may 2D> rm_ for JOHNSON FOR COMMISSIONER (Political Advertising) vOU know, there are four can* •;j. V* for county commissioner TinVc' in the Democratic primary, ul l three aan be nominated. Vl of the four are, in my opinion, v'K'iuly qualified to fill the im ! ' trust, but it is my way of ■i'n -k'.ng, it is of the utmost im- to the Democratic party ‘. ,V the rest of the people of the nity that Mr. Rufus Johnson, a , m mber of the present board, be r !>iiinated and re-elected. 1 think that there is right much pehng throughout the county that there should always be one of the o ;,j Board re-elected, so that the B ard will not be wholly composed of new men. As register of deeds for many vea rs for Chatham county, I think realize ihe importance of always having one of the old members on j the board. Mr. Johnson is certainly well qualified, and I am sure he will add much strength to Our ticket in the November election. Willing for the Grand Old Dem ocratic Party success. Yours very truly, W. E. Brooks. Pit .'boro, May 23 j ..inci.ts To Policyholders $101,839.05; Misc. $124,680.78; Tetil.. $226,520.46 ASSETS P ~ i!s ‘ Trust Companies an 3 Banks on interest 7,445.58 Pt ll:rs in of collection 16,033.13 All o ' ex Assets, as detailed ix statement 7,023.11 T q til 1 Less Assets not admitted 7 573 26 Total admitted Asavts ..... 22 628 56 Life Deparrtment $25,071,774.87 TOTAL $25,094,403.43 LIABILITIES Unpa d Claims . $ 22,819.94 Unearned Premiums 51.464.76 Commission, Brokerage, and other charges due ........ 5,611.60 Estimated amount for Federal, State, county arid municipal taxes ... 2,350.11 .4:1 ether Liabilities, as detailed in statement „ 44,758.88 Total amount 4,851.70 (Bills Receivable 218.59 Ad other Assets, as detained in statepu&nt .$ 32,,392.35 • __ Total 4s-’42'49«058.60 Bese Assets not admitted 86;C51.01 Total admitted -Asset*, ...1 4,163.967.69 LIABILITIES 'Unpaid Claims f :967,46&68 -Expeßsie. Investigation, and Adjustment of CJaims 35,750ri)0 I nearned Premiums e.,.,., 3,,735,714.8i5 Commiesion, Broker%ffif, and other .charges d*t 120,957.0# Salaries. Rents. Expenses, Bills, Accounts, Fees, etc., due «r accrued .. 3,500.0# .amount -for -Federal, Statte, county, *pd munj4?iß#l ‘.taxes £6,504.15 Total amount .«£ all Liabilities except Capital 9 2,#29,894.68 Capital paid up 91,000,000.00 •.Surplus over all Liabilities .•.••.•••£ 234,012.91 Surplus as regards Policyholders 9 1,234,012.91 Total Liabilities t 4,163.907.59 Business In The Stste Os North Caroline During 1929 . 'Premfl- Rec’d. Lossee Pd. Burglary and theft ........ 850 60 Ante Liability .23,632 22,125 Auto property damage ~13,376 ' V' 9,026 Liability other than .auto. 1,608 246 Auto collision 2,290 2,396 Fidelity 95 Property damage and col- Kur ety 662 8,624 lision other than auto... 768 666 Flate glass 999 467 Tbtafcs 44,079 43,496 President E. ;E. Cole, Secretary F. J. Breen, Treasurer, A. W. McEldowney. Home Office: 139 University Place, Oakland Station, Pittsburgh, Pa, Attorney for service: DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C, Manager tor North Carolina: Home office. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Insurance Department. (Seal) Raleigh, March 4th, 1930. b Dan c. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a 7 ue and correct abstract of the statement of the National Union Indemnity Company, Pittsburgh, Pa.,‘filed with this Department, showing the condition of said Company on the 31st day of December, 1929. Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written. DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. TOMS ENDORSES BUTLER Why shouldn’t we have one? North Carolina is rapidly forging to the front rank of all the States, It looks like nothing will be able to hold her baek. She has unlimited crops unlimited water power, with manufacturing enterprises that com mands the notice of the world. Her timber resources are enormous, and a score of other branches of industry are becoming greater day by day. The answer is that we must have a Republican Senator if these great industries are to be protected, 'and the farmer and laboring man are to prosper. The Republican party has always stood sot a high tariff and protection. A senator from this state should be in a position to vote for these principles, and should be affiliated with the party in pov/er which has never failed to throw its great influence towards the building up of trade, , thereby 'benefitting labor, and bring i ing ultimate prosperity. The Democratic candidate for Senator this year will be from the eastern part of the State. We should have a Candidate from that part of the State to oppose him, and it seems that this is the unbroken pre cedent of half a century. This being true I am supporting Major George E. Butler for Senator. I have known him for forty years. His record is clean, his ability is unquestioned. As a Senator he would be an honor to the State, and would be in n position to uphold and further the | principles of the Republican party. !If Major Btitler is elected to the ! Senate, we wll have a man in Wash ington that'all the people of North THE CHATHAM RECORD, PITTSBORO. N. C. Carolina can be proud of, and m my MQrrjr'p moutT'ACF sops opinion, one who will use his utmost, WUI l% ~* OF MORTGAGE FORE endeavors to further the interest CLOSURE of the manufacturer, laboring man . and the farmers of the State. under and by virtue of the power Charles French Toms, Sr. of sale, contained in that certain Hendersonville, N. C. mortgage deed executed by J. M. r*> Marley and wife on April 1, 1922, THE RAYS TO MOVE to the Chatham Bank, as appears 7A w 17*71/ 904 1 949 1 Steam Boiler 55 Health 830 LOO „„„ I Engine and Machinery ... —960 Auto Liability 5,1 _0 1,96 j Auto property damage ... 2.601 980 Liability other than auto 3.302 6.561 A uto Collision 487 1,597 Workmen’s compensation. 2,379 98 . , ’ Propei ty damage and col- Fidelity 304 . .. . „ lision other than auto.. 354 Surety 3,673 7,809 Plate Glass 897 -230 TOTALS 21,628 21,981 —Minus. President, Chas. H. Holland; Secretary-Treasurer, Jas. Morrison. Home Office: Independence Bldg., Independence Square, Philadelphia, Pa. Attorney for service; DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C. Manager for North Carolina: Home Office. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Insurance Department. i RALEIGH, February 7th, 1930. I, DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Independence Indemnity Company of Philadelphia, Pa., filed with this Department, showing the condition of said Company on the 31st day of December, 1929. Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written. » DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. "" :i ■■ ■ v STATEMENT KANSAS CITY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY KANSAS CITY, MO. Condition December 31, 1929, As Shown By Statement Filed. Amount of Capital paid up in cash § 1 000 000 00 Amount of Ledger Assets December 31st of previous year $51,558,164.90.. 51,558,164.90 Premium Income $11,669,636.83; Miscellaneous, $3,197,739.24; Total 14,867.376.07 Disbursements—To Policyholders, $4,903,705.30; Misc., $4,563,570.62; Total.. 9,467,275.92 Business written during year—Number of policies 46,315; Amount 104.069.428.00 Business in force .at end of year—No. of policies 199,846; Amount 432,633,508 00 ASSETS Value of Real Estate (less amount of encumbrances $ 3,668.268 10 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate 33 544 jjg 6 g Loans secured by pledge of Bonds, or other collateral 42.590.00 Loans made Policyholders on this Company’s Policies assigned as collateral 12,501,725.11 Premium notes on Policies in force 419 373 52 Net Value of Bonds and Stocks g 039,529 97 Cash 414,386.67 Interest and Rents due and accrued 1162 178 22 Premiums uncollected and deferred 1.844,742 61 All other Assets, as detailed iri statement 493 283 10 Total • • $60,020,185.88 Less Assets not admitted 669,022.76 Total admitted Assets $59,351,163.13 LIABILITIES j Net Reserve, including Disability Provision $49,460,801.00 [Present value of amounts not yet due on Supplementary Contracts, etc. .. *601,300.06 Policy Claims 365,072.00 Dividends left with Company at interest 1,561,628.40 Premiums paid in advance 142,927.86 Unearned Interest and Rent paid in advance 174,092.58 Commissions due to Agents 28,650.27 Estimated Amount payable for Federal, State and other Taxes 280,000.00 Dividends due Policyholders 70,843.15 Amount set apart for future dividends 27,216.77 All other Liabilities, as detailed in statement 1,077,680.30 Total amount of all Liabilities, except Capital $53,790,212.39 Capital paid up in Cash $1,000,000.00 Unassigned funds (surplus) $4,560,’950.73 $5,560,950.73 Total Liabilities * $59,351,163.12 Business In Tlie State Os North Carolina During 1929 ORDINARY No. Amount Policies on the lives of citizens of said State in force December 31st of previous year 401 $1,068,638.00 Policies on the lives of citizens of said State issued during the year.. 221 762,963.00 Total 622 1,831.601.00 Deduct ceased to be in force during the year 169 444,995.00 SU Policies in force December 31st 453 $1,3&&,606.00 Losses and Claims incurred during year 7 9.500.00 Losses and Claims settled during the year, in full 7 "9.500.00 Premium Income —Ordinary, $25,903.92; Total - $25,963."92 President J. B. Reynolds, Secretary C. N. Sears, Treasurer H. R. Carpenter, Actuary R. Montagne Webb. Home Office 3520 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. Attorney for service: DAN C. BONEY, Insurance "Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C. Manager for North Carolina C. P. Dickson, Charlotte, N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Insurance Department. (Seal) RALEIGH. February 10th, 1930 I, DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Kansas City Life Insurance Company, of Kansas City, Mo., filed with this department, showing the condition of said com pany on the 31st day of December, 1929. Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written. DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. ■ and Trust Company versus H. A. , Baxter and Gladys Baxter” the undersigned commissioner will offer . for sale to the highest bidder, for 1 cash, at public out-cry. in front l of the court house door at Pitts -1 boro, North Carolina, on Saturday, » the 14th day of June, 1930, at ; twelve o’clock noon, that certain lot lying and being in the Town of Bennett, Chatham County, North Carolina* and being described as follows: - Beginning at the corner of lot (No. 2 on the west side of Chatham ! Street and running west 60 feet; thence with said right-of-way to Chatham Street; thence with Chat ham Street north 23 feet to the beginning, the same being lot No.l on block “J” and known as the M. C. Yow store building. ’ This the 17th dav of May, 1930. Wade Barber, Commissioner. Siler & Barber Atty’s. began may 22 $ PAGE SEVEN