ieJoufnaNPatriot lK©EPEjnjEST IN P0UTIC8 ^ pabitshed Sii»uday« and Thursday* at ^ Vj^grttt WiBwsboro. N. G ' D* J. qAKTER and jIUUVS C. HUBBARD, . ' -^.»v Pnbiisherg . SUBSCRIPTION RATI^; |1.0d Year in the State; |T.50'Out ot the- State. Entere) at the poet office at North Wilkesboro, N. C., as second class matte;- under Act of March 4,’ 1879. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1933 While‘it pays to be honest you are a long- time collecting. often The man who makes a fool out of him- ' self always claim.s someone else did it. — s# DcaA.jOn Wheels , Th?ee haiidffed and twenty-five thous and have been killed in «ihotor car. accidents ;i» th4 past fifteen * yeirs, ^Thar Is^pore 'than-the t^l ~ number Jof American soldiers,who were killed in the Great War. Last year, according to-care fully compiled statistic.^ Travelers Insurance Company,, there '■were twenty-nine thousand’ m O t o r vehicle deaths, this is a redaction from the thir ty-three thousand five hundred .d^tha from this 'cause in 1931. but it must be-re membered that there were, n great many fewer cars on the road last year than there were the year before. Every death of this kind is a senseless, useless waste of life fei* no good purpose. It is not enough to s.ay that fatal acci dents are the fault of careless drivers; the situation calls for some way of insur ing against carelessnes.s in driving. The best insurance of this i.s requiring 'every one who drives a car to be licensed, after a rigid examination into his or her ability jto drive carefully, and then to enforce HOW DID-YOU FIGHT? *V ' The Cabinet - Early announcement of the cabinet of Mr-Utrictly the laws forbidding any unlicen.s- Roosevelt, necessitated by the exigencies of g^j driver to sit behind a steering wheel copy of this ol^ whose author is unknown, was ,,, fufiiished by Mr. Dudley^ Hill, assistant cashier of the DepoiUt & Bavings Bank. It was written about ttie tiaiie of the “panic” ‘'"■’of 1907)f;_^; ■ '-M: Did you tackle the trouble that^&^' irour way ■ , With a restdute. heart and oheerfal? -- ^ ' Or hide your f “ ' ’^>%With. a craven Ojlatroubla’s a tdiior a, trouble’s an'ounce, V But a trouble is-just what you make it ■ " : ' ' And it isn’tthe-factdhat you’re hurt thab counts , '' ‘i But only how did youtalteit? “ : - You are beaten to earth—well, well, what’s that? Come up with a emiling face, t,- It's nntiifag against you,to fall down flat,"-- Tltif Up fIiAi*p n iUaoT*nj>A .. 'r- • : m II , But to lie thei*e-—'Riat’s a^disgrace. Be proudThe harder you’re thrown, why, the harder • you’ll bounce, Be proud" of your blackened eye, / It isn’t’ the fact that you're licked that counts, But how did you fight, and why ? 11$ your car for spring the times, gives the'country the assurance that the President after March 4 will be ably advised in matters of state. Mr. Roose velt has surrounded himself with a cabinet which compares favorably v\dth the best in recent times. Mr. Roosevelt has chosen men who will work with and co-operate with him and whose views are closely in line with those he holds. It is interesting to note that at least two members of the cabinet have long been af filiated with the Republican party. Both are of the liberal tjT)e who supported Mr. Roose velt in his campaign for the Pi’esidency. Pi-esident Hoover had one Democrat in his cabinet—Attorney General Mitchell. What The Church Expects Of Its Pastor Twenty-six suggestion? were offered when the congregation of the First Bap tist church here was asked to mention some of the things which a church ex pects of its pastoi The list is interesting. It furnishes a basis upon which a minister might well conduct his activities. None of the suggestions was more wise ly made than, “One who practices what he preaches.” A minister should always hold up the Great Teacher of Gallilee as an example. It then becomes his duty to live as closely as possible to the Master and emulate His teachings in every walk of life. The church expects its members to life what they profess. That is the need of the church today. Members of th(- church pro fess a faith in Christ, a hope of Life Etern al. To be a good member, it is thus neces sary to reflect in one’s conduct the teachings of the Messiah. We are always walking on firm ground when we follow in the footsteps of the Man of Gallilee. The pastor and the con gregation of any church will develop spiritually when the love of the Master is paramount in their hearts and when they resolve to practice the Golden Rule. and punishing the licensed driver for any accident which causes injury to persons or property. In the half dozen states in which such laws and regulations exist the proportion of automobile accidents is low er than anywhere else. Automobile drivers are not always at fault. While 44 percent of the persons killed by automobiles last year were pe destrians who were struck by car.s. nearly half of those were killed by their own carelessness, either in crossing. streets against signals, crossing diagonally be tween street intersections, or stepping out into traffic from behind parked cars. No sane person would thi’ik of letting a boy or a girl handle firearms without making sure that they thoroughly under stood the danger inherent in their use and knew perfectly wmll how to handle them. But people who shudder at the idea of giving children firearms to play with them run automobiles without any evi dence that they have the necessary skill and presence of mind and intelligence to handle them safely. Ten times as many people are killed every year by automo bile accidents as are killed by the acci dental discharge of firearms. We have not yet learned how to control the motor car. And though you be done to the death, what then? If you battled the best you could, " ' And played your part in the world of men, Why the critic will call it good. » • Death comes with a crawl, or comes with a pounce, But whether he’s slow or spry. It isn’t the fact that you’re dead that counts, But only—how did you die? IN LITTLE OLD NEW YORK BANKERS FIX DATES FOR ANNUAL SESSION In the offices of the Radio City i Music Hall are included the llv- ] ing quarters of its director. They represent a n expenditure o f $250,000. Among the furnish ings are three solid silver table services. Each service is for the different meal — breakfast, The 37th annual 'convention of the North Carolina Bankers’ as sociation will be held at the h o t el at Pinehurst Information to tnls effect has been received nere from Balelgb, Headquarters of the state associ ation.' The dates were ai)proved by Inncheon, dinner. The kitchen ’ members of the executive corn- pots and pans cost $2,200. New Judge Flay* Liquor In his charge to the jury at Asheville last week, Judge Felix K Alley, recently ^point ed to the Superior court bench, took no cog nizance of the rising tide of -eentiment to ward repeal of the prohibition laws. Instead he uttered a severe castigation of the evil* of liquor and denounced it in no uncertatin terms. Said he: “Liquor is the great withering curse of the human race. It is an everpresent evil and is perhaps more far reaching in its conse quences, to those v.’ho become its slaves, than .any other evil. Boxing bouts with women as contestants may be seen in New York in certain dance halls. The life of a dollar bill in most cities is about nine months. In New York It Is said to be about seven months. If the elevators in the Empire State Building here could he put end to end they would reach seven miles into the air. If you look long New York you will wearing spats. ehough in see women Doctors as Advertisers An editorial taken from the Illinois State Journal, which offers an interesting argu ment in favor of advertising by profes sional men, is worthy of the thoughtful con sideration of professional men. It is logical that the policy adopted by the Hudson coun ty physicians offers a protection to the pub lic. The editorial follows: “As a means of combatting irregular prac titioners, the Hudson County Medical So ciety of New Jersey is conducting a news paper advertising campaign* It has an en rollment of 450 physicians of good reputa tion who are fully qualified to practice, all of whom are listed in the advertisement. “The organization has adopted a sensible' method of protecting the profession and the public from quacks and imposters. Persons in need of a physician'know through this advertising who, in Hudson county, are qualified, recognized doctors. As readers of the newspapers become familiar with the list, fewer costly and disastrous errors in the selection of medical advisors will be made. “No ethical objection to this character of advertising can be made. It follows the rule which the Illinois Supreme court outlined for the legal profession of tnis state. The Evidently in tinea of depres sion New Yorkers go to the zoo. More than three million persons visited the New.Yirk Zoological Park last year, the largest num ber since the opening of the park in 1S99. raittee, a refeieudum having been emploved in order to ascer tain their sentiment as to the time for the annual assemblage. Definite arrangements for the convention program have not yet been made. Robert N. Page, of Aberdeen, president of the Page Trust com pany, is president of the North Carolina Bankers’ association. Paul P. Brown, of Raleigh, is secretary. Ernest C. Mcliean, vice presi dent of the North Carolina Bank and Trust company, in 'charge of the Greensboro unit of the Insti tution, is a member of the execu tive committee of the state asso ciation. NEW L0;W PRIC^ ON Murray Tires Wiley Brook* and Jeter Crysel The Motor Service Co. North Wflkeeboro, N; C. n HITLER PLEASES DAYIS New York Feb. 22.—^Norman H. Davis, head of the American arms delehation. tonight ex pressed- himself as "gratified’’ at the assertion of Adolf Hitler that Germany is willing to scrap all ■arms If other nations do like wise. Mr." Davis commented on Hit ler’s statement nnufflcially soon after bis confeVeiue with Presi dent-elect ^-anklin D. Roosevelt, who asked Mr. Devis to continue as acting chairman of the Ameri can delegation in Geneva. Mr. Davis said he was of the opinion much progress had been made toward achieving the ideal of dLsarmaiment, and that the time had come for concrete meas ures to be evolved. “The more I study disarma ment. ■ he said, ‘ihe more con vinced I become that the size of armies is not the. moat important factor to be considered, rather we must look to the kinds of CHAPMAN INDICTED Taylorsville, Feb. 22.—A true bill of Indictment against Elisha Chapman, I’’, was returned here this afternoon by the Alexander county grand Jury for the burn ing of Willis Childers’ store in which Childers lived, on Decem ber 1. Chapman wa? arraigned in Superior court upon the return of the indictment and pleaded not guilty. A special venire of 50 men was ordered summoned for selecting jurv tomorrow. Investigations are still being made by the grand jury in the al leged slaying of Isaac Welborn, 70, and his son, Thomas, 11, on February 3 in wli^ch case Chap man is being held as suspect. i Popular MoratoMum We were only mildly interest ed in reading that Prussia has abolished billboards. The kind of enlightened statesmanship 0 we’d get a kick Qut of would be armaments to be permitted to the J one that abolished boardibills. powers.” * Boston Herald. New York harbor has again been visited 1)y its friendly whale, a familiar figure known to pilots through the ragged white scar on his back and affectionately call ed “Spud.” Seven hundred black ducks from Canada have decided to make the New York Zoological park their home where there is plenty to eat. It c.osts $90. a month to feed them. • • • It takes 67 feet of space to list the Browns in the New York City Directory. Liquor is a vice that casts its shadow holds that advertising is not only ethi i XL o/Ytilc Vilastc tViA fairest , , ... .... . • .. athwart the sunniest souls, blasts the fairest youths in our land, fills homes once happy with broken hearts, turns large estates into of waste which ripple for a time in merry glee, but turn to shoals and cataracts ending at last in swamps of misery. "Those who embark on its swiftly flowing - tide are charmed at first by banks of violets, whose odors, mixed with music, fill the air. Swiftly they glide, ever downward, until at > l^t too near the rapids they find that their \ dwtiny is ruin and despair.” ■ ’ Such declarations as that will have a teir- ‘ dOTCy to call the attentimi of the people to the necessity for the control of the liquor r tzafSc. While the quotatiim is a bit of flowery * oratory. R brings to mind the fact that liquor . Jias seldom made a bettm* citizen of anybody, that it'has sddom inR^e'a home happier, has protaMy never made*: a better'diTirch mem ber, but on the'coi^ cal, but that it is desirable. “Old files of the State Journal sihow that. • guests and patrons not to tip the in an earlier period, professional men adver-^ hat room girls, “it’s not the Fourth street is about half a mile south of Thirteenth street and those two croestown thoro- oughfares, of course, run parallel to each other when they cross Broadway. Yet in the Greenwich Village section you can stand at the comer of Fourth and Thir teenth streets. And if you want to walk from Thirteenth to Twelfth street along Fourth street yon will walk four blocks before you get there. Unemployed architects are serving as sight-seeing guides In New York. There is a taxi-cab driver in New York with diamonds in his teeth. One New York hotel asks its tised regularly. The greatest lawyers and doctors among the pioneers had their cards in every issue of the paper, with special no tices when they changed their offices or their hours.” gands of «s ^ BRUCE BOBBLES (Cleveland Star) Crawford’s Weekly, published at Norton, Va-, by Biuce Crawford, wonders in an editorial if tobacco advertisements placed in North Carolina weeklies do not keep the North Carolina editors fron4 saying things about the big tobacco companies. In his tar die’meni he points out two exceptioiv—^The Chapel Hill Weekly and The E’izabHh City, Independent- They are not scared of the big 'baccer eonapanies. says iklitor Norton. Nosiree, .ta;.y diidn’t hesiteje to flay Polit^an Bob Reynolds,* ttaaeeo inagni^ elected to the senate.” ~ That's ho;w^|aiu^ Xr. io> ton 1(11^ jabovt. ■whaf h« j^e^ toj; ; is pnp of J. R*’s me snppw* original cost but the upkeep, will no longer apply to hats and coats it all hotels here adopt the same rule. Window: washers never get through washing'the. 6,000 win dows in the Empire. State Build ing here. They work from the top down. When they get to the bot tom they return- tp tlje top. One' large Tork picture' theatre.Has as'’Inany' ai twenty counterfeit bDls offere^o {/its cashiers every day. Not yue has ever been accepted. , Although women are to be natural kitchen ’expert^rgnajj one large i»tel ta N^. .4 . chef aaii wwnRS eoelffl* provtag Wlrfdy’huccesB-^ 'fui. ^ Southern Public Utilities Co. At Home Tuesday Afternoon Feb: 28, 2:00 taSKIO All Housekeepers Are Cordially Invited

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