PAGE SIX DR, J. C. MANN the well-known EYESIGHT SPECIALIST will be at Dr. Farrell’s Office PITTSBORO, TUESDAY, March 26 at Dr. Thomas’ Office SILER CITY, THURSDAY, March 28 Chickens are What yon Make Them "\V/ HAT you feed them, Vr in other words. And for making big, husky, health v eager-to*lav pujllets or delicious meat birds there's nothing better than Quaker FUL-O-PEP CROWING MASH Take our word for it—* it's a winner! It fairly pushes, birds over the non-produc tive period and cuts feed ingtime and costs. Contains oatmeal, minerals, proteins, choice grains, molasses (in dry form). We have it— very reasonably priced. W. C. JOHNSON PITTSBORO, N. C. It’s a Surprise! t | If there are thosewho have I I thought that they could* not | | take cod-liver oil nourish- ] J ment, there is a surprise in 1 I store for them when they take I Scott’s Emulsion Ilt is pleasing to the palate A Jb and is assimilated so A rfjk readily that it is the iJJMr exceptional person Ilnf who cannot take it easily. If you are run down in strength, take Scott’s Emulsion ! Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. 12-33 f Time to Plant II ; and the best varieties 1 o/t Vegetables- A : Free Flower Seed ] Collections | ■ • v" .. • By ten o’clock on the morning ot the Saturday before Easter the floor of the rotunda is packed with a seeth ing swaying, murmuring mass, leaving only a narrow lane from the old Cru . saders’ church, now the -Orthodox ca thedral, to the door -of „ the sepulcher., where police, holding hands, preserve away for the coming of the patriarch. Higher in the rotunda the arched win dows of the ambulatory and the^ upper galleries below the dome are similar ly crowded. Scene of Color and Frenzy. , The gold and silver of hanging iamps, the bright garments of the women in the galleries and the blend ing red of the fezzes struggling about the walls of the little pinnacled’ sep ulcher below, the low roar of voices rising into snatches of chanTlng and the clapping of hands in rhythm, the sudden erruption of angry shouts as a flying wedge of men bearing a frenzied singer on their shoulders seek to force their way nearer to the sep ulcher, only to he met and broken up by a rush of police, the never-end ing rhythmic chant which gives time and heat and measure to the rising tension —all these comprise a scene overwhelming in its effect. Back in the ’3os more than 300 people were THE CHATHAM BXCQRD, PITTSBORO, N. C Jesus, which was crucified. He ie not here: for He is risen, aa He said. Come, see the place where the Lewd lay. And no quickly, and tell His disciples that He ie risen fretn the dead; and, behold, He goeth before you into Gallilee; there ye shall see Him: 10, 1 have told you. And they departed quickly from the sepulcher with fear and great joy; and did run to brine His disciples word. And as they went to tell His disciples, be hold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held Him by the feet and wor shiped Him. trampled to death at one of these frenzied miracles of the holy fire. At twelve o’clock the bells over head break into a deafening torrent of sound. The procession emerges through the narrow lane from the Orthodox cathedral —banners borne by choristers and laymen, bishops follow ing and finally the white-bearded and white-robed patriarch, a golden cross upon his crown. Three times the pro cession circles the sepulcher, .diving through the awed and hushed crowd. Finally it halts before the low door. The patriarch removes his crown and an acolyte bears it away on a silver dish. His heavy robes are removed and he passes iflto the sepulcher,' fol lowed by an Armenian bishop in coral biretta and blue stole. Wild Exultation. The tension is now at its highest pitch.- A lane has been cleared from the smoke-stained hole tn the side of the sepulcher to an outer door. Run nels in white singlets and shorts are waiting at the hole and the crowd has resolved itself into >a thousand clusters of tapers straining toward the hole through which the heaven sent fire is to be given. A passionate suspense fills every dragging second. The rest happens more quickly thfcn the eye can take-it in. A confused impression remains of th£ thrust of a flaming torch from the hole; of a great roar of exultation drowned by the furious clangor of the bells; of half-naked runners dashing away with blazing torches held high over head: of fire dancing from taper to taper and candle to candle until the entire ro tunda glows with a million wavering points of brightness; of the aged 1 pa triarch staggering from the sepul cher holding aloft three blazing bun dles of tapers —an unforgettable fig ure of gleaming white against a back ground of dark faces and dancing fire. There remains- jthe memory of his white form carHed struggling and swaying into the: Orthodox cathedral. There remains, too, the memory of the processions circling the sepulther ... rejoicing in ossession of the’ re-; ‘deeming fire.—Nfcw York Times Mag aziue. * ; - ; • ' • :• : *fte * * * '* * *- *;«* ******* j|» .. ' ? ’' ii * •* ' Kimbblion News * *. .. * *|C «f» *|C #|c #jC | * «fc *|c fjc «j( Marcus is in Durham hos pital. He is doing nicely after a serious operation. One of our neighbor girls, Miss Alma' McMath,; was married to J. R. Blair, son- of Bud BFair of Siler City, last week in Greensboro. Jim Welster is still improving. NOTICE OF, SALE OF REAL ESTATE- Under? and by? virtue of the power of sale contained 1 in that certain 1 r trust executed by Cleveland Gunter and yirife, Lura J. Gunter, < dated January 6th, 1928, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds- Chatham County in Book* HA7 et seq., to secure i a certain indebtedness therein de scribed, dp.faiftt having been made ' in the paymrinl; of said indebtedness, j the undersigned Trustee will, on Saturday,' tiqe 20th day of April, 1929, at 12 o’clock noon, in front of the courthouse door in Pittsboro, ' Chatham Gotipty; North Carolina, offer for sale, to the highest bidder for cash, all that certain 112 acre tract of land flying and being in Gulf i Township, Chatham County, N. C., adjoining the lands of Hugh Womble, i T, H. Wilson lands, J. H. Gunter lands, et als, and being fully de- i scribed and defined in the title deed 1 by which Cleveland Gunter and j Laura J. Gunter hold the same, which ! said deed having been executed to < them by W. L. Goldston and' wife, 1 and being dated March 24th, 1923, i and recorded in the Registry of Chat- < ham County, North Carolina* in Book ] GZ, page 203, and reference is here- j by made to said title deed for a com- i plete and detailed description of tne same. This March 21st, 1929. WADE BARBER, Trustee Siler & Barber, Attys. (Mar. 28-Apr 4, 11, 18) NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by W. C. Maddox, et als to Walter D. Siler and Wade Barber, Trustees, dated 24th day of April, 1925, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chatham County, North Carolina, in Book GL, page 338, et seq., to secure a certain indebtedness therein, described, default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness, the undersigned trustees will, on Saturday the 20th day of April, 1929, at 12 o’clock noon, in front of the courthouse door in Pittsboro, Chat ham County, North Carolina, offer for sale, to the highest bidder for cash, all these certain lots or parcels qf land lying and being situated in the Town of Moncure, Haw River Township, Chatham County, North Carolina, designated by the map or plot of said town, which said map is duly recorded in the Registry of Chatham County, North Carolina, in Book AW, page 578, et seq., as lots numbers 63, 64 and 65, being the same conveyed to W. C. Maddox and T. B. Maddox by S. W. Womble and wife, by deed dated December 14th, 1914, which said deed is duly record ed in the Registry of Chatham Coun ty, North Carolina, in Book FB, page 539, to which record reference is hereby made for a complete and de tailed description. This the 18th day of March, 1929. WALTER D. SILER AND WADE BARBER, Trustees Siler & Barber, Attys. (Mar 28-Apr 4, 11, 18, 4t) NOTICE OF RESALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain decree entered in that special proceeding en titled “C. C. Brewer, Administrator, vs. Essie Smith Tally, et als,” now pending in the Court of Chatham County, North Carolina, the undersigned Commissioner will, on Monday, the Bth day of April, 1929, at 12 o’clock noon, in front of the courthouse door in Pittsboro, Chat ham County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, those two certain tracts or parcels of land lying and being in Chatham County, North Carolina, and being more fully described and defined as follows, viz: FIRST TRACT: Lying and being in Bear Creek Township, adjoining the lands of John Cheek, J. H. Gil bert, J. .D.. Stone, et als, and begin ning on John Cheek’s line in'* the center of the Bonlee & Western Rail road, and running with Cheek’s line north 4 degrees east 99% poles to Gilbert’s line; thence with his line north 87 degrees west 194 poles to J. D. Stone’s line; thence south 4% degrees west 34% poles to the old Sandy Creek road; thence with said road southeastwardly to the center of said Bonlee & Western Railroad at Blue Rock flag station; thence with said railroad north 72 % degrees east (from end of curve) to the be ginning, containing 106 acres, more or less, same being designated by the map and survey as No. 72. SECOND TRACT: Adjoining the lands of J. D. Stone, W. M. Brewer, I. H. Dunlap, J. W. Cheek, et als, and beginning at a knot in J. H. Cheek’s line, I. H. Dunlap’s corner; thence with Dunlap’s line 79 poles to a knot and pointers, W. M. Brewer’s line; thence west with Brewer’s line 202 poles to a knot, W. M. Brewer’s west corner in J. D. Stem’s line; thence south with Stems’ line 79 poles to a knot C. V. Tally home tract of land; thence east with Tally line 202 poles to the beginning, containing 100 acres, more or less, this being a part of the tract of land that was con veyed by J. R. Gilbert to W. N. Brewer and C. V. Tally, and known as the Harper Land. - This 20th. day .of .March, 1929. y.; : . WADE BARBER, i - '* Commissioner. Siler & Barber, Attys. (Mar 28-Apr 4, 11. 18) NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Default having been made in the payment of a deed of trust exe cuted to the undersigned on the 10th day of February, 1922, by J. W. liams and wife, Zula Agnes Williams, on the lands herein described, said deed of trust being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chatham County in Book G. E., pages 21 and 22, the undersigned will, under power of said deed of trust, sell at public auction to the highest bidder f r cash at the courthouse door in ttsboro, North Carolina, at 12 o’elocr. noon on Wednesday, 1 the 24th day of April, 1929, the land described in said deed of trust, to wit: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a ditch in the old Plantation road, thence East 17 poles to the Branch; thence up said Branch to fork South 42 2-5 poles to Mrs. C. A. Williams’ corner at pointers; thence West 35 poles to the old Plantation Road; thence down the said road to a sweet gum in Brush Creek; thence North to the beginning, containing 12 7-10 acres. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at Eva Williams’ corner running East 18 poles to J. W. Williams’ corner; thence South 85 poles to a stone pile; thence West to a branch; thence down said branch as it meaqders to the* beginning, estimated to contain 5 acres. I THIRD TRACT: Beginning at an iron bar running East 18 1-5 poles to a stake; thence South 27 poles to a stake; thence South down the Plantation road 23 poles to a rock corner; thence West to a dogwond; thence South with a branch to Brush Creek; thence West up the said creek as it meanders to J. M. Wil liams’ corner; thence North 13% de grees East 96 4-5 poles to an iron stake at the beginning, containing 15 2-5 acres. This the 19th day of March, 1929. W. J. BRODGEN, __ Trustee Victor S. Bryant, N. D. Horton, Attys. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. €> Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Anna Rosa Law rence, late of Chatham county, I hereby warn all persons having claims against the said estate to pre sent them duly proven on or before the 15th day of March, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of re covery. All persons owing the estate will please make early payment. This the 15th day of March, 1929. JOHN H. LAWRENCE, Administrator Siler and Barber, Attys. (March 21-April 25, 6tc) ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrators of the estate of Mrs. Nannie Elkins, late of Chatham county, we hereby notify all persons holding claims against the estate to present them duly proven on or before the 16th day of March, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons owing the estate will please make early payment. This March 16th, 1929. HUGH ELKINS and LEE ELKINS, Administrators Ray and Upchurch, Attys. (March 21-April 25, 6tc) Dabys Cotds Best treated without dosing —Just rub on m visas / — ■' M ■ ——, Extra Dollars come only from EXTRA I YIELD I hi ii ' fTpHE surest way to make extra cotton is ■ , Xto side-dress every acre you plant with ■ Chilean Nitrate of Soda at chopping time. : It sets a large crop and sets it early-—ahead H |j of the weevil. H j: SIDE DRESSING H I Means More Cotton BH • and More Profit w r /'"*■ : “I prefer Chilean Nitrate of Soda to anything else as a top dressing for cotton and corn. I have bought . twenty-eight tons of Soda for this H f year’s crop.” H C. H. COGDELL, ■ Goldsboro, N. C. H Now is the time to buy your Chilean Nitrate. »■ If you don’t know how or where to get it, a |H letter to the address below will have prompt H attention. H FREE Fertilizer Book I Our new 44-page book, “How to Uce Chilean H Nitrate of Soda” tells how to side-dress cot- H ton, corn and all other crops. Ask for Book Hj No. 1, or tear out this ad and mail it with H your and address. H Chilean j I Nitrate of Sofia I EDUCATIONAL BUREAU I I 920 Professional Bldg., Raleigh,:N. C. *»▼* SOP* WOT t-yjcK* In writing please refer to Adv. E-68 w - -i UllClC HI says — I “Don’t gamble with I ; a poor Planter, it will deal you a poor stand.’** When you have finished your planting you want to know that you have put the seed' 7 into the ground accurately and that it is * Kfl Ass covered in good shape. The Oliver No. 55 ij ( 11/ Tifffl i Planter is built to do just this thing. ;» Bf If J The wheels are keyed to the axles so that they can not slip and cause the planter to - " I ; miss. The runner opener is adjustable so that you can get the depth | desired. It is equipped with pressure wheel, knife J or drag coverers. The Oliver No. £5 will pay for ji itself in one season. Your Oliver dealer will give you full information. Siler City Hdw. Co. Th. main work- • ing parts are all L*\JB above the axle up mwmll mfcrjjr IjWXjJW I and out of the THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1990 Mother! j . Clean Child's Bowels with “California Fig Syrup” Hurry Mother! Even constipated, bilious, feverish, or sick, colic Babies and Children love to take genuine ‘'Cali fornia Fig Syrup.” No other laxative regulates the tender little bowels so A nicely. It sweetens the stomach andT starts the liver and bowels without griping. Contains no narcotics or sooth ing drugs. Say “California” to your druggist and avoid counterfeits. Insist, upon genuine “California Fig Syrup” which contains directions. Ohmigosh! “If you really love me, George, why doesn’t your chest go up and down like the men in the movies?”