BRIEFS Henry M. London, of Raleigh, to see us last week. \. r c C. Poe and family spent Sunday at Cary with friends. Don’t forget the old Fiddler’s Con ention in Goldston Saturday night. Mi . s Ruth Avent, of Bynum, Rt. 1, 1 the week end visitor to Miss Ruth yow, of Durham. \f r J, Newton Dismukes, of Saxa * ’ w returned to his home af friends here. ivr Kavmond Campbell, of Rae . ‘ i ’is at home to be at the bedside ofhis mother who is seriously ill. Maxtor Carlyle Hammer, of Bear - k says that the answer to the Hatley puzzle is an umbrella. Truman Fields and Louise ' lTund Messrs Billie Johnson and Harry BeU motored to Cary Sunday. preparations have been made . "‘7’ o id Fiddler’s Convention on featurdiv night in Goldston. You will Ajoy it if y° u e°- F Remember the sacred concert by 1 ; nrnhans from the Methodist or phanage to be held in Pittsboro next Sunday night at 7:15. Yj r? A. H. McManus has rented he houi which has been occupied by Hr and Mrs. Jacob Thompson, re cently moved to Raleign. Air C E. Brvan, Miss Frizzell knight and Mrs.‘R. H. Hayes went to Jaleieh last Thursday night to wit ness “The Covered Wagon”, a play. >[ r W. M. Price, of Eagle Springs, end- in a renewal to The Chatham Record .He has been a continual sub criber for more than twenty years. Air J. T. Lambert, Moffitt, writes that he failed to get his Record ast week and asked for an extra opy. He says: “I can’t afford to miss i single copy’.” I Misses Burwell Patterson, Marga ret Large ard Miss Grace Burke, ■■ere in Raleigh Friday to see the ■otion picture, “The Covered Wa ll ’ n ‘” I Mrs. J. T. Griffin, of Graham, has Been desperately ill with pneumonia, K her many friends and relatives in ■kiatham will be glad to learn that Be has greatly improved. ■ The health department of the Wo- Hans club will meet Wednesday as- Brnoon. (March 28th, today,) at the Bunty home with Mrs. John W. John- B>n. All are requested to be present. I His many friends will be very glad H know that C. R. Elkins has re- Brned from the hospital in Sanfoyd, Hid has so far recovered as to be able B resume work in his business in Hler City. ■ There will be an old Fiddler’s Con- Hntion held in Goldston school audi- Brium Saturday night and everybody I invited to attend. Big prizes % r B p musicians and lots of entertain- Bent for the audience. ■ Mr. A. J. Richardson* of Snow called to see us Monday. He Bp Bailey will run well in Alamance wanted to tell us that he ap- the stand The Record takes H the liquor question. ■ There is a prize offered in this pa s'-. by one of our advertisers, in ad ■tion to the regular prize offered by He Record. Let all our young folks H> r to guess it. All answers may be Hnt to The Record, Pittsboro. Elmer B. Johnson of Siler City Bar route, says that the answer to Be puzzle by Ruby and Edna Hatley ■ an umbrella. Answer to the second Bdle, he say’s, is the word THAT B mer is 12 years old and in the fifth Bade at school. ■Mr. Jack S. S. Tull, of Madison, BJ-> alter spending the winter at Bkmont Hunting Club, near Siler By, has returned home. Mr. Tull Bde many friends during his stay I Chatham and it is hoped he will I back next season. Blrs. J. g. Mullis, of Greensboro B ( ** us a subscription to The Chat- B1 Record. She says that her mother her a copy of ‘the paper, and ‘ <p he wants the news from old Bjham, and I see The Record will Bit to me just as I like it.” Hhe box party at Battle school, held night, March 15th, netted B sum of $34.75. The prize for the ■ttiest girl was won by Miss Nina Bguson and for the ugliest bov won B , Guinn. Miss Juanita Johnson B the prize for guessing the con ■ts of the cake which was a silver B°o. String music furnished for the ■asion was greatly enjoyed. HJ r - DR Johnson, who lives on Siler Bile ‘ near v °bing precinct in B, k- township, will celebrate his H birthday on Sunday, April 6th. ■ chi'dren and friends of Mr. John- B V ' ! T Pj‘inning the affair, and every- B is invited to go and help enjoy Bn C \ir Sl<n ’ an d f & ke baskets with H p r ‘ Johnson is a subscriber to B„^ cor d, a great friend to the pa ■ o" e wish him a pleasant time. Hi P.n paper * s an advertisement B?p : a ‘ (, :y in Brothers at Sanford. Bi bemrn are natives of Chat- . H n, ?i are ( l°i n £ a lucrative busi- Bvi; tle,r . adonted city. They have ! ■h;»v,f PP 2 1 11J 1 * ;e( * Place of business, I Bnlav, flf ty thousand dollar stock B^>-o ( 1( ] merchandise. It was the Bum, ?, the editor to take a look H-l 1 store last week, and ■ swv' n ;r ~,se * the e-ormity of ■ o f 1 llp v i’ave p w«*U se’ect. d I a-, both for tb- lp-- Gep -L«. and they are seating ° n V r * c ? reductions. They Bf tv X ° lr business and we com- B - n: io you. Mrs. Laura Morgan is visiting friends ir Raleigh this week. Ten years ago last Monday sleet covered the ground in this section. The admission to the play at the school house tomorrow night will be only 15 cents and thirty’ cents. The Hoodooed Coon play „at the school house tomorrow night will be sure to please you. Don’t fail to go. Several letter have come in just as we were ready to print the paper and we regret that we cannot print them this week. From appearances the farmers in tend to raise much cotton and com ‘this year, from the way they have been hauling guano to their farms. “Always in Trouble, or a Hoodooed Coon,” will be presented at the audi torium of the Pittsboro high school tomorrow night, Friday, March 28th. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thompson, who have been residents of Pittsboro for many years, moved to Raleigh this week where they will make their fu ture home. Dr. W. B. Chapin will will speak on hygiene, exterior and interior, at the school house this morning, Thursday, March 27th. The patrons of the school are urged to hear him. The program for the Sandy Creek Baptist Sunday School Convention reached us too late to be printed in this paper, but we can assure all who would like to go, that it is one that will interest you through both Satur day and Sunday next. We were pleased Saturday to have two of Chatham’s young men, who have gone elsewhere and are making good call on us. They were L. L. Thomas, of Bennettsviile, S. C., and A. M. Thomas, of Raleigh, both of whom are engaged in railroad work. Mr. Cecil Lindley received a mes sage Saturday morning from Mrs. Lindley, who has been on a visit to her parents at Raeford, that his baby was quite sick. Mr. Lindley returned Sun day with his wife and child, both of whom have been sick but are better. Those from a distance attending the funeral of Mr. Woodson Powell Satur day were: Mr. R. James Powell, of Roanoke, Va., Miss Lillie Hill, of Leaksville, Mr. Nathaniel Hill, of ; Kinston, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Pou, of Raleigh, Mrs. T. A. Walden, of South Dakota, Mrs. D. C. Mitchell and Miss Ida Cowan, of Durham. DEATH OF WALTER THOMAS. Was a Good Man and Loved by The People of Chatham. After many months ,of a lingering illness, Mr. Walter Thomas, of Mon cure route 2, passed at his home last Monday morning at 3 o’clock. He was 46 years, nine months and five days old, having been born on June 19th, 1878. . - - He is survived by his father, Mr. John Thomas, his mother having died three y/ears ago, also three brothers, Ben and Alvis, of Raleigh and Lem uel, of Bennettsviile, S. C., and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Lasater and Mrs. Nanqy Harmon. Another sister, Mrs. C. T. Desern, died a few years ago. He leaves also a large number of oth er relatives and hundreds of friends who will regret to learn of his death. Mr. Thomas was universally known in Chatham county as being an ideal citizen. It has been expressed by many that he never said a harmful word, or done an unkind thing to no one; he was broad minded and charitable in his views. He was alert to public questions and his ideas and opinions were regarded with concern. While he was limited in educational advan tages, he was well read and kept him seii informed on matters of import ance at all times. He never quarreled and he was al ways cheerful and displayed that great reverence to God and humanity that makes real manhood. He was devot ed to the church and was always wil ling and ready to do good. What more could be said? Truly a good man has entered into his king i dom, long expected and desired, and he went ahead unafraid and willing. The funeral services over his re mains w’ere conducted by his pastor, Rev. J. J. Boone, at Mt. Zion Meth odist church last Tuesday aftemon at three o’clock, and interrmeat follow ed in the cemetery at that church. A large crowd was present at the , funeral and the floral tributes were many. W. Neal. NEWS ITEMS FROM MT. GILEAD. Pittsboro, Rt. 1, March 24.—Mr. and i Mrs. J. P. Hatley, of Raleigh, spe..t : Sunday with his father. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Griffin visited Mrs. Ralph Burnett Sundav afternoon. .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hatley and I children spent Sunday afternoon with . Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hatley spent Sun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hatley were call ers in the home of Mr. D. G. Hatley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hackney, Jr., i and Mr. Clyde Morris spent Sunday j with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hatley at Asbury. | Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hatley en tertained the young people of the community Saturday afternoon, with 1 an old time quilting bee, and log saw ing. A good supper was served and then everyone was ready for the pleasant time that followed. I Misses Annie and Vallie Hatley ! i were callers on Misses Josie and Le- j j om* 1 Neal Surday afternoon. We are glad to report that Mr. Walter Hatley has bought a new 1 Ford. Mrs. J. C. Hatlev spent last Monday in the hom Q of Mr=:. J. W. Neal. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hatley and chil dren spent Saturday with her mother. » is no law against anybody running for a presidential nomina tion, which may be the reason some . of tliim are it. McLEAN AND BAILEY TO SPEAK. Will Debate on Tax Question Next Saturday in Charlotte. Charlotte, March 24.—Angus W. McLean, candidate for the democrat ic nomination for governor has tenta tively agreed to meet Josiah W. Bailey, his opponent, in a debate on taxation, here next Saturday after noon. Miss Julia Alexander, secretary of Tax Inquiry, Inc., a unique organiza tion formed here sometime ago to fos i ter interest in political matters, to day announced receipt of Mr. Mc- Lean’s tentative acceptance of the in- P $1 Prize 1 # *vj ' KC —To The— fez* First Person Guessing whose ad- vertising space this is. Correct- f ness, neatness and arrangement ’* • v to be considered. * Answers must be in The Rec l&Jw ord office not later than Monday, < SL. March 31, 1924. isvv < This space belongs to one of our old- il est and most constant advertisers. Mik, ■. jiii 11 vrjiliiif l 1 Tliji j psi 1111 111 I]i mkjL*7 * illilliS'Blilh 1 il ,! ! •*! '4' ‘ V>‘*M***’ i I 111! 1 I ill I | ROSE MAID FLOUR j IS HERE TO STAY | It's made from the very finest selected Wheat that can | | be bought and manufactured in one of the finest and the | J[ cleanest mill in North Carolina. % i Higher in quality—insuring economy as well as baking | !> results; it is milled, bagged and handled so as to preserve I I its purity—every sanitary precaution being taken. | | This Flour can be bought in Pittsboro from Connell & | I Johnson, W. G. Fields or J. J Johnson & Son, f I USE GRAHAM FLOUR FOR HEALTH SAKE. Ask < ► your grocer for Whole Wheat Flour—we make it. | SEABOARD FLOUR MILLS, j; SANFORD, TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTfyyVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTV^yTTVVTTTTVVT^I \ For Chatham People, j ► Our motto is quality and we have a complete line of j ► Clothing, Coat Suits, Dry' Goods and Shoes. We carry the ►. 4 t Edwin Clapp Sons Shoes for men Schloss Brothers cloth- < ► ing, and Wilson Brothers Gent's Furnishings. We are out- < ► fitters for men, women and children. Baldwin Brothers, ► WE ARE NATIVES OF CHATHAM. 3 ► SANFORD, t .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I PERRY’S GARAGE 1 Phone 400 SANFORD, N. C. I —Dealers In— f Ford and Dodge Bros. Motor Cars, | Parto and Service. I ! Look! Listen! _________________ - ' Chatham Farmers, if you are interested in improving j your Farms, buy the best Fertilizer you can get at the RIGHT PRICE. j We have as good as you can get, and just when you want it. Also Seed Potatoes and other Seeds. J NEW LINE OF PIECE GOODS AND FURNITURE. J Murchison & Alexander, The Store That Satisfies. GOLDSTON, vitation to speak here. Mr. Bailey al ready has definitely agreed to speak at that time. The coming ’of the two candidates for the gubernatorial nomination al ready has created much interest in the county and it is expected that the speakers will be heard by a crowded house. The meeting is scheduled for the court house at 2:30 o\lock in the afternoon. Our correspondent at Truth has a very timely letter in this paper and if you are not accustomed to reading the correspondence in the Record, we ask you to at least read that letter. Service Quality Economy i Just What they are wearing in all the Fashion Centers WOODY BROTHERS. . New Spring Coats, Suits and Dresses, in the very snap piest Styles, Colors and Prices exceptionally low. Piece goods in all the new materials and colors. A visit to our Store will convince you. Let us help to solve your problems. Woody ,Bros. Quality Shop } E. D. Woody, Manager I SILER CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. I I AAAAAAAAAAAiAAAAA j Worth Seeing | 5 The new Pumps that we are getting in t 3 this week to sell (or $5.00 and $6.00. t 3 All colors, all the newest styles, and ► 3 good shoes too. ► . , j j * l 5< We wish to call your attention to one e i 3 Gray Nubuck Pump in this week with* E !3 the pretty strap effect for $5.00 ! I* a ’ ! ii 9- \ 2 H Stroud & Hubbard ◄ V 1 v ◄ ' \ 3 jj ' 4 THE SH OE AND HOSIERY STORE. I l \sSb SANFORD, - NORTH CAROLINA TmTrrrrYYTrrm\ \ vttttttywyvt I§>®®®®®®(|)®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®<§ ® J ®. ; I ® Just Received: - | ® f I WHAT? 1 ® | ® f ® J ® % (g) (§ <g) A NEW LINE OF THAT EVER FAST SUIT- | ® ING WHICH WILL NEVER FADE. ALSO <| ® EVER FAST VOILES AND LINEN. THESE 1 H ARE REAL MERCHANDISE AND IT WILL <§ ® PAY YOU TO LOOK THEM OVER. , % ® f ® I ® I S@ (§ ® Druggets Druggets j ® . SIZE 9x12 ASSORTED COLORS—PRICED TO ® H * SELL. ALSO LINEOLUMS FOR YOUR (| ® FLOORS, SIZE 6x9 AND 9 x 12. WE <§ ® CARRY A FULL STOCK AND OUR LINE IS § (gj <© k NEW. 1 . ® v> Jj» ® SEE US FOR THE BEST TO BE HAD IN MER- jg H CHANDISE OF ANY KIND. <§ 1 1 I # I ® § § J. J. JOHNSON & SON, | 1 f (@\ Square Deal Merchants PITTSBORO, N. C. & • 1 so © ©©©(j)©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© BFor the Handy Man fe able Hardware.! works about the house needs good, de- Ijitt o work with. We carry a complete W aterials —and General Hardware—for (mi m. Sell i Chatham. Record will be given special raj IARDWARE CO. § -

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