FOR OVER 40 YEARS HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE has been used successfully in the treatment ° HALL’S 1 ’ CATARRH MEDICINE con- j gists of an Ointment which Quick. y Relieves by local application, and Lie Medicine, a Tonic, which ac.t. through the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces, thus reducing the inflammation. Sold by all druggists. P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. ■■ —— —”““ — i I t We grind p r c rn or sell you meal, :*eard Bros. tft «g| B JII IWIWIIIWWI WHIWH Ilf I Helping the Farmer. 3> In all this talk has carried a line of deposits at this bank, making a fund y 3! that is available for loans to the farmer. | <► In every movement for the welfare of the farmer the 2 o Page Trust Company has been at the front, for the Page f | Trust Company has always gone on the principle that the | f farm is the basis of all industrial activity and must be | J ► encouraged in every possible manner. • S 3 J But after all is said the banks can loan only what mon- I 3! ey is at their command. That is why it is helping the | J * farmer whenever you bring your money to the bank to be 3 I placed at the service of farm and other industry. Help | | us help the farmer. > | | The Page Trust Co., I Sanford Branch | I Sanford, N. C. 1 I THE BIG 1 I BANK OF SERVICE. f I SAFETY STRENGTH | 1 SERVICE ; I The combination that a man demands before entrusting Lt his hard-earned money to any Bank. The man who places a part of his income in Savings Account here has no fear over its safety. The same courteous, efficient service S' awaits the small depositors as well as the larger ones. Savings and Time Certificates here earn 4 percent. g| 1 BANK OF PITTSBORO I PITTSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Capital, Surplus and Profits, $35,000.00 B| A. H. London, Pres., J. L. Griffin, Cashier, W. L. Farrell, Assistant Cashier; I v I I THE UNIVERSAL CAR | I CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS I I REDUCTION IN PRICE 1 LOWEST PRICES IN HISTORY OF THE COMPANY i Effective October 2, 1923, the Following List Prices on I Ford Products, F. O. B. Detroit. 1 I | Chassis $230 1 | Runabout, regular 265 i I Runabout, starter and demountables 350 t I Touring, regular 295 I | Touring, starter and demountables 380 t I Truck, ton chassis j_• 370 1 Coupe . 525 || Sedan, 4-door, 685 11 These Cars Can Be Obtained Through the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. i I CHATHAM MOTOR COMPANY 1 PITTSBORO, N. C. I 1 THE UN IVERS AL CAR | | CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS I ANOTHER MAN^SHOCKED In renewing for his paper, Mr. SC. H. Heritage writes us from Ore Hill,-! saying in part as follows: ‘‘l am shocked to know that your enemies would take such a dirty, low down scheme to. try to blacken your good name. But this will not get them any results; it only makes you stronger, and I want you to know that their rotten boot licks are on their last legs. j “if I can serve you in any .way, ! please command. “Your friend, “N. H. HERITAGE.* ✓ —- The ground upon which Britain and France can agree is covered with war 1 graves.— London (Ont.) Free Press -2V STRANGE AND CURIOUS. . Peculiarities That Will Astonish Almost Anyone. China has enough coal to last the world 1,000 years. A man in Chicago stabbed his wife to death for cooking spaghetti wrorg. A woman fell out of a buggy in Lancaster, Wis., and broke her neck. Funeral services were recently held in Japan over an aged couple before they died. Elizabeth Raney, 69, of Muncie, Ind., was recently married to a man 22 years old. Mrs. Belle Ryan, of Louisville, is 112 years old and does all of her house work. A woman in New York bobbed her hair to keep her husband from pull ing her around the room. A supper given by a Roman aris tocrat cost $240,000. The supper was intended for only 12 people. Dr. W. A. Campbell, of Baltimore, sold a quart of his blood for SSO to help pay his wedding expenses. In trying to save his grandson from drowning, Lewis Odell, of New York, was cured of paralysis in his right arm. Miss Myrtle Whittington, 22, is su ing 13 men of Jackson, Miss., for j SIOO,OOO tor trying to drive her out of town. A bandit sold his aeroplane in Okla homa for $1,200. He then stole the plane and flew away with it and the money. Charles Mudarri, of Worcester, Mass., was recently arrested and fin ed for carrying a pistol to commit j suicide with. Elmer Rader, of Meridien, Conn., was kind to an aged man. A few, days ago the old man died and left Elmer $75,000. j | The oldest iron mine in the United States, located at Sterlingcon, N. Y., has been closed. It has been in op-, eration since 1760. . A man arrested in Weston, W. Va., held a bottle of liquor between his knees, was turned loose. The judge said he was not guilty of the crime of possession. COTTON REPORT OCTOBER 1. (By U. S. and N. C. Crop Reporting Service.) j The cotton crop of North Carolina , is unusually good considering the vari ous agencies that have worked toward its detriment, including the boll, wee vil, cotton caterpillar and weather. Nature seems to have particularly been pleased with North Carolina in as much as she gave us the earliest July crop in our history, thereby get ting ahead of the boll weevil, sent us a dry season in June to cause heavy fruiting and a large production of squares to supply the weevil with plenty of food so that they might not jump too heavily on the young bolls, j Even though the weevil did hit the crop heavily after the first of August several sections, even Robeson county, had quite a sprinkling of bolls to set j and develop after that time. Natur- j ally with a rather heavy growth of; foliage due to heavy fertilization, and j a very slight or entirely lacking evid- I ence of bolls on the upper half of the plant, the average farmer undereati- j mated his prospective yield. The percentage of crop for Chat ham county on September 25th wae 63 percent, while on August 25th it wa« 88 percent. On September 25th last year it was given at 75 percent. The general crop condition in North Carolina on September 25th was given at 64 percent while in 1922 on the same date it was 78 percent. 75,300 Accidents During 1922. Accidents in the United States kill ed 75,300 persons during 1922, accord ing to reports of the National Safety Congress, at Buffalo, N. Y. Automobile accidents headed the list, with 14,000 fatalities. You can lead the Democratic don key to the presidential stream but you can’t make him Ford it. —Norfolk Virginian-Pilot. NOTICE OF SALE OF LANDS. Under and by virtue of the power i of sale rendered by a decree of the ; Superior Court of Chatham County, in an action therein pending entitled R. J. Johnson vs. Henry - Fearington, the undersigned will on Saturday, November 3, 1923, at 12 o’clock, noon, at the court house door in Pittsboro, Chatham County, N. C., offer for sale at publy outcry to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described lands: First: Beginning at a Red Oak bush, Mrs. E. M. Fearington’s corner, and running thence north 59 poles to i Henry Fearington’s line, y ßlack Jack t ! corner, white oak pointers; thence 80 | poles to a stump in L. G. Coles’ line, post oak pointer; thence s.outh 38 pol- Ses to a stake and pointer in Cole’s line; thence south 65 degrees east with road 60 poles to a stake; thence north 80 degrees east with the road i 24 poles, red oak pointer, the first sta tion, and containing 25 1-2 acres, ex cept, however, one aerse from the nor- ' j th-west corner of the above described! tract. Second: The life estate of Henrv Fear rington in and to that certain 50 acre i (more or less) tract, known as the ! Henry Fearrington home place, being j hounded on the north by the Burnett I lands, on the east by the M. T. Wil i liams lands, on the south by the E. M. I Fearington lands and on the west by i the T. B. Cole lands. This, the first day of October, 1923. 1 ott „ WADE BARBER, i SILER & BARBER, Commissioner. Attorneys. Nov. 1-p. LOCALS FROM OAKLAND. i Moncure, Rt. 2, Oct. B.—Mrs. C. D.' .Burns spent a few days of last week with her daughter, Mrs*. John Wood leaf at Kittrell. Mrs. Cyrus Brown spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tuck, Miss Alta Taylor and Mr. Burke Holder, of Dur ham, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ed dins Sunday. < J. R. Knight, of Raleigh, spent the week end at his home. Miss Myrtle Ferry, of Raleigh, spent the week end with her parents, ; Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Perry. ' W. M. Burns and family visited in Pittsboro Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Thomas vis ited in the home of C. M. Eddins Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Knight are i spending a few days with their son, R. R. Knight in Sanford. Misses Dora and Zelma Gunter, of Durhafti, spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gun ter. i Mr. and Mrs. Jim'Gunter spent Sun day with his brother, Mr. Bud Gun ter ' Coughs,, Colds and Hoarseness. Dissolve borax the size of a pea on the tongue and swallow, or honey two ; ounces and castor oil one ounce, mix, take teaspoonful night and morning. ICORETHROAT Gargle with warm salt water —then apply over throat— j VICKS ▼ Vapoßub J Over 17 Million Jar• U»*d Yearly j Professlo/iat Qarctsr W. B. CHAPIN, M. D. PITTSBORO, N. C. Office: 1 Main street, Dr. H. T. Clia f Telephones: Office, 43. Residence, 39 j pin’s former office. < ELKINS FUNERAL PARLOR, ; Siler City, N. C. ; Offers Superior Funeral Service. ' Caskets, Accessories, Coffins ; Embalming Separate Hearse Service Maintained ! For Colored Patrons. DR. ERNEST BROWN. —Chiropractor— -109 South Steele St. SANFORD, N. C. | DR. ROY T. HODGIN, Chiropractor. Siler City Office Hours:— 2 to 5 p. m., Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays. Asheboro Office Hours:— 9 to 12 and 2 to 3, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Also 9 to 12 a. m., Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays. l ' r " ; ( r DR. J. D. GREGG, Dentist. Siler City, N. C. j Office over Siler Drug Store. Hours 8 a. m., to 5 p. m. VICTOR R. JOHNSON. Attorney-at-Law, Practices in all courts —Federal, State and County. ! Office over Brooks Eubanks Store, Northeast comer court house square, PITTSBORO, N. G. "long and belL. Attorneys-at-Law. PITTSBORO, N. C.- J. ELMER LONG. Durham, N. C. DANIEL L. BELL. Pittsboro, N. C. ~ A. C* RAY. Attorney-at-Law. PITTSBORO, N. C. PILKINGTON PHARMACY. Prescriptions, drugs, medicines and toilet articles. KODA KS, * * ♦ * » * * * — * — * ' * * :* R. F. PASCHAL, * 1 Attomey-at-Law, _ * ' * Office over Postoffice Siler City. * * * ****** * * * * ' I V HAVe"yOUR EYES EXAMINED! 1 BY AN EXPERT—COSTS NO | j ■ 1 Dr. J. C. Mann, the well known | eyesight Specialists and Optician i will be at Dr. Farrell's office in] r Pittsboro, N. C., every fourth Tues-1 I day and at Dr. Thomas’ office, Silers I City, N. C., every fourth Thursday | |in each month. Headache relieved! '.when caused by eye strain. When! Ihe fits you with glasses you. have t the satisfaction of knowng that! they are correct. Make a note of j the date and see him if your eyes] are weak. His next visit in Pittsboro will! !be Tuesday, October 23rd. j His next visit in Siler City will] be Thursday, October 25th. I i v—i— —■» ■ ■■ —»—»—»—*:» BUILD A HOME IN PITTSBORO. I -V ANOTHER GOOD LETTER. ' In renewing' for her papet. Mrs. E. S. Pickett, in, Richmond, Indiana, states that she enjoys The Record very much and says that her father the late Jesse Louis Smith, was one of the first subscribers to The Record after it began publication. Mrs. Pick ett regrets to hear of the indebted ness of North Carolina. “I have heard father say,” contniues Mrs. Pickett, “that Prof. R. P. Johnson graduated from Wake Forest, having completed the course in three years. That he returned during wheat harvest and he took a cradle and helped to harvest ; the grain. I noted what you said about the old teachers some time ago.” ! LOOK AT THE LABEL ON PAPER. WRKLEYS Take it home to j 1* ,he kids- ' ! pA®) Have a packet in your pocket for an ever-ready treat. A delicious confec fAl tion and an aid to the teeth, eppelite, |Eyes of the World Are ° n I /° f Economical Transportation^ I Sales and Service | . Parts Depot I Bonlee Motor and Machine Works, f Bonlee, N. G. A HWnUMin IT -am- HMfl Some Good Farmer Will Get $5 FREE TO SHOW THAT WE ARE INTERESTED IN GOOD FARMING WE WILL GIVE FREE $5.00 TO THE FARMER THAT WILL BRING THE LARG EST PUMPKIN TO OUR STORE FOR DISPLAY IN OUR SHOW WINDOW ON OR BEFORE NOVEMBER FIRST. NO PUMPINS ENTERED IN THIS CONTEST WILL BE RETURNED TO THE OWNER, BUT WILL BE DI VIDED OR SOLD AND PROCEEDS GIVEN TO SOME POOR FAMILY TO BUY FUEL FOR THE WINTER. Your Credit is Good With Us. Carter F urnitur e Co EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME. SANFORD NORTH CAROLINA. | Out of Each Day’s Work \ (!) i yfy Something should be saved. You cannot expect to work y yfo forever. Money saved now will care for you in later y years when you prefer to take "things easy/' \\ So Don’t Spend All J $ We Pay You to Save« I 'j I Banking Loan and Trust Co., 1 d/ SANFORD, Vi/ , j * R. E. Carrington, W. W. Robards, J. W. Cunningham, jj- President Vice-Pres. Cashier. if, i %$/ JONESBORO: MONCURE: jj H) LP. Lasater, Cashier J* & R‘ ir:l ' j A LETTER FROM MR. BUDn'I father, Mr. W. J p u ,].j ritten to hi s I Budd, will interest manv lro , m h!| The Record. He is i ea<^ers oil the Cement Public Schnni nteiuJent of I and is doing well in his adopte/h"* 11 1 Texas Military College t, ° C “ ieil # I as. We mored into our ; tell v' re *-l and feel at home. We hJ'fl h ? Us * I ed our furniture. Mae it tip chas * I over the fact that we have Ls u > I furniture. I have seventeen I work a week teaching hkw n T oUrs I it fine. I draw $266 66 ’ I We spent twelve weeks a s t y montl h I i University where I did sorne*^! 181 * I SL? degree - While thereto I eight thirds courses making o„ r€ * I and one B. Six thirds are 111 tnt? A ’ s I is supposed to do there in 1 1 one I term. I did not have to L v ■ | erly hard. I find that I coubM ° v * I : about as well as the averatt d T * I : take two more summers foPme^ 11 I my masters degree. After w i I ! to demand a 1 | Well, Dancy stopped in Ten-Pii i l week for the night. He is S I for a supply house out 0 f w? 6111 ? I understand that he is dnino- Waco - I I I think that he hJ h » a g tSTte eil - I suits him and I believe that make good in the traveling work I see m the Record that vou manager of a cotton gi n at Ore i That means that you are an in™ J? 1 ’ I man. • Cotton is l u ? “? have not had a heavy rain s™l' at e It is a little cooler here than usual^’ to^ll. neWS ' wnte me aad give m >’ love H. BUDD. Indianapolis.—Charges that mei-. bers of the Ku Klux Klan are con spmng to become a super-government that wili supplant the constitution of the Uuited States and are endeavoring to take over the administration of jus- * tice in the United States, are contain ed in a suit against the klan filed in federal court here on behalf of six' residents of South Bend, Ind.