Thursday, February 14. 1929. NORTH CAROLINA: CHATHAM COUNTY: IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BE- j FORE THE CLERK N. J. HILLIARD Vs. v • Lenard Williams and Ethel Williams, minor, and Lidia Williams, minor. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE The defendant, Lenard Williams, will take notice that ah action en titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Chatham County, North Carolina, to parti tion certain lands in which the de fendant owns an undivided interest, to the end that the same may be sold the proceeds divided among the parties, as their interest may appear; and the same defendant will fur f ther take notice that he is required, to appear at the office of the Clerk of tne Superior Court of said Coun ty in the Courthouse in Pittsboro, North Carolina, on the 6th dry of March, 1929, and answer or demur to the complaint. in said (action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the cpmplaint. i This the 6th day of February, *929. * . ‘ ■ E % B. HATCH, C. S'. C. Chatham County: IjV. P. Horton, Atty., Feb. 14, 4tc. , NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY NOTE PURSUANT to Section Six (6) of the Cdlunty FVnance }Aet, the Bo.'ird of Count Commissioners, of ‘Chatham County, Nrth Carolina, will sell at their office in the court house, Pittsboro, Noith Carolinh, on the 11th day of February, 1929, a note aggregating FOUR THOUS AND ($4,000.00) DOLLARS, to be dated February 11, 1929. C. C. POE, Clerk to Board of Co. Commissioners Chatham Co., North Carolina. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES TATE FOR TOWN TAXES Pursuant to an order of the board of town commissioners of Pittsboro and in compliance with law, the un dersigned .tax collector for the town of Pittsboro, will n Monday, March 4, 1929, <st 12 o’clock noon, auction to the highest bidder for cash, the'real estate hereinafter des ignated of the following named persons for delinquent town taxes for the yd-irs 1926 and 1927, or "both as indicated. oooooooooffl3gfP‘- shrdlu cmfwypp A. M. Riddle, one-half interest in town lot, 1926 and 1927, $37.76. A. C. Ray, one town lot, 1927, $37.50. Mrs. W. T. Johnson, one town lot. 1927, $10.50. Robert Norwood, one town lot, l 1927, $4.94. _ # . I Dorcas Hill, one town lot, 1927, $21.15. This February 1, 1929. B. W. GILMORE, Tax Col. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY NOTES PURSUANT to Section (6) of , the County Finance Act, the Board i of County Commissioners of Chat ham County, North Carolina, will sell at their office in the court house in Pittsboro, North Carolina, on the 23rd day of February, 1929, re- It’s a Surprise! | If there are those who have I g thought that they could not 2 1 take cod-liver oil nourish- ! 3 raent, there is a surprise in j » store for them when they take I Scott’s Emulsion | It is pleasing to the palate | | and is assimilated so I 1 rea dify that it is the j 1* exce Ptional person | ■, inf w h° cannot take it ,1 vl easily. If you are run | down in strength j take Scott’s Emulsion I I Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. 22-33 s^i— —kk—isac—ap—i————< * | ' N :: THE DIFFERENCE 2! IN YOUR FAVOR ]> l :i Steel vaults, strong laws, enduring buildings— J[ these are the symbols of banking made safe and se- Jj cure. And it is from this point that men seek for the difference that leads them to choose the bank they . call their own. : al 'Mil » « ! . I it That difference is a human difference inside —in o it the particular, interested, understanding way in which o it your business is handled and each transaction is made <► it helpful and profitable to you. That is our understand- o it ing of modern progressive banking and in that spirit <> 3t we welcome your business. <> !i in | THE BANK OF MONCURE ;] | 21 : : ;; MONCURE, N. C. , i ITT; 2> \ : t 2: j 21 2! . > ;• jnewal notes of the county, aggre gating THIRTY THOUSAND ($30,- 000.00) DOLLARS, to be dated February 23, 1929, and to mature ; July 23, 1929. ..C. C. POE, Clerk, Board of Co. J Commissioners of Chatham Co., North' Carolina. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED * OF TRUST Under and by virtue of authority conferred in a deed of trust, execut ed by T. M. Crutchfield and wife, Dasie Crutchfield, the 18th day of April 1922, and recorded in | the office of the Register of Deeds j for Chatham '.County, in Bock of | Mortgages “G. E.” at page 110 and ! page 111, securing the payment of ! certain notes therein described, and | default having been made in the ! payment of said notes and request j having been made by the holder of j the said notes to exercise the pow !er of sale therein contain *l, the undersigned will offer for sale at Public Auction at the Court House door in Pittsboro, N. C., on Satur-t day, the 2nd day of March, 1929* at 4:00 o’clock P. M., the following | described property: j BEGINNING at a stake in the jcenter of Fayetteville Road at J. W? ! Crutchfield’s corner, and running thence with his line South 86 deg. East 4015 ft. to a stake and point ers in branch, corner of J. W. Crutchfield’s tract; thence 160 ft. with the branch to the center of northeast creek; thence in a South i werterly direction with the meand i ers of said creek 1400 ft. to a stake. • Will Nunn’s corner in said creek; thence with the line of Will Nunn’s land N. 86 W. 3960 ft. to the center of the Fayetteville' road; thence with the Fayetteville road ,912 feet to the pointer or place of beginning, containing 76.5 acres, more or less. Same being known and designated as tract No. 2 of T. M'. & J. W. Crutchfield lands according to sur vey and plot made by E. H. Cop ley, surveyor, Dec. 1920, to which reference is hereby mqjde for a more particular description of said land. There is excepted from the above land Twenty acres of land deeded to Sam Howard, December 16th, 1920, as recorded, description given in Book F. S. at page 379-380 in the office of Register of Deeds of Chatham County, N. C., to which reference is hereby made. W. J. BROGDEN, Trustee. Walter B. Bass, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of authori ty conferred in a deed of trust exe cuted by J. L. Horton, Colored, and wife Stella Horton, dated the sth day of January 1927, and record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chatham County, in Book (of Mortgages “G. N.” at page 75, | securing the payment of certain I potes therein described, and default having be6n made in the payment of; said notes, and request having been made by the holder of the said notes t 0 exercise the power of sale there in contained, the undersigned will offer for sale at Public Auction at the Court House door in Pittsboro, N. C., on Saturday, the 2nd day of i March, 1929, at 4:00 o’clock P. M., the following described property: BEGINNING A tract of land in Williams township, Chatham County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of R. H. Beavers, heirs C. E. Beavers, D. W. Loud, and the Fayetteville Road the old Davis land, and bounded as follows: Adjoining the lands of D. L. Loud on the North, the lands of R. H. Beavers on the East, the heirs of D. T. Parris on the South, and on the West by the lands of the Chath am Lumber Co., W. C. Page and Fayetteville Road, containing sixty seven and one-half acres more or less, being the lands sold to W. T. Carpenter by Alice G. Adkins and to a Black gum, Beaver’s corner; thence West 82 poles to a pine; thence North six poles to a stake; thence West to the Fayetteville J. R. S. Adkins beginning at the Fayetteville Road at formerly J. F. to a Spanish Oak; thence South 122 with said Oakley’s line 45 1-2 poles Oakley’s corner and running East Road, formerly C. S. Holloman’s and S. Davis’ corner; thence up , said road to the beginning, contain ing 67 1-2 acres more or less. Ref- erence is hereby made and includ ed in this description to deed from H. Mulholland to Rufus Beavers, also, front Rufus Beavers to Alien and j wife, also from Allen and wife to I Beavers, also the will. of Rufus Beavers to Alice G. Adkins. Deed from J. R. Adkins, and wife Alice G. Adkins to W. T. Carpenter and ; fiom W. T. Carpenter and wife to J. L. Horton and wife Stella Hor ton in book E. V. page 459. Ref erence is hereby made to Book of Wills F. page 574 item six. R. P. READE, Trustee. Walter B. Bass, Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrat or of the Estate of C. R. Johnson, deceased, late of Chatham County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned in the City of Burlington, N. C., on or before the 2bth day of January, I‘3o, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estafe will please make immediate payment. This 26th day of January, 1929. W, T. JOHNSON, Administrator. Feb. 6. 6tc. NOTICE OF LAND SALE * By virtue of the power contained in a mortgage deed executed on the 13th day of, December, 1924, fey R. A. Clark and wife, .-Daisy Clark, the same being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in Chatham County, North Carolina, in Book F. X. Page 131, and the undersigned, Lexie Clark, having qualified as ad ministrator of the late James Clark, deceased, and default having been made in the payment of the notes , that are secured by said mortgage deed, I will on MONDAY, MARCH THE 4TH, 1929, sell for cash to Ithe highest bidder the following described tract of land in Hickory Moutain Township, Chatham County, North Carolina, bounded and dscribed as follows: A certain tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being on the Pleasant Hill Road about five miles South West from Pittsboro, N. C., and containing 130 acres more or less and being bounded on the North by lands of Joe Burke & Paul Le mons; on the East by Peoples Es tate; on the South by lands of Or ren Tyser, Lot Tyser, Joe Tyser & on the west by J. Q. Covert. Be ing the tract of land purchased from Archie Dorsett. Time of sale 12 o’clock noon. This the 30th day of Januar, 1929. LEXIE CLARK, Administrator. Ray & Upchurch, Attorneys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having been duly appointed and qualified as executrix of the last will and testament of Mrs. Stella Wicker Holt, deceased, all persons holding against the said es tate 'are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of January, 1930 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This tfche 31st ilia of January, 1929. MRS. PEARL WINDHAM, Executriix of the Estate 'of Mrs. Stella Wicker Holt, Deceased. Long & Bell, Attorneys. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. E. Sturdivant, late of Chatham county, I hereby warn all persons holding claims against the estate to present same duly proven on or before January 10, 1930 or this notice will be ’''act ed in bar of recovery. All persons owing the estate will please make early payment. This January 3, 1929. S. P. STURDIVANT, Administrator. Jan. 10. 6t. p. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND uTI DER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority upon him confer red by a certain deed of trust exe cuted by Fred Lambert and his wife, Ida Lambert, on the Ist day of August, 1925, to Daniel L. Bell, which is registered in the 1 office of the Register of Deeds for Chatham county in Book “G. L.” at page 224, default having been made in the payment of the bond thereby secured, and the holder of the said bond having requested a sale of the lands hereinafter describ ed, the undersigned Trustee will on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1929 at 12 o’clock noon at the courthouse door of Chatham county, in Pitts boro, N. C., sell, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described two tracts of land in Gulf Township, Chatham Count, North Carolina: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a stake and stone pile ,the same being Ransome Lambert corner, running South 53 poles to Fred Lambert cor ner; thence North 85 degrees East 30 poles and 5 links to a stone cor ner in Fred Lambert line; thence North 53 poles to a stone corner in Ransome Lambert’s line; thence West 30 poles and 5 links (to begin ning, containing 10 acres, more or less. SECOND RACT: Beginning at a gum on Cedar creek, running South 85 degrees West 111 poles to a stone and pointers in Aaron Rives’ line; thence South his line 14 poles to a pine, Demus Talor’s corner; thence East his line 20 poles to a stake; thence South his other line 60 poles to a stake and pointers in Mcln tre line; thence East his’and Fra zier’s line 108 poles to Cedar creek; thence up said creek as it meanders ! 87 poles to the beinning, contain ing b estimation 60 acres, more or less. ; This the 19th day of January, 1929. _ • ■ THE CHATHAM RECORD DANIEL L. BELL, Trustee. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP ’ The public :? hereby "notified that the partnership heretofore existing between T. S. Perry and E. E. Wil liams, trading as The West End Supply Co., Pittsboro, N. C., is dis solved by mutual consent. T. S. Per ry assumes the business and is alone responsible for any debts of the West End Supply Company contract ed after this date. Persons owing the firm will pa:/ Mr. Perry. This the 12th day as January, 1929. T. S. PERRY, E. E. WILLIAMS. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain decree made and entered in that special proceeding entitled “C. C. Brewer, administrator of C. V. Tally, de ceased vs. Essie Tally, et als,” now pending in the Superior Court of Chatham County, North Carolina, the undersigned Commissioner will, on Saturday the 23rd day of Febru ary. 1929, at twelve o’clock noon, in front of the Courthouse door in Pittsboro, Chatham County, North Carolina, offer for sale, to the high est bidder for cash, those two cer tain tracts or parcels of land lying and being in Chatham County, North Carolina, and being more fully de scribed and defined as follows, viz.: FIRST TRACT: Lying and being in Bear Creek Township, adjoining the lands of John Cheek, J. H. Gilbert, J. D. ! Stone, et als, and BEGINNING on John Cheek’s line, in the center of the Bonlee & Western Railroad, and running with Cheek’s line north 4 degrees east 99 1-2 poles to Gilbert’s line; thence with his line north 87 degrees west 194 poles to J. D. Stone’s line thence south 4 1-2 de grees west 34 2-3 poles to the old Sandy Creek road; thence with said road southeastwardly to the center of said Bonlee & Western Railroad at Blue Rock flag station; thence with said railroad north 72 1-2 de grees east (from end of curve) to the BEGINNING, containing 106 acres, more or less, and being desig nated by the map and survey as No. 72. SECOND TRACT: Adjoining the lands of J. D. Stone, W. M. Brewer, I. H. Dunlap, J. W. Cheek, et als, and BEGINNING at a knot in J. H. Cheek’s line, I. H. Dunlap’s corner; thence north with Dunlap line 79 poles to a knot and pointers, W. M. Brewer’s line; thence west with Brewer’s line 202 poles to a knot W. M. Brewer’s west corner, in J. D. Stems line; thence south with Stems line 79 poles to a knot C. V. Tally home tract of land; thence east with Tally land 202 poles to the BEGINNING, containing 100 acres, more or less, this being a part of the tract of land that was conveyed by J. J\ Gilbert to,, W. N. Brewer and C. V. Tally, and known as the Harper Land. Bhis 17th day of January, 1929. WADE BARBER, Commissioner. SILER & BARBER, Attorneys. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, . CHATHAM COUNTY. In the Superior Court, January, 1929 G. S. Johnson vs. Eva May Johnson. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Chatham Coun ty, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute divorce from the defend ant and to have the marriage an nulled; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is re quired to appear before the clerk of superior court for Chatham County on the 23rd day of February, 1929, and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for relief de manded in the said complaint. E. R. HATCH, Clerk of Superior Court. This the 21st day of January, 1929. Jan. 24, 4tc. NOTICE OF SALE ' OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue, of the pow er of sale contained in that certain decree made and entered in the Su perior Court of Chatham County, m an action pow pending, entitled “O. Z. Barber vs. Ellen Tuck, Ad ministratrix of the estate of R. Scott Tuck, Deceased, and Ellen Tuck, individually,” the undersigned Commissioner will, on Saturday, the 16th day of February, 1919, at twelve o’clock noon, in front of the Courthouse door in Pittsboro, Chath am County, North Carolina, offer for cash, to the highest bidder, all that certain tract or parcel qf land lying and being in Gulf Township, Chath am County, North Carolina, and be ing more fully described and defined as follows, viz: BEGINNING at a white oak, on the bank of Bear Creek, below R. R. Dunn’s Mill (formerly the Solo mon Womble mill and Womble corn er, but now Gwen Maulden’s corner); thence north 133 degrees east, Dock Tucker’s line, 120 poles to a stake at or near the Gulf Road; thence with road south east 80 poles to a stake, J. D. Willet’s corner; thence with Sike Tuck’s line 40 poles to a pine stump, his corner; thence south 58 poles to a' stake, his other corn er; thence east 20 poles to a persim mon tree near a branch; thence south 41 poles to a wilhaw oak; thence suthwest 51 poles to a sweet gum on thd* bank »of Bear Creek; thence up said Creek its various courses to the BEGINNING, con taining 59 acres, more or less. EX CEPTING from, and reserving from this conveyance 30 acres sold to O. Z. Barber by deed dated August 3rd, 3 927. This 14th day of January, 1929. WADE BARBER,/ " Commissioner. SILER & BARBER, Attorneys. NOTICE OF TRUSTEES’ SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by George Dewey Barnes and wife, Sara Barnes, to Jno. D. Brown and G. C. Hampton, Jr., Trustees* dated December 9th, 1927, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chatham County, North Carolina, in Book of Mortgages G-R at Pages 439-440, to secure the payment of certain in debtedness therein set out, and de fault having been made in the pay ment of said indebtedness therein stipulated, the undersigned will t at 12:00 o’clock Noon on Saturday, the 23rd DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1929 at the Courthouse door of Chatham County, in the Township of Pitts- J boro, N. C., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and be ing in Berr Creek Township, Town of Bennett, and more particularly described as follows: Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the Town of Bennett, Chatham County, North Carolina., located on Chath am and Bonlee Streets in Block “Q,” Section 3, BEGINNING at the in tersection of Bonlee and Chatham Streets, southwest corner of block and running north 198 feet to an alley; thence with the alley 198 feet to Bonlee Street; west 198 feet to BEGINNING. Said sale will be made subject to the lien of a prior judgment to R. J. Bowen, trading as Bowen Piano Company, against Mrs. Jettie M. Forkner in the sum of $260.09, with interest from February Bth,, and cost, docketed October 22nd, 1923 in Judgment Docket K at Page 297. This sale will also be made sub ject to the lien of a prior mortgage deed from S. W. Maness and wife to Mrs. Forkner to secure $2,200.00, the same being executed on Septem ber 3rd, 1925 and recorded on Sep # .- * * - ' ► jf Good Roofs Keep Cold I I; Winds Outside I if | Jt The cold Winter winds do not x J[ whistle down through the top of a ]► <> house covered with good roof. Win- <► !! ter will soon be here with the usual \ it Jt cold snaps, rains, snow and sleet. If f 'your house-top is not well protected vSjj \ ♦ you should have it covered now. o * o' Have Budd-Piper show you sam- O - j < ♦ pies of al the new types of roofs, the t colors available, and supply you with !t estimates of cost. o | THE BUDD-PIPER ROOFING CO. !t 1 [JRHAM, N. C. o s - ' t X ! MAKE YOUR If MONEY WORK |f FOR YOU— j[ The reason some people seem so prosperous under J[ all conditions is often because they have money at i <► work for them. They have saved a reasonable por- Jt tion of their earnings and placed it in he bank ori in- Jt terest. They are then assured of a certain definite n income every year. it You have to work for your money. Then make it y°ur money work for you. Two dollars per week o placed in a savings account every year for ten years it ,will amount with interest to over $1,300.00. Can you Jt n °t save two dollars per week? / o We pay 4 per cent interest and compound the in o terest quarterly. We would be pleased to have you Jt open an account with us. / o ■ The Bank ot Pittsboro o PITTSBORO, JN. C. o A. H. London, President J. L. Griffin, Cashier f J[ W. L. Farrell, Asst. Cashier Z fcember 10th, 1925 in' the-office of the Register , of Deeds of Gha.tham County, North Carolina, in- Book of Mortgage Deeds C-L at Page 236. This the 16th* day of January, 1929 G. C. HAMPTON, Jr., Trustee. SIIUPING & HAMPTON, Attorneys. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND JJnder end by virttue of the au thority conferred upon me in a deed of trust executed by W. B. Moore and wife, Beatrice Moore on the 10th day of February, 1928 and recorded in Book H A pages 514- 515 office register of deeds of Chatham County, N. C., I will on Monday the 18th day of February, 1929, a 12 o’clock noon, at the courthouse door in Pittsboro, Chath am County, North Carolina, sell at public auction for cash to the high est bidder the following lands, to j wit: A certain tract or lot of land in Haw River Township, /Chatham County, North Carolina, and de scribed as -follows, to-wit: Begin ning at an iron stake at the inter section of the Pittsboro railroad right of way and State Highway thence East with said State Higfft way 100 feet to stake; thence South 100 feet to stake; thence West 100 feet, pafellel with said Highway, to said railroad right of way; thence North with right of way 100 feet to beginning; same being lot con veyed to W. B. Moore by J. H. Wissler (Book F Y pages 567-568) and whereon is now located Moore’s Filling Station. This sale is made by reason of the failure of W. B. Moore anJd wife, Beatrice Moore, to- pay off and discharge the indebtedness se cured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 per centum will be rqeuired of the purchaser at the sale. This the 26th day of December, 3 928 W. W. LANGLEY, Trustee. V. R. Johnson, Attorney. Jan 17, stc PAGE FIVE

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