PAGE FOUR ?• * • CLUB NOTES * 4'. i. + \K w * ********** *** The June meetinfl? of the Woman’a Club was held Wednesday after noon. The new President, Mrs. J. |W. Junt, presided. The Club Woman’s Hymn was sung and the Collect repeated in unison. The Treasurer gave her report which showed the Club to be in a good condition, financially. Department Chairman gave un usually interesting accounts of their activities. The chief project at this time, is to beautify our club room. Mrs. C. A. Matthews gave a full and comprehensive report of the meeting of the Federation at Pinehurst. One of Bohm’s compositions was rendered by Mrs. W. F. Bland. Mrs. R. H. Dixon, Jr., sang “All the World Is Sunshine,” accompanied by Mrs. Victor R. Johnson. Miss Elizabeth Blair gave a very humorous reading. Following this enjoyable pro gram, Mrs. Hunt served iced tea and wafers to the twenty-six mem bers present. HEALTH DEPARTMENT MEETS The Health Department of The Woman’s Club of Pittsboro was held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. J. M. Gregory. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mrs. C.- A. Mat thews. The minutes were read and ap proved; the treasurer’s report was then given, showing a balance of $46.23. .$8.28 of this amount was realized frow the sale of seals and be used only for tubacular work. SIO.OO from this fund has been sent to the Mcßrazen Memorial Bed Fund at Sanatorium. Reports were given by the Chair man of the County Home comipittee —also from Chairman on Child Welfare. A picnic will be given the in mates of . the County Home by this ‘ department on Wednesday P. M., at 4a U* d’clock, June 11th. A f. B. Clinic will be held here under the auspices of this depart ment as soon as possible. The next regular meeting of this department will be held in Septem ber. MUSIC DEPARTMENT MEETS The Music Department of the Woman’s Club met with Miss Cordie Harmon at the home of Mrs. Walter Johnson, on the night of June 3rd. Mrs. R. H. Dixon, Jr., Chairman, presided over the meeting which opened with the Club Hymn, fol lowed by the Litany. The secretary then called the roll, and read the minutes of the last meeting. A large number of members was • » • • ! , t# . r = • * ■ T You spend less time cooking your meals when you use a Universal or Hot Point Elec* iTrW rW ,V\ trie Range. y|tjTj|| jh Cooking is done faster, bet- '/ffl il 1"! l I ter and with far less'attention The oven Heat Control which ;• maintains the exact oven temperatures you require, (j if j P*** I does away with the necessity ' of your staying in or near the ® J i kitchen during Roasting or gi \ Baking operation. And the f j " Automatic Time Control' Clock, which may be install- ed at a slight additional cost, starts and stops the cooking : J - at the time desired. , np n You can spend the whole day • t away from home and return in ' the even i n g to find your meal | jypc perfectly cooked, hot and iJZj i read y to serve —---- ”TF V Liberal Old Stove Allowance I I f -i, $lO Down—2 Years to Pay *j . \\ ‘‘ • F ree—Charm-O-Lites—F ree U , -, * * . I CAROLINA r Power & Light Company A -~~ -■■•■ . * _ present. At the close of the business meeting, the following program, on Italian music, was very much en joyed: Piano Solo, War Song of Gar baldi—known as Italy's National Song—Miss Frances Johnson. Sketch of the Life of Verdi —an Italian Composer —Mrs. O. J. Peter son. Vocal Solo, Over the Summer Seas, from Verdi’s Rigoletto—Mrs. W. B. Chapin, accompanied by Miss Katherine Johnson. Synopsis of Verdi’s Opera, Aida Mrs. J. W. Hunt. Piano Solo, Grand March, taken from Verdi’s Aida—Mrs. Victor Johnson. The guests were served delicious peach ice cream and cake. LITERARY DEPARTMENT MEETS The Literary Department of the Woman’s Club met at the home of Mrs. E. H. Farrell, with Mrs. Jas. L. Griffin as additional hostess, Tuesday afternoon, May 28th. Following the business meeting the following program was given: Criticism of Lytton Strachey’s “Good Queen Bess,” one of the most interesting and puzzling pic tures in England’s royal gallery, Mrs. N. C. Shiver. James Branch Cobell’s Fantasy “Something About Eve” was most interestingly given by Mrs. J. W. Hunt. Members present were: Mesdames A. H. London, W. L. London, N. C. i Shiver, E. R. Hinton, R. M. Farrell, . G. W. Blair and Jas. H. Thompson. The Civics Department of the Woman’s Club met in the Club . Room last week and had a very nice meeting. i *************** * New Hill Rt. 2 * * * *************** Mrs. R. L. Trotter entertained a group of her friends Saturday evening, June 14th, at her home, in honor of her birthday anniver sary. Many out door games were played and enjoyed very much. The guests were playing a very enjoyable game when Mrs. Trotter came out and told all to follow her. They were lead into a beautiful dinning room decorated with flowers, where they were served delicious cream, cake and candies. There were about twenty present to enjoy the delight ful party. The guests departed de claring Mrs. Trotter a wonderful hostess and wishing her many more » happy birthdays. Mrs. lola Sharp and daughter of Raleigh spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Drake. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Webster and daughter Evelyn, accompanied by Miss Mary Webster of Greensboro spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Addie Webster. Mrs. Lina Holt of Bonsai spent THE CHATHAM RECORD.PITTSBORO.N.C. the tfitli tfrt B. & Holt an «f;»r, t; tt. children .of neafr Raleigh spent Suncfty with the latter’s mother, Mrs. W. H. Beckwith. Mr. Floyd Lasater and other relatives of Durham spent Sunday with Mr. .and Mrs. J. C. Lasater. Mr. and Lewis Powell of Raleigh, accompanied by Miss lola Clark of Raleigh spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Moses Clark. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Goodwin 'visited Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Sturdi vant of Pittsboro Sunday. • Mr. John Jones and family of Fuquay Springs visited relatives in this section Sunday. We are sorry to state that Messes. Marshal Mann and Andrew Holt are sick at this time. Their many friends wish for them a speedy recovery. STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN! Stop, look and listen. There will be an intertainment at Glover’s school house Saturday, June the 21st for the training school drive that is now on for the colored peo ple of Chatham county. A great fish fry and refreshments of all kinds. Our efficient superintendent and Mr. L. W. Ellis will be with us on that day. Everybody get in route for Glov* er’s Grove school house. We plan to make it a high day. Don’t forget the date. , Mr, L. W. Ellis, manager and ! Florence N. Peoples, teacher of Glover’s Grove school. WILSON SCHOOL MAKES GOOD CONTRIBUTION Oppie N. Hooker, teacher of Wilson sqhool, New Hope township, wrote Supt. Thompson recently that her school, "though a very small one, had contributed $18.05 to the Training school fund, and that the community expects to raise its full quotq this summer. The colored people .of the whole county are interested in the establishment of the Training School. Wilson’s school, for instance, is over in New Hope township. It had only 18 pupils and for a school to contribute a dollar per pupil right off the bat is a fine record. But colored folk are just about the most liberal people in the world. " Every Woman Knows Every woman knows how easy it is to burn or scald herself while working in her home. Every woman knows that these burns and scalds are painful and sometimes very slow to heal. Every woman should know that the pain of burns and scalds will be quickly re lieved, infection positively prevented and speedy healing assured if Liquid Borozone is instantly applied. Get a bottle of Liquid Borozone and keep it bandy in your medicine cabinet. Sold by Pittsboro Drug Co. Adv. 6 6 6 '• Hi.JG.cIU Jr fieirkl*;. I* 30 miatftes, check* 6 C6l& &e fits! day, and check* Malaria in three day*. 666 alio ift Tablet*. Adult*'Contract Children’* - Diseases _ ' Adult* can, and dd, contract itojr Children’s diseases. And, usually, they suffer from them much more than children do. For instance, many adults contract worms, an ailment usually associated with children. Sometimes they suffer intensely and take expen sive medical treatments, without reali sing that worms are the cause of their troubles. Yet. the symptoms are the as in .children, loss ,of appetite and weight, grinding th* teeth and rest less sleep, itching of the nose and anus, and abaomindl pains. And, the same medicine that surely and harmlessly ex pels round and pm worms from children will do the same for adults White’s Cream Vermifuge, which you oao get at Pittsboro Drug Co. Adv. NOTICE OF SALE >OF REAL ESTATE UNDER EXECUTION 1 i NORTH CAROLINA— CHATHAM COUNTY. R. A. Eubanks vs. E. J. Riggsbee Under and by virtue of an execu tion issued by the Superior Court of Chatham County, in the above entitled action, directed to the un? dersigned, Sheriff of Chatham Coun ty the judgment in the said action having been docketed in Chatham County on the 29th day of May, 1929, the undersigned Sheriff of Chatham County, will on MONDAY, JULY 7th, 1930, ” at 12:00 OCLOCK M., at the Court House Door of Chat ham County in Pittsboro, North Carolina, sell at public auction,, to the highest bidder for cash, for the purpose of satisfying the said exe cution, all of the right, title, and estate of the said E. J, Riggsbee owned on the date of the docket ing of said judgment in Chatham County, or acquired since said date, in and to the following described lands located in Baldwin and Wil liams Township, Chatham County, North Carolina: FIRST TRACT: Being that part of the E. J. Riggsbee Farm lying on the north and west side of the State Highway 75, containing 47 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: Being that part of the E. J. Riggsbee Farm lying on the south and east side of the State Highway Number 75, con taining 100 acres, more or less; saving and excepting from the same the homestead of the said E. J. Riggsbee allotted to him by Com missioners duly appointed, said homestead including the dwelling house and out buildings of the said E. J. Riggsbee, and containing five acres, more or less. Said tracts of land are fully da scribed in the title deeds by which the said E. J. Riggsbee holds the same, to which deeds reference is hereby made for a more complete description of the same. This the 3rd day of June, 1930. G. W. BLAIR, Sheriff of Chatham County. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM LAND \ Under and by virtue of and order of the Superior Court of Chatham County in the special proceedings entitled “The Federal Land Bank of Columbia vs. A. J. Campbell and others, the undersigned Commission er, will on MONDAY, JULY 7th, 1930, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Court House door of Chatham County, Pittsboro, North Carolina, sell, at public auction to the high est bidder for one-third cash and balance in one, two and three equal annual installments, that certain tract of land in Hickory Mountain Township, Chatham County, North Carolina, and described as-follows, to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 83 acres, more or less, situated, lying and be ing just off the Siler City Road about five miles West from the town of Pittsboro in Hickory Moun tain, Chatham County, North Caro lina, having such shapes, metes, courses and distances as will more fully i appear by reference to a plat thereof made by R. B. Clegg, Sur veyor, in 1902, and recorded in Book “D. P.” at page 295 office Register of Deeds of Chatham County, N. C.,.and a copy of which is on file with the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, the same being bounded on the North by the lands of Charles Taylor; on the East by the lands of Lacy Alston; on the South by the lands of Lacy Alston; on the South by the lands of John nie Womble and on the West by the lands of W. H. Ferguson. This land was conveyed by J. O. Campbell and wife to A. J. Campbell by 'deed dated August 29th, 1923, and re corded November 14th, 1923, .in D Book “G.A.” at page 23, in the registry of Chatham County. TERMS: One-third cash and bal ance in three equal annual install ments. PLACE: COURT HOUSE DOOR, PITTSBORO. CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. TIME OF SALE: MONDAY, July 7, 1930, 12 o’clock, no.on. This 27th dav of May, 1930. R.' H. DIXON, JR. Commissioner (June 12, 19, 26, July 3) SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virute of the power vested in the undersigned by an order in the special procedeings en titled, J. R. Lasater, administrator Upchurch, Lmdi Willi arfca, et ala, Mrt bearing r N BANKRUPTCY FOR MEBANE REAL ESTATE & TRUST COMPANY AND CEN TRAL L&AN & TRUST COM PANY. \ T. C. CARTER J. DOLPH DONG H. J. Attorneys / • -e tr\ i • m v TftUffeDAY, JUNE i 9. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE (S J&‘SL tW * M ad. ministrator of. the estate of San* T, Webster, this is to notify ah Persons Holding claims against estate to present them to the unden signed on or before the dav 5 June mi, or this notice will plead m bar of their recovery An persons owing said estate will iomA forward and make immediate set! tlement. This the 10th day of June 19°o N. M„ MILLIKIN ’ Administrator W. P. HORTON, Atty. june 12-july 17 NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY* NOTES Pursuant to section 5 of County Finance Act, Board of County Com missioners of Chatham County North Carolina, will sell at their of fice in the courthouse, Pittsboro North Carolina, on 20th day of June, 1930, notes of the county aggregating $35,000, to be dated June 20 and 23, 1930, and to ma ture December 20 and 23, 1930 C. C. POE Clerk of Board County Com missioners of Chatham County, North Carolina. NOTICE OF SALE . Under and by virtue of power of sale in a decree in that certain action pending in the Superior Court of Chatham County, North Carolina entitled “Peoples Bank and Trust Company versus H. A. Baxter and Gladys Baxter” the undersigned commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at public out-cry, in front of the court house door at Pitts boro, North Carolina, on Saturday, the 14th day of June, 1930, at twelve o’clock noon, that certain lot lying and being in the Town of Bennett, Chatham County, North Carolina, and being described as follows: Beginning at the corner of lot No. 2 on the west side of Chatham Street and running west 60 feet; thence with said right-of-way to Chatham Street; thence with Chat ham Street north 28 feet to the beginning, the same being lot No.l on block “J” and known as the M. C. Yow store building., This the 17th dav of May, 1930. Wade Barber, Commissioner. Siler & Barber Atty’s. began may 22 NOTICE OF SUMMONS In Superior court before the Clerk NORTH CAROLINA CHATHAM COUNTY R. M. Horton and wife, Lessie Avis Horton, vs. Nettie Bernice Horton and Watts Horton, a minor sixteen years of age, H. L. Horton and wife, Lucille Horton. H. L. Horton and Lucille Horton, two of the defendants in the above entitled action are Hereby given notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Chatham County, N. C., brought for the purpose of petitioning land in which the peti tioners and defendants are jointly interested and also brought for the purpose of collecting such amounts as R. M. Horton, one of the peti tioners named has expended in the settlement cf the estate of Willis G. Horton, and the said H. L. Hor ton and Lucille Horton are required to appear in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Chatham County, N. C., at Pittsboro on or before the Ist day of July, 1930, and or demur to the petition which has been filed in said Clerk’s office or the relief prayed for m said petition will be granted. This 27th day of May, 1930. E. B. HATCH, Clerk Superior Court. may 29-junel9 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND UNDER AND VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust dated Jan uary 17th, 1930, executed by Mrs. T. D. Horton to V. R. Johnson, Trustee for W. M. Scott, and re corded in the office of Register of Deeds of Chatham county, Nortn Carolina, in Book H A page 867, default having been made in pay ment of same, the undersigned Trustee will sell ,at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the Court House door in Pittsboro, Chatham County, North Carolina, SATURDAY, JUNE 21st, 1930, at 12 o’clock noon, the following cer tain tract or joarcel of land srl New Hope Township, Chatham County, North Carolina, and bound ed as follows, to-wit: FIRST TRACT—Bounded on the North by lands of Jake Lewter, on the East by lands of Edgar Stone and the second tract oe* scribed below: On the South y lands of J. H. Whitington; andl the West by lands of J. H. ” tington and containing 46 ad- 3 more or less. SECOND TRACT: Bounded on the North by lands of Jase Lew on the East by lands of Ewga- Stone; on the South by lands - J. H. Whittington and on the p’ ’ by lands of Tract No. 1 a> - described. Tract No. 1 being - lands willed C. G. Harward lather L. H. Harward; and J rat No. 2 being the tract willed "j H .Harward to and 1 v r - deeded to C. G. Harward. 1 ; two tracts join and form one - and are situated on the Bell fcr and Fearrington Road about 011 fourth mile from Bell Schoo _ New Hope Township, Chat: County, North Carolina. This conveyance conveys the ° n ?, half undivided interest of the ■-w Mrs. T. D. Horton in above of scribed two tracts of land or acres of land more or less. . This the 20th day of May, * V. R. JOHNSON, Trustee.