A N )\ ./~v county fair begins 1* S 26-29- t r a C Rav spent the Slr-jf/Shcvine.- ,#,t ' r Griffin and three sons XfpV'in Ealeigh - watermelons are be , Thompson is !iaving a #• put on his house. re " C ' . , tre et sprinkler is in patsw; the dust. That's all. t 0" n ’ . npzern has been here on Mrs. PaU , P i -uives for several days, visit to * eui v, otT to the Fourth and Two wee!v> ivt hing about cele nobody has . • p Eubanks, of Wins- Miss Fatten* on a visit to her ton-Salem, » parents. • * Henderson who has been Miss f friends in Chapel Hill, has re timS^honie. • T Brown, of Raleigh, Mi?s visit to her brother, Mr. ;« here on a - A. Brown. r a wn Rav is attending the lers training school in Asheville this summer. p enrv Bvnum, Jr., of Greens the week-end with his par '22m** u n M Poe has been quite sick Xtomeat the Blair Hotel. -She js improving some. Mrt Sam Clark, of Chapel Hill, Jteen the guest of Mrs. J. T. Hen jftson, of Pittsboro. Harris, of the Citizen s bank /Sleigh- has been up m H.ckory Mountain “on business. On (lrini'-l w.-er •• es-'fntial ■ f -li lives''fv. void water il a to pi:« <u> disease. Ralph Knight, employed by Raleigh m Works, has been on a short visit o his parents near Pittsboro. I Mr Ira S. Harrell, of Sunburv, is ■pending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Kewby J. Dark, on Hickory Mt. I Asheboro, Siler City and other near ly towns are to have a fourth of July Belebration. Why not Pittsboro ? I Cutting wheat is the order of the lav with the farmers. They say wheat ■s not as good as usual this year. I Miss Mary E. Bland is at the teach- i |rs’ training school at Greenville and ; Brill be there about eight weeks. I Mr. J. Bun Atwater, of the Fearing lon section, has gone to Hot Springs, Irk., to be treated for rheumatism. I Many people are praising our big Baper of last week and are compli- | Banting the management very highlv. j I, ■ Mr. Lassie Sturdivant has bought Half interest in the barber shop of Mr. j ■rady Pickard, and went in last Mon- Hay. ■ Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Burke and C.; ■ Burke, of Raleigh, have been on a ■wrt visit to their father on Golds ■n, route 1. ■ Mr?. W. E. Brooks is in a hospital ■ Washington, D. C., for treatment. ■ er m anv friends wish for her a Hedy recovery. ■t!. ?s Martha Tucker, aged 75 and ■‘bain Trodgen, 78, were married in | ■® dol Pn county last week. What H° >s mortals be. John Sharpe, of Hillsboro, Mrs. ■mt • 710 r ar ‘ f three daughters, tfT ', Rebecca, of Durham, Ht Tuesday with Mrs. C. A. Brown. Br,onp > who has been ■ ne Chatham Motor Co., for the ■ or P - has gone to Cornelius Huier Pt a po?p^on w ith Mr. John ■rZl a<ivertisement in this paper ■7C a message to the reader Ide. it • a s e severa l special offers ■m all 1S t 0 your advantage to read HafteSl be i Senrice at Gulf ’ Sun “ m rill hA fl J ? n ° 24th ’ at 3:30 - H will n«VJ e - last sermon Mr ‘ A1 ” I u 'elcom e uCh m St * Marks ’ church. Arthur Hackney have By were a „ eir home at Raleigh. ■ Hatch am?° mpan T ied b y Mrs - Nan- Bd a few , son> Henry, who will I d days there. i j Lin. Hsents han Pap s this week * lt 1 ■ like the Work to get out a big 1 I V;e trust wV weekly P a Per, J l° r,J "i'l appm-iltc it? ° f the | flton, Xvrn '* tV’'’ 1 !' uilc,in £ is be- j ■'»! acro« n VuT he timbers will be ! ■ er will l l ' rPek and P«t to- ! | e fw colored chS, 3 SCh ° ol j m HS schoni^i. 05 - 1 , f. scaffold at the j ■ Smie Moro-Q 1 f ln ? last Thurs fell a ..? an . accidentally slin- { tothe ! ■ r !> a «i t ho?r.itai‘ , ' e ’ t °P erated on in • B C] % w as J nS we ek for ap- 1 { I Part of ] a 4 l oln s so wel] the ! r a •w^ior 1 ha<l to ' t , ■ 7 thi "place B bn ,ay an<l Evel y” f K?*«S h. t’he a Zfir been p ’- J ■v' } year. -Kington school J „ I ra,| e an.) Mi« B p fc a ?I has the 1 ‘ I,ss Kay the fifth. ! Baseball at the ball park Saturday! afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Newby J. Dark and children spent last Sunday with re latives at Sanford. They were accom panied home by Miss Cornelia Cheek who spent several days with them. Weather prognosticators say that we are to have a late fall and that we will have warm weather up to Decern-; ber. We do not know what the wea-' ther will be in December but we do ' know that it is hot now. Miss Flossie Clark has entered the News and Observer free trip contest 1 to Morehead City and she requests those who would like to take that pa per to give her their names and money. Messrs. Herbert Tuttle and Ed mund Taylor, of Townsville, and Mrs. Isaac Fike and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Nance, of Troy, have been on a short visit to Dr. and Mrs. W. P. 1 Chapin. The cabbage worm is the dread of every careful cook and housewife and causes much economic loss. Write the extension service at Raleign for a copy of its C. 135, ‘‘Dusting Cabbagi to Control Worms.” | i Name the i. Tm place • i'irn «veri tin gate, use »ri'r© i s v.l nery and dc t.op a reputation for your produce sa;extensi i workers of the S«a?e‘ C* 'hge and Dsparimrnt »f Agricul- 1 c»me A protracted meeting will begin in the Methodist church in Pittsboro the first Sunday in July, conducted by Rev. R. H. Willis, presiding elder, assisted by the pastor, Rev. J. J. Boone. Mrs. E. C. Winchester, daughter and two sons, of Monroe, who have j been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Burns, are visiting her sister, Mrs. Herbert E. Norris, 1 of Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wadsworth, Mrs. Frank Lumsden, Mr. Thomas Lumsden and son, Buster, spent Sun day in Pittsboro with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brown. Mrs. Lumsden will be here a few days. As announced in our paper last week Mrs. J. T. Henderson has mov- * ed the stock of goods from the store at Mt. Pleasant to Pittsboro. She an- j nounces in an ad this week that she : will sell all dry goods, shoes, etc., at actual cost. Dr. W. B. Chapin had a busy day in Pittsboro and Bynum last Satur day in vaccinating patients. At Pitts- 1 boro 358 bared their arms to him and, at Bynum 206, making a total of 564. We call that a pretty good day’s work. Mrs. William Hunt went to a hos pital in Richmond some three weeks, ago for an operation w’hich was sue-' cessfully performed and the latest accounts are that she is getting on fine. She will probably return home, about the Ist of July; I Along about 1880 W. H. Leonard ran a jewelry store in Pittsboro. He moved away and went to Salisbury ito live. A few days ago his son, Al fred, aged 25 years, died. Some of the older residents here remember Mr. Leonard and will regret to hear of his son’s death. One of the greatest needs of farm ; ers in Stanlev county is more legume hay, states County Agent O. H. Phil lips, after three years in the county. One farmer took this adv ; ee to heart and kept his livestock in better condi tion last winte” than ever before with co j-third less .;ra .a. T. M. BLAND & CO. HAS A FULLUNE OF CHECKERBOARD FEEDS BLAND & CO. SOLE AGENTS CHECKERBOARD FEEDS BLAND & CO. SOLE AGENTS CHECKERBOARD FEEDS We have everything that the farmer needs in sweet feed, oats, com, hay and other grains, seeds, groceries and sup plies and we are anxious that you get a supply while we have the prices at a low level. Our store and warehouse is stocked with fresh car load shipments now and others on the way and the prices are just like you want them. Feed stuff is likely to advance in price between now and harvest time and our prices now will save you many dol lars if you get what you need before our next shipments. Our grocery store is replete with bargains and stocked with the best of eats and we want a share of your trade. We keep such things as general wants and there is no delay when you want to get something to eat. WE BUY AND SELL COUNTRY PRODUCE. Yours for service and satisfaction. T. M. Bland & Co., Near Depot. Pittsboro, N. C. T. M. BLAND & CO. HAS A FULL LINE OF CHECKERBOARD FEEDS i Mrs. Laura Horne is quite sick at j her home in Pittsboro. Miss Lilia Echols, from Florida, spent the week-end with Miss Pearl Johnson, of Pittsboro. | Miss Olivia Harmon returned to Chapel Hill Wednesday where she has I been attending summer school at the , University. ! Messrs. D. L. Bell, Will Griffin, Harry Norwood and A. C. Ray and family are back from a trip to the mountains. i Read the ad in another column of S. Berman, of Chapel Hill. He starts on a big eight-day sale tomorrow and is selling goods at wonderfully low | prices. Markus Harris, who lives near Kim bolton, caught three boll weevils in one form of cotton in his patch last, Tuesday. It seems that these pester- | ing little critters are getting rather ' plentiful. Read the page ad in this paper of the Fourth of July Celebration to be held in Siler City. Mr. Seawell says that the best program ever formulated will be given through the day and the 1 J folks of Siler City want you to be 1 present. I Young Edwin, son of Mr. Lysander Johnson, who received a broken thigh when he fell off a mule a few days ( ago and was carried to Watts hospi tal, Durham, is rapidly improving and it is thought he will return home in a few days. Miss Pearl Johnson will leave Pitts- | boro some time in August to take charge of the former post she had as missionary in Shanghai. She will be accompanied by Miss Lilia Echols, of Florida, who has been assigned a missionary to China by the State Baptist board of mission?. Good for Tom. It is reported to our office that a hen belonging to our good friend, J. T. | Griffin, Moncure, R. 2, ate 13 rats one J day last week, THE CHAUTAUQUA MEETING Corinth-Brickhaven Community Un dertake the Entertainment. Corinth, June 19.—0 n the evening of June 18th the committee of guar- I antors for the coming Radcliffe Chau tauqua had a very lively and enthus- 1 j iastic meeting. It was decided to hold the Chautauqua on the Brickhaven J school grounds. Mr. T. J. Harrington : j was made chairman of the committee. | ! This is the biggest thing yet under- . taken by Corinth-Brickhaven commu- j nities and realizing that one gets out 1 of a thing just what he puts into it, j , and wanting the entire community to j get the greatest possible benefit from this Chautauqua it was decided to ask as many as would to join the commit- | tee of guarantors and thus contribute ! to its success. ! Messrs; R. B. Morgan and R. S. 1 Echerd, of Raleigh, also Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Howard, of Sanford, were guests at the home of Mr. D. A. Clark Sun j day. Miss Lexie Gunter, accompanied by ! Miss Nellie Brookshaw and Mr. Rob ert Perry, of Raleigh, spent the week end with Miss Gunter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Gunter, of Corinth. Mrs. E. F. Drewey with two small sons, of Ocean View, Va., are visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Harrington. Some one said “If you wish any in formation as to where any of the Cor inth folks are at any time just ask Mr. L. H. Mims.” Little Miss Elizabeth Stephenson has returned from a week’s visit to Coats, bringing with her Mrs. Lovey Coats for a short stay. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Parker and fam ily from Albemarle, were guests at Buckhom on Friday. LOCAL NEWS LETTER. Truth, June 18.—Miss Esther Aus ley delightfully entertained a number of her friends at a house party Sat- I urday night at which many delight- j ful games were played, after which i , the guests were served with ice cream. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Burt, of Charlotte; Mr. and | Mrs. R. C. Frazier, of Charlotte; Misses Stella Pipkin, Clara Cotten, kola and Norma O’Connell, Messrs, j Hal Pipkin, Avery and Amad Ausley, Arthur Pipkin, Jim Dickens, Lax Rag land, Paul and Delmas O’Connell, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ragland and family, l and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pipkin. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Burt and Mr. 1 , an d Mrs. R. C. Frazier, of Charlotte, spent the week end with Mrs. T. A. ' Ausley. | Mr. A. H. O’Connell spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. J. T. O’- i Connell. j Mr. Fred Johnson was a visitor in ; , the home of Dehmas O’Connell Sun day. Mrs. A. J. Pipkin spent Sunday af-' ternoon with Mrs. J. T. O’Connell. . Mr. J. E. Dickens filled his regular , appointment at Truth Saturday night, i We are glad to know that lola O’- i Connell is recovering after a brief at (tack of appendicitis. We are very sorry to learn of the sickness of little John Mclver. Mr. P. A. Gardner, of Angier, is go- j ' ing to sing for us Sunday. Hope all will be present. Misses lola and Norma O’Connell almost had to borrow chairs to seat the crowd and room to park cars Sun ! day afternoon. Those calling were: j Misses Sallie Mann, of Cokesbury, , Clara Cotten, of Truth, Messrs. Lar kin Medlin, of Raleigh, Leamon Rey nolds, of Merry Oaks, Jesse and Clyde Ausley, of Walthall, Asa Hobby, of Macedonia and Hall Pipkin, of Truth. Miss lola O’Connell is very much grieved this week because of Judge Cramner sending Leamon Reynolds to Atlanta, Ga., to look through the bars a while. | Miss Clara Cotten has gotten some ! rough here of late. If you don’t be lieve it ask Jim Dickens how his jaw is where she hit him with the crank because the old Buick wouldn’t crank. We are very sorry Mr. Lacy Pat rick has left us and gone to Franklin, W. Va., although we send our sympa thetic love and galloping regards to him. I Buckhom Sunday school is still , progressing in attendance and Chris tianity. We are truly glad to know that Mr. j Arthur Pipkin is able to be at work again. A PRETTY WEDDING. Miss Lalah Lucy Dixon Becomes the Bride of Garrett D. Bailey. ! Siler City, June 18.—A quiet but beautiful wedding was solemnized : this afternoon at 5 o’clock at the | Baptist church when Miss Lalah Lucy ! Dixon, the talented daughter of Mr. | and Mrs. R. H. Dixon, became the | Let You I if Yes, it is hot these days! It could be worse if you were 9 H on a desert with no ice. , . 9 M Our ice keeps your food cool and refreshing. Your drinks m j| are made sparkling cold. % 9 In other words, a cake of ice makes your home an oasis M E on the desert. . 1| m Our ice ranks high. The price ranks low. I Chatham Hardware Company 1 | •• > ON THE SQUARE ... PITTSBORO, N. C. BLAND & CO. SOLE AGENTS CHECKERBOARD FEEDS BLAND & CO. SOLE AGENTS CHECKERBOARD FEEDS t . f bride of Garrett D. Bailey, of Burns ville. The ceremony, which was witness ed by only the family and few close ; friends, was uerformed by the bride’s pastor, Rev. Richard S. Fountain, who' used the impressive ring service. The wedding music was rendered by Miss Sadie Dixon, yho also sweetly played “To a Wild Rose,” while the minister gave the marriage vows, i The bride wore a lovely three piece costume of blue crepe with grey ac cessories and carrying a shower bou quet of while roses and lillies of the i ~ • ! Michael Ambach & Sons Co. 1 11 C LOTHIN Gj j ' W WE HAVE HANDLED AMBACH CLOTHING FOR 11 H THIRTY-FIVE YEARS. SUITS $15.00 to $30.00. li IP WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR SUIT. [| H COMPLETE LINE OF BOYS’ CLOTHING. |] I W. L. London & Son 1 li PITTSBORO, ' Oih 1 stock is featured by Groceries—it is our first inten tion to keep a line that is fresh and one that will meet the demand of Pittsboro and vicinity. However, we car ry a few notions and dry goods that will surprise you in price. Also buy and sell country produce. BOONE BROS. - - Ernest and Jarvis PITTSORO, ■*" , - ■ ■ == valley, made a charming pictul-e a! she approached the altar with her fa ther, who gave her away. For the past few years Miss Dixon who is a graduate of Meredith col lege, has been teaching in the western part of the State. Mr. Bailey, who formerly servec several terms as solicitor of the lOtl district, is now a practicing attorney at Burnsville‘and is also connected with the bank there. Mr. and Mrs Bailey left in their car for a wedding trip after which they will be at honu ■ to their friends at Burnsville.

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