jj»^(URSDAY^^fiBRUAH^^27^^93O, ** * * * town and * : COUNTY BRIEFS l ************* * * * p n - Geo. R. Underwood has con tinued quite ill. V-- Lucile Farrell, who is teach- Broadway, also Dr. and Mrs. s?*;*'‘Virrell of Troy visited their Ihr ‘l./ vr and Mrs. Bob Farrell pare*:.-, sunea>. Gem Theatre SILER CITY, N. C. the home of perfect talking pictures We Offer the Best in Joyous Entertainment Friday and Saturday, Feb. 28 - Mar. 1 HOOT GIBSON in “THE LONG LONG TRAIL” Hoot’s first all talking Western. Don’t miss this one. b„ td r °" e \ Monday - Tuesday ‘^ e ov?et> March 3 and 4 % “tuf $23 VIRGINIAN” \ Greatest 1 SS& , rs All-Talking Classic || Viocd ed^ r \ STARRING I GARY COOPER II Irfote'. T f^ avy \ MARY BRIAN * ®\L n Q****Z**2 \ gripping drama of the old fco** You w iH see an( * bear the p^— West. It will thrill you Jfct with its action. Like a Cov ered Wagon in sound. Don’t qfrvjj miss it. Wednesday and Thursday, March 5-6 A COMEDY RIOT with three wild gobs foot-loose among the beauties of a summer resort. The best comedy feature of the year. Hear this star cast sing “BARNACLE BILL THE SAILOR.” VISIT THE BARGAIN GOOD WORK SHOES STORE FOR RUGS $1 .oo pail . i 6x9 $1.98 Bargain Store next 9 x 12 $3*95 door to Main Store i NEW THINGS TO WEAR FOR SPRING / Men’s new snappy colored stripe shirts $1.48 Men’s Felt Hats , $1.95, $2.95, $4.95 Ladies snappy foot wear in the newest. See them, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 400 yards fine Silks. Values to $2.25 yard. Special $1.39 Complete range lace neckwear. Collar and cuff sets, also vestees and cuffs 50c and 98c and up New Silk Gloves to complete the dress, pair 98c and $1.48 The new Spring Hats are here, including Gage .Hats, $1.98 and $4.95 Silk Underwear, SI.OO value, each * 75c, or 3 for $2.00 Bloomers, stepins, vests, etc. New fresh wash dresses. Size 14 to 50 98c, $1.39, 1.98, $2.98 Ladies’ full fashion silk hose. New shades, pair SI.OO ' ~ - ■ Williams-Belk Company SANFORD, N. C. L . Mrs. Gardner is very ill at the home of Mrs. W. F. Beard. Miss Alma Dailey has returned from a northern hospital, where she went for treatment. Mrs. Geo. H. Brooks, Jr., teach er of Latin in the Pittsboro school, who has been sick for nearly three weeks, will, it is hoped, soon be able to return to her class work. Mr. Zeb Johnson has 33 lambs, or reported that many last Satur day, and expects the number to run to forty. That means some clear money for him. THE CHATHAM RECORD, PITTSBOftp. N. : C. Mrs. W. P. Perry of Durham, a | sister of Mrs. B. A. Perry of Pitts boro is critically ill, as are two nieces of Mrs. Perry, j If you are behind with your sub | scription, please try to help us out some next week. The editor and Ed Hinton rode 1 down with Supt. Reid Thompson to Raleigh Friday afternoon. The writer met a number of old friends, among them Mr. Bailey, candidate i for the senate, who reported many 1 encouraging indications of a suc : cessful campaign. A stop was made at the penitentiary to see Vander (Johnson, who has a job down there ! for the present. This was Reid's ■ first visit to the pen, if it should not be his last. }. Mr. Archie Ward, on the Gold ston road, who was very ill with pneumonia, is reported by his , physician as on the highway to re covery. Mr. C. H. Hamlet, who has been ill two or three weeks, suffering from an astmatic condition, was better the first of the week. Mrs. Robinson, widow of the late Dr. Robinson and sister of Mr. N. J. Wilson, was very ill the last of the week. She was attended by Dr. Chapin, and by Miss' Lucile Peterson as nurse. Court next week. Come prepared to renew your subscription and ted your neighbor who does not take The Record what he is missing. It would surprise you to know how many voluntary new subscriptions come" into the offifice the pa?t few weeks. The Record never had a more solid popularity. Judge Thos. H. Calvert and Mrs. Calvert of Raleigh visited the lat ter’s aunt, Mrs. Aurelia Taylor, near Moncure, during the week end, and the three ran up to Pitts boro Saturday afternoon, where they were greeted by many friends, judge Calvert located here when he first came over from England, along with Mr. Geo. R. Pilkington, and married his charming wife here. ‘ Mr. Fred Justice expects to open the* Ford Garage here not before March 15. There is a lot of old cars to be sold and he does not want to come in before they are cleared out. Again, at last infor mation, no agreement had been made as to the sale of equipments of the Weeks Motor Company. Mr. ! Justice has made an offer, but it had not been accepted. Rev. A. C. Ray, Jr., has resigned his Virginia pastorate to accept a call to a city church in New Or leans. He will arrive in Pittsboro this week to spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ray, before going to his new field in Louisiana. We have heard that the hair of the dog is good for his bite,, but; it was new to us learn that chicken J soup was good for chickenpox. At _ least, we met Mrs. Victr Johnson j going to buy a chicken to make; soup for her little girl who has the j chickenpox. You will notice that Mr. S. Will j Harrington, of Corinth, has an-, nounced his candidacy for the House of Representatives. Mr. Har rison formerly served as county commissioner for eight years, and,j therefore starts in the race with' the advantage of a large acquaint- j ance throughout the country. The race thus far lies between him and [Mr. Victor R. Johnson. He is a stalwart citizen. j ******** * * « « * * : WANT ADS : *************** ANY TOBACCO HABIT easily, in expensively overcome with pleas ant root: chewing, smoking, cig arettes, or snuff. Just send me your address. B. V. Stokes, Mo hawk, Fla. FOR DAIRY FEED, seed oats, and all kinds of garden seeds, see Connell, on Highway 93. All seeds sold by him are state and government tested. FOR RENT: My store building, re cently occupied by W. C. John son. Large store room and ware house, with office attached; big basement room. Suitable for any kind of mercantile business or for hosiery factory. In rear of Bank of Pittsboro and facing Salisbury street, leading to R. R. depot. R. M. Connell, Pittsboro. YOU CAN GET one-half pint good cough syrup at Wiggins Drug Company, Siler City, for 48 cents. FIVE QUARTS of Texaco Oil for SI.OO. I am now prepared to drain crankcases and to change oil for you. Fill up with Texaco. C. E. Durham, Bynum. BEGINNING SATURDAY, Febru ary 22, I will offer special values in some article every second Sat urday. Remember to come to get advantage of them. C. E. Dur ham, Bynum. THE WIGGINS Drug Company of Siler City makes a specialty of filling prescriptions for all doc tors. They use utmost care in compounding. NEW PIECE GOODS for Spring Dresses, variety of fabrics and prints, prices ranging from 15 to 50 cents a yard, at C. E. Dur ham’s, Bynum. YOU CAN BUY every-day home drugs, such as salts, sulphur, cas- . tor oil, flavoring extracts, liver pills, liver regulators, etc., for less money at Wiggins Drug Com pany, Siler City. R. J. MOORE & CO., have a strong line of Worl Shoes. Try them. BUY YOUR SEED at R. J. Moore’s. He keeps what you need. THE WIGGINS Drug Company of Siler City are selling Dr. Le- Gear’s Stock and Poultry Rem edies at low prices this week. MEN WANTED immediately by giant international industry; oyer 7000 already started; some doing annual business $13,000; no ex perience or capital required; ev erything supplied; realize success, independec Rawleigh way; re tail food products, soap, toilet preparations, stock, poultry sup plies; your own business support ed by big American, Canadian, j Australian industries; resources over $17,000,00; established 40 , years; get our proposition; all say ; it’s great! Rawleigh Company, ; Dept. NC-44-J, Richmond, Va. | (Feb 5, 12, 19, 26 pd) | PUREBRED RHODE ISLAND Red j Eggs for hatching, 75c for 15 eggs. | Newton Moore, Pittsboro. HEADQUARTERS for tobacco seed. Cash, Faucette’s Special, Yellow j Pryor and all other leading vari -1 ties. Seed English peas, onion j sets, cabbage plants. See us for seed. J. H. Monger, Sanford, N. C. SEED ENGLISH PEAS, onion sets, beet, cabbage, carrott, lettuce, | tomato and all other kinds of sea ' sonable garden seeds. See us for seed. J. H. Monger, Sanford, N. C. CHICKEN PRICES from this date until further notice will be as follows: Big hens 21 cents, Leg horns, 18 cents, roosters, 10 cents, i Bring chickens only on Mondays and Tuesdays. Poe and Moore, 1 Pittsboro. MlLK—Better milk—Aerator cool ed, bottles sterilized. No more complaints of sour milk. Let me furnish you. Lexie Clark. FRESH FULL CREAM CHEESE 25c a pound at R. J. Moore & Company’s, Bynum, N. C. PROFESSIONAL* nurse. I am lo cated in Pittsboro and offer my services as a professional nurse to the people of Chatham county. Elsie Lucile Peterson. R. N. CHICKEN FEED, sweet feeds, oats, J etc., wholesale or retail at lowest prices at Poe and Moore’s, Pitts boro. • GO TO R. J. MOORE & Company’s, Bynum, for Tires, Tubes, Batt teries, Gas and Oil. They have as good as you will find. LAYING MASH, cheap at Poe’s and Moore’s—contains fish meal and bone meal in right proportions. Makes hens lay and helps in molt ing time. NEW PERFECTION, 4 burner, oil stove for sale, used only two months. Cost SSO; will sell for S3O. Charlie Brooks, Moncure, route 2. Mr. Farmer: Convert into cash. We want your surplus pine wood pine pulp wood in car load lots. For prices and specifications, see or write D. M. Tyner, i Gulf, N. C. | 1 » j Scientific Theory Because the maps of South America, Australia, India, and the Antarctic continent can be fitted neatly around a map of South Africa, some scientists think it possible that great land masses long ago broke up to form . the continents. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COMMIMSSIONER I hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Commissioner subject to the wishes of the Dem ocratic primary to be held in June. E. E. WALDDEN. ■ ■■■ <S> FOR THE SENATE I hereby announce myself a can didate for the State Senate, subject ! to the action of the Democratic ; primary to be held in June. W. P. HORTON. * FOR THE HOUSE I hereby announce myself a can didate for Representative from! Chatham County in the next Gen- \ eral Assembly, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. i V. R. JOHNSON. FOR THE HOUSE I announce myself a candidate J for the House of Representatives, t subject to the action of the Demo- i cratic primary to be held in June, i S. WILL HARRINGTON. You can get one-half pint good rough syrup at Wiggins Drug Com pany, Siler City, for 48 cents. —Adv EVERYBODY WELCOME! You will find an evening of good all-around entertainment “In Hot I Tomole Land,” a musical comedy to be given in Moncure high school; Thursday evening, March 6 to 7:30 o’clock. Good choruses and a snap- Py play. Admission 20c and 30c. / 55^ NEEDED “MOMENTUM” The colored deacon said; “Sister Johnson, we are taking up a collection for our Pastor. He’s called to preach down in Alabama, and we thought he ought to have a little 'mo mentum.’” .. [ • '• •: •jE Well, he wasn’t so far off, at that. A little » ready money at the right time often gives the needed momentum on the road to success. But it must be READY money. That’s why it pays to keep a snug little sum on deposit ALL the time. If the deposit is at Our Bank it will be READY when you need it. THE BANK OF PITTSBORO PITTSBORO, N. C. .1 V J t ; “ THE TURTLE WON ; [ Probably the strangest race ever booked in all history was related in the old Fable in which a rabbit was matched against a turtle— and the TURTLE WON! But the same old race is being put on today. Did you know that? The swift rabbit called SPECULATION is being matched every day against the slow-plodding turtle named INVESTMENT. Speculation has the speed, but is erratic —likely to spurt in the wrong direction any time. Investment heads straight for the goal of success, going swifter toward i the end of the race. Place your money on ■ the turtle. THE BANK OF GOLDSTON HUGH WOMBLE, Pre*. T. W. GOLDSTON, Cashier GOLDSTON, N. C. V - r —: — : ’ ' " > THE BEST WE CAN , ? EttT.Mi Farmers should not economize on fertilizers if they can possibly manage to secure them. But they can not afford to buy them on time prices, even if they can get them on time. It is cheaper to borrow the money and pay cash. This bank will do its best for the farm ers, though, as all know, we are bound to - observe the rules of safe banking. Come in j and talk your business over with us. THE BANK OF MONCURE MONCURE, N. C. A- / i DR. J. C. MANN j the well-known EYESIGHT SPECIALIST will be at Dr. Farrell’s Office I PITTSBORO, TUESDAY, FEB. 25 at Dr. Thomas’ Office SILER CITY, THURSDAY, FEB. 27 6 6 6 Tablets Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia hi ;39 minutes, checks a Cold the first | day, and checks Malaria in three days. 66 6 also in Liquid. PAGE FIVE

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