PAGE TWO “CRIPPLED DP WITH RHEUMATIC PAINS” "Sargon did more for me in a few weeks time than_ everything else combined did in 25 years and gave me a nine pound sain in weight besides. - MRS. ELIZABETH MILLER “For years I was crippled up with rheumatic pains in my arms and legs. I was very nervous and had awful headaches. I’d suffer with gascolic and smothering spells after meals, and the glands in my throat and neck would swell to the size of apples. I was so weak and run down and lost so much flesh no body thought I’d live. I’ve taken four bottles of Sargon, my rheu matic pains are almost gone, the swelling in my glands is hardly noticeable, my nerves are strength ened and I haven’t had a headache since the second bottle. Sargon Pills relieved me entirely of a chronic case of constipation.”—Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, 129 Hillside St., Asheville. C. R. Pilkington, Pittsboro; Wig gins Drug Stores, Inc., Siler City, Agents. —Adv. a, HELPING HANDS When the permanent hasn’t quite waved. Well, why did you go to Louis PhSlipe when you might have gone to Phillipe Louis? You could do a better job yourself with a hot shoe horn and a yard of haywire!” "Os course, they sometimes look I better after a week or two. But I don't know about this one, my -dear. I —don’t—know.” "Oh, don’t cry about it now. my, you can keep your hat on -practically everywhere today, and nobody will see,” "Tell you what you might do; get it cut off real short, kind of shingly looking, and then oil it— nvhat? No, I’m not trying to be a comedian. Os course, if you can’t be good-natured about it .. .” "Well, some hair simply won't | take a permanent. Emile admitted that to me himself once. And I said, ‘Well, why do you take money from girls when the wave is no good?' But he just laughed—he’s a card, he is!”—Holland’s, The Magazine of the South. ® MIXED GRDERS Mom,” said little Willie, bursting into the house all out of breath, "there's going to be trouble down at the druggist’s. His wife has got -a baby girl and he’d had a ‘Boy Wanted’ sign in his window for a week.” —Grinnel Malteaser. Lee Hardware Co. Headquarters for Farming Tools, Implements, Mill Supplies, Builders* Supplies, Kitchen and Household Hardware See Us for Roofing and Paints Chatham Folk are invited to make our store headquarters when in Sanford THE LEE HARDWARE CO. Sanford, N. C. jßack Yar-v. -- Evidently Oyster Die-it ByM.B, ■ 1,1 I " " ■' "I HI * ' r i BLOCKS j IfraL A ■ro~rr.-.- jrrn ■■ » » "**|f S SUE ECS A | 8 Bv MIMI • Cupid’s Calendar I SUPPOSE that love can spring up at any old time, whether your watch is running on old time or new. But cupid has arranged the calendar so that weddings occur in either spring or fall. Who wants to get married in February or August? You don’t have to read many love stories or love magazines to know that love comes along with youth. We get over the tnumps, then we fall in love. After we have had the measles, we get the mensley feeling of love sickness. When love is young, all the world seems giddy. It seems to he the middled aged man who is love shy, and he’s the fellow that cupid can’t jab with his arrow. If the boy is twenty or the man is sev enty, love is easy. But when the man is forty and has begun to wear bi-focals, you can’t do much love hunting on his grounds. Now cupid’s calendar isn’t confined to the dates of men s lives. It oper ates with the circumstances of their lives. As far as I can find out from the phases of the love-moon, it is either the time of great good fortune I or worse ill luck that makes man’s heart open to the dizzy influences of love. The miner who has hit the rich vein or the fellow who has struck oil or the plunger who has copped something from the ticker tape is the guy who will fall for love. That is, he has the money, and wants some one to spend it on. But there’s another side to the story 111 luck as well as good fortune can turn the head and twist the heart. It’s misfortune that makes people believe that two can live as cheaply as one. and the poor are as farjious as the rich for both weddings and grand fu nerals. My idea is that it isn’t merely the circumstances in the case that make the heart get so daffy. The man doesn't look for a bride because now he’s rich or poor, as the case may be. No. it’s because sudden wealth of poverty has away of stirring the heart. It’s just emotional excitement of one kind or another that lets cupid do his song and dance on the human chest. The war was cupid’s big time. It got everybody stirred up so that there was love and marriage everywhere. It was a poor time for weddings, but when the heart w . set on fire by the big fight, it turned men and women in to a bunch of Romeos and Juliets. Whatever stirs the human heart will produce love. It may be spring-time or harvest, wealth or poverty, war or some other ill. It makes little cupid put red letter days in his old cal endar, —.wwww --vMar*, (© by the Bell Syndicate. Inc.) INGRATITUDE <g> She took my hand in sheltered nooks, She took my candy and my books, She took the lustrous wrap of fur, She took those gloves I bought for her, She took my words of love and care, She took my flowers, rich and rare, She took my ring with tender smile, She took my time for quite awhile. She took my ardor, maid so shy, She took, I must confess, my eye. She took whatever I would buy And t'hen she took another guy. —Loyola U. <g> Trouble is mighty stubborn. It will never go out of the way of the fellow who is looking for it. THE CHATHAM RECORD. PITTSBORO. N. C. Hill I Hill j|| ) r Onto «••••» iHifuiNaM WOODS SEEDS Mailed free on request Write for it. Illustrated and con- , tains valuable in- | formation for the farmer 6-gardener j T.W.WOOD IrSONS Seedsmen Since 1879 55 5.14-St Richmond. Va. Wealherforecast broadcast daily at6:sßP.M.station WRVA,270.1 meters i pjjijjiJSSiJSiSpiigiiJpSSEESSSiSSSSSSSSSSES SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY I - | Under and by virtue of the au | thority conferred upon us in a mortgage deed executed by R. C. Moore and wife and E. W. Moore and wife to the undersigned on the Ist day of July, 1927, and record ed in Book G Y, page 68, office Register of Deeds for Chatham County, North Carolina, we will on # t Monday, the 7th day of April, | 1930. at 12 o’clock noon, at the court house door in Pittsboro, Chat- j ham county, N. C., sell at public auction for cash to the highest j bidder the following described i lands, to-wit: A certain tract of land in Haw River Township, Chatham County, North Carolina, described as fol lows : All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 117 acres more or less, situated, lying and j being in Haw River Township, Chatham County, North Carolina, just off the Moncure road and on the Providence Gum Springs road, about 4 miles north from the town ; of Moncure and bounded on the north by lands of J. L. Womble; on the east by lands of W. W. Stedman; on the south by lands of Mrs. Alice Harward and J. L. Womble, and on the west by lands of Carey Lasater; and being known as the Ben Womble place and being the same lands conveyed to W. W. Stedman by A. M. Riddle. This sale is made by reason of the failure of R. C. Moore and wife, and E. W. Moore and wife to pay off and discharge the indebt edness secured by said deed of trust. deposit of 10 per cent will be required of the purchaser at the sale. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. PLACE OF SALE: COURT HOUSE DOOR, PITTSBORO, N. C. TIME OF SALE: MONDAY’, APRIL 7th, 1930. This the 25th day of February, IS 30 W. w. STEDMAN, Mortgagee V. R. Johnson, Atty. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort gage deed made by I. N. Cox and wife, Connie Belle Cox, to the undersigned mortgagee on the 15th day of August, 1928, to secure a certain bond therein described and duly recorded in Book G U, page 33, Registry of Chatham County; and pursuant to default in the pay ment of the note thereby secured, I will sell at public auction to the last and highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Chatham County, at Pittsboro, N. C., at 12 o’clock noon, SATURDAY, 15, 1930, the following tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the village !of Bennett, Bear Creek, Chatham ' County, North Carolina, bounded .and described as follows: j FIRST LOT: Located and being on Vance Street and designated by map and survey of said town of Bennett as portion of lots numbers two and four in section "D” and beginning 100 feet from the inter section of Liberty and Vance Streets and running north with Vance Street 100 feet to an alley; thence vnorth with said alley 200 feet to an alley; thence south 100 feet; thence 200 feet to the begin ning, same being one-half of Block i Kill -.fRSH? I .11 _ f UtonCmTEAT ( / —'^•llfCS . ''WHY WAS \ I * m'W ■'HAT BIRD Wwk I M ARD?/fHL I rail®'*' Mw ■>■•■ ■ - ( ( • I Four (4) in setion “D.” SECOND LOT: Beginning 100 feet from the intersection of Buf fela Street and Vance Street, and running south with Vance Street 100 feet to an alley; thence with said alley wets 200 feet; thence north 100 feet; thence east 200 feet to the beginning, same being one-half of block Four (4) section "D.” First lot and Second lot, above described, together, comprise the whole of Block Four (4) in Sec tion “D.” THIRD LOT: Beginning at the ! intersection of Liberty and Vance j Streets and running with Vance ! Street north 100 feet; thence west ! 200 feet to an alley; thence with | said alley south 100 feet; to Lib ! erty Street; thence with said Lib erty Street east 200 feet to the beginning. j FOURTH LOT: Beginning at the intersection of Buffalo and Vance Streets and running with Buffalo Street 200 feet (running west) to an alley; thence south 100 feet; thence east 200 feet to Vance Street; thence with said street north 100 feet to the beginning. Upon which property there is lo cated a planing mill outfit, (New man) complete, steam engines, dry kiln, moulding machine, and all and singularly machinery, equipment, buildings, tools, belts, shafting and paraphernalia, constituting said moulding and planing mill plant, all of which is included in, and passes with this conveyance. This 11th day of February, 1930. H. C. CAMERON, Mortgagee. Gavin, Teague & Byerly, Attys. Sanford, N. C. feb2o 27 mch 6 13 - « NOTICE I NORTH CAROLINA CHATHAM COUNTY. ! IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. LOTTIE HOLT vs. EUGENE HOLT. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Chatham County, i North Carolina, for an absolute di vorce on the ground of and the said defendant will further take notice, that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Su ; perior Court of Chatham County, North Carolina, at his office in the courthouse, thirty days after the 27th day of Jahuary, 1930, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demand in said complaint. This the 27th day of January, 1930. E. B. HATCH, Clerk Superior Court. H. M. Jackson, Atty. • ; jan3o 4t NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND NORTH CAROLINA CHATHAM COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by a certain Deed of Trust executed by Clarence Jones and wife, Lizzie Jones, re corded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Chatham County in Book of Mortgages G. J., at page 120, default having been made m the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and demand having been made by the holder of said note, the undersigned trustee will, on the 22nd DAY OF MARCH, 1930 offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Courthouse door, in Chatham coun ty at 12:00 o’clock, noon, the fol lowing described lot or parcel of land: BEGINNING on a stake in the center of the old stage road, one of B. A. York’s S. W. corner; thence east with said York’s line about 1350 yards to a stake stand ing about 30 feet on the east side of an old slue, near Kite Creek; thence down the slue 147 feet to a beach on the bank of Kite Creek; thence down the creek with its meanderings to where it enters North East Creek; thence with the meanderings of North East creek to a large white oak on the east bank of North East Creek, being the corner of Fagan Herndon’s land; thence with the old stage road about 1210 feet to the be ginning, containing 70% acres, more or less, less two (2) acres for the public school, more or less. See deed from W. H. Hessee and wife, Ella M. Hessee to Clar ence Jones, dated February 26th, 1927. This the 17th day of February, 1930. JAS. R. PATTON, JR., Trustee. feb 20 27 mch6 13 i /SAuThiT^ / mother-in-lauA k V WAS POISONED/ » i bating 7 1 C-v J c7 > 7_— ) I X>{T /SEND HIM NORTftfH J? , l THERES NO OR. 9 Tjf 1 SALE OF VALUABLE FARM ( PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by W. C. Gunter and wife, Nannie A. Gun ter on the 16th day of December, 1926, and recorded in Book A-C, page 75, we will on SATURDAY, 22nd DAY OF MARCH, 1930 12 o’clock noon at the courthouse door in Pitts boro, N. C., Chatham County, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 75 acres more or less, situated, lying and being on the Pittsboro-Sanford Highway about seven miles South from the town of Pittsboro in Oak land Township, Chatham County, North Carolina; having such shapes, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof made by G. H. Hancock, surveyor in 1926 and the same being bounded on the North by lands of T. O. Johnson; on the East by lands of C. F. McComick and F. A. Badders; on the South by lands of Frank Johnson and on the West by lands of Client Riddle and T. O. Johnson. This is the same land deeded in 1920 by the heirs of A. V. Budd to W. C. Gunter and recorded in Book F. P. pages 464-5 offifice of the Regis ter of Deeds for Chatham County, North Carolina. This sale is made by reason of the failure of W. C. Gunter and wife, Nannie A. Gunter to pay off and discharge the indebtedness se- j cured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 per cent will he | required from the purchaser at the : 'sale. This the 13th day of February, 1930. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DURHAM, TRUSTEE, DURHAM, N. C. feb 20 27 mch6 13 | NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by W. M. Jordan, widower, to N. E. Hargett and R. C. Sharpe, trading as Har gett & Sharpe, mortgagees, dated April 30, 1927, and recorded in Book G. Y., page 15, of the office of the Register of Deeds of Chatham County, N. C., default having been made in the payment of the indebt edness thereby secured, and demand having been made for sale, the undersigned mortgagees will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door of the county court house at Pitts boro, North Carolina, at twelve o’clock, noon, on the Bth day of March, 1930, the following described property located in Chatham county, Mat thews Township, State of North Car olina, and described as follows: Beginning at a stone, Gilliland’s corner in Jordan’s line and running thence in an easternly direction 11 poles ad 16 links to a stone, Gilli land’s corner; thence easternly 76 poles and 34 links to a large red oak, a center tree in Gilliland’s line; thence northernly 44 poles to a stone; thence westernly 88 poles to a stone in Mrs. Jordan’s line; thence in a southernly direction 69 poles to the beginning, containing ;i thirty acres, more or less. This the 7th day of February, 1930. N. E. HARGETT and R. C. SHARPE, trading as Hargett & Sharpe. G. M. Mitchell, Atty. 131 Dudley St. Greensboro, N. C. (Feb 13, 20, 27, Mar 6, pd) SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred on me in a deed of trust executed by Priscilla Bass, widow, on the 12th day of April, 1928, and recorded in Book HA of Deeds on page 610-11, in the Reg ister of Deeds office of Chatham County, North Carolina, I will on WEDNESDAY, the sth DAY OF MARCH, 1930 at 12 o’clock, noon, at the Court House door in Pitts boro, Chatham County, North Caro lina, sell at public auction the fol lowing land, to wit: A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Bear Creek town ship, Chatham County, State of North Carolina, and more particu larly described and defined as fol lows: Adjoining the lands of Har rison Morris, Millssa Morris, Mattie Pugh and Jerry Murchison, and con taining 4% acres, more or less. This sale is made by reason of the failure of Priscilla Bass to pay /BEC*EllrDioii?\ /WANT A DOCTOR 1 HE WANTED MORE/ I THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27 ioo„ off and discharge the endebtedness secured by said deed of trust This the 30th day of January 1930. F. E. STREET, Trustee Feb. 6, 13. 20. 27 (Jan 30, Feb 6, 13, 20) - NOTICE OF SALE OF R*at ESTATE L NORTH CAROLINA CHATHAM COUNTY. Under and by virtue of a certain deed of trust executed by R F McCotter and Jennie E. McPnHof his wife, to H. L.’ Jones, TruX dated Jan. 16th, 1929, and recorded in Book of Mortgages G-N ard page 136 in the office of the Regi* ter of Deeds for Chatham countv' default having been made in pay] ment of the note thereby secured and at the request of the holder and owner of the said indebtedness the undersigned Trustee, will on ’ Wednesday, March 12th, 1930 at 12:00 o’clock noon offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house in Pittsboro, N. C., the land or lots of land described as follows: Bounded on the east by the lands of J. B. Atwater, S. A. Morgan and Don Horton; bounded on the north by the lands of J. B. Council bounded on the west by the lands of C. L. Lindsey and James Carson and bounded on the South by the lands of J. D. Carson and J. ty\ Atwater, the lands herein conveyed being a part of the Merritt lands and more particularly described in deed from J. W. Walker commis sioner, to J. B. W T alker, said deed being recorded in Book E. 1., page I 125 of the Chatham County Regis- J ter of Deeds office, see also deed jof A. Tilly to A. Walker which is 1 duly registered in the said register’s | office in Book C. W. at page 160; see also deed from J. B. Walker and wife to A. Y. Bolding said deed bearing date of December 23rd, 1907, and recorded in said register’s office in book at page 127; the land above described being in all j!21% acres and being the same lands sold to R. F. McCotter and wife, Jennie E. McCotter by J. D. Jones and wife. This the 11th dav of February, 1930. H. L. JONES, Trustee Thompson & Lynn, Attys. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pow ers contained in a certain deed of trust executed by A. M. Riddle and wife, Flossie Riddle, V. R. Johnson, and wife, Nellie Johnson, on the 3rd day of November, 1924, and recorded in book of mortgages GH at page 502 and 503, office of the Register of Deeds of Chatham Coun ty, we will on SATURDAY, MARCH the Bth, 1930, at 12 o’clock, noon, at the Court house door in Pittsboro, Chatham County, North Carolina, sell at pub lic auction, for cash, to the highest bidder the following land, to wit: BEGINNING at S. D. Gilmore’s corner running North 86% West 211 poles to'a willow oak in Jinnie Griffin’s line; thence North 5% East 226 poles to an iron bolt on the North side of the old Ramsey Road; thence with said road North 81 East 10 poles; North 63% poles; North 66 East 26 poles; North 72% East 40 poles; North 66% East 28 poles; North 18 poles to an iron bolt in John French’s line; thence South 3 West 35 3/5 poles to Ward’s cor ner; thence South 4% West 29% poles to an iron bolt; thence South 88% East 38 poles; thence South 2% poles to a post oak; thence North 85% East 140 poles to a stake on the West side of a branch 11 poles North of the Pittsboro road; thence South 3% West 311 poles to a stake in Dowdy’s line;: thence North 84 West 83 poles; thence North 86 West 42 poles to a stake in Gilmore’s line; thence North 3% East 66 poles to the BEGINNING containg about 611 acres, more or less, and being the same lands known as the Old County Home Tract of land and being pur chased by Johnson and Riddle. This sale is made by reason of the failure of A. M. Riddle and wife, Flossie Riddle, and V. R. John son and wife, Nellie Johnson to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust to the County of Chatham. This the 28th day of January, 1930. WADE BARBER, Trustee. W. P. Horten, Co. Atty. feb6 1.3 20 27 FORCE OF HABIT We sometimes why the modern girl, when she dressed for the ballroom, doesn’t get confused and go to bed.—The Pathfinder.

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