ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 19, 1878. Brick Haven News „ Safe but Suffer Loss at c ‘«. to Take Collection 1 for Relief Fund —Personals Miss Gladys Hawks of Willow c Jh„; s was the week-end guest .of S Fvelvn Fuquay. N M Mv Clinton Seawell and Miss Cecil «, awell spent Sunday at Carthage *7 th°ir parents Mr Zeb ‘ Harrington, who is in ,i -t Elon visited his home here s ? o< week-end/ Zeb is a member of ! f football team which will play San ; i Hioh school at an early date. t( y. \ T Overly, who has been tnfferi'i'for several days with ery sipelas. is much better and hopes soon to vv °»ud l Tv?rs.’ 0. C. Kennedy -were • '“ f R e v. and Mrs. C. L. Dowell Mville for the week-end. While fw/theV attended the Wake Forest tilvi v »■ C rL : ''''-ermediate Christian Endeav .. o-Vv-e a “Backwards Party” Satur kv evening which was thoroughly and was greatly enjoyed by the voung people present. Light re freshment were ser\ed. . Rriekhaven had reason to be much m , ip r estfed in the storm which swept Southern Florida so recently. Mr. Ben rt>v ‘ a brother of our Miss Mary iee Utlev, Mrs. lev/yn _ Rollins, a .-, ui vhtei of Mrs. Rosa Lawrence, and M r ® Ada Benfield a sister of Mrs. T ‘ ± Lawrence are residents of Mi ami Ben came cut unharmed, while the "homes of Mrs Rollins and TMrs Benfield lost their roofs and suffered otherwise. They view the property loss as nothing compared with the fact that they, with families are alive to tell the story. - . The collection of the Brickhaven Sunday School next Sundey will be forwarded to the Red Cross for relief work in Florida and all should count it a privilege to contribute liberally and thus express our gratitude for our own fortunate circumstances. DR. POTEAT AT PITTSBORO Under the auspices of the Woman’s Club of Pittsboro, Dr. H. H. Poteat of Wake Forest College delivered a lec ture and rendered a musical program at the High School Auditorium Fri day night. The lecture abounded in humor, philosophy and common sense, and like the splendid musical recital was highly enjoyed by the large audience. Dr. Poteat is a most pleasing and attractive speaker and is a musician of rare talent. He made a most fa | vorable imprssion upon our people, r and both to him and the Woman’s Club, Pittsboro and vicinity are in debted for a most pleasant and prof itable evening’s entertainment. Following the very interesting and humorous lecture a delightful song recital was given. The opening num ber was the prologue to the Italian opera “Pagliacci” in the original set ting, followed by three negro spirit uals, a Cornish Folk Song; a Scotch ballad and one of the poems of the famous negro poet Burleigh. Norwood Family Holds Reunion The descendants of the late S. G. Norwood held their annual reunion at the home of G. S. Norwood last Sun day. Mr. Norwood was a confederate soldier, and was war “Buddy” of the late Rev. Jessie Louis Smith. He was twice married, first to Martha Hackney and then to Sarah Willett. He was father of seventeen children, eleven now living. All were present except Mrs. D. F. Andrews of Dur ham who was ill and Mrs. J. E. Crain of Durham. The children present were Messrs. N. G. and J. D. Nor wood of Durham; Mrs. German Smith ot Hillsboro; Mrs. B. B. Webster of Bonlee; Mesdames G. B. Emerson and B. v. Moore and M. F. Norwood of bear Creek; J. J. Norwood of Greens ooro; and G. S. Norwood of Siler City M. o. The following were present ■ rom Durham: Shellie V. Norwood, |brma Ruth Pickard, Rev. Earl B. Ed ■ wards, Errest Norwood, Wm. Norwood I •Ud'TO of Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. I Ha ckney, Mrs. F. L. Vestal and ■children, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Blaylock, l arg ® Lor?r.ce and Glenn Hack- y ’j j Perdue, Mrs. Curtis Nor ■jood troro Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. l, urner and Mrs - Oma Smith, Mr. fc7 w t j - r - Hart Siler city Rt ■L ’ t t; r>unn and family, Mr. and Int' n Willett and T. P. Beaver lIL ?7 Creek - These with the farm K. s , ot t * le above named children made ■ one kunc *red present. B\lr r T l? xt reun i° n well be held with ■ -p , Person at Bear Creek, N. W' * ourth Sunday in September, 1927. CLUB NOTES mJJ}* 7 e T jlar meeting of the' Wo- Room Wj at thfe Club ed ”, e i sday afte ™on, Septem members are requested Rues L pre P are d to pay their annual ■ Th ° cents * Rital e „/ eceipts rom the Poteat re gratifying, $52.25, I Contrit arnount realized. 4 Ror the Pi ti ”2 s a 7 e comin g in slowly m M UM i , ollda disaster fund. Mrs. ■ontrlh 1 1 i kairman » reports $1.09 ICb S Mr - W. H. Griffin. Rays vp .T 1 County people Tiave al- R or heln" Pond f d . Hberally to any calk Rill not r ant * * s hoped that they ■ Mrs a PPeal. Rembers’ r *? un L entertain the Rednesdav’ 1 Health Department I The £ afternoon, Sept. 29th. Rn’c n ? Department of the Wo- PlwerS7 1 11! 1 meet with Mrs. Geo. fiw. at7-no Ur A ay afternoon October, [ L ,5 - u 0 o’clock. j Ga w: : H'u°„ f t. Ra!eish ’ * The Chatham Record Moncure News Letter Pcrsonak and Other Items from Our Moncure Correspondent Mr. Edwin J. Catheil, the son of Dr. and Mrs. Catheil left last Satur day for Atlanta, Ga., where he will resume his work at Emory University. He likes his work there. , Capt. *L H. Wissler has returned trom a short .visit to his friends in Virginia. - \ Mrs. R. A. Moore motored to Golds boro last Sunday./ Cn account of the school children picking cotton, school opens at eight o’clcck and closes at'two o’clock this I week. ' Mrs. S. W. Womble, Mr. and Mrs. jJ. F. Womble, and Mr. and Mrs. W. |W. Steelman atterfded the quarterly ! Conference which was held at Brown’s Chapel Methodist church yesterday, Monday. Rev. J. D. Bundy, the pre siding elder was at his best and good financial report was made by each church represented. We are sorry to state that Mr. A. F. Thomas of Haywood, N. C., died yesterday and will be buriovl in'the cemetery there today at three o’clock. Mr. Thomas had not been sick but a ; few days and it was a surprise to the community to hear of his death. Our community was saddened yes terday, September 27, by the death of one of its most beloved and esteemed i citizens, Mr. A. Fred Thomas, who had • lived to the ripe age of 75. He had ! spent his entire life in this community and was trusted and loved by every one. He was a member of Moncure Methodist church and lived a conse crated Christian life. He was ready at all times to lend a helping hand iin all good causes and was a true I friend to the needy. He was a success ful and enterprising farmer and lead er in his lives of endeavor, i As witness to the high esteem in which he was held an unusually large number of substancial citizens attend ed his funeral which was held at Hay wood Presbyterian church where in terment was made. Mr. A. B. Clegg and sons, Mrs R. A. Speed, Mrs. J. W. Womble and i Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Womble attend > ed the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. . George Marrow, who lives near Sax t apahaw, N. /)., lest Sunday. They . reported a good tire Mr. and Mrs. Morrow received £122.50 m gold, be sides a lot of green back. | ✓ The Epworth League held an in . teresting meeting last Sunday eve ning. Mr. W. W. Stedman gave an [ interesting talk on “The Bible.” As t the president and secretary have gone off to College, the vicepresident, Miss Virginia Catheil will serve during her ! absence. Miss Mamie Sockwell was ’ elected secretary. * Mrs. John Upchurch and children spent last week-end with her mother I at New Hill, N. C. r Mrs. J. T. Canady and little son ' of Goldston, N. C., are visiting her t parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bryan ‘ tor two weeks. ’ Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Emerson, of , Phoenix Utility Company, left last , week for Crescent City, Fla. Mr. Emerson was clerk in the office for the Company "and also time-keeper. Mr. B. P. Rucker, who had a posi tion with the Carolina Power and Light Co. left also last week for Gar . rett Park Md. ; Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Cole and Mrs. • R. E. Cole and little son spent the i day with Mrs. E. A. Pifkins of Cary, ! N. C., last Wednesday i Mr. Frank Watson is looking after i Lockville Filling Station for *Mr. H. . D. Gunter. 1 : MISS OLIVIA HARMON IS OFF FOR HARVARD AGAIN Miss Olivia Harmon left last Fri i day to resume her studies at Harvard j University. Miss Harmon is pursuing ’ the doctor’s degree at that famous university. She took her A. B. de j giee at Meridien Qollege, Meridien, Miss. Later she secured the A. M. degree from the University of North Carolina. She has already done con siderable work toward her doctor/s degree. Miss Harmon will visit her brother George in Philadelphia a few days and attend the Sesqui Centennial be fore continuing her journey to Cam bridg. Mr. D. B. Nooe made a business trip to Greensboro yesterday. The Musical Department of the Wo man’s Club will meet Friday evening with Mrs. W. B. Chapin. Mrs. W. J. Calvert, who has been' visiting her sister, Mrs. N. W. Hill, has left here to spend winter in Cambridge, Ma^|. Dr. asd Mrs. Harold Glascock, and 1 son, Spencer, of Raleigh, spent Sun day with 'Miss Margaret Womble. His friends will regret tp learn that ‘ Rev. R. G. Shannonhouse who recently spent several weeks in a hospital has had to return to the institution. Irony of Fate Atlantic City, N. J.—Mrs. Peggy Roome, stunt aviatrix, who liad her pictures taken standing on an air plane wing up in- the air, has been killed In an automobile accident. Cloth from Bamboo L*mdon. —doth of woven bamboo is the latest textile wrinkle. The raw material from India is much cheaner than cotton from Dixie. Quite True ■ Teacher —Children, what is the most s -dangerous part pf an aotemoWile? 1 Children—The driver. _ PITTSBORO, N. C„ CHATHAM COUNTY, THURSDAY, SEPT. New Elam News “— ! r New Hill Rt. 2 ,Sept. 27.—One of the most elaborate social events of the fall season was a party given by Messrs. Leamon and Tom Rey nolds at the lovely home of their uarents Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Reynolds Saturday night. The guests were re ceived by the Messrs. Reynolds and those who wera not acquainted were introduced and a lovely conversation began. After the arrival of all the guests they were invited in the spacious grove where a beautifully arranged table awaited them. Here they were served walnut and vanilla cream and m the living room and enjoyed music _cr a short while. There were about 50 present and everyone had a de lightful time in the hospitable Rey nolds’ home. The New Elam Suuday school end Christian Endeavor went to Raleigh Saturday on a picnic. For several many of the members could not attend, but those who did go spent a pleasant day in the capital city. They carried a regular picnic dinner and enjoyed the feast at the park. The afternoon was spent visit ing places of interest, including the museum. Mr. W. A. Drake was painfully in jured one day last week when his mule ran away. He is getting along as well as can be expected and we hope he will continue to improve. A similar accident happened to Mr. J. C. Hatley, breaking his arm. One of the little twin boys of Mr. and Mrs. Will Mitchell died Sunday and will be laid to rest in New Elam cemetery Monday. He was only a few months old. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Carr-and chil dren Edward and Etheleen were re cent visitors to Kinston, Newbern, and other places in that part of the state. BELL’S NEWS The school is increasing. We have an enrollment of two hundred thirty four. The following teachers spent the week-end at their respective homes: Misses Biggs, Johnson, Harris, Cheek, and Chilton. All reported an enjoy able time with home-folks and friends, j Miss Arka Zachary, a teacher of j Bell’s School, spent the week-end at Mr. J. T. Horton’s. Mr. I. F. Grigg, principal of Bell’s School, motored to Durham Friday afternoon on business. Misses Lina Bawling and Minnie Belle Goodwin were in Bynum Sun day. Mr. R. H. Mills is very ill from an attack of appendicitis. We wish him a speedy recovery. We are very sorry that Mr. Bob Horton’s condition is no better. He seems to be growing constantly worse. Miss Ruby Lee Markham, Grace Horton, Inez Morgan, Helen Horton, and Ms. Arnold Markham visited at the home of Mr. Pegg Mills last Sun day: Miss Fannie Ellis, of Apex High School, was at home Sunday. Miss Lula Mason was a welcome visitor in Raleiglj Sunday. Mr. W. T. Hdrton, who has been sriously ill, is some better now. Misses Leta and Hollie Goodwin entertained a number of their friends some time ago. A pleasant time was reported. Messrs. Eustace Mills, Coley Good win, and Arthur Lawrence, oij Apex Route one, are students at Wake For est College this year. Mr. Pritchard Slawter, of New Bern, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Floyd Townsend. Mr. Golie Mims and Miss Thelma Aumon visited Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Goodwin Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Johnson and children spent last/Sunday with Mrs. Juilland Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Byrd and two children, Dollie and Wayne spent last Sunday with Mrs. Juilland Holland. Mr. Ira Sears, of Mebane, was the guest of J. W. Mason. Miss Tinnie Mason spent the night with Miss Elizabeth Shadrach last Sunday night. / Mrs. J. W. Mason spent Wednes day in Greensboro on business. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bryant and lit tle daughter, of Durham, spent Satur day at the home of Mrs. Bryant’s parents Mr. J. W. Goodwin. Miss Alma Woods, of Durham, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Esther Goodwin. Mr. J. W. Goodwin and son Robert were in Durham Tuesday on business. They were also at the tobacco mar ket opening. Mr. M. J. Wilson went to Apex Thursday on business. .. v Miss Gladys Copeland spent Thurs day night with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Holleman. Mr. John Cash recently sold a load of tobacco. He was well pleased with the price, 0 We are pleased to note that . Miss I Cathrine Johnson’s music class is in creasing. Mr. and Mr* Walter Holland vis ited Mrs. Holland’s sister, Mrs. O’neal, of Durham, Sunday. AGED LADY BREAKS fclP Mrs. Virginia Goldston, while visit ing her. niece, Mrs, W, F. Bland, had the misfortune to fall and break her hip, a very serious matter to one of her’age, near eighty. ' She has been attended by Dr. Cha pin, and visited twice by her nephey, Dr. It. M. Buie7 county health officer of Guilford county. She has suffered severely,- but is doing as well as can be expected. She is still at the Bland home, wher£ * everything possible is being done for*her comfort. Mrs. Lula A. Jones, wha has been visiting in Durham for the past week, returned Tuesday. Bynum News Notes Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Poe and son, Henry Clay and Miss Minnie Cook, of Durham, spent the week-end here with relatives. Mrs. E. Riggsbee has returned from* Chapel Hill, where she spent two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. D. L. Trippe. Miss Mary Smith spent the week end in Durham with friefids. Miss Fannie Riddle of Durham spent Sunday >here with friends. Mrs. Fannie Bland spent last week in Durham, with her sisters, Mrs W. A. Poe and Mrs. L. J. Andrews! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones and little daughter, Hettie, spent a few days last week in Mebane with Mrs. Jones’ sister, Mrs. C. W. Abernathy. Mr. Howard Oakley of Durham h -.s returned to his home at Durham, after spending a week here with his sister, Mrs. C. L. Neal. POLLYANN CHATHAM COUNTY FAIR The Chatham County Fair will open for its seventh annual event on Tues day morning, October 5, at this place. buildings and grounds are being made ready this week, the decora tions will be placed during the next few days so that everything will be in shape to receive the large number of exhibits in the various departments. Wednesday will be school day when every child under 16 years of age, who is in school in Chatham county or the territory adjacent within ten miles of the county line will be admitted free. Judging of the various depart ment entries will also be in order that day as well as the bench show, which promises to be crowded with some un usually fine dogs. Thursday there will , be a concert by musicians from the blind institution at Raleigh. Friday will be homecoming day at the close of which all exhibitors will receive their premium checks. Two free per formances each day and a' peppy mid way will furnish entertainment for the big crowds expected. CELEBRATES 75TH BIRTHDAY Wednesday, September. 22, was the , 75th. birthday of Rev. G. R. Under j wood, and the occasion was fittingly I celebrated at his home in the Hanks’ Chapel community, where a hundred friends and relatives met with him for a big birthday feast. Rev. Jonas Barclay, pastor of the Pittsboro Presbyterian church, was master of ceremonies. Appropriate remarks were made by Messrs. E. B. Hatch, J. L. Griffin, Mr. Brooks of Sanford, and Mrs. W. F. Beard in behalf of the ladies. Mr. Barclay re viewed some of the achievements of the aged but still staunch minister, calling attention to the fact that he had been in the ministry just 40 years, having begun to preach at the age of 35; that he had organized several churches, resuciated several pothers, and been tKfe means of enlisting hun dreds of new members. Mr. Underwood served Hank* Chapel 14 years on one occasion. He then left the community, but having bought the old homestead of his wife’s family, returned to the Hanks’ Chapel community the first of the year. Mr. Underwood is an exceptional financier, having never received a greater salary than SSOO a year, yet rearing two children, and by investing the little surplus in days when land was cheap has accumulated a cpnsid erable little estate. He is most high ly esteemed in several counties where he is known, and the visitors last Wednesday wore friends from several other counties. The dinner is said to have been -a good one, for which Rev. R. R. Gor don gave thanks. v CHATHAM BOYS AT U. N. C.i Chatham County Club Reorganized at University—Largest Member ship in History of the'Club Special to Chatham Record The Chatham County Club at the University of North Carolina held its meeting on Thursday night* September 22, 1926. The president of the club, Mr. Edward W. Avent, a former student in Pittsboro High’ and a junior in the University, called the meeting to order and, after Tviakinu* a few timely remarks, intro duced William Hunt, the retiring pres ident, who made an appropriate talk. j. W. Ray, secretary-treasurer of the club, successfully handled the busi ness end of the meeting. It was de cided that two regular meetings would be held each month. There are nearly a score of Chatham boys in the University representing the best that there fe in Chatham County. Ev ery member plans to make this the most successful year in the history of the club. The officers in the club this year | are Edward Avent, president, William I Lacy Harper, vice-president, J. Wyeth Ray, secretary-treasurer, Hoyt Hack ney, in charge of banquets. The following includes the member ship of the club according to the class es in which they belong: Seniors: William Hunt; Juniors: Edward Avent, William Wrenn, and Wilfred Headen: Sophomores: Wyeth Ray, Lacy Harper, Hoyt Hackney, and Reannand Shanponhouse; Freshmen: Grady Snipes, Royal Shannonhouse, Junius Willie Morgan, Lewis Carroll, Ernest Hancock, Milton Gar ner, and Edward Hendrick. Mr. Walter R. Perry and sort* Ed ward returned yesterday morning from Hamlet, whpre the latter had his tonsils removed. The Hamlet hospi tal is becoming popular in Chatham I for such operations, the charge being only $12.50; against The usual charge* of $35. U. S. SET TO FIGHT MATERNAL MORTALITY . High Death Rate Speeds Bureau’s Plans. Washington.—A national program for the prevention of maternal mor tality and morbidity throughout, the United States is outlined by the chil dren’s bureau of the United Stales De parfcnient of Labor in a report on' ma ternal mortality. Tliis report, the work of Dr. Rob ert Morse Woodbury, formerly di rector of statistical research for the children’s bureau, brings together and analyzes all available material, botli American and foreign, on deaths of mothers during childbirth, and is con sidered one of the most important pieces of recent research in the field of the bureau’s N work. Children’s bu reau officials feel that it indicates the necessary emphasis during the com ing decade in the effort to reduce deaths among both babies and moth ers. Mortality Rate High. Maternal mortality rates in the United States are today among the highest in the civilized world, and but a slight decrease in these rates has occurred since the beginning of the present century, Doctor Woodbury’s report states. The significance of these facts from a national *point of view is found not only in the loss which this means of the lives of wom en presumably at their prime, b u t also in the far-reaching effect of ma ternal mortality on the infant death rate. “A v#ry considerable proportion of all deaths of infants under one year of age,” Doctor Woodbury points out,' “occurs during the first month of life from causes which have their ev/fin in the care and condition of lathers during pregnancy and confinement. In the United States as a whole it may be estimated that approximately 100,006 deaths of infants under one month of age occur every year. Re duction in the mortality from these causes depends upon improvement and extension of facilities for prenatal, confinement and postnatal care. It may also be estimated that at least 100,000 stillbirths occur each year. The same measures which will safeguard the lives and health of mothers dur ing pregnancy and labor will also tend to reduce the stillbirth and neonatal mortality rates.” Doctor Woodbury estimates the to tal annual number of maternal deaths In the United States on the basis of 1921 birth-registration area statistics to be 18,281. However, a careful survey of sources of error in- certifi cates of death throughout the alfea leads him to the conclusion that the true number of maternal deaths Is probably as much as 12 per cent In excess of lliose reported,, making an estimated yearly death toll of more than 20,000 women. The maternal mortality rate in 1921 was 6.8 per 1,000 live births. The provisional 1924 rate was 6.6. Poverty Proves Obstacle.' As with infant mortality also, pov erty is found to be an important fao : tor in maternal death rates, these in creasing as the husband’s earnings fall, probably because of lack of prop er facilities and adequate for tlie poor mother. Color and national ity are also important factors in ma ternal mortality. In the birth-regis tration area for 1921 the negro ma ternal death rate was 67 per cent higher -Than the white rate. On the other hand, Hie rate for foreign-born white mothers was slightly lower than for native white mothers. Among the nationalities included in the foreign-born white group the rate was lowest for mothers'born in Rus sia, and next to lowest for mothers born in Italy. At the other extreme wpre the rates for mothers born in Ireland, Great Britain, Canada, Hun gary and Germany. The racial stocks represented in the nationalities for Which the rates were highest are, It is pofwted out, those which principally compose the native white population. 20,000 Persons Lost Yearly in New York New York —It Is almost impossible to be lost or missing for a consider able length of tUne In New York. Probably in no other city in the world are so many persons reported lost, strayed or stolen. Every day brings, on tlie average, 60 inquiries to the po lice for missing persons, a total of more than 20,000 a year. Os this num ber less thata half,of one per cent are classed as permanently unaccounted foK The missing persons bureau of the police department comprises 40 detec tives, men and women, especially trained for the work. Searches are organized much more completely than Is generally realized, and once the machinery Is set in motion the effort becomes comparatively simple. 4 Auto Perils Mount Washington.—The perils of motor ing are mounting. Official statistics are that 3,274 persons already have i been killed this year In- 66 cities, j Norfolk, Va., is the safest city and Camden, N. J., the most dangerous, -"iudeing by averages. ____ _ NOTED TRAMPS PLY ROADS IN SCOTLAND , Aged Woman Says She Never j Slept in Bed. - Kannoeh Moor. Scotland. —The most 1 picturesque tramps of the United ! Kingdom are Scotsmen who ply tho f broad high road which runs along i ! Loch Lomond and across the wild and I j desolate Ratirioch moor to Inverness, j Probably the best known is “Long { | Jock.” For half a century this total- ; ; ly blind mendicant Jias fiddled his way i i along the Perthshire roads, accompa | uied by two dogs. He shares all his | meals with the dogs and at night j wraps his six-foot tartan plaid about i them and himself and sleeps out un der a tree. “Old Johnsdn” is another. He's a j genial fellow in a Balmoral bonnet and tattered frock coat. He has a i wealth of humor and is known to be T a master of repartee. He has been on the road for 80 years. Highland tramps, or “tinkers,” as they are called around Rannoch moor, speak the Gaelic language. They move in clans and are known by the family names, which often go back for centuries. The oldest member of the clan is the chief and his word is law* They are strict Sabbatarians and will; not even blow Cheir bagpipes for alm3 on Sunday. One old woman who has been on thei tramp in the western highlands for 75 years boasts that she has never slept in a bed. She has brought up a family on the king’s highway and wears a wedding ring that has been j handed down from mother to daugh ter in her.clan for 300 years. They have a jplly life. Every five > or six miles along the road Is a ‘ “tramp’s hotel” —a barn or hut where they can rest for the night or find j shelter from the storms. The high land farmers and shepherds know: them by name and exchange greetings, whenever they meet. *_ Taxes and bank«failures never wor ry thefn and at the end there Is a j tramp cemetery in Stirlingshire called * “No Man’s Land.” CABLING THE HOCS i/iii . j Fred Patxel of bmaha is the cham- hog caller of Nebraska. His cry can be heard by the porkers for thrqe miles or more and he has challenged’ all comers to meet him in a test of lung power and seductiveness. Offers to Flip Coin for, $5,000; Judge Stops Him Milwaukee. —Michael VasaS wanted; to ttip a coin for $5,000 in\court here,, but the judge overruled him. Vnsas Is being sued for divorce.- Settlement of the estate was being! considered. It was decided that Vasas was to get only $5,000 of the prop erty, which is valued at $40,000. . “Make it SIO,OOO or nothing,” he said, drawing % coin from his pocket. “No gambling permitted in this court,” the judge said. Vasas pocketed his Coin and the $5,000 and went away. He spied his daughter In a 1 Corridor, bent to kiss her and broke into tears. 00000000000000000000000000 g Golfers in Rhodesia s Need to Carry Guns a f X Bulawayo, British South Afri- x 0 ca.—Wild animals from the O X jungles have been hindering golf x 9 in Rhodesia. Sharpshooters O a have been posted on some of the a j 0 links with the view of shooting 0 j A away The pesky beasts. a ; 7 9 At the) Winkle - course a rhi- 9j o noceros has been appearing as A i ? a natural hazard, much to the 9 i 6 discouragement of the players, A i g while two lions have been seen 9 j * 6 frequently sauntering about the oj x links in Beira. One of these x! *0 was afterward shot by the men o; x on outpost duty. 9 Q , Between Beira and Dondo two 0 x grown elephants and a baby ele- X; , 9 phant tramped onto the main O i A railway line and nearly wrecked a ! 9 a train. One of the animals was 9 1 A killed, and the “elephant” catch- a 9 er of the . 1 ocomotive was 9 a smashed. , ~ x 00-oooooooooooooooooooooodo;' VOL. 48. NO.

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