jpss- — Man Arrested On Charge Of Murder Committed 16 Years Ago; Now !n Jail Jail Cases Took Up First 3 Days Of Court Term Attorney General Fate St. John Alleged To Have Killed Youth In Windy Gap Section HENRY SOUTHER VICTIM k. Deed Ascribed To Run-away r Team; St. John Is 41 Years Old , A murder case rivaling the jt sensational Ves W'ingler affair ^ developed flaturday when Fate St.John was arrested in the • Windy Gap section for the nuir- I der of Henry Souther which is alleged to have been committed 16 years ago. St.John was taken I 'into custody by Sheriff Somers P and lodged in the county jail. Souther, a youth of sixteen years, was killed in the Windy Gap community sixteen years ago and at that time his death was believed to have been accidental. He was engaged in hauling rocks. It is stated, and was found dead on the road with bruises on his head and body. At the coroner's Inquest, a verdict that he met his death when his team ran awaj’ and threw him from the agon was returned, if is report- ■ efi. However, during the two or three years. St.John, who is said to be a man of low lueiitiil- Ity. has occasionally made re marks about the affair The new version of the death of Souther which led to St. John's arrest is Ui%t St.John was with the youth and that he took a rock and heal him to death. Having killed tlie ,■ boy, according to the latfst 9 story. St..lohn left the scene and his alleged connection with the .^rirne was not thought almut at f_flPhe time. St. John is 41 years of age. Judge Michael Schenck Im poses Sentences in Num ber of Cases MANY PLEAS OF GUILTY Riley Moore To Be Tried Im mediately; Charged With Murder Turning to the heavy docket immediately after he bad deliv ered his charge to the Jury Mon day morning, Judge Michael | Schenck, who is presiding over ■ the March term of Superior necticutt Mirny Msnks % Re-op^ Friday. Relieve Situatioii Is Wipiam Connor To Go On Trial ’’ " Today For Killing Paul Bariow court, has meted out many sent-| of Attorney General in thei^ ences to defendants. Many pleas: Roosevelt cabinet temporarily. of guilty facilitated .the disposal i of cases, j The f'rst -three days of court | was take, up with jail eases, that; is tliose cases in which (he de-1 Representative L. W. Douglas of Arizona U the new director of the Budget in the Kooaevelt administra- tion. Annonneement of hU appoint ment waa reeeired with favor in Washington. fendants had been unable to fur-. WilHaih f/’onnor will go oji, trial totlay In Wilkes Superior court on 'a charge of murder ing Paul Barlow near this city several weeks ago. The state is not asking for a first degree verdict In the ease. Since Solicitor John R. Jones Is likely to be a witness In the case, Judgfe Michael Schenck designated .Attorney J. Hubert Whicker and .Attorney J. Hay den Burke, the latter of the Vernon, .Zonnie and Connie Sprinkle Were | Caught Fonday I BELiiNDUDD TAKEN TO JAIL nish bond. These required longer tliaii had lieen expected and to- | Tom, day tile court takes up the first i of several murder cases which I may lie tried if they ran he reach-j ed. William Connor goes on trial j lour brothers. including (or tile murder of Paul Barlow-. twiii.s, were ar?ested by federal Riley Moore, who Is alleged* to liave shot and killed hi.s .seven- year-old hoy. will he tried this FOliK BROIHERS TAKEN AT STILL North Wilkesboro Girl Creates .Alexander county bar, to aerve^ as-prosecuting'attorneys. Connor and Barlow had been engaged In a mPtual fist fl^t and when Barlow seemed to be having the better of the fight, ■ Connor Ik said to have whipped out his ’ knife and cut the boy’s throat. The state has asked for eith er a verdict of second degree murder or luaiislaughter as the evidence may show. Drawing For Tillie the Toiler prohibition agents Monday night in the Fairplaiiis commnuity'for Scout Dinner Is Delightful Affair At I,...! Given Tuesday Evening . making liquor. They were caught; , court. It IS almost certain. | IJovs Who Held Up Foresters’ the disposed of at a distillery. | Service Station Recover ”1' .'’csterday. are the follow- The raid was staged by Agents' From Iniuries Kilby and R. I _ Walter Burcliette. assault withij,- Prevette, who were accom .Millarl Bell and Italpli I.add. , deadly weapon, seiiteiicfsl to two wild aie cliarged with holding \ip >'* Scout Hut; Troop Com mittee Is Present Beatrice Jennings, Formerly of Salisbuiy, Had Name In Comics An original drawing by Be atrice Jennings, of North Wllkes- ' boro, formerly of Salisbury, ap- I peared In the comic sections of A chicken dinner at which the } last Sunday’s daily newspapers. Banking Rules -H- . During Holiday Washingtoit. March 7. - .A summary of the regulations iliiis far issued by the secretary of the treasury follows: 1. .Authorize banks ami reserve banks to make change, hut with holds gold or gold certificates. 2. Opens safe deposit lioxes and safes. 3. Permits return of ash, checks, etc., wliich are entered, received after last closing of bus iness hours. 4. Permits cashing of govern- .ment checks but withholds gold and gold certificates. 5. Permits a hank to accept payments due it or throngli it. 6. Permits t>anks to carry on Forester's N'tt-Way Service Sta-1 non last week, were moved from the Wilkes flospital to tin- coun-j ty jail at Wilkesboro .Monday. Botli men who received liullet wouiiiis when Truman Hayes. | hold-itp victim, shook himself | free and fired upon them, recov-' eretl rapiiily. They were under - guard while at the hospital. | I.add. who escaped from state' prison al'oiit two weeks ago. Darnell, expected to he rpTiirr.ed to thf; peiiiteiitiary if their case is not | reached at this term of court. I newly appointed troop committee,; xhe co.stnme worn by Tillie the ^, composed of of H. F. Bouknight, j Toller was a creation of Miss appeared \ ens, Scout Commissipner Carl Cof- | under the drawing. ,, . - 11 I Scoutmaster R. H. Roavis and i Miss Jennings drew the cos- Vertiou opnnkle with the jouth-|j^^^ j Armbrust were honor! t„me and entered the drawing in guests, was given by officials of! the Salisbury Post’s Tillie the Methodist Boy Scout Troop No. 34 | Toller contest. She won first I at the Scout hut Tuesday eyentng., prize in this contest and the , Ten troop officia’s were present drawing waa later entered in the and served the dinner. i national contest, in which there Members of the new troop com-i ^vere more than 40,000 entries, , mittee became familiarized with - where it also won a prize. Russ i their duties during the discussion | westover, creator of Tillie the $.>00 each by Mr. Dtila, i which followed the dinner and i Toller, used the drawing Sunday. Miss Jennings is the daughter ties during the year. | of Attorney and Mrs. R. C. Jen- . , , ... L. , , n M ■ W. V'. Wagoner and Hoyle Hutch- Jennings whose name named by .Arlie Foster and C. M. i » Pardue. Th--y found Tom and Walter Tiurchetto, ahandoti- ment. two year.-i suspended sen tence. W. ’T. .lohnsoii. forgery, etc.. 0 months in jail. Clarence Morrison, c. c. w.. _fi montlis oil roads. Robert Shepherd, forgery. 12 months in state penitentiary. Itoheri Shepherd, seduction, nol pros with leave Jof only $100 each was sot, ^ Xick Darnell, Boyd and Haiicc twins. I It was stated that Prof J. Mark-ntngs, of this city. They resided • ininrert in jail. j McAdains, a former member of|at Salisbury until recently when the city school faculty, who is now they moved here fttl twins. Zounie and Connie Sprinkle, engaged in operating the plant. The four brothers were taken liefore J. \V. Dula. I'nited States commissioner, at Wilkesboro for a preliminary hearing. Bond for Tom and Vernon !as fixed at each by Mr. Dula, while State Auxiliary ' President Coining' S inontliH as to Boyd and 3 months as to Ranse. Dan -Anderson, larceny. IS months on roads. Monroe (’oml)s and E. M, Yales, a. with d. w., not quilty Conunissioners Mrs. Frank Johnson Will Speak At Meeting Here .Monday Evening as to Yales; IS months on roads as to Coinhs. Russell Smith. Earl Wiimoch. .Harvey Pardue and Ah i-lvans. larceny, IS menths to Wilmoth; ' 12 months as to Smith. I J I ucic. Mr. Jennings i principal of Mountain Park Insti-1 ij^g opened a law office in the I tute, smelled chicken that distance | Rank of North Wilkesboro builtt- =^way and came up just in time toung. Ifl6t vin iTlOIlUay' partake of the Scout dinner. Any- j I.h,.-s .he v„si.. . th,...» Teachers Congress , Meets Today .Enact-legislation To Re* lieve Situation Routine Business Took Up which was reported. Major Portion Of Reg ular Session Routine business, such as al- i Paid Money First To Address Kiwanw '' .Mrs, Frank Johnson, of States-! ' ville. president of the North Car-j I oHna nepartmeiit of tlie Ameri-i fail l.egioii .Auxiliary, will be! present and speak al the meet-' itig of Hie local Auxiliary unit. . which will he held Monday eve-' i iiiiig at 7:;!ll at the tiume of .Mr.s. j business essential to movement j .Absher of food. drunkenness Ipl 7. Permits any hank to reopen to carry on unrestricted business In ne'iv accotinis '8. Permits compleiioii o f check transactions made on or •before March 4 t>iit withholds payment of money. Permits lianks to release ' securities and d’^cumeiits Ip-U in safe keeping. ! • 10. Permits usual iiankiiig, • practices whicli involve nindicine. i other necessities of life, distress 'relief and other essential purpos es. with restrictions on hoarditt.g. withholding gohl and gold certi- flcate.s. I j. 11. Permits hanks to deposit L-collateral to secure advances to, '. R. .Mis Gliss Bail-guess. and operating motor vehicle while under influence of liquor, ■’ years in state prison. Guss Baiiguess. violating rohi- itilioti Iaw.s and a. with d. w., 2 years in state, prison. Giiss Batigtiess. a. with d. w.. 2 years suspended sentence. Charlie .Marlin. .Aiiiiie .Marlin .Mathis, Emma lowing claims, releases, etc,, took j Lieutenant Governor of .fohnsoti is well known to ' Emma Martin, Verdie luemhers of the local unit and Martin, keeping ‘ to the county tlie or.ganizutioii is pleased 'i’, diaorderlv house. Not qiiilly as Issuance and the auvenise-| .secure liei- for tills meeting. ! to Charlie; . meiit of an anticipation note for; attendance is expected. .A full aUeiulanc-! is desired | jj warren. had check. Gl Mhe sum of $l,tMMi was authoriz-j up a major part of the regular | moiilhly session of the county' Iioard of conimissioners at the ( coufllioitse Monday. All mem- hers. X. B. Sniithey, chairman. C. C. Hayes aii:l -M. F. Ahsljer, were present. H. I). I>ievefte. of Somers township, was ordered admitted home. adveriise- wanis District; Comes i Board Of Education Recom- ‘'‘‘l mends'Course For Local Here Tomorrow Tax Districts j In session Mpnday for Its regu G. T r a c y Cunningham, of ; laj- pionthiy meeting, the. county | Senate leaders sani j (ireenshoro. lieutenant governor | hoard of education -of the Carolinas district, will ad-; ^1 that all special tax districts j drafted, would pass Thursday and j dress the Kiwanis Club at Hotel ^ |.efraiii from drawing against result in tlie opening of a large Wilkes at the weekly lunrheon I (heir funds until teachers. bus | „umber of banks Friday, tomorrow (Friday). (drivers and Ittts contractors have] The hill would expand cur- The program for the day will; been paid. The recommendation i rency under present federal re- lie in charge of T. E. Story, sec-1 will be madb in a letter to com-|’spi-ve restrictions, retary of the cliih. An excellent luitteemeii of all the .schools lo-; The bill authorizes issuance of ' cated in such districts. 1 currency against liquid assets of I R. r>. Hickerson served a.sjHoiind lianks. State haiik.s would NOTH WILKESBORO IS ] chairman in tlie ab.sence of | he admitted to circulation of this LOSER IN TOURNAMENT j Chairman C. O. McNpiII who was i currency upon rertlficalion hy SREV. W. A. KALE* Mhlwav. a")'^dson county' "1 “"d unable to attend Other I state examining boards. TO DD^Ar'U UFRF'hi^h school last night eliniinat-;n»fi”i'''’'’» The measure, the draft of PREACH HERE Wiu-ima'.. n. F>. shepherd, D. C. Whit-; which was to be Inaugural Of Roosevelt ry, q,.- slot. Salem .Journal tournament l‘‘‘“1 , morning, will he pushed hrough IliieensDoro Minisier lo uc I An order for the Irausporta-; the House under suspension of •U -I.-',- TX J Among the Wilkes people who I cupv Pulpit of the Meth- ^ , tlon of all children living he-' rules and will he hurried through Dwight Church, ll, Pa.ssed attended the Kooseveli inaugural; Chui’Ch T^V .-n! n>; first i tween W. A. Jones’ and Ferguson ! the Senate. Away On B.rthday; To Be Hfivuionif;^ at Wasiiini^lou. D. (.| —^— j wiq nn Fursuson school was pans-1 senate Kepiihlhan Leader Buried Todav last Saturday were Chief of Po-' R->v. W. A. Kale, of (,r.en.sboro, half, North \\i kesboro was un-1 . -Charles I, McNary. who attended ... T . .•» 1. o ot trot « BH f o mareln and the .jv.n.uies i>. j. the conference tonight, will in- days sitspendeii seiiteme. I.eRoy Hodges, a. with ed. ami officers are vi-ry anxious (or I'very mi-mher to liear .Mrs. .Inhii- son. (IP days on roads. Dies At Hospital! Dwight Church. Idlewild. A.she foreign branches, county youth, died al tlie Wilkes Hospital here Tuesday. He hau withilioldiiig been brought to the hospital a I .AJ Anderson. Mr. ami -Mrs. W. F.; Methodist church here. Rev. Mr. final the ahead. whistle found .Midway .iin- •Icar- transfer of credit from this r, try. 12. Permits issuance of lOUse .scrip. Permits normal fiduciary piactices but denies withdrawal of trust funds from other hank departments. 14. EJfrmits reserve banks to duct normal fnnction.s as fed- fiscal agents in exchanging government securities. week pievioiis with a peiidix, it is staled. liur.sted ap- Peritonitis I Rousseau, developeil ami death came wit hit; , a week. Absher. Mr. iiiui Mr.s. F. ('. For-j Kale has been honored ny me ahead. The two teams were about | Son-In-LaW Of Dl|. ester .Miss Lina Fori'ster. Mr. Jchurch because of his superior hbili- equal. j TaylOF ami Mrs. E. E. Eller. Mrs. War-] ty. He is connected with the' The game closed the season for ■ tier Miller, .Mayor and -Mrs. .1. A. i board of Christian education of the,|Coaeh Overcash’s hoys. Caro'ina confen- I slat upon reference to conimittee. ihut a promtit report is expected, nonurcvi quick action is expected by I *fral To Hold Pie Supper At Roaring River Saturday The young man died on hi.s 17tli birthday. Surviving him are his father. -A. H. Cliurch. of Idlewild; one sister. Mrs. Mildred Shull, of Hlovving Rock: two brothers. Ralph Cliurch. of Fort Beuning, Oa.. and Felix Chnieii. of Idle- wild. Miss Nell Rousseau, j Western North Miss Annie Kutli TomUmson. .Mr., ence. land Mrs. G. S. Forester and .Mr. C. T. Doiightoii. Mr. R. 0. Wyatt, of Hall.s Mills,! Tlie pa.stor will be in the pulpit' was a bu.sin?ss visitor in the city: Sund.vy morning at 11 o’clock. | yesterday. j Charles W. Irvin Is Piesident of Greensboro Merchants Group Named Txvo Point l*rograni In addition. President Roose- •velt submitted a two-point legis- . Charles W. Irvin, son-in-law of ilative program which he hopes to' i Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor, of this | have enheted promptly. It fol- : city, was elected pr.'sident of thcjlows: 1 Greensboro Merchants’ Assr'ciatioM j I • Broader powers to reorga- 1 at a meeting of the directors Tues-ji'i*p the federal government so day evening. Mr. Irvin succeeds j that he can cut veterans costs X xi ‘ T T Martin oresident of thoi®nd oth^r siiclr,^expenditures. will be presented to Congress by the new;„ • ’ i 2. A public works • ■’ • =- I of reforestation, public A Spirit of Optimism Prevails The banking holiday which temporarily 'tied up deposits in the banks has been ac- Tht funeral service was con- copied in the finest soi't of spirit by the peo- d.icted at Idlewild today 'Thur.s-: , couiiii'v. A Spirit of optimism day) and interment followed in,*" KoBof adrninistration contains the provision tha,t bank deposits will be guaranteed the deposi tors by the government, there will be cause for rejoicing. Meanwhile the banking holiday has been j chants’association. North Wilkesboro friends of Mr. £‘"S'£i' Erand tKe holiday is. expected te Saturday night. .March 11. 1933.' service. i is expressed in every quarter. aAeight o’clock. The proceeds [ —rr-; cT^ 1 Business does not seem to have been re- riil be used for the benefit of j to any appreciable extent this week- company. \ Mr. Irvin is g neral manager of I program , ^ w „ the Ivory stores and was before his works, rivers and harbors, which election as pr.’sident. a member dfjthe President es i mates would the board of directors of the mer-'put .500,000 men to work. ' ’ The. President did not propose a guarantee of bank deposit*. tlfe school, to come. the Everybody is urged ] Bridge Railing In City ytu Club Will Meet Tonight At 7 o’Clock j Benbow Mitcluell. of near the (city, was arrested Tuesday after- I noon by Patrolman Carlyle In- ' gle after his car had struck the lyey Moore and Dr. J. S. Deans ;approach to the Yadkin River] will have charge of the program | bridge between the W’llkesboros >t the regular semi-monthly din-1 and knocked out one of the rail- **er meeting of the North Wilkes-1 ings. Mitchell is charged with '' ro Lions Club this (Thursday) I driving while Intoxicated. A . , ,,, , fening at 7 o’clock The nature]small quantity of liquor in a bot-\warmly applauded by peoplcr everywhere., , im was not annotinc- i tie was found in bis car, It is Xhig jg ag it should be. There has’ been and the acceptance of checks by the? busi ness houses and merchants is evidence of t^ie confidence with which the situation is l^ing faced. On every hand, business leaders voice the opinion that the banking holiday which was deefared in order that legislation might be prepared to relieve the situation was the pi’oper thing. President Roosevelt has been , ed. the prpgrf i stated. ,no reason to fear. If the programwhich lifted completely, within a few days. \\Tiile the program of the administration is being, perfected business will go on as usual. Com plete confidence and a spirit of optimism are necessary at this time. These are evident in Wilkes county where not only budiness lead ers who are convqrssnt with the reM situa tion, but also the general public 'which_ has not given a complete study of the intricate problem of banking, have the’greatest faith that our problems will soon be solved. ^ t When the history of^the times are writ^ ten. the. spirit of optimism whiclv prei^k M'iU stand out as one of the' brighf*"' (ihapfers. ' / -4 Irvin, who visits here frequently, are pleased to leam of the honor which has come to him. widely agitated now in Congress, I , ..V STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION IS OUT Special Venire For Joe _ ^ BaugiieM^ Case Need Not- Report Monday For Duty after JAN. 1, Raleigh. March 7..—Final ac tion on thqfreorganization’s cpjnr mittee’s ''bill to abolish the cor- ^ratlon'’'* commission was taken In the .house this afternoon,'’and this ra^ court before which harp been .fought furious .utility bat tles will be'no more after , nary The special venire aummone^ to report Monday for the trial oj Joe and John Baugucss need ny report at all, Solicitor John , Jones announced In oP*? yesterday afternoon. entered for Joe Baugitfsy was to have been tried ti degree murder and the be^ditpfeeid 'of .wltV%„-thi» special' veidra. 3,’i Local Bulks Now Opea T« Make Change And To .7 ; Meet Emergeney ROOSEVELT’S PROGRAM t® North Wilkesboro hanks which clp^ed Monday when the procla mations .of ‘ the President and Governor were^ issued are now open for three functions. They are permitted to make change, cash government checks and to allow the withdrawal of deposits for medicine or any real emer gency. It Is understood that no effort has been made to withdraw any amount on account of sickness or any emergency. The .banks and the building and loan associations are permit ted to accept payments on loans. Washington, March 9. (Thurs day)—Legislation that will im mediately relieve the situation and at once start banking oper ations throughout the entire country, was forecast by Presi dent Roosevelt in a statemeiit Is sued shortly after midnight fol lowing a conference with con gressional leaders of all fac tions. House and Senate leaders pre dicted In a joint statement that legislation would be enacted Thursday to permit reopening of some of the banks Friday. Pix'sldml’s Stulenient President Roosevelt’s state ment said: “I have been in conference with members of the Senate and House and have talked over with thqpiv u .m^agure which has been carefully studied and prepared and which will immediately re lieve the situation and at once start banking operations through out the entire country. “I have been assured that! there is every prospect of the immediate passage of this legis lation on its introduction.” President Hoosevelt_added that he was gratified at the outlook. His statement was read to newspapermen by the light of the portico at the White House by Colonel Marvin H. McIntyre, the President's secretary. ' In a joint statement House and emergency recommend-I legislation though not finally L