nMQ^Bnud'pRUriat bM blMei the tnU of pro gress l» tbe »8t«te of Wilkes’* For 86 VMfS. -■JfSir. . ‘--i; ' Published Mondays and Thuirsdtfys N. C,> L yAXt mB. i8i 1^ r laOfrftmCeia. poUtiatllyt (sir and sqiMure M i sad all, tUs aswapupwl Is dedicated to the pM>| gfsss of Wilkes CoM^ [STATE 6U) WmiESAlE pnOSE IS SOLD * iW'AOCnON CO. L No|4h Caorlina Auction Co. 5= Bs^'s F. D. Forester & Co. ’ of This City Rainey In Chair ]{Sentences Out To Many In . Superior Court r- «r ■ BEAL MADE MONDAY } ^4 ■ Business Was Established In; 1889'By the Late F. D. | Forester j The business of F. D. Forester j & -Company, one of the oldest. wholesale hnsjness e s t a h 1 i s h- j ments ib this section of thej state, has been purchased by the North Carolina Auction company. | The' deal was completed Monday, j The'amount involved in the; transaction was not learned, but thp entire stork of the company . changed V hands. Tlie new man agement has already taken char.ge. J. F. Rliodes. who has lieeii connected with the company for a 'nnmber of vears. has been re- '* ,4 ' tained temporarily. F. D. Forester & Ci>mpaiiy wa.s establislied in 1SS9 by F. 1). Forester wbo managed the biisi-' ness until his death a few years ago. Since that time. George S- "Forester, son of the late F. D. Forester, has had charge of I lie busine*ss. Interviewed yesterday after noon Mr. Forester said he had no plans for the imniedhue fu ture. Court Finished Up Nine Days Work On Yesterday Afternoon WILL ADJOURN FRIDAY An Ail-AniKksa Giri Three Murder Cases and' Many Other Ca.ses Dispos ed of This Week j Disposing of three murder cas- l es almo.st in succession, heavy in- I roads were made on the calendar ■ of Wilkes Superior court during i the first three days of this week. ! Starting the second week of ’ the term Monday morning, the I Riley Moore murder case was j taken up and disposed of in short order. Later in the day. j .lo? Ifauguess was sentenced .for slaying his son. On Tuesday. Fate St.John was found not guilty on tlie charge of killing Henry Sou- i tiler. With the three homicide ^ cases this week, a total of four leases of this nature have been lemovcd from the docket. Wii- Contributes Toward Poo! For Persident Rooisevelt New York.—^The New Aork Daily News liegan a fiimt-raisiiig t^campaign today to install a swini- Mcre is the new Speaker of | the House of Kcpre.seiitatives. | liam Connor^ having been tried Heniy T. Rainey of Illinois, used his gavel for tlie first time in calling the House to order last Thursday, opening Hie spe cial session called iiy I’resideiil Itoosevelt. FATES!JOHN ■ IS A®UnTED Jury Returns \'erdict of Not Guilty: Souther Killed In M'reck TRIAL HELD Tl”JSDAY twelve “good men of ^ining pool in the White House ' ' (or President Roosevelt. .1 .The .newspaper gave $1.(Hmi itself and urged 'The people of Ms home state- liis loyal friends neighbors" to conliiliute “their checks and money orders: -- their stamps, pennies, dimes and ^7 nickels; their widows' mites and their children's coins. " The ap proximate cost was estimated at (15.000. Mr. Roosevelt s favorite exer- ther. a 16-year-old hoy. wa; cise is swimming. TTiere is no swimming pool in ■ the White Houm and the Daily News last week for fatally stabbing Paul Rarlow. Yesterday completed the ninth day of the court. Tlie term will end Saturday. Following is a list of cases disposed of: Ikistoii Parks, a. with d. w., mil pros witli leave. Marshall Anderson, a. with d. w.. nol pros. liinn l.ove. Fonse Anderson and Ijcster Anderson, a, with d. w.. nol pros with leave. I Monroe Griffin, larceily, jiidg- I ment suspended. I Tlieodore Porter. rape. nol .pros witli leave. I Katherine KeiieiTy vs Arnold ' Kenerly. divorce granted. Plain tiffs name prior to marriage, I Katherine Caudile. restored to I her. A jury iind true.'’ delilieratiiig less than thirty miniues. Tuesday utter- noon returned a verdict acquit ting Fate St.John, of Windy (tap, of the charge of mnrderiug. Haji-j ry Souther. Judge Virhaeil Schenck approved the veidicl of, the jury. j The alleged murder took place j on August 27. 1917. Henry Sou-. Cooper Is Bill For, ,Wilke« Next Wednesday »)th Advocates Ibf* V and Opponents fSxpeeted To Ar^ae Matter IjO BE HEiS'aT 3 P. M, Bill Introduced By Cowles Would Not EstabKsh ' Court Necessarily The committee on courts and judicial districts wili hold a hearing next week on the bill Introduced in the Legislature re cently by Representative Charles H. Cowles placing Wilkes coun ty under the state-wide record er's court act. A hearing was scheduled for I today (Thursday) but word wa.s received Tuesday that it had been postponed until Wednesday, March 22, at 3 p. m. Quite a number of Wilkes county peo ple are expected to attend the hearing before the committee. The bill does not establish a recorder's court in Wilkes, Rep- re.sentative Cowles pointed out in a recent communication ad dressed to his con.stituents. It does, however, give the board of county commissioners the au thority to set up such a court. The commissioners if they deem it best after a trial of two years may abolish the court. Wilkes county was exempted from the state-wide act at the time it was enacted. BAHERSWAn FORAEUONd AFPUCAIMRS Less Tliaii Oil«-Tliird State’s Banks Have •T-(^pened To Date*. ofa U* S. Income Tax | nephew of Joe Batiguess, who Oiven charged with being involved I in the. death of young Raiiguess. i was set free, there being no evi- | kill ed on tiiat day and at the time ii | was believed that his team of i ex- jnules ran away and threw him j SuperintendenU To Meet At State ’ Capital March 25 To Address Gathering; Gov ernor To Speak Top, Preoidont Hoover joini Pretl- d«Bt-eieet Rooeevelt (or Uetorle ride dowB Pehiuylve^ia Ave. (or the is- 1. Ctater, FTMkUa h. Boom* m noth of oflte,'Ckio( Jootioo Svaw Hngkoo mMaUtmtam ^ Mth. Bottota, Bx-Pmidonl Hm** kgot to eoBfratubto mw TmUmX. Washington, March 14.—A ' fifteen-day extension in income dence I tax payments was granted by the way. ' Treasury today because of the | ^he elderly Traphiil I tr J tbled banking situation "'bich , stand and told of the* ) circumstances surronndiiig the, I death of his son. The boy had. beaten, him on numerous occas- NO NEWS EARLY TODAY Opening of Some Banks May . ■u, Be Delayed Upttt Last • of Week ^ C Less than one-third of tho North Carolina banking Institde tions had opened for business thte morning, the Btate** WnWng department having acted upo8 only about lOO state banks. There are 332 banks under the supervision of the state depart ment. No word had neen received this morning relative to the gpen- ing of the local banks, both o( which are ready and are awaiting word from Raleigh. While there was the possibil ity that action on the applications Pleads Guilty To Killing Own I of the banks here to re-open Son June 13, 1932; Tried [might come today, it is possible On Monday [that the bank examiners will not be able to complete their work BAUGUESS FREED i until some time tomorrow and if ' the local applications should fall Batiguess, ?ray-baired I „^,ther of the banks would open before Satur day. However, it is a matter of iconjeclu'p as to when the appli- i cations will'be reached. Except in the case of the chain I i banks, most of the banks which I were given license to open yes- "te.rdaj- and today are located in the smaller towns, it appears from the list. Opening of the local banks to Implicate him in any i will not long be delayed, the _ 1\ Janet Hutchinson, one'of 'the twenty beauties selected' by not able artists as a perfect model in the wearing of apparel, also caught the eye of Judges as being your typical American girl. rOE BAUGUESS' GETS Id YEARS: JOHN Joe farmer of the Traphiil section, was sentenced on Monday after noon to serve from ten to fifteen years in the state penitentiary after he had pleaded guilty to second degree murder on the charge of killing his son. Lester nauguess. John Rauguess, a opinion is generally expressed. I has made it difficult for many ; people to meet this obligation. I Taxpayers taking advantage of the extension, however, will be • required to :wy sir per cent in- |4or«at, for the flfteen-dax period I upon a quarter of the Wtal tax I due. • farmer ; and Bonds Gains of Year As Make imrkets Reopen With Confidence i New York, March 15.—One of ions and on June 13 of l^pt year, j „,ost bril' ant recoveries in when Lester wa.s killed, heiggpurlty prices in the history of planned to avoid another. beatlng; york stock exchange to by shooting at the boy's feet. attested the sweeping restor- However, the load struck him financial confidence pressed fear for his health should Krom the wagon, he be deprived of exercise while tulfllling his strenuous official duties. County Accountant C. N. Ferguson 111 This Week C. H. E'ergusoii. popular coun ty accountant, who was suffering from a severe cold the first of the week, wa.s unable to come to his office yesterday. According to reports, it was feared that pneumonia might develop. The state's case was based a statement which St.John supposed to have made to hi-" brother-in-law. Bob Love, and the other persons. Testimony of state’s witnesses showed tlial St. John had made statements dur ing the past three years to the effect tiiat he had killed the boy. Defense witnesses. however. County superinlendeiils, city superintendents and supervisors A. C. Wall Named Tax Supervisor Normally Income tax payments on the thigh, inflicting fatal in- ’ has swept the country with Has Held Po.st For Number of Years; Tax Listers Were Not Selected gave a eiimslaiices surrounding SouHi- er's death. H was hrought out that Johnson ,1. Hayes. \V. 1). Seventh Grade Exams Were Given Yesterday Seventh grade examinations were given in tlu* schools of the county yesterday. Wliile no deti- iiite information were availalile. tNndications were that between six and seven hundred students took the examination. coroner. the aceideiit .lud decided that au inquest was Muiiecessary. Their was no evidence execpl the state ment St.Jolin is supposed to have made to implicate ii’ni in the death of .Soiittier. on' of iii.stniclion will meet in Ra is I leigh on March 25 for a break fast banquet, according to an an- iioiiiicement received by Super- intendent C. C. M right, ^ wall, prominent citizen The meeting will be a,. Ire.s.sed ! , ,!• T O f '’f Ronda. was named county tax bv Dr. . John ( -oper, i nued States Commissioner of Ecluca- supervisor tor this year at a tion. and later in the day (iover-1 meeting of the board of county nor Ehringhans will address Hie .Monday. Mr. Wall i has served in that capacity for several years and is thoroughly familiar with the work. ‘ Tax listers for tllb different i townships were not designated, hut will lie chosen later. Tlie county hoard met again I Tuesday and accepted the bond of Clerk of Court M'm. A. Stroud. I are due by midnight of March | juries. Baifguess is between 65 I 15. The tax may be paid in a and 70 years of age. | jlump sum or in quarterly install-1 Counsel tor John Bauguess at; nients. !':he completion of the state's evi-1 I Under the extension granted! deuce moved for a dismissal j bv price averages, the today, the taxpayer owing $100 .of non-suit of the action percentage gain over the final and planning to pay in four in- him and Judge Michael Schenck; March 3 when the mar- stallments would proceed as fol- allowed the motion. , dosed for its first Important i shutdown in 19 years, was more broke a precedent m he ^ of Wilkes courts for .t is be iev-1 ed that this was the ftrst time i ‘ v, noroitni . . ,u„,inany years show no parallel, two murder cases in which the , , » defendant in each case was! The advance in bonds was just as striking. Many issues were clear picture of the cir- group and other.“ at Memorial Auditorium. High scliool pritidpals atv iu- I vited to attend the meeting. Mr. Woodruff and '1'. .M. Crysel. who wright said. were titen solicitor, slieriff and I made an investigation of {Rousseau Gets Position the reopening of thousands of sound banks. Shares sur.ged up $2 to $16 in scores of favorite issues, and as measured by price averages. The return and first quarterly payment of,(25 would he due by midnight of March 31, plus six per cent interest thereon which would amount to six cents for fif teen days. The other pa.vments would be due on the I'ii’teenth of June. September and December. There would be no interest charge on these installments. tried for killing their own sons, had ever been disposed of in one i swept up (10 to more than (50 per bond of (1.000 par value, sentenced • i*"** even several of the United States government issues, which Tabercular Clinic Will Be Conducted In County Soon With Federal Government W. A. Rousseau, of this city. I left yesterday afteriiooii f o r Washitigton. 1». (’. where lie has been apiixiiiiteil to a jiost in one of Hie departments of tlie feder-. al government. Mr. Rousseau was 1 manager of the It. & O. Grocery company here and his siiCeessor I lias not yet been named. He is a ‘ brotlii'r of J. R. Rousseau - and; Attorney J, A. Rousseau $14,000 ROBBERY IS REPORTED AT ELKIN day. Riley Moore was early Monday morning to from his i normally move so narrowly that j changes are reckoned in 32nds 25 to 30 years for killing I seven-year-old boy. All niemhers were present tiie.se meetings. at Miss Blanche Johnson, of standard statistics price avera.ge Elkin, .March hT The home | Kingsport, Tenn., arrived Sun- $10 to $3i per $1,000 bond. The of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. McNeer on day to spend a few weeks with of 60 domestic corporate issues. Church street was entered and i friends and relatives in the conn-' tabulated since 1926, registered I robbed n'^ht of a safe eon-' ty- She is now visiting in the the sharpest advance in its hls- Tall Witness In St. John Trial Clarence Hendren. of the W'in- section. who was a wit- First Two Wwks In Ma.v Is Kiwanians Go To Set: T. B. Test To Be , Without Charge whO|dy Gap * witli him have been active in the.ne.ss in the trial of Fate St.John: councils of tlie Democratic party, for the alleged murder of Henry | “ ■ notic-' A tubercular ciiiiic for adiilt.s the county will be conducted the courthouse the first two weeks In Ma.v. IT. .4 J. Eller, county health officer, announced Tuesday. t A representative from the ex tension division of Hie State San itarium will come here to con duct the clinic, Dr. Eller stated. The tubercular skin test will be given free to anyone who ar ranges for an appointnient dar ling the two-weeks' period. Those who show a positive re action to the test will be asked) ^ to arrange for an X-ray examina-j^^ £. Spainhower Named '.#on which will determine wheth-i Magistrate By Governor tuberculosis germs are active. • Dr. Eller said. This is the second i year in succession in which a. tubercular clinic has been secur-[ ed for tbe county .... I Souther Tuesda.v. was so f,oor, the burglars passed Moores Market Has Fine ably tall that after he had testi-reception hall, front Morganton rriday Specials For Saturday ned, Jmlge Schenck and several bed rooms j^piaiioiit his height. He said he wa.s gf six feet, four inches. ^ this newspaper are incited to street last night of a safe eon- [ fy- 8^*® visiting taining valuables in the way of | Lovelace communltj. family jewels, slocks, bonds, | deeds'of trust and easli. the | whole totaUL'ig more than $14.-! (too. The bur.glary evidently was j committed between 7:30 and 8 o'clock w'hi’a Mr. and .Mrs. Me- Neer w'-re al the Hieatre. . | In gaining access to the closet) ' of a rear bedroom on the second Mother Of Attorney tory. Seed Loans May Now Be Applied For By Farmers Twent.v-thiee Planning 'Pq You will need meats for Attend Inter-Club Meeting i 've®k-eud' ueals, so readers I H ki ('"i ' this newspaper are in nurKe t ll> ^ another pagg and read Members of the North Wilkes-, the advertisements.?!..! Moore’s | boro Kiwanis Club «ill j„„„iey I >’®''ket which carries several out-I over to .Moiganton Friday eve ning for pii inler-iliili meeting with Moiganton Kiwanians. The regular weekly luncheon of the local club will lie omitted. Twenty-three local people have made reservations, twenty of that number being members of the club. 1 lor ine cuunvj ringhaus. Mr. Spainhower s com- •Tbe health forces of the state ” . »ine neaiiu _ mission arrived this week. ^ are actively fighting the spread of tubecpnlosls and Dr. Eller is anxious for the people to take the test (luring the clinic. An ap- .^^intment to take the test hhould Aa made with the county health Office not later than the middle • of next month. It. will be neces- aary tor Dr- Eller to know which day tbe test is dealred. ^ A. E. Spainhower. of this city, has been appointed a justice of the peace for a term of four years by Governor J. C. E. Eh- Wilkes County G. C. Club To Meet Friday The Wilkes County Club of the Greensboro College Alumnae Association wBl meet tomorrow (Friday) evening at ^ o’clock at the home of Mrs. Fred on tbe Boone Trail. ‘ standing .r^eat specials for Sat-; tirday. Moore's ,'ViiU'ket is. and has al-1 ways been, strictly sanitary in i every respect, and the manage-1 meiit states that the market Is now selling beef and pork from ; the very stock to be found in, Wilkes county. • la selectin.g your good things; to eat Saturday. pay .Moore’s! Market a visit, or telephone your | order. Your order will be deliv-, ered promptly. I Extra Penalty To Go On Wilkesboro Taxes Citizens of Wilkesboro can save an extra .penalty by paying their taxes on or before April 1. states P. L. Lendermah, tax col lector. After that date a three per cent penalty will be charged. Im mediate payment is urged. Mr. C. W. Phillips, of West Jefferson, visited his sister, Mrs. Gaither liou Laxton, of Moravian Falls, Tuesday night, , HearA-Gold Was To Be Outlawed, Gave Up Hers Here'.s the prize anti-hoard ing story of the hanking holi day. Walking into tlie liardware department of the* Smoak kur- nitiire company, Monday, a lady who resides in a rural se« - tion of the county, told Mr. Burl C. Hayes, manager, that she ha«l lieard that gold was to be outlawed by the govern ment and further that she didn’t want any gold in her possession. She producetl a 85.00 gold piece whicli Mr. Hayes obligingly accepted and gave silver in return. Quite a number of people have asketl the bankers wheth er PresWenJ Roosevelt's call for gold meant tliht they sliould give up gold pieces which liax-e been giv^n them and are prized far beyond their value as money. Very tew lBtei^?ret Jbe PresldeBt’s . messa^ as meaning that. of the second floor, using a car penter's pinch bar to prize the locked door of closet from its hinges. The -w.iotind safe was carried do|§ Wi, front stairway, through ^IlDl c door and load-j Eugene Trivette Dies Funeral Was To Be Conducted This Morninp; Mr. and Mrs. Trivette Go ed on^, steered into the I cor^^, • 'inve beside the home, 'car of the McNeers’ having J, B. Dellinger Here Tuesday To Assist In Making Applications Crop production loans for the farmers of Wilkes county , are now available. The blanks ar rived as scheduled and J. B. Del linger, field inspector for the government, was here Tuesday to assist farmers in making ap- beside the tlie been pushed from its parking place to furnish access. Included In the loot were dia mond rings, broaches and watch es. valuable papers which had come into the possession of Mrs. McNeer from the estate of her father, the late Senator W. C. Fields, of Sparta, cash amount ing to several hundred dollars, 'and valuables belonging to Mrs. ' McNeer'8 relatives. The burglary perhaps was in spired by rumors current that a * „ „ „ i , . - In Miss Anna Lankford, o i vast sum of money was kept in ^ _ • ... .. M .In/.,. Mr-a M,.. i GreeDsboro, has, accepted a posl- the McNeer home, since Mrs. Mc-| / XT xitt _.1,-„•C4A tion with' the (deal Beauty Par- Neer recently exchanged (520 tn , gold, accumulated ■ Christmas 1 !«>• took up her new littB of 30 years, for currency. AI work yesterday Mto Lankf^d is Lavy safe L the first floor was >A- «xporlenced beauty parlor Mrs. Delia Trivette, widow of the late W. A. Trivette and the mother of Attorney Eugene Tri vette. died Tuesday evening at i plication for the loans. 8 o'clock at her home near Har-1 Mr. Dellinger, whose mony. Mrs. Trivette had been 0“art®ra 1? h si seriously ill for some time and ,*>« l«®re ®very -ruesday during he her'death was not unexpected. ■ She was about 76 years of age. head- Statesville. will April. His local headquarters will The funeral service was to be’^e ‘“e law office of Jones and conducted today ('Thursday) at 11 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Trivette left im mediately after they received news of her death. Miss Ai$n«-Lankford Is With Ideal Beauty Parlor nnmolested.' J Mrs. Qu6z Blankenship and R. -a. Yale spent Wednes day^ in StatesvlUe on business. Mporlenced operatoC'* * ^’iMiss Lapkford is an -addition AO the staff which includes Mrs. R. AftaS tola Belle , Psrdas aoi| Hiss Gladys Cain. l" -tt,;'-'- ■ Brown in the Bank of North Wilkesboro building. At the request of The Journal-''’ Patriot, Mr. Dellipger issued the following statement explaining the loans: “Applications to the Secretary of Agriculture for farm crop loans for the purpose of buying seed and fertilizer fro now be ing made. " “ • “The rate of interest on these loans is five and one-half ,,.^r cent and all loans sr« due Oe* tober 31, 1083. . “This' money msy be used on^ g ly> for the prodneUen .Of crops and for no other purpose. All cash received: from la sales (Contin-aed ton li^ eight) >Q a Of

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