Deposit & Savings Bank Opens For Busmess; Audit of Bank of h North Wilkesboro Is Completed Deposits in Bank Yesterday Exceeded All Expectations, It Was Reported; Auditor Carrying Bank of North Wilkes boro Report To Raleigh PEOPLE HAVE FAITH, CONFIDENCE Banks To Be Even Safer Than Ever Before By Reason of Holiday; No Withdrawals of Consequence At D. & S.'On Open- Day Yesterday William phiiui» | Deposlt & SaviDgs Ba^Ad^ToList Of Its Officials The banking situation here is rapidly clearing and with in a few days normal banking service will be rendered by the county’s two banking institutions, it was predicted this morning. The Deposit and Savings Bank opened yesterday morn ing following the banking holiday and a busines^s lUsh greeted this first evidence of the rapidly clearing siUmtion. An audit of the records of the Bank of North Wilkesboro was completed yesterday afternoon by J. B. Rogers and com pany, auditing firm of Statesville, and the auditors left late in the afternoon for Statesville, carrying with them their re port which Mr. Rogers will take to Raleigh today. Th^s re port will be turned over to Guemey P. Hood, commissioner of banks, for examination. After it is considered by Mr. Hood and the stote banking department, the local bank will be advised of the necessary steps to take for re-opening. Deposits at the Depasit and Savings biink yesterday ex ceeded all expectations, it was learned last evening. The bank personnel was kept busy throughput the day receiving deposits and until late last night with clerical work connect ed with the receipts. An interesting sidelight on the opening day wjis the fact that there was onlv one withdrawal, the gentleman who ask ed for a small-sum of monev stating that he needed it to buy some seed and fertilizer with which to begin his spring planting. The money was spent with a local which le- deposited the money today. There was every evidence during the day that the peo ple of the county have the utmost faith and confidence. The opinion prevails locally that the banking holiday proclaimed by President Roosevelt and Governor Ehringhaus has re sulted I I'eoiganizations and readjustments which will place banking on a safer and sounder b;isis than ever before. The banks w hich are open are operating on a unrestricted basis, the money of depositors being available upon demand. Delay in reopenings have been due in most cases to the care with which the state banking department ha.s scruti nized reports of the various banks- Each report has ^en canefullv investigated and special attention has been given every item listed thereon. The time required to complete the check of the audits has been longer than was expected, but the department is progressing nicely with its work. Bank i,fficials last night expressed confidence that normal banking service with both banks opening and transacting business just as_before the holiday is only a matter of a few day.s. Authority to open the Deposit and Savings bank with out restrictions of any nature was granted Monday night when all readjustments were completed. Banks throughout the state have gained added strength during the banking holiday and the people have accepted the situation in the finest sort of spirit. Developments are tak ing place rapidly with the brightest prospects for a return to full service within a brief period. ! Mr. N. B, Smithey Is Made Chairman .of New Board of Directors HELD MEETING MONDAY,' Mr. Ralph Duncan Is Made Vice President; Other Officers Same Additions to the already strong group of officers and directors of the Deposit and Savings Bank were made at a meeting held Monday evening. Full -equire- tVilliani Phillips, -new Under secretary of Slate in the Roose velt cabinet, assistant to Secre tary of State, Cordell Hull. Mr. , Phillips was in attendance at the , nients were met by the bank and first meeting of the cabinet as! authority to re-open was granted pertainin.g to tlie financial crisis. | by the state banking department. I ,M. B. Smithey, prominent local , business man, was made chair- ' man of the board of directors. ^ C. O. McNeill, I. E. Pearson and Ralph Duncan, other well known i business men, were added to the board, Mr. Duncan was named a FALSERliOR SPREAD HEREi Rumor of Irregularities in'vice president of the bank. Welfare Office Unfounded, , officers are as follows: R l Says Mr. Ezell Donghton, president; .1. T. Pro ISSUES STATEMENT velte, vice president; Ralph] i Duncan, vice president; C. T ! Donghton, cashier; Miss Anne Rumors which have been cir-: assistant cashier: D. S -Ciliated regarding tlie nianage-, pfjji raghier. ment of the office of Mrs. Va-' Directors are: N. B. Smithey. lerio Belle Foster, county super-1 chairman, R. L. Doughton, .). T. , t I’revette. C. A. Lowe. I. E. Pear- intendent of w-elfare, are whol-,*'*^ n.,., iv without foundation.- ^Vm.; >• ^J‘=Nei Curtis Er.ell, district supervisor | Ceo. S. Forester, D. F Shop-, of federal relief funds, declared I * in a statement issued .yesterday. ^ The false rumor relative to; this office was spread several ; days ago and had lieen ignored until Mr. Ezell Issued his state-, ment. Those familiar with Mrs. i Foster and the management nf , „ „ fl her office regret exceedingly the ! Entered Chickcfl House O f| necessity of making a public de-1 Heaton Paidue Fridaj nial of the absolutely false re-j Night Last Week ports. i No irregularities whatever ex- Mr. Ezell declared FROM SICK MAN m^esPeoiJe « AlHearingOn Bill Wednesday Approval of Committee Virtu ally Assures Passage In ^ Lower House' LOCAL MEN OPPOSE IT, Is Representative ‘ Cowks Champion of Measure at the Hearing The Cowles bill placing Wilkes ! under the general provisions , of the state-wide Recorders’ Court act yesterday was reported favor ably by the House committee on courts and judicial districts, i A delegation of Wilkes citi zens went to Raleigh to attend I the hearing, "the majority of them j speaking in opposition to the measure. The champion of the bill before the committee was Representative Cowles who_ told I the committee that the people want the bill passed. — The approval of the committee 'virtually assures the bill’s pass- !age in the House, the Legislature ! seldom rejecting a local measure which is approved in committee. The bill gives the county com missioners the authority to estab lish a recorder's court for Wilkes I county if they deem it best. Wilkes people present at the committee hearing yesterday aft ernoon were Attorneys Eugene '■fTrivette, Hugh A. Crauor, Julius A. Rousseau, J. M, Brown, F. J. McDuffie, Ralph Bingham and [Messrs. W. A. .McNeill, Andrew ; Payne, Sheriff W. B. Somers, LDeputy Old Wiles and Jailer J. [b. Sheets, the latter three having gone to Raleigh to carry some prisoners to the state peniten- tiary. „ Here are photos from the heart of the earthquake zone which took Wilkesboro To Have 2 Tickets RONDA, March 22.—Chicken | ist. Mr. Ezell declared in his entered the chicken house| ^ damage to property estimated at $50,000,000 in the; . — „ j q, x statement which reads as a tfom Angeles area of Southern CaWoiia. Photo No. 1 shows, a street' W. E. Smithey To Head Slate , , , . .Jm/ho k I .scene in Compton where 20 persons were killed by the collapse of| Opposing Present Town “Pursuant to certain rumors i his Ilotk. ' , . u -u- t ' Officials circulated relative to supposed 1 Miy Pardiie. with a wife and! building; No. 2, shows the rums of a high school building m Long| irregularities in tlie office of'several children to support, has I Beach, the town considered the quake’s epicenter and where 65 lives j The town of Wilkesboro will Mrs. V. B. Foster, coiiniy welfare , not been able to do any work ini were lost; No. 3, shows homeless and p?nniless refugees being fed by; have two tickets in the biennial officer of Wilkes county. I desire ; several months, suffering with ' t|, U. S. Marines at Long Beach. [election which will be held on to state that I liave been in close | fheumatisin. At this time he is j ——.May 2. A mass meeting held last touch with this office as area not able to help himself to and I fjn 1 £ ti/f W% [night at the courthouse named a snpervi.sor since the hegi.ming of , from the bed. i MOnPhOYS /If WwinifiS IfiOV [slate of candidates, thus assuring the relief urogram, and find that^ Last F'riday several of his no irregularities exist and rn- ; neighbors took their teams and mors are wholly without tounda-' plowed for him. as his little boys tioii. [are not large enough to do this Teachers of Wilkes May Be Given Preference This Year two full tickets. At the meeting last night, W. E. Smithey w'as nominated for mayor. W. C. Pearson, Geo. ! Johnson. Ralph R. Reins and “Wm. CURTIS EZELL. kind of work. ‘Di.strict Supervisor of Federal | It looks as if these rogues i School Officials Reported To Have Under Consideration NeW j Claude Kennedy were placed in Relief Funds.” could have found something else! * Slate For Board of Education Is | Changed; New Men In Omnibus Bill, Delegation Going to do. rather than to take from this family in these depressing Policy To Employ Wilkes Teachers Before Going Out side County; Teachers, Without Jobs This Term times. To N.C.E.A. Meetj Interest Lagging In City Section The question of giving prefer- stitutions during the ence to teachers who are resi- twelve months and who are in | and Claude Kennedy made short [the race for commissioners. AJl the candidates were nomi- j nated by acclamation. L. Bum- entire garner, chairman of the meeting. dents of Wilkes county in the a personal way interested in the i talks at the meeting. .■V delegation of Wilkes teaoh- The oninilius bill, now in thi sub-committee of the committee on exlucation, contains the names of three new men for member ship on the Wilkes county hoard of education, according to word received from Raleigli yesterday afternoon. T. S. Miller. R. I-. Hickersoii and Mack Moore are li.sted in ers, headeil iiy County Superin-1 tendent C. C. Wright, will go to ■ I Raleigh today and tomorrow to j employment of teachers for the, progress and develo'pment of the] Tlie slate named last night will looming year is being given se-’county, everything else being | oppose the present toyi-n officials I rioiis consideration, it is learned .equal, deserve first consideration; who are as follows: W. E. Harris, f The biennial election for' on good authority. Approximately 2.'; I when it comes to the teaching po-j mayor, and C. E. I..enderman, O. teachers.sitions. ! P. Eller, Joe Barber and R. B. who are adequately trained for! It is pointed out that a num-[ Pharr. commis.sioners. Mr. Pharr .attend the meeting of the North , North Wilkesboro which will be I profession were unable to her of counties have invoked the! is not a member of the present held on May 2 has failed to in- obtain a position during the home-preference rule. Ashe conn-' board. ;the omnibus bill for the county j board instead of C. O. McNeill, ' R. K. Church and D. F. Shep- ■ herd. The latter three were high i . , , , . . . ; men in the primary for endorse- farolina Education Association. ^ interest to date, no: school year just coming to a,ty is an example of one of the. iment as members and their •*’“ ,e»- close and this fact has resulted whleh ! , names were sent to Raleigh by ! the county chairman of the Dem- iocratie party in accordance with I tile primary vole. having announced new counties which has instituted the j Papers For ScVCnth ,ev. Joe H. Armbrust To Speak At Banquet of Athletic Association Features of the three-day ses- oir.n he nUHrectses hv W ' ' ' . lu the Consideration of a Sion will be addresses by «•, t,,e„,s,p)ves and no voters having j . , John Cooper, United States Com- |policy, it is siaieu. missioner of Education, and Gov-1 rcsistered. , I Some school officials express ernor J. C. B. Ehringhaus. [ Robert Brame, who was ap- the opinion that Wilkes county ation to out-of-county teachers. A niimlier of Wilkes teachers. pointed registrar by the county j teachers who pay taxes in i Whether sucH a policy will be who are'members of the N. C. E. : board of elections, stated yester-1 Wilkes, trade with Wilkes merch- finally decided upon by Wilkes policy, during the depression, of hiring teachers living in thej county before giving consider-1 Grade Exam Wanted Requests That All Unused Blanks Be Returned To Mr. Wright A. are planning to make the trip, [day that he had not made an en-jants throughout the year, helP|SChool officials is not-known at, teachers who have not yet Among those planning to go j try on the poll hooks. The books j support civic and religious in- this time. i^nt in their corrected papers for are Superintendent C. C. Wright | were opened Saturday. — — - . 7 [the seventh grade examinations Many Farmers Are 1 nree-viuarter Auto iconducted on March is are asited and Mrs. Wright, I'rof. W. D. j During the next three Satur- To Fill Engagement of Coach,will be members of the wiikes- T V Miller ftf State ' o"*" P**"' J. h. MiUer Of Mate C ollege ' ed a letter R V Davrcoach of athletics Awarding of letters to the boys at Wilkesboro high school, re-; ami girls will be a feature of the ceived a telegram this week from program. J. F. .Miller, head of the depart ment of physical education at State College, advising that he Lvould be nnahle to fill his i n Halfacre and Misses -Mary Nelson ■ days, Mr. Brame will be at the and Beatrice Pearson, Prof, and j town hall to register new voters. Mrs. David R. Wright and Prof. [ The primary will he held on T. E. Story. ■ [Monday, April 17.. _ Wilkesboro Woman’s Club To Meet Fifiday Convicts Now At Work Beautifying Highways Leadi^ Through County Applying For Ldansj Plates Go On' Sale county superintendent not later Fifty-Six Had Filled Out Ap-i Telegram Re/eived Tu^ayU'ian Saturday, a few teachers plications Up To Yester- I At Noon Authorizing i Reduced Charges | dent Wright stated yesterday aft- day At Noon Fifty-six Wilkes county farm- ; ernoon. Three-quarter automobile lie-1 All unused blanks from all the ers had made application for crop ense plates went on sale Tues-U®»chers a, re requgsled. Mr. Wright said. Mr. Wright saM he production loans up to yester-1 day afternoon, reducing the cost was anxious to get the uUiMed wuuiu — - - The Wilkesboro Woman's Club gagement at the 'oanquet of tie|^,j|] tomorrow (Friday) aft Steps looking to the beautifl-. been given cation of the highways through | white pines. being jlaced j who has been assisting them Inj thletic association t o n i g h t • 3.30 o’clock in the! Wilkes county have n Pi»i «ttenHon , Ki”'I Obtaining license for the “old tj,e earliest possible special attention,. John R. Jones, notary P«l»bc.[bus’’ by one-fourth. ElltllC'l.tV' ortcii-xv , tfl dv «».♦,» V vvv*v»v-*» • «* (Thursday) and Rev. J. H. Arm- sandwich Shoppe. Mesdames A. b r u s t, versatile after-dinner ^ Gray, Hugh Cranor and War- speaker, has been secured to de- ner Miller will be hostesses. liver an address. [ — The banquet will be held this! Washington. March 20.—The evening at 7:30 o’clock in the treasury'revealed today it had recently!®***® ** ***® Yadkin county out the blanks. JVfVDiUS ab I.OV V - - - i. % 1* Wilkesboro high school building, i to pay only 1.8,3 per cen( Tor Its ^llKeSOOIO UI6II nv,..v.v.. - . . , he twenty-five boys and girls | recent sale of 91-day treasury [line to a point several miles west-; The applications are approved I been taken. White pines, taken the city. The highway to Mo-, j,y CoUnty Agent A; G. Hendren i from the Wilkes forests which ravlan Falls has also been given j jbe loan committee before ■are rich with them, are being set some attention. 1 [being turned over to-the field in- jout In rows on either sidh of some 1 The highway forces, unable to | spector, J. B. Dellinger, who f»r- 1 of the main highways. | do work of this nature in • the wards them to the Secretary of The work is being done by j towns, has given every assistance me iweui.y'‘iiYC’ uv/jo °— , • vho earned letters in football; bills, as compared with 4.26 per ind basketball this year will be [cent for a similar issue offered mtertatned. Among the guests [March 6. convicts under the supervision of the state highway department. The Boone Trail,, the principal and encouragement to the Wil kesboro ■'At’ornan’s Club which has planted trees on some of the artery of travel In JVllkes, has streets there. Agriculture at Washington. Most of the loans, ..If finally approved,^, will bh small, the ma jority of farmers applying for wlj! small amounts. J. C. McDlarmid, managet'Qf the North Wilkesboro office of the Carolina Motor Club, liscelv- eif a telegram from the Motor Vehicle Bureau Tuesday at soon authorizing him to BeR the tags on the threa-quayter basls-^w.^ The reduction In the cost. Is expected to. bring bnndre.da.^ of cars,;which have been parked slnce^fhe first of the year, out of date. t» )t- C. A. Sheffield Here C. A. Sheffield, assistant diree- tor. of the extensioji department of State College, was . In - the. county Tuesday to confer vrith County Agent Hendren and Wel fare Sui^rlntendent Mrs. Q> G. Foster relative to the garden progmm .ter ''reMef cesee.” Hr. Sheffield is assisting federal aid

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