Lt UUJSHED SEPTEMBER 19, 1878. It" 1 _ ■— W BLAZE destroys home I wL. Powell Suffers Loss of I food’ Home Saturday Morning Within a few short minutes Sat- I -; aV morning the tire demon had I f r, d in ashes the two-story home of I iirs W. L. Powell, located near the I blaze originated in the ell oc- I ,pied by the kitchen and that part I f the house was ready to burst into I fl a me when smoke was seen issuing I f‘ om the roof by employees of the I So oe planing mill. No occupant of I the home discovered the fire till they I u-ere informed by the mill men and I Air Fred Williams from across the | Street in the rear. By this time the I kitchen was in a blaze and when the I rear door of the main residence was I opened the blaze was hurled through I to the very front of the house, caus- I j»jjT such a diffusion of the fire that V hopes of saving the building disap- ; f neared. By the time the fire engine j arrived, the front walls were ablaze j I and the kitchen a roaring flame. A ! "very small part of the furniture could be removed. Fortunately, there was little wind and whai there was bore the brunt of the heat and flames across the street toward the R. P. Johnson! home, which was greatly shielded by | the splendid oaks that were being j withered by the intense heat. The Pilkmgton home hardby on the ► west could not have been savefl if the j wind had been a few degrees fur- | ther to the east. As it was, the roof being meta! and the walls partly pro tected by dense shrubbery near the burning building, it was only neces- j Miss Arline Webster, Miss Webster, Winfred Johnson. The Chatham Record MEMORIAL DAY Judge Sinclair Will Speak—Confeder ate Graves Will Be Decorated • —One Federal The 10th is Confederate Memorial Day when the graves will be deco rated with wreaths and flowers, all over this state and South Carolina. In the states further south, an ear lier date is selected, where there are more flowers. Virginia has May 30th as her Memorial Day. The tenth is honored here in memory of Stonewall Jackson’s death on that day. Whatever the date, Memorial Day will be celebrated with suitable exer cises all over this country, even where there are no graves to decorate. Judge W. A. Sinclair will deliver the Memorial address in the Metho dist church Monday afternoon. The citizens of the town and coun ty are asked to join the Daughters of the Confederacy and children of the ; Confederacy in these Memorial ser | vices. Each member of the Winnie Da vis Chapter, according to custom, is asked to bring to the church 3 wreaths —and the Monument Committee will decorate the monument in the morn ing. j There are in Pittsboro 60 Confed j erate soldiers’ graves and one Federal j soldier’s. ' "* ■ j After the services are over, the crowd, to the tolling of the church bells, will march to the church yard, | where with wreaths and flowers they will cover the graves of those dead heroes of ours. j MISS NELL POWELL WEDS MR. JOHN WESLEY NORWOOD (Contributed) The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. j Powell, near Bynum, was the scene, 1 Saturday, May 1, of a beautiful home wedding, when their daughter, Miss s Nell Thomas Powell became the bride I of Mr. John Wesley Norwood. Just before the bride and groom j entered the parlor Mrs. Mann, of ! Chapel Hill, accompanied on the piano by Miss Harris, sang “I Love You Truly.” Immediately after wards the notes of Lohengrin’s wed ! ding march were struck and the young ; couple, preceded by Rev. W. J. Wat | son, entered the room. The ceremony j was performed by Mr. Watson in a very impressive manner. The bride is a young woman of sterling worth and is widely known, in both North and South Carolina. She was educated at Littleton College and Greensboro. She has taught a number of sessions, and is accounted one of the best teachers in Chatham county. She has also served for sev eral months at the M. E. state or phanage. The groom is a hustling farmer and a fine young man. The many beautiful presents at test the popularity in which both are held. They left, amid showers of rice and best wishes, for several days tour. They will visit Richmond and Norfolk and other points. TEACHERS FOR NEXT SESSION The Pittsboro school board met I April 30 with the following members j present, A. H. London, chairman, W. Z. Crews, L. N. Womble, Geo. ii. Brooks, and Principal Nolan. The following teachers were elected for next session: A. V. Nolan, prin cipal; High School teachers, J. S. Waters, Mrs. Geo. H. Brooks, Mrs. j W. P. Horton, Miss Vivian Allgood; Ist grade, Miss Ann Tucker Moore; 2nd grade, and port of fourth, Mrs. E. E. Williams; 3rd grade, and part of fourth, Mrs. J. S. Waters; 7th grade, Miss Cara Williams; Music, I Mrs. H. A. Bynum. The election of teachers for the fifth and sixth grades was postponed till a lqjter meeting. ASHBURY NEWS We were glad to have Mr. Davis and Mr. Dowdy, of Sanford, with us : at Sunday School Sunday A. M. | They made an excellent and inspiring talk on church work, which we all enjoyed very much. Mrs. T. C. Woody is spending the week-end in High Falls with friends and relatives. Mr. C. M. Pattishall was a pleas ant caller in the home of Mr. W. ; B. F. Johnson Sunday afternoon. Mr. Dock Johnson of Haiti spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. F. Johnson. Mrs. J. T. Rosser and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Johnson. We are glad to say that Mr. J. R. Poe who returned home from Sanford Hospital a few days ago is very much improved. Mr. Grady Mashburn received a ; telegram thk morning (Tuesday) notifying him of the death of his brother at Sanford Hospital, he will be carried back to his home at High Falls for burial. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having this day qualified as admin istrator of the estate of J. R. Paschal, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before April 29th, 1927 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those owing the estate will please make immediate payment. This 26th day of April, 1926. C. E. PASCHAL, Administrator. Apr. 29, 6tp. Mrs. R. A. Glenn and son Roland visited Mrs. Glenn’s uncle, Mr. W. P. Griffin at Durham Sunday. Mrs. Glenn learned that her aunt Mrs. J* T. Griffin, who suffered a serious at tack of influenza in the early spring, is still far from well. i PITTSBORO, N. C., CHATHAM COUNTY, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1926 lil—l I IIB—I HI ■MI Mil IIT ~l ~ I MUMW —w——r —. BRICK HAVEN NEWS Brick Haven, May 3.—This week has been a very enjoyable one in our little village and especially to those who love and enjoy folks, for the social calendar has been well filled. First came the reception on Tuesday afternoon by the teachers for the pu pils. Interesting games were played, and then iced cream wafers and fruit were served to the children. It was good to see every one so merry and glad. One of the most delightful social events and also the most enjoyable given here in quite a while was the reception Tuesday evening by Mrs. W. A. Mills in honor of Misses Geneva and Cecil Seawell. The home was beautifully decorated with a profusion of spring flowers. The guests were received at the door by Mrs. Mary Mills Johnson, and de licious punch was served from a veri table flowery bower, artistically ar ranged in one comer of the reception hall. Next came the authors’ contest, which caused a great deal of merri ment and was very instructive as well. Mrs. F. M. Nash won the prize, a book of lovely poems, “A Heap O’ Faith” by Edgar A. Guest. After the acceptance of the prize by Mrs. Nash in her usual gracious manner, the guests were invited into the din ing room which was beautiful in its array of silver and attractive hand embroidered linen. Flowers were everywhere, and the open wood-fire added to the coziness of the scene. A delicious salad course was served, followed by cream and cake, then cof fee and mints. The favors were tiny nosegays. The guests left at a late hour voting Mrs. Mills a most charm ing and gracious hostess. Little Miss Merle Marks delight fully entertained in honor of her birthday Wednesday from 3 P. M. un til 5 P. M. The youngsters seemed to have an unusually good time and were very generous with good wishes and remembrances for many happy returns of the day. Mrs. Marks was assisted by Mrs. R. H. Overby in serving the dainty refreshments. Miss Mamie Gene Cole, the Junior All-South Supt. arrived on scheduled time Thursday and conducted two very interesting and instructive ser vices. She met the Junior C. E. mem bers at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon, and lectured to the older group and visitors at 7:30 P. M. Without a doubt, her lectures were the most inspiring and most worthwhile ever delivered here. Miss Cole has just one week in North Carolina/ speak ing at only nine different places, and we feel particularly honored by be ing scheduled in the itinerary. While here Miss Cole was a guest of Mrs. O. C. Kennedy, the superin tendent of the Junior C. E. society at this place. Mrs. F. M. Nash and Miss Mary Lee Utley were guests of Mrs. Kennedy also at a 6 o’clock dinner Thursday evening. Mrs. A. P. Harrington has returned from a few days visit at Bonsai with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mims of Cor inth gp*Rt Sunday here with their daugiiter, Mrs. H. A. Harrington. | Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Mims and children lof New Hill were also week-end guests of Mrs. Harrington. Mrs. T. J. Harrington and children motored to Sanatorium and spent Sunday with Mr. Harrington who is a patient there. Messrs. W. A. Griffin, J. W. Law rence, Roe Bland, A. P. Harrington, Mrs. Harrington and Misses Mary Bland, Laura Harris and Cordie Har mon comprised a very successful and pleasant fishing party here last Mon uay afternoon. Grace Harrington, Esther Stephen son, Louise Nash, and Madys Gotten successfully passed the county 7th grade examination and will receive certificates of promotion. Credit is due to both pupils and the teacher for the good work accomplished. Miss Frances Thompson entertain ed in honor of her sixteenth biithday Saturday evening from 7:30 until 11 P. M. A large crowd of the younger social set were present and thorough ly enjoyed the evning. Delicious re freshments were served. Next Sunday is Mother’s Day. On that day every one is asked to wear a pink flower in honor of his mother if she is living—otherwise wear the white. The celebration of a special Mother’s Day began in Philadelphia in 1908 and was originated by Miss Anna Jarvis. The legislature in 1914 confirmed the selection of the second Sunday in May of every year and the custom is universally observed. Do not forget to wear a flower in honor of the best mother who ever lived—your mother. While the car nation has been selected as Mother’s flower, it will not be convenient for all of us to wear a carnation, but wear some flower—and if one is away from home and mother, write a letter also. Miss Ora Carpenter of Lynchburg, Va., has been on a short visit to her uncle here, Mr. C. H. Thompson. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having this day qualified as the Administrator of the last will and testament of Jerry Harrington, de ceased, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate, to present them to the undersigned on or before the Ist day of April, 1927, or this notice will >be pleaded in bar of their recovery. And all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate settlement of the same. This March 29, 1926. S. W. HARRINGTON, Administrator. April 1, 6tp. Roland Glenn left Wednesday for Hendersonville to join his father who is working in that boom town. MONCUPtE NOTES Miss Ethel Womble Marries in At lanta—Good Commencement Sermon-Personal Items Miss Ethel Womble, the attractive daughter of Mrs. Phoebe Womble, and Mr. W. W. Addicks, of Atlanta Ga., were married in that city Thurs day, April 29, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Dr. Neal A. An derson. The marriage took place a month earlier than was planned be cause of the fact that Mr. Addicks, who had been located with a power company in Atlanta was on the point of being transferred to Miami or De troit. The bride is a brilliant and ac complished young lady, having been educated at Peace Institute, Raleigh. She is attractive and lovable and has many friends in Moncure. Mr. Ad dicks is a handsome young gentleman and a successful business man. The writer wishes them many years of success and happiness. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Durant of Ra leigh spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Moore. Mr. A. S. Hieks of Haywood is now located across the street from Wal den and Thomas Furniture Co. and ready to pay cash for chickens and eggs. Mr. L. R. Houze of Roanoke, Va., is visiting Capt. J. 11. Wissler this ' week. ' Mr. L. C. Sowers and Mrs. J. C. Sowers and children of Linwood were visitors of Dr. and Mis. J. E. Cathell last week-end. Last Sunday morning at eleven o’clock Dr. Gilmore, the Presbyterian minister of Sanford preached an ex cellent and scholarly sermon to the graduating class and to a large con gregation which gathered at the school auditorium. His text was taken from Acts 9:15 and his sub ject was, “The Call of God.” It was exceedingly good and appropriate. There are eleven in the Senior e.asj of Moncure high school this year. SEE “ROSETIME,” MAY 18TH A comedy with music, called “Rose time” will be shown at the school ’i auditorium on Tuesday evening, May | 18th, under the auspices of the Pa-1 rent-Teachers Association of Pitts boro. The hour has not been deter mined, but will be published later. “Rosetime” comes to us highly rec ommended, is “full of pep,” keeping you entertained throughout the en-1 tire evening. “Ma and Pa Perkins” are rare characters who, alone, could entertain the entire house, but you will thoroughly enjoy Rose Per kins, leading lady and Jerry Brown, leading man, stars of the play whose love affair, like many another, doesn’t run smooth. Come and see how Jerry with his cleverness, smooths out the wrinkles. Then a tall graceful French “vamp” plays a clever part, to say nothing of Babe Burnette, “the darling of the screen,” and O’Reilly with his abundance of wit and personality. The cast consists of eleven charac ters. A bevy of lovely chorus girls in a variety of charming costumes, together with eight boys also in cos tume, add much to the enjoyment of the evening. Four attractive young girls in costume wall act as ushers, and four other maids similarly dressed, will sell candy during the evening. The coach for “Rosetime” will ar rive the latter part of this week, with all costumes for the play. She will be entertained in the homes of mem bers of the Parent-Teachers Associa tion. Come and help to make this undertaking a success, we will appre ciate it. ’Tis for a worthy cause. “Rosetime” is one of the most pop ular comedy plays on the stage to day and has been shown in many towns in this and other states, with gTeat success, giving satisfaction, and real pleasure. Tickets are to be had for 35c and 50c with a few reserved seats at 75c. Come early and get a good seat! MRS. ARTHUR LONDON, Publicity Chr. MARRIAGE LICENSE The following white couples have secured marriage license from Reg ister C. C. Poe since April 1. Samuel M. Moore and Mrs. Eula Glosson Beal, David M. Perry and Miss Burgie J. Lindley, W. D. Mc- Daniel and Essie Hicks, Sherwood Brantley and Nellie Mae Dickens, R. L. Mattox and Alma Wrenn, A. J. Melton and Sara Ruth Welch, Theo dore Blackwood and Bettie Parker, Percy Malone and Annie Johnson, John Creed and Ruby Petty; Ulysses Johnson and Annie L. Bray, James M. Dowdy and Fannie M. Nevels, Rob’t. W. Siler and Margaret C. Johnson, Clarence Curl and Bertha Barber, Da vid Lee Rogerson and Lina Andrews, Belton J. Griffin and Annie R. Hobby, J. W. Norwood and Nell T. Powell, Clifton Cox and Lina Lashley, Fred Russell and Edna Lindley. | Parent? Call on City | I to Bar Santa Claus t Vancouver, B. C. —The Van- * 4* eoaver city council and the Van % conver Retail Merchants’ associa- * $ tiou are confronted by the Van- i % couver Parent-Teachers’ associa- *B* Ition asking that impersonations % of Santa Claus be discontinued. 7 Disillusionment of children, J when promises made by the jolly ♦ saint In department stores re- Z main unfilled on Christmas day, ♦ 1 was given as the reason. Z POLAR EXPEDITIONS WELL WORTH WHILE ! Organizer of Arctic Parties Defends Projects. New York.—Justification for the riak and expenditure of money In volved in three American Arctic ex peditions last summer was given by Robert Anderson Pope, organizer of the All-American Alumni Arctic expe dition. His outfit will be commanded by Lieut. Leigh Wade, assisted by Lieut. H. H. Ogden, both of whom are round-the-world flyers. ▲ll three expeditions will attempt to locate and claim for the United States a large body of land believed to lie I north of Alaska and eastern Siberia, spoken of by the explorers as “a new polar continent.” The National Geo graphic society estimates that this land comprises about 1,000,000 square miles. Natives of the northern Alaskan and Siberian coasts long have been con vinced that land lay to the northward, | explains Mr. P<)pe, They base their , belief chiefly upon the northerly flight , of birds in the spring, just before nesting season. Some scientists think the birds fly clear across the pole to ; Spitzbergen and Franz Joseph land, but the majority think they would not be likely to attempt such a long flight at the beginning of the nesting season. Resting Place Near By. E. W. Nelson, chief of the bureau of biological survey of the United States Department of Agriculture, re called the evidence of Captain Hooker of the Corwin, in 1881, who found in numerable fresh tracks of wild geese on Wrangell island, but not ersign of the geese themselves, indicating a tem porary stopping place. Capt. John Keenan of Troy, N* Y., cruising the Beautiful sea, north of the Alaskan shore, in search of whales in • the seventies, offered more substantial | evidence! After * taking several | ’whales the weather became thick and ihe stood to the north. When the fog lifted land to the north was seen dis tinctly by him and all the members of Ills crew. { ; Peary, on his unsuccessful attempt t# reach the pole in 1906, reported i that he sighted land to the northwest lof Grant Land. Observing from an j elevation of about 2,000 feet, he could ! see land at a great distance, which he i named Crocker Land. Further north | between latitudes 85Mi and 87 degrees, j almost at the pole, he found bear and I fox tracks, indicating that land was not a great distance away. Tidal Movement The late R. A. Harris of the United States coast and geodetic survey of fered what the explorers believe to be far more substantial information. Mr. Harris claimed that virtually all the tidal movement at the pole depends upon pressure from the tidesk of the north Atlantic ocean entering the cir cumpolar seas between Greenland, and Spitzbergen. If there were no obstruction the tides at Bennett island, north of the Siberian coast, would be the same as at Point Barrow, he said. But the tides off Bennett island rise and fall 2% feet, while off Point Barrow there is a tide of only 0.4 foot. Mr. Har ris held this to be proof positive that there is some great obstruction around which the tides must flow. Further evidence of land was furnished by in dications that the Beaufort sea vir tually is closed in to the north and eastward. Ice does not drift freely to the northward. It seems to be caught in a pocket, and Is of remarkable thickness and age. Northeast winds will drive the Ice to the westward, but there is little or no movement of the ice when the wind blows from the west. Scientist Makes Glass Eyes That Can Be Moved Berlin.—Moveable glass eyes which are hard to distinguish from normal eyes because they are subject to the control of optic muscles have been suc cessfully fitted by Dr. Carl Mueller of Jena, noted artificial es r e specialist. Doctor Mueller found that in 90 out of 100 cases of the loss of an eye the muscles and nerves controlling the movement of the eye were unimpaired. He said he fastens connective muscle tissue of animals to a glass eye and grafts these tissues onto the remnants of the human eye muscles. The extremely delicate operation re quires about an hour, and he has been successful in from 80 to 90 per cent of his cases. Success depends to a large extent, he asserted, upon the condition of the eye socket after the loss of the eye. Picks Good Name New Haven, Conn. —Emanuel Hash eesh would become one ot Uncle Sam’s citizens, but under the name of Eman uel H. Adil, which, he explains, in Syr ian means Justice. V \ ' , Service for One Little Rock. —Because its one sub scriber opposed discontinuance ot the service, the Sheridan Telephone com pany has withdrawn its petition to dis continue the service between Sheridan and Sprague, Ar':. VOL. 48. NO ' BYNUM ITEMS There was quite a crowd around lere Saturday from Durham fishing having a good time. Among was Mr. Alvis Bynum, formerly >f Pittsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones and little laughter, Hettie, spent the week-end \t Mebane with Mrs. Jones’ sister, Mrs. C. W. Abernathy. Mr. W. A. Andrews of West Dur day 1 S^ ew hours here Satur -0 ¥ rs ; Ksgsbee spent the week- Mrs.D.L ar Trip 0 pe With daUgh *° r ' Mrs. Naomi Marshall at Norfolk father a M CW T da r S o here . Siting: her Sturdivant. Mrs. R. B .Lambeth and sisters. Misses Juha and Effie spent Sunday at Sanford with their brothers, Messrs A- T. and R. L. Lambeth. Mi«« rS M E if?? avis and children and Miss Neli Sturdivant of Wilmington visaed thmr father Saturday and Sun- V*? y e r e acc <>mpanied by Miss Nell s friend, Mr. Ajken. -. ,s Mr. and Mrs. Luther Smith'" and daughter, Louise, and Mr. and Mrs. Hob Clapp spent Saturday and Sun day at Dunn with Mr. Walter Smith and family. Miss Louise will spend some time there before returning home. O, J. Poe and children of West Dur ham spent Sunday with J. E. Sturdi vant. CORINTH NEWS Friends here of Miss Ellen Penny of Duncan are sorry to know she has had to have an operation for appendi citis. Miss Penny was the efficient pri mary teacher of the Corinth school. The Rev. Mr. Duval preached an ex cellent sermon Sunday, his theme be ing “The Christian Home.” Mr. and Mrs. N. T, Avent were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. B. M. Mclver. Miss Carrie Lee Cross is visiting friends at Fayetteville. Our ladies seem to prefer the quilt ing bee, to bridge parties. They met last Tuesday with Mrs. Parker. A save-all was quickly finished. Pound cake was served. Mr. T. H. Buchanan and family spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Rufus Ashworth of Fuquay Springs. Little Mary Cross spent the week end with her cousin, Miss Maud Dix on. Mr. Arthur Riddle is improving af ter a severe case of flu. Mr. T. Y. Mims is on the sick list. We hope he will soon be out again. He is one of the few remaining Con federate soldiers of our community. Hazel Cross is with her aunt, Mrs. C. R. Dixon, Pittsboro, R. F. D. Mrs. Dixon has tonsilitis. Mr. and Mrs. Avery Marks and Mrs. L. H. Mims, were in Sanford Saturday shopping. Mrs. D. A. Dickens of Raleigh spent the week visiting relatives and fish ing. Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Ellis and chil dren of Siler City are guests of Mr. S. W. Harrington. Mr. Ellis is on a fishing trip he has planned several years. Mr. A. M. Cotten, who has been seriously sick for some time, is im proving. Mr. Cotten was a bass sing er in the Christian Chapel singing class, of which for several years Mrs. Cotten has been pianist. They are greatly missed. I watched from my window today a very amusing and what appeared to be interesting game of horse shoes. There were four participants, three generations being represented, a father, son, and two grand sons rang ing in age from 13 to 83 years. PLEASANT HILL SCHOOL CLOSES SUCCESSFUL YEAR Bynum, R. 1, May 3.—The Mt. Pleasant school closed Monday, April 26. At ten o’clock the children gave a short exercise, after which Rev. Mr. Watson made a very interestirtg ad dress, using the three “R’s” as his subject. He then presented the read ing certificates and attendance cer tificates. Those making perfect attendance for the entire year were Ralph Mor gan, tenth grade, and Ben Mann, fifth grade. The honor roll for the eighth month is as follows: First grade: Lillian Glosson, Mil dred Hackney, and Lela Brown Mann. Second grade: Marion Norwood, Blanche Mann, Mary Norwood, and Aggie Williams. Third grade: Wallace Clark, Win fred Norwood, Larry Norwood, Reg gie Norwood, Maud O’Daniel, Edith Teer and Ben Williams. Fourth grade: Ruby Clark, Jessie Mae Glosson, Clara Hackney, Bessie Hamlet, Ola Mann, Ralph Morgan, Elizabeth Morgan, and Annie Lee O’Daniel. Fifth grade: Billie Brewer, Ben Hall Hamlet, Glenn Harris, Ben Mann, Ranks Mann, Lamont Norwood, and Jeanette Norwood. Sixth grade: Louetta Mann. Congressman Abernethy is to be congratulated on pushing the Moore’s Creek Bridge battle ground bill through the house committee. The bill as reported appropriates $50,006 to the improvement of the battle ground. Fire has wrought havoc in Mc- Dowell and other mountain counties the past week. ; Thousands of men have been fighting the demon, but he has gone on consuming myriads of' young forest trees.