it was Mother who shielded you when life began; it was Mother who guided your first steps; it was Mother who helped you with your first lessons; it was Mother who solved your childhood problems; it was V who guarded you through maternity. And it always will be Mother who will be your best pal as long as you live. Consecrate Mothers’ Day to the me mory of her love and care. Just some little token, insignificant in itself All her heart with gladness. Let the merchants, whose advertisements ap pear below, help you. * eii > The Adenoid Clinic. • The tonsil and adenoid clinic, which M was conducted five days in Pittsboro M last week, operated on 125 children, g JlO white and fifteen colored. About 9 40 percent of the above were free, the a parents of the children riot beng able | to bear the expenses. The nurses in i .attendance, besides Dr. J. B. Wright, *§ were Misses Birdie Dunn, Elizabeth Williams, Rannie Williams, Bertha 1 lockwell, Idell Buchanan, Flora Ray 1 and Cora Beam. | fact ah kinds of ju..k to the . a oad station Thursday i ■ F f lay and 5..;. dav, May 10, 11 and i 5. 12. Will be V j r take it i LG. i G TIM 1M oans, 10 . ?arsj at 5 1-2 percent; 5 to 7 year loans j -'f r „ 0 -.-rr - ■■ * .*r.r> - ' I t piiliii • 'SiOiiO li-OITi-* *>4.4 1 • 1 INo delays p» 'ot - o I ta Desha. .* .. ultivaled fax ms. A . C ay, cer . a-dr t for C atham Cou ty, Pitts 1 oro, N. C. ts-E-c. ONE CASE T!: VCTOR—Second-ha-d i be t of co: dition No. 10-18, tak en oo trade for e\v machine, for sa’c cheap. H. Bvnum, Pittsboro, N. C. * ts. DUMBER OF ALL KINDS and qual ity. Florida "kiln dried ceiling and flooring: we bnv cross ties standing in woods or delivered to road. W. F. Bland. . ts POTATO SLIPS kept on hand at all ‘times, fresh stock and best varieties Chatham Hardware, Pittsboro. May 17-2. WE BUY WOOL and pay highest market price. Bring all vur coun try produce to The Chatham Hard ware, Pittsboro, N. C. Ma^l7-2. FILL your tank with gas Saturday at The Square Filling Station. ts. i IF YOU WANT your wagons and •buggies repaired promptly, horse- ■ shoeing or other smith work, take it to Hammock and Harper, east of De pot in Pittsboro. May 10-c. WANTED—CIGAR SAESMAN—SaI itry and expenses selling cigars to jmerchants, to young man between the ■age of 18 and 25. Experience unnec essary. We give full instructions. Send stamped, addressed envelope for taply.—Greensboro Cigar Co., Wilbur W. Scotten, Sales mgr., 503 South Elm ■street, Greensboro, N. C. lt-B-p. WESTERN ELECTRIC VACUUM Gleaner for sale at a bargain. Hen ry Pike, Siler City, N. C. lt-B-c. HAVE YOUR CAR washed and pol ished at Bonlee Motor and Machine Works, Bonlee, N. C. lt-B-c. HONEY TO LEND FARMERS; in terest per cent. Chatham Realty south 3 1-2 degrees, w T est 16.24 chains I to a stake in said Wilson’s line in the > center of Chapel Hill road; thence | south as said road 23.34 chains to a I I stake and pointers in J. D. Richard » son’s line; thence south 86 1-2 degrees t east 13.87 chainsHo a stake and poin £> i ters said Richardson’s corner; thence > ; north 4 degrees, east 37.50 chains to J the beginning, containing eighty (80) > acres. This being part of the same > land conveyed from D. A. Stephens > and wife, A. R. Stephens to A. L. Wil > son and E. E. Wilson. Recorded in JI Book “F. H.”, page 33 in the regis > j ter of deeds office of Chatham county. > j This being first claim. * J, This April 23, 1923. ! S. S. ROGERS, > May 171 R-C. Trustee. 1 1 Guilford College has come into pos- session of a Bible printed in 1759. For Cross Country or City Driving From the handsome luggage trunk oi* the rear to the nickeled drum head lamps the Buick four cylinder touring sedan, has an air of smartness that is distinctly new in a motor car of its price. This model combines the rich luxury of the fine closed car with practical every day utility for business and social motoring. Touring is made comfortable by the luggage facilities the trunk provides and by the broad vision afforded by the wide windows. Fitted with every convenience for comfort in winter and summer and completely equipped for restful driv ing and riding, the four cylinder touring sedan is recog nized everywhere as an exceptional motor car value. Fours Sixes 2 Pass. Road. $ 865 2 Pass. Road. $1175 4 Pass. Coupe $1895 5 Pass. Tour. - 885 5 p Tour. - 1195 7 Pass. Tour. - 1435 4 3 Pass. Coupe -1175 _ _ _ . . 5 Pass. Sedan - 1395 5 Pass. Tour. 7 Pass. Sedan - 2195 5 Pass. Tour.. Sedan- • - 1935 Sport Road. 1625 Sport Road. - 1025 5 Pass. Sedan - 1985 Sport Touring - 1671 Prices f. o. b. Buick Factories; government tax to be added. Ask about the G. M. A. C. Purchase Plan, -which provides for Deferrsd Payments* ■ D-IMINP | * ——— ■■ -i-> ■■ , ■ . ~■■■■ 1 » ■■ 1 ———————— mmmmm ————l———l When better automobiles are built, Buick will build BROWN-BUICK SERVICE STATION, SANFORD, Distributors : Chatham, Lee, Moore and Montgomery j List Your Taxes £ Take notice that in accordance with the Machinery Act, < £ Section 18» all persons in Chatham County are required to < ► list Property or Poll for taxation during the month of ; l May. J > Ih each township in the county there will be a list tak <; er for the purpose of receiving your list, and he can be ! [ found at his home or at an advertised place of receiving ! | the same. It is your duty to look him up. ■ | After June list, the tax lists for the County will be closed and we csdl your attention to the fact that j I FAILING TCI LIST WILL RESULT IN YOUR BEING | Severely Penalized J [ Remember you must meet the list taker in your respec < ► tive township DURING MAY and Kst all real and person* al property. Be prepared also to make your farm repo l " | as required by law. I Corporations &re also required to make their returns of | local and personal property to the local list taker, same so |> returns made to the Corporation Commission. f Done by order of the County Commissioners. j C. C. Poe. PIANOS PLAYER-PIANOS PHONOGRAPHS -AND RECORDS Write us for catalog and terms. DARNELL & THOMAS C RALEIGH, N. C.