'.1119 1 CTco Dcnxt Dailn utrrrx; eww-Pami 4ua.ifjaariii ua a aaex mitHi luiii iuubwmu -ar-,-i. .,--.v. . 1 1 ' ' -t . J v RATES OP; SUBSCRIETIOK IIATTO ilV: ?'AT)VrI T A CASH IN ADVANCE. Ten Lines, or One Inch' Cace, araara. One Year,' Bix Mentha i Three Month ' f l-no Month . c n - "ffi 00 One Square, one Insert!?a ," V5 i -C Each i-laeqntln":: jfv' 5. LiLeral d? " - - Hons m& te lars aL .ilaafflk .' . . ; . 2.00 ft! I-- 7 i; 'cf.-, LIBERTY AJSrU UNION.TNQW ANI FOREVKlt ' "I AITOiTlTfclTSRula WiViV7 1 4 1 Persona sending tin a club of ten yearly snbJ .r.w I . n n w P .ARW. - . - v oriDers, wut receive crpy stoe rpepeft "ipr the same length of timeireeVf 'cHalfce I f ttlf wnjt Lsabs-vrr Yf tJTinDl.: AlHettew should 1 sddrMuea. t f "" 4 1 1 i J Arriral and Peparfofd of .Mails,' I POST-OFFICE. vr Ty vt r T x OT9 I Jkw iMUMi, .. v,f -rune ,,Oi r- . 7 ; iMATTt CliOSUSfw''" " . For the Norb, WfiFtd Sonthjat 7.30A M For Beaufort find the East,' at 4.15-P Kr ' For Washington Switti r,r'k.i!Hyde and Beanfort Counties, every day '"t j.30 AM j For Trenton. Potlocksvilfe 4i wansboro, Wednesdays and Satnrdavs at 6.30 A M j For Ha.ftera,(tia Beanfort) at 4.15 P M j " For Grantahoro. BayRivrandVan.liem TuesdaySiTburedaysjuad Brdays at ?AjW! ; MAIL ARRIVES' rrnm the North, Wet and Soatia,t'.505 PM From Beaufort and the East at 8.30 M j From Washington, Swift Creek? N. C &c di1y.at4PM 1 mr.i From Trenton, Pollocksville aria Swansboroj Tuesdays and Friday at IW.P.TI.'i fill. I From Grantsborb, Bay.Rivr and Vanderoere Mondays, Wednesday's and Fridays a 4 F M Office Hoot: Prom 8 A M to f. 45 P M. and 6 45 to 7 P M. Sundavs from iz.au to l r m. GEO. W, NAJtoN, Jr., Postmaster, j SOCIETY DIRECTOR. , n The foUowinaifl a list of the Seciafats sadibeir i time and places of meeting, in New: Berne : 'Rmni'li F.vjmfflical WklUanoe sor i t Bct. Geo. Wi JJeal, President, 3 .Holds pro re now meetings. 1 Geo:FPrtfir.an,SlcretTy.r " j ' Meets Second Wednesday rrighfa each month at Meets Third Wednesday bwfhtin eack monlli at King Solomon aLodga, Jo 1. A- I - ! - v V Johnson, W. M-1 Israel Harris. " rWretary. ' r I - Meets" Tuesday wings,: alJDrayJan Hall. Atlsenia Lodge, No.' 8y'Xnihts of Pythias. 3. ll h! MisJii, kof'ia1 5 f j Meets Thursday evenings, aV Masonic Hall. Berne "Lodge, No. 71; jO-F e -: 1 j - j Thoa. Stanley Q. Mpets Monday eTenlnss, aj;' Masonic Hal. tdge,NoJ?6lM.;l II !H E. 0. Ciithbert, ' Secretary'. " llifita Fiidav oveniucs. at Lowthrop Hall. 2fw Berne Grange No.: 15, P.,of H., 7 r.Z j ii - . ; v : 1.. ifong, juawcer,, J. E. Nash, Seeratary. , " ' ! Meets the First 8atur ayvin ach month, at Lowthrbb Haa. , w : V'1 - ( . .. . - . --s ? : -1. . j f m -Wra. Salter .WT., .11 E. C. Cnthbert Secretary. 1 Meets Tuesday vemhRB, nt Lowthrop HalL 8tar of the Sovth IVedeaNo., L O G. T.' p. 10 t,, Brown,, "W.s0.r.i rj . Meets Friday evenings, at Drayton HalL' f Bethlehem Lodge, No. IS. I. O. G. T:; " i r BeT.'"Alex" Bass, W. C. T., l' J. A. Hall. Secretary, - - - . -. i . a i Meta Monday eyeBiV a'n Halli Good rooms aBdHall the 'popular papers of the day at tbe Bateinan House, Sonth,sFrotat street jSoniiDiarjbii eoa. frl PPfe taoeived at all the Drug Stores. march M. H a ww A Go. at their stables on MTddle St EEer fine loH'ol MQjjeaan Howee atg rf a aonable prices. Call and see them for your- I j- Ti.. -. ! -1 : 1 uygMarch15 jtf- Go to "B." L. Chnrchill's, Middle atreut, for he best of everything in Ike Hardwar, Tinware, and House Furnishing Goods line. Stoves at vary law prUeiiq 33U03H North C .rolina State Life . Inaaranoe ., Oom Ral4ii.TJ.IfnSuf!tTCBnil desirable plans is progressive prbspe 'ous'and popular keeps the inofaey at home. Insure hi it J .LUuB? t6-0116--01 bis iasle- aLtheame A. uiaaxwxx, wsu AgB"!- New Berne N,.C Tor Bile.r D !?HT WOH 2! Lotsffltt New 'South Front, stree V., Apply to K HTJBBS. Tor Sale.' 1 J- StXfclJ' ' A house .nd lot oq j Gernian a5t,'.Ixrt for cash, i Apply to :U F. HTJBBS. Part oeN 8,"-es side . TiA1a otj-ppt. situated TBelweetrtKA Worpsrty'of Charles Zinc Ki; Cor. Pollock a&d;Gojrgp jgte. Billiard. Table ir Bal t , tf I A first class Biffiard able '(Nations siie) with balls,- cues - and - every thing- - complete for sale at a 16V ngnref ' Enquirtf -of Whn S. Apru -tr. Tor Bale. ,. .. , The valuable lots situated on he corner yf Pollock1 and Hancock streets with "Dwelling" house. Offinn mil ont-tiilildinfrs'are to"flred" for sale at low figures, Apply ter Mri. David. Hea-4 ton; or at this ofliee. - - r aug2-tf.j Great Reduction in Prices for 30 Da T. I Owing .to,, dull times,. I wyinalJfPi type's and Ferrotypes at the following prices: " 4 large pictures, only : " "'-Sl.OO 9 album size pictureSjpjOjljj ' h!- 1 35;Cfaven,S., h-. :.'77 New Berne, N; C. , r . .. . Notice. .L..L-i- f; 7 Notice 3 herery'eiven to the tai-navers of ; " Craven County, that the State audkbiniy taxes for 1873816 trruef "All persons are notified to come forward1 and pay said taxes. Prompt payment must be" Iriade. ' 1 witt -attend" at my office; at the County ;Jal, to "receive the same,' from and after this date., i s Oblanpo Hitbbs, f " i Sheriff of Craven County. New Berne, N. C.; Aug. 9th, 1873. ' j The merchants' Club House, . Whieh will be kept as usual-in i first-class style, is now open for the- admission of a few transient and regular boarders .The. -tables, lodging rooms, and bar, cannot be surpassed by any house in New Berne, and no pains will be rFarea for the comfort or gueRts. t s .7 . 1 tf. Wm L; Pauceb, Proprietor ClTY.AHDSlCimTYi Tv. CJ: .-V.. tiu-r x. tnsonwUeffbthfejMj'ws or sftiiraeiottSrresl jnwuciiui-'.i,v' .li'Jvitn'W'vin - or a-..sjHnjt mois cbawicter-tsrilt luUedthe;iami pf the writ njwst peerm i p;jj y" njl Te 6rowtnicai stafetxfi&&aa4e tbe nsme on application to theEcito,, I Corrpfiiondeut8 will please write onlv on on i niae oi ine paper. ' - Very beiivy sbowens of r;in vifiited na yeaterf day morning acVdifpiltttrtf WTith tLtinder and liguteniiiff. There was a Rale of wreck goods yesterday " By ffqnpik tbrxeUL. oftianjn O'Brien a scene from Ihe Irish rebellion of 8 was dr. w fineday . uigut perfonnjuices of tbe Swish - Mr. lRoa PattArMMltiiibjiw . -v ,&t4 -, krjT,' ,iVgauia aiou Street ' ettrteT of Fedterar- Alley; wbeve ibo will be nlea&ed to sue ad tiW.pldirna'Hd fciftSTHja 1hgbfotg, he-natsveto.'i &vf -Mrfu ia Y.-1 1 TyTSfgA .YA1IO JH JR .TZA.i b. 2, X O. M.r are hereby notified "to attend ia yijiaviiniunfcauivn iQeir? A,aeiui3 (Friday) evening, at 7 o'clock, ! By order of the W. M. I Sec. 7th COTcithrJafentt-i U The regular (and 7th) monthly meeting of the Citizen 8 Building and Loan Association will Dues must be paid on or before the meeting, or a fine will be imposed according to. the By Laws. G. H. BoBEBTa, Sect'y. j The steamship Zodiac leaves Morehead City for New York tojmorrowj and steamship K S7 Terry leaves NewYork fr Nw Berne to-day The Steam or.Biiii J master, bt tfie Pioneer line leavj fof Norfolk this evening with oajBae39a : The Schr. "iT7l&1gi?sof Milforl Delaware, is loaTjnj' stiih J mber at the yard of Measral vfwseiioiJt&.mmm oar ; TheHiejR' nd spljEaiSd,f Iftop ft L. Myers, The steamer Commerce. Wulker master, f ron J?altirern jsjg nof3 1 Tpcnooner Untancx oykes master. ; - -ar . i -r r i " f.LL at- " radftps ife sreef matked by-a.epniiaJ rohnsgan mtpoftp&fyig ejjafjuVifi4,fnen berof the MethodiHtiaoajJhyr-fr a rterkA iMb quotation "none kneSf him but to love him may be aptly., applied' to? frMafllaTattera 0 j. . 'I y q "ifT Tfjyr 1 In fliedemiBeof Mrtmhc'pV Ve hhVeA losjf ono of our oldest citizens, and while we to gether with, the family mourn his loss, we i1e'"j joice that .it is not , without hope, ".tor, he sleeps3ilsis rijd?sTel;A2J-$4;hich none wake an weep. j rJ! The bonse Litt-ly erected on Craven near J. J. Wolfenden, wijl soon bo ready for occupa tion, this building with munsard roof, is a aeaff and desirabl0 dwelling and while it reflects cred-4 -rfinie Enhances' not e onIythe valnw df his6wn property but of his neighbors. . j It cost but a triAa, if anyitnore to bnild a house like this andadojed ifcitljtBnanientation, thau j aoes to put ye P41"iimuu o uua, vfJ aoors anowinaows-iu.i. aiiH meu Burruuuuut whole by anTPhurefisilid board fence as though tbe occupants were afraid ' people We hone to see many more, such but erected as Mr. WiJfenden's in our city. Academt or Music If the burlesque dra3ie3ieir(je2sun5e pwereawayfrereBenaaTPyf woarming yoongiUdies a"s-, IbejMtesea, yChapman, there would be little objection to its holding a perma; nent place upon the stage. They enter intd L theytspirifiwithacbnnftffted gayety tiTlastmtyr'aiirr- witn-nticn-wtosom ceart- iaeRS ttejftndiecqJethmKelve8 part and'par ftflfofftie fnnand nevfink of criticizing the Play i?i?b8ur1ities pjry the pktyera rack"afljjftn&igh topeiieva ftat all true ' Bepublicanfe 4n great histrionic abilities. And butter still, with Ptrv JiTifi Rnriorif1inflRj" tP I T - T-T r . ' spire deference and esteem. This is written - after a careful observation bt last nights jper- ntw 9 MoV5 The.blri ticip ited iu by Mis BUuch Miss Ell 1 and Miss snrviu.rtfd liv it full eofimanv Which: h a leyidentlv ben triDd to a strict conforniifr 1 1 , r . - i rf -- -. .-iSwitttailtbat, peM3a'i'2bfi?roIEf'l ieyen refiue stage repras-ntati m. Mis Lydui luo'up with let troupe of blonds ui;y be loud er nnd mre rulgnrly fnnny. tnt ner 1 wjs a more vivacious -and captivating performance V. .tv iVint. of JaKtuacmiin?. All of thu rouns la-1 w..s brought into frequent rcqmsition. lneir bunion too, is Hpouiaueous ami Jrom the ;tioae the carfciiu we-.t up unlil it ft 11 tht-re whs a ft e-lnstiwrf.etteamtof ivact.'iis vipaf !'Yt:v8rt" 7 bddy jrv'tAid 00104 nirepsfeH.'Vnppi:iaike,"to ord -r. Miss Ella, with her songs and am res. r -, I tCllOlL' f X' Bb .lJWJ lt rtL'UtaiiaC. 1UU iUUraiuwM, wv. ; ' O . I ' . n . . i . . . ... A ..... . A.i. - kiidu i I Blanche was less appreciated." Miss Belle Was not I . i - i .it ' .i ; Ui- i J 1 behined the others in -public esteem, and 'was tbe recipient of many marks of favor. The Jbonse waa-lrger-tbfti op epeiun uight ; to qaint there wilh b iyrowd U A.s,i. BtatA ThTherIeter',fat Club lnse.-Mtboa 5Me M&f a "fonWrir: -' !rfsS!l " Warn n.iJS.lVt Trices of-Wav-vl StoTd(,0tLc. . - : TikuiuuLeAVpiC j)ipV.i..yx $2 5a airuiJcllAW,-Dia.4C-.;. $2 5 -ti' Scrape.; Jit. ui.L. ... 2 00 Rosing cfmuViiM.utaweii.v...; . 00 Corn, from bJ.airaa..W et4 sent. I ask space in.aouao Ipa ejfito aa - 1 entelereoetfBnpnvji-, " ' ' T t-''-w-t TntoKaa&al and VTTX-fsv7 yBH1?; it "V saroe,,it y?elfT IThd'f olio Wing is Uiertiarticle referred i to. "HeaiyeinattI'5x.iij;u,i : a - -w-i -.- r r - - -rf ftr!rr rely, .WhaoreT Rearro oe nwvronpioirrawgosiuon ne occu- kfthtf abov. 'Mr .''Editors ia-na new doctrine to If UUUU iiJC. asj . . ... . . . mi SjJt-j-Inijiistiae tanavaplfiandlh eoy pie whom" J iifpnTt, iiare tne lonorto fJarpSfaneawpjDpeto nifiieprBeii afnlly .I4K, respectgactions in and ; "-.A jpf T)ali & seiwj . ' " must give credit ktX ErAgpott for some sagait-. cTJw'lnd'iaJeuA, wMePrev7ha, . pofh fu Vrcrtl outf tie JiesSwre7sQWn"Tiini- ofeceTtO. liJold?texi:ifUi Hear,Ta tCotir1iLrlP7ffhcl0atiie th.:3iia.tte eveninglwere dashonest, ana woui& ai, rorgeumg triainm. kintA i-Jvah tuAii lminD in 'class TTmiRfea - JTTTa J . .Nasp.sayaXam wM unp, ar ii t rPfM m , i ii , wm t i a.; Hsn-i ' ar.iai,iaiu iiin i nauuvAi TriMKtciaietatiWAUS feBttovad 4 from the Postoffice; I aamtitfitfidse .o man, orbeTir rfagblSD JaacbppoiQied as clerk .w,tl1,fnll r,v. like Nason; f tynBtttfit because I thrnkit f tfase that .awstlf . 1 .. si . sr fSi appointed to some-moneved office ; I am tumtf Mm? AJB3 TOtMffJffT.labTT 9-uKra vino or!! A-T r rTVtrnnraact' in vnnr Nnn 81 Hi Hi not. . If: I x'qeatX'.'a Tx?VJt i- .'tyi V . n t t ' iiTriinnt'Kseause !!rH f .Jtl"a 7 "A tl'tinuiw. .4h4isaine affhts'aft'ekoveA.t)T &eVW?fPuba (tne nrst) ana ror tne purpose ox TnaJtiDEBucu loud-mouttiea I?Jpuma'Na80lf show thLir hand'and test'their' ;ncerify; ;Lha4,ha5ietter Rense than To introduce tne- f onowmg iu m A Btiii To jic Ehtttleo 49 Act. w.LLi-j it- -j." Lr s . I'-ii Sec. laEhertS(jembiy jCaxolina do.enapt, That.itthalJ for any rrson, -or-lWnr ptef HoUlstJ (NasorfV Bwrdi Houses, or for,iiyaptanaor ii&tySPWhWfiP&i am oAeieftps,teanmyns, or-ttauroaj crilpr ldr't toy .'Agents or. Managers of to CircusTheatre, Musical Entertainment, j MeBagerie, to ruake axy, ducnmuiation m thea,ij ' mlfrfcVWWiWif'ji V gale-of trctetfc'tVahypoTsbilbn aefcoaa of rce,:jaV cijnftua. or color. I" Sec. 2. Tha)aflrf Hotels, Boarding Houiaa, Vessels, Steamboats, Steamships, Circuiea,,! Thf?8. Mnagerie imdr Mtwioa JEntejfaini ments; shalt Be opened aliket6 alf 'mk6d t without mnaerance or moiestauon, on aocouni,w1... aia. mUtZ hlu f. race or color. . . I Knowingly violate any pan, oi m prweupijf misdemeanor, and on conviction before Snrinr HoTirt of this State ha or thev shall ti&l" dred dollars, or imprisoned not more than (Jl2)l twelve months, or both, at the discretion oi c wrt f a 5.CJI Now. Sir. lteAelirytysaTmair I satisfiedUheMreterrfo the present Legislature, out 1 . -.!,Y 1 or out of the Legislature could have voted lor 4Wl - lVTifnT ike HemvbliQ&Q 4&aTt7o. Doth i . ' , ' . r . i tne yresraiKrwpoawww"ppiintF w ni Iair"r yi "3"" "v fT. WW.itTOit publican friends in the Legislature might he, a. 'nhanna in vrrLi for a measure that secured was cnani;aa8ritAw "-"-.r". .'.-r'?xac3-.T:? ?aar??-'Tr. , Jim,. n?fa! Vrahla. to-all men, thereby" bowing to the Li wholfl world -that the Republicans ofxiorth c'aJa"GeC &e5aaWtfiUf favor Jf the trreat humane measure, but A must conress and "own up the'edm, that I did not expect suyckaride-mouthed, seJfishRePUblicansas Grec itason d vote foTi"toyth'mg'ith wnda ,tp. eleyate .tbelajed, men, of this country. Naon BUJTB all BUUWiOl vvriiiiA. v ao va bmw . "playeawtt." And 40aU ored ijaan Nason's estimation Whenever they, the colored m uii mr iiirHL i.iiriii.-iri . iju w jiii u . nnB. . ra n-r.i. of tlraWnCoty oughdok legislaJ jta&an wW'cmand espaaTa; jjonesty of purpose, jtd-.some praical common saase. .-,-,.,,1,,, j. . ,,T . -1 j. tie feldjCTaKfs wpjwrnfl GyjWlBpd ; Mr.. Editor, die wo 1 " ,t i.J ' 3. Tf isstnui! fi-ff "iTT" r ' wwwH"irrfa4" fThaa to leive'lify hbme lfoeed?leipeni prauSftga-ttBt lneqforAaidieiiJbhavad PJrrjaJhitjIt refewejllfsato. mff?f! I left borne, that I would have defended mysfalf L J,f,1..tm, . t-io v..w.v v vi "rT"'."""" . 11, w)Jyir4)ojyuhn,innm he a' y mws ivh - aw aaATcuuauan a 1 aa-waai - 1 I vDlinff to compare records aa to trnthfulness Piid ioteafV CWttf rTasyinSesara.l et iJ lrHta'awm of ihc-Seoopd Ditriot Chat. Nason will ii"'tWHHiM:Bv,rxi I be removed Kmo ttf fnm u- i tn war wita tnaner'iwaB ixrMred. dennrracrinrr ih TTniff opam. oo trewoB you aaa oeneT put ywiriewwiwa iMugmiij wsuers w auow a com. hoase order. for flr&enok fK i&triJbtiiJit i' .1 I do not attact m.e in the night. '4ltelaort irfi 1 BrrnAwt mil wrf -rn i . bears the mottoe - We kib&lfortto4j' Al . -r . . WXhr,&VAanB36liii2&A i! I aaiirnr t-r o " MrrfA. SL nniMaK . o: . ' . 1 oo I j ing.- I . o (ats-porc Birce oauiroayuiBorn' -j. , ' 'vt j f tAouaa Will be JkM(T& TMrmiialile aad aeeona. , a u . a . r a . . r i L a . . - T crvini iu ti be weraM im i iaa arai a i r i - a ! J a 1 - ... . . Ill ftft?n' E&9i&t? ftmilft Wr00.! klifucW-? 1 iis familv ! I . W nr II w I . n..lu A I a. .rAAoaiA v.i aa ri j i ra:i aw tx - i 1 1 bt iti Hianv iiii wnn itir i - 1 a i . . . v - .lkvr Tt4 I eu nurav viLU nnnim. nipn lAfit rtnnnRT nionr f" I""? T" Dnnim.aiea iftei ouDaay mgpr inl lre Mmrpe iinjrttirer says wesey Itteturo. aaoraDour-tweTte' tirBcTatfe,"dn1of-Mr. s,WlniairaffliftPli-g x ' m . ' thought ann'ra owemicwmQnpaaT" w qiwai Sileuie'ajirrjfettiatr1 lfllfplaceliile tmaitlgioalia, arri)ii Bedeft -riiatafeHof SfetM Ykgbriaj North tv-fP Mffi flk fiftseverelyiiiinxed; L TTf 1 r t I i a.wg to hj? tropnw wnii ieva,iw since, wneret I neconau-iea ni'gioas gtrvicfS. TOirByor tbe I.l !.--,Jtt.-ii.riit- .U 1 : jtiLj cemiateApfjRuider I . . . ... ' ' i iinaea weetnug uunug laepentire exercisesi 5V, .wo.otT adl..lol -iBuTdlaYV-and : kobberv. The colored Co. Operatis'e'Stocinijoathe corner tdesredqtjWik ijeiraiur 01 iu ruuuerj, otar, ! jery. Star fu-fi ;h TZa f-,i 9ttnei d Jadi yBcwvA St biaotmtaZ laSawiwl ('rWdiyit al, AIGig UVllUU i eyenpbSfS A&ty fRfePrAfWain'ia Jl MiW.T 9aoD isjng .frpmur threa3r000 tn4 y&Pwm&f2iWl$SMWiil,Vi:'i , trjfiS WAX B. flkWlPJ tiod-rBririsnarAea. AjiysaadiBy w jrn.lt a u-rax7t .vitap to ciV aoj Sio ityt'" 'iv..t vj.'-jjctirrif )ss o Jf w.n-TJHf.'wrii;? Kn. ' "IT. P "88' mfffw m'BIi "WAifl. WJftYk.ji a diXDC3iJ3alJOtAC5filL fi1 ;1iA4fctri(icldreJaeiAflril H fW Jl.j.W:l"l MII'li'DHi ill . f,v,f .,. t Affl ".."irT"T" -rTnff.y I Just rec I t.' tmmAn .f- i- i IQI DC ar a Lvj'o1 fTrji,f '4 fx wlo isyfsMs f t wrfaPOTaw iApnt. 1 f . J . 7 r'4-u t' - 9 Albumotures atorm'sfor JofayJ fj HAWlTAN-StSTE-n S'' eiredEat Mbsea Patterson's, a lariri dC nil no BiTXDtTrrn fP sw-Kr -rat; a MiVJtf. AivPntt,'Harreon watlat - - f, r w GraaaObera Comoanv,. 7 I TMroeotrauv" 1nfifn8 ne "citizflrik "of w;WTrJ.cM'!'MF1WTi Berne and vicinity, that he'Bis penrianejriat lb - I Particular attenti foffiof Preseni i'ouocK Street j pax NcJice 8th Township, that the; Taxes of said Township J to pay the indebtedness, and for , current ax- .TT'itr Tj V"-T Jfil - i - U nT f ' I pt, payment must be made. A J will-aM f1. ? ' fff yctKmcf - - PcJIcH and I ' ' - - . . r .J m .w. iuu - a Mill nil I 11 11 mi m w .raivn. liim. hjiiuh. m mm Bnn I v.x huv. t o,. . . . 1 s; vaiofa iK T. , Constable 8th foVnkhip:- 1 .1 Nawtae Dee. 2,-W;3 ; i ;h :.m j ;W .-i.TK, r ,i tf j , I - ' Lliin 1,1 t. . - KU(1 V. Ll 1 W. TllHHNHfl Ul' Will lpon those who dSie his Drofesaional nerrird. til I.4- i fti! ., ,(TT on taia to .children's tflpfH. ..' Gvhwfi, n1 f. 'vwrf -y.r;t - v tt tttit .Trrr-i -Sn It: :roili!ofr-4t volfot ffiw vii j owai:Uninmly.7raresl Langaton tivrbetin tendered the place: -v?' .."'T tcWsrfcaAfitT(jaiB a Sea rMr Sltlm W&6mm4i anlvtrtni inodiiv rfo as to make the nostage or weekly papers freeJ r7 9d tr,MrwRlinrrn f n n rf 7 " Ia"-.lP ZffV 1 - n . a - w u iu r ir a t a letter lA"U1li Ufcfrx fTOMdflW;'a&W'6rWtfior'6lf J W ibiiiii i a i nar -. x . .9 s-. , . - 4 r and r to 2' eehis Ibwer-Vefeternl !t a .-w... 4., . .. Ti C r r Mittbaerate reAiaharMea4vw.JrnisailiL : - - T 41 H 1.1.- Ao v a. o . i . . na v w F-.At ... a i f - t - 1 I f a a a e . - ' t t , ! 'TrirJr,t?lTilirH. 41,1. lit-. a ax.r1t -i,-.V ? ...r? "frTjT.'r'V fwllmbably4. ollrateiei eieife in .r. on- ui tuvvivi sr. a sa swvau was- irt Ui ii - . .lr aa n w . . i v w r . - i - . . ,, ., , , , -i 1 - . ( mjap MuemVW.frtf ,fey ! beingTeffecte'. subseqi reser ve: . ua Painaitlarieatolinj - ir nL L f,- ,trt " t -! -t c JfL J da .Havre rescued. .Mach y.ilaable Kme lostif fe'weri Vi u TtWaK: toA' iw 4 M A&teiAusvti. Ohanr)rfif IWaatsTIr ri-M-MH3 I A 4'oloejfigalrjdfty- -Bjrp4pgf iti2eq rajp , genl .1 j. - ,-fa , o,. . - - 1 f.fartff11...! Yt f, :i! j f , xuw y.ca-wffrain uBBiter of tfVMt nmmifr MAMtAW pife the W!&& ?Dv -r' t . , .1 " I ' ' uiun "jaBrsaaTSSg 1 PfaHiiTv- NnXj i97inp.rf.f-t Rrflfn rTF.rra r jU Pf"u'iou win oe maqe at tne next session; Jo? 7d?&nWt Asffiory roVirleV a wimM . ..a: - i v - a - ' i a. - - iwme'ijoagerJWJ 77p Ih3epedentf Owfar i of jaar3euow-tHiaT?To4 jo xtno? (Sinyltnt. W03tDOl.. 08Lr Ifevtidewor rosT. :f? ; f :-fj"9n fwwai wyfi, hp iPiWfH T . ni i aii iko.K.a - a.i a a u. ' li .Jijl i. jwoB.-mttf or yytTtlA : w "No vl 121873., Tht gdeltefT ra&l ftnUedv WfcaVe Battuas Bffiit to rwoVk-tai, Govern diWfrJwMrilPrahigh this1 r J W asm WIU, i . y 1 i r 9 Pdt 1 rtotiJ tot a r-,V TT,xSTSwA SO 1 STSkVS) ft. IS) 4 p nf.-, : ai :i1eW - - a. - i - .t - r . 7 . P .'i,"-Ui( .iilivlij " vm nil 1' 4 -i911, r'Sij a-f, oldirq at x .. r ,.. .. . . . . : .! !! f T lit tmiidtiu mini n I 'Ti: 3i 3 --. : a. ! i i S k i U ' fj rJ ' r C A1I &e ori and Dances Banjo Solos, Clotf tDaneeHy . Ti Trice, ' " - w tuW A'ACUVU I . ..r-.....A.... ijnji ik.irr.ja v.r. rn. vmA . r. i tvlodocne Asancera. rfe: eI8,,a, -priceafMadflSfSrr! frff 4 ? 'il j Mr,j ee?tlij ),iQI i w. , , t. i 7 , , J . , ,-r-,-? 7-.;;' 7-r -oi AJlUli -.Tr;-;i.;:--lTrxdtar etc.. JThe fpljJ?ta4n whichfiapoUo will cot TttaoT T taitf npod ' th eh.rac ipodi'the; eh.rac ter.( Itat "f iA- etery aescriptloft, may 'article of hdushofd ornkm'entor "ttae, tia detp. Ust dyed stain can be instantly washed tl ( - fever bythe W-o?4feM&tC U UMbeapt i X.rd.nitttJhAraiP. and w.ll always 'a axmeUy wbatia. claim or 1C If taTyigyW' ttimiuaaJ are loiiowvo; 8TZZ TOTTTTSUTZ OTXC3t bA 4Ux,to pay- tli &debtadaa.f t ! 1 LabeTe.-townahfp;. and Tor euireat Lsejueaoi- the weal 1273.' .av oa Ihe one hnadred dolUra- ml tiid ctrail i w , ..w... tfitr . On the lit of XoVSHTDtr 1873, the Fimot i -K'EX -Jkj Fatteraon . A CJo.. .Waa diaaoltad W 4 iikewiaf. f lamiid: liabfflUetr of , tte a - - marble mantels, tabl?i; china, Uble ware, ducted by John Patterson, and J. A. Pjittaxscm, ! under (in'ame and Wvlettf ll&'fl'jk;9iti&r "'" - T"tt tt.tt rfTTTTri'TrT' I VVaia- VfkU W WUfOUITJUUI illUla'CU aAal UM laaaamBff'' ! in - I a usutBBwjr uuwttuuuijfif niui. iutt TlTBBiaw " 4wd atlvlsftcriieiitly located aaJT I m-Al l Arlanteil Tn & CllnH fir liminr IZfrMfmm 1 ISrVt .irU a . .lo.!4rUi ot the fact that I have now on hanA;iaa4i'ria cheapest cigars toe fdundiil thli dty; the flaesl i I oranasoi cnewing looacco, -viz;' Aiaynowec M So&ca. 0tnrvaadIilbesK7eaka,Ti The, Caeet praaoa 01 smesinB toDacco.aironc wntea a be found'DftrhamT Tlrrfittla ahd lSiikstl,,a -1 r Za nW i.t 'A Ik - 333 ninArk tnd tmnkm HtlMpa nf Ar 1 bummer sommg . I -e- a arv- " - AC l a. aj ! all. rescuteiTf T-,1 Mtion ' 1 i . WiW J..a..XAt J iarafclra kepi in first-Wfraa Cia , Store.: caa av loacco Ami iDOTitttoiBOitth Front--ELv -raaoMnarxilrg tne uaatHt.Uemlti. , rr a t . ,JI.GrOI3MlTnrPronrieioa, J : Dec. a-tf. s ;-.. 14 iu j iit t f r VVtH srsr'sW'MleiJfffi Ai.'.ev tm )i ;4V..vh j ,f- n.fj T(l i'-f' noi;;ni!. 'I f.,-:Tr ft ol r TUTTV ;T TBST ' BL.ae M - rW . , t J. . F rTil Ba 'iwy I i . . . 1 . : i '. f. . . . . T V V aV V V att Bai aaBa. st saV p r aw jL wrw1) Adl ftia li ; iniirTsrrBat Mi- T TnS" af ' 1 TTT " Iff L i f Ing9it ierj.-x-rt: nsh-il Ttn- bjfl - ' 1 7 SOUTH FEOHT-&TJlErir .fvi jim ,'!) -j' h .n. iIvt! ."3Pa 1 If A3 t. 4' -7 -- "'7r ,f,'tO If .miiE . tndersIgned ; rsstttiKd1 to "X meet the ' . j-m.- .-.ft iii has niwiy 7 VJrv; HeHtted'aQd' : faniislied ' ; , : oii" i haf of p-ttfos:- j;- - 1 ti f; fa I tl! M ji; I if 1 t f I5 1.1 1 i 7, . - '-r.it, ' 1 i