SILER city news . ,ral News Picked Up Here and There—Per sonal and Otherwise TODAY. >iy Strong Habitation. ~ „ my strong habitation Be tn ?« T may continually resort; commandment to save thoU fofthou art my rock and my for tre» s ______ * „ was born to Mr. and Mrs. ££ l Brady. May 20th. pearle Wiggins, of Wendell, is house guest of Jewel Smith. ' R p rt ha Fowler, of Liberty,! i‘7he B recent g uest of Mrs. J. D., Gregg- : „ a _j \r r s. E. C. Green visited’ Durham and Chapel Hill Sunday- j . pp ar ie McCulloch, of Greens- rhe recent guest of Miss boro, " a - * ICara Lane. w v Richardson has accepted a rwvitioV in the post office as assistant to R. H. Dixon u,s Sallie Headen is spending this week in Charlotte with her daughter, rs> i, L. Larnbe. r 0 Small has returned to his ~;e after having taught the past year at New London. J Wvnndsore R. Hamer, of Collision,* was a week-end guest of Mrs. George Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Ellis have re- Jtly moved into their beautiful, new bungalow near Siler City. Mr and Mrs. P. E. Thompson, of fhiriotte, were week-end guests of i Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Woody. Beilon Cooper and W. C. Quinby, of Chapel Hill, were guests Sunday j of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Coopei. v I Henry Garrett, superintendent of the M. P- Children’s Home, at High j Point, was a recent visitor here. Mrs. Dalton Harris, of Goldston, scent the week-end with her parents-, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Straughan. X. J. Dark and family, accompanied j by* Miss Hattie Dark and Mrs. Hassie j Dark, spent Sunday with friends in j Chapel Hill. Lee B. Durham, who for the past j year, has been principal of the school at Hoffmann, has returned here for his vacation. Mrs. A. C. Coekman passed thru ! here en route to her home at Pleas ant Garden after a visit to relatives in Randolph county. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baker and two children, of Bakersville, are spending a while at the home of S. P. Teague, on Siler City, route 1. Miss Lula B. Brantley, who former ly taught in the High school hare, has returned to her home at Spring Hope after a visit to friends. Beginning Monday morning there is now in operation a jitney line be tween Siler City and Greensboro, be ing conducted by Mr. Wesley Cheek. Rev. Fred W. Paschal, who began his pastorate of the local M. P. church Sunday organized the young people of his congregation in the work of Christian Endeavor at the evening service. In a bean guessing contest con ducted by the Hamer-Green Music- Co., the prize, a ukulele, was won by pd Harris, his guess being 3,060 heans in a quart jar, the .correct num ber being 3,065. Thomas Hadley, one of the oldest »d best known men of the Snow community, died at his home Sunday, May 13th, and was buried at Cake Creek church Monday after noon, May 14. John Dorsett will return to Wake orest college after spending, his se nior vacation here. His graduation , . ° ccar from that institution today, v, “ will be attended by his parents, i r r * aad rs ’ Y M. Dorsett, Misses ar - Moore and Mildred Dorsett. tb? e J' W- Paschal, a student of ter in °^ a l school, at Westminis tbni supply as pastor for * local church and the M. P. church He preached his initial o’clock ast Sunday moaning at 11 Uist bet Prisoner to Secure Reward. tinier c f’ em ’ 21.—At the sugges board ? puty Sheriff Tom Holton, the ( ] Ucef j °X count y commissioners has re whi v 0 cas h premium on captured their- stills f rom S2O each to $5, if an iffi tlUm P res cribed by law. Now stin h ce F expects to get S2O for a »prh P t e ! Ze ? he must brin £ along conn**? and Prove his ownership or rate it ,?n , tbe out fit. At this counn- t! 1 l ea l° n & time before the bilp’ of Saa 0 p ? y a “whiskey still Prisoners aro didin April ; few ty stills 6 caken Wl th Craven coun rpi ’ —" ■ transfer thaf Stlon tbat lar S e sbips mile i; mi > ? r pass engers at our three by the drvs t °m a +i tender is eGjected to Would v.f-'i tbe ground that it North American t€nder * —Philadelphia i*.^ 6 universal peace when about it 85 mu ch in earnest BEULAH CHURCH NEWS. T B s ar £ reek ’ Rt * 3 > May 21. — Mr. Lendon Powers was the guest of Mr. Curtis Powers Saturday night. Misses Gertie Riggs and Annie Oates spent Saturday night at the home of Mr. Astor Oates. They spent a while with Miss Alta Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Astor Oates and lit tle daughter, Rosanna, visited the home of Mr. D. H. Jones Saturday night. Misses Leta Brewer and Annie Jones, of High Falls, spent Saturday night with Mrs. Hurley Purvis. Misses Rosa and Essa Myrick, of Bennett, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Alta Jones. I Rev. W. H. Strickland, of Greens boro, spent Saturday night at the home of Mr. Clay Lambert. Rev. Mr. Strickland was pastor of Beulah Bap tist church a few years ago and he has many friends in this community who were glad to see him again. A large crowd attended the me morial services at Beulah church Sun day and I am sure that everyone en joyed the sermon Sunday morning by Rev. Mr. Strickland, and the talks in the afternoon by Hon. J. C. M. Muse, of Carthage, and our editor, Mr. Colin G. Shaw, of Pittsboro. We were glad to have these people with us. , Mr. Willie Lambert, of Greensboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Carson Leonard, of Asheboro, visited their father, Mr. Lee Lambert Saturday and Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lambert, of Carthage, attended the memorial ser vices at Beulah Sunday. LOCALS FROM BEAR CREEK. Bear Creek, Rt. 2, May 21.—Mrs. E. J. Mclver is visiting her children |in Swepsonville, Burlington and | Greensboro. | Mrs. W. A. Coggins, Mrs. T. B. Beal and Mr. and Mrs. L. Moody were visitors in Sanford last week, j Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coggins, I. C. j Coggins and Miss Emma Burke spent Sunday in the home of Mr. S. T. Cul berson, of Siler City, route 2. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Beal went to j Sanford Sunday to see Mrs. Beal’s sister, Mrs. W. I. Williamson who has •->een in Central Carolina hospital for the past two weeks. Calvin Kirkman, of Gulf, is visit ing his grandmother, Mrs. C. J. Rives. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Beal, accompa | nied by Mrs. I. M. Gilmore, of Pitts | boro, route 3, motored to New Elam ; Christian church to attend memorial service last Saturday. They were greatly delighted with the service, especially the singing, for the people around New Elam can sing. The peo-« pie who have never heard this choir | sing should go to hear them at their first convenience and you will be well repaid for your going. There’s one crop too many Tarheel farmers neglect—the crop that the farm pond might produce. Fish feed themselves. The bravest batttle that ever was fought; Shall I tell you where and when? On the maps of the world you will find it not; It was fought by the mothers of men. —Joaquin Miller. 1 Still Keeping It Up I u Our stock of Hat for all occasions. t t . t J it Also you will be interested in some new piece goods, Taffetas, Pongees, Crepes, etc., with right prices—sl.7s • to $2.50. Hosiery, correct shades. Ribbons for trimmings MISS KATE VESTAL MISS KARA LANE MISS M. STONE. This line or Millinery is also being Shown by Mrs. C. B. Fitts at Bear Creek. 1 Let Us Prove to You | ffi That we do as we say and sell most everything, and, too, M 'lll we sell at a nominal profit and :make the price as low o MJ mi you as you will find anywhere. We do not hesitate to Kj make the boast that we have as complete stock as can be || II found in Chatham county and we can sell goods as low as (M ftl any merchant anywhere. We want to prove to you at m all times that it will benefit you to see us before making |HI [ml your purchases. If Call in at any time and examine our line of the article ||j MX' that you want to purchase, because we have most every- [m thing and there is hardly anything that you might want M pjj for the farm or home that we do not have in stock. ||| i 1 WRENN BROS. CO., I SILER CITY, N. C. I WE SELL ALMOST EVERYTHING || Our Prices are the Lowest consistent with good business raj . methods. BENNETT NEWS AND LOCALS. Bennett, May 21.—The B. & W. j railway company is to put their pas j sender car back on the run as soon as they can get the coach repaired. They carry the mail on the present , runs four times per day. That gives us a good mail service, i Quite a few from our village at tended the memorial services at Beu- 1 lah Baptist church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones visited Mrs. Jones’ parents at Randleman Sunday. Mr. Dan Wilson and family, of An tioch, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Brady Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Murray and family visited Mr. Murray’s parents, Mr. R. L. Murray, over in Randolph Sunday. Rev. G. R. Underwood filled his appointment at the Christian church Sunday at 11 o'clock in the morning and 8 in the evening. Rev. J. C. Kidd will preach at the Baptist church nexf Sunday evening at 8 o’clock. Mr. Foy Hayes over in Randolph, had the misfortune to lose his b*m and feed by fire and only by good work saved his stock, last week. Dr. W. H. Fowler, who has been running the case for some time, is moving to Mebane. People have, after scracthing their heads these few warm days, hoed a few rows in their gardens and by I good seasons probably will have a j few dishes of vegetables before long. Mrs. W. C. Brewer and children vis ! ited her parents Sunday. W. C. was ! at Beulah Sunday. j We visited Fall Creek church a few {weeks ago and it is ridiculous that such a bad road leads to the church from the main road which runs from Bennett to Cartha’ge. We don’t see why the people in that section don’t j get busy and have that road repaired. It is the roughest piece of road in this section. No doubt but that the county commissioners would assist in build ing* that road if some one would only start and others that live elsewhere who attend services there occasional ly would also aid in repairing it if they will only make an effort toward fixing this road and we hope the peo ple will get busy and soon repair this j road. j Mr. and Mrs. James Bartlette, of j Raleigh, visited Dr. and Mrs. H. A. i Denson Saturday and Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Routh and fam ! ily went to Bethany memorial service . Sunday. , | The department of Agriculture pro poses that there be eight grades of ! eggs. And even that would not cov ! er them all. —Omaha World-Herald. : fr a. -jtlffi |h|if \ > nSyA\J /' Using no more oil. Malc£ ■ TTrirn N- Sa\\\ V ’ y° ur evenings rnjoyabir. Read' 111 fl I \ &TA I \y r * without eyestrain sofi.j *1 w^'te • —"the ~-^llll1111 II I I ITT White Flame Buraef/gijk-v - j mii"i in- JWMffiyyl Nonbreakable Steel Mantle I , H ?— 1,000.000 Satisied Users. (J * Special Trial Offer: I will H tquip one lamp on five days’. I * approval, or will mail sam pie for 50c, stamps or coin. ( . |u j Money back if not satisfied. lnj.i 111,111 mll u.i 11111 nu i iTrn Lull 1 iirnTnlT 11111 rTLlili MRS. J. F. TALBIRT. || || DISTRICT MANAGER 1 §*§s§*§s * SNOW CAMP, N. C. 1| 8 Route 2, ’Phone 11-1-3. Q H ADDRESS BY DR. CONNOR. Notes on Closing of Siler City High School Honor Roll. The address before the graduating class and a large audience of friends by Dr. R. D. W. Connor, of the Uni versity of North Carolina Wednesday of last week brought the commence ment of the Siler City High school to a successful close. Dr. Connor used as the subject of his theme ‘‘Know ing North Carolina,” which was heard with much appreciation. In the declamation contest the first and second prizes were won b> Brice Teague and Garland Stout. The recitation contest was hold Monday night, the prizes being won by Misses Edith Small and Vera Campbell. Other honors awarded were a med al to Miss Ethel Stuart for having made the highest average in High school for the past four years and a prize to Len Paschal for she highest average in the past year. The following were listed on the* honor roll for the last month of school: First grade—Winder Edwards, La fayette Wren, Hassel Roberts, Fran ces Elkins, Frank Bary, Effie Mae ■Stanley, Eugene Jones, Stedman Ki vett. Second grade—D. G. Fox, Herman Seigner, Janette Fox, Alice Elder, Joseph Teague, Evelyn* Richardson, Edna Mae Johnson. Third Grade—Virginia Siler, Evans Stowe. Fourth grade—Berta Bray, Hal El kins, Bernice Hilliard, Juanita John son, Sam Phillips, Margaret Harris, Margaret Thomas. Fifth grade—R. G. Edwards, Benton Bray, Una Mae Johnson, Catherine Crotts. Sixth grade—Mary Marlowe, Geor gia Petty, Virginia Lane, Martha Lane Marian Cooper, Buster Edwards, Inez Marley Blanche Stuart. Seventh grade—Gretchen Cheek, Lebus Stowe, Ernestine Phillips, Mo zelle Elkins, Virginia Edwards, Lu cile Crotts. Eighth grade—Nathalia Bray, Fleta Perry, Edith Small. Eleventh grade—*-Ethel Stuart. Happening 1 t Take the case of Billy Belcher. One of the finest boys in Kenmore. Bright-eyed—alert li —ambitious—prompt—neat—a good dresser and liked by all. y Billy believed in “first im pressions”—good association and was moderate, he thought in all things. He considered clothes as a goeod investment—but never over-bought or went into debt in his desire to (m be well dressed. But he was always mighty close to the danger line and seldom had any || surplus cash on hand. IH t Result was that Billy accomplished all he aimed for. He made good impression; his || personality was liked; he attracted attention and was offered a good proposition—but pa- itul sition and investment. Hu Wl t But he couldn’t accept. He stood shame-faced and had to admit that he didn’t have so much as $lO to invest and make possible a good positoin. “I have not the money,” Kj f|j were the five small words which ended the interview. |SR H % This story—a true one—carries its own moral. It is not against clean, moral and • Inf |uj ambitious living. But it does show the importance of forming and carrying out the re solve to have a bank account. fgß ijra $ This Week is the Time to Start a Saving Account $ M I ///lAupmY/i 1 I j CITIZENS BANK 1 TRUST COM I GULF, N. C. - - - SILER CITY, N. C. 8 Splendid Jewelry I and Jewels I When you buy in our store you get superior quality 1 goods at reasonable prices. I UWe are now showing some of the most attractive wrist I watches and gentlemen’s watches we have ever shown. I They come in white gold, green gold with fancy dials. To I appreciate the beauty of these watches you must see 1 them. . I UWe also have a complete line of Diamonds, Jewelry, I Silverware, China, Cut Glass, Columbia Grafonolas and 1 Musical Instruments. 1 §Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing, Stone Setting§ S § and Engraving.§ 3 “ITS WHAT WE SAY !IT IS.” I W. H. CHEARS I SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA. 1 - - I - ------ - - - - - - ■ - - , - . , f ★★★★★ ★★★★*★*★★*★★ | Call For a Demonstration t JjThe Star Car is unexcelled in all respects as to durabil- ity, driving qualities and in the construction. There is M no other car in the same price class that will equal it. C Call for a demonstration and let us prove the assertion, w T We want to tell you something about the mechanical con- J r struction of the STAR but space is limited. Call or T" * write. * 4c Bonlee Motor and Machine Works * k Bonlee, N. C. ★★★★★ * ★★★ 1 Have YOU Examined Them? I i Again we call your attention to the fact that we have i | from time to time specials that will be profitable for you x I to see and get the prices on them. Among the articles | t are many that you especially need. Then, too, we can X I interest you materially in any article that you may want. X t We have a large and complete stock of merchandise and . X t we*bought it to sell, not to keep. If short profits and vol- f | ume of sales mean anything it will be to mutual advant- t I age for you to call at our store. You are always welcome t I whether you buy or not. : : : : ; & I AGENTS FOR M’CALL PATTERNS. I C. L. BROWER •& CO. j i Dealer in Quality Merchandise. ¥ I SILER CITY, —•— NORTH CAROLINA. |

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