PAGE FOUR j>IPl fwt i I't M > The RED p : LAMP ! I! "T ii ! I i : B * MARY ROBIiRTS RINEHART Copyrlfht by Geo. H. Doris Company W MU Service July 29. • Today has been quiet. Those, con stant reminders of the latest tragedy, the boats dragging the bay, have dis appeared, and once more we see gay Tittle picnic parties chugging across the water to Robinson’s point or thereabouts, laden with hampers and, 1 dare say, with flasks. Jane and I took a brief walk this afternoon, and noticed a man clear ing the woods on Nylie’s farm, across the road. We stopped and watched him for a time, and he seemed curi ously inexpert at the job. But per haps I am too ready to suspect Green ough’s fine hand in everything I see. Young Gordon, although still con fined to his room, is up and about again. Today I asked Hayward, who had been to see him, if I might visit him. but he shook his head. “He is still in an excitable condi tion,” he said. “Better give him a day or two more.” As, however, Annie Cochran reports him in excellent shape, although moody and irritable. I can only feel that the doctor has his own reasons for keeping mi away from him. At the same time, I must be careful not to allow suspicion 'to carry me too far. Mr. Bethel states flatly that the boy has no idea of who attacked him and himself suggests Thomas! . . . My talk with Mr. Bethel last night was interesting and not without an unusual quality of its own. He chose to be civil, and rather more than that 2 felt that the alarm of my entrance over, he not only greeted me with a sense of relief, but kept me as long as possible. My last impression of him is of a helpless and yet indefinably militant figure in a dimly lighted room, sitting upright in its chair, one 'withered hand palm upward, on his knee, and the other not too far from a revolver. . . . I am puzzled over that picture, as I ara over the one which I saw from the terrace window, as I approached. He gave the same impression then as he did when I left, of a man sit ting waiting for something. As I looked in at him, he was facing toward the hall and the dining-room door, directly across, with a concen tration so great that my light tap at first did not reach his ears. And dur ing the entire conversation which fol lowed, every now and again I was conscious of a sudden abstraction on his part, an intent listening, that made me nervous in spite of myself. ■ I gather that, like young Gordon, he has heard certain sounds in tl*e house at night, but does not intend to be stampeded by them, to use his own words. He has some theory of a dis turbance of molecular activity, by some undiscovered natural law, which I could not follow closely. But in the discussion of superstition in general which followed, I was a trifle discon certed to find him laying much of it to the Christian religion; that our present theology had given birth to the widespread belief in evil spirits and in sorcery. Strangely enough, 1 had at that mo ment one of those curious sensations which I have heard referred to as a failure of the two sides of the brain to synchronize. I had the feeling that sometime, somewhere, eons ago, I had sat in a dimly lighted room and heard those same words. And that I had had the same instinctive revolt from them. But the impression was fleeting, and seeing perhaps that our views did not coincide, he added that I must not be lieve that he disregarded the spiritual side of the individual, or of the uni verse. “Soul animating matter!” he said. “It is a great thought, Mr. Porter. And I have reached that time in life when what Is to come Is assuming more im portance than that which has gone.” LIVER SLUGGISH? HERE ’S RELIEF , Free Proof! Headachy, sick, bilious, feverish men and women are quickly relieved of all the symptoms caused by slug gish liver and bowels. One or two pleasant, harmless doses of pure vegetable Dodson’s Levertone will do the work better than calomel. Mil lions know how it cleanses, purifies the system; tones liver and bowels; makes them act normally. If you haven’t experienced its marvelous benefits, we’ll send a FREE bottle. Just write Sterling Products, Wheel ing, W. Va. Do it today. Y^DODSON'^I Then he ditmUwed the subject, and went back again to the local situation, this time taking up the crimes them selves. He sees no necessary connec tion between the disappearance of Maggie Morrison and the tragedy of Carroway, on this I did not enlighten him. As to the strange affair of the at tack on Gordon, he himself with Annie Cochran’s assistance, examined the gun room the next morning. The lock of the window was broken, but he fancied that was a matter of old standing. He was having it repaired. “The boy’s story seems to be borne out by the facts,” he said. “There were indications, as you probably know, that some one had entered by the window. But what strikes me as strange is that whoever did so should have known his way so well. Gor don says no light was turned on, yet this fellow puts bis hand on the only weapon about, the poker, without diffi culty.” He turned and glanced at me. “How long have you known Thomas, the gardener?” he asked. “Too long to think he would do a thing like that,” I said, rather warmly. “I dare say. And, although I think Thomas is not fond of Gordon, that would be carrying a distaste rather far, I imagine.” He has no anxiety for himself, or at least so he said; I am personally not so certain. For as I looked back from the terrace on my way out, he was once more facing toward the hall, and —I somehow felt —watching it. (CONTINUED NEXT WEEK) NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION NORTH CAROLINA: CHATHAM COUNTY: OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, JUNE 3, 1929. In accordance with the petition duly filed, as provided by law, and as more specifically provided by Arti cle 17 of the Codification of the School Laws of North Carolina, wherein one-third, or twenty-five, of the qualified voters, who have re sided at least twelve months in the proposed school district, have pe titioned the Board of Education of Chatham County, to request the Board of County Commissioners of Chatham County to call a special election for the purpose herein men tioned, and an election is hereby called to be held at the residence of C. P. Teague in the district here inafter described on Saturday the 3rd day of August, 1929, for the purpose of voting a special school tax, not to exceed twenty cents on the one-hundred dol lars valuation of the property in said district, to supplement the public school funds which may be appor tioned by the County Board of Edu cation in case such special tax: - is voted, in the following described ter ritory, to-wit: BEGINNING in the Randolph County line near Staley in the public road leading from Staley by (not in cluding) L. C. Siler’s and C. C. Cooper’s, thence east along the north boundary of Staley local tax district in Chatham County (formerly Woodsdale district) to the bridge at the head of Albright’s mill pond, thence east with the courses of Rocky River (including) the lands of Luther Bridges and Harvey Cotner to the west boundary of the Garfield Swain lands, thence along the east boundary of Harvey Cotner’s lands to the east boundary of (including) R. D. Teague’s land, thence north along the west boundary of (not in cluding) W. J. Thompson’s land to the (including) A. J. Clarke lands, thence north along the east bound ary of lands of A. J. Clarke lands (including) the Cotner heirs, W. B. Teague, the Widow Thomas, to the Alamance County line; thence west •With Alamance County line tq Ran dolph County line, thence south.along Randolph County line to the be ginning. At said election of the qualified voters in said territory who shall have registered shall be entitled to vote, those who are in favor of the levy and collection of said tax or shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words “For Special Tax,” and those' who are against the levy and collection of said special tax or taxes shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words “Against Spe cial Tax.” For the purpose of carry ing out said election C. P. Teague is hereby appointed registrar, who shall keep his books open from Saturday, the 29th day of June, 1929, until Saturday, the 27th day of July, 1929, both dates inclusive, for the registra tion of the voters within said district or territory, and a new registration is hereby ordered; the registration and the election shall be conducted ' - - • 4 « 4 BARGAINS? BARGAINS? ◄ • '*• • .. - • • ' '* • ◄ • • • * ◄ ■* • • • - ◄ Yes, we have sold hundreds of bargins, but plenty more jj have we at a greater saving still. J We will show you some real bargains Saturday, June ? 29th, when we put on that AUCTION SALE from 2 to 4 o’clock P. M. Be sure to be here and be here on time for this auction sale will only last two hours. If you come on time you will make money. ?j a J. J. JOHNSON & CO. . jj THE HAMLET NEWS-MHBSBNGBft, HAlftbiflT. N. G as nearly as possible under and in j accordance with the General Election I Laws for the election to the General I Assembly. David Lashley and C. R. | Thompson are hereby appointed poll- j holders to aid in said election. i -After closing the polls on election | day the registrar and poll-holders I shall proceed to count the votes for I and against said election, declare the results of the same, and certify the same to the Board of County Com- j missioners of Chatham County. This the 3rd day of June, 1929. R. J. JOHNSON, Chairman, Board of County I Commissioners, Chatham County C. C. POE, Clerk ex-Officio to said Board of Chatham County Commissioners. (June 27, July 4, 11) FORECLOSURE SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed by Alli ance Manufacturing Company, to the undersigned Trustee, dated Feb ruary 9th, 1929, and recorded in the Registry of Chatham County in Book GU, pages 119-20, and default hav ing been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured and demand having been made upon the undersigned Trustee to foreclose for the satisfaction of said indebtedness; the undersigned will on Saturday the 20th day of July, 1929, at twelve (12) o’clock noon in front of the Courthouse door at Pittsboro, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: | BEGINNING at an iron corner 50 feet from center of Southern Railway tract, M. F. Morris corner; thence south 47 degrees west, his line, 18 poles to. an iron in Cheek’s line; thence South with Cheek’s line 8 poles to a stone, I. P. Coggins’ corner; thence east with Coggins’ line 19 poles to stone and pointers; thence north 47 degrees east 13 poles to an iron Southern Railway right of l way; thence with said right of way 21 poles to the BEGINNING, con taining 2 acres, more or less, and I being the lot of land conveyed to •the party of the first part by J. W. ; Emerson, and to J. W. Emerson by S. J. Emerson estate, it being the ! same lot of land upon which is now located the Gin property of the party of the first part. Also all the gin, presses, machinery, motive power, beltings, shaftings, tools, etc., used with and in connection with the operation of the cotton gin located upon said lot, whether the same be fixed to the real estate or not. This the 18th day of June, 1929. WADE BARBER, Trustee NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Default having been made in pay ment of the indebtedness secured by j that, certain deed of trust to me as Trustee for the Jefferson star)dard Life Insurance Company by V. B. Elkins and', wife, Willie Jordan Elkin's; ‘on the 16th day of June, 1924, and recorded in thf office of ■ the Register of Deeds fov Chatham County in Book GH of Dj*eds, page 405, et seq., I will, under and by • virtue Os the power of sale vested • in me by said deed of trust, and at * the request of the cestui que trust, ; and for the purpose of discharging : the debt secured by said deed of * trust, proceed to sell to the highest \ bidder, for cash, at the Courthouse l door, in Pittsboro, Chatham County, ? North Carolina, at 12 o’clock M. on < Monday, July 22nd, 1929, • the following described land, to-wit: ; Beginning at a stake, corner of < Raleigh and Jordan Streets, and run- ; ning South 25 degrees East with J Jordan Street 175 feet to a stake, "t on West side of Jordan Street; < thence South 65 degrees West 125 • feet to a stake; thence North 25 de- • grees West 175 feet to a stake on ■* ‘ the South side of Raleigh Street; ; . thence with Raleigh Street, North' 65 ; degrees East, 125 feet to the begin- J ning, amd containing 21,875 square J feet. Same being the land conveyed 1 to **Mrs. Willie Elkins” by Cattie M. J Jordan, by deed dated November 4, « 1920, and registered in Book F’W at « page 458. ; This the 14th day of June, 1929. * JULIAN PRICE, ; Trustee ; Brooks, Parker, Smith and Wharton, j Attorneys, < Greensboro, N. C. • ' j Miss Flora McKinnon’s Strawberry j Ice -• ; 1 1 quart strawberries, ; I 1 cup sugar, ' J Juice of 1 lemon, ! 1 cup boiling water. « >' METHOD—Stem, wash and crush * • berties. Cover with sugar and boil- j ; ing water and let stand several hours. ; L Strain through cloth add juice of one j 1 lemon and. freeze. • ! (large OR SMALL WHETHER IT IS A $4,000,000.00 LOAN TO THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA OR A SIOO.OO ADVANCE TO A SMALL FARMER, WE OFFER THE SAME CAPABLE AND FRIENDLY SERVICE IN ALL UNES OF BANKING TO LARGE OR SMALL. Page Trust Go. SILER CITY, N. C. -- —. ... ...... ... . k..Y. .a. .a. .a. .a. .A. * j, a 5. \ A I Bank of Moncure j A 1 adds new features I • A • $ We have arranged to sell the American Express Com- |j pj pany’s Travelers’ Checks, which are payable the world jj p| over, at any of 16,000 express offices or any bank. jj $ They are what you need to take with you when you jfc jj # make a journey. 3 $ a w SAMPLES OF NEW CURRENCY j] i i! pi This bank has samples of the new U. S. currency, a bill * $ each of the denominations of sl, §2, §5, and $lO. Come 4 and see them. The new currency will be issued about u $ July 10. it | REGULAR BANKING BUSINESS p $ % % This bank does a regular banking business, and will $ appreciate your patronage. We pay 4% on savings jjj 4 deposits. J $ * £ Safety and Service is our Motto jit • * i - THE BANK OF MONCURE f ¥ 4 ¥ Moncure North Carolina j+j ¥. 4: r. * * * 4* h * r? ...... »A ,t A ,, A**4 l »4»«4 > »4» »4* »4« *4* *A.* *A? A! .a• • < A•• 4• • 4*• A*A A Amm+ + m m ■T(*T»• T• • T «T• Tflflßgpjyc/jUNfc. 2y. i92<>