2> i&iWbiibM ¥ I I Miss Kate Vestal | 1 i I || I is offering her annual July attractive prices on millinery | to begin JUNE 15 tb. | S All spring models at price that will appeal to the late g $ buyer. . _ , I $ Also Leghorns and Mid-Summer White Hats, Felts, etc., | S will be shown as the season demands. Taffetas, Crepes, I | Hosiery, 12 months the year. | x To serve you. | I MISS KATE VESTAL 1 $ MISS KARA LANE MISS M. STONE. | 1 This line or Millinery is also being Shown by Mrs. C. B. § $ Fitts at Bear Creek. I £^^ K g > 3> < § >< 3 >< § > <3 >< § > < § > <$ > <$><3><§><^^ I Yes, mam, we have here good looking styles as have | seldom been the fortune of the women of Chatham coun ty to see. The selection is so comprehensive, so complete | with value giving that choosing will certainly be a pleas- | 5 ure here. Call and let us show them to you. | I C. L. BROWER & COMPANY, 1 > Dealer in Quality Merchandise. f ► SILER CITY, I listen, Ladies, Listen! | I WE HAVE A FEW SPRING AND SUMMER COATS 1 AND DRESSES THAT WE ARE OFFERING FOR THE I NEXT TEN DAYS AT AND BELOW COST. NOW IS | I THE TIME TO BUY. LET US SHOW YOU. | I Woody Bros. Quality Shop I | Formerly Ladies Emporium, | I E. D. WOODY, SILER CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. | L_ 1111 Plow I /yy< j With the Fordson WV/y Disk %//A With the Fordsoa // Harrow 1 %// l Wi’;h the Fordson Wf k Harvest p With the Fordson U Thresh 1 With ihs Ford son y Bale Hay I With the Fore! ec-n h Saw Wood U With the Fordscn p | Pump Water d p With the Fordson w Grade P With the Ford son » I Pull Stumps 1 p With the Fordson j| | Fill the Silo l jf. Vv ith the t orason d I Grind Feed 1 g With the Fcydsan u I l | r j ! i 1 J* p , 1 11 v^fc\%*/f^^fe-'4 ; tr-fe-N<:-i I ’JsSJ^I"’ I !J Jj j j in in® 9 IFF *9. I < $ Days Work - Whether in the field, around ! the farm, or on the road, the \ Fcrdscn Tractor is doing won ders in saving time, reducing cost and increasing profits for thousands of farmers every where. ( Wo matter what the farm task, if it can be done by motive power the Fordson can do it, and do it well. \ 170,000 now in use in all parts of the country and in every kind of field and belt work prove the efficiency, stability, and relia bility of the Fordson Tractor. Cull, write or phone for the j j facts. Learn now just what the Fordson means to you in •|| the day’s work. TTi U l a ELDER MOTOR COMPANY. SILER CITY, N. C. 8395 f. o. b. Detroit. iji \ - I SNOW CAMP ITEMS. I Snow Camp, June 18.—The Ladies’ > Missionary Society met at Mrs. Claude ! Coble’s Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Stuart and ! Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon Stuart took din ! ner at Mr. Wesley Ruth’s Sunday. Mr. John Allen is not improving ; in health. He is very sick. Julia Williams is very sick with the 1 measles. This is the only case in' Snow Camp, hope it will remain so. The young people’s meeting was held at Bethlehem church last night. Rev. Talbert gave a very good ser mon. •* ' ' Mr. Ed Griffin has purchased a new automobile. Misses Sylvia and Mattie Andrew visited their uncles in Chatham and Southern Alamance Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Nellie Allen is at home now. She finished at Guilford college this spring and is planning to teach this winter. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hutchison at tended the services at Bethel Sunday. Mr. Holmes gave an excellent sermon, taking the Sunday school lesson as his text. FALL CREEK NEWS. Bear Creek, Rt. 3, June 18.—A large crowd attended Sunday school at Fall Creek Sunday. There were several visitors attending. We were glad to have those people with us. A laige crowd attended the ice cream supper at Mr. Jerry Phillips Saturday night and seemed to enjoy themselves. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brewer and Mr. and Mrs E. P. Hill were visitors at the home of Mr. T. B. Bray’s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sanders, of near Coleridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Burgess, of near Liberty, were visi tors at E. C. Brewer’s Sunday. Mr. Ira Brewer and family, of Ram seur, visited on route 3 Sunday. Mr. Hovt Scott spent night at J. W. Brewer’s. Misses Nora Brady and Lola Bell Branson spent Saturday night with Misses Lizzie and Stella Jones. Rev. Bartlett will be at Fall Creek 27, 28, 29th of June to lecture on Sunday school and other subjects. He will speak at 5 o’clock in the evening, the 27th. the time has not been set for the other days. We hope a large crowd will attend. BRIEF, INTERESTING FACTS Figures and Historical Mention Os Interest. # Dearborn Independent. Babe Ruth’s salary is $4,333 a month. Eleven daily newspapers are publish ed in Rome, Italy. Early Romans were the first glass makers of England. Eleven species of birds have been wiped out entirely in this country dur ing the past 50 years. The premier of Bulgaria, M. Stam boulisky, proposes that whenever ten or more Communists are discovered in a peasant village, they shall be compelled to pool their resources and enter upon an experiment in commun istic life. In the modern hospitals when a baby is born a print of the child’s foot is taken and on the same paper the thumb-print of the mother, for identification. It is claimed man;- mothers fear hospital accouchement lest the nurses “mix those babies up.’ J ' : ’ • >•' *■ . While steaming in battle formation in the Gulf of Panama the United States battleship Arizona struck a whale head on. So vicious was the encounter that the whale was cut* practically in two on the prow of the warship. It was necessary to halt the ship’s, engines while a wrecking crew disengaged the carcass. The Supreme Court was told dur ing argument recently that, the vaude ville business was controlled so com pletely by the B. F. Keith Vaudeville v vh'vnp’e. the Orpheum Circa vs Tvi corpoyted and, similar agencies that an actor, - author or producer cc.vd ro -none' 1 ?! unless he subscribed to their direction. Sherwood Forest,-the hair tof Bob i - Hood v- to ' 3 destroyed s o ru.ppb coal. It is,estimated 10.000,000 tons a year can be mi: ed in the Hstoi v" 1 region of Nottingham County. Ed wins tow Hr:!! the a c‘e ;t mission, to he turned i d o an od-icatrovul cen ter for the mb'err. The historic for est is owned hv lords who are pom and harassed hv the income tax. THE FUTURE TIMBER SUPPLY. Atlanta. Gn., June 10.——For its tu tare supplv c- timber the South must look to the farmers’ woodhatß, Roland Tvr er. general agrico.ltir agent of the Southern Railway S• s tem, calling attention to the problem and the oppoVanity which “our van ishing forests” present to the South ern farmer. The farmer’s woe Tot can be move, to yield a steady cash income as well as to furnish the lumber needed for the farm, says Mr. Turner, .ui ui gir r -’ careful maragenfent of woodlands which are on soil too rough or i tile ’or tillage hut which can be made to pay a profitable dividend by cutting out the mature timber and protecting the young growth from injury by fire and other causes. What can oe done to make me woodlot pay is shown by the i.o 1921 the farm wood’ots or IV.sarc land, where advanced forestry meth ods have been adopted, showed an av erage income of $2.75 per acre a- d each tract was cut over in such a man ner that a new crop will fol’ow the old. As the South’s largest consumer of ! v/ ood as well as the owners of a large : Phrt or its present timber supply, far mers have a vital interest in forest I preservation on their own farms and ! ? aa make their wooded lands pay an | income as well as to keep down their . mnicer bill, Mr. Turner concludes. RECEIVES FIVE-YEAR TERM. Is Sentenced to Go to Prison Follow ing Jury Verdict. W. R. Clayton, at one time pros perous automobile dealer doing a large business in new and used cars at Fay etteville, was last week sentenced by Judge Henry G. Connor to serve five years in the United States prison at ' Atlanta, Georgia, for receiving auto mobiles transported in interstate com merce, knowing them to have been stolen. Clayton was convicted on an indict ment charging the receipt of five Ca dillac automobiles but the defendant is alleged to have dealt in more than one hundred stolen automobiles having a total value of more than $200,000. From the standpoint of the amount of money involved, the prosecution i ranks as one of the largest if not the largest in the United States since Con gress passed Dyar anti-automobile theft act in 1919. Practically all of the automobiles are alleged to have been stolen in and around New York by Frank Eckels, alias J. Cummings, and associates. Eckels is now serving a term in the New York State Prison and several of his erstwhile confeder ates are also behind the bars but none of them were tried here. The Clayton cases have been hang ing fire since 1920 when Clayton was first accused and original owners of the automobiles began to recover their property. Clayton was allowed 30 days in which to straighten out his business affairs before beginning his term in prison. He gave bond in thesum of $2,500 and is to report to United States Mar shall R. W. Ward, at Raleigh on July 14 to be taken to Atlanta. MONCURE NEWS. Moncure, June 18. —Mrs. J. W. Womble and children, of Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Petty and children, of Siler City, spent the day with Mrs. S. V. Holt last Sunday. Rev. B. J. Howard,, pastor of New Elam church, spent a short while with Mrs. S. V. Holt last Sunday, who us ed to.be one of his members before she moved to Moncure. Misses Catherine Thomas and Wil lie Bostain are going to attend a house party next Saturday at Lakevie l # which will last a week. They will meet some of their relatives there from Sanford. Mr. J. K. Barnes, the cashier of the Moncure Bank, spent last Saturday in Raleigh on business. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Windham and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Honeycut, of Hamlet, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E, E. Maynard this week. Mr. John Bell, Jr., the rural carrier on route one, is taking his vacation and it is being supplied by Mr. Ray mond Wilkie. Mrs. J. F. Hartsell, of Haywood, left last Tuesday morning for Fort Bragg, near Fayetteville, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Ruppe, for a week. Mrs. J. F. Hartsell and Mr. Ruppe, of Fort Bragg, attended Shriners meeting at. Washington, D. C., from June 3rd to 16th. Miss Ada Reynolds, of Washington, D. C., is visiting Mrs. J. F. Hartsell this week. GARRETT SHOT BY BROTHER. Prosecution Has Strong Hand in Case Resulting From Preacher’s Death. Richmond Va., June 16.— Counsel Lor the prosecution in the case of Rob ert O. Garrett and Larkin C. Garrett, prominent office holders and politi cians of Cumberland county, charged with the' recent murder of the Rev. E. vS. Pierce, Baptist circuit rider of that county, formerly of North Carolina, will endeavor to establish at the trial! that Robert O, Garrett was shot by his brother imd not by the preacher in the fusillade which resulted in the preacher being killed and Robert Gar ret receiving a pistol bullet wound in the bade, it was learned today. WHO PAYS THE TAXES. Dearhoro Indepecdent. Washington dispatches recently stat ed that manufacturers of the couut’p ; va’d 76.82 percent of the Feclera ■ | I foxes received. If the whole tint j were told the statement would be j romothing Ike this: “Os the Feeler- 1 n\ tax burden laid on the people of the I United States, so much reached the i Treasury through the collectors, 76,88 percent o ; ’ the amount rece’v 1 ed was collected by manufacturers.’’ i TRonufarfci’tre nays ro tuxes.. Every j assessment against manufacture y- j added together with a profit, to the j urice, and in the end M \ Ultimate j Fo~sumer. .although not listed on the j tore rolls, paws the phot. A marii Aoetuoing center derives its profits from rales Toll over the eoun • sometime • from e J wr countries, ~o it. mav mu on that a part of the : • ■ .• - in - aid bv rr ' ne for .gioti ultimate consumer who ’ws pvv tm red 6me wan goods, ah hough not under the protection of Old G’ory. TO VISITORS IN RALEIGH. If you want to ask anything or tel! ! anvthtng; if von want to buy anythin 9. j or sc l ! anything; if you are in deb'; i I - m v -y.'.t to get out, or if you are out j ! of debt and wart to get in; if you : i want to secure a partner o v get •‘d | of ovo: it’ you want a matter arbi-j I trated iostead of going into the covts j ! (where you generally lose if you win); 1 on if you vat to effect coni act with i Federal Efficiency, you are hereby 1 | tendered parking space in the offices | of the AMERICAN BUSINESS COMPANY, _ (Over Gadlowav’p Drug Store) We also furnish free air and water, i Vo ta 7 '9 it. that von. cam furnish the gas. Seats are comforatble, are! you 1 cert smoke. There’s phone service ami plenty of writing material and space. Y u can have your mail rant to box toot, and it will rcewh 3'ou here? Same telegram-. Have your friends you here for conference. If you just get lonesome, come up and swap lies with the Major. He a complete assortment from the vintage of 1860-65 to day after tomorrow. Put this little tag in your pocket, so you won’t forget. Always remember that COX CAN. I*NA^^^OMPUMmTST^RADUATES* SE^^| JEWELRY The very fineness, the richness, the stability the 1 and the lastingness of Jewelry are symbolic Os the power I toward success and the attainments of the gradn f the bride. Give them Jewelry for its sentimental Ai aikl l You will find in our store appropriate watches cuff links, silver and gold pens, fountain pens ha,. rings, beads, gold knives and many other art ill,l ?J ns l will appreciate. les they ■ “ITS WHAT WE SAY IT IS.” I W. F. CHEARS |_SANFORD, NORTH CAROTtv, I !| Tell Jim How Much I ScSKI™MTO F ™i™W O w"g O*S 0 *S fjl YOUR GAS IS FREE. IF IT STOPS ON ANY S M NUMBER YOU PAY THE REGULAR PRICE. ° THEIi Square Filling Station FREE AIR AND WATER JAMES MAY, Manager, Pittsboro, N. C SIT CANTF™*'I BE DONE THAT’S WHAT PEOPLE SAID ABOUT THE “RADIO”, BUT IT IS BEING DONE. CHIROPRACTIC ALSO CAN || AND DOES MAKE SICK PEOPLE WELL. INVEST! |Mj GATE. CONSULTATION AND SPINAL ANALYSIS HI FREE. ft DR. ERNEST C. BROWN, f§ Palmer Graduate. CHIROPRACTOR Sanford, N.C. I I For Every Purpose FOY’S PAINTS AND VARNISHES ARE A HIGH QUALITY LINE, OFFERING EXCEPTIONAL QUAL ITY AND UNIFORMITY. THEY ARE MADE HON ESTLY AND ACCURATELY OF THE BEST MATER IALS BY AN ORGANIZATION WHOSE OVERHEAD * AND SELLING COSTS ARE MODERATE. A LARGER j PROPORTION OF THE FACTORY PRICE OF TOY’S 1 PAINT GOES INTO MATERIAL AND LABOR IN MAK | ING THE PAINT THAN WITH ANY OTHER FACT \ ORY IN AMERICA. I X „ 1 _ I | w k f ()¥ H I 1 | Spreads Farther I Covers Belter i j J Lasts Longer i | tOS CALL ON US FOR PRICES, COLOR CARDS OR ANN l PAINT INFORMATION THAT YOU MAY DESIRE. 5 T ? 1 f lp | 11010fMI fcJh - | DISTRIBUTORS. | DUST THE WEEVIL NOW - I 1 5 > fra wz*-, ••rv ' T ii I By authority vested by Legislative enactment tim Signed will sell at public auction the real estate ■ below for the non-payment of taxes for the year i- • • front ot the postofiice, in the town of Siler City, - - ' o’clock, a. m., on \ SATURDAY, JULY 21st l unless said taxes are satisfied on or before th: l skile : . I Mrs. G. H. Beaver, house and lot, ‘ T Walter Ferguson, tract of land, Mattie Sue Hatch, tract of land, y;. 0 J. R. Parks, Jr., one lot, T I Ben Beaver, house and lot, F. E. Womble, town lots, 1 This 21st days of June, 1923. C. H. CRUTCHFIELD, , „ City Tax Collect^