Ma> 26. 1927 ‘ fhur^^—— 1 Nesco Oil Stove none better none cheaper Gallon of Oil Operates 1 Burner 25 Hours. As this advertisement is being prepar ed an owner of a Nesco states that his wife has used one for two years and that it has never smoked. Another owner of a Nesco says she has used hers for nearly five years and it has never smoked, and has not changed wicks. Four-Burner Stove Only $32.50. THE HARDWARE STORE, INC.. Siler City, N. C. mmvmwm 'in wmmmtmmmmmmßmammm r ' WHEN ITS TIME TO BUY ROOFING > For Chatham and surrounding counties, Budd-Piper Roofing Company in Durham is headquarters for all kinds of roofing. The Budd-Piper Roofing Company can sup ply you, and supply you at the right price, with anything from 5-V Crimp Galvanized Roofing to the better grades of roofing for good homes, churches, factories, stores and other structures. THE BUDD-PIPER ROOFING CO DURHAM, N. C. T 1,, p " S’ HIGH COST OF SPENDING f i i When you spend SIOO, do you stop to think that your action will cost you about $6.00 a year for ‘he rest of your life? it is a fact. That’s what your SIOO would have j earned you, had you kept it at 6 percent, simple : interest. That’s 50 cents a month; it amounts to SCO in ten years; it is $l2O in 20 years, or $240 ; 40 years. That is what it costs you to spend a | hundred dollars now. Can you see why people j{ "ho save become wealthy? It is plain as the jj | nos e on your face.. |}| i ’ II THE BANK OF GOLDSTON, Goldston, N. C. 111 Uil City-County Briefs Mrs. R .S. Thompson visited Charlotte Monday . Lula Alston, a good colored wo man, wife of Brant Alston, died Saturday. Mr. Louis Graves and Mr. Whit lock came up from South Carolina for the wek-end. It is gratifying to report a con tinued improvement in the state of Mrs. H. A. London’s health. Prof. A. V. Nolan was back in Pittsboro Monday after visiting relatives at Shelby and Wadesboro. Mrs. Mary Aiken and children returned to Fuquay Springs Sun day, after a week spent in the home of her father,, Mr. B. Nooe. Mr. Bennet Nooe, Jr., spent Sub day here with home folk when on on his way ot Fort Bragg to par ticipate in the school, or training period, for reserve officers. ] Mrs. George Taylor, of Atlanta, < Ga., who had been visiting her ; daughter, Mrs .Graham Connell, in 1 Raleigh, spent the week-end with i Misses Pauline and Emily Taylor. Uncle Albert Snipes, an inmate j of the county home, is dead at the age of a hundred or more, accord-1 ing to best information. The burial | was at Mitchell’s Chapel, from | which community Uncle Albert i ; came. Mr. Hall, former Sanford editor, was a Pittsboro visitor Tuesday.H,e I rode up on Trixie, his saddle horse. I Mr. Hall is enthusiastic about horseback riding and is actually starting to New York on his Trixie. i Little Jack Farrell, Jr., was acci dently hurt by Mr. Charlie Moore’s car one day last wek. The little chap was in the street and Mr. Moore passed around him but very near him. As he was passing, he spoke the inattentive child and ap parently startled him, with the re sult that he jumped tow rad the car and was hit by the fender. A leg was broken. The little fellow was taken to a Sanford hospital, but is getting along all right. NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE HELD FOR THE ELECTION OF A MAYOR FOR THE TOWN OF PITTSBORO, AND OF A NEW REGSTRATION OF THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID TOWN OF PITTSBORO. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the Town of Pittsboro, N. C., on the 12th day of July, 1927, for the election of a Mayor for the said Town of Pitts boro. Notice is also hereby given that a new registration of all the quali fied voters of the said Town of Pittsboro has been ordered by the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Pittsboro; that the registration books shall be opened on the 11th day of June, 1927, for the registration of all the qualified voters residing within the said Town of Pittsboro, and shall be closed on the 2nd day of July, 1927; that the said registration books shall he kept open between the hours of nine o’clock, A. M., and five o’clock, p. m., on each day (Sundays excepted) during the said registration period; and that the said books shall be kept open until nine o’clock, p. m., on each Satur day during the said registration period. That the following have been de signated and appointed as Regis trar and judoees of election for the said election and registration: Registrar: C. C. Hamlet. Judges of Election: C. E. Bland, and W. E. Brooks. That the polling place for the holding of said election has been designated as and to be the court house of Chatham county in Pitts boro, N. C. This notice is published by order of the Board of Town Commis sioners. This the 6th day of May, 1927. E. R. HINTON, Town Clerk. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having duly qualified as exe cutor of the last will and testament of the estate of T. J. Harrington, deceased, late of Chatham county, I hereby warn all persons holding claims against his estate to pre sent them on or before the first day of May, 1928, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. Ail persons owing the es tate are requested to make immed iate payment. This May 1, 1927. MRS. CLARIE L. HARRINGTON, Executrix. Long and Bell, Attorneys. May 6—6tc. Subscribe to The Record, $1.50 for 12 months —In advance, please. THE CHATHAM RECORD IMPORTANT NOTICE The law requires that all real and personal property be listed for taxation during the month of May. The tax listers for the various townships in Chatham county will serve you for the re mainder of this month and you are urgently requested to see them without further delay in order that their lists may be com pleted by the first day of June. Don’t wait until the last day to list your taxables but attend to it today and avoid hav ing your name placed on the delinquent list. J. S. WRENN, County Tax Supervisor. listen Before you buy anything in the HARDWARE line for the spring work on the farm, see and price our goods. We feel that we know what you want and have got it for you at the right price. Also Garden Seed and Cabbage Plants Here. THE CHATHAM HARDWARE CO- Pittsboro, N. C. THE OLDEST BANK In CHATHAM COUNTY And Still Going Strong We are here to serve. THE BANK OF PITTSBORO A. H. LONDON, President. J. L. GRIFFIN. Cashier. W. L. FARRELL, Ass’t. Cashier. Worlds Lowest Priced Cars mth Supremely Beautiful FISHER BODIES! Chevrolet is the only car in its price class offering bodies by Fisher built as only Fisher can build, and styled as low-priced HTbe Coach cars were never styled before! SCCiE Despite the lowness of Chevrolet prices, Zs there is not the slightest compromise in The Touring #595 design, construction or finish. All em- recoup" 625 body exactly the pnnciples employed on T he 4-Doo, Cl the highest pucecf cars —a composite Sedan o^/5 construction of selected hardwood and Cabriole” "715 steel. All are finished in beautiful colors The Landau 745 of lustrous, lasting DuCO. The Imperial 7QO Enhancing the inherent beauty of the iT °chJ s T sh C Oniy) i9i bodies themselves are numerous features 1 T (cw, c o„/,)' f95 or distinction previously considered ex- All prices f.o.b. Flint, elusive to the costliest" cars features r „ Mxd\,gan -1 . rl, rcaiures Balloon tires stand typinea by heavy fun-crown, one-piece ard on all models fenders and bullet-type headlamps. Check Chevrolet Only the economies of Chevrolet’s great ® elivered Pri « s volume production make possible such i.wU, £:!iii d „*, quality at Chevrolet prices! fmancing^charg«« POE CHEVROLET COMPANY Pittsboro, N. C. QUALITY AT LOW C O*S T SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of a certain mortgage deed executed by L. L. Smith and wife, Mary P. Smith to W. L. Goldston, mortgagee, dated March 10, 1925, and recorded in book F X page 546 in the office of the register of deeds of Chatham county, default having been made in the payment of the mortgage in debtedness thereby secured and at the request of the holder and own ! er of the said indebtedness, the un dersigned mortgagee will on Mon day, May 30, 1927 at twelve noon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Pittsboro, N. C., the tract of land described as follows, to-wit: A tract of land in GuK Town ship, Chatham county, North Caro lina bounded on the north by lands of W. C. Caudle; on the east by lands of Williams heirs; ©n the south by lands of Mrs. O. D. Gains, and on the west by lands of J. L. Cook and emtatining by estimation, forty-eight (48) acres more or less. ! The same being a part and parsel of the L. H. Elikns deceased lands. This April 30th, 1927. W. L. GOLDSTON, Mortgagee. V. R. Johnson, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES TATE Under and by virtue oi the au-i thority and power upon him confer- * red by a certain deed of trust exe- | cuted by O. A. Palmer and his wife, Mattie C. Palmer, to Daniel L. Beil, trustee, bearing date of April 9th, 1926, and registered in the office of the register of deeds-Jer Chat ham county in book “GR” at page 19, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and the holder of the bond thereby secured having requested a sale of the lands there in conveyed, the undersigned, trus tee as aforesaid, will on MONDAY, MAY 23RD, 1927,- at twelve o’clock noon, at the court house door of Chatham coun ty in Pittsboro, N. C., sell, at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder for cash, those two certain tracts of land in Gulf township, Chatham county, North Carolina, which are bounded and described as follows: First tract. Beginning on the Bank of Deep River on the mouth of a branch, corner of S. S. Lakey land, and running up said branch 20 poles to a white oak; thence north 26 degrees west 224 poles to a pine and hickory; thence north Pomona Terra Cotta Co., Mne to a red oak, corner of old Wm. Ma lone, 50 acres tract; thence with his line to the Dowd line; thence south with the same to a post oak and maple on the hank of McLeod Creek; thence down the said Creek to Deep River; thence down said river its various courses te the beginning; containing by estima tion 283 acres, more or less. This tract of land being deeded to said O. A. Palmer as per deed recorded in office of register of deeds of Chatham county in book “EJ”, page S7O, Nov. 21st 1917. Second tract: —Beginning at a white oak pn the Stinson road, running north 14 west 74 poles to G. A. Murchison corner, ash and oak pointers; thence west 114 poL'. 1 to a stone corner in the iiei&, iviur-, chison corner; /thence north four degrees east 61 poles to a stone in a bottom just below two persim mon trees; thence west 100 poles to an ash on the bank of McLeod creek; thence down said creek as it meanders to a pine stump and the Stinson road at the ford of said creek; thence eastwardly with the Stinson road 195 poles to the first | station; containing 117 1-8 acres,! more or less. This land was deed ed to O. A. Palmer by a deed reg istered in book “FL” at page 147. These two tracts of land will be sold subject to a prior mortgage, or deed of trust, executed to Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank, of Raleigh, N. C., securing an indebtedness of $5,500.00. Place of sale—Court house door, Pittsboro, N. C. Time of sale Monday, May * 23rd. 1927, twelve o’clock, noon. This April 15th., 1927. , DANIEL BELL, Trustee. April 21st, stc Having qualified as exeewtor of the estate of the late J. W. May- : nard, I hereby warn all persons having claims against the estate to present them duly proved to the undersigned on or before April 1, 1928, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH per sons owing said estate are request ed to make immediate payment This April 1, 1927. . E. E. MAYNARD, Executor. Subscribe to The Record, $1.50 PAGE THREE HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMIN ED BY AN EXPERT—COSTS NO MORE Dr. J. C. Mann,the well-known eyesight Specialist and Opti cian, will be at Dr. Farrell’s of fice in Pittsboro, N. C., every fourth Tuesday and at Dr. Thomas’ offi v -. Sil. i City. N. C , cvi:--v icuitn Thursday i„ i.h < monui. Headache ie.icv:d xviKb caused by eye strain. When he fits you with glasses you have the satisfaction of knowing that they are correct. Make a note of the date and see him if your eyes are weak. His next visit to Pittsboro will be on Tuesday, May 24. His next visit to Siler City on Thursday, May 26. V— DR. LUTHER C. ROLLINS Dentist Siler City, N. C. (I 'Eme-SaviiwWay fl Jf ofUnting I fcgjj) (Copyright 1927) Agj For perfect tinting of daim.y underwear, dresses, etc., the easiest way—and by '.ar the best way— is the use of real dye. It tints in cold water, you know; just dip the gar ment and it takes whatever tinge you wish to give it. A matter of minutes. Real dyes will get such smooth and even tones as shame the streaky, wishy-washy work of syn thetic preparations lor ihe pur pose! Diamond dye in original powder form is only fifteen cents at the drug store. Do your cwn diluting. Then dip to tint --- and you’ll have an effect that’s beauti ful. And il you wan the tint per manent, Just use b iiing water! Diamond dyes do a perfect, “pro fessional job” of dyeing, oo; the druggist has sample shades and simple directions. For ? book of endless suggestions, in full color, request a free cony o. 1 * (k.lor Craft of DIAMOND DYES, Dept., N 32, Burlington, Vermont. Diamond D}*es Dip to TINT- Boil to BYE lama Yjottersome / < 0 bed tag! /V '' I should be killed! t \ Bee Brand Powder or \ Liquid kills Flies,Fleas, \ Mosquitoes, Roaches, \ Ants, Water Bugs, Bed \ Bugs, Moths, Crickets, j Poultry Lice and many I other insects. * Powder Liquid / roc and 25c 50c and 75c / 50c and Si.oo $1.25 j 30c Spray Gun.— 35c I Writeforfreebookletonkill- I ing house and garden insects j McCormick & Co. Baltimore, Md. 1 Be© \ Brand ! INSECT gfe PoWBERjWf LiQUiS [ 666 is a Prescription for Malaria, Chills nrr! i ever, Dengue or Bilious Fever. It Kills The Germs.

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