® Criminal T^rm 01 iCourt To Convene ‘kt ’" CominfE Monday JACKSON DAY DWiEKWIU BE HED IN RALEIGH MARCR ISni t ^ Calendar Is Published In a- This Issue; Schenck To Preside At Term IS FOR TWO WEEKS Secretary of State Wilkes Democrats Asked To Make Reservations Immediately Kiwanians Enjoy Pictitfe Shoiii^ Thone Gro^ Unusually Large Number of Cases On Docket To Be Heard Judse Michael Schenck. one of. the ablest jurists on the Superior' court bench in North Carolina, . ■will preside at the Marcti term of Wilkes Superior court for the trial of criminal cases tvhicli convenes Monda.v. .M a r c h 6. Judge Schenck is a resident of Hendersonville. Solicitor John R. Jones made ! out the calendar for the term last week and turned it over to tile printers. The calendar, one of the largest ever made out for a term, is being publishe^l in The Journal-Patriot today. The term is tor two weeks and some very important cases are on the calendar for trial. The calendar follows: Monday, March 6, 1933 GOOD BEHAVIOR DOCKET 1. Glen Church, Co.st. 2. Edgar Johnson and Carl Moore, ■ Cost. 3. Alec Wyatt, Good Behavior. 4. Wellboni Adams, Cost. 5. Fate St. John, For JuilKinent. 6. Jud N'eaves, Co.-t. 8. George and Teilro Minton. Cost. 11. George Minton, Cost. 9. Sherman Jarvi.s. t’o.t. 10. Maude Shepherd, Cost. 12. Ambro.se Brown. Co.sl. 13. Ace Byers, Cost. 14. Henry Frazier, Cost. 15. 0. C. Tumor, Cost. 16. A. M. Jones, Cost. 17. Roy Cardwell, Cost. 18. Ray Cockerham, Cost. 69. Andrew Gregory, Cost. „v, 122. Brack Bumgarner. Judgment., Kvick. f SPEAKER NOT NAMED ' C. T. Doughton Requests Tho.se Planning To Go To Notify Him I Details re.garding plans tor the i annual Jackson Dov dinner to be I held in Raleigh on March l.'i. the I natal day of Andrew Jackson, are given in a better received by C. T. Doughton. chairman of the Young Peo"Ies’ Democratic CUib of Wilkes Couiitv froiji J. Dewey Dorsett, state president of the young peoples’ organization. Mr. Donghtxin wants all those who plan to attend the dinner to let him know at once so that he will have time to oiitain tickets for them. Since there is only a short time until the dinner, Mr. Doughton requests that this be 1 attended to promptly. He expects _ _ _ I a large delegation to go from Senator Cordell Hull, of Ten- Wilkes, nessee. who has been selected by; Following is Mi. Dorsett s let- President-Elect Roosevelt as sec-j •‘‘f ’which “xplairs in detail ar- retarv of state. Announcement; rangements tor the dinner, of the .selection of the veteran i "Please lOfld tl is mimeograph- staiesman was made la.st week. | (Continued on page four) Kiwaniam George Ketiitedy In Charge of Program At the Luncheon ' - NUMBER OF GUESTS Elect (Jeorge Kennedy To Succeed W. G. Gabriel as a Director Eiler Truck In j C. C. Gambill Is Fatal Accident’ Hurt In Accident I On .Jefferson Road A™ld™t Was Unavoidabl«,:Hl» ''ai' Struck Friday By I II Is Stated: Drivar - Track Oa Deep ford Hill I Held For Inquest I Cieorgc li. F.vick. of Suffolk, I \’n.. was kille.i sometime early Wilkes Hatchery, suffered a se- I Thursday morning near l.aiirel. vere shock Friday morning short- {'. C. Oamliill. .Mil. ! t he i ,133. R. H. Warren. Judgment. (Continued on page eight i Page Kiddies At Lions Club Meet Delight IrOcal Club Musical Numbers; K. Chilton In Charge when he suddenly broiiglit Irnek lie was driving to a lup ami was sinick by a tnick iiwneil tiy I lie K, K. Kller I’ro- iif tliis. city, or some unknown ! reason, stoiiped liis tri'cli almost siHlilenly and the Kller irnek, ft'l- ; lowing a sborl distanee to .rear, was nnahle to avoid strik- 'ing it. Tl'.e wife of the dead man. J who \va= in the tnii k with him. , was ntiinjtiredl. ('land McLean and Ray Pierce With were in the Kller truck. Mr. Mc- I _ ^I.ean heing at the wheel when the ' aceideni oecnrreil. .An iiivestiga- jlion is said to have shown that ly before noon when the antomo- liile whicli he was driving was struck li.v a truck driven by John Stanley, of the Johnien section. The accident occurred near the foot of Deep Ford Hill on the Jefferson road. Mr. Gamhill \vas the en route to Laurel Springs with about !HMi chicks and was travel ing at a low rate of speed when he oliserved the truck approach ing rapidly on the left side of the highway. .Noticing that appar- At their meeting Friday at Hotel Wilkes. Kiwajiians were treated to one of the be.st lunch eon programs >n, weeks, George Ki^nnedy. program chairman for the day. Diruishing a four-reel moving pir*nre of the develop ment of th ■ telephone system. Starting with the invention of the telephone by Alexar.Jer Gra ham Bell in 1876, the picture traced the development of the telephone, showing the system '>f today with millions of miles .-f wire and its millions of tele phones. A bit of human interest stories were depicted here and there, showing the efficient and self- sacrificing spirit and the loyalty of those connected with the tele phone Industry. The banquet hall of Hotel Wilkes was darkened for the oc casion and Marshall ' Bauguess operated the projecting machine. The luncheon meeting was called to order by Dr. Fred C. Hubbard, club president, who called upon Genio Cardwell to speak the invocation. George Kennedy wa'S elected as a member of the hoard of di rectors to succeed W. G. Gabriel, proprietor of the | resigned. Guests at the luncheon includ ed Dr. John F. Kirk, of Greens boro, guest of Rev. J. H. Arni- hrust: P. W. PJshelman. Jr., guest of his father: C. E. Hagaman, of Hickory, guest of E. E. ^JMIer: Mrs. Pearl Rhodes and .Miss Ruby Hartley, employees of the local office of the South East Public Service company, guests of George Kennedy; Robert ■ More house, guest of hl8 father, H. H. Morehouse; W. E, Stevens, of Lenoir, a visiting Kiwanian. Secretary T. E. Story read a letter from Finley Clarke, secre- --.v' I I I ■ .iii-s.—iiih I I 1 !■ kiii^iiii mil , I II I ii nn.iii—mi ^ .lei-- ' ■vSg'V, Prevette !hopeiiy^ Ch^n For New To^fike SUe^ 0OOiO(M Striuiwre To & Erected Soon Gymnasium For Wilkesboro High /jHew Is Received School Is Under tonsideratioi Erection of a Kjiiinasium 1 for Wilkesboro high school is under consideration, according to school officials who have taken (he matter in hand and have discussed the possibilities. It is reasonably certain, it is stated, that a gynlnasiuni will lie built provided a suit able old' building from which to take the .necessary lumber can be purchased. Some of the large school buildings which are no longer in use due to consolidations have been con- decision luis sldcred, but no been reached. ! Wilkesboro higli school has never had a ^innasluni, hnv- ing to play all of its basketball, games on an outdoor court.. The neetl for the building is apparent and friends of the. school are hoping tliat present plans nJll materialize. A large frame huilding, if one is available at a reasonable' price, could be niovwl and erectetl at small cost, thus fur nishing a satlsfactorj- gymna- -slum. ■m Washingtoa Friday .AfteraooB New Post Office Building To Be Erected On “C” r ! Street In City BETWEEN lOTH AND 9TH Ex- Early Construction Is pected; $15,000 Paid For Property The J. iwhlch is WITHRlITHERFORDTONQIlINT Defeat of Morganton Friday Night Made the Tenth Straight Victory In Western Conference Play; Rutherford- ton Is Also Undefeated Team the By defeating Morganton Fri-1 this week to decide day night in Morganton, North Pionstoip. 1 —T. XT xr OvercasU a V. ... . . .... XX I Coach H. Wilkesboro kep pace w utji- ^ ^p^jong^^ated their superiority T. Prevette property located on "C” street, ■between Ninth and Tenth streets, was selected' by the treasury de partment Friday afternoon as the site for the new North Wilkes boro post office building. News of the selection reached here by telephone shortly after a decision had been reached. The purchase price of the site I was announced as $16,000. Cham-1 ^ total area of 1140x150 feetftre included In the bovs' property purchased by the gov- 1 envment. The boundary line ertordton. also undefeated, in I over the Morganton quint Friday j '’’ePth street is located at the race for the eliamplonship of ■ nigiht by scoring a 28 to 11 vie-j building - . « «. . I. . • ±\ fnrmprlv nminipH the Western Conference. The local cagers have won ten straight games. Two games with Oherryville are yet on the sched ule. but Cherryville is out of the running and it is understood that these games will be forfeited to the local boys. While an an nouncement has not been made to that effect, it is thought likely that Rutherfordton and North Wilkesboro will be pitted against each other in a game probably eiitlv the truck driver had failed lary of the Morganton Kiwanis Cooking Demonstration To Be Given At S. P. U. Co. Tomorrow u, hi,,, Mr. na.«l.ill bronshi Kl.a.r.n. to The Page Kiddies, who filled an the accident was unavoidable, engagement at the Liberty The-, but Mr. McLean was held by impact and was uninjured except atre Thursday ami Friday, were 1 .Maryland authorities petuling an for D'e shock. His back was his car to a standstill before the; »e the guests of that club at a collision occurred. Mr. Gamhill j'neet.ng on March 1. had time to i.race him.self for t,he B"' Montgomery, district gover- guest artists at the semi-month- inquest. body sprained and his entire ly meeting of the Lions Clnb| The truck owned hy (lie local shocked iiy the blow. Thursday evening at H o t e 1 : company was en route to New Mr. Stanley attempted to a\oi gp,.vjoe company, was Wilkes, Their performance was i York City wiili a load of pro- the colli.sion at the las. nioraenl,, giving throughout very entertaining and Idons j di,ce. Seventeen coops of chick-1 hut in the excitemen pu e j j , ,,ij, „,„vjng picture voiced their approval of the pro-Uns were killwl. it is said. "ard the left instead of to the,>'incne nor, will be the speaker. The matter was referred to the iiiter- club relations committee. Mr. Kennedy, who is local manager of the Soutli East Pub- in the of the was badly Tisht. Occupants other truck were unhurt. •onsiiierably. I The chicks w,liich Mr. Gamhill i liad in the car were thrown to the front of the var and about Jim Holbrook Gives Up 300 of them were killed, while gram. I The Eller truck President W. J. Bason presid- daniaged, while Ih «d at the opening of the meeting was also damaged and (luring the tiusiiiess session, it is staled. Lions feasted on one of Joe Mc Coy’s fine turkev dinners and the meeting was then turned over | Prohibition Officers thought he truck ’ enterlainmenl. to Lion K. L. Ghillon. who was In charge of the program. Jim Holtirook. of Tvaphill I sur- was on liis side of the highway The Page Kiddies hand gave' rendered to prohibition agents I ami admitted that he was at several numliers. inter.Hpursiiip , Iasi Wednesday after Uiey had fault, it is stated. them with solos ami duets by the] seized his automobile which was | Althoii.gli unable to walk little children. loaded with a quaiUily of liquor, about because of his injuries. .Mr. Secretary K. A. Shook an- He denied ihal the car was driv-: camhiti is able to sit up and is R. C. Jennings To Practice Law Here nounced following the meedin.g^en by him or, had been driven that the attendance was 90 per: with his consent. Officers N. A getting .along nicely. •The car was badly damaged. cent. A. K. Kilby wa.s a -guest of ' liim iiefore Gommlssroner S Cooper ami J. L. Moore, brought, while tihe'truck was almost de- 1 . - -- . t ... . . , Vx Duhl Lion W. J. Bason at the meetng. iwho fi.xed his bond at $.600.1)11. CHARLESi.WlllJAMS,FATHER OF P.EW1UIAMS. SUCCUMBS molished. the d'aiiiage to the truck being greater lliaii to the car. Has Been Located At Salis bury Several Years; Na tive of Wilkes Nephew of Leonard' Vyne Honored In State of Arizona tory. The defense of the North i formerly occupied by the Golden Wilkesboro cagers was so Im-; «elt Manufacturing company, pregnable that Morganton did not i office buildihg, which, score a point in the last three reported, will be 80x90 feet, quarters, getting their 11 pojnts 1 sLreet. in the opening period. | ^n appropriation of $100,000 Honors among the local boys i originally made for the con- were about evenly divided, each of the building here, of them playing an excellent I this was subsequently cut to '$90,000 under the provisions of game. • The North Wilkesboro sextet, ! economy measure which re- Coached by Miss Mabel Topping;fet’eral appropriations (Continued on page four) ;for such purposes by ten per cent. The cost of the site is deducted from the appropriation lor the building. Since the money for the build ing was allotted from the fund appropriated, for the relief of j unemployment, it is thought that Miss Addie Malone Will Show construction will begin in the Use Of Small Electrical jnear hiture. Appliances ! J. T. Prevette was principal Prohibition Agents Arrest 2 At Still 'as Resident Of Wallace,! Johnny Foster Is N. C.; 96 Years Old; - - Funeral Saturday Arrested At Still George Maness And Arlie Brooks Caught In The Traphill Section Dry Agents Made Raid Roaring River Section Last Thursday Jolinny Foster was arrested at distillery in the Roaring River Charles J. Williams, father of Mr. P. M. Williams, of this city, died suddenly Thursday after noon at his home in 'Wallace. N. C- Although he would have been 97 years old in June, Mr. W'll- llams was unusually active until tune of his death. Ho veve^ h.s ^ health had not been so go lowing a preliminary cently. but it was thought that hi. condition was slightly im proved just before he the sudden sUtking spell ,lrom which he did not rally. TOie funeral .service was con flicted at 'W'allace Saturday aft ernoon at 2:30 o'clock. Interment following in the K®'’' church cemetery near Wev -'W P. M. Cftrrrle. Presbyter- ,en mlnlMter, conducted the serv- ’Wflllams and his **”kh- ter Mary Gwyn WlUiamH. of this Mty .ttended the service. Mr Wllllani* was born June 9, im it Haywood. 0ha^ (Continued on PMf* I George Maness and Arlie Brooks were placed under arrest Saturday, night when they were caught at a distillery In the Trap- hill section. They were brought to W'ilkeshoro and furnished bond of $500 each for their ap pearance at the next term of .section Thursday by Prohihi-' pourt. tion Agents R. E. Prevette. D. ] The raid during which the Dettor and H. C. Kilby. Fol- ! two men were arrested as made hearing he- j by ProJiibition Agents R. E. Pre- fore Commissioner J. W, Diila in vette and H. C. Kilby who were Wilkesboro!, he filled bond of j accompanied by C. M. Pardue $.600 for his appearance at the | and R. A. Foster and Deputy next term of federal court. | -Marshalls B. H. Goss and H. H. Jennings. '* Mary Sink On Honor Roll . At Greensboro College j Club RoynJ_ To At Miss • Mary Sink, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Sink, of this city, was among the 4 8 students at Greensboro College, Greens boro, who made the honor Hotel Wilkes Tomorrow The Club Royal will hold a meeting at Hotel Wilkes tomor row (Tuesday) evening at 8 roll I o’clock. About 40 young men of for the fall semester's work, ac- the city are expected to be in at- cordlng to a report sent out by! tendance, this being the number the college. Miss Sliik was vale dictorian of the No-.-th Wilkes horo high school graduating class oi 1951-3?. who have been Invited to attend. -The club was only recently or ganized and this will be the first ,v.r: meetlng.^ Attorney R. C. Jennings and family, of Salisbury, have moved into the residence of the, late F. D. Meadows on C street and will make*their home here in the fu ture. >Mr. Jennings plans to open a law office here in the near i future. j A native of Wilkes, Mr. Jen- 'iiings moved to Salisbury a few years’ a.go and practiced law there for some time. He was elected solicitor of the county ^ court in 1928 when Rowan conn-j ty went Republican. He served for | a time as acting postmaster ■ at ^ Salishutv and for more than a year was connected with the Re construction FinaH.ee Corpora tion, recently resigning from that position. Mr. Jennings is the son of Mrs. Sallie Jennings, of Pores Knob, while Mrs. Jennings, formerly Miss Annie Meadows, is the daughter of Mrs. W. G. Meadows, of Pores Knoib. ^ Ray Vyne, a son of the IiUe Judge Nicholas Vyne, of the state of Arizona, and a neph- ’ew of lieonard Vyne, of this city, has lieen made chairman of the .Arizona .state highway commission, according to news received here. Mr. Vyne is a resident of Prescott, .Arizona. FYiends of Mr. A’jnc in this city and tiu'oughoul tlic state will be pleased to learn of the high honor which has come to his iieiihew. NIr. Vyne, a for mer member of the Wilkes county board of eoihmiSsioners and well known local business man, was Grand Chaiieelor of the Knights of iS’fhias for one term and is kiipwn throughout the slate. The new chalmtan of the' .Arizona hlgliway eoiiiniission is a young man of remarkable ability and his success in his i A cooking demonstration to . which the ladies of this section ' are invited will be given at the ‘ North Wilkesboro office of the ■ Southern Public Utilities com- ' pany tonyirrow (Tuesday) from 2 to 5 o’clock. I Miss Addie Malone, home eco- ' nomics instructor of Wlnston- I Salem, will demonstrate the use I of the new 1933 line of small j electrical appliances. Refreshments will be served ; owner of the site selected. County Penalty Leaps Thursday Two Per Cent Will Be Add ed On Second Day Of CtHning Month Tile county penalty on delln- ..... — quent taxes will be increased during the afternoon and the la-j-rjMirsday, March 2. from one per to attend the ; p^j. In order to avoid the extra ex- I dies are invited ■ demonstration. ITo Present Home Mission i Pe.nse entailed by the increase of ! Pageant Baptist Church ] Pena'ty, a large mimber of tax- lOV Xiriaaaa was I «' -- A home mission pageant en-| payers are settling their accounta 1 titled “Christ In America” will | with the sheriff and a rush is e*- ibe presented at the First Baptist ] pected between now and Wednes- _ . Ma. _ ..X ^ An t Vt A I U C3 ^ rXTV— ini|H>rtant position Is prcdictoU. i-hhurch on Sunday evening,.rda.v afternoon when the last op- i March 5, at 7:30 o’clock. TThe' portunity to pay at the present cast is being given excellent! rate ends. training for the presentation. Aj The penalty doubles and- thrif- * collection will be taken for home; ty taxpayers will save a tidy sum Schoolmasters Will | Meet Tomorrow •mission' work at that time. 'by paying before Thurada.v. Oub’s Annual Big Banquet Will Be Held At Hotel 1 Wilkes At 6:30 ' \ QuwcvPRUinminiN IfflNE EXPUBION IN W: VA. Mother Of Professor E. R. Spruill Is Dead News was received shortly be fore noon '.today of the death eSfrly this morning of the mother of Pfof. E. R. Spruill, principal of Mountain 'View high s^ool, at her home at Elizabeth City. Prof. Spruill was,at her bedside when death came, both Mr. and Mrs. Spruill having gone to Elizabeth City Friday when news of thfe critical Illness of his mother was received. On'account of Mrs..Spruiirs - death, the minstrel which was ip ^uBe- in ,t*e construction of «. 1 - ~ wAABf TiA1*A. DUrCllfl&I Mountain View M tile pn R* Hix Host To Henry ReynoMs^ versatile en-! tertainer of this city, will he the: principal speaker at a meetiiig of ! x , the Schoolmasters Club "at the j Entertained Them At Hotel Hotel 'VA'ilkes here tomorrow ■ Wilkes Thursday Even-. Kiwanis Directors j Body Was Brought Back To. I Wilkes For Interment' IxExSt Wednesday Funeral services were eon- (Tuesday) evening. He ■will speak on “Presidential Inaugurals.” The annual banquet to which teachers and special guests are invited will begin at 6:.30 o’clock. The club has arranged a splen did program and a large attfend- ance is expected. ing of Last Week ducted, at the Roberts in Mulberry township cemetery Wednes- J. R. Hlx was host to Klwaijis I day afternoon for Quincy Pruitt, Solicitor John R. Jones In Yadkin County Court Solicitor John R. Jones, -of this city. Is In Yadklnvllle this week prosecuting iihe docket of Yadkin county Superior court which con vened this morning. It wl|l be a one-uwk term. Pnrehaa^ Rock ^ From Mr. E. V. Williwn* Brinkley and Ly^rly. fbo (have the contract to turnish rock for the new 'brl^ here, purchased a directors at their monthly meet ing Thiirsday evening, entertain ing thean at Hotel Wilkes. Mr. Hix W8S a delightful host and a most enlhuslastic meeting was held. 'f'he finance committee submit ted a budget for the coming year which was adopted. It was the concensus of opinion that the club should live within the b«d^- et this year. ' -■ ..■f FranMm Cinde To Meet On Tueaday ^ -Rie FiwnWln Circle of the Methodist church ,'wlH meet.,^" morrow (Tuesday) ■_^^evenlng ' at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. John E. Justice .with Mrs. Bohert. been called oft.- who ■was killed in an a»ldent at a coal mine at Laroont. W. Va.,. on February 20. Rev. Eugene A. Vannoy, of Reddles River, was^ In charge. _ Mr. Pruitt was killed when alT explosion occurred at the mine, dying almost InsUntly when struck by the slate, A native of Wilkes coantj) having been born and reariSd' In Mulberry township, Mr. Pruitt had gone to West Virginia some ■' time ago to work .in the mines. On August 5, 1923^'* 4'e wa» married to" Miss Grace. CaiRHll. who with his mother, cine sister and four, brothera snjrvlTe. ife was 50 yean. 10 dkemths and ■lx days of age.'^ Mr-. Pruitt waa m member. of Brame as jodnViho6tes8..A fpll at-; jg okurck and pas wt;ll Jlked ,by aoqnaintancea,-