1 ... . i i J Jit I If-" Of,. , oo.m tKt.dOl (at k h thuSdJly; ofer5y 1866 i TELEGRAPHIC, f BKPOBTKP gOte THJ WBEBX DAJXT TDE8. Wadiiagtom Htwt. ; Washington, Oct. a The President, to-daj, ,atd jtfcai following appamtneBte;? Albert, Q. ( ! lrens of Rhode Mailt iklwisKi.feesident w at Costa Rica; M. Holhster, of Illinois, Consul at Buenos Ay res; Charles Dougherty, of Penn ylvania. Consul at Londonderry. The Attorney General, in response to the! in quiry of the President on the subject, baa given an opinion to the effect that the President can- " not separate the dittricts for the .collection of wx.on.cQi con, irom me 5uiBinciai ior ntm 'assess. ment an ioiletion vt fa's dn ottiei product?. This as the poii which the delegation of Southern cotton lactors and planter. presented in their memorials to the President a few; days since. ! l.y'i- v-Oa l l J: Yhe Secretary of the Treasury hasialso denied the applications to hare boundaries of collection districts changed on the ground that it would jj fake Jongey fo'r new appointees Wqu4Jfy, select and instraict their assistants than it wou'.d for the present officers to appoint a sufficient num- v , ber of assistants deputiesi ; , All the officers of the Internal Revenue de partment South have taken the oath of office ex cepting one in Texas. ,..: . .HTUOBiiStiSSKE? Wnest steady; C!orn tending upwards ; Flax Seed, dull ' and drooping Provisions dull; Groceries steady; tO.Ssft -jBY! jir"'y Ht: .: Lj& ;j i Njew Yoni; Oct.' 3!, Later lkfexican advices re port that Maximilian will put himgelf at the;hd t considers his empire afe. I The( guxfisQn jftt, Ciluiaha prononnceil in favoVoi Oi-tega,' killed Go vf l"e-iezas, and "com pelled Juarez to fly to El Paso. This news needs confirmation. , v., ? '- 1 A "I' a-.-Tft il SOI ff vlUiliJ ' - fuaiulu .Wo!ni: ? : jnew xobb, ucu o. rernanao vooa au- Wood noulices himself a candidate for Congress for tbe c flniiri;tt itia tLOrgbaflif Samirable ' B y ictrhe'Tiffladerpliia6 Co Shtion, which brought him high praise from the conservative i ct ,;jJJf jttjes,.:wil ensure tjoa Nbw Yokk, Oct 3. The steamships JcumCw& 1F tgfoat Ma ' foTtJeiook $92,000 in specie.' : .' ': -"r "', :,v . From Fblladliih-ia.. r : " J- 11 ; ; : - .l. ...... . . .. . - t mom nere is lucreitsmij; w me aay ior ine eieo. tion draws near. A very large vote is expected , 'at,ta.eeetio on Jue6fllyiextJire having ii U-l Uea. 47000 names added bf'hhi extra assess ments. . , - . j Frem.Hew Totk.V , ; 2xw "Yoek, Oct. 3 Santa Anna's office was crowded yesterday, with parties anxious to ..en-! ilcster the service sof Mexico; is' l f. -i .. . ,. It is said that a firm here hnb been "commis; ioned to buy six steamers for the service of the J. "Liberals. T. 2X1 ; , " Three banking houses of this city have taken i, Sata Anna's loan of $5,000;DOO. t fjiiSeverat citizens bf"; Georgia "have. sed,t,.f; -Brashere, Treasury Agenlj for seiang $90,000 worth of potton, in Februaay' last Brashers is --held to bail in $70,000;l T : ' . .The receipts for -R&tori's prfortasnce in Brooklyn last night were upwards- 6f ' $1,000, the largest receipts ever receive!1 wO y,-,-- ! -r hi i o i Nubile Markets. .K I h'r Mobile, Oct. S.Cottoii iales tonlayOG bales; middling 89e; market irregular and quiet."! v f ? ... r- e - - : l" ... ',"'-'...'.. .Nf w Wrlea.Miiriet. Kew Oblbans, Oct. 2. Cotton advanced,' with sales of 2,600 bales ; low middling 39a40o ;' su perfine flour $11.38 ; bank sterling 58 ; go' i. Arrl-ve.' New Yoek, Oct 3. Arrived steamer Cid. ,:WIK' fiioHi Newbern. "V " ' .a'J-' :r.ij'.i ' Jt Kw Tok ittrfceti.,!,'-,i : r, fil'Hc 1 '-Naw-ToBEi Oefc'3.'Cottmi1 quiet 'VE ,42a4o; flour dull and drooping ; wheat nominal and flower ; pork steady at $33.35a33.M : lard steady" SECOND DISPATCH.! , li et vi iwrlfoBKf Oc- -rCotto Jieatyial c?ecch .vV Jac, with sales of 1,500 bale'? nlands.f41ci Orleans 43c ; flotu'easier wheal nominal aj3,c turpentine 6690-; rosin $4.12a$9.50 j -TexWs wool28a32c. ; , ! . ij i: i, yi T. ( I.J-a it ifevr Tork Money Market, i -ifc X ToBi, Oqis3.-doldl 47 ; '-"sterling J pnt . cnangea . ( ,V . .Ili') AC.9 IsOONDDBSATCmViHi- 1 ' ' . nw , xoBE,. uct.. .3.-H&&ld ,48 riflupons' of kt ...... r 1 . 862, 111.1 ; jdo.. of 1866, aCSIqf nw! ibhds, 1074; 10-4089 isfl867, 138 J-conpons M885t Mf J.reasarjes, 106.- ' Ariested. A week or two thoughtlesa www , pom easier ac ia3.3o ; lard firmer at.jLt coffee quiet and steady ; navnV storcs'sls'a S'j Y J I A 0ong men? IS Gaston ttoont - . a ' 1 -vuuvy -vu c uuitiv unj at L f"""'uujieniroucII- blacked and otherwwe "l.rt- 9 : South Carohnn anrl v, ri 'f;. ; FiT . . j - , uooa ivi u qiiui . uujg Ui uum7 leacmng a negro school. No Supe- wu.u to uuea OX me httn lh mnttir woo lifti : to Test, when some hffiM7mMn'.i v,U uaxou, we Boppose, to make capital bqt, of ifflVrtra&nxtftr rifriwuoe oi,sBse ha friends of the 1W?wi n- rTtA niil wttaa led toAho disc(ert that thev ff!Wy authorities at Raleigh, adding 4. "f" """lonwee sympattiizers with .the wrone-doera. On thn tir d on Fridaj the paj ' I V u uj a goara or twenty-eve men. 1 ' t rw.rtf fe86" to Gasto,r for.tbpnpofee. , ,J.vMUBSuWMrethey' VereAIept in close , confinementiindergnard. Generals B. t. Jdhtfc , xjamngtr, their connsel, cillectcai ' MfcV- n to induce him to release, thero? on v TIT " . p a genuemaniT ana ;in.ip r. remgent. west Pointer, stated to the prisdif-i -er's counsel that all v2 ZZTa vi. ll- 0min80n,wa8 designed ion the la! eJPS T authorities to screea the parties, - ana tnat the courts wonlri !?i?25 rpl,in such cases, to leare She Ini- - " w w cso ininrma thtt tff WM th ana' - USJV a w aanv VUV VUsF - ' : ? ?! ffm 0f 8uPerir Coart, which! would i hold its regular, session in October, tkat1 tne ' wnoJ? matter would come up for judicial; inyesi; tigaUon, and that the parties would be deslt irfti. . v" 1 u - w ' 1 'a tbe parUe to tail, after , having them bound over to court to answer the f- - . charges against them. t'uur w "nBTer n j. T, , ' oonoitor on mat eircuitl tt3vl!lwln nd a feu,lcs Prosecutor; and t k XwiUo.lus duty. While the lnnon : oiuuei xynum, the Solicitor on that Circuit nothinff to fear rWn r-w'u, canea. IT ' w u"v seldom es. capes. Hr. .43,awwm aitqgetaer wrongbut we anrl,. t V- " fTVl i . tttl .atirigntrmmaed men will make somaan. XLW.f f prejudices of the people. This fellow IL; 0T -Kas a auspicious character, which. JEZ U ?SZ . . uacbing a aeero school. inflamok.-rTt 7 teaching 1 lets young men, already excited by bad whiskey; t which nojaw-abidin citisen would kaZS ff -Ittaw would' A J . . ."Cr.' BUU we mow the more steadv w:"r,"u."ai cuiiens of Gaston deenW T.sa' must warn to control out Tm'A. ""Z J ! "O", " ab.TS'V i0't del! ofVam , faw , h. . - . fc -'v i i . fAMI 1M1UUIW. . VOUOUA Ttmes. . VL,!t. .. . v ,-vi. tauuuu - Wff i ''CrrfM r,; "S Xr:? -a fleuberau p-mi oa the dwellers on the United States side of the - ouifioiagu IO Mtt.aliktA -" ' r itviiMw.wi iauuB;rauu f enians ca theirs. ammmssss MM M iB 11 " . We are indebted iv the Greenville. Ala., Aetre, for the following valuable historical-paper-: s The revival of these exhibitions, engagements, labors, or whatever they be, have induced many f onr patrovM to request ef nt an xrvUaa of Wlliit8riginb.;i)3r and jpose jSBP'oech me buujuci. mm uiuiaence ; ior it is noi idvoivcq 14 tnyFtery and' incomprehensibility that -we greatly fear it is beyond our powers of explana tion and research. -i We will, however, do ur bet, promising that where so many have ciSfesed in opiion, and eriUcisedeoaBtotelyi U must be expected that there shall be a vane'v of senti- l. menta. :. ., ., . .... . . . -, , The Tournament is composed of thr ee worlf turn a mt-& fooL understood, s-p. . .. '. In the early ages of the world, a species of in sanity seized upoat mankind, called tknight-er ran try. It was like the hydrophobia which at- tacks oojs, except mat mBtead of atwokmi; men J with the tooth, it produced a disposition to cut r Ki n sworas, ana run long pites, armed With iron ' spears, through men's bodies... . v ' The most ancient and distinguished head, of. the concern was an old Spanish gentleman, named Don Quixote, who rendered "himself famooa by tiliiW against . wind-mills., -The in vention of tilting hoops, and the inflation of 1 potticoais oj tne present times, w xtouDUess ta exciting, if not the.remote cause of the revival of-1 the affection now. . One can see readily the con pection. To run against the wind mill, was .to" tilt against the" wind mill, and if the wind mill turned and cracked a knight's skull, ten chances to one he became crazy. It was therefore said it was to tnrn.a man. a fool, so when in view of a tilter skirt a knight breaks a lance, he is said to fight a wind mill, and a kind of' wind .mill that always turns a man a fool. ; ' " ' The custems of this order are pecnliir. A man dresses himself as a jackass, and instead of calling himself plain "John Smith' or "Sam Jpnea,he takes the "knight of the red cross" or the knight of' the "moon." In; the 'first case h b as sewed on his back two piece ojt red flnu1 pel, one across the other, which means that i i.red or fiery cross when. Jie gets mad. a: In' the other he st-etches a piece of hide on -a hoop, which he calls his shield, and on which he paints a moon,ro show that he is moon struck, aud that tne; man wh Bttikes him- is xndon struck .When they exhibit,, the girls all set round, while' the kntehts. on' Ions tail and snort .tail. -horaea,' pranceronnd in the ring, and after cafirg ing aoont anatnrusting tneir poles fither and thither and yon ride up to soine of , the prettieft girla ott the. bencheii, and. get dowu,; wiita the prettiest girls pnt on the knights' heads wreaths 6tfltewers.'V:t -'.Zi5 7 v k .:-,. -.-- The disease is contagious, and generally ends in making the girls aactaitf asl the men. - Ifiny r tbegiris marry or arc? houe keepers, the in fection becomes immediately apparent by the vonns woman iuakin? nti CAbbiuA and inn.inc HEd nosegays find boiling the proses and genv- niimia tor dinner. . This is called the . romance of married lile,";- Soma foolish people think it a very ipolish thing for a doztn erreat fat. bearded "yoong feIIoxrs,'five feet six to sixeet two to stick pastebfiaird helmets" on. their heads, to dress tin tights,'-wifu doublets, Tall ornamented with " -rib- oona turn msei ana caper rouncon jfti iibrses, and charge about as they do; but nothing that the ladies approve -Can be foolish, and therf in this there is something so much. more improving puu luicucviiuu tuttu ut uruuiuuc entertainments, the only use of which is to quote on such occa sions; the beautiful extract from Shakspeare: "IsawyQungJbhn Smith with his pasteboard en, nis iaise caives on nis legs, gallantly armed, Rise like a tarred and feathered clown. And Vault tapon the - back of yonder bobtailcd As if a monkey dropped -down from the trees. To kick and sptir his jaded Pegasus, ; J rt Which all the world riflnlarnrl wna hnt on A a - Si. , " . .. M W l.'Ut .i.ijj.- , . Ftcm flie New York Tribtmet" 1 lO l.,..C1tl .(la-'.t Wnan.. ."Vi'l r: JSVabhington, Sept. 30.-rKeoeipts fiw.JastoiOali rwm isept. 10 to at Kew iforkSiStJa-Sns 4fi- Bwton, $311,909 71; Baltimore, $118,988 43; New Urieans, sept, a to.lo,S17?rjai 04; total, S3.007,'. 47454."n -'- u 1,1 - r The Internal Bevenoe'i receipts on Satnivfav were $1,210,128 49for the week; iroon July 1 1 u, date, $98,837,162 15. v' nfTJie government holds t.ieeuriiie6. as follows: Secarities .for; circulating notes, $332, 298; 900? seenriMes for deporaU ol public moneys, $39.-;, 211,950; total, $371,510,850.'; J i41' 't - National Bank notes issued tielprtst we.ek were $18,178i to date, $293032,903. : i.u -, Oiiraetional onency printed- the endine week. were:-8ept..24. $3,000; Sept.25, $81,000; Sept, I Sept. 29, $86,000; total, $507,500. -ai i -fractional currency1 shipped: Assistant Tr4 suret : at vEhfladelpbJlOO.OOO; iJSaw .5orki $100,000; .Government, iDepottitoriea mt' Cincin nati,' BUj uuu; jfitteDftrgh, t 40,000 iwnisville, $30,00O;,Natiotlar Banks and otiitert, $150,650; tptaL $500,65pr . ' ..w ! ' Fractional Currency destroyed,' $2O6,20Q,, fe . "r D:tbftrsemientS ft the ariArter on acconnt wam War Department, 5 $6, 527, 618 71 NaVy Departs 471,195 58; 4otal,- $14,261,244 99. For ending weeki'-War Department; $2,891,348; Navy De' partmena, $963,445; Interior Department.. $1,- The Becietarybf ibejVeasury has decided not toriS8ue,auy more f2 petaa, with, coapinsyf uw imijf x 4u.uuv6iului- x, uui uereatertwiil in the exchancejuf 7f30a,eive &-20kwith iStnttt. coopema payable Jaanary! 1 and July l.i f iThe Seeretary- ftf the Treasury has "designated ,eF4rstNafioalBi:ofEichmond, K O. Fant,' President, ajmetaal depository for the safe keen- AJPg eLpnhJiifi nwaieyinnder 3ttJtet.e6Juite14! . ixia. xreasury department JnavngiteaOlied the limit oi $800,000,000 of five-t eiribonds ex hanced foruseven-thirty-' notfehi with i interest ri-. m tv i . . v payabW; inay.' and November; 'ijhe'npons of tuut.w,i.,,u fiereauier jsauoji Attaer avaae con veraipn; wiii lie paid on the 1st of. i January and Jal4lentt.''I', -wo' i:- .-ift-.irtsnioiat sal w'l j " -'A?cnsciehfie tetter! dawd3ieaf veton a ;t8fh3)m fcee deceived fey ihfttiecretaiyi with aiti r i J-j iw-a. nti; -V-:: if t' 't 'mm g-jili 1IA J '"1 "fei-iitf Snowcri of JSeeorjbnDeied. ' Next in grandeur and sublimity to a total solar eclipse or a Rreat'eomet stretched athwart the Starry' heavens, ; jiihe,1 great meteoric jsKoWer,1 buiu nt wtutwituBBBeu pere w . o venioer, loan. On this occasion, from two o'clock-, till broad dayliglit th fiyt)ei$gtGim 'serene and cloudless," tbe-whole heavens were .liihted with la magnificent and imposing disnlav of. eelest twworks. oVWiKd'cAmDnteK-that: not lestHl siwifrcrk XArrftteai; were visiblo "tOoqrff Hhe horizon of Boston on th mbroini? of T&jf lSffi of Novem- T&t, IP3T13iel4i8play:a8eeit ill bvet North lr r i. Jf uwuj v. j-jgpa uy num- f boldt, at Cumari'Malh-America, ja:l799. The S!. renqqic, tneir returns pemg tbety tbe-tbiwr-'part-'ot a century,. orT .jiinmiplese)8TnasiieJBn 'periodical ap." .nces.oi onerana .me.teone YHiiwer. ;; fto i MtM oftale C0ll3ee:j ,wiKha8 devoted ,uiafrui kw-uimvwtBgaRo-ctiuie periodic 1. .1 t . - W '.. onurac-oi as Biiowerey naas ctm a prodio-i-fliTbfineteors; the te 'ifliWiifein of thA' Jkind.JsviU makfeitAAppeaxaricel probably frttha case 141HQ m wus. tnnry,t:.on:i iceomonung of te'ithe;4Sh-oatthofN(fteTtob Oniv wem- UHxHaN f9rUA:.iUk, 4riKai .ifaoll a rare pteiiOrneiion AweJtensifcr.oitejeBt amfopg all classeaof pewents. rVflPawtions'tdserve this snMimfpexlftfct-ferirific purpose, have uu-enuy tHMiuwaoeo.-m jurope, Aiet no fine ior- titeacVAy,wAWejrlaj5: wights, November nux anqPia.-roatw; omtnerctai. n. K i 1 . . Ai'lisve.'vt a ttolsr (m.tliA Bottom. '.OttawaLake, tn .Whiteforer' M6nro count v. Michigan, is '.t?uriw miks longrarfd- A-half mile wide, and about fortyifeet deer, when full. fn-tae" -deepffBt- part. it-dischartres-a laree amount or, wter la tne.; Bpiaog-. through its out let, whichfonns the north branch of the Ottawa creek at Srlrania. This lake has been verealy ary tnree or jour times wiinin tne last oui years. At such times a whirlpool is seen,, in the center, into which . cakes of r ice aadiothel floating articles are drawn' and "disappear! ' "and if yon are near this whirlpool you will tear the roar of ; the waterfall. In the winters of 1862-d the ice ever where the whirlpool is ' when the water is low was broken and cakes of if thrown'on the other ice by air escaping from below, and the lake settled about five iaohesi hi twelve hours. Bamuel Stacy and others . were 1 da . the take at the time, and some boys ' were skating near the very spo when the, bursting of the ice occurred j-nere is -an aDunaanoe or fish in, the,lake, and some pii; have recently been, caught weighing fourteen pontds. The moBt mysterious' part of 'jiw;,;Jn buruwing np Of , the iCO. j, CaS miij vih KApiiuu iae mystery y,n,r Ayrrtrntn-Major-General Eobinsba U." S. Volunteers, vh0 Waa.lately in command of ' ttla military .4i8trict. hHS 'been ,-smr.nintjw , colonelcy lit the regular rmffngrf&L t. 4- it ??BtazPw- .day conunis- lionel-JMtrtiM ;V. B.. Gilbert, ef CunituckTa LtiUr p .blic 6r that county. Prvyrw, . " mm? . -. N .A Q7tE3-IB T t IT H RESOURCES f-MUST BE BJiOUGUT OUT ill t;. f. BEFORE, HER,. GEEATDESTMY a We take, this method of calling the attention of TO. THE OF IS O N AND ' ! 4 S OTHER IiEIMALS f , . V ,vt '. .O - - "... y . - . '- r-.. -x $ll!?wrt lying doirnarittin th West- ern counties ot this btate." In Alone there is MineraL"W!ealth and Water Power enough, which, ' if AN D EMPLOYED, WOULD j ) wa: GO j'.. Far Towards Enrichin (I VIA" THE 0:i ?!3 ! t ,11 0:1 XT ".THESE pf ill. Miwsi and" Water :Powers ii fcnij??ni iiK r.soQ lr.- r.gfiiol (. r. OJT'C T H tr M W R IC E T BC : Tl.: AT "-AiajTHOSE P - . t .:' i . . "WiBhinp: tb-Invest 03 rr: si :'! i-.t tM:- .t;-i ft" r. ,:? 1 J..I- '"?HT-l-iO'i, 1 "VjX.UjV ble ' i-( " T 1. ira Will Vdo weU rtb Enquire,, for fqrtlie? particularrv aC it'i-elwi- r'f 'rf. ii ' -rf ., THIS OFFICE. iilll ! ir Ik 1 1 I I I I! n 1 1 1 lUllllil IJ I I JL IIJ St,!! -.,i-.r-lJ,t,-: .. 1 -.f.'"! . it;!!!!.: . T;i V.V- AND:i HER rlanufacturing PROPERLY DEVELOPED ENTIRE-STATE Expreshvsrcers, QOVTHKRW 1 ' ' New BcraeTt jrl Carolina; - TES BOTJTHEBS ECPB3' OOMPAHT, UtoTBl ADAMS KXPKESS COMPAf, sow preparea to eeira and forward, with rratacM and dvpatab, aU s FREIGHT, MONKT ID VAI.TJABU:S Tt, w Orleauta, JXfcU. - i : . : - . . . ;Vgrna, Chsrleatoa, Columbia, Riclimondu Clia.rltte.elclt. t : , "WlliHirtoa. Sorfolk, J galltbnrjr And indeed to every city anioirn In tbe Smthrti States. By their connection with ti) Adams. Express: Company andtna Harnden ExpreMMnpany, they canate to ward, without delay, to rfl locality in the . North, East or West, either by Eaflxoadiermahipa or Steamboata, a j aWpperamaydaBire., v ... , we aave active ana sttenB agon " " f! TlTmnnO. Kaninii TfrinkB. Elinbeth City, and all the landings ia Hyde eooBttaad a eonuection by 8TAQK and WAGON linea with Asllle. North Carolina, and aU potato in tha Western part $he wate, An aaaivna im frnjoht ilnired to this Company will be paid on delivery of same ahi Office, thereby avoiding the necessity of forwarding! mi cBargcs iot wureuwi. Jror rurther particnlars enure m mo umco ui 8-tf j. Pollok St., poite Episcopal cnurcn. TTTi C H ERA A? Certain Cord for ItMs ' Disease "'MAT SB roUSiN. THE CSB OF : PERRY DAVIS Veifahle Pain Killer ! PERKY DAVIS Sra : Ahotigh perBonaDy a stranger to yon, yet the benefit have received from the use of your invaluable remedlthe Pain Killer, induces ma to pea a word of praise fort. Experience has convinced me that for Headache, InckestioD, Pain in the Stomach, or any other part of the ejfem, severe Chills, Weariness, Commot Colds, Hoarsess, CHOLEKA,. CHOLEBA MORBUSL Diarrhcea. Dvserr. Xootnacne, c, mart m mttktna better Urn Hie fi Killer. I have this hour re eovered from a severe atfck of the Sick Htadacheby using up two teaspoon sful" en at uuxxy minuua inter vals, to a wtae glass fuu ojrarm water. , : j am conndent mat, upngu tne Diesnng m wi hwhI m. tmm tin nlinWuidnrinir the summer of 1819. Traveling amid heat, dostoil, change of ' diet aad con stant exposure to u uuseo Hnnnpuera, iu, dj 1 was daily predisposed to ksentery attacks accompanied with pain, for which thJPain Killer was a tovercig remedy, one teaspoonful cng the worst casein an honr. or at most, kaij a aay. mproiBors in me mi-jmuj used it with much suctwsjn various diseases, - I have heard mansr asesne country over, oi qjibuutj being cured by its use. ht ia the teethJt would stop the toothache -f 1 i - j f - Gratituae, and a desire hr 1U 4etiefal use, was drawn from me this nwft'l" kumoaiiU In itsU'arcr. The followisg letter i rom Mr. Woodward, of St. Louis, to J. N. Harris, EsU Kew London, Connecticut : sir. woodward is-' a resaentoi be. oouis, irbumoui.u of high respectability, ad during -the prevalence of the Cholera in that city,Us matched the result of the application of tbe Pain Slier for ; this disease, and his testimony can be rfelied tm with the utmost eonndence, Dkak Sra : You recole4 when I saw you. in New Lon don in January laBt, my epressing to you my most san guine expectations that p AVIS' PATN KILLER would have a tremendous sal the West this season, and my anticipations have been mre than realized, and the testi mony of thousands who ave used it has been that they would not be willing to i to bed at night without it in the honse. ' :. .. - J ' . .' . ; ... h '-' On the appearance of w Cholera in this city, such was he confidence in the Pail Killer as a remedy, that many who Durchased it ramarfed to me that they had no fears or dread of the Cholera ks they had the Pain Killer by for dt- them, and hundreds toot it daily as a preventative no person can have a debasement of the bowel er arrhos if they use this sedicine. ' This was the security and eenfldenoe of huudrtf s acquainted with it, and when weir fnends were attackd with the' Cholera they would administer this remedyin large quantities- internally, and also externally by bfhing and rnbbing them with it, and in every case when I has been taken in any of the first stages of this diseaii it has proved succeesful. I consider it an infallisft remedy. - I have not heard of any individual In any fanily, who nsed th.e Pain Killer when attacked, but what speedilj recovered. , ; The clerk Informed mthat he administered it to per sons when cold and to tbt cramps, aad, It gavf immedi ate relief, but still it ahaold be given quickly, for whan the discharge of "rice, vater" has begun, the hope of life has fled. Should ths -disease make its appearance among ytra, as in all probability it will, be not alarmed)' you aad alio then there lave the remedy, and I am confi dent if the Pain Killer fc used, not a death by Cholera will occur in your city. ' ' -"" BemectfullVTOurs. .5 r J . . . . A. P. WOODWABD. Those using the Pain Iffler should strictly observe the following directions - : -v-'. At the commencement of the disease, take a teaspoon-, ful of Pain Killer In sugar and water, and then bathe freely across the stomaca and bowels, and with the Pain Killer clear. - -? .- .s ? - Should the diarrhosa or cramps continue, repeat the dose every fifteen' minutes. In this way the dreadful scourge may be checked, aud the .patient relieved in th.e. course of few hours. . - '. " . .v - V. K.- Be sum aad get the' genuine article ; and it is recommended by those who have used the Pain Killer for the choleratoatlnextpenie, -cases the patient take two '8oVdbv Druggists, Grocers, anTalTdealers in family medicine. ;t , .,.;,' ,. t .',... , . -.,'mayis.tf . P ; H AMB LIN CBAVEX.ST.. ZMAIt bOUTH FRONT, NEWBERN'. V NOETH CAROLINA,' I JJAXLmi-i y iiwuiu. w-ajv-UJ-L,-Q-M V IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Flour, Previsions, Groceries, Crockery, . ;s - , :-'C':f' ': Liquors, Act, Has always on hand a large and well selected stock of the abovegoods..- Particular attention paid to Country Orders r i HA Y always on hand. TEKM8 CASH. - jury 27-tf -. s. . .- - S. P. HAMBLTN. . Fob Salb . I)btj6gi8ts, Jfxsvr Q09B9 j t Rogers' Fragrant Odontoline for, the teeth and breath. The popular ewlaroation is, .THiat a" 4eKghtful fragrant article; superior to anjthiagoC the kind In tha market,; contains no abid or anything injurious to the teeth," Give it a trial.: Sold by Druggists, perfumery, and fancy goods dealers generally. nii Jppaaesses Real Merit, 'i which cannot said of every articlejntroduoad in tha market, but all who have used Rogetf. Fragrant. Odonto ine, unhesitatingly pronounce it really meritorious. It cleanses the teeth without injury to the enamel, and im parts to the breath a fragrance delightful and refreshing. AU who are eapale of Judging a good thing, are invited to g ivs it a trial, bold by all Druggists and Perfumers. .-" BEAD THIS CERTIFICATE, i ? p . 5 'Z' ' - ' I WSW YOB NOV, 1st, 1866.:- 1 This is to certify that 'Jt have examined "SOOEBS1 FRAGRANT ODONTOLISE," and find that it: is com posed of substances of' a PERFECTLY fTA.RlVTT.R88 CHARACTER; the ingredients which enter into its com position are WELL CALCULATED TO CLEANSE THE TEETH AND KEEP THE GUMS IN A HEALTHY feTATE. Signed - WILLIAM EUDKEia, . .. ' mar as-eodem ''y ! Chemist 0T UR FRIENDS, DURING THE NEXT THIBTYfDAY PAY THEIR ACCOUNTS.- Wshave some rMPOKTANT ENTERFRISE3 on hand. and j . ; Will need alU Money due Us. oct 2-2wr z; McLean . A ggp NOTICE. GUR FRIENDS, DURING THE NEXT THIRTY DAIS. mUL PLEALE CALL AND M -r-j -! . PAY THSIIt ACCdUNTS We have some IMPOST ANT ENTERPRISES on hand. Will need air Money due; Us; oci2-2 "" :i Mclean & ca r AN EXCELLENT BE BOOM on Craven street. . e THIS OFFICE. Apply . epias-wv-. EXTRA AMILY FL0TJR T7ANCY Brands, giey-s," ykjr,sVBt.-'Lo. X? - sansDOrt, don Cily," all suparfoT grades. for sate oy r-'A.-, f, KOUBINS A CO., 61 and 63 Broad atreet J aug33-tf . QAXls AKOUNOTO 4 POLXOK 8T .(j-;r Azro"jExiafdjp?ir2j aooi& ko charge. Yours respootflly, - iiAR ( EFPliKxC in 4Tt ?iiJ MBMMMaSMaiaaaaBBMaWMBMi BBrF ITO 4 "ian and H-ot 1 8C1IKDTJLK. Hi t I i: nmimr AtLurticisD H.C.S.K CovPaST. Jf aWBB,N.5., Oct, f . On and after Monday next MU Train will ran daOy an followa : - Leave Morehead City. ..1.11AM, Arrive at Newport. ...T.42 Leave Newport. ........................7.45 Arrive at New bern. . . . .... . . . -m' Leave N-wbem..i. j jti , . Tlij ?r'i0-'''' Arrive at mtiiiuwi. ...... . Leave Kinston. itOO 11.4 .1114 r. Arrive at Mosely Hall. .. Leave Mosely HaU. ... . Arrive at Ooldaboro... ', BITtJBNIKQ : Leave Goltoboro . . .....iSOB.M. LeaveMosely Hall. .....4.10 4.52 ' ,A...A40 ' Leave Kinston Cave 'ewbern..... ...... .......... Tjoavs Newport. ' ... ...vJ.V.S.Oa Strive at Morehead City. 8.30 Passvnger train connects with North Carolina BaUroad Train going West at 1.50 P. M., and retnrning leavea after arrival of Wilmington 'and Wldoa "lt lroad train going South. . ... ' - ' U '1' Passengers from West wait from 11.20 A. M. to 8.30. P.M. . The aocom modation. tram will IcaTe ;McrcHeaa mty on Monday. . Wednesday and, rridaya, reruuing every Ui! attentate day as followa : - Leare Morehead City (Station) at. . .. Leave Newbern at. Leave Einaton at.. ...4A.M. 7.80 " ....10.35 M .....1.00 P. M, Arrive at Goldeboroat. ...... ....... " BETTJB5ISG. Leave Ooldaboro at. i . . . , 4,30 A.M. . , . ., ... etoa Leave Kineton at.. V. v.a.ii.ao 1 Leave Newbern at.... A. Arrive at Morehead City at 2.20PrM.J FABE BEPUCED. Through tickets will be sold to principal stations on NormCaroUrnvBaflrcad. ? , WM. H. HAKVSY, v , - Agent of Transportation. "5 i JOHX D. WHITFOBD. President. oct4-tf W nun JL. MA It IS STEAM KNUINK Ct' CELEBllA'IKD - PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, An FROM TO 33 HOUSE FOWfclt ALSOll PORTABLE SAW : MILLS. We have the oldest, largest and most complete works . ... .... . i 1 . . .t ...... 4 ... 1 ...LmdJ. In. wnaTtYl. factnre of Portable Engiues ,and Saw Mills, which, for simplicity, compactness, power and economy of 'oelvf conceded by experts, to be superior to any ever offered to the public - " . ThA crroat amount of boiler room, fire surOvce ana m toe LUliea pmitB, ucuu-u r' mni.- j - I cylinder aiea, Tvhich we Rive to the rated horse power, f make oui Kogmes the most powerful nd cheapest in use; and they are adapted to every purpose wiiore V""?. 111 fil7Pt cnnhtajitlT on hand, or furnished on short notice. 5 ? I. ii 'A ', , L'escriptive circulars with price list sent on application. r .... r- . . Dvnr.D rr uuca, ixew xora craucu uuiuc, . , ., . 96 Maiden Lane. N. Y. Cits . . - n ' One of these 'Eiiirines may be seen in operation by applying to SAEEI uunva, Jtewoern, n. v. v septa-ly'f Si,.,,l..;r ..rt nUl "N YEWTGOODS,' JDST ECKIVlfiI, AT 9V- -At sept 2-tf BAEIt BPPIiEa'S, a PolVok street JETHOP'OlilTAK GRAND AMCAL"- DISTRIBUTION ' OV TBS ' iTEr "TORE AND PEOVlDEJJOiE JEWELERS' ASSOCIATION, l6--' A -a 11 , " .- j I .a. r M . v k raj . CAPITAL J1,IWU,(WU Depot 107 Uroadway, , Au immense stock of Pianos, Watches, Jewelry, and Taney Oooda, all to be sold for ONE DOLLAR each, with out regard to value, and not to be paid for till you see what you will receive, CERTIFICATES, naming each article, and its . value, are p aced in sealed envelopes and well mixed. One of these envelopes will be sent by mail to any address on re-, ceipt of 25 cents ; five for (1 ; eleven for $2 ; thirty'for' $5 ; sixty-five for $10 ; and one hundred for $15. On TAiwfnt fif tha jwtlfiMtA Tm wrll. mm wht vntl kSF" ,nd 111611 ronr i)tifm p' 016 doUar and take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain, a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, a Piano, Sewing Machine, or any set of Jewelry on our list, for $1 ; and in no case can they get less than one dollar's worth, as uiere are no oiaiisa. -. - Agents -wanted in every town in the country ; every person can make $10 a day, selling our certificates in the areatest sale of Jewelry ever known. Bend US cents for a certificate, which will inform you what you can obtain for $1. At the same time gaf our circular, eontalmng full list aud particulars 4 also,: Terms to Agents. . Address ' .'.', .JAMS HUTCHINSON k CO., aug8Jm : 19 7 Broadway, N. Y. INSrRASCE NOTICE. i " f. -.- - Office New Yobs Boann o Ujtdekwritess, 1 h " . .-s-"-" - January 5th. 18Cy.r J THE BOARD OF NEW YORK UNUERWRITER3 have appointed MR. 3. A. LELAND, of the Firm of Leland. Riglow A Co., tlMur , Aeent for Newbern, and places on me Keuso and Jr-auunso rivers. - - "" EL WOOD WALTER, hliirr. -f i-K . . Secrelary Uoarct ot Underwriters. Office of the AOKSfci of ths - . New York Boabd of Ukderwritebs, r - kkwbebn, faaiem, 1866. JThe undersigned respectfully gives notice that he is the authorized Agent of UNDERWRITERS ta New York for examining ano rsppraisMig Vetssal and Oargeea msured .by them arriving at thi port damaged by sea perils, and In order, therefore, that no fault or blame may attach to him, he rsspectfully notifies parties in charge :of property insured in New York, Baltimore and Boston,' and upon which claims for loss may be made, of his readiness to perform the- duties required of him by me i'oinaes issued hy me companies he represents; so that in case of aii? -.perfection in proofs, or irregu larity of proceedidgs. the Underwriters maybe exon erated from tne consequence thereof. , , ' t .. J A. LELAND, " ' .Of liBLAKD, BlOLOW tt Ct).,' eept 36-tf -. . . ? . . c . Jiewbern, N. C 1ST- O T ICE I- - r Officic IktebxAi. Bsvsbob.) a So DnrrBici of Nobtb Caboliha, J . v. - . iinu B A , a.. v,,uf$. AU, low. auiiui. ib nereoy Kivwi o au tconcernea, inas ins. lxmml8ioner of Internal Revenue, ay virtue of the authority conferred upon hint by the Bd section of the act approved July 13th, 1868, hag designated the follow ing plac sin the 2d Collection District of the State of North Carolina, as places where au Assessor or an Ass.. Assessor and a Collector or Deputy Collector, will be loca ted on the days respectively named, for the purpose of weigmng ana appropriately marling, unaer me internal Revenue Laws, any Cotton which may be brought to ,inose severel places Irom the places Where me same was produced, in the same district, viz i '" - ' - -j Monday snd gatardar.-tocky Mdtmtr' " -" 4 ' ' ', Sronday Wednesday and Friday,; Tarboro"i ' Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, Greenville. -Tuesday and Friday, Wilson. - " j , Wednesday and Thursday, Goldsboro . . ; ! J Continuously, Wilmington, Newbern and Btosufort. Cotton produced in this District may go to either of the above-named places, as may best suit the cenven fonce of the producer or holder, withont reference to the particulsr part of the Districting which It la produced. It need not be carried to those places until sach time as the producer wishes to dispose of it. The owner of cotton may have it weighed and marked wherever it may be in the district, provided he pays the neesaeary traveling 'expeases of ther'Assessor or an Assistant Assessor and the Co1 lector, or a Deputy Collec tor, to and from the place where the work ia to be done. JENNINGS PIGOTT, Asa'r. Id Dist, N. a L. O. ESTEb, Collector 3d Dist. N. C. sept S7-3tdw3w ... MIX Ii S & ELLIS, Broad st. between George and Metcali "XEWBERK, X7"E keep constantly en hand riifferent v sti les of work, which the publte are invitad- fcaoaQ-aad xam ino, and which, wa will .sell jxe. barter on reasonable terms. Cottour or produce delivered -when resdv for- martft taken ia payment.-1-Work made to-order, and guju-anteed'4 wion. Also, repairmg ox aumnasaonema SATISFAOTOnY j r; MAJELTt. B. HTLL8. " ' J.'W. ELLIS. July6-w3m :- ' n91 & ft 0 a ?R WkA H B rrmHMayor and Ooonca of the city of Newbern win TnouSAD pollars a For the appreheiMlon of the incenaiary who set fin to th tity on Mm morning of lo Ifith tost, nd ' Z-IIVE-HUNDRED DOLLARS V, For tha apprehension of - the person or persons wto cut the hose of the Fire Engine during the fire, am evidence Sufficient to oomvict tbem. , riiiv ' i- - ( i septia-a Jao. a. WASHINGTON, Mayor. , DAIRY SALT, m packages of Uiiee, five, and ten pounds each, for sale low by BOBBINS A OO- - - July Bl-tf . CI and 63 Broad stiwt. - QHAIfGK OP BAIliROAB 1 rtf 1 m sfmryA CX. -, jd. . I, I - . :j-f"' -PnW'lltllw .... 1 'fjiii 1. y'llliiiiilin;lill.iiin.lliiiilill'il'litliii'i.i.rti.iin.,,. . ....... -) ' j ni. u i.1 v v . va le iiu ! 5C;II0LC'irA The Chief causes of Pestilence uesxroyeu. DH. 1 COTTBTABETt wlbisriiiiiu '"" eour By Letters Patent to the United Stated and FrinceT Prepared solely by the New York Disinfecting Heurystteet, -- Office 1 Cedar rtrwt ' i 11, This Company organized on a permanent basis, with Dr. Oourtaret, the oelebrated Frh C)it, inare .i iU IbMsUor ia-preparsdLtoB-niali 1U V? ma Flutos for sick rooms, nurseries, urinals, water etossts, prrrtoaj eeeapoota, sewers, gutters, ships, rail- .riu. mi,A nnhlln lnatUtiOUS of all - 1 l.i I...M-M. n rvra Unda! slsughtor-lKnMea, offal and fat boiltor eflbli'b n.t.. .11 ktiwlu of manures (itawtautlti Increasing me value of the latter evory farmed -and whefey t ppie8 onous and offeoBlva gasasj: exist., inw fo ZJTT dorirers, antiseptics, anupurrescenis, ana mu. in the sdentiflo meaning -of the words. They remove noxious gases and odors by chemJeaf prmrfrjes leaving to their places neaanjw, air, wuj o uoyj - - merely abtarbevU ot poisonous -gaaesnoi. Injurious to utensils in which they are used. The, attention of medi cal and scientific men is directed to thrse disinfectants. Attached are testimonials in iavor 01 uusgTea iwt;rjr, which, with hundreds of nxhers can be soen at the CJhv pwiysoffice. v;Lii'Js tattK : .. JKsa-V AN UUUK, AlOAJA OMm To tki rdati oAtVyeie'Arlc &iwfeing Company : nr.D gtt Tt is all It is' renesented to be. Wa h-vs made raanv trials-edimf octants but now consider that have found ail arti- is which surpsssas al others a a To the Pretidettt of tas -3Vca- York Disinfecting Compmng Dkab Sib : we pronounce 11 witnoui wwiiuw" " the best wr have ever knowu' s ent mppn; ewrj matter is complete and instantaneous. i -h ti Thiw Dlslnft-ctanta are used by the scav engers, under the directtoBrol tne nanirary rou e vi Tartar Mtreck N. Y. ma Rni Aantits for the TTnited States and the Canadas. to whoicail orders suaUnVbe addressed.- y,'i . For sale by all wruggisis ana ueueru United tstates ano uanaaas. m EOt AL HAVANA IjOTTEKY 3-1 vain 1 of Cuba, eandacted by the Spanish Oovemmoat, , $360 000 to Gold drawn verf lTdayjl mjeslJrasbarad infois matioQ luruifhed, l"he highest rates paid for Drnbloont and all kinds of Gold ana Silver. , .'-M apt s-wiy :B REASONS Wflf nJ t i j 1.1 A' r v. ii t rv . rv. iv: a tc If. MAT ; AT W ATH AI,'jM .SSACEIV9K1wI'?. jfH TlJK HKST. Tt It is made ofi the' best' 'principle. Its frame is com posed of 80U1PLATH -Wisan,int8fferw with the harmony of its wort ing and no sudden shock can jlk& age its machinery," Every pitcc is made aiid fini-d by niUiuery Itself famous for lW ovfltA'aj Telsi for its effcctiveness):nd is tLexefore properly made. The watch is what all mechanism shodid be ACCURATE, SIMPLE, STEOKG AND IXtoNOSnt&L Excepf sdnr higherades, too costly for general usil tdTo wBtelies" are j chiefly made by women and beys, Su frateheB.ae; composed of seven hundred "pieceSn screwed And riveted togethen I constant repairs to ieen tnem in any kind of 1 1 . . order. All iersens who have carried Hanarss' 7lf puws. and "English Patent Levers," axe perfecfty" well aware of the4ruthof;tbi statement. g , r-j At the beginning of our enterprise, more (has ten years ago, it was onr first omeci to mass a worouguiy goou low-priced watch for ths million, to take the f lace of these foreign impositions the refaae of toialgu facto ries which wre:entireJy!nnsaleable at bvme and per fectly, worthless everywhere. v j, jt ? jHow well , we have accompushed, una .may oei nnaer stood from the fact, that after so many ytiars of public trial, we now make More than Half mt ll tl: Wjitcb.es sold In. tbe I'ntted StateKaad tha m others have ever given such" univeraal satisYiJcf ou. While chindonartmestof out basiness is conUnued with in creased facilities for pel feet work, we are at, present en gaged in the manufacture of watches of tha vary HIGH EST GBADE KSOWS TO CHBON03DCTBY, unequalled by anythmg higherto mads by ourselves, and! mm passed by anything made in the world For this m&osp we have the amnlest facilities. We have erected an addi- irn iiiuir main hiiilAinea ' exorasslv for 'thisiraiiah Of our business, and have filled it with the best vaaaiJBK?5S .. . '. .1 J . , I oouv one year. V - . lx . . . . ... ........ uunrinA L MAW miirnillM .IHII1.UII .U.TH IMWI1 constructed, which perform tneir won wint consummate dehcacy and eiactoess. JThe choicest and most approved materials only are "used, and we challenge comparison betweenhh grade of our work am, the finest imported chronometers. . We do not pretend to sell our watolies tar to money than, foreign watches, hut we do assert without fear of contradiction that for the tame money oin? product la incomparably superior. All our watches, o whatever grade,' are fmiy warranted and his warrantee ia good stall times against us or our agents ia an parts of the world. , j " 'CAUTION'. The'pubnc' are cautioned to buy only of respectable "dealers. ATI peisbus selling counterfeits be prosecuted. - ROBBXNS & APPtETOS, IRRIKS Jiz anDr.Er.mmv ,1 : - j . i Agents for the American Watch. Company, ..f jnly I-dftweom ' " Broadway, New YorW MEDICAL COLLEGE OP THE STAVE OF SOUTH CAROLIKA. j . THZ Annual Course . of- -Leoraros in this Institution will commence onXhe FIRST JCON-DAY Oft NOVEMBER REST, and terminate on tbe i'littfT SATURDAY OF ... ... ...WCTIffT. J-.'!-." I j ! J. 'EDWARDS HOLBROOE, M. D., Professor Emeritus oi Anatomy. ! ( FRANCIS T. MILES, M. D., Professor nf Anatomy. ' - 4 uuas 4. uiii(jl,i, m. u., iToieesor er tmrgery. , E. GEDDING8, M. D., . Professor ' of Institsttis and Practice of Medicine. I - ' 5 i,, ! -r -i im.-1 JAMES MOULTRIE, H. D., Professor of Physiofoirr. BOBT. A-: KIN LOCH, M,-iD., ftoteew oft Materia Medics and Therapeutics. TH08. G. PRIOLEAU. 4f! PRIOLEAU, M. D., Professor of Obsletrics I Wt ariooaw VI n wmabauu VlMiWCU, -vw ar i v rt xt onvbiiiTtl u rr t t a-a -r. r 1 m im.. S AMTJFL IG AN. M. D. Demonstrator of An.ttnV: AKElJjip Qanistiuf Donstrator of : f rQEJlmOB, U. D., Dean pro tettt.' V.lTSsnitlimii'V M unnpr.tupvr a d-v nntmaayAia ' '- F. L. PARKER, I.', Anstom SAMUEL LOGAN. M. D., Surgery ; P. GEBVAIS ROBINSON, M. D., Insti tutes and Practice of Medicine : JEnRGE ITRESCOrT, M. D. Materia Medics i Fr M; BOBEKTS05,Jilj D.. Ob- DM CVHB -! V Lit ' The Extraordinarr ' Professbrs uHnn ah twfrut ' a. week. Course ires. Vbey will slsol glvtf 'the Bnmmer- Clinical mstiuetton'it the" Citv HosniiaL bv V. Mrvfew i. nwrtutiaK, sn. i., - n $, j ;. R 1 4 v uiimcai inagncaon at tne I'oncumo, connected ' with the. College, on avery WKDNtSOAY and .'SATURDAY, from 9 to 11 o'clock. This important charity is now in aaccessful operatfot'l4" i ,'w;i ntf?.i') ' , umer or surgicaj Clinict JULIAN J. CHI80LM, M. D Assistants, BAMUEL LOGAN, M. D., F. L. PABKEB, m. Dr r rr n o j FEES FOB XHH COOB81U--Kr the Professors, tlb5; Matriculation, once, $5; pemonatrator. $10 ; Graduation, CLEAN8INQ AND F RESER VJtfQ Removes an substances destroctive to tha rvt vents discoloration and the accumulation of Tartari -Hd a spongy relaxed condition of the Gums, imparting a Vtess aut and refreeking fragrant taste to the MouthT J. Guaranteed to coatain no Acid, or anysobstance that will injure or destroy the Teeth. , : ht xtscleasmgsadAesJtAfmpnpertiesare certified' to Vi prominent Dentists throughotft the eountrv. i I nolo oy Druggists, Fancy Goods Dealers an Per- iniuera, ana at juepov a., uoerrr street, New York. Ask for ROGERS'- FRAGRANT ODOVTot.tvr tuenmaer, -j . jif-rfT . t ' Sole Agent for Norm Carolina, i jllfl f.rjrrt j r. i rs -. M Kawbsvn, N . C. DRUGGISTS FURNISHED AT.XRaajE PRICES. " ' 'i'TfrrrT-tr t - - - .-it A f i " U Henry Street, Brooklyn. JL Y. TIrts isntreerflfy tbst I have tested and 118112 the "irsmgramt uaosioiine," prepared by Chas. F. Sogers, and consider it a safe and excellent wssh for ' Its eiesvnsiitar prepei Heir are-of the first order. while th .purity and sweatncai which tkt Imparts tb rh mouth are most refreshing. ' f . X preparation wtich eoni bines properties at once Mth Kreeavble and lealtlifaty iesiauias;-and-'' yr4 are, m us acsra aaamea mrtam ".JWotXm4r' u scarcely be over estimated..' ; u-. vmhi--. I r-t;'W" marM-eodCm .- - - . , DeattsfeK- -, , " -r 1 ' ' . i in' - ;FXTitl::ST70UiS FLOUR f JINGLEY'S SELECTED, the best article In tie oono I itry. for sale by ., . . T aag&tf ,; -' "'-:' 1 aad 3 Broad street -rABBTTTN. YAgaie Vale and Vo. l a runbridi?a' Beso t Hoerih'.'.'AdanisaUnsi 4nM Mlow Candles, 6s, S. d m tor le by ' j r.l lW? f LJIOQER'S -;- .iwal F v avl4t r snf'bdo nt o 1 ilV. 61 and 63 Broad streeV"' .-.J f-( i "t Tl TT' -Tr A . At THE LARGEST AND CHE APFst Enlargement of the Daily,Semi-Wec.d'. q ara - Weewy; .moiine. KrrTrTitOTiVrirvri r.t n. . size of Tu,. the price wia remain the came. K0W 13 THE TIME TO SUBSCKIB;; for The Great Family AH "Paper, is at wis THE New York JVecklv Trilitiiic Is printea on. large double-medium sheet, (i,;,..,,,, pages of fix broad columns each. It eotitaiux 1 j . , 1. " portant Editorlata pubmaicd' in Tk ' tiiii H xcept those of merely local interest; also Li ru , Scientific Intolligenca; E views of the most i-:. andimporUntiKcWliooksShe Letters from corps of correspondents; the latest news Ve.v:, J'elegraph from Washington and U other i-sru, country; a Summary of all rmportsnt intoIUpvin- , city and elsewhere; a Synoiwis of the rrotit.hi Congress and. State Legislature when ii (,,., Foreign Jfews received by every sluuncr- l s ; Bepertsof the Proceedings of the Farmers' flub v. American Instilute; Talks about Fmit, and (:ht r ). cultural and Agricultural Inlormatiou esffiiUji to residents; Etock, Financial, Cattle, Dry Goods an. I eral . Market Bcports; making it, both for v.ri.t com pie tnness. Jilt dtf other- 'ths most valuable lint, 1, world. L n The FulLKrjiostajf, ths Aiuurim-.n liulituu l'.i;;,. Club, and the various Agricultural Kuports, m . 1, bcr, are richly worth a year's subscription. Hail subscribers, single copy, 1 year i1 ihiiiiI i-: s Mail subscribors. Clubs of five , ., Ten copies, addressed to names of subscribon.. . i; Twentv eopius, addrr-sscd to namrsoi eubscriti. r .;i , Ten copies, to ono address. , Twenty oopjes, to one addfevs. ;Sl '" An eltrs espy1 will be seidj ior eact ltibVif t 11. - llsheti every iujssu ax ana iiuuai, tn cm.uit,, , the Editorial articles, not merely local in cl,;.ra., Xfufaryyevijws fSldArt 'pttyL6fyt Lrttrj-sifn,,,,,, large corps 01 foreign ana uomesuo f urn Special and Associated Press Tolrgraph I'l-sicl.-f careful and, cymplets jpununary pf Foreign I.,?, News; Exclusive Reports of the Preceedm'ii nt tin t, mers' dub of the American Institute ; Talkq al.ni; and other Horticultural and Agriculture liii.ini.,1, Stock. Financial, Cattle, Dry Goods and Ocuwal Mitt Reports, which are published ia THE DAILY TK1M M in jejuni-nxJUkLX uuiiiJt: also kiyph, m-i course of a ydar, TERES or FOTJB of the Best and Latest Popular Novels By living authors. The cost of these alone, it hvu-l: book form, would be from six to eiht dollars it , chased in the ENGLISH MAGAZINES, from lit h i: ara carefully scloetedv: Uwr pout wonld be t!n-wr f, times that sum. Kowhers else cah so much run.., telligeuce and permanent literary matter be bml v cheap a rate as in THE SEMI-WEEKLY TIUUO r'Those who believe in the principles and appro i - qhsracter of TuTnitm can Increase its powiTu.J fluenoe by ;")othmg with their neighbors in fonrri m , to subscribe for Ths Semi-Wekxlt Edition. It Tt that way be supplied to them at the lowest in , which such a paper can be printed. Mail subscribers, 1 copy 1 year 101 nuraler .....; do. 2 copies, do, do V J dk'-t 'I Sco'ptes, or over, fty nrh ropy. . . Persons remitting for 10 copies $30 wilt n-ci-ivt u . i copy for six months. I .lr-.'... - ft1- I ... THE NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE in im!.! -h. I i- morn inc. and evening (Sundays czcopicil) .ii ; . i ryear: Sfi.ror six months. j (JleimfecashmadvaOdQ. .'TJH -.,'' u rails on jsew l.ora, or i-ost uinoe orac rK, the order of Thx Turhym, poing safof, uro jui-i.ra.blt any other mods of remittaiiee Addrow- sept-a6-3td3tw" " "THE TRIBUKE, K-.,il a; will f !i - - ; i SrT tr , c't-2-iocft-iiv U" 1 " I OuU A. ViULlL J3JTTE11 . They purify, strengtheaand in-vfRorate. :r-They iJceate a heaitby appeUter 'A . . ".; The) are an antidote to change of .water nn.l dipt ' They overcome effects of dissipation and Int.- lioun - They sfrentrtfacAi the system and enliven ttinmin'!. They prevent mlasmatto ahd mtermittent ftvi rs. They, udha .breath and acidity of .the Kuma J They cur Pyspepsto aud Constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholim M' They cure Live Complaint and Nervous H iiUii 1. They are the best bitters in he world.' Theyiisl. weak strong, and are exhausted nature's great r.-i They tee4' made of purest.' Croix Bum, the 0 CaHaya Bark, roots and' herbs, and arotakrTi Sleasure ot ,a beverage, without regard to age ir ay.' Particularly recommended to delicat. requiring 'a gmitM'stlmulaBt, ' Sold by aU Groc- r gists. Hotels and Saloon Obis' enuins wli'-n ' covered -by our private U.B. HtamaX Beware of - ' feita and re&Ued bottles., , -, , - - - P. H. DRAKE k .. -t ,r :'- ... . HI Park Row. K'-w V" t v Jo 31 ' eodwlj r I ! 1 .; '. 'f',rt iif.T,. ' :. Hi f it J r; 'f J ' , ... I '- ! ' '' ' ! Ha'.Hi''-';:; . : . ...) t LYON'S KATH ATROfc Kathairon is from the Greek word "Katliro. or -t thairo," signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate and rtr Tiuaartlcle is whatJtsaame1 sigmnes. For priwrrL restoring and jbeautifyin'g the human hair, it is tlii n, remarkable preparation in tho world. Itis.agaiu and put up by the original proprietor, aad is now m With tha same care, skill- and attention which gave . ,sala of over one million bottles' per annum. !,; ;it is S most delightful Hair Dressing. , . It eradicates scurf and dandruff ... , . 1 Jt keeps ths head cool ami clean. ' IChukes thw hair rich, soft aud glossy. t tdtsjsersms'tha hair from -falling off and turn in "' It Restores hair npon bald beads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful li11 hair should use Lyon's KsUhairon. it is knomiu Used UlfOugUOut the UUIHwrt world. fvt by all n!-- MhinMlan. ... . . . . . DKMIH RARNliK CO.. ti. ' jan 24 '60 eomd&wly Bin r n't ; " we o I tr-i'A AQUA ''agnoiie A toilet dellgl.t The ladies' tseasure and f'm;i boon Ths 'sweetest thing" aiid largest ijnanlit) . bath luff tha fiacesmtnerson. to render tli xkifi'1 id fresh, to prevent aruplious, to perfnnie cl"iliii'. k '' It ovcrconsBS tb unpleasant odor of pemimti"!- .. It raaammm nniw. tmn. hlnhrhM. arc. . Ittnisiiorvou headache and allays inflamM"'' A vuv sMM3ua,,uu auuaueucacy w wi: - It yieids a subdued and lasting perfume, tit ovres'mosqueto bites aud stings of in" t ; tt oontatu no material lnjuripus to the Sbu. 'Paiinlzed by Actresses and Opera Sirij-r. - ' It is what very lady should have. Sold everywhere. Try the Magnolia WaUf "n''. you will use no ,pther Cologne. Pert ouierjr. rr 1w " ' f SSI S ll mi " T.' 7.- . ,Ar-to t.t,VKS Jt ( " .'.rrdy'fs. lUcJusivo Aj.tu'j'. auMmdftwly !.(! r.!Tii..: . : ;HAGAN'S ( MAGNOLIA BALM. Tftli is t&e rabitt floUglitful nfi ever dioorreds-- It cliantre- the extrTrr1i'.'ar.r-,rl sun-linrnt t"'- ''' tiei'ii). Jjjarlimythettarble parity of youth, jind the UBum u a iNaLri v miuu " . .... : pearauce so (nvtung.in tna ciiy jrt,m Uw femoves torn freckfoi 'pimples and skin,leavmg the complexion fUi. tiDsire hnmofm ltoontains no material injurious to tSM' Patronized by Actresses and Opera n(?er4 p',."i Pric every tody should have. 80M ever -wber. 1 fprfelby W.E. HAOAN..TW. S. Y. " A"- Orders to , , - -1 DEMAo, - -n,w i Jan. 84 '6a eomdAwly' ' ' !.'JAMES;CONSEirS DniVed States Tretoan -i AW " '- pb in te b s dirinE?,0 j .OfiM5; i r-."' '.et. lawvr York Toa. 8, 30 asms a ' " , Ewe'Artlele steeessstry Wf 4t oanlry PrlBUaa Offiee , .nana sr narawuKi ' Order. 4. ...t - r r : ;.. 1 THE TYPE ON WHICHfCHIS PAPER 19 PB1NTEU It faorn ths above Foundry 1 !.a tot , 1' 1 V - "-' Jr .". . . MM, ir -w ' f'A?

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