PAGE TWO Nesco Oil Stove I y I NONE BETTER NONE CHEAPER § Gallon of Oil Operates 1 Burner 25 Hours. As this advertisement is being prepar ed an owner of a Nesco states that his wife has used one for two years and that it has never smoked. Another owner of a Nesco says she has used hers for nearly five years and it has never smoked, and has not changed wicks. Four-Burner Stove Only $32.50. THE HARDWARE STORE, INC.. Siler City, N. C. x 'l WHEN ITS TIME TO BUY ROOFING For Chatham and surrounding counties, Budd-Piper Roofing Company in Durham is headquarters for all kinds of roofimg. The Budd-Piper Roofing Company can sup ply you, and supply you at the right price, with anything from 5-V Crimp Galvanized Roofing to the better grades of roofing for good homes, churches, schools, factories, stores and other structures. THE BUDD-PIPER ROOFING CO DURHAM, N. C. ■■■■■ .-■■ ■■ ■I. II J r° ° ° e—F j HIGH COST OF SPENDING | When you spend SIOO, do you stop to think that | your action will cost you about $6.00 a year for j the rest of your life? V i * It is a fact. That’s what your SIOO would have ts j earned you, had you kept it at 6 percent, simple | interest. That’s 50 cents a month; it amounts | to S6O in ten years; it is $l2O in 20 years, or $240 | in 40 years. That is what it costs you to spend a y hundred dollars now. Can you see why people who save become wealthy? It is plain as the I ? = nose on your face. i SIS ||| THE BANK OF GOLDSTON, I m » SOUSA “OUTBATS” BABE RUTH IN GAME OF PAY Elhart, Ind., May—Top notchers in the world of music “bat out” heavier salaries than do kings of the baseball diamond, reports J. F. Boyer, supervisor of the Con Music Center here. Mr. Boyer forsees a brighter .uture for the youngster following in the steps of Sousa than he who would fill Babe Ruth’s shoes. J “To be sure Babe Ruth’s $75,- 000 a year salary is not to be sneez ed at, but there are any number of starts in the music world who are ‘batting out’ salaries that have this beaten,” says Mr. Boyer. “John Philip Sousa, for example, is now working a tour of the mo tion picture theatres of the coun try with his band at a reported sal ary of $12,500 weekly. This is approximately $650,000 for the year, but even allowing for sever al months lay-off and for the fact that Sousa must pay the fifty-five musicians who make up his band, there is a still a small fortune left for him, exceeding by far Babe Ruth’s $75,000. Then, too, Mr. Sousa’s earning capacity endures many times longer than Ruth’s, for the older Mr. Sousa gets, the great er his fame and drawing power, whereas Ruth at best only has a few years of maximum earning power.” Paul Witeman Vincent Lopez and Paul Ash are among the other out standing musical figures mentioned by Mr. Boyer as having earnings w r hich exceed those of the famous baseball star. Mr. Whiteman is now playing at a new York restau rant on a guarantee and percent age which is said to give him in the neighborhood of $15,000 a week. Veincent Lopez’s most rtcent engagement on the Loew vaudeville circuit was at salary of $4,000 a week, and Paul Ash has a five- year contract with the owners of the Oriental theatre in Chicago which calls for the payment of a million dollars within a period of five years. KENLY GIRL CHALKS UP FINE ATTENDANCE RECORD. Kenly, May 14 —Officials and patrons of Glendale Consolidated high school, located near Kenly,was preparing to bestow honors upon Miss Rena Woodward, 17-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Woodward, when she is handed her diploma next week. Since she enrolled in the first grade ten years ago Miss* Wood ward has not missed a single day in school. She has mark ed up an attendance record of elev en years, two months and ten days in completing her grammar and high school education. A RECORD MONTH FOR THE CHEVROLET CO. Spurred on by the greatest de mand in its history, Chevrolet in April again set up a new produc tion record with a total output for the month of 111,937 units. This exceeds by 4,037 units the best pre vious monthly performance in the history of the company and estab lishes an all-time record for the monthly production of gear-shift cars. Equally as spectacular as the re markable monthly production fast and dividing the spotlight with it was the mark established April 29, when in the short space of a day’s working hours, the factories built 5,347 Chevrolet cars and trucks. This was 272 units in excess of the previous day’s re cord. It was particularly fitting that the record day happened to be the same one that Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., president of the General Motors Corporation, chose for a visit to the Flint plant. Mr. Sloan, with C. S. Mott, vice president of the General Motors Corporation, arrived at the factory early in the day as guests of W. S. Knudsen, president, and C. F. Barth, vice president of the Chevrolet Motor Company. Before Mr. Sloan had completed his inspection of the big Flint plant, where men and machinery were combining to build the eight types of Chevrolet cars now avail able, it was evident that a new pro duction record was in sight. Mr. Sloan waited for number 5,- 347 to come off the line, congratu lated Mr. Knudsen on the remark able showing being made by the Chevrolet Motor company and its product and rode off the line in the epoch-making model which again happened to be a coach. Subscribe to The Record, $1.50 for 12 months —In advance, please. THE CHATHAM RECORD LAND SALE By virtue of a deed of trust made and executed to the under signed on the 22nd day of Decem ber by Efland Garner and wife, which deed of trust is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chatham county in book GH of deeds, at page 558, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, MAY 23, 1927. at twelve o’clock, noon, at the court house door in Pittsboro,Chat ham county, sell at public auction for cash, A certain tract of land in Oak land Township, Chatham county, North Carolina, beginning at a pine on the south side of Rocky river, running south 40 poles to a white oak; thence south east 210 poles to a post oak on Deep river; thence down the same to the mouth of the Rocky river; thence up the same to the beginning corner, containing one hundred and twenty acres, more or less, and being the same land formerly owned by John A. Williams, and deeded to the grant ors herein by Wade Barber, ’Com missioner of deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chatham County in Book of Deeds GK at page 149. The sale is for the purpose of satisfying the note secured by the said deed of trust, default having been made in the payment thereof, and demand having been made on the undersigned trustee to foreclose the same. This April 19, 1927. C. E. UPCHURCH, Sanford, N. C., Trustee. MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in that certain deed of mortgage executed* by Charlie Brooks to the undersigned, and duly recorded in the registry of Chatham county, North Caro lina, in book FX, page 531, et seq., default having been made in the payment of the bond secured there by, the undersigned will sell, at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash, at the court house door in Pittsboro, North Carolina, at twelve o’clock noon, on Monday the 6th day of June, 1927, the fol lowing described lands and premis es; A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Chatham county, North Carolina, in Center town ship, and described as follows, to wit: Bounded on the east by the lands of John Thomas and Annie Pleasant; on the south by the lands of Mrs. Jenks; on the north by Joe Harmon and Lonnie Womble; and on the west by the Seaboard Air Line railroad, running from Pitts- boro to Moncure, containing sixty (60) acres, more or less. This the 4th day of May, 1927. W. A. BROOKS, Assignee cf Chatham Hardware Company, Mortgagee. Siler & Barber, Attorneys. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of a certain mortgage deed executed by L. L. Smith and wife, Mary P. Smith to W. L. Goldston, mortgagee, dated March 10, 1925, and recorded in book F X page 546 in the office of the register of deeds of Chatham county, default having been made in the payment of the mortgage in debtedness thereby secured and at the request of the holder and own er of the said indebtedness, the un dersigned mortgagee will on Mon day, May 30, 1927 at twelve noon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Pittsboro, N. C., the tract of land described as follows, to-wit: A tract of land in Gulf Town ship, Chatham county, North Caro lina bounded on the north by lands of W. C. Caudle; on the east by lands of Williams heirs; on the south by lands of Mrs. O. D. Gains, and on the w«»t by lands of J. L. Cook and oo«4aining by estimation forty-eight (48) acres more or less. The same being a part and parsel of the L. H. Elikns deceased lands. This April 30th, 1927. W. L. GOLDSTON, Mortgagee. V. R. Johnson. Attorney. RAD FEARRIBGTON ESTATE Baldwin Township, Chatham County, N. C. This is to notify you that unless you redeem your land which was sold for taxes for 1923 and 1924 on Sept., 6, 1926, I will get a Sher iff’s Deed for the 20 acres of land valued at S2OO. T. V. RIGGSBEE, The first motorcycle using gaso line as fuel was exhibited at Madi son Square Garden, New York, in 1895. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having duly qualified as exe cutor of the last will and testament of the estate of T. J. Harrington, deceased, late of Chatham county, I hereby warn all persons holding claims against his estate to pre sent them on or before the first day of May, 1928, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. Ail persons owing the es tate are requested to make immed iate payment. This May 1, 1927. MRS. CLARIE L. HARRINGTON, Executrix. Long and Bell, Attorneys. May 6 —6tc. PITTSBORO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Pursuant to a decree of the Su perior Court of Chatham county, North Carolina, entered on Mon day, November 1, 1926, in the case of Greensboro Bank and Trust Company, trustee, vs. Chapel Hill Insurance and Realty Company, the undersigned, as commissioner, so appointed by said decree, will sell by public auction to the last and highest bidder for cash in front of Chatham county court house door at eleven o’clock noon, on Wednes day, May 25, 1927, certain real es tate located in Pittsboro, Chatham county, North Carolina, more par ticularly described and bounded as follows: Those four certain lots of land lying and being within the town of Pittsboro, Chatham county, N. C., designated by map and survey of the J- M. Harper sub-division, made by W. N. Crawford and recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Chatham county, N. C., in book E N. page 660, as lots No. 1, 2,7, and 8 and described as follows: First: Beginning at the Blair Hotel corner in the court house square and running with the said court house square 42 feet to lot No. 3; thence with the line of lot No. 3, 73 feet to the corner with the line of lot No. 3, 73 feet to the corner of lot No. 3, in line of lot No. 5; thence with let No. 5, 42 feet to the Blair Hotel lot; thence with the Blair hotel lot 73 feet to the beginning and being lots No. 1 and 2 as shown by said map. Second: Beginning at the cor ner of lot No. 6 in Hillsboro street and running with Hillsboro street 20 feet to the Chapin corner ;thence with the Chapin lot (1) 33 feet (2) 16 feet (3) 33 feet to Hillsboro street; thence with Hillsboro street 16 feet to lot No. 9; thence with lot No. 9, 127 1-2 feet to L. N. Womble’s line; thence with L. N. Womble’s line 84 feet to Blair ho tel lot; thence with hotel lot 67 1-2 feet to line of lot No. 6; thence to the corner of lot 6; thence with lot No. 6, 106 feet to and being lots lft». 7 tiril 8 a|i ak«wi by said map and s«qmy. This the 19th 4»w April, 1927. GREENSBORO BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Commissioner. King, Sapp A King, Attorneys, GraoMboro, N. C. NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE HELD FOR THE ELECTION OF A MAYOR FOR THE TOWN OF PITTSBORO, AND OF A NEW REGSTRATION OF THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID TOWN OF PITTSBORO. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the Town of Pittsboro, N. C., on the 12th day of July, 1927, for the election of a Mayor for the said Town of Pitts boro. Notice is also hereby given that a new registration of all the quali fied voters of the said Town of Pittsboro has been ordered by the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Pittsboro; that the registration books shall be opened on the 11th day of June, 1927, for the registration of all the qualified voters residing within the said Town of Pittsboro, and shall be closed on the 2nd day of July, 1927; that the said registration books shall be kept open between the hours of nine o’clock, A. M., and five o’clock, p. m., on each day (Sundays excepted) during the said registration period; and that the said books shall be kept open until nine o’clock, p. m., on each Satur day during the said registration period. That the following have been de signated and appointed as Regis trar and judgees of election for the said election and registration: Registrar: C. C. Hamlet. Judges of Election: C. E. Bland, and W. E. Brooks. That the polling place for the holding of said election has been designated as and to be the court house of Chatham county in Pitts boro, N. C. This notice is published by order of the Board of Town Commis sioners. This the 6th day of May, 1927. E. R. HINTON, Town Clerk. Life is a dreary thing. Before you can get down to work you have to get up. LOW BATES I for time payments on these cars Any FAMILY entitled to credit may buy a / \ General Motors car and pay for it while A JL using it, under the GMAC Plan. When time payments first became an accepted form of car purchase, General Motors organized its own finance company, the General Motors Accep tance Corporation, to make sure that the sale of its cars on time would be in the buyer’s interest and that the finance charges would be fair. GMAC rates have always been low; and the last reduction has saved General Motors’ customers more than $12,000,000. The General Motors line includes "a car for every purse and purpose”—a suitable model for every in come. You can buy it out of income, paying no more than the cash delivered price, plus only the low GMAC financing charge. And the whole transac tion is so conducted as to keep your goodwill and satisfaction. CLIP THE COUPON USE THE GMAC PLAN to enjoy a new car now. Use it to get a better car for what you plan to spend. Have General Motors quality. Share in the economies of volume production. Look over the list of General Motors cars below. See which car suits your purse. Then check and mail the coupon. We will send you full information about that car and about the fair, low-cost GMAC Plan of paying for it out of income. Don’t wait. Clip the coupon and mail it TODAY. GENERAL MOTORS -——- - ~ CLIP THE COUPON ----- General Motors (Dept. A), Detroit, Mich. IDI-EASE send, without any obligation to me, illustrated Htera- i JL ture about the General Motors product I have marked below —together with the name of the nearest dealer in case I may | j wish a demonstration. ALSO SEND YOUR PROVING GROUND BOOK. | Name ! 1 i CHEVROLET 7 models 5525 to $745 1 1 □ The quality car of the low-priced field. 3-speed transmisj sion. Strong rear axle. Smooth dry-disc clutch. Over-head valve engine. Fisher Bodies. Duco finish. Fully e 9 ul , CHEVROLET TRUCK CHASSIS; tt-ton, $395; 1-ton, $495. | PONTIAC 5 models 5775 to $975 j □ A low-priced “six” which is a quality product In appear ance and construction. Value proved by unprecedented | sale. Has largest 6-cylinder engine in its price claw, i Beautiful lines. Fisher Bodies. Duco finish. All conveniences. OLDSMOBILE 11 models—sß7stosH9o J □ A fine car at moderate cost. Gratifies your finer taste; satis fies every need. Beautiful Fisher Bodies. Duco finis • | Powerful 6-cylinder engine. Harmonic balancer and o i new improvements. 4-wheel brakes. And a wide choice of »no e • | OAKLAND 7 models 51095 to sl-95 |l □ Winning and holding goodwill everywhere because of»« superior performance. Fisher Bodies. Duco finish. Hu silenced chassis. 4-wheel brakes. A “six” whose qua i doubly assured as a product of General Motors. BUICK models 51195 to $1995 j| " Everybody knows Buick’s worth. General Motors en^s^ e \ sizes Buick’s statement that its new models represent i Greatest Buick Ever Built.” Vibrationless beyond 6-cylinder valve-in-head engine. Fisher Bodies. Duco nnis LaSALLE 6 models 52495 to $268 > General Motors’ latest contribution to the finecar fie New and beautiful car designed and built by Cadi _____ companion car to Cadillac. Has V-type 8-cylinder Fisher Bodies. Duco finish. Now on display. c ' A TYTT T AP 50 body styles and types- UrADILLriU $2995 to S9OOO [“"“““I The pioneer in the 8-cylinder field. Standard of j* y..- Improved V-type 90-degree engine. Marvelous " , Fisher and Fleetwood. Duco finish. Choice or u ‘ color and upholstery combinations to emphasize indivi vl - PRICES F. 0.8. FACTORY] ALSO I I FRIGIDAIRE electric re- I I DELCO-LIGH I | I frigerators. The largest | 1 plants. Another selling electric refrigerator in Motors product. Brine'' fcor the world. Built by General the conveniences a 1 ■ Motors. Many models. saving devices of elect. L - Thursday, May 19

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