i h^LADY hPniein M c he was the daughter of and Mrs. James and Je late Moving and was born near Synth l * rh'Uel in Chatham county, s £9 Some of the old resi >laj' t f ia t section may remember fijements. —- Si They Come! iTTFRN TUTS THAT FAILED TO REACH US FOR PA ‘ THE FIRST DISPLAY. nr r STORE IS NOW ATTRACTIVE WITH LOVELY •nnFl SIN THE SEASON’S BRIGHT COLORS, AND [ ni IBE KEPT UP TO THE USUAL STANDARD OF ? REFINED, PRACTICAL MILLINERY We are Here to Serve You* Miss K. Vestal MISS K. LANE. MISS M. STONE. SILER CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. j The Time and The Pi ace I | \Ve have our Fall line of Merchandise and are well t | locked with every thing you might need. You can’t miss | I " s ee our line of Star Brand Shoes before you buy. | lAlso our Agricultural line in Hardware, Fertilizers, I Meal, Etc. | Heavy Groceries and Notions. I * We are The* Farmer’s Friend. | I FARMERS’ ALLIANCE & FARMERS UNION STORE. 1 IR. w. Dark, Manager, |AS CHEAP As ,he Best 1 | ch» THE RE S T We wish to announce that we have a full and complete I I line of Dress Goods, Ginghams, Dry Goods, Shoes. In | | fact, everything that anybody would need for service and I | comfort this winter. i Call to see us and compare our prices with others. We S I have real quality Merchandise and sell as cheap as any | f # | cerchant anywhere. • - % | 0. L. BROWER & CO., I I Dealers in Quality Merchandise Siler City, N. C. I | There’s Such Thing 1 <*v> . , |j as being “too close to the trees to see the woods”— M 'k And too close to one's own business to visualize its larger j|| || possibilities. 11 |) Oftentimes discussion with an impartial outsider gives m |j birth to new ideas and freshens one’s viewpoint. || We don’t say we can solve your problems we simply sug- M || gest that through our varied Banking and business ex- u| j§ perience, we may be able to be of practical assistance. ||p | USE US FREELY. ! |H I The Chatham Bank | f ' GKEGSON, President. J. J. JENKINS, Cashier. |1 W. A. Teague, vice President. 11 •|J nher preaching. • . <-» i Shelby—Joseph Coles, a negro, has been given his liberty after serving 21 years in the state prison for the mur der of the trainmaster of the Sea board railway. Chapel Hill—The 130th year of the existence of the University of North Carolina opened last Friday. It is estimated the number of students will be around 2,200. Raleigh—There were 2.337 deaths and 5,839 births in North Carolina acording to report F.M. Dr. Register director of the bureau of vital statis tics of the state board of health. Charlotte—Perry Marshall John son is in jail charged with imperson ating a Federal officer and obtaining $175 from a citizen. There are 19 other charges of the same character againsj; him, LOCALS ITEMS FROM OAKLAND. Moncure, Rt. 2, Sept. 24.—Miss My rtle Perry, of Raleigh, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B, A.. Perry. J. R. Knight and Miss Mildred Al ' len, of Raleigh, Miss Frizelle Knight, ; of Pittsboro, and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. i Knight, of Sanford, visited in the home of Mr. C. J, Knight Sunday. G. G. Burns and children, of Mon i cure, and J. A. Thomas spent Sunday I afternoon in the home of C. M. Ed ) dins. # * Mrs. W. B. Knisrht spent Thursday i with Mrs. F. R. Thomas, j Mr. 2?* Mrs, U: 9, Clegg returned ' Sunday from a visit to relatives in I Orange and Alamance counties. Preaching services will be held at j Chatham church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock by the pastor, Rev. J. J. Boone. Mr. B. A. Perry and family visited I in Goldston Sunday. BUILD A HOME IN PITTSBORO. |^|jpy||!j;j j Housewojrk -J" and Headache ( There’s relief for you ! suffer from aches When lack Os fresh air, ! working over a hot stove and the odor of cooking make your head throb, your back ache, your limbs tremble, just take J or 2 DR,* MILES’ Anti. Pain Pills ; (They’ll relieve , you L quickly and safely. Your druggist sells them at pre«wa£ doses 25 cents. Economy package, 125 doses sx.oo. j look at the label on paper, report of the Condition of THE FARMERS BANK. CamHn S » oro f N V?' ,in , theState North of ? at the dose of business, September 14, 1923. uu*mebb, RESOURCES. J-oans and discounts, $ 83,377.01 Demand ioang, 3,970.00 Overdrafts, 291.13 ** on ds and Liberty Bonds, 100 ,00 Banking houses, $5,692.74, Furniture and tures, $2,346.48 8,039.72 Cash m vault and net amounts due from banks bankers, and Trust com panies, 8,902.48 Checks for celaring, s 755.23 Total, $105,435.57 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in, $ 10,000.00 Surplus Fund, 1,500.00 Undivided profits, less cur expenses and taxes paid 28.24 Bills payable, 22,000.00 Deposits subject to check, individual, 23,060.40 Cashier’s checks outstand ing, 3 278.51 Time certificates of depos it, due on or after 30 days, 23,737.50 Savings Deposits, 8,033.87 Due War Finance cor poration, 13,797.05 Total, $105,435.57 State of North Carolina—County of Chatham, Sept. 24th, 1923. I, V. R. Johnson, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. V. R. JOHNSON, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 24th day of September, 1923. G. R. PILKINGTON, Notary Public. Correct Attest: T. M. BLAND, W. B. CHAPIN, S. D. JOHNSON. Directors. Report of the Condition of the BANK OF PITTSBORO, at Pittsboro, N. C. in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business September 14, 1923. Resources. Loans and discounts $187,378.55 Demand loans, 15,809.00 Overdrafts 6.88 Ignited States Bonds and Liberty bonds, 10,000.00 North Carolina State Bonds 5,000.00 All other Stocks, Bonds, and Mortgages, 12,550.00 Banking houses, $4,840.00; Furniture and Fix - tures, $2,058.00, 6,898.00 Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks Bankers ,and Trust Companies, 46,928.41 Cash Items held over 24 hours 365.88 Checks for clearing, 509.68 Total, $285,446.40 Liabilities. Capital Stock paid in, $ 20,000.00 Surplus Fund, 10,000,00 Undivided Profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid, 5,481.97 Unearned discount, 1,333.33 Bills payable, 10,000.00 Deposits subject to check individual 148,532.47 Time Certificates of Depo sit, due in less than 30 > days, 54,927.61 Cashier’s Checks outstand ing, 3,262.2 d Time Certificates of Depo ” sit, Due on or After 30 days, 33,096.77 Savings deposits, 1,597.00 Accrued Interest due depo sitors, . 2,215.00 Total, _____ $285,446.40 State of North Carolina, County of Chatham, September 21st, 1923. I, Jas. L. Griffin, cashier of the above named Bank,, do solemnly swear that the above statement it true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JAS. L. GRIFFIN, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21st day of September, 1923. G. R. PILKINGTON, N. P. Correct —Attest: W. M. EUBANKS, L. N. WOMBLE, WADE BARBER, Directors. BANK OF GOLDSTON at Goldston, N. C. in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business September 14, 1923. Resources* Loans and discounts, $111,707.00 U. S. Bonds and Liberty bonds, 3,250.00 Overdrafts unsecured 66.47 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 9,100.00 Cash in vault and net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust companies, 47,914.28 Customers’ liabilities on Ac ceptances, expenses 3.25 Total, siliioiLOo Liabilities. Capital stock paid in, $ 10,250.00 Surplus fund, : 4,441.67 ' Miijg payable 10,000.00 Deposit subject to check individual, 45,935.16 Cashier’s checks outstand ing, 407.3 r i Time certificates of deposit, . on or after 30 Savings depots, ” J 2 ’ 236 ' 20 ) Total, j $172,041 <66 State of North Carolina, county of Chatham, September 21st, 1923. .. I, T. W. Goldston, cashier of tn> above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. W. GOLDSTON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21st day of September, 1923. D. E. MURCHISON, N. P. Correct —Attest: HUGH WQMBLE, GEO. E. RIVES, L. B. HESTER, . ' Directors. Report of the Condition of the IN AND NEAR KIMBOLTON. Pittsboro, Rt. 2, Sept. 25.—The rain was a good one and was needed. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Perry and chil dren, of .Burlington, spent the day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Perry. Lewis Carroll, a student of Bonlee high school spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Car-i roll. Masters Wyatt and Worth Jones! visited their uncle, Mr. John Clark, Sunday. Miss Bessie Johnson and Voilner Clark entered the Siler City school on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ferguson spent the day Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burke, at Evans. Mrs. Ellen Clark spent Saturday af ternoon with her son and family, Mr. Walter Clark. Miss Edith Clark entered high school at Durham Monday. She is Z * OYou will find them—not only as exemplified n in this particular Parisian model—but in [J o every bit of millinery for Fall which we o 1 have received. Indeed, the very soul of any millinery shop must be the smartness, the exclusiveness of the hats it shows. Believe it, of course, when we venture to tell you that such hats for Autumn await you here, but it is so much more satisfying and g delightful to SEE FOR YOURSELF. g n ri MISS BESSYE CAVINESS y MISS BEULAH HEADEN 0 - o oO oc ,o<= ■■ : ' ■ Our Hats Are Sold at Bennett by r MRS. ED. S. PHILLIPE , ————— mmmm » Watch—Your Pocket Book!! ! 1 _ ' — l »'■ .mm m>mm paint facts Illustration describes how to make j4 M BEST—PURE—PAINT For * 2 ' B2 * Gallcm Trips!? L&M SEMI-PASTE PAINT is White Lead and Costly White T . „ Zinc to assure longest years of oil to l&m Semi-Paste Paint wear, es proven by 5U years o~ Quickly done. Saves you Money utmost Satisfactory USe. LEAST_CQST— because in Semi-Paste form, and therefore you mix 3 quarts of Linseed Oil into each gallon, and so make 1% gallons Pure Paint for $2.82 per gallon. ■MPPMPMMHBMBBHHVFor Sale byHMHHHMeei W. L. LONDON & SON, C. B. CRUTCHFIELD, POLLARD BROTHERS, COVINGTON HARDWARE CO., Burlington, N. C. Dropped all the Profit and a fj 1 Part of Cost on all of Our f• ■ ■ ||ll //] | Rummer and we are offering them two-thirds ZTy of Their Regular Price. This includes Seersucker, —nj • -- Mohair, Palm Beach, Gabar- /// /) I \ dine and Cool Cloth. 1 Straw Hats \ Price. I Shoes, Three Special prices: % I ? 4 -95; and $6.95. " I C. Mi BOONE “Good Quality Spells What Boone Sells” DeLuxe Clothiers RALEIGH, N. C »— v -- - *1 boarding at the home of Mr. R. W# Johnson. Mrs. Sarah Peoples and children, of Bonlee, spent the day Sunday with her mother near Kimbolton, Mrs. N. B. Justice. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Webster and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Johnson. Mr. O. B. Mann and family spent Sunday with Mr. S. T. Johnson and familly. Misses Ruth and Myrtle and Mr. Frank Wombles spent Sunday after noon with Miss Eulalia and W. D. Clark. There will be preaching at Hickory Mt. church Sunday afternoon at two o’clock by the pastor, Rev. O. I. Hinson. Hair Tonic.—A good tonic for the hair is of salt water; a teaspoonful of salt to a half pint of water, ap plied to the hair two or three times a week. The effect at the end of a month will be surprising.