PAGE SIX :): Spoiling the | s Child I •k • **■ I By RING LARDNER To the Editor: I have received a letter from she who signs herself Worried Mother, that wants information in regards to how to handle her 2 kids that seems to be kind of a wild pair and in be half of other parents that maybe in the same pickle, it looks like I should ought to print her letier to me and niy reply to same as follows: She writes* in a kind of illiterate way : ‘•Dear Sir: I been informed by the authority's that you have 4 ehildten that is probably the best helms ed children this sideot the reform school. Well, Mr., 1 haven't got only Va ns many children, 1 of them a boy 4 yis. old and the other a girl, 1 and *4 yrs. old and I can't do anything with either 1 of them. For inst. in the first place, the little girl won’t sleep nights and crys a whole lot and also laps up more milk than we can afford to buy for her. jit regards to the boy, he won't mind anything we tell him and keeps run ning away from home and when the neighbors’ children comes over to play with him, it always winds up in a light and he always gets the worst of .it as he hasn't got no nerve, if you will pardon the slang. I enclose a plain envelope with no writing on it for reply and hope you won’t fail to reply.” And then she signs her name and address which is none of our readers business. My reply follows: ‘•Mrs. Angus Simpson, 436 Railroad Street, (.'restline, Ohio. Dear old girl: You can bet I won’t fail to reply to your overtures as I always make it a pt. to answer mash notes from fair ladys of the fair sex. I presume your note was in code, but 1 will reply to ir on the up and up and my motto is safety Ist and then they can’t no body have a comeback. You been well informed about the size of my family and you couldn’t of come to a better m;m to get the desired information. Amongst my 4 children I had about the same kind of a struggle you are having with your 2, but 1 presume you have to give the boy the unique name of Jun ior and probably the little girl is called Lit. Well, we will take up Junior. 1 of my sons about the same age had a habit of running away from home ait bis. of the day and finely along come the good old summer time and I told him he could go bare footed, then I went out ou the st. and paved it for a *4 a mile in both directions; with tacks turned bottom side up but the little devil crossed me by going through the fields and the neighbors back yds. So 1 day I got him out in the wood shed and pretended like 1 was splitting kindling wood and by accident the heel of my hatchet come down on 3 toes of his Ist ft. foremost and r.he operation was successful. Him and his parent both thought it was an j accident so to say. The way it Is j now, liis nurse who is 70 yrs, old and j built in proportion, can roll after him and catch him before he gets out of the yd. As for Junior not minding anything you say, 1 have a kid that was the same way until I got me a whipping! post witch can be.boughten at a re duction in an.v first class post ofiice and after about 3 lessons he begun to pay a tension. One day after 1 give him the works, a couple of our friends dr«*ve by in their tractor and they seen him and stopped ami said: ‘Hello, Stupid, are you all well?’ ‘No iliank you, was his reply. ‘1 j am all welts.’ As for Junior being afraid to fight, the thing is to match him up with Maloney and let him get some cour age. Now in respects to Lil. I haven’t no gals, but the same treatment ought to he good for both brands. One of my kids insisted on 5 bottles of milk a day and wouldu’t take no less till 1 conceived the idear of putting sour milk in 3 of the bottles and he wouldn’t touch none but the other 2 and we made a daily savings of GO per cent on milk alone. And when this bird wouldn’t sleep at night I would first rock him to sleep with a punch in the 'jaw or sprinkle a little chloroform on his pillow and the first thing you know you couldn't hardly wake him up. ' 1 also had a kid that cried a whole lot and for no reason except that he had the collect or something or was getting teeth, witch is a waste of time In the first place because they loose *hein all when they are about G or 7 and get a new string. Well, when he had cried till I couldn’t stand It no more, I went out and bought a double bbl. shotgun and shot out his tear ducks. Children is a great comfort when they are broughten up right and not i.get too fresh and it is all in the f handling. 1 hope I have helped you out, dearie, and if you ever bit this old town of ■New York City, l wish you would call mo up or give me a ring ns they say, only be sure not to call up the. house as the phone isn’t In very good shape and pretty near nobody is liable to answer and not understand you, but give me a ling at ihe office and what ever information l can give you, why 1 am at your beckon call.” Long’s Island, N. Y. it& ky the Bell Syndicate, luc.) BOTH WAYS Marjorie, the youngest, always had an objection ready either about going to bed at night or getting up in the morning. One night, when her mother reminded her that it was becoming bedtime, she said: “It isn’t fair. At night you tell me I’m too little to stay up, and in the morning you say that I’m too big to stay in bed.” Just cs Good Movie Star —I can never marry you, Joe. and— He—But what? Movie Star —If you’ll come around at the studio tomorrow i'll introduce you to my double. —Everybody’s Weekly. Galley Proof Stubbs—l flatter myself that, as the saying goes, honesty is printed on my face. Smart—Well —er yes, perhaps— wiih some allowance for typographical errors. Comes Out Even Husband —But why have you dated t!;is letter the tenth when today is only the fourth. 1 Wise —Because I’m going to give It to you to mail, my dear. —I’cle Mole, Paris. LUCKY FOR HIM lie —It was lucky for you that I came along Just us you were going to cross. She—ls you were a bit gallant, you’d say it was lucky for you. Simple Taste If> a hero, undismayed. Syid he, “I have a hunch I To quit the banquet and parade. And eat a dairy lunch.” Wow! Senior Member —(Josh, that new stenographer is temperamental. Junior Member —What’s the trouble now? Senior Member —She wants sta tionery to match her rouge. Just Getting Rough Alice—What did he do ofler lie culled von a crazy half-wit and a j sour-faced monkey? Doris—Well, then he became in ! suiting. j - - -- Goodness “He is a good playwright.” “No.” ‘ lie is very successful.” “Ilis success shows that he is not good, but wicked.” Wealth lleck—Wouldn’t you like to be rich enough to do as you please? Peek —To be happy I’d have to be rich enough to do as my wife pleased. ALL IN He—Sorry I was unable to call last j evening, hut—er —really I was all in. j She —Yes, I heard they had every 1 part of you in the lockup last night. Satire T love the man who gave advice And made me promise to ‘‘be nice.” I love still more the honest chaff Os one who warned me by a laugh. Irresistible Impulse Friend —Why- do you say that they are incorrigible gamblers? Cop—Well, while we were chasing them they were betting on which one would capture them. THE CHATHAM RECORD, PITTSBORO, N. C. DAWES’ SECRETARY y' K . fL I *• * f * Henry Dawes, twenty-three years old, a year out of college, lists been chosen to be secretary to his uncle, Gen. Charles G. Dawes, United States ambassador to the Court of St. James in London. Young Dawes’ home is at Columbus, Ohio. <gy Philip Millington of Liverpool dived 80 feet from a building into the Mersey river and rescued a drowning child. <$ — As damages for injuries inflicted by a neighbor’s rooster, Dr. Henry Brown of Newcastle, Eng., was awarded SSOO. SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred upon me in j a certain deed of trust dated May! 21, 1927, and executed by Dexter Goodwin and wife, Addie Goodwin, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chatham County in Book “GR”, pages' 363 and 364, default having been made in the payment of principal and in terest secured thereby, and request having been made upon the trustee to foreclose by the owner of the bond, I will, on Monday, October 21. 1929, at the hour of 12 o’clock M., at the court house door in Chatham County, Pittsboro, N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bi-dder for cash all those two certain tracts or parcels of land lying and situated in Chatham County, N. C., and more particularly described by metes and bounds and separate tracts as fol follows, to wit: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a stake and pointers (formerly Lydia Upchurch’s corner) in Gaston Good win’s “line, running South 3 degrees W. 205 poles to a stake and point ers on the North bank of Beaver Creek, thence down the various courses of the same to a stake on the North bank of said creek at the rack log, E. W. Goodwin’s corner; thence N. 1 degree East 202 poles to a stake in Alfred Lawrence’s line. E. W. Goodwin’s corner; thence S. 87 degrees 13014 poles to a stake and the beginning, containing 163 acres and 124 poles, more or less. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at Joseph Goodwin’s corner, running West to E. W. Goodwin’s corner, thence in a northerly direction with E. W. Goodwin’s line to W. H. Good win’s line; thence in an Easterly di rection with said W. H. Goodwin’s line to O. L. Ellis’ line; thence in a Southerly direction with O. L. Ellis and Gaston Goodwin’s line to the first station, containing 40 acres more or less. This tract being the same conveyed to Dexter Goodwin by W. H. Goodwin, by deed recorded in office of Register of Deeds for Chatham County. This the 14tii day of September, 1929. J. L. CROWDER, Trustee Apex, N. C. T. Lacy Williams, Atty. Raleigh, N. C. NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of a judg ment of the Clerk of the Superior Court in an action therein pending entitled “Chatham Coui\ty vs. A. A. Johnson and wife, Etta Johnson.” the undersigned will, on the 19th day of October, 1929, at the Courthouse door in Pittsboro, Chatham County, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: NORTH CAROLINA: CHATHAM COUNTY. I, G. W. ißlair, sheriff of the County of Chatham, do hereby certi fy that the following described real estate in said County and State, to wit: 1 town lot in Bear Creek town ship was, on the 3 day of October, 1927, duly sold by me, in the manner provided by law, for delinquent taxes of A. A. Johnson for the year 1925, amount to $14.98, including interest and penalty thereon and the cost al lowed by law, when and where Chat ham County purchased said real estate at the price of $14.98, he be ing the highest and best bidder for J the same. And I further certify that j unless redemption is made of said j real estate in the manner provided *by law, the said Chatham County , shall have the right of foreclosure of this certificate of sale by civil action at the expiration of one year! from the date of sale. In witness whereof I have here-! unto set my hand and seal this 4th day of October, 1927. G. W. BLAIR, Sheriff TIME OF SALE: 12 o’clock, noon. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. This the 13th day of September, 1929. W. P. HORTON, . - Commissioner. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA: CHATHAM COUNTY: IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. D. W. SMITH vs. JAS. MARSH and wife, EVALINE N. MARSH. TO JAS. MARSH and wife, EVALINE N. MARSH,-the defend ants above named—GREETING: You, Jas. Marsh and wife, Evaline N. Marsh, will take notice that the above entitled action was commenced in the superior court of Chatham County, North Carolina, on the 18th day of September, 1929, by the plaintiff, D. W. Smith, for the pur pose of foreclosing certificate of sale for your lands sold by G. W. Blair, sheriff of Chatham County, for de linquent taxes for the year, 1927 and 1928. You, Jas. Marsh and wife, Evaline N. Marsh, will take further notice that you are required to appear be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court for Chatham, North Carolina, at his office in Pittsboro. within 30. days from date of last publication of this notice, which date will be 17th day of October, 1929, and answer or de mur to the complaint of the plain tiff, which is filed in the office of the Clerk, or the relief demanded by the plaintiff will be granted. This 18th day of September, 1929. E. B. HATCH, Clerk Superior Court. R. H. DIXON, Jr., Atty. for plaintiff. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and authority upon him conferred by an order of the Superior Court of Chatham County made in the special proceeding therein pending, entitled ‘‘ln the matter of Pearl Windham and her husband, B. G. Windham. A. L. Womack, and others,” the undersigned commissioner will on Thursday, October 10th, 1929, | on the premises of the lands here i inafter described, at the dwelling house on said lands in which Mrs. Stella Wicker Holt, deceased, form erly resided, in Merry Oaks, North \ Carolina. at 12:00 o’clock, noon, sell, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed tracts of land in Cape Fear Township, Chatham County, N. C.: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a white oak, Esquire Holt corner in Willis Byrd line, running North 65 poles to a stake in Esquire Holt’s line; thence West 80 poles to a stake in Willis Byrd’s line; thence South 3 degrees West 65 poles to a stake; thence East 81V4 poles to the be ginning; containing 31 Vi acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at an iron with a post oak pointer, Al fred M. Tucker's corner, and running from thence North 1 chain 50 links to a rock, John B. and S. E. Womack's corner; thence West with their line 5 chains 50 links to a rock with black jack and post oak pointers; J. B. and S. E. Wo mack’j corner; thence North with Willis Byrd’s line 6 chains 95 links to a rock with two black gum pointers, Byrd’s corner; thence East with Byrd’s line 5 chains 50 links to a rock with a post oak bush pointer; Byrd’s corner; thence North with Willis Byrd’s line 8 chains 95 links to a stake with two white oak point ers; thence South 80 degrees East with Byrd’s line 12 chains 50 links to stake with pine and white oak pointers in Henderson Holt's line; thence South with Holt’s line 7 chains 62 *4 links to a stake with white oak and post oak pointers; Alfred M. Tucker’s corner; thence South 56 degrees W'est with Tucker’s line 14 chains 5 links to beginning; containing 19 Vi acres. THIRD TRACT: Beginning at a stone in J. B. Womack’s line, run ning with said line and A. M. Tuck er's line to Tucker's corner; thence nearly North 6 poles to stone; thence West 2214 poles to stone; thence South 25 poles to stone; thence East 32 poles to beginning, containing 4 acres 13 rods, FOURTH TRACT: Beginning at a pine in R. & A. A. R. R. Co. line, running East with said line 1214 poles to stone; thence North 13 poles to stone; thence W'est 12 Vz poles to stone; thence South 13 poles to beginning; containing 1 acre. FIFTH TRACT: Beginning at a pine in Womack and Byrd corner, thence West with said line to a stone 166 links; thence North 22 degrees West to Womack’s line; thence East with said line to Womack’s corner; thence South 22 degrees East to be ginning; containing one-half acre. SAVING AND EXCEPTING FROM SAID LANDS, HOWEVER, 1% acres conveyed to Pearl Wind ham, 1 acre conveyed to A. L. Womack, and 2,000 square feet con veyed to Board of Education here tofore. This 9th day of September, 1929. DANIEL L. BELL, Commissioner. I! _ - ! ! THE CHEVROLET SIX j: I ' "" I! Let us demonstrate it for you. j If Bring your auto repair work to us. ji I j ’ Every job is guaranteed. / THE CHATHAM CHEVROLET COMPANY Pittsboro, N. C. R* H. Mills, Manager NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having been appointed and duly qualified as administrators of June H. Norwood, deceased, all persons having claims against the estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of October, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please come forward and make settlement with the undersign ed immediately. This the 28th day of September, 1929. A. R. NORWOOD. F. H. NORWOOD, R.F.D. 1, Bynum, N. C., Administrators of June H. Norwood, Dec’d. Long & Bell, Attys. (Oct 3-Nov. 7) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by E. C. Brown and Madeline Brown, his wife, to S. C. Brawley, trustee, dated May 6, 1927, and recorded in the Registry of Chatham County in Book G. N., page 78, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein described and the holders of said indebtedness having made de mand upon said trustee for foreclos ure, the undersigned will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public ouDery in front of the court house door at Pittsboro, N. C., on Saturday, the 19th day of October, 1929, at 12:00 noon, all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Chatham county, N. C., and more fully de scribed as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the County Highway, same being a point 710 feet from the northeast corner of May’s Chapel Church lot, and running thence north 51 degrees East 2296 feet to a stake. Thence North 84 degrees West 865 feet to a stake. Thence North 5 degrees East 1000 feet to a stake. Thence South 70 degrees West 2465 feet to a stake in the county highway. Thence Southward along and with the County Highway 450 feet to a stake point and place of beginning. Same being lot No. 8 and contain ing 54 V 4 acres, more or less, as shown on plat of the Bland property which is situated around May’s Chapel Baptist church, Chatham County, N. C., as per survey of Claude E. Womble, surveyor, Octo ber 17, 1926. This September 17, 1929. S. C. BRAWLEY, Trustee Siler & Barber, Attorneys. V-VVWWVWWVWWV'AWWVWWWWWWyWYWWAVAV.Y* I PAINT-PAINT-PAINT j J Now is a good time to paint as we have on hand a larger J I stock than ever before. We are ready to fill your paint , needs. ! We invite you to visit our new store next to Post Office. «! LEE HARDWARE CO. | “EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE” S ‘‘The Winchester Store” j SANFORD, N. C. 5 (Member Sanford Merchants Association) >J WW/AAW\WA"«VA , AWVAAW.WJVA , AVW*V.VVt%V. , I WHATEVER YOU WANT In the way of Banking Service, this Bank is pre pared to afford you. v Is it a safe place to keep your money? We have every material and insurance protection and a safe and conservative management. Is it a loan? We have the money and will treat you as well as the rules of conservative banking will allow. Is it interest? We pay 4% on time deposits. Is it advice? We would gladly give you the best in the shop as to any financial institution or any in vestment project. Come and see us. THE BANK OF MONCURE MONCURE, N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER i SALE OF VALUABLE Fa^T property ARIV * Under and by virtue of n, thority conferred upon us in T\ a ’ J of trust executed by B B qF dee(i widower, and J. M. Stinson on the 10th day of February l?' and recorded in Book G j?’ 192? - 206, we will on Saturday' th’ page 26th day of October, 1920 12 o’clock noon ’ at the courthouse door in N. C., Chatham County, sell a auction for cash to the hghesffe der the following land, to-wit- All that certain piece, par’ll tract of land containing f,o a ‘„° r more or less, situated, lying ing just off the Goldsboro road Ik four miles west from th e > Ut of Goldston in Gulf Township n? ham county, N. C., the same bein' bounded on the north by land* I J. Moffitt; on the east by S. J \r , fitt & Jeffers Creek; on the’so,?* by Indian Creek and on the west K Indian Creek and lands of t 5 Stinson. B ’ This is the same lands which willed to the said B. B. Stinson-t B. Stinson and Mattie Seawell of O. E. Seawell, and Mrs. J. m’ Stin son by J. M. Stinson and then’deed ed from Mattie Seawell, wife of n A. Seawell and husband and J r Stinson and wife to B. B StiVJ in 1920. naon This sale is made by reason of tb P failure of B. B. Stinson, widower and J. M. Stinson, widow to pay off and discharge the indebtedness Se cured by said deed of trust to the North Carolina Joint Stock Umi Bank of Durham. G A deposit of 10 per cent will be required from the purchaser at the sale. This the 19th day of September 1929. ’ FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DURHAM Trustee Durham, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of C. G. Howard, late of Chatham County, I hereby warn all persons holding claims against said estate to present them duly verified on or before September 5, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons owing the estate will please make early payment. This the sth day of September, 1929. L. J. HARWARD, Administrator. V. R. Johnson, Atty. (Sep 12, 19, 26, Oct 3, 10, pd) 666 is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria It is the most speedy remedy known.

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