JOUBKALil le^irnal -Patriot *■ UtOEPENDBXT IN POUtTCS. Mr., PuUuhed Monday* and Tharsdays at North Wilkesboro. N. C. t D. i. CARTER Mid JULIUS C HUBBARD, ■ Pablialiers. t SUBSCRIPTION RATES: tl.00 Year in the State; fl.60 Out of the State. entered at the post office at Nox\h Wilkesboro, H. C., as second class matter under Act of March 4, 1879. THURSDAY, MARCH 16,1933 a j^hysical Educatiem BuiliHiig I^allowing |l,OO0 toward tKe erection of a physical education building for the city schools, city oominissionerB 'showed a' pro gressive spirit. They are to be congratula^ ed upon their action. The North Wilkesboro schools have been handicapped in their physical education pro gram by the lack of a gymnasium. The armory, until it was burned, provided a place for basketball practice and basketball games, but comparatively few boys and girls MONEY •' definition I think we are going to come out of^our econohtic troubles A Chicago paper says that a little ro mance about Ben Wade’s daughter and a “tall young carpenter” will have to be given up, Ben says that to begin with,^^^ made no objections to their marriage; ml the second place, that his daughter never was engaged to the carpenter in question; and thirdly, that he never had a daugh ter,—Elmira (N. Y.) Gazette, 1874. bare learned that money ia not wealth, but ia merely a aymbol of wealth. Real wealth la com modities that can be used, and nothing else. The beat definition of money I have ever seen was written by a German economist, Paul Helf- ferlch. He said': “Money Is a medium for stor ing commodity values and con veying them through time and ! space.” man he is genial, buinor6us,'ebn- siderate and not in the slightest f’^dflgiree “high hat.” i dbn’t kno# what Mr. Hoover will do next, but 1 am eatlsfl^d' that it wlii bev something in the jigiare pf public servlee. He has ho money ambitions. He made^^a great'd^ of moner as a mining ehglneer. He spent some mllll&hii of/ his personal fortune ln> bis Belgium relief work and at that time, 1914, deliberately . put an' end to his business career and toid'hiB friends that he-intended to devote the rest of his life to. serving his country, which be did as Food Administrator, Secretary of Commerce, and President." Mr. Hoover deals with facts on a large scale with greater abil ity than, any man I haVe ever known. I think be Is permanent ly out of politics, but I believe he will be a great figure in pub lic affairs In'some other way as long as he lives. ^>'41 are Commendable Attitude Members of the Wilkes county bat- entitled to the commendation of every tax payer for the splendid attitude they have shown during the present term of Superior j court, l-he lawyers have aided judge | building for the North Wilkesboro schools. with a much more general under standing of the unimnortance of money, than most of us had be fore. (Mlilions of people have learn ed how to get along with subetl- are sufficiently skilled to participate in the tntes for money, A lot of them “big” games and if they were, a coach wouldn’t know what to do with a squad of several hundred children. So the old armory served only as a physical education build ing for the few who went out for basket ball in a big way. However, with a gymnasium in the ‘front yard,” the school will have an opportunity to carry forwai’d its program of physical devel opment for every student, regardless of size or age. Up to now the program has been car ried on as best it could on the outside when the weather permitted. As has been pointed out many, many times, a healthy mind cannot develop in .1 i basis, and until we try to spend diseased bodv. So physical develop.-:lent is | some of it outside of the United of prime importance in the school curricu-1l^'thLr That “Vakes lum. i gold the best money is that It Is The Join-nal-Patriot is indeed happy at the I the one substance which every- .Jvould have to search Tong to find prospects for an adequate physical education accepts at the ^ better guidebook for the pfi r i A i •- vraitiA TlifF TiTrirk« atvxxv»vK/\rt w _ ... —... SCRIP Just as good Any money is good money which eveiTbody Is willing to ac- , i cept as such. Practically the 1 whole nation has gone on a scrip Sunday School Lesson By CHARLES E. DUNN CHRXSLER ROAPSTER ..-.,1 CHRYSI^B COUPE DODGE TRUCK, HfOf DODGE TRUCK, Two Ton DODGE PICKUP CHEVROLET TRU^ CHRYSLER SEDAN MODEL A FORD SEDAN CHEVROLET COACH GOOD MODEL T TRUCK DODGE COUPE CHEVROLET COUPE MODEL T SEDAN R^lar Pri«e 9mao 300.00 175.00 275.00 285.00 125.00 175.00 295.00 195.00 75.00 150.00 75.00; 40.001 CASH PRICE $ 59.00 : 139.00' 99.00 125.00 185.00 49.00 75.00 195.00^^ 95.00 35.00\> 95.00 35.00 19.00 -THE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOUIC DRINKS ! Lesson for March 19th. Pro-; verbs 23: 29-32. i Golden Text: Proverbs 23:32. The book of Proverbs is a ! most admirable treasury of the j popular wisdom of Isreal. One Schenck and Solicitor Jones in every way possible in their efforts to speed up tlie prog ress of the court and long, drawn-out trials -were averted whenever possible. The very commendable attitude which the bar has shown during the court has saved the taxpayers thousands of dollars, ervone in this audience knows, courts cost Daniels To Mexico The selection of Josephus Daniels as am- liasador to Mexico is a most agi-eeable one to North Carolina. President Roosevelt could not have made a choice which the people As ev- j would approve mere readily same value. But when everybody ^ g^image ol life. The twenty-third in Hopfrog Corners accepts the ^ chapter from which the lesson is local scrip at its face value, the j ^gken, contains the most corn- scrip is just as good money asipj^^g lively picture of drunk- gold money. ^ ^ enness in the Old Testament. We Neither scrip nor gold ^s|can see the carouser lingering wealth; both are merely i with bleary eyes, over the sticks with which to measure j bottle. And we are warned that j if we follow his path, our vision FtlRSTER .... has served long , speech shall become queer, I was glad to learn that Ru-i o"*- "erves insensible to tempest dolph Forster is to keep his P»>"- shall long for an Wiley Brooks and' Jeter Crysel The Motor Service Co. North Wilkesboro, N. C. certain. It Is to he expected that I MONTANA GOVERNOR ^ the’ European custom of imbiding | NAMED U. S. SENATOR /. wine and beer of relatively low | Helena, Monc^ March 13. alcpholic content will come to he j Gov. John E. Erickson resigned generally considered a normal so-f late today to become the succes- clal habit. It remains to be. seen Isor to the late Thomas J. Walsh to what extent the American peo-lln the United States senate. '1 money and the taxpayers foot the bills. The ^ once Mr. Roosevelt’s chief, longer it takes to ti-y a case the greater the | iels was Secretary of the Navy during the cost. So the efforts of the attorneys to j Wilson administration, Mi-. Roosevelt was speed up court progress should not and will; assistant secretary. Now the chief has be- not go unappreciated. I come the assistant and the assistant has be- The Wilkes county bar is composed of as \ come the chief. The Raleigh publisher, it is recalled, was'as executive clerk in the -whitej -UThile Mr Dan-! House. I have known him since I v> iiuc . . , _ . allan revels. So much energy has been ex in the heated discussion fine gentlemen as are to be found an>-where. We can be proud of them individually and as a group, not only for their commendable at titude during the court, but also for the high standards of ethics they maintain. An Unusual Day In Court Monday was perhaps a day without pre cedent in the history of Wilkes courts. Mr. Daniels can be counted upon to main tain the friendly relations betw-een Mexico and the United States which the late Dwight W. Morrow helped so materially to establish. BRUCE BARTON WRITES dent McKinley, in 1897. He has I held that post continuously • ..... concerning prohibition that the detremental effects of alcohol upon character have been almost entirely forgotten. In many cir cles the-use of hard liquor is ! considered an indispensable ad junct to hospitality. The harmful talked less about the confiden-j tiaU information which has cornel H is true that everyone admits to his knowledge. : of drinking to excess. Moderate drinking, however, is PRESIDENTS SI or 33? i pgually looked upon as harmless. Franklin D. Roosevelt is either • fjow that the repeal of the the thirty-first or the thirty-sec- j Eighteenth Amendment seems through the entire Administra- j tions of seven Presidents, and is | now starting on his eighth. j No man in Washington has! had so many state secrets pass i through his hands as Rudolph i Forster, and no-body has ever! pie will exercise dtie self-control. ] Frank H. Cooney, lieutenant gov- But even if moderate drinking | ernor, becomes the chief execu- becomes the rule, rather than thejtive of Montana, exception, it does not follow that | Erickson, a Democrat, resign- we are safe. For life has become ]ed late today and Cooney was highly mechanical and complex, j sworn in immediately as chief Jesus and His disciples doubtless I executive by Chief Justice L. L. drank wine. But there was no machinery of consequence in their day, no railroad, no auto- I mobile, no aeroplane. Life has speeded' up enormously with the result that a slight error in judgment, of no moment in the days oi old, may now easily re sult in a fatal accident. It is un deniable that one 4rink of alco holic liquor is sufficient to make an automobile driver a possible murderer. Soberiety, tial. Callaway. He then gave the sen atorial appointment to his prede cessor. Governor Erickson last No vember was elected to a third successive term as the state’s chief executive and began his If ninth year January 1. Catawba county sweet potato growers are selling their crop at 30 to 40 cents a bushel at the I curing house doors. This is a then, is today essen- low price but in line with other farm prices, say the growers. - The A QUESTION WILL DO On many occasions Jesus won his case with court took up two murder cases and disposed gjj,gie question—one of the best weapons in the of both still finding time to trv other "hole armory of persuasion and all too infrequent- 01 DOin. .u g, . 'ly employed. How often a blu.nderu,g advocate aJ- But that is not the most singular thing. 1 nimse f to he dragged into fume argument. So far as we know two men have never be- | when by throwing the burd_n back on to has op- ond President of the United States, according to which way yoj count. I notice that Publish ers Autocaster Service referred to him last -«’eek as the thirty- first Pre.sident. It is perfectly true that he is the thirty-first person to hold that office, but one of his pre- the I pt’Uf-ai's snoulders he could attain an easy mastery. I Mr. Cleveland, I Jesus seldom argued. The record of his questions 'ippjp^ two different times. fore gone on ii'ial in a ilkes court on same day for killing their own sons. j Stuoy for all of us who, in our every The ends of justice were apparentlv met.j^y affairs, must deal with other minds. Lvi us! in both casein, all circumstances being con-1 recall two of those questions. , sidered. But it is tragic that liquor—drink- was with ing and liquor making- fhe thirty-second, makes much differ ence. Moore was seven-year-old boy. If it had to happen, we I are glad that u was that way. M e would j regret the day when any man in our countt should become .such a beast as to kill his own me a new picture of the condi tion of the Chinese people. China today is actually pros- a four-year interval between his two terms. So if you count the number of The Pharisees set a trap for him. One Sabbath j Presidential administrations Mr, , , , , i- , „ idav they hunted up a man with a withered hanu; ^.".!and Sosited ium in the temple where Jesus'^’^t the death of twu boys at the hands ot then ^ xhen they waited. If fathers. Evidence tended to show that i Jpg^^g him, it would be a breach of the code,'riirs'A being united intoxicated when he killed his i which forbade any activity on the Sabbath. They j I dined the other d.ay in New would have that to reca 1 when the crisis came.! York with a gentleman who has Jesus sensed the ttst and met it without hesita- engaged in business in China for several years. He gave tion. •Stand forth," he said to the poor chap. The bigoted formalists pushed in close. This was son in cold blotnl. Baugucss, it seemed, had i their moment. They had dug the pit cleverly and porous. Its industries are boom- but liquor, it seemed, also had l new he was about to fall in. The soft light wentjjng and, except in some of the ' out of Jesus’ yes, the muscles of his jaw grew tense, he looked "round on them with anger,” as he demanded: “Is it unlawful on the Sabbath day to do good or to do harm? To save a life or to kill?” He waited for an answer but none came. What coud they say? If they replied that the law for bade a good deed, their answer would be repeated all over town. The crowd of common folks who followed him were his friends, but not theirs— only too glad to spread a story which would cast j opinion that China would make discredit on the proud defenders of the law. The | a very effective resistance to Pharisees had sense enough to recognize that fact, Japan: that it might take Y®®*’®' provocation, a hand in that tragedy. The cases are cited not for any reflection upon the unfortunate defendants, but as a warning to those who may deal in red fire.” A Balanced Budget “The prerogative of choosing methods is yours. I can only beg you to follow' the one which in your judgment will rest less heavily on the lives, habits and activities of our people. My chief concern is adequate though economical provision and an unmistakably balanced budget.” It was Governor FJiringhaus speaking to the General Assembly and incidentaly to all North Carolina. WTiether one agrees with his views thit a sales tax is preferable to the 15-cent ad valorem tax for school pur poses, whether one agrees or disagrees on other views ex-pressed, everybody is con vinced that that last clause points out the only course the present General Assembly can take with safetv. 'There must be “an unmistakably balanced biMget ” The state must do what individuals have don“: Go on a cash b?.'’‘s. 'Thi'- is no time to jrc deeper into d-bt f-hn only way to avoid further debt is to bnlan-o the budget. To do so r’P'S’ r''0’v‘ro economies or ne-iv form of ts-vatior. nerhans both. Greater sacrifices are preferable to increased indebtedness. Governor Ehringhaus is speaking the people's bngoage when he demands a bal- budget. remote districts, there is .some thing like real prosperity, judged by Chinese standards. The most interesting thing my friend said, however, was that the Chinese people are more nearly unified today as a nation than they have ever been. The Japanese aggression in Manchu ria has stimulated Chinese pa triotism. My friend' expressed the at least- They “held their peace,” and sullenly s'ipped away. On another day it was his own disciples who lean-sd how he could compress a whole philosophy into a well-directed interrogatio|M^hey ■were Ly no means free from the hu man nature. They fussed abou^^^^. things— arguing among themselves as to pre-eminence: wondering how their billswlR' to be met, and just where the whole enterprise was coming out. He brought them up short with a question. “Which of you by being anxious can add a sing’e day to his life?” he demanded. “And if you can’t do this simpl" thing, why worry about the rest? Consider the ravens; they don’t sow or reap: they have no store-houses or bams, and yet God takes care of them. Don’t you suppose that you are of more value in his sight than a flock of birds?” How trivial seemed their concern and controversy after a question like that! -And just think, w'hen the French told us right aft er the close of the war that they never could repay us, we considered it an expression of gratitude.— Arkansas Gazette. There is a lot of discussion these days about a national tree, and about all we have to suggest on the proposition is that it must be some kind of a nut-tree,—^Ripley (Ohio) Bee. but eventually China, including Manchuria, will be controlled by the Chinese. PERKINS in New York Frances Perkins, the first wo man member of the Cabinet, Is in ' private life Mrs. Paul Wilson. Her husband Is a statistician. i They have a daughter, Susanna, j who is now about sixteen years ^ old. { So sharp a line does Miss Per- I kins draw belwevn her public life i and her private life that it was j not until her name was announc ed as Secretary of Labor that most of the newspaper men In Albany, where she was head of the New York Labor Bureau, I even knew she was married. . j Since the laws of New York do] not require a married woman to' take her husband’s name upI-'ss ■she feels like It, she Is still le-; gaily Prances Perkins, although In the District of Columbia she may have to sign the Federal payroll as Mrs, Paul Wilson. HOOVER . the man I am very fond of Mr. Hoover. So is everybody who . really gelis acquainted •with him. In his prl- ste and personal capacity Cook With "Stored Heat" In This Electric Oven-Cooker 95c Cash $1 Monthly UNIVERSAL 2-HEAT OVEN COOKER For all kinds ot electric cookery in the home. Does everything an oven will do. Roasts and bakes brown—stews—boils—steams and fricassees, enough food for an average family meal. Browns foods perfectly, which steam cookers, pressure cook ers and so-called tireless cookers will not do. Cooks largely by stored heat and uses less current than an electric iron. Has two heats—“high” and “low.” ‘High heat rapidly brings the oven cooker to temperature desired and then, because of its effee- A!.'.:, f /X* rvi#i:nf«sfnc fViic lAtnnAPoflirA wifh **10W” hCSt. ThC lOW tlye: insulation, the cooker maintains this temperature with ojieratmg^ cost and reduction of food shrinkage in a short time save the cost of this cooker many times oven Operates from any electrical outlet. Equipped with two separate clamp cover containers. Food prepared in the oven-cooker at home can be served hot from it at picnics or other outings. , This OVEN-COOKER is the same thing as the “Economy Cooker” on many Electric Ranges except that it is larger. Many who purchased ranges WITHOUT this feature will want one. Ask that housewife whose electric range has the “Economy Cooker” and you’ll be^n to rqipreciate what this Oven-Cooker will mean to you. Phone 420 and our representative will bring this codrer or any ap pliance to your home for your infection. Southern Public Utilities Co. TunelnOnOurRaAo'Program—WBT,n9:IS A., M. Monday-Wday. •V NORTH WILKESBORO NORTH CAROI li^

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