PHONE 215 _ . Class In rf -^'^Jjplendid Meeting ■ Sixteen member'* of r,r3^ m and fern were uttractlvely ar ranged in the home. A pleasant hour of needlework and conver- class of Wllkesboro | sation was enjoyed after which t Pr fe- ir f Baptist church were present for tfeelr month:y meeting that was held o« Fr’day afternoon at the tome of the’r leader, Mrs. 0».K. 'Whittington. The children were oatertained hy a n.'imber of in teresting stories and games, fol lowed by light refreshments. tempting refreshments were served by the hosti ss. Busy Bee Sewiag Kn Regular Meet A delightful Slid profitable •rening was spent by the mem bers of the Busy P''« Sewing Club •n Monday when Miss Lunda ■endren was hostess to the club Literature Dept. Woman’s Club Meets A continuation of the study of China by the Literature Depart ment of the Woman's club made i of up a program of unusual interest for the meeting that was held on Thursday atternoon at the home of Mrs. Tip McNeil with Mrs. R. E. Scroggs and Mis.s Etta Tur ner as associate hostesses. Four delightful talks wowre given as follows; Chinese Literature, by COaiPANY $3RD YEAR ■ ‘‘The reja^S&kl^ of the mftn- *fufsclureCte. bis tj^ers^has merer [ i luMe .m^ria'nt to the sue^- ' *ic«8Si0f ''hoth Interest than it *i8 'tfflisy,” declares , I. , l>r Tew. president, The B P. ■ Goodrich company. Akron, Ohio, in a state ment to Goodrich tire dealers, just issued. - “Present economic conditions necessitate close co-operation of ail merchandising efforts,” con tinues Mr.-Tew. “The manufac turer must assume the responsi bility of providing dealers with every sales aid to make possible business at a prafit. “The B. F. Goodrich Company enters upon its sixty-third year business with full confidence in its nation-wide dealer organi zation. Our saj[es policies are shaped to "xtend every cooper ation to dealers, assuring the advantage of meeting competi tion whereter found, vigorously but legitimately.” ' '^rtiwre a (jar^n For F( Extension Man Says D^nds On Pn^r at the Start The Governor’s'Relief - Office •has reco^ized that gardens are essential this year in providing fbbd for needy persons and is urging, that farm gardens, city gardens and comaiunlty gardens be established for this' purpose. B. B. Morrow, extension horti culturist at State College, says that reports received from.. 166 demonstration farm gardens Jn •eastern'Carolina iast_ year re turned a'not profit of 5158.90 after deducting the expenses of seed and fertilizer. This is only $10 less than-the net 'value given to 75 demonstration gardens planted in piedmont and'western Carolina and shows that these me pdfb Jlorrbw. of the good plans in* follow is to arrange the crops In unlta^r sectfons. tiavo all the perennial etops such as gus or 8traw1»empf''fli one of the plot^und then group the annuals in other parts aoeordtfc to" the length of time t^e oludto will-' occupy the land. luring crops such as garden peM.'^ early onions, lettuce and.jnnetr ard should,be piarted, tog'eth^, liet the^next section consist of early cabbage,.'"early Irish pota toes, beets, carrots and the first plantings of beans snd_ tomatoes. Then in another section plant the main summer crops.: This >wlll permit of rotation and succession Plantings - Mr. Morrowi says it is possible by this plan to have something from the garden every day in the year. Those wno may neeu neip lu planning their gardens -this sea son can have free of charge a copy of Ex'-’nslon Circular, 122, The Garden Manual” on appli- «ad a few i-ivited I'Hende at the j Miss Lillian Staff >rd: .Mrs. W. *ome of M -s. M Gilreath. A happy hour of iierllewovk and conversation was enjoyed, fol lowed by tempting refreshments, ijovely f)loo.i'’ng rlants and fern were .attractively a’Tanged in the fome. Mrs. C. N. Myers Is Circle Hostess Mrs. C. N Myet.s was hpstess Id Circle Nr. 2 of llie First Bap- •Bst Mission, ry Society at her home on Friday afternoon. The Ibader, Mrs. A. C. Dennis, pre aided and g.ive a splendid review •f two chanters from the book, “Talks on ^oul '".’inning,” b.v Mullins. The devotional was led tjr Mrs. .1, -N'. Sli'ckey. president sf Society. Mrs. Joe Barlter Is Hostess Xf Gi. C, Club The Wilkes County Club of the Greens'ioro A'.' mni Associ ation met n' the home of .Mrs. Joe Barber on Fiidgy evening. r*. C. S'. Sink, ibe club presi- ieni, held the chair for rdutine ' iTiess, several important mat ters of came up for dis- tbssion. Following the bnsine.“S fession a pleasant social , hour war enjoyed and delicious re freshments were served by .Mrs. Barber,'sted by lier sister. Hiss Frank Somers. The hostess tor 'the March mee’ing will be Mrs. Fred Gaither. Ten members ♦ere present D. Halfacrc gave a review of the book, “East Wind. West ,Wind. ’ by Pearl Buck. Misses Dorri.) West and Bill Delaney told ot the Chinese Art and Ming Art. Mrs. F. P Fot ter. chairman of club, pr'^sided for .the routine business precediii'g the program. The sales ticket committee, re ported that ihe sale.s were goin.e good. The ffiib is selling season tickets to the mo'ies. the pro ceeds to be used for the. ‘‘Little House.” of the girl scouts. Fol lowing the urogram tempting re freshments ■'■ere served by the to the 'arge number of members attending the meet! -g A San Diego tire factory is to be converted into a brewery. But plots of lard have a definite i to tj-.e Editor at State Col- value In providing food as well' jggg as In assiir'ng the owners of a BOETTCHER CASE , . TRAIL LEADS TO - MOUNTAIN better diet. that won’t I e much of a change, j ‘‘We find, however, that the U will still manufacture material i success of a garden depends up- lor blowouts.—Dunbar’s Weekly j on proper planning at the begin- (Phoenix). 1 ning of the season,” says Mr. The real hunger raarehers will reach Washington when the Dem ocratic Administration takes over the job. — Anacortes (Wash.) Mercury. Deaerer, Colo. Feb. Te^Tlwl' poltoB hunt for ypung Otarles 11,”^ kidnaped mitlion- fttn, tanieil tonight to the nioiin'* tains while members of the tmhi- lly foensfe'^ the!f;i» attention'* on. Kansas CKy inveeHgdtlons. A report of Tom Jones, a care taker, thal.two astomoWles bearing Illinois plates were seen In Berwh Park a few^honrs after the-^kjliteaping, and the finding of a bunch of keys In a pass into whlcif^ ra-n automobile tracks, re sulted In deeieioo to make a sys- .tematic search‘Of' mountain car bins where ’’’ the young capitalist might be hPlA- '■* Nine^ detectives carrying shot guns hastened to Bergen Park immediately after finding of the keys. They return-?d three hours later, empty handed, but further searches in that district were o| dered for tomorrow. , “Likely Inforiiiation” Chief of Police A. T. Clark said that a man who offered “likely information” appeared at the home ot ClauTTe K. Boet TMtiiSUoO ot the nature (A which was nounced. jy*. 'The elder BoetSSiey belli his'son is ailre and nnharawdr Asd hpU. eltier In Kansas City or { StTLoils, he told relativee today. | Toung Boettcher, kidnaped Sunday, was in Kansas Citrtrlsifl In* hte1»Pther last wdeib’- iP" father made fitKluMf telephone calla there today tV’eetab^Jhe^ identity ot a group of men i m whom he'spent a night. Time With Mother The mother, Mrs. • Dee, J(oCo^ mick,* denied he' bad been .Wtl with strang^^rs. He spent mosti his time with her, she cept for ik ono-day To Omaha and return.'^ - fiti. Mrs. McC-rrmick waslaseurred^ by Boettcher, her divoaeci^^b^-' band, that ^ will com* with her aS «>on as way to estahllsh contact iwM®‘) kidnapers. She has offeiM ^ ransom her son with her V oww funds, delivering the money per sonally to the. kidnapers, tt said that $60,000 's demand Mrs. Charles Boettcher victim’s beautiful wife, fatl^ to connect Arnold A. Swanson, tOf~f tcher, the victim’s father, late to-J raer patrolman, with the cas^ ' - . .. 1 V. Urv airac> morphoH utL^p day. Two detectives were assign-1 when he was marched before ed to accompany him for an In- at her home / Mr^. Georg'e Forester Entertains Club With dull members as guests end a trio of visitors. Mrs. George Fi>'-ester entertained at a- lovely bridge narty at her Home on Thursday afternoon. Three tables were arranged for She game. When scores were muted, .Miss Frans Somers wa.s jDund to hold the grand total and received an attractive prize. After the removal of cards the kOBtess was aided by Mrs. .lim- mie Anderson iu serving a delect- sble 8313(1 course Visitors of club ■were .Mrs. .Anderson.' Mrs. Dudley Hill and Mrs. HIU Carlton. Miss Savannah Harris Entertains At Bridge Miss Savannah Harris was hos tess to the Tiiesi’uv Bridge Club on Thursday evening. Two tables wen? in play Mrs. James O Dan- tel won out in the bridge com- gptibrna her award being a ■ovelty. .At the rtnclusion ot the game Mrs. n Dani“ls assisted the Bbstess in sf-rvine a delectable —l:irf roursp. .A guest of tdub was ‘Mrs. A. y. Haighes. Music Lovers Club In Delightful M^et The February mooting of the Music Lovers cl it*' was held on Monday afternoor with Misa Margaret Faw as hostess. A number ot pleasing piano solos were rendered by the following girls: LiirilV Ca.-u',\ Betty Half- acre, .Alice Wells. Grace Frank Kilby and Cwendolyn Hubbard. .A vocal solo yvas given by Miss Grace Grissom. Sketches of two living arlist.-i John MeCormaefc and l.ity Po"s completed the pro gram. Mis.s Gwendolyn Hubbard held the oluiir for a brief preliniinaiy rtilsiness .sm-don. Diiriite the .s'!' rial hour a musical contest was enjoyed and (lain ;• refresbmenfs were served by tl’.e ho-.’ess am her nivither. .Mrs. C C. Faw. Mrw H. V. Ovfrcash Is Club Hostess Mrs. H. V. Overcash charniin.g hostess to the bers of the Idlewi- was mem- club in their ftrtnightly meeting at her home •n Thursdi"' All niem- *ers of fliu were present except , •ne. A happy hon- was sirent in , •ewing and chatting followed by. » tempting salad •offee. Books ot teiangcd dumng mpringlike note kito the rooms ather flowers. course with (lub wore ex- the evening. A ■ivas introduced by jonqui’s and Busy Bee Sewing Club In Meeting With Mi’ ' Lunda Hendren as j ■ of the Busy I evergreens *oetes.s, the inemt’f-rs Bee Sewing club 'and a few in- rlied guests were delightfully Mtertained on Monday evening *t the home of Mrs. M. L. Gil- «ath. Lovely blooming plants 6 6 6 Ma- flfQtlD - T.ABIETS - SALVE (Hieeks Colds first day. Headaches ar rrenralgia in 80 minutes jpriji In S days. 666 Salve for Head Colds ■wc Speedy Remediee Known Known. Feb. 27 - • •‘^ ■ Parties Given by Mr. and M^. Spainhour at Elkin | Elkin. Feb. IS.—Quite the most elaborate events which have graced the social calendar of the week were the series ot parlies given’ hy Mr. and Mrs. “«E. S. Spainhour. on Tuesday and Wed nesday evening at Hotel Elkin. On Tuesdey evening. Mr. and Mrs. Spainhour entertained 22 guests at a lovely dinner-bridge. Dinner was served at 7 o'clock in the main dining room, a St. A'al- entln'’ motif bein.; accentuated In every detail. Th® long banquet table, with lovely laep cover held as a central Bgure a Jack Horner pie in heart shape, crimson can dles in 'Twtal holders, Cupi1k,J place cards and. Jack Horner nnt cup favors suggestive of St. Val entine completing a charming decorative atrangenent. The four courses ot the dinner carried the valentine motif, the ices being dotted with tiny cririi- son hearts. Individual gifts were drawn from ihe Jack Horner pie before the guests -epaired to the hotel parlors to an evening of bridge ai five tubljs. The par lors were biighteneJ with bowls of crimson Hawtboine buds and crimson sha'led lygUts, and valen tine tallies marked the positions at the card tables. .Mrs. J. R. Poindexter receivi d as ladies’ high score award a pretty mil bowl and G. C. Poindexter, win ner of the tentleimn's prize was given I smoking stand. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Spainhour enter tained again on Wednesday even ing at Hotel Elkin inviting 21 friends for dinner and bridge. A Washington’s birthday mo tif was accentuated in the ar rangement' ' f the table, which held as a .entra! adornment, a blue rolonii 1 of silvered Smallei blue vases on either end. 1 lue candles and indi vidual favor.--, in the form of Co lonial noseeays completed a dec orative mof.t part’cularly effec tive. The Colonial colors were further acciutuated throughout the dinner courses. Bridge plaved al five tables in the hotel parlors, after dinner, was a most delightful pastime. The bridge table apointmenta car ried the George Washington mo tif and UnPfcd States and North Carolina state flags effectively emphasized the chosen motif- Lovely souvenirs Iwere given Jjie highest scorers a ' '' bridge. But if reducing armaments would help nations' to pay their debts, why can’t Germany pay hers?—Lynchburg News. Paavo Nurmi. Finnish runner, has a new-barn son whose father now may learn to walkT'^IJoai*; TFillo 'nmes. , Right now is a mighty goodf time to t^e in- ventory of your Office Supplies. You may A need something that will add to the efficien cy of your btisiness. We carry a complete I line of Office Supplies, all popularly priced. We list only a few items: PublisMrs— —Loose Leaf and Bound THE Lexers JOURNAL-PATRIOT '4 Semi-Weekly— —Cash Books Mondays and —Journals , Thursdays s —0— —Columnar Books Commercial Printing of H^h Quality at —Day Books LOW Cost —Letter Files —Typewriter Ribbons —Adding Machine Rib bons and Paper —Pens and Pencils

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