I- I ir~ ■ lx 3 i Counterfeit Said To Be Given ' Frequently In Recent Weeks CAN BE NO SQUEALING Frequency of Trick Said To Be Causing Liquor Folks To Watch - An old racket- -that of passins counterfeit money— is bein? used in a new way in this section if reports are authentic. The scheme is iron-clad for those trho are pcs.-jin.s tlie ho.ir is money—iron-clad a.« far as the law is concerned, lloth parties to the transaction nve violators -:)t federal la'ns and 'f one party goes into court to p;o.s?:c-ute tiie other, he opens prison doors for himself ano polbfe'v walks .n without a prohili.iMon officer >r a deputy uarshall going to thi trouble of soliciti/ig liis pr ence. ' i The party wtm is very dry ^ thirsty—glia s tin bogus uioii- y > to the other parti who is mor“ in need of money iiiaii liquor lie | No Decision Yet On Site For New Post Office Here Congressman Walter Lambeth Wired Journal-Patriot Yesterday Afternoon IS EXPECTED SOON Rumor That Selection H^ad Been Made Is Found To Be Incorrect No decision- ha- been reached ' regarding the selection of a site for the Non li W.tkesboro post ! office, according to/a telegram received by The .lournal-I’atriot from Congicssmn.. Walter L. 11.ambelh yesterday afternoon. It was rumored the first of the week that t'’e treasury de- ! partiueut at Washington had ! agreed upon a site, hut the tele- |gram from .".'r. Laniheth revealed This American girl. Miss Yvette, that rebort was Incorrect. Baker, entered the beauty con- It is thought likely that the Kiwanians To See . Development Oii. ^. Tel^phoPe System Klw«nia,ns have a real treat in store for them at the regu lar weekly luncheon at Hotel Wilkes tomorrow (Friday)' at noon. George Kennedy, North ' Wllkesboro hranch manager, for the South En T Public Serv- 1 c e company, 1 s program chaiminii for the day and he has arranged for the showing of a four-reel picture depicting the development of the tele phone Industry. Throughout th- entire lunch eon hour, Kiwaiiians will see the deveh pinont of the tele phone system st»p, by step down to the pre.seiit day when it is possllile to communicate with practically any si>ot In the country, no matter how re mote, by means of the tele phone. Thi.s moving picture is said to be most interesting and a full attendance at the Kiwanis lunclicon is e.vpcctcfl. •- .n-ini-.Tjg Work Is Started OnAiudliaryand Legion Building New Home For Two Oi^aniza^ tions To Be Bqflt On. , Top of mu GRADING IS COMMENCED School BuOding In WUkesboro Is Purchas^ For Use of Lumber ' lest foe Qceen of the Kcstival' selection will be made in the It Sa Ju .4rto Rico . . .^n future ani construction aud was awarded high honor iu.stiu-ted within a snort tin. the colorful pageant which cli- Choice of the site will he ■ I maxes a ga'.i week made by th(> trea; ury department and the ponRil denartmont. otlw 1 gets the liquor muI the holds the b( gii.s ’ui.iiey. Acording to current repor's the trick h'is b“ii worked fre quently in Wilkes le.’entiy. d if reports are trci . lliose w!ie engage in the manufacture an* sale of liqui r are v.ateiiing them cash receipts to cli.ek their ,sreu- uineness. Whether tlie liq’or dealer- have been stung i ry severely or only enough for .i good wari.’r.g is unknown. Howcy;’!-, the -.v’st- ence of a iiiiinle'i' of counlev'iil bills is unquestio'ied. LIQUOR HAULER Seed Loan Agent TAKEN MONDAY HereOnTuesday MEN SEE JOBS List I§ Turned Over To Me- ('lelland Company To Select Men iConstmctionof [ Yadkin Bridge Is' Now In Progress'* MfiGielland Companj In On the Job With MhchiiMdQ' For Constmetitm STARTED LAST Will Employ Between W and 60 Men In the Near, Future Larry L. Lyall Is Arrested g p Dancy In County To With 40 Gallons By , {'ollect 1932 Loans; Dry Agents Replaced Benson V NO NEW LOANS YET IS PLACED IN JAIL ^ Larry I,. I.yall. of Winston- E. n. Dancy, fielvl inspector for Salem, a former tosident of West tiu* govermrent wi*li beadquart- ■Jef fersoii, V us coniiuiUed to jail ers at Statesville, was in Wilkes- NEED LESS THAN SIXTY "'’Spro^l^eTt is'beVng given , Grading n the lot on which the new home for the American Legion and the Legion Auxil iary will be erected begah yes terday and the lot is being put in shape for the erection of the building. The lot. which is own-1 ed by the .Auxiliary, is locateti' I just beyond Dick’s Service Sta-| I tlon No. 3 on *he Fairplains road. '. The Legion Auxiliary recently I purchased the old colored school building in Wilkesboro and the lumber will be used in the erec tion of the Legion-Auxiliary home. Workmen are now engag ed in tearing down the building, preparatory to moving the lum ber. Ralph R Reins comraamler of the Le.gon ’'ost. stated yesterday I that the new home will be 75 by , 25 feet wth an el 15 by 25 feet [ ^ which will Jive a 4 0-foot front. ! Phillips, Famous Car 6i -th« between , WHk^ Actual construction Yadkin River liridge North Wllkesboro ' and ^ boro is In progress and- prelimiB- ary work is being completed as rapidl’^ as possible. ^ The McClellsind company of Charlotte, are building the bridge and their crew of men arrived on last Jim Corbett, cui.querer of khe mighty John L. Sullivan, lost 'his last great fight Saturday, suc; cumbing ,to a heart ailment. He was 67 years old ASHE JAILER LOSES 4 MEN The McClelland company, of number of men, workmen being Cbarlotte. which has Ihe contract; paid out of the federal unem- for the consiriictipii of the bridge I ployment re.ief fund. As soon as across the Yadkin River here, j the lumber is moved from M li- has a list .M neariv 1,500 men j kesboro, erection of the build- from w'hich to select their forces. | ing will be started. A list confilning the names of' Thief, Is One; He Gets Another Car ,WAS W. E. MILLER’S' tho.se seeking employment turned over to oTicials of was the .Monday wbru he vas unable to: hero Tuesday conferring with | company by Mrs. Gilbert Foster, of wel- Schoolma.sters Will Hold Banquet fu.- ni.sh bond foll' iviua his arrest | farmers who ha’e not vet paid j f Pt'J't''’ superintendent with til .gallons of liquor. their L!'32 crop production loans. hundred unemployed Lyall was arrested by Frol.i- Quite a nu-iiber of tlie delta-1 reghstr’-ed f .r employment bition Agei ts R. L. Prevette. D. j quents came in and settled the"'! bridge job. However, Club Royal Is j Organized Here; C. Kilby y'r. Da'1 y stated. loans have j Airs. Foster incl”ded those who Will Be Held Tuesday, Feb ruary 28, At Call Hotel In This City of The aniiuril Big .Viglit B-.viquet the WilKcs ('o-inly Scliool- masters Cl’.h will be held 'rues, day evening. Kelir.ia’V al the Call Hotel at 6:3” '.locU. il was annoimeed T'uesd .y by .secreiury (J I’en'i. Le”."- lu lluil ef- liave ii'-en ’.na'ii',1 clu'i mi'iii- r De’tor .ijid II ('. Kilby and accounis Oepaly Marshal B. H, Gass who; Blanks for the If.ii ‘‘‘‘''e j work on Highway took him into ei.stodv «hen the not yet arrived, Mr. ®‘ht-j the'entire list 1 I liquor was found in his car. The ed, hut loans will be available ^to } bridge contractors, arrest was made in the lower edge of Ihe eoiinl..' Following a preliininaiy liear- i ing. Commissionor .1. W. Uitia set unable to a Pour prisoners escaped the Ashe cinnty jail at Jefteriion ! Monday night, a.carding to in formation received here by the police department- which was re quested to be on the lookout for I tlie escapeen Charter Is Received From Sec-I One of the escapees «-as Rus- retary of State; Has 12 Iseii Phillip? famous for his in- Chartcr Members | dination to Stea,l automobiles, outside to the job the latter part of week. However, work did not get under way in earnest until Tuesday. R. ... Patte'rson. vice president of the company., stated yesterday afternoon t li a t construction would proceed as rapidly as pos sible and min wculd be put to work '■.8 soon as the work pro gressed to the point where a larger crew is ncessary. Three unemployed men had been given work up to yesteiday. When construction work reach es capacity, between 50 and 60 men will be give! jobs. ■" Plans are to complete the bridge within abHiit four months, it is stated. Nine 51-feet concrete spans wiH be biiili, wite a fill extend ing from tlie end ot the bridge to near Forestei-'s Nu-May Ser vice Station Material -ind equipment will be brought here when needed, Mr. Patterson said. Getting ready to proceed with construction on a large scale will require several days. bond for bis ;ipi i .I’auee at the next term of fed- ’'al eourt at jiTliP. In default el bouil. Lyall was placed in the Wilkes ceiiuly bastile. lower the fanner.s „ ho meet the re- GO m-n-wUl be se- auirements.it out. I Mr. Dane; s’lce-vie ' ^ I ficials ot the McClelland com- Hensoii. who has been ill for sf'-i oral w’vvkfi and i- iiual»lo to Organiiiatiiin of a new club for | and it seems that once recreation and social enjoyment | prison walls this old desire I for young men of North Wilkes-j appropriate somebody’s automo- Iboro was amiou’i.-ed yesterday, j.jjite to his own use retuilftefl ! The eluh will be known as The | with its accustomed power. Clu’l) Royal. ,a charter having! way. a 1029 Chevrolet coach, ^ Whei. bridge work is received from Secretary of! owned by M. R Miller, well, Largest Man In Wilkes Is Dead lend to his duties. 1 at full lilast. only lietween i .and 611 men oau be given I ploy incut. 50 ; Columbus R- Durham Taken By Death Sunday; Weigh ed 400 Pounds T. feet bers. Ronda Hi School Closed For Week AVilkcsborO Girls | bridge is a tederal uiieni- Organize Patrol , ploymeiu relief nn.Jeci and the * I)ri(l2:p co:it»'HCtors an* requin il New ratrol To Be Known as'n> hire thoir laixrers from the “Stiscajawea I’atrol’’’’; |Uuemployed men known -\sh-, co-iri" contractor,! was missin.g Tuesday morning. | Columbus H. D”.rliam. perhaps The names of t'le prisoners i the largest man in M'ilkes coun- t.i'. passed awa.v Sunday affer- iioon at his home, in Kilwards township ff’l!“Win" an attack of pneumonia He I'.ad been unable Henry Iti-.inidds virsuiib- en tertaiiier ami the A\ ill Rovers of the south. iiiU speak on the siib- j e c t. ■■I'resiilfftial Iiiaiigura- tions. ' Con'ing 'o elosi to tlie .. _ actual iuaugiiniti.'”. of tlie thirty-. es To Opei’Hte first Presid'nt of the eouutry. ■ , • > ~ , i - i the information 'u will .give, lu-, terspersed uilh Ms rare wit and j been closed for a week on ac- humor. will make tins feature of; eoinit of the liud condition of the the progra’n one if the most at-> jy expected to re-opeh not tractive ever offered by the pro- Officers Named The Cirl 'seoiit.-. of Wilkeshoro Condition Of"Roads Madei'"’’'’ It Imijossible For Bii.s- Mrs. W. R. Absher Soeaks At Gastonia I (lay evening* ami organized a now patrol to bo known as th(* '“Saeajawea Patrol.” Twelve girls were present and they will make] gram commutee. AVives and fr'- uds of eluli members, t. getin-i- witli a num ber of Teach.Ts ivh.o are not mem- closed I up the new patrol. Gladys .Melvilie was elected patrol leader. Other officers were elected as follows: .Tessie Davis, assistant p”trol leader: Hess bers. are irvited I • attesni. ervations for plan’s sho'ild made 'yv n*‘.it .Morua.v. il is Res ile stul- thaii -Monday. It Wednesday of la.’t week wlien 1 Stewart, scribe, tlie buses were unalde to operate! Miss Louise .M'dville is eap- on aei-ount of the roads. tain and much interest is being Il lias been jiractically iini’os-i shown in the troop activities. Kecpivts Endorsement of Unit F’or President of State Department Airs. W. R. jVbsher. of this city, was the g’icst speaker at a meeting of Hie Gastonia unit of tile Auierican Legion Auxil- iaiT la.st Friday afternoon, de livering an addie.ss on “Ameri- eanism.” Airs. Absner is one ot I State Stacy W, Wade, oni-1 rpjig organization was perfect- ' ed Alonday night at,a meeting _ held in the city. Twqlve young iWlin accompanied I'hillips were men are charter n.-’mhers. not learned here It i.= a purely l.ical club with \ 11 is recalled l.iat Phillips was the promotion of recreation and ! arrested n. ar Oal.'-oods several ^ r„.,hf. „ast 15 social entertainment tor t h e ■ weeks ago when he abandoned a | to do much work for the past ii> memhers as its p-rpose. | stolen car and too’.-, to his heels. ;vears on account of h.s enormou Names of ottic“r.4 and charter Tliat car had also been stolen m|slze, but Iv.d be-u seriousl. members were not announced. lAshe, being taken from in front, f„r only a tew days. - ! of a church at JeHerson. I Mr. Durham weighed around 1 The prisoners made their es- 4(H) pounds and the casket was OOllCilOr JOncs prving open the bars to so large that it could not be tak- a window of the. jail. | en into the church for the tuner- None of them had been located | al sewice. He was 66 years ol I yesterday afternOs^M, so far _as ; aee. ! was known to local police. I The last rites were lield at J — I Macedonia Baptist church Tues- Solicitor JohiT^ Jones, of this, W. M. ThomaS Here Idayi^t noon Rev, J. W. Br.vant ed. Uons WUI Hold Meeting Tonight Program Will Be Put On By K. .L Chilton and .1. Mack Brown The North Wilhesboro Lions Club will hold the regular semi monthly dinner m.^eting at Ho tel Wilkes tonight (Thiir.sdayi, beginning a* 7 o’clock. K. 1.1. Chilton end .Attoriiev .1 Mack Browi.. program .sponsors tor the evening, have not an sible to iieaotiale the roads lie-i — ^ | tween Unii''u. Roar'ng River ami CAGE TEAMS TO Pl^Y » | Ni’iil. Wilki'sboro for over a MORGANTON FRIDAY , '’oacli H W'lkesboro Woman’s i^ Mabel Club To Meet Friday . .KnUavi i to .Vlor.vanloii tomeirow ( r unaj ) TlieaWilkeshoro Woman's Club evening to meet Morganloii in will inei’l Friday afternoon al! wliat would have oeen a home i :’:;!b o’clo.'k at t' e home of Mrs. • game for the locals had they not j W. n. itotiiers with .Miss Helen ' lost their indoor eourt. The! Bostic and .Irs. II. Taylor as I games will bff p'.iyed joint hostesses. A iiill attendance | at 7:30 is ‘desired the outstanding lady speakers in the state a id w.'s heard with much interest. The Ga.sti nia iimt iinaniinous- To Away In Courts j In Prosecute Dockets District For N’ext Several Weeks ,i,„ i, in Taytovii'. .hi. | Three Days | :“.,rw Rn,'"., eCirelnnVsh^Ho.o.urt. Deputy ColleSoTwill Assist!™’ in hardliner some '•’axpayers In Prepar- j vir. Durham are his ing Returns j wife. Sarah Settle Durham, three M. Thomas, deputy collector! daughters. Mrs. Ktta Flynn, of is being assi.sted in handling som of the routine work by his son. Jack Jones. Mr. Jones will be away for the W ANTON FRIDAY! The Ga.st. ma iiii't unanimous- Mr. Jones wui oe away lortne, ^ 1 Ronda' Mr- Arlic Wagoner, of j ly indorsed Mrs. Absher for pres-1 next several week.s prosecuting of internal revenue, arrived I Mary Turner, V. civercash and xm-tq Carolina De-|,the criminal dockets in the courtsj ;,ppn,i three days h-rej ^yilkes: two rous. James, of Topping, con. h of the Hit A i,-ciicin Legion Auxil- of his district He will be at Yad- a.ssisting federal income tax-! pharlotie and Eniest. with, will take their cagers ^inv l’e next week and the follow-1 Hei.-hom Mr.' Durham resided. eoiiri. On Fridry evei.'np. Mr.s. Ah slier was tlie guest of Mrs, John M. Ihvssly. of> flelmoirt, who .gave a par'y in ’.er honor. The I Belmont nuil had previously in- starting I (lursed Mrs Ahs'-cr for depart- p. m., on the Mor.ganton meiit president. Judge Johnson J. Hayes Designated To Preside At Trial of Senator Davis PRISONERS STILL AT LIBERTY YESTERDAY Judge Job’ison .1 an- ouwi,,- .1 Hayes, of the operation of an alleged nation- nounred their program, hut as-, I'nited States coii’-t for the mid-' wide lottery for the benefit of the .. J! fraternal organization. The fir.st surance is given that the enter- die North Carolina districl, has tainment will be worth the time been designated to preside over of every Lion. a term of federal court for t'ne I southern district ef New York, beginning Februa>-; 27, Special Program At Wllkesboro P.-T. A. trial of Senator Davis ended just before the fall el''ctions in a mis trial when the court disqualified a juror. It required about three weeks to hear thi testimony the No Admis.sion To Be Charged But Birthday Offering Will Be Taken ^The anno inceme it was made Friday when a ropv of the offici-! first time, al dessignation of Judge Hayes as i Term fk’gins Feb. 27 the pa-esiding jiii i- i over Ihe New: The designation of Judge York l oiirl was received. Chief. Hayes as pre.sidlng jurist specl- Jiistice Charles F. Hughes, of the j fies (hat tho term of court will I’lato Hutzingev, of Charlotte, and Garland Anderson. Wilkes county man. who escaped from the state prison camp in M'^ilkes- boro, were stilt at liberty yester day afternoon. Both of them were .A-grade prisoners and es caped by simply taking french leave. Kfforts to annrcdiend them have proved Jiitile. ,7 f„ii„.., I'" a.ssisuiig icucio. ...vv...- .Charlotte, kinv.l e next week ami the follow-1 Hei Mr.' Durham resided. ing two weeks will be spen in he ]• making Hotel Wilkes his head-] Mr Durham was a jovial and March term of criminal couit three-day j kin.Uy man.^ie w: r a fine Chris- Wilke.sbo'o. | y.gjt, ^ gentleman. Ho was a mem- Mr. and .Mrs. B. R. Underwood. I Necissary blank.s and any other j j,pr ji,g , hiirch about 50 years to I assistance needod will be gladly; ^nd for th. past 25 years had I given by Mr. Thomas- been ad: - in the church. of this citv, were visitors Charlotte last Friday. Second Attempt to Assassinate R. 0. Poplin, Jr., Roosevelt Was Thwarted Yesterday j |$ Honor Student Mr.„W. W Gambill, of Dock ery, was a business visitor in the city Wednesday. , , _ I'nited States Suprome court, bad’begin Febniary 27 and continue A speca^ progra?^^^^ .siened the desiguation, dated,through March 18. Judge Hayes signed the February 15 There is widesp.-ead interest In the New York court to he presid ed over by on mainly by the ^rdldren at the meeting of the Wilkeshoro Par ent-Teacher Association tomor row (Fridayl evening at 7:30 O’clocl^ in the M'Mkesboro school yiudltoriiim. Founders Day will -be observed. .-n ; Pennsylvania, charged with No a mss on j. operating a lotte’-y. is scheduled and the P«K»f “:ito begin there Fonruary 27. tend the f-lon ns is euato-l Senator Davis, supreme dicta- fpriffC will hp tflfecn fts is cuSvO* j 1 /N J # At the time rf the obsery-^to^' ^-der of Moose, mary nt tn indicted with sthers for the .--..apce of Fotin e ' 20 for trtail of war risk Insurance dated rthrough March 18. Judge Hayes will probably, leave Greensboro February 25, and is expected to i return in time,to convene.a'one- ludg' Mayes because]week session of court on March of the fact that the second trial;cases. . of Senator James J. Davis, of Congestion ■ of the court calen- dar_ in the southern New York district necessitated designation of a judge .’fom'a-noth'er district, it wa.s stated In the official eo'in- ■inunleatlon' receiv’d Prlda.v at the office'Of R, .Jbi-,'; Blaylock,' clerk^of federal ed»»rt. Lee Bowers Has Old Furniture Mr. Lee. Bowei-», who owns and operates 'a shoe elmp in Wllkesboro, has' probably one of the most valuable pieces of old furniture In the county to day. It is an old kitchenj^e- board, said ^^to have been made by hand In 1775. Althou^’ Mr.iJlbwers has been offered a neat litHe rum for the'antique, he prefers,to ! - .keep It In his piT^sesslon. ^ • I ■ - M'ashingtdii.—A second appar-1 secret service charred ‘ gjxteen-Year-Old SoiV of Mr. ent attempt on the life of Presi-1 the President as well - . I as th€t Prestdent-rlect, had not dent-Elect Roose-clt is under notified earlv today, vestigation following the dlscov- The 12-gaiige shotgun shell and Mrs. R. 0. Poplin, of Ronda Wake Forest, Feb. 22- ery of a pnekage addressed to | was wired to expbode if jarred or ’ renresert live on Wllk»^ :hfl ’’^1 him .containing a crudely wrapp-i struck. It was described fjrst-semester honor roll at Wake ed shotgun shell. i viously the work of an amateur | College, re'v’ased today by The opinion thut }t was the and might have gonV off at “"Y Registrar Grady 'Vatterson, to R.s- work of a '■rank was expressed | time. poplin. Jr., of Ronda. slxteer- by William Satlerfield, chief; The investigation is. being r ygar-old son of M.". and Mrs. H. - made under a law prohibiting thej^ p^pim. sending of e.tploslves through the ey^er to make the honor mSli.-Satterileld la handling ft. i rou a student’s scholastic avec-^ Only last Saturday, five.^per-j must lie as good as 96 sons were errested here in con- j postal inspector for the Washing ton district. He added, however, that if the .shell had exploded it might have resulted fatally. Tightly wrapped with rusty per wires and in .a paper-stuffed j nectlon wltli a letter w.hich had, package addressed to'•‘Franklin [ been found expressing regret D. Roosevelt,,Washington, D. C.,,that the attempt to assassinate the shell was foord 'yesterday at the city post 'offleo. It was mailed from, Watertown, N. Y. Discovery resulted ^when the package tumbled from a mall gatlou centering a,^ - Watertown to ascertain whu-eent. It wag be gan promptly. W.feH. Moran, chief of ,.flp Roosevelt at Miami was unsuc cessful. — Two were released promptly, another was; held , for Immigra tion aathorlties end the iroflUilnd- paC&agtS |.UUlUiCV. aawaaa ^ r 1,” ■ - sack and Bnrst oKB»iAn Ter freed when they WCW^i ««« ..-.-x .J aV,. aafAH AO ^ ed the letter was intended as k; joke. Police were advised by tBa district attorney* office tbe, men' .had -committed-na erlm^WgE^ Mr. Poplla.-iact year ojijy-fif teen. was the youngest stodeut among Wake _ Forest’s 800 men,. Ha* Is assistant Ir. the college li, brary and.is a member of the Old Gold and Black, •olloge weekiv, Staif. v . ’ ^Mrs,( R.'ife’ iftiUck._ot Lenoir,. ^Mted hef sister. Mra. W. A. of tnfs ettvi Tuesday and yMteijday,-iieturniif'to Leifbir- yeeterday afternco;#.

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