BLISHED SEPTEMBER 19, 1878. ■ nf aftermath of I " tBATBAM COlim FAIR . , l( . With a History in Making About Our Fair, f -Uav the editor of The Record the'daily papers a denial by read ® f Dl . j. B. Milliken, and I C. B. Thomas, J. C. 111 , j Richardson, that the I of’the Chatham Fair, Mrs. secretary « the man ager, W. C. P. «• 2'S’v authority to recall the ■ Votfc ha , a u„n A. W. McLean to lech at the Fair. They fur the daily press with a jherf urnl " r . McLean had been statement nan j mOUS choice of the > i nvite f f and the board of directors, P^HnJ that the manager and the sUgg ! r -were merely two employees, or rather a non-res.- one . that they repudiat dent. - In vowed the letter sent Mr. S that the letter was 51t P t’ -uthoritv and condemned by S b !t ot hnd the president. t h ;Sch as this information was fiS-d the daily press by the edi n' The Record as a courtesy com tor Lat’-on from one publisher to an- Sr itfnv ™ves US-more so as The tori carried the same news story. 1 it b generally understood that Mr. v‘l the manager, has full control of :. „,--i that all arrangements the laii «ftu w «l io in Vfic and the program in genera* ls m nis He knew nothing of the ar- for the opening address unt jj the time he cancelled the en gagement. The Record has nothing in common with this incident further than to see justice done, and as our position and statements have been questioned, as iell as the others concerned, we want the public to understand the nl lf was unwise and unfair to invite Jlr. McLean in the first place. The county Fair is the last place in the world to inject politics merely to gra tify the ambition of a few party lead ers who neither donate or sustain the Fair. The sending out of many let ters to folks over the county has lit tle effect on those who really want a fair and there is no mercy extend ed for those who were so unfortunate as to have eves and yet not see, in telligence and not think. MAGISTRATE’S COURT. Justice of the peace, J. R. Blair had two cases before him Friday. One of these was of a civil nature being that of L. N. Womble against Joe Alston, colored. It appears that Joe’s son had made a bill at Womble’s store for SIOB and the merchandise had been charged to Joe. The case was deeded against Alston. The other case was of a more ser ious nature. Mr. H. M. Nicholson and his son, John Nicholson, captured a still and two men, both white, over in the south west part of Matthews township, and brought the men and still to Pittsboro, where the defend ant?, Charlie Foster and J. C. Hicks, appeared before Mr. Blair, who bound them over to court in bonds of SSOO each, which they gave. Tne third at the still w?= a n* 1 - Rro. who made his get avvav. Several gallons of liquor, a-lot of beer and otner stuff around the nlace was de stroyed. Foster and Hicks plead their own cases. Death OF MRS. ANNA JOHNSON Mrs Anna Johnson, widow of the , a - e Madison Johnson, died at the Jome of her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Dis likes, at Carbon ton, last Sunday af emoon, after an illness of ten days of January 8 * was years old in J? r 'V r Jenson’s first marriage was \v P vil lr ‘ °* A * Burns. To this union Vul * t?lree children. Mr. John of Ashore, Mrs. J. M. Dis jand another daughter that m sev .eral years ago. nertd ?erv ‘ces were held at b v A , apel Monday, being conducted -;C. L* Wicker. The interment fr ln r , cemetery at that church. , ber nt Y? ln ‘ So P, was a consistent mem wa? a * ays Chapel for 49 years and friend conse crated Christian, a true and a devoted mother and wife. IXCLE BILLY” PHILLIPS DEAD.' PhjiK-t ® ty s . oct - 16—William E. Hess of died at his The f day , ni^ht at 8:30. | ternoor iff" 1 wa £ he l d Monda y af and .- botes Creek Baptist church Fouma? n Ul:ot ‘ : ‘ d by Rev. Richard S. wi l i * i j hi? rnuff ‘‘ eart in Proportion to as he w ,? 1( l ue - “Uncle Billy,” friend? /'.. £ }" i r °t!oautely known by his itv i , massed in the commun years 1 16 as Hved for so many Qj * , Paul ai ,° bis wife, four sons, of Siler CiVv y .i^ rd am Phillips, all i J- A. Jq,'.; ’ and tour daughters, Mrs. ?r, of o ae n s » ? f Bunn, Mrs. Tasso Sil- illie ■ ' J °ro, Misses Myrtle and riuiLps, at home. Ha rt by a Fall. HeJen/^a 1 * old daughter of Herbert Se «ously hm.f d Q 0f Hickory Mt., was a fall from Sunday afternoon by P er elbow ~.a , tree ?be had climbed. Proken anr i as , s P r ained, collar bone WD r r ? ng gash cut in her dress the was called in to bounded child. The Chatham Record TWO LITTLE CHILDREN ARE BURNED TO DEATH Lose Life in Fire at Colon on Monday, October Bth. The following account of a tragedy from the Carolina Banner, of the death of two children will be read with regret Dy Record subscribers. It occurred at Colon, N. C. Mr. Riddle is a former resident of Chatham coun ty and will be pleasantly remembered i by some of our readers. The Banner , says: “Little May Belle Riddle, daughter , of Mr. and Mrs. Temus Riddle, and ~ little Max Pattishall, son of Mr. Gar , land Pattishall, were horribly burned , yesterday afternoon when a bam be i longing to Mr. Riddle, in which thu , children were playing, caught fire. The bodies of the children were charred . beyond recognition, only a mass of ashes and burned bones marking the . place where they met their sad fate, r > “It is thought that while playing i in the bam the children, in some way, . set fire to the hay within the build . ing. Rushing out they found water . at the well and went back to try to . quench the flames, and, on entering 5 the building, were overcome with the , smoke and flames. A passerby notic ed the children running toward the I barn with cans of water, but no at . tention was paid to this as the fire , was small and not large enough to be seen from the Mr. N; Y* Fish , er was the first to reach the scene , and by this time the building was en veloped with flames and it was too late to try to save the children from , their awful fate. I “Mrs. Riddle, seeing the burning ; building, ran out only to see her lit , tie daughter trapped with no possible | means of escape. The child was in the rear of the building and flames , were pouring from the only door that ’ led to safety, Mrs. Riddle all the , while calling to her child to dash through the flames and take the only chance of escape. Mr. Riddle, who has been confined to his bed for the past four weeks with rheumatism, was unable to render any assistance. “Both children were six years of age, were exceedingly bright and were constantly in each other’s company. “The news of the tragic ending of two young lives spread like wild fire , and has cast a damper over the en tire community who mourn with the bereaved parents in their great sor row.” PITTSBORO TEAM IS DEFEATED. News Items of General Interest From Our Neighbors at Moncure. i Moncure, Oct. 15.—Next Thursday will be a holiday at school, so that i all pupils who wish, may attend eith er Siler City Fair or the State Fair in Raleigh. M iss Willie Bostian, one of the high school pupils, accompanied her father last Saturday to Chattanooga, Tenn., where Mr. Bostian will undergo an op- 1 eration on his head. Miss Edna Hedrick, the third and fourth grade teacher, was visited last week end by her parents, who motored j from Stony Point, N. C. j Many from Moncure attended the Chautauqua at Brickhaven last week and reported a big crowed each night, and enjoyed the Chautauqua to the i fullest extent. j Pittsboro high school baseball team ' played Moncure high school last Fri- j day afternoon, which ended 9 to 0 in ! favor of Moncure. The San Players of Sanford, pre- ! sented a play, entitled “Legion Min- ; strels” at the school auditorium last J Tuesday night. It was two hours and 15 minutes of nothing else but fun. It was well attended and the proceeds . ; went to the Betterment Association, j Mr. Swartz, of Raleigh, a promoter I of the Epworth League, filled Rev. J. J. Boone’s appointment at the Method- j ist church last Sunday morning and evening. We enjoyed his messages very much and we want him to come , again. ] Rev. J. J. Boone was the guest of presiding elder Bumpass, of Raleigh,! > last week. We are so glad that Mr. Boone has one more appointment be- ; fore Conference, for we always enjoy; his good sermons. i Mr. J. K. Barnes, cashier of the local j ! bank, spent Sunday at Jonesboro with j his mother. ■ . , I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nash, of Bnck- . haven spent last Monday in Moncure , in the interest of the Chautauqua for j another year. | We are glad to state that Mrs. Tom Lassiter of Route 1, who recently suf- ( sered a stroke of paralysis, seems to, be better. We hope she will soon re cover her illness. . J CONTRACT LET. The contract for 11.25 miles of gra-, vel construction road between Pitts boro and the Lee County line, has been let to W. W. Tuck & Sons, for, i $74,770. The bridge work over Rocky J river and Deep River was let to the, Atlantic Bridge Company. This road begins at the southwest end of court house square and strikes the Fayetteville street or Moncure road just across Roberson Creek. We hope our correspondents will do j all they can to get the letters to us on ! Monday as we are compelled to print Tuesday night during the school term, and we cannot handle them in full when they are delayed. SEE YOUR LABEL | PITTSBORO, N. C., CHATHAM COUNTY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1923. BUTTON, BUTTON, i WHO’S GOT TH T BUTTON? The Greensboro News was so wrought up on the Ch lam Fair-McLean inci dent that they sent a special representative all the '/ to Siler City to inter view the factors in the case. In fact Mr. Hunter was generous enough to con sult The Record over the telephone. The sending out of the 500 letters, on presumption, seems to be the sore that has developed a pus sack, and The News so charitably terms it a piece of political strategy, so was the secret of the cancellation date for Mr. Mc- Lean. The Record makes no denial of the correspondence that let the cat out of the bag, but the securing of a duplicate letter sent Mr. McLean cancelling the engagement is also a piece of newspaper strategy. The secretary of the Fair and the manager of the Fair know nothing of how The Record got hold of it. They probably thought it would never reach the press, but it was se cured, and the knowledge of the big patronage of Uncle Sam was just as easily found out, despite the fact that our local institution had its cancella tion reduced to a minimum. We have no apologies to make for the part we played in the matter. We , think it the most beneficial thing that could have happened to the Fair. It has people stirred up that never before contributed to the Fair, never had any in terest in its welfare. Now they appreciate the importance of it. The only thing that we do brand as a malicious, willful misrepresentation , is that the editor of The Record ever made any reflection on the town of Sil er City. It is one of tKe best towns on the map in North Carolina and it has many good business men in it, despite the few who would injure its good name. It is true that the editor never made any money in the paper business ( there. No one else has ever become a millionaire. This, however* i§ dqe to the I fact that there are not enough local concqni# and business enterprises to give i ( a substantial support to a local paper, and a paper is dependent entirely on I local support. There are many wide-awake business men there that appreciate I mC opportunity of patronizing a good paper, and the columns of The Record j show it every week. This paper has many warm friends in Siler City and it j severely resents any accusation that we may have at any time reflected on the citizenship of so good a town. j No peculiar hatred or detest for an insignificahi individual or influence would I deter Us‘ from our interest in a good Fair for Chatham cdunty/. We have al j ways given liberally of our space, have a small amount of stock in the eriter j prise and will always continue our best efforts for the best interest of tHd an ! nual ey ent, and especially for anything that is for the best interest of the i farmers of Chatham county. ■* A ✓ DEATH OF THREE VETERANS I J. M. Mclver, Eli Brewer and Joe Bridges—Their Funerals. 1 Siler City, Oct. 12.—A singular in stance is the fact that Wednesday night there lay dead in Chatham coun ty three Confederate soldiers, they being J. M. Mclver at Gulf, Eli Brew- I er in Bear Creek township and Joe Bridges, three miles north of this place. t** The funeral of Mr. Brewer was held today at Fall Creek church. Mr. Brid ! ges was buried at Rocky River and i Mr. Mclver at Gulf. I Large crowds were present at each of the services to pay tribute to those , who once wore the gray. The 13-year-old son of the late Wil ey Welch, whose home was 7 miles ; southeast of here, died Wednesday af ternoon as a result of blood poison j ing following his having shot a hole • through his foot two weeks ago. An infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Hen i ry J. Stone was buried at Loves Creek | cemetery Wednesday morning. I The singing class from the Oxford Orphanage rendered its annual con i cert tonight in the auditorium of the j new school building and was attend j ed by a capacity house. The executive committee of the community club tendered a most de ! lightful reception Tuesday evening at the handsome home of Mr. and Mrs. I L. L. Wrenn, honoring the school fa | culty. I MISS EUBANKS MARRIED j Popular Pittsboro Girl United to Mr. O. W. Hamilton. i j Miss Katherine Eubanks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Eubanks, of Pittsboro, was married to Mr. O. W. Hamilton, of Winston-Salem, on : Thursday, October 11th. The cere i mony was performed by the pastor, 1 Rev. Z. E. Bamhardt, in Centenary Methodist church, in Winston-Salem. | Only a few of the intimate friends and relatives of the couple were pres ent to witness the solemn vows. As- I ter the marriage the happy young j couple came to Pittsboro where they ; spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. | Eubanks. j Upon their return from their brid !al trip they will make their future home in Winston- Salem, where Miss ! Eubanks has lived for the past sever j al years, holding a responsible posi tion with The Southbound Railway. She has endeared herself to the peo | pie there and has innumerable friends in her adopted city. Her home address I there will be 830 north Libetry St. | Mr. Hamilton is a young man of I sterling character and a bright fu ! ture before him. He has held a lucra tive position for many years with the Norfolk & Western Railway in Wins ton-Salem and will continue in the same capacity. In Pittsboro, where Miss Katherine 1 is so well known, where she was rear i ed, she is loved and esteemed highly for her pure, Christian character, lov able disposition and estimable qualifi cations. The Record joins her many friends in wishing her much happiness in her married life. - ■ Miss Elizabeth Bums, of the High smith Hospital, Fayetteville, came home to attend the funeral of her grand mother, Mrs. Anna Johnson. ) She returned to Fayetteville Tuesday. ; BUILD A HOME IN PITTSBORO. ; THE NEW STATE BOAT LINE i Chatham County Voters Are Anxious For It. Extract from private letter:—l see by the papers that Governor Morri son is going to have a State boat line • to run out of some port in North Ca ! rolina. Wilmington wants to be the ; big thing in this business. Southport is another little city that wants it. I think it a good thing myself. Os ■ course this big boat line—and it’s got to be a big thing—is going to cost us taxpayers some money. But what | do we care for expenses when a big ; boat line will give a lot of men some thing to do ? Hain’t we created a lot | of new offices at Raleigh to give men * work? Hain’t we got a lot of men • surveying our roads at $lO and sls a ; day and board furnished? Haint ! Chatham County sold bonds and rais ed taxes to build a road from Pitts ' boro to the Lee County line? In ■ course it did. And hain’t the office holders sent a lot of men up here and ' surveyed this same road over and ov ■ er again as much as six or eight ! times? In course they did. And now hain’t they give out a con tract that will cost $74,770 to a Mr. * Tuck and his sons to build this road ■ again? In course they have. : But I started to write about the ■ state boat line. I am opposed to giv ’ ing the big cities all these jobs. Chat ham county has a lot of voters and some of them will vote any way you tell ’em, and they want some of these easy jobs that’s being given out by the big folks at Raleigh. Are we to have a state boat line where it will ■ do the most good? In course we have. Then, instead of making Wilm ington a port why not run a state boat . line up the Cape Fear river to Buck horn. There’s a good stopping place because there’s a dam there, but it would give the people of Chatham county a nearby port from which to haul their groceries and clothes. What if it did cost a few dollars more in taxes? Can’t we raise taxes by issuing bonds? Bonds ain’t noth ing to issue. In course they hain’t. Then look how many votes could be had, because the big men at Raleigh would be ooking after our interest, and cor meat and bread and clothes. And a■ a- would be a fool if he did not look : Ter his own interest and would vote for the men who are try ing to help him. Let V • ark rtjn and Southport have tbe'r ports, bat give us Port Buck hor rm 1 vn li die by the party that gave it to us. In course we will. JOE SNYDER, who wants to he a captain or a com modore or ore cf the state boats. In course he does. COM 3 FOREVER. j In ye olden tyme, when ye editors of county newspapers had circulations of their u ac' s anywhere from 200 to 500, they would announce that they would gird-a receive on subscriptions! cabbage, t v as, butter, chickens,! eggs, and even wood. But things have clr r- -.rod in these modem days, when women bob their hair, wear dresses short at both ends and no sleeves at all. These editors of the new day now refuse such articles on subscription, and say “them days is gone forever.” LOOK AT THE LABEL ON PAPER. JOHN M. M’IVER, WELL KNOWN CITIZEN, PASSES Resident of Gulf, 86 Years Old, Passes in Charlotte. Charlotte Observer, Oct. 11. John McMillan Mclver, prominent merchant and cotton mill man, of Gulf, died at the Charlotte sanator ium Wednesday morning at 4 o’clock following an acute attack of pneumo , nia. He was in his 86th year. Wed nesday morning the body was taken to his home at Gulf, where the > al services will be held Thursday ai i ternoon. Present with Mr. Mclver at the end were his wife, three sons and two daughters, Mrs. E. E. Gilles ’> pie, of York, S. C., being detained at ■ her home on account of the serious illness of her child. Mr. Mclver was, in a quiet way, ' one of the prominent men of the state. > As an educator in early life and latei ■ as a successful merchant and farmer with large cotton mill interests, his whole life was one of constructive 1 growth and altruistic living. His ■ splendid influence as a citizen and as 5 a man pervaded the entire section of I the in which he lived and his . i ready sympathy and just dealings 5 j made him one of the best loved and ‘ i most respected men of that section. k | Mr. Mclver was born On November I I 6, 1838, near Carbonton, in Moore i County. His great-grandfather, Don ' i aid Mclver, was one of three brothers l J who emigrated from Scotland in 1772. : His father was Alexander Mclver, a L farmer, a loyal Presbyterian and an i elder in Euphronia Presbyterian I church, mo mother was Miss Ann l Gordon, daughter of Dangston v*or . don, of Virginia, an Englishman. His . I father died when h@ was hut a year I old, and it was to his mother’s wise and capable training that he owed ' much of his stalwart character. HiS earliest recollection of his mother was seeing her kneeling in prayer with her three children around her. He was educated at the University ! of North Carolina and in the prepara tory school at Melville academy, un der that celebrated teacher, Dr. Alex ander Wilson. He was graduated at 1 the University in the class of 1862 and immediately enlisted in the Con federate army in a cavalry company under Rev. James H. McNeil. Later he was transferred to the army of northern Virginia, where he served until the end of the war, surrendering , with it at Appamattox in 1865. At the close of the war he began his life as a civilian as a school teacher, teaching for a number of years in. pre paratory schools in the state. In 1870 he became engaged in the mercantile -'business at Gulf and established his home there. His career as a business man was very successful. He was in terested as a director and stockhold er in the Bank of Fayetteville, vice president of the Sanford Cotton mills, a stockholder in the Columbia Manu facturing company at Rarnseur, and the Elmira Cotton mills at Burlington and member of the board of directors of the American Exchange bank at Greensboro. By faith Mr. Mclver was a Pres byterian and his career as a church worker was marked by exceptionally distinguished service. He was one of the founders of the church at Gulf and was its first elder. He was the only clerk its session ever had and for 50 years was the superintendent of its Sunday School and teacher of the Bi ble class. Twice he was elected a com missioner of the general assembly, the highest court in the polity of the church, and was called to serve on the most important committees. Mr. Mclver was twice married. His first wife was Miss Mattie Lee Mor rison, of Asheville, by whom he hafi three children, Evan G. Mclver, of Durham, Mrs. E. E. Gillespie, of York, S. C., and Miss Estelle Mclver, of Gulf. His second wife, who survives him, was Miss Lois Anderson, a daughter of Rev. Monroe Anderson, for many years a professor at David son college. To this marriage was bom the following children: Dr. Mon roe A. Mclver, of the Harvard School of Medicine, of Boston, Mass., Jno. j M. Mclver, Jr., and Miss Margaret Mclver, of Gulf. The funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon in the Gulf Pres byterian church in which he served so faithfully and so long, and will be conducted by Rev. Neal L. Anderson, D. D., of Savannah, Ga., a brother-in law, assisted by Rev. C. L. Wicker, the pastor of the church. * THANK YOU SO MUCH. * * * * We highly appreciate the es- * i * fort on the part of some of our * j * would-be friends in helping us * * dispose of The Record. If they * * succeed in getting our price we * * will sign the papers. However * j * we trust that before a final bar- * j j * gain is made that they will let * * us know because we will have * * to make arrangements for oth- * * er employment. Thanks. * * ********** • LAY ON MACDUFF. We have a letter from an old friend A. W. Roten, over in Smithfield, in which he says: “Have just read in the old reliable, the News and Observer, of your misfortune about the old neg ro woman, and the matter is clear to those who know you. Give this class of people h from the bottom up [ and keep it up. I hope to see soon I where it is all settled and you are the .true victor.” CORINTH ENJOYED - THE CHAUTAUQUA Community Exhibit to be Placed at Chatham Fair —Local. Corinth, Oct. 15.—Last week was a big week in our community. It was Chautauqua week. We had a splendid program and every one who came en joyed them. Last summer the guarantors levied an assessment on tnemselves of $lO. each to be prepared for any deficit, but in the end the guarantors are to be paid back $2.50 each. A new plan has been worked out to try next year. We will start with an attempt to get 50 names, then assess each guarantor SIO.OO, but in return give each guar antor the value of his assessment in tickets. Miss Eddington remained over one day longer to work on this contract and tonignt, Monday, we have 31 names. Now let’s have 19 more and we will be over the top. We met with i a most pleasant surprise when three ; school teachers signed as leaders of | groups of children, each group to be ! responsible for $lO share. Then along came a class of Sunday school girls 1 and got their teacher to sign as lead ; er for another $lO share. With a staxT* 1 like this and the young people coming to you and asking that you get the ‘ Chautauqua back again next year, it s is bound to go over the top. It is t6d ‘ essential a matter to neglect. But let’s s have that other 19 names aw^y/ ■ wind this thing up and forget all 1 about deficits and further assess- L ments, and be ready to go to the Chau- L tauqua when it comes and enjoy it to 1 the fullest. 0 , (The Record will take one of those ; shares, so you only need 18 more.) Miss Pauline Edington, the direc tor's a charming and pleasing and ; efficient young lady. She did good ' | Work &n<| we want to see her come back again, next time. School opened at Corinth Monday with an attendance of 42—fine for the first day. Miss Maynard and Miss j Johnson are our teachers. This is Miss Maynard’s first year but it is Miss Johnson’s third. The parents and patrons of the : school were present and enjoyed the j opening exerpsqs. Miss Eddington I was there aittf entertained the chil ! dren and all with two very beautiful stories. What a rare treat it would be if we could have some one like Miss Ed j dington as a community worker in our l county. Miss Maynard will teach some Bth grade:work and we hope to make our required average of 40 for the year. The Corinth-Brickhaven community exhibit will be put on at the Chatham . County Fair, at Siler City. Mr. J. A. ; Ausley, Mrs. W. H. Cross and Miss ! Carrie Lee Cross will take the exhibit up and display it. J. E. Dickens is at home nursing a cracked wrist as the result of a spill in a Ford. Another wedding in our town last week. Miss Gayle Mims, of Corinth, became the bride of Mr. O. C. Wicker, of Brickhaven. Mrs. Wicker is the at tractive daughter of our good towns people, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mims. Mr. Wicker is a valued emplovee of the Cherokee Brick Co., at Brickhaven. Mrs. Wicker will be very much missed at Corinth. They will he at home in a few weeks in one of the Cherokee Company’s cottages at Brickhaven. SOCIAL AT HAW RIVER SCHOOL. Coming and Going of Folks in Cape Fear Township. New Hill, Rt. 2, Oct. 15.—There was an ice cream, box and pie party combined, held at Haw River school house Saturday night for the benefit of New Elam Sunday school card class. Mrs. G. F. Carr and Mrs. G. L. Mann were on the committee to look after the entertainment. Miss Rennie Webster was voted the most beautiful girl and Mr. Edgar Beckwith the ugliest young man. A large sum of money was realized. Miss Bertha Poe, of Bells commun ity, spent the week end with Miss Mo zeli Poe. Miiss Mary Webster spent the week I end with Miss Eunice Hatley on Rt. 1, Pittsboro. Miss Maggie Marks, of Lee county, was the guest of Mrs. G. L. Mann Sat urday. Floyd Lasater of Durham, visited his parents a few hours Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Moore and Miss Lillian Olinger, attended the Chautau ua at Brickhaven last week. Dwight Webster was the guest of relatives on Pittsboro Rt. 1, recently. Paul, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. | E. T. Mann, fell and stuck a sUck in j his face, nearly puncturirg an eye. He was carried to Sanford where he 1 was treated and the stick removed. The injury is not serious but was a I very painful one for the httle feHow. ( The New Hope br.ll team was de- J seated by Fearrington on the latter’s diamond Saturday by a score of 8 to 7. The boys have won more this sea son than they have lost. The season closed with Saturday’s game. Messrs Douglass Puryear and An drew Ellis, of Raleigh, spent Sunday at their “homes.” Misses Ila Copeland, Lila Horton and Mr. Jim Sturdivant, visited the Misses Webster Sunday afternoon. A seed cleaner will increase crop yields and pay a profit for the invest ment. With cotton alone it will re move from 10 to 20 percent of unde sirable seed, finds Dr. R. Y. Winters, of the State College staff. NUMBER 19.