_ ■ - ■ * ■ > To Share In These Wonderful Bargains Before This Conies To An Elnd Thursday, Feb. 23, 8:00 A. M. BOYS’ SHIRT FOR 5c One to a customer, while they last Friday, February 24 8:00 A. M. LADIES’ FELT SLIPPERS 19c One pair to a customer MEN’S SUITS SACRIFICED Every suit will be sold or gvien away before this sale comes to an end. Suits that formerly sold for $19.95, Now $3.95 Suits that formerly sold for $24.95 Now $4.95 This is no fake. We mean busmess. Every thing must, and will be, sold. Men’s and Boys Pants RAIN COATS In this group we have a wide as* -sortment of colors and sizes in 1 lot Boys’ Rain Coats at work and dress pants to select from. Values to $3.95, now 49c 98c Ladies and Girls’ aU now Boys’ Dress Pants now going at 69c $1.79 TO $1.98 Dry Goods In our Dry Goods Department you will find thousands of yards of staple goods in Chambrays, Prints, Rayons and Silks. Here, too, costs have been forgotten in MEN’S ATHLETIC UNION SUITS 49c Value for 19c Saturday, Feb. 25 8:00 A. M. MEN’S CHAMBRAY WORK SHIRTS 15c * One to a customer Crowds have attended this sale and boi^ht free ly. We have priced every remaining item at the final close-out prices. ' Costs recklessly disre garded in this drive to “Sell Out” without regard to penalties involved. A terrific beating to take, but our only resort to stave off an unpleasant sit uation. Visit the store, all you bar gain-seekers, and realize how LOW selling futures can be cut when immedi ate action is required. This is our last call—our last advertising — Every piece of goods m this store will be sold in the next few days. It is our loss and your gain. GAlNOPPORTUNinj Monday, Feb. 27 Tuesday, Feb. 28 8:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. Good Cloth, suitable for Men’s and Boys’ Shirts. Yard TABLE OIL CLOTH 2c 10cy»> ^ Five yards to customer Not more than 2 1-2 yds. to customer Ladies’ Silk Dresses New Silk Dresses in Prints and Solid Colors. AD the very latest styles for Spring. We are forced to selL SO OUT THEY GO"^ Dreaaes up to $2.98 Now 79C Others up to $1,98 . UDIES’ HATS The remainder of our stock of Ladies’ Hats being closed out at— 39c COATS Ladies’ and Children’s. One lot Ladies’ Coats now 98c OTHERS $3.95 FAST COLOR PRINT DRESSES Womens and Chil dren’s. 98c values now 39c & 49c Shoes! Shoes! Shoes have been going like **WiIdfire”. Those familiar with the quality of these national advertised and fam ous Friedman-Shelby and Red Goose Shoes have come by the hundreds and bought freely. On all remaining shoes we have marked unbelievable low prices. We must face the situation. Nothing re mains but the bare walls. ' Children's Full Length STOCKINGS An sizes, 10c value— Children’s 3-4 length SPORT HOSIERY AU sizes Our entire stock of BALL BRAND TENNIS SHOES aU sizes Men’s, Boys’ and LitOo Gents’, 98c Ladies' and (Tiildren’ GOWNS 19c & 39c Stationery One lot Box Paper and