j-v May 1927 * Thur s **>! ool^-~^S = JhbJVeek >&CsUcfi4^ Brisbane AD?ES —14073 B. C. iON’T DIE 0? CANCER -OVEP.NKEST should pay. :. ED KQH.EXPIOSIVE FUEL. pona, scientific gentleman Africa, says ladies ol ack a c o used cosmetics 1: ' rr ornaments’ ana painte-' Astral 111 ' ,• checks ' , a - . 1 ~v , n t to extremes, wore neck ™ V‘ 0 f ostrich eggs, and som -1 V;" --.ainte.l their faces yellow <: '3 well as red. 500,0C0 years ago. “fist hatchets," lon 1 like pickaxes, rh - st • ‘ ‘ . ■ vci ed irom neao tc '... ■ hair, were proh» from then* che k 1 :U gentlemen pretVre ''“V%.-in. It has been a lona.. ■ c ; -n, to the flapper oi today but worth it. ~> t of cancer—it isn’t ner \t the age of forty, one on tcn persons has a cance: ‘ Q '|i c o ' cancer in the United S : ,'tVs every year. At least 75,000 d* - unnecessarily. Autopsies show ilia thus?.ads, dead of old age, take can c t r/:o the grave with them. Pay attention to any strange growth on the body. A few seconds work ■ Kill often prevent a cancer spreading Move all, keep in good condition regular sleep, moderate exercise much fresh air and your blood wii take care of the cancer. The Government has wondered xha: to do with surplus taxes. It night use the. first few hundred notions to indemnify victims of the Mississippi flood. If Government had ised its brains and money and had lone its duty, in years past, the flood rould not have occurred. Those that realize the importance )f soil fertility will be interested n Colonel Ewing’s casual remark I hat men digging for artesian wells I n lower Louisiana, went through sis- I een hundred feet of the richest soil I leposited by the great river, a soi I ar richer and deeper than that Oi I %Pt. I Standard Oil of New York will I sue $125,500,000 new stock, bringing I ie total up to about $450,000,000. I The company doesn’t need that trifle, let employes of the company Wf cie stock to increase interest in ■'-..r work. They had already bought I -tn millions of the stock. I Udine Utley, fifteen-year-old evan l’ e “ 5t arr >ved to save souls in New I ork at an unfortunate moment, with ■ Snyder case in full blast. Not I-'® a New \orker can attend to Ijverything at once. Still, she saved ■ orty-five souls on her opening night I tad, in New York. But some K n ' ed |° Be saved several times. I e;v or^s n ‘&ht life is exciting. I!" aitlm ore Jules Askin, artist, irom nature on the Sabbath. ■if. no * su PPosed to work on Mil l ln Baltimore. They locked ■he beam- aslcec * : “Who paints ■iunda? u ] ?,,nrise ara d sunset on ■iim M> ’ w^at d° y°u do to ■ uSff. ailer r€ Phed: “Ask the I 8 ’ iuu re not supposed to argue.” m wt P ! an f e ail Str - k By hghtning, H x Pl >drf i, a - s ’ the gasoline tank l«*cA" n f mgfour - This will ■? e wr,rlf age but will stimu- Kmaf n no!l '\ x l J, osive fuel. The Bfeafllv 7- with their extra- BaaE *besel engine con f]av ®>. sni'U ’ v '\“ ICSS power, taken ■ill; n "’ - i»elow the flier ■ Ue A deni. ■ ,U>er, John TkHy ‘ rn-ro in ih" South HU) :r, m the CarviiL ■sen£l ar:il . ' ■ '■V-. ) ‘' ' v him. but then ■W / ,a P and writer have M :f Te. UU;. an insignificant ;;ewest discovery, JR r; inniifij-g I•. i poF ■ U ( Wds, >y o rds Ev- S: ht ”c And Not Sight ® J C. M. Payne. I Don’t You Want to Help? Here is a typical group of Mississippi flood victims—a family of white tenants—driven to the levee from the lowlands. They are awaiting the arrival of a Red Cross relief boat to take them to a camp on the highlands. The Red Cross is still asking for funds A Daring Effort—Paris to New York k V i* v r i • w.'.sSw-:. •. Capt. Charles Nungesser, daring French Ace, and Eugene Coli lavigator, who made the first 1927 attempt to fly the Atlantic, Paris •O New York. All nations anxiously watched and hoped such courage vcoild be rewarded with success. « When seemingly lost, all ships in North Atlantic waters made effort to locate them. | Correct for Summer A droopy milan straw and a charming frock of flowered chifforf garbs the summer girl of 1927 in apparel that is correct —as shown’ in newest photo from American style centers. Subscribe to The Record, 51.50 666 is a Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Dengue or Bilious Fever. It Kills The Germs. C —A USST Highest Yet i EVEN NP\TUR-E adopts the installment VLAN — / STARTING Z=j I ] 5 |k| M iL_. 1?&a"d j a j —') Cr| MeS,T+|ei?e IN it! CJ? \Og[ I I SAVJ T-HeM.I a It's tulua s 1 v-ioT?ja THE CHATHAM RECORD About your Health Things You Should Know (by John Joseph Gaines, M D. “TUBBY” MEN There are so many of them —and the number seems to be increasing. They are graduates of the six o’cjpck dinner university. They are also Knights of the Swivel-chair; they may belong to the Don’t Worry Club. They move about on foot when they find it impossible to ride—on cush ions. . With every puff of shortened breath, they announce the badly neglected sewer they carry around with them. No, Madame, I’m nol talking to you; I know better than to tell a woman she’s tubby. I have been a sufferer from this acquired deformity, and, know whereof I speak. It came upon me by stealth; people said to me, “How wonderfully healthy you look; you are getting fatter every day.” People love fat things. Suddenly I was attacked one day on the street —I felt that I was dying! My pulse registered 145, weak and irregular. I “sat up and took notice’ from that hour. Careful investiga tion revealed that I was suffering from a stealthy, slow-acting poison — ldican. This stuff forms in a ne glected colon, and gradually under mines the entire cardio-vascular sys tem —the circulation. Had I expired, the newspapers would have said that I died of heart disease; it would not have been true; death would have been due primarily to that 48 waist band of mine, and the load of poison inside it! Just as many a “tubby* man dies today, from putrefying sub stances in a neglected colon. I have no patience with laying the blame or the heart, when it is simply poisoned to death from the sewer! It took me over two years to re cover from a condition which would certainly have killed me. I used a mixture of the sulphates of magnesia, soda, lime and potassium for a “house cleaner” and, I still clean house with it every day. I quit eat ing enormous lots of sweets, cake, preserves, etc. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SAL’’ Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of t.ust made by D. C. Phil lips and wife, Martha Phillips, to Raleigh Banking & Trust Com pany, of Wake county, North Caro lina, trustee, dated the 12th day of December, A.D., 1924, and re corded in book GH at pages 539-40- 41, in the office of the register of deeds of Chatham county, default having been made in the payment of the notes thereby secured, and che holder thereof having directed chat the deed of trust be foreclos- d, the undersigned trustee will of er for sale at the court house door in the city of Pittsboro at twelve .’clock noon on Thursday, the 28th day of April, 1927, and will sell to che highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real estate in Bear Creek township, Chatham county, North Carolina, more par ticularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of right of way of the Southern Rail way Company, and Isaac H. Dun laps line and running with said right of way north 12 degrees west 655 feet to a stake; thence south 77 degrees west 235 feet; thence south 13 degrees east 325 feet; thence south 13 degrees east 325 feet; thence south five degrees west 259 feet to Isaac H. Dunlaps line; thence with his line south 87 de grees east 315 feet to the begin ning, containing 3.36 acres, less 11-100 acres for Bonlee and West ern WLE tracks and beds, together with all machinery, buildings and fixtures and other improvements thereon, being the same land con veyed to D. C. Phillips by A. W. Vickory and wife by deed recorded in book G. B. at page 591, in the Chatham county registry. RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. Dated this 24th day of March, 1927. Bang! Goes the Receiver I Adventure Pays '■ -'M Could you be mad at him? Mor is Halegna is only 9 years old, nd he sailed, stowaway, from N. {. with 14 cents, for Cuba. He ;ailed back home with $14.14 —gifts rom passengers. •pjoaaj apnjiiiß pjjom Asa t tf)iM qiJßa oj uanjaa oj )joo jsnßqxa am pajind aq uaqM .sausnoiasuoa Suiso[ sbm aq jaaj )00'lt 1« lH«n ‘ ill ‘Pl 9 !d »o3S iooijtq aajj e ui dn puß dn juaM 4 -y S'fl "D aujoqiMßH jdß'i lama 3 f^ioic&/ • hJ \ I should be killed! % \ Bee Brand Powder or \ Liquid kills Flies, Fleas, V Mosquitoes, Roaches. \ Ants, Water Bugs, Bed \ Bugs, Moths, Crickets^ \ Poultry Lice and many J other insects. I Powder Liquid / ioc and 25c 50c and 75c / 50c and SI.OO $1.25 / 30c Spray Gun 35c / ‘Wnteforfreebookletonkill /• ing house and garden insects I McCormick & Co. Baltimore, Md. I Bee \ Brand i INSECT sjg|g £ E R ggP^LIQUID Raising of foxes has been under taken in France with §150,000 worth of Canadian foxes as a be ginning. ... . -T^a (Tsut -T+le-V A'R’e Not A'R'Rai'J&e'D, ? ,'T+iE-T?E'-5 J ]m T, , i?ouT3uE.y LISTEN Before you buy anything in the I HARDWARE I line for the spring work on the farm, see and price our goods. \ We feel that we know what you want and have got it for you at the right price. Also Garden Seed and Cabbage Plants Here. THE CHATHAM HARDWARE CO Pittsboro, N. G. THE OLDEST BANK In CHATHAM COUNTY And Still Going Strong We are here to serve. v. i THE BANK OF PITTSBORO A. H. LONDON, President. J. L. GRIFFIN. Cashier. W. L. FARRELL, Ass’t. Cashier. a! _ . Itair eNou64?JTM —r NME.LL'U-k ; PAGE THREE by Albert T. Reid