PAGE EIGHT LEGALS NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND By virtue of authority vested by . a certain deed of trust executed on the 22nd day of February, 1926, to the undersigned trustee, and duly re corded in the office of the register -of deeds for Chatham county, in ?book, GL page 365, and default hav iing been made in the payment of bond secured therein, and the Usolder of said bon dhaving applied ffte the undersigned to foreclosure the rafflxie according to law, I will on «'Stefieirday, February 11th, 1928, at Cfche court house door in Pittsboro, for cash to the highest bidder, : the following lot of land in Centre ; township, Chatham county, North •Cardfcna bounded and described as follows: . .. Beginning at a rock pile in line -■of the W. H. Taylor lands on West side of Pittsfooro-Sanford new high way and running with the said Tay lor line about West 278 feet to J. *O. Brown line; thence about South "20© feet to rock pile in J. O. Brown line; thence ®ast 200 feet to rock at •highway; theuce about North 240 ft. ■with the highway to the first sta :3ion. , , , Time of sale 12 o clock, noon. This the 10th day January, 1928. W. W. LANGLEY, Trustee. JA. €. Ray, Atty. TRUSTEE’S SALE Under and by virtue of the pow der and authority conferred upon me a certain deed of trust executed % rov favor by W. V. Farrell and Florence Farrell, bearing date .April Ist. 1927, and duly recorded in# book “G. N. # ” at page 81 in the of the Register of Deeds of county, North • Carolina, cand by reason of default in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se cured, and at the request of the own «er and holder of the note secured by "said deed of trust, I will sell at pub lic auction t othe highest bidder for cash on Thursday, January 26, 1928, .-at 12 o’clock M, at the court house door in the city of Pittsboro, N. C., that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Center township, Chatham county and bounded and as follows, to-wit: Ist tract. Ail that certain tract or j parcel of land lying and being in j Center township in Chatham county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands belonging to the late W illiam O. 'Farrell, said tract or parcel hereby pconveyed. beginning at the W. O. -Farrell land and so running as to 'include within its boundaries the liouse and barn as nearly as possi ble, the center of the tract herein -•conveyed. 2nd tract. Beginning in the Mc ■Ulenahen line, running north 29 poles to the big road; then south , road to Burke’s line; thence south ( .28 1-2 poles to a red oak; thence east 189 poles to the first station and containing 75 1-4 acres more or less. : For full description see deed from James R. Farrell and wife Catharine Farrell, to Joseph S. Farrell, said deed dated October 30, 1871, less about 40 acres on south side mort ■ to J. C. Scoggins. This the 26th day of December, 1927. R. P. READE, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power ; t)f sale contained in a certain deed ! of trust executed by W. B. Moore and Beatrice M. Moore, his wife, to Walter D. Siler and Wade Barber, Trustees, on the 29th day of May, a. d. 1924, which said deed of trust rs duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of coun ty, North Carolina, in book GN, page 168; default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness se cured thereby and application having been made to the undersigned for foreclosure, as in said deed of trust -provided; the undersigned Trustee will on Saturday, February 11, 1928, at the hour of 12 o’clock noon, in front of the Chatham county court house door, offer and sell to high est bidder for cash, the following de scribed property, lying and being in Haw River township, Chatham coun- j ty, North Carolina, and more par ticularly described and defined as follows, to-wit: Beginning at an iron stake, at the intersection of the Pittsboro railroad right of way and the state highway; thence E with said state highway one hundred feet to a stake; thence S .one hundred feet to a stake; thence I Place Your Order With Us Now For The New Ford Car! I We have in our show room one of the New Fords and will gladly demonstrate the car to you at any time. Just jj call us for demonstration and we will be there to show you the high qualities of this low-priced car. 1 Orders will be filled strictly in the order received, and in order to get a New Ford for the Spring of the year, I make your deposit early. The amount required to make a bonafide order is $25.00, and our receipt to you will j show what position you hold on the list. 1 DON’T DELAY DECIDE TODAY TO PUT IN YOUR ORDER WITH US RIGHT AWAY- | WEEKS MOTOR COMPANY PITTSBORO, N. C. * | W, parallel with said highway, one hundred feet to the said railroad right of way ; thence N with said right of way one hundred feet to the beginning; same being the lot conveyed to VV. E. Moore by J. H. Wissler (Book 1 and whereon is now 7 located Moore’s fill- j ing station; .- 00 This sth day of January, 1928. WALTER D. SILniR, and WADE BARBER, Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of E. L, Lindley, late , of Chatham county, I hereby warn all persons having claims against the estate to present them, duly proven, on or before the 23rd day of De cember, 1928 or this notice will be j pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons owing the estate will please make immediate payment. This the 23rd day of December, 1927. W. H. STOCKARD, Ad ministrator. Dec. 29, 6tc. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE Notice is hereby given that pur suant to authority contained in a certain mortgage deed dated the 14 day of March, 1922 given by F. C. Chambers and his wife Lillie Cham bers, to the undersigned mortgagee, which said mortgage is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chatham county in book of Mort gages GE at page 64, the undersign ed will offer for sale and sell for cash at the courthouse door in Pitts boro, N. C., on Saturday, February 18th, 1928, at 12 o’clock M., the fol lowing described tract of land, ly ing and being in Williams township, Chatham count*, bounded and des cribed as follows, to-wit: A tract of land situated on a road leading from McChee’s store to the Chapel Hill-Pittsboro Highway about three miles West of Fearrington’s Station; in Chatham county, William township, North Carolina, containing 73 acres more or less, and bounded on the North by the lands of John Boothe, on the East by the lands of F. C. Chambers; on the South by the lands of M. T. Williams and on the West by lands of M. T. Williams; j Being the same tract of land pur ! chased by F. C. Chambers of Mrs. J. B. Bigsbee, Guardian for Bunn Rigsbee. This 16th day of January, 1928. J. E. CHAMBERS, Mortgagee. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power j of sale contained in a certain mort-! gage deed executed by Bronce Hoi- j land and wife, Missie Holland to A.: T. Goodwin, o n November 18, 1921,1 and recorded in the office of the Register of deeds of Chatham coun- ! ' ty, N. C., in book FZ page 161, de-j fault having been made in the pav-« ment of the bond thereby secured, | I, the undersigned, will on Monday, ! February 20, 1928, at 12 o’clock noon at the court house door in ! Pittsboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to wit: i A certain piece or tract of land i lyin*r and being in Chatham county, North Carolina, New Hope township and described and defined as fol lows, to-wit: bounded on the North !by J. S. Welch, o n the West by Avil A. Adcock, on *the South by C. D. Goodwin, and on the East by R. F. Upchurch and containing 52 acres, more or less. This being the tract of land on which the said Bronce Holland now resides. Place of sale —Court house door, Pittsboro, N. C. Time of sale— Monday, february 20. 1928, at 12 o’clock noon. Terms of sale —Cash. This 18th dav of January, 1928. A. T. GOODWIN, Mortgagee. V. R. Johnson, Atty. SALE OF LAND By virtue of the powers contain ed in a certain deed of trust execu ted on the Bth day of August, 1927, j by Frank Alston, and Leona Alston, ms wife to the undersigned trustee, the same being recorded in the of fice of the register of deeds for Chatham county, in book GR page 125, and default having been made in the payment of the bond secured therein, I will on Saturday, February 18th, 1928, at the court house door in Pittsboro, sell for cash to the highest bidder the following trac of land lying and being in- Centre township, Chatham county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of O. T. Cooper and others. Beginning at a stake white oak pointers W. L. London’s corner, thence N 37 E with A. L. London and others 76 poles thence N 35 E with Thompson heirs 35 poles; then N 53 E 2 41-2 polis; thence South 67 E 26 poles to -a black gum, Na than Thompson corner; thence N 24 E 48poles with C. Holders line to an ash in a bottom; thence down said drain in bottom about 22 N.W. 32 poles to a stake and pointers in the James Thompson line; thence S with Thompson’s line 69 poles to a stake; and pointers, Thompson’s corner in Yarboro line; thence E with Yarboro line 25 poles to the beginning, containing 53 acres more or less. Time of sale 12 o’clock noon. This January 16th, 1928. A. C. RAY, Trustee. NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUB LICAION North Carolina, Chatham County. Annie Crump, Admrx. of the estate of Oliver Crump, dec’d vs. Wm. Crump, Elizabeth Crump, Annie Baldwin, and husband, Ernest Baldwin, Mabel Johnson and her Husband, Will John son, Larry Crump and Lena Crump. Larry Crump and Lena Crump— take notice: That an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court of Chatham county, North Ca rolina,, for the purpose of selling the real estate of the late Oliver Crump, to make personal assets to pay the debts and charges of admin istration of said estate; You will further take notice that you are re quired to appear and answer or de mur to the petition filed in this cause with the Clerk of the superior court of Chatham county, North Carolina, not later than 30 days from the first date of the publication hereof, or plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said petition. v This 25th day of January, 1928. E. B. HATCH, C. S. C. Chatham Co., N. C. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us in a deed j of trust executed by Rufus J. Burn | ett and wife, Lillie Burnett on the j 4th day of June 1925, and recorded j in hook of mortgage AC, page 7, we I will on Saturday the 25th day of I February 1928 at 12 o’clock noon iat the court house door in Pitts boro, Chatham county, sell at pub ! lie auction for cash to the highest ! bidder the following land, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of George 1 Herndon, Watson Durham, Ralph 1 Riggsbee, E. M. Fearington. and Gus Ward, and beginning at George I Herndon’s corner and running N 84 1 degrees W 127 1-2 feet to pointers thence S 2 1-2 degrees W (60 poles to a large Hickory tree) 2854 1-2 feet to a stake; thence west 16 1-2 feet to a branch; thence down said branch its various courses as fol lows: S 2 1-2 degrees W 140 feet; south 69 deg. E 200 feet: S 49 deg. E 565 feet, to Pofke-berrv creek, thence E 425 to pointers; thence N 6 degrees E 3333 feet to the begin ning, containing 84 acres, be the same more or less. This sale is made by reason of the failure of Rufus J- Burnett and his wife, Dillie Burnett to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust to the North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank of Durham. This the 16 day of January 1928. FIRST NATIONAL COMPANY OF DURHAM, INC.. Trustee, for merly. FIRST NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Durham, N. C. Feb. 23-4 t np. NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUB LICATION North Carolina, Chatham County. D. E. Murchison, Admr. of the estate of Tom Street, Dec’d vs. Margaret Street Headen and Eddie Heaeden, her husband, Mattie Lee Street Smith, alias Mattie Lee Street McKoy, and Earl McKoy and Thomas Smith. THE CHATHAM RECORD ■ ■ .i ■ '■ ' f The defendants, Mattie Lee Street Smith alias Mattie Lee Street Mc- Koy and Earl McKoy and Thomas Smith, in the above entitled action, will take notice that on the 23rd day of January, 1928, a summons in said action was issued against them by the Clerk of the superior court of Chatham county for the purpose of selling the lands of,the late Tom Street to make personal assets and to pay the debts and charges of the administration of said estate; and the defendants will further take no tice that they are required to ap peaer before the Clerk of the su perior court of Chatham county not later than thirty days from the date of the first publication, when and where the defendants are required; to answer or demur to the complaint j which has been filed, or the relief demanded therein will be granted. This 23rd day of January, 1928. E. B. HATCH, C. S. C. Chatham County, N. C. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORE CLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed executed by Wm. Alston, dat ed April 12th, 1921, which' is re corded in the Registry of Chatham county, North Carolina in book FZ, page 170, et seq., to the undersign ed Mortgagee, I will, on Saturday the 25th day of February, 1928, at 12 o’clock noon, in front of the court house door in Pittsboro, Chat ham county, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the two following tracts or parcels of land lying and "being in Hickorv Mt. township, Chatham county, N. C., viz: First Tract —Beginning at sweet gum and pointers, Buck Baldwin’s corner; thence north with John Campbell’s line 32 4-5 poles to a stake and pointers; thence N 88 deg. W 177 poles to a stake in Charles Taylor’s line: thence with said line about S 41 degs. E 65 1-5 poles to a stone and pointers, John Alston’s Corner: thence with his line about N 86 degrees W, also William Sal ton’s and Buck Baldwin’s line, 222 poles to the Beginning, estimated to 1 Spring Tailoring Display I OUR REPRESENTATIVE f Mr. C. A. Pendergraph I Will Display The Pick of Imported and 1 Domestic Suitings at | Boone Bros. Store 1 i ? 7 Thursday, Friday, Saturday Feb. 2,3, 4 | J FROM WETHER C. A. Pendergraph I \ "Master Os The Tape” I I District Office . C 1 422 W. Main _ 1 ? Durham, N. C. 1 ;:! S&.IK f _ _ —— contain 50 1-2 acres. Second Tract —Beginning at coin ner of lot No. 33 in Nat Alston’s line; running S 3 degrees W 65 po. ! to a stone pile corner of lot No. 3; thence S 87 degrees E 88 poles to a stake; thence N 3 degrees E 65.5 poles to a stake with his line 88 po. to the beginning, containing 36 acres, more or less. This 24th day of January, 1928. JAMES L. GRIFFIN, Mortgagee. Siler & Barber, Attys. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of ! trust executed by W. T. Thomas and \ wife Mamie Thomas, on the 17th day of November 1926, and record ed in Book of Mortgages AC, page 74, we will on Saturday the 3rd day of March 1928, at 12 o’clock noon at the court house door in Pittsboro Chatham county, sell at; public auc tion for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit: All those certain pieces, parcels or tracts of land which join and which together contain 87.8 acres, more or less, situated, lying and be ing on the Siler City road about 7 miles N from the town of Siler City in Albright township, Chatham coun ty, North Carolina the same being bounded on the N by lands of T. B. Terry, on the E by lands of Slocum and Bunn Terry; on the S by the lands of Z. C. Johnson and Richardson and on the W by lands of Johnnie Perry & B. A. Stout. This is the same tract of land con veyed by M. J. Boling and wife to Mamie F. Thomas by deed dated January 11, 1913 and registered in Book FB page 115 and that tract of land conveyed by C. B. Thomas and wife to Willie Thomas by deed dated Dec. 8, 1924 and registered in Book GK, page 167, register of deeds office of Chatham county. This sale is made by reason of the failure of W. T. Thomas and wife, Mamie Thomas to pay off and dis charge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust to the North Car olina Joint Stock Land Bank of Thursday, February 2, 1928 Durham. This 23rd day of January, 1928. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ; of Durham, Trustee, Durham, N. C. Feb 23, 4t . — ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of S. G. Burke, late of Chatham county, I hereby warn all persons holding claims against the estate to present them duly proven on or beforfe the first day of Janu ary 1929, or this notice will be plea ded in bar of their recovery. All persons owing the estate are asked to make immediate payment. This 27th day of Dec. 1927. ' MRS. LILLIE A. BURKE, Administratrix. Feb. 2—6 t np. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having duly qualified as admin istrators of the estate of Mrs. Lois A. Mclver, late of Chatham county, N. C., we hereby notify all persons having claims against the estate of Said deceased to present them duly proven on or before the 20th of January, 1929, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons owing the estate will please make immediate payment. This 20th day of January, 1928. E. J. McIVER, JOHN M. McIVER, Jr. Administrators, Gulf, N. C. Mar. l-6t p Greenland Ranch, California, has observed the maximum recorded tem perature, 134 degrees Fahrenheit. Government Money To Loan in Chatham and Lee Counties 5 1-4 and 1 per cent principal annually pays off loan in 33 years. ' W. W. Stedman Moncure, N. C.

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