ear!; ' Lk and reform. | No oe. for the tegislatUre - I ,„ r Failey, Person and Rey ■ Vote t° r W As ' •4. u I ou dia n ot forget to register be K to vie. , Ar lN Jarvis Boone were re- Apex, Rt. 4. . louie Nooe for the leg- I Vo te toi sa tisfied afterwards. Mature ana , s u p article in this paper about I Kean tne ura nce Commissioner. ■lowers loi . +>nm all over the state are I Rep ort / f ;; t that Bob Reynolds will ■ t he for }je U tenant govern- Erry the nVC y whelming majority. Let’s ■r by an 0 , ;’ source ovor the state comes me word that Mr. Bailey is in the e ud and he will win by a big major ,}• " e look for Chatham to give J”, the biggest majority of any f ounty in the state. in this paper will be found a card W. M. Person, candidate congress. Bailey supporters ev (.■ a , ere ar e going to vote for Per il. he, too, is for lowering tv,: t , axes - Person has been fighting peg! , : * Problem since 1920. He ap rep, to the supreme court and our feu ?' recall to mind that a upai ' ee , a £o we published his ap for p neec h n efore that tribunal. Vote er? on for congress. to atL ar p l n receipt of an invitation s on T e *;U?e mar riage of Mr. Claw- Judri and Miss Margaret licitov Mr. Williams is so is \ t,le courts for Chatham and %3 n^ nown our readers as be -tudd i exce ” e ot young man. Miss Judd anrl 10 c^au £bter of Mrs. Eugene j u!ar !? , an ac complished and pop- 1 take J a dv. The marriage will , June i9t? e ? n Sanford on Thursday, i church ~ ’ ln le irst Presbyterian , Even t° the riT-v’H Washington, according j Ti': ll! at the home of Miss Mary Bland. After play ing interesting games, Miss Bland served delicious cream and cakes. The Siler City Fair will be held on October 7th to 10th and the State Fair follows on October 13 to 17. Be ready to have an exhibit for each of them. Make your plans to do this while you are planting your crops and canning your fruit. Little Etta Goodwin, young daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Farrell, was bitten on the foot by a highland moccasin snake one day last week. While the effects of the bite was pain ful, no bad results have followed. She has entirely recovered. His friends will be glad to learn that Mr. Charles Burns, of Oakland town ship, whose leg was broken just above the ankle, when a cross tie he was loading slipped and fell on him some time ago, is able to walk about his home with the aid of crutches. R. B. Reeves of Pitt county, county agent there, reports that C. C. May, cf Grifton, set 200 eggs in January and hatched 170 chicks. He raised 165 to nine weeks of age and sold the entire lot for $118.25. His total expense was $54 leaving a net profit of $64.25 which is a profit of 39 cents per bird. The Chatham Record will not at any time intentionally make a false statement.lWe always endeavor to state facts, and as we have often printed, this paper is always willing to be cor rected. We will gladly give cur columns to any communication to this effect. We are not morally responsible for statements made by our corrspond ents, but we stand squarely behind them at all times. So they intend to harass the editor by threat and withdrawal of patron age? Well, folks, and statement that we may make that will boomerang us, will be taken with as much pleasure as we would a dose of castor oil, but there is one thing that we shall never do. That thing is to submit to a mi nority dictation when we know that we are right. It may become necessary to let the sheriff tack a bill of sale on our front door, and we can be jeop ardized, hut our snirit will never be conquered. The only actual schooling that we ever received, was in a little one room school house down in Cum berland county, of a very few weeks duration, but we learned one thing , and that was “be sure you are right j and then go ahead.” The Children’ Home Society, at Greensboro, sends The Record a re port of the work done by them for the month of May. It is indeed creditable ! the showiner that is made by this in ' stitution. They have saved more chil i dren within the past few years than I any other like infirmary in the south. , The Society now has 18 boys and 21 j girls to be placed in Christian homes iin North Carolina, ranging in ages I from 2 months old to 12 years of age. 1 Applicants are solicited for homv for .this orphan and unfortunate children. Those desiring to adopt them must agree to give the child full advantage of educational and religious facilities; furbish three references, one of which must come from the pastor of their church ard the child must be accept ed as a member of the family and given love and nrotection. Anyone vj terested in taking one of these chil dren may write to John J. Phoenix, Childrens Home Society, Greensboro. < men <3 0 is a Prescription for i Colds, Grippe, Dengue Fever, ' Constipation, Bilious Head -1 aches and Malarial Fever. I ’ T H E S E L E CTIOITf 1 ; ' h ; :-;; ; —OF— A PROPER INVESTMENT For your individual needs can be best obtained by se ; . lecting a financial institu ; tio ii of experience and one which offers a large list of securities to select from. We offer for safe, conser vative investments, suitable to every individual need. Bond Department AMERICAN TRUST CO., Charlotte, N. C. B. Green, CLOTHING, HATS, MATTRESSES AND FURNITURE • SEE US j We have an exceptional line I 1 of these goods and they are J priced to sell. New line j Everfast Suiting and Linen r I Don’t forget that we keep on | I hand at all times a fresh,de- . ] pendable line of GROCERIES ’ j that cannot be excelled. j Porch Rockers and Rocking Chairs j for your parlor. 1 J. J. JOHNSON & SON, Square Deal Merchants PITTSBORO, N. C. 1 |in <* ! 1 FOR COMMISSIONERS VOTE FOR ► i BLAND. HESTER. CANDIDATES CARDS For Legislature. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the state legislature, subject to the will of the voters of Chatham county, in the democratic primary. LOUIE NOOE. Pittsboro, N. C., May 15, 1924. r — \ For County Commissioner. '' I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of county com missioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. W. F. BLAND. Pittsboro, N. C.. Aoril 17. 1924. For Commissioner. At the earnest solicitation of nu merous friends and after very care ful consideration, I have decided to become a candidate for county com missioner for Chatham county, sub ject to the action of the democratic primary. In making this decision I have been prompted by no selfish motives, but am actuated only by a desire to serve I the people. I If the good folks of Chatham see fit to nominate and elect me, I shall endeavor to serve them conscientious ly and to the best of my ability, re gardless of sectional, factional or par tisan interests, and I shall appreciate your support. L. B. HESTER, Goldston, N. C., April 26, 1924. For Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election as county com missioner, subject to the action of the democratic primary. ‘ C. C. HAMLET, iPittsboro, N. C., May 5, 1924. For Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election as county com missioner of Chatham county, sub ject to the action of the democratic primary. E. E. WILSON, New Hill, Rt. 2, May 5. 3924. NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. 1 j By virtue of a laborer’s lien on per , sonal property, to-wit: ! One one-horse wagon repaired for I Ben Grimes, and def ault having been • made in payment of the same, I will on Saturday, June 21, 1924, at the shop of the undersigned in Pittsboro, sell for cash to the bidder one one-horse wagon. JllL Time of sale 2 o’clock p. m. This the 29th dav of May, Junsc J. M. HAMMOCK, Claimant. NOTICE Ut ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as the administra tor of the estate of S. W. Foster, de -1 ceased, late of Chatham county, North 1 Carolina, this is to notifq all persons having claims against said estate to file them with the unders'gned on or j before the 22nd day of May, 1925, or i this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said es j tate will please make immediate set ! tlement. This 22nd day of Mav, 3924. ' S. F. FOSTER, ■| R. F. PASCHAL, Administrator. Attorney. - July 3-p.