m SENATE PASSES' X i&ed When A^empt At Assassination Todc Race RESOLUTION TO Wp) snmM 18TH AMEI ; Bb roate With PreBtdent'Elect. . . KooaeTelt tc New York, FVb. 16J hgepltaU and —Mere is Fnnklln D. RooBe-"" ' ' TBit's own story of the attempt •o his life: *' ^ "I hare heard so many ac- rteants myself that I have been tkylns to think what really hap pened as I saw-it. "After 1 had finished speaking. . someone from the talking picture people climbed on the bark of ■ the car and said, ‘yon must re peat that speech tor us.’ I said I would not. He said ‘we have some 1,000 miles t&r this.’ I said *1 am very sorry but I can’t do B.‘ "Having said tliat, I slid off the back of the car into my seat. ' “Just then Mayor Cermak same forward and I talked with him about a minute about Chica Washingt >n, Feb. 16»-* senate this afternoon, byvote of 63 to 83v-the essential two> jthlrds majorItyr—adopted the vir-, tually. “naked i^peal" resolutlpn,. ah perfected ^ by. Senator Rohin- son, the Democratic leader, de- 1 held him all the way to the his pulse constant ly Improved It seemed like 2B —. _ . - . . miles to the hospital. I remem-Jslgned to ^submit to the American her 1 said. ‘Don’t move—keep!people the question of repeal, or qnlet_u woTi't h’lrt if you keep!the maintenance of the 18th quiet and remain perfectly still.’1 amendmeni. “I found that a hnllet-..-the The lame ducks, roundly abus- one probably that hit Cermak— ed for drifting aimlessly for graaed the top of Clark’s hand, weeks, without the MU, or the His hand was all bloody and | Intelligence, to function In the scratched. flact of the country’s economic “You knew I knew Bill Sin-j crisis, drove ahead, brushed aside nott. I kidded him at hospital | the Irreconcilable drys, and made this "morning and told him they ] a move which may affect, pro- conldn’t hurt him with a bullet i foundly, the nation’s economic in the head. It would just bounce' and social structure, and cer- otf. I left orders for them to I talnly was of very great historic starve him uud tpkn off at least significance. 20 pounds.” I Following the vote. Senator The President-elect was per-' Borah commented upon the great suaded to relate bis experience | number of house members who into the senate aim aooui a miiiuie auouL c,iiica-i and allow the account to be pub-| had crowded v A, h so in general. Then he moved oft llshed as he relaxed on the train | chamber, and the people who had iehind the ear. Bob Clark (one carrying him to New York. j sought even standing room in the ef the secret service meul i * t o 1 galleries, whereupon e.ia or standing right hy him. .^s he! ^ OMEN PLAN MEALS • | Bailey rejoined that the occasion for- moved away a man came v.-ard Y.-ith a long telegram and ; started telling me what it con- j tained. While ho was talking I j Ifeaned forward. Just then I ON NUTRITION VALUE'’*'®® “ promise of '■making history, that the constl-. Without legarti ~to the other'tution had been amended and al- .... , , . tored. but that this was the first J,,., than , /’’r”'";;..rlo.Y .nn.T. «> ...ra wh.l I thoasS, .a, a _. the members are interested in. something from the funda- the food studies being made at , sracker. then several more. The man talking with me pulled back and the chavMeur started the ear. “I linked around and saw Maj’or Cermak doubled up with Mrs. Gill collapsing. 1 fold the •hauffeur to .stop. He did. about 15 feel from where we started. The secret service men shouted Id him ‘get out of the crowd.’ The chauffeur started again and F stopped him again, thus time at ♦he corner of the handstand. “Looking back 1 saw Cermak being carr'ori along and we put him in our car. He was alive but T was afraid he wouldn't last. I •t my hand on his pulse and f 11 nd none. He was on the seat rilh me and I had my left arm ,'r !ul him. He slumped tor i' , id. detective from Miami. ? anding or tlie |•tl!l!ling boai'il on that sivie the cei'. wa.s leaning ever him. He said after We itiid .111" a rotii le |.f 1, Icn-ks iif «as xfraiil Ci vil..t'k 'voiiiri not last. •'1, too. ’.va.s fearful .(ii.sl tinui Cerfha’: .slrvighteiied iiii and I got hi.s ntilse. That was s'lri'i’is- ing. F t I’ 'le 'Jocks I actually believe liis heart had stopped beating. each club meeting. “Home uemons’.raton club women are . ooperating with the men in securing adequate pro duction of "ood from the garden, field, dairy herd and poultry flock and a'.so are giving serious study to food conservation and provide a talanced and health- to planning meal? which will ful diet,’’ says Miss Mary Thom as. extension nutrition specialist at State Ctdlege. “At present, club members in 22 North Caro lina counties have selected food mental law. House Leaders Rejoice Speaker Garner and associated house leaders were rejoiced to hear of the gennte's action, in 'adopting the repeal resolution. In harmony both with the Demo cratic national platform and the resolution which was voted on in the house at the opening of the session, and Mr. Garner prophe sied that the resolution would receive consideration under su spension of the rules, the first of the week, and that it would tntdx ^ the Brown, 1 Bit pemoBB Indehtea ta tl»_ to come forwert tjnd tmedUte eeUlemeot Birf ? *hoMlns clalnu agalnet th« to prcBent them for ^ p*J within twelve moilthe from^ of till* notice, or. It will be jy ed la bar of their ,, , Thie iWt day of Jan„ MRS. TATE BROW?, j.Mt Adralnlatratrlx.; am of hdt Meade's Replin-^ Shop gPEOIAlilZlNO Of - Guns, Gtuirtocka, P h o graphs, Type writers* FIf* iHg and AU General RepMra. COME IN—'WE WANT TO KNOW you Ninth'St. Near North WUkesboro. M. C. Backochc bother you. Use Better Seed Potatoes Profitable To Mountain Growers There is only one State that kills people with gas without first feeding It to a motor.- Milwaukee Jeader. *A nagging "backache, bladder irregularities anol a tired, nervous, depresseal feeling may warn of some dia-l ordered kidney or bladder con»| ditkm. Users every where rely on Doan’s Pills. Praised fori more than 50 years by grateful] users the country over. Sold by | all druggists. Dda)& work as their major project foriP®®®- A ratio of 16 to 1 was secured | county with an a’-erage yield of by 100 growers of irish potatoes 1160 bushels an acre recorded, in seven western North ^Carolina | One man produced 240 bushels. this year, ‘u addition, the mem I bers in the other counties are 1 giving this .uihject careful con- Isideration. Mo.st of the clubs I iiave two food or mitriton lead ens who kei'p the subject con- forefront." explains that the of farm women It er's was not clear in the speak- mind this afternoon wneth I counties by using certified seed stantly to the Ms.s. Thoiroi.s COIlIlIV COMM il , inaK' s llie ^ior preji ct^ clah memli iTIiis year, eiaiiy of a selected strain of the Green Mountain variety. “In other words,” says -H. R. Niswonger, extensio.u horticultur ist for western Carolina, “the men who used the good seed se- .. .^cured an average return of lb K en -, Qf good potatoes for , 1 . r>. every bushfd planted. The yield selei iic'ii of the' ma-1 believes_ wi.h Speakei '‘H"® graded out S2 percent No. 1 III lie studio:! by the ’hat the resolution, whic i ost produced at a cost IS in each county. | the house hy only a half j ^ bushel.’’ the couijHl.'-1 votes, will receive the two-thirds, , er the state legisla'tures, or the federal government, would take the initiative in calling the state constitiitio^fl’. conventions to con- I aider the question of ratification. I Representative Warren, i fied wit It the house leadership. The average yield of the county using the s.ame old' seed stock, was 65 bushels an acre. The aim of this work, Nis wonger reports is to replace the old run-down seed stock with certified dis-rase free seed which may be increased on the farm. This will result in the standardi zation of variety; will increase the yield marketable tubers, and will lower the unit cost of grow ing the cro,i. It is only through of VICKS COUGH DROP 5 hoped for in a ■ medicated with V/iCKS V VapoRub ... All you’ve hoped for in a Cough Drop — medicated with ingredients of Vf»HMS"fU.VrOUS’ .NOTICE Ha,ving qualified, a.'s adminis trator of the late R. M. Wiles, deceased, t'rs is to notify all! persons having liainis against the estate o» the said R. M. Wiles, ■ t them to the lilei'idi'il Hull I fanulv Foil,; surveys have been . uieinber things lliat, following inmil.- in „.-arly - very coiinty'this house action, a .supplement- ':mft whuTD atuiitioii is mvdod to iib rcnieilial resolution \\i e b- given t- any phase of ,],is; offered which will set up the i foil.I pRidUi ibui. I be women see | chinery for holding the constitu- tl,at it is given, I tional conventions. Ueceipies for using home-' Re.viioirts Satisfied I groivn foods iiave been worked Sen.ator Reynolds feels that ■out and disirihutel and these are the senate’s action today harmo- I doing much to cl.ange some well-| nizes admirM.bly with tlie plat- iestablislied food habits. Miss ' form of his party, and he believes ! Thomas has prepared a printed his vote for the resolution was sheet sliowih.g the daily food es- in accord with the mandate of sentials of a famil’.' and this has ' the people last November, both been distributed I' roiighout the in the state and in the nation. If I clubs. The '.vdinen are .saving, members of the Congress may do I money, she r aid, by using cheap-‘ so with propriety, and official ' er foods tbut have a liigh nutri-j duties do not require his pres ve value. A eaninng budget has i ence here 'at the time, he will . , In contrast to this. other i such a method of producing po ll was important majority next week, with j failed to use the! tatoes. that the mountain grower food supply of tlielfu spare, ami tlie Nortii Carolina) , ^ j „i.,.,t„ri oooa' „iii tnaVn i nrefit at nresent ’selected strain and planted seetljwill from stock kept from profit at present make year to i prices. year got a yield of nine bushels; In additim, he says, the cost for every on?, bushel planted, j of hauling the western Carolina This crop graded out only 66 j seed stock into eastern Carolina percent No. 1 stock and was pro- is Iow.^nough now that the grow- . .... —1. —k 0 1 gj.j[ may compete v’ith the'grow- duced at a cash cyst of 24 cents a bushel. Niswonger reparts 20 demon strations creducted in Haywood |seed supply ers of Maine in supplying eastern commercial grow'ers w’ith their ACTION ON REPEAL TO BE SLOW PROCESS Raleigh. Feb.-16.—Two con stitutional restrictions must he Frank Vanderlip Urges Inflation of U. S. Currency Washington. Feb. 15.—Frank A. Vanaerlip, gruff, b'utspoken Wake Up Your Liver Bile —Without Calomel And YonH Jnmp Out of Bed in the MMning Rarin' to Go If you feel soar and sunk and the worid looks punk, don’t swallow a lot of salts, mineral water, nU, laxative candy or chewing gum and expect them to make you suddenly sweet and buoyant and full of sunshine. For they can’t do it. They only move the bowels and a mere move ment doesn’t get at the cause. I^e reason for your down-and-out feeling b your Uver. It shouliI,pour out two pounds of Uquid bib into yoor bowds daily. B lUi bfls b sot 6nrinf Irariy, ysor ini 4000*1 ditol. It lost doeayo b the bavob.,, Gn bloob op yoor itoaiacli. Too hn« • tMA, bod tnb ood your braoth b fool, i often bnoho oat b Neiifaho Tom ■dm and yoa (eel down ud oat. Tom 1 oystem b poboned. It takes those good old CARTE R’S Limn UVER FILLS to gat tlms two poonda of faK'O flowbg freely and maka yoa feel “op tad op." They contdn wonderful, hannlm, regetable extiaeb, amadng wbn It c wairiny the bile dow freely, But don’t aak for Uver pflb. Aak f«w Cart^" UtUa Uver HUt. Look tm tba ntma Cartab little Li w pub oa the nd bbsL Reamt a (ojmitata. 2Sestallatena. OUU-C.lI.Ca. repeal of the ISth amendment to ieceased. t.i pre,^’t ineni lo tuej^. 2ewT'thr\s“t‘*S'"or February! « be-, contribute to ^ the United States constitution m.t or thip notice will be plead i>»S followed as a guide to con- sume.s will oe made in the state ... in bar of l.ieir riglit to recover i servin.u eiuuigh food for the fam-j to bring about ratification of re huddled before a convention of! retired banker, urged Congress the people of North Carolina may } today to inflate the currency 6e- .a. a lore the depression becomes be called to vote on the proposed | -- worse. oil .said cl'um.s. .\tl persons ow ing tlie estate are I.ereby request ed t«i ’Jiwke iinmi.diate settle ment of the sam? TIim 1st liav of Fell., ItKU. J G. I.IU.INCS. .■u''.'niii.'lr,it'’ir Fslate K. .M- Ytl' S. J* erased. l-2!)-6t-pd. '■jffen. N. C. ■ ily in winte I peal. Bailey OIk'.vs Will of I’eople (jl KSTIcN .\M) AXS4VER j Senator Bailey said sometime . . , T; , 1 1 ago he regretted the necessity of Question Is there a free bul- “”0 ae icb letin at Si de C'olhge that tells i wp! the kind of vegetables to plant. |w' 1.,. when to plant and the amount to ‘^'-V que® An,,,,.loan , . u . ■> I hone had been that the American plant for. a h'lme garden? i aoiio nan arv . *• • uooule wouUi lend to tneir dry Answer: .Hits »nforuiation is ^ save JOHN RUSKIN CIGAR BANDS 2^nswer: .ims «nioruiauon is uim. contdined in Extension ^Circular! *®"’® '^'nniiov voted No. 122 “The Farm and Home ®J"',"" with the great majority of his p-irst, two-thirds of all mem-1 hers of each house of the general assembly, 80 in the house and 34 in the senate, must vote in the affirmative on the proposition to isulbmil to the voters of the j state at the next general election ■’convention or no convention.” And a majority of the votes must be cast in favor of the con-; vention before it can be called as | may be prescribed by the general ! Garden Ma:'lal” and copies wiU I nartv todav foF the resolution to j be mailed free as long as the sup- P®”- 1 V »r»i_ /-I t T» tfi mibiiiit thp ou6stion of r€pf*Ri» , I ply permits The Governors Re-'suiini i Ask your dealer iii„ prepared ^ „e„,a- fornewPrendum|-;;'--J'’»,;';^^^^^^ .’pe p,i|. .....id d. re- I leaflet may lie, .secured 'dressing that office at In. c. Appearing befo-e a Senate committee In secret session, he j painted a g'oomy picture of the ravages' of the economic disturb ance, saw little hone for improve ment and bluntly suggested Con gress do soiitething about it im mediately. His proposals were in direct opposition to the warning of Myron C. Traylor, one of the na tion's for-'imost industrialists, against “tairperine with the cur- irency.” The chairman of the assembly. ' - . board of the U. S. Steel Corpor- The next general election is in ’ 1934; the next general assembly in 1935. appri-ved of Finance Qtcaiog. More Havana to bacco is now useiH in JOHN RUSKIN,making it die greatest rfffir value at 5c* Smoke the size you prefer — Ptriwto Extra or Panetela, Ql'E.STI)X AND .\XSWEU - , , Question: Will it pay to raise „j, ad-!®P®®tf- 'J’"-; “Tndidate^brS’®^® f®-- Raleigh. I party s platform and candidates the low pri While C'lmherland c o u n t y farmers have greatly increased their yardage of tobacco seed beds, they do not plan to set a larger acrer.ge than last year, .says the county a.geiit. had been unequivocal on this is sue, which was paiamounted at times during the last presidential campaign. Like h’s colleague, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Bailey gave heed to the clearly mandate of the people. Answer: Due to the low price of chicks an.i feed a large num ber of people are going into the poultry huniness this spring „„ which will mean an Increase in to the committee carller^by Rene ^spfi broiler prod taction. On the whole Leon, New York monetary ex- exprea , increase will be with later i pgj.t. broilers. Th-vse farmers produc- the Recon- j struction Finance Corporation and said on? of the first steps to- I ward prosperity .was a balanced I budget. j Vanderlip, a former newspaper I reporter and fojpier head of the National City Bank of New York, endorsed government purchase | of $200,001,000 worth of silver; at 50 cents an ounce as proposed j Get ma o/ That SORE THROAT! Anjr little soreness in the throat grows rapidly worse if neglected. Crush some tablets of genuine Bayer Aspirin in some water, and gargle at once. This gives you instant relief, and reduces danger from infection. One good gargle and you can feel safe. If all soreness knot gone promptly, repeat There^ usually a'cold with the sore throat, so brfore gargling take^wo tablets to throw oS your cold, headache, stiffness or other cold symptoms, kayer Aspirin relieves neuraigis, ncurtUs, too. Tou may use it fre^, it does not hurt the heart. /T\ i The forgotten woman is the 1 ing broilers for the early maj-ket Trouble is. there’.s more victors ; one on th- dollar.—Greenville should receive a fair margin of than spoil.s -Weston Leader. 'News. profit. Europe also seems to have de- MO ’WBIITS ARE OEWUiNE BAYER *jptRtN WITMOOT THIS veloped new contract rules.— Springfield News-Snn. NOW MOkE HAVANA 30iaiuM.sas MH. BROAD OF WALL STREET Bv Charles McManu# John. Ruskin CIGARS SATISFY lOc SMOKERS" Sato^. ll- 'C . D«*™®**»

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