- ; | ingham for a two weeks visit with re- ; 1 at'ves. 1 1 Over at Phoenix Hill they are pour- S ing concrete by the ton, driving steel i pilings with big steam hammers and ? have begun the building of the smoke [ stack which will be 200 feet high Mr. J. A. Ausley is back on the job j again at Buckhorn after a 10-day mo- ; * tor trip visiting Carolina . “places of interest”. Some one at Broadway thought * enough of “My Ixish Rose” to tell the Carolina Banner that it was about the best play that had ever been staged ’ at Broadway. The same play will be . given as a return engagement at Cor inth school house Saturday night, May! 12th. Admission 10 cents. Let’s. . have a house full. Bob Bolling says that one day last week while he was plowing a big ’ - black boll weevil crawled up on his ; plow and asked him what be was go ing to plant there. Bob told him corn and the boll weevil “ris up and flew away” to Vesta Dickens’ cotton patch and set up housekeeping. Now Bob ( will have corn to sell this winter but , Vesta won’t have enough cotton to j stuff a rag doll with. | All next Saturday there will be a' memorial service heTd at Christian! Chapel. The pastor, Rev. Council, i asks that the people turn out in full ; force and make the occasion a memor- ! ; able one. ' j All Sunday the Junior order will , hold service at Christian Chapel in I memory of Arthur WoodeH who died i in Durham some four months ago and was buried at the chapel. Mrs. Amanda Buchanan suffered a painful fall Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. W. Harrington, j but will probably be up in a few days. Ray and Roy, the State garage “twins,” spent Sunday at their homes j in Corinth. Teachers Elected. The school board of the Pittsboro | high school met Wednesday afternoon; of last week, and re-elected the fol lowing teachers for the ensuing school : year: Prof. E. R. Franklin, Miss ■ Lossie B. Stone, Mrs. Marcus A. Stone and Miss Burwell Patterson and Mrs. | [ H. A. Bynum. The other vacancies ' . are to be filled at a later date. BUILD A HOMF NOW! X Hold Tight to Yow Pocket Book] iMj If you don’t carry a bank account, you are one of those fellows who must hold tight to [ M his pocket book, if you don’t somebody will gently lift it from you and take the contents ||j [| for his own use. j|| I If You Deposit in This Strong Bank | there is no possible chance for loss. You are not at risk of personal injury because when ® a fellow tries to take your pocket book if yoh resist him he may hurt you. He wants |n iyour money. He’s going to get it if you carry it around in your pocket book or place it jul in hiding around your home if he can learn where it is in hiding. The Bank provides jp| Safety, Service and B Friendship to Its Patrons I | Are You One of Them ? 1 | I !| vs | 0) Jesse D. Edwards, President, Chas. B. Fitts, Vice-President. Ijj J. M. Mclver, Jr., Vice-President. J. Q. Seawell, Cashier. |j| Mary M. Dorsett, Assistant. Hg ; I cm w i nr company I 1 G'JLF, N. C. - - - - SILER CITY, N. C. ft I ONE OF GOOD GIFTS ] We have watches of every price at which a good watch can be sold and every watch sold by us at any price is guaranteed to be the best value obtainable. We have built our reputation and our business as watch dealers up on the policy of offering only such watches as we can re commend and in maintaining an interest in their perform ance after every sale. We are showing the newest de signs in ladies and gentlemen’s watches, in the fancy dials. It is well worth your while to consider our watches and | prices before deciding upon a purchase. “ITS WHAT WE SAY IT IS.” | / W. H. CHEAiiS ' • I I SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA. - - - f | GET A STAR | * i M The operating cost of the Star Car are on a plane with jp, yL. its low first cost, instant accessibility of all mechanical units assures low repair bills. Look this feature over be- M fore you buy any car. Terms if desired. * Bonlee Motor and Machine Works * ¥ Bon lee, N. C. * ¥ ¥ ★★ ■£★★★★★★★★ ’k'k'k’k'k * As the Days Go By | We are filling the needs of an up-to-date store in Siler 1 City. Our list of customers is growing and they tell us they are satisfied with the bargains we are giving them. | When you want an article at a live and let live price and one that is of durable quality, has lasting strength, % strong fabrics and of a standard make, don’t hesitate to t come to our store. ? All the other good people are flocking tc our store and | r we want you too. We have specials every week and | | among them are many things you need. Come and see f us. $ I AGENTS FOR M’CALL PATTERNS. | C. L. BROWER & CO. I y | Dealer in Quality Merchandise. f | SILER CITY,

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