Ci)e Chatham i£tecori> Independent in politics. Established in 1878 by H. A. London. Entered at Pittsboro, N.C., as Second Class mail matter by act of Congress. ’ “ SUBSCRIPTION: One Year. $1.50. Si-x Months. • Colin G. Shaw. Owner and Editor. Cha?. A. Brown, Associate Editor. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1023. IpTjBIBLE^OUGht? I —FOR TODAY I I Bibte Yea, Yea, and Nay, Nay. Let your communicaiton be, Yea, vea* nav nay: for whatsoever is moie than these cometh of evil.-Matthew 5:37. WHATEVER IS IS BEST. It helps a man to get mixed up a little at times; he must be roiled into dispute, dragged around into vex atious conditions and stirred up to a white heat in order to bring out the better elements and learn him to seek the best there is in life and to accept honest priciples for a playmate. The unnecessary abuse or intrigue *ato which he is thrown proves to him his standing in a community. It demon strates to him his friends and helps him to a realization that he is ac counted worthy and that he has friends. . , , , , There is no man living that has naa it more clearly demonstrated to him than has the editor of The Record within the past few weeks and more especially within the past few days. There is no accounting just how many, people have come to our office, sent i us letters, brought and sent us ver bal sympathy from them that we should have been subjected to so vile an insult as was attempted by a few flop-eared jack-asses in Pittsboro. Just so long as a man can maintain a clear conscience and commanding the highest respect of so many peo ple, he continues for the good. We can easily conceive how an ag jiostic can perpetrate vile and evil things, but a man who knows there is a God and professes to believe in immortality, pretends to be a leader in the church and is honored with au thority therein, is beyond our com prehension when he emulates the ape and tries to follow those who disclaim any knowledge of God, holding that the mind of man is limited to a know ledge of phenomena ahd of what is relative, and therefore the infinite, the absolute and unconditioned, being vond all experience, are consequently beyond its range. You can easily judge a man by ms j-eal belief in God, that is to >s no mortal influence that can prevent that satisfaction when at night be looks upward, the earth a dark ball under his feet, the blue firmament blazing with millions of po nts of light, gazing into infinity, lying be tween himself and God, that feeble mind can at least think of the only “Being unlimited.” With a wonderful love for the Gnd we worship, an abundant satisfaction for the friendship and love for those who know us best, we shall coptirm to put forth our best efforts in the publication of The Chatham Record and with the hundreds of subscribers that we have, with the manifestation of their high regard we exne t to “carry on”. Just so lo -g as the goo' God does rot wither our frame, en feeble our mind or cast us into inca pacity, we shall continue our fight for the best interests of Chatham Conn ty, as we see it. There are multi tudes that a-*e with us and as •' lY ar my grows the more we shall do. WORK OF OUR SOLICITOR Clawson L. Williams, the solicitor of the fourth d'strict, which embrace Chatham County, has made an indeli bie impression on the people in Pitts boro and those who attend court bet! from necessity and choice. The October term of court was one in which he clearly demonstrated hie ability as a prosecuting attorney. lie is vigorous in his speech, bis ques t uning and his procedure in the court ycom, yet he is kind of heart and ev ? Teady to extend or grant a privilege to the defendant to become tetter bj having a chance, readily agreeing to a *y suggesiton from court or counsel to make brief punishment one should ? eceive. Liberal in every thought and transaction, yet stern in his dutv, he is meeting the approbation of all the people in this section. His tender, generous nature was thoroughly demonstrated with the youths who had stolen an automobile and bought gas in Merry Oaks with out paying for it and other cases that were tried in the recent term, ac quiescing in every particular where mercy and consiedration was deserv ed. _ °t a bility, a good lawyer, «rPn+i! rmine w Solici^° r and a Christian gentleman. Mr. Williams is a leader in his church; well versed in the Bible and he practices the precepts as taught in-the Holy Word of God. With these elements in a man there is no doubt but that justice will be mete t out in a satisfactory manner at all times. It is conceded by all those in posi tion to know that he is the very best solicitor this district has had in many, manv years, certainly within recent years. Some co-called farmers are not farmers at all. They are land rob bers, says an exchange. Like some land owners. They are not Christians. They are rent profiteers. Advertised Abroad. Pittsboro’s water is short, but then a real Chathamite has little need of a chaser, anyhow.—Raleigh Times. Coffin was reared in Moore County and he knows. Fellowship Indeed. See by The Chatham Record that a case in court against its owner and editor has been thrown out. It was heard on Saturday evening, too, which was considerate of the court. Felici tations to everybody.—Raleigh Times. NEWS NOTES FROM BONLEE. Bonlee, Nov. s.—The Bonlee high school seems to be making its maik this season, as both dormitories are filled and some students are boarding in private homes. Proi. Dorsett is to be highly commended for his thor ough methods, as his graduates are making high marks in the various colleges. We desire to call attention to the agricultural department of the school under the supervision of Prof. Nance. This department has proven that it is a strong factor in the education of our boys. It not only teaches the boy how to farm, but it has a complete work shop with every modern wood working tool. Here the boys are taught to do repair work and to make sirrmle useful things. We are very proud too, of the Home Econnmics 1 department which drille into the | minds of the girls the real duties of . the home. We look for the school to 1 be still larger next year. The Bonlee Motor Company is sell ing a large number of Chevrolet cars in Chatham county. Several new homes have just been completed in Bonlee an dothers are well under way. “Watch our little town grow.” It is expected that the Ruth Roller , Mills Will be open to the public with | in a very short time. This Company . will no doubt serve the public in a oleasing manner, as they are install ’ nig new machinery. , The ladies and girls of Bonlee will ' serve oysters, ice cream, cakes, pies j. sandwiches and other good thirgs to eat at *the school building on Satur-” 3 day, November 10th. I The public is cordially invited to attend. Come along and bring a T riend, you will enjoy the ocasion ?. great deal. LETTER FROM BEAR CREEK. Bear Creek, Rt. 2, Nov. s.—Master Marvin Burke, who has ben in St. Leos hospital, has returned to his home much improved. Mrs. J. J. Cheek has been visiting Mrs. D. F. Perrel, of Greensboro. Miss Florence Feilds, of Winston- Salem, is visiting home folks. Miss Barbara Lane has gone to Durham to accept a position. J. W. Loyd has bought a Ford car N. G. Norwood, of Greensboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Noland Stewart and daughter, Miss Maggie Low, o* Franklin, Ky., have been visiting at Mrs. W. F. Norwood’s on route 2. F. C. Straughan has been on the lick list for several days. Kemp Carroll, a highly respected olored man, died on route 2, Monday Kemp was not only held in hirh es ,eem by his own color, but by the white people as well. Pneumonia wa r the cause of his death. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Snipes, o f Dur ham, were week end visitors in the home of J. H. Snipes. Womble school ouered this morning (Monday) with Mrs. J. R. Dawkixu is teacher. PHIL. COOPER COMING TO TOWN. Cooper Brothers Combined Shows have so many great, high-class feat ires that no. other show can now com pare with them in giving such gener al satisfaction. The great sucees • rt Gained by the Cooper Brothers Shows 's due to the fact that they are al vays first to secure novelties of merit. The trained wild animals of this show tave beei selected with great care and are the best in the world, show ng such wonderful intelligence in ;heir different acts that they seem almost human. Cooper Brothers show s spoken of by the press and publP as being clean, moral and of the high est '•lass. Remember you make no mistake by going. Two performances daily, afternoon and night at Pittsboro on Saturday, November 17th. Mexican boy workers are whipped by barbed wire whips by their drivers. New York.—A society to abolish •apitai punishment has been orgvn zed lere. Oi r1 rood Vtiui Dates are especially rich in sugai a carbohydrate, hut they also contain protein, fats and salts and, in fact, all the elements that a balanced diet calls for. Sugar is remarkable as un energy producer, and the sugar con tained in the dates imported to this country is the so-called invert sugar, different from cane sugar in that no chemical change is necessary within the body to assimilate it into the human system. “Advanced" English Woman. Elizabeth Martrode of Exeter. Eng land, on electrical engineer, installs lighting systems in country homes and fits up wireless sets for “listening in." I o— o O —0 —0 0 —0 —o—-A—o * o o o WISE AND OTHERWISE o 110 Some Our'n—Some Their’n o .! o o o—o —o —o —o o—o —o—o —c ; You can’t be both fast and stead » fast, little girl. -—o — People who don’t advertise usual ly think business is dead. O * Honking your horn is not so much help as steering wisely. 0 If everything was just as it seem ed only the blind could be happy. O Better be happy now while you can. You may be rich some day and can’t. O Non-skid brains are a great deal more important than non-skid tires. O It’s wonderful how much people can use a telephone when they do not have one. O A man that bets may not be a good man, but a man that doesn’t bet is no bettor. , 0 — Love has to be blind. If he could see his accomplishments would be small. : O Every day some folks realize that something is being done that couldn’t be done. O The hands that should be rocking the cradle are fingering the keys of a typewriter. 0 If a politician howls for press cen sorship it’s a sign the newspaper has had some truth on him. O The United States recently adver tised thousands of currycombs for sale Judging from the way some men flop their ears up and down the streets they need a comb. Frances Hoy, seven years old, says her prayers at night in three different languages. It’s a Fact! j Did you ever stop to think that the buying of groceries | and those things that you eat, is the most important ; shopping that you do? Well, if you never did, we want to j tell you that it is a fact! No one can be too careful to se lect the good, fresh things that the market affords. It is is really very important. We make every effort to | keep just the things that you need and we solicit an or der from you. ! BOONE BROS. - - Ernest and Jarvis PITTSORG, | —THE— |i ;i THE MODERN PARMER TODAY IS NOT ONLY A } I HARD WORKING MAN, AS HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN, j BUT HE IS ALSO SOMETHING OF A CHEMIST, AN ij ENGINEER, A"SALESMAN AND A STUDENT. AND j ! ; HE IS VERY MUCH AN EECUTIVE, A MAN OF BUS- j ; INESS. i I IT IS NOT SURPRISING, THEN, THAT SO MANY OF j THEM HAVE CHECKING ACCOUNTS HERE. IF YOU j j HAVEN'T OPENED YOURS YET, COME IN AS SOON i j AS POSSIBLE—TODAY IS THE BEST TIME. jjl j The Bank That Always i I Backs the Farmer i Citonsßank&TrustCo j i: SILER CITY, i A— - i The Alamance Creamery made 67,- . 149 pounds of butter, paying out $22,992.96 for butter fat to the farm * ers of the county during its first year > of operation ending September 30th. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Under and by virtue of a decree rendered in the superior court of Chatham county, North Carolina, in a certain Special Proceeding, entitled “B. T. Hilliard, et als vs. W. H. Hil liard and others,” the undersigned commissioner will offer for sae at public out-cry, to the highest bidder for cash at the court-house door in Pittsboro, North Carolina, on Monday, December 3rd, 1923, at 12 o'clock noon, all that certain tract of land lying and being in Bear Creek township, Chatham county, North Carolina, a >o being a part of the land of the late C. D. Shields, of which George H. Shields died seized and possessed, same being bounded on the north by the lands of W. D. Cheek, on the east by the lands of Ambrose Smith, on the south by the lands of W. J. ; Smith and on the west by the lands , of Ed. Welch, same containing 108 < acres, be the same more or less. , This October 31, 1923. WADE BARBER, Siler & Barber, Commissioner < Attorneys. Nov29p < i —— < NOTICE OF QUALIFICATION AS ; EXECUTORS North Carolina, Chatham County. < Having qualified as executors of the ■ estate of Mildred H. Wissler, deceas- < ed, late of Chatham County, North < Carolina, this is to notify all persons < having -claims against. the estate of < said deceased to exhibit them to the < undersigned at Goldsboro, N. C., on j or before the first day of November, < 1924, or this notice will be pleaded < in bar of their recovery. All persons j indebted to said estate will please < make immediate settlement. * This the 31st day of October, 1923| < F. K. BORDEN, Jr., < H. F. LEE, l Executors of Mildred H. Wissler, < deceased. Dec 13-c j “Old Noll.'* “Old Noll” was a term of contempt applied to Oliver Cromwell by bis con* temporaries. “Nay, Old Noll, whose bones were dug up and hung in chains ! here at home, has not he, too, got to ! be a very respectable grim bronze fig ure of whom England seems proud rather than otherwise?”—Thomas Car- i lyle. Not Able to Function. Chivalry may noi he dead, hut there are times —in elevators, trolley ears i and other places of puhlfc resort — when it appears to he In a comatose ! condition. ' I & l f t I 4 I I Another Message 1 I For You | We want to impress upon you the fact that we have a f beautiful line of OVERCOATS of all kinds. Nice Dress ? | Coats, Gaberdeens, Whip Cords, etc. These coats are of t I excellent make and we guarantee the ciuality and price. I Also have just received a line of Overcoats which are a f t combination, either for the man who has to be out in all f I kinds of weather, or can be used on any occasion. t |> Rain coats for men and boys. | I Listen, we have the goods and if you need anything in | | cur line see us. * & I | Satisfaction guaranteed. I I 4* ■ j I J. J. JOHNSON & SON, I Square Deal Merchants PITTSBORO, N. C. | EAGLE << No. 174 For Sale at your Dealer Made in five grades ASK FOE THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EAGLE MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK have a complete line of Men’s Clothing, Overcoats, fm Underwear, Shoes, Dress Goods, Notions, Home Fur- iHga/ 'l nishings, Floor Coverings ipl? Jral mi / | and Kitchen necessities. iß||j Merchandise well bought is ilB half sold and it will profit J #Bl f j r ou to see our line and get f | §|l I ;fr our prices before you buy flit IX fPff§iP I,T * your winter needs. * Goods Best Quality WRENN BROS. CO., Phone 34. IN BUSINESS 45 YEARS. sell Most Everything. Siler City, N. foil styles that win A j Boone’s C|J| Is the Best Hat on the Mar- &111 ket for the Price. All the new styles and col- \ ors. The hat for sports; , , the hat for conservatives. if .////} Just the right hat for ev- y/Z/M i erybody and at the right Stetson Boone’s Special. “Come and See Is all I Ask” C. R. BOONE “Good Quality Spells What Boone Sells DeLuxe Clothiers RALEIGH» Laughter Alwaye Beneficial A writer in Health a * hearty laugh stimulate. t h? ayS: ” A system and stimulation of theTm* has various other effects of exciting sensations,a,*®' 1 11* 1 may act upon the vlscert * UU - “ hinder digestion and lufl’ u f„~l“ ote or tions. It may stimulate action of the heart and accelerate * retard the movements of . * or Habitual laughter “ cerLm? P ? tio “- ! cial - ‘ A merry heart doetb goodTi"' medicine/ wrote the wise ,„ a ! 5* also, ‘He that is of a merry i" 1 a continual feast.’ ” be art has