h Cyde Man Kills : SeU In Kitchen As Wife Looks On Dons Walsh Tog* f. ' L j f W. p. Shore Is Suicide Vic tim; Used Shotgun To End His Life TOOK PLACE ON FRIDAY Cause of Act Is Unknown to| Family; Funeral Held Yesterday Funeral services were eontinot ed Sunday at 11 o’clock from Union church for W. D. Shore, young farmer of Cycle, 'wlio com mitted suicide at his home Fri day afternoon. Kcv. N. T. .larvis was in charge of the service Which was attended by a large concourse of people. Mr. Shore shot himself in the head with a 12-gauge, double barreled shotgun about 4 o’clock Friday afternoon in the kitchen of his home as his wife looked on. He placed the muzzle of the gun against his left temple and using his right hand to hold the gun, pulled the trigger \fith his left hand. No cause for his rash act was knowp. He is said to have had no final ^ial or family troubles and apparently had been in the best of health. However, for two or three days h^’^eemed to lose his usual jovial mood and it was thought that he became mental ly unbalanced. At the time of the shooUiig. Mrs. Shore was pleading with him not to shoot himself as he had told her he was going to dt'. She is said to have struggled with him and before loosing her hold obtained a promise that he would not harm himself. How ever, she had just ftepped away when he ffred the shot. He was 28 years old on March 24. Besides his wife. Mrs. Min nie Shore, he is survived by two daughters. Kathleen and Fay. his parents. Mr. and Mrs. ,1. H, Shore, three sisters. .Mrs. i’attline Roberts, Misses Ruth and Kvelyn Shore and two brother.s, Harry and Paul Shore, all of Cycle. Standard IH'tfducts Handled By Dick’s Service Stations '-.‘Sr-ai •''isr Change To Standard Was Ef fected Saturday At All Stations HAS THREE STATIONS Include Standard Products Standard and Esso, Esso- lube and Atlas Tires Senator John DickJs Service Stations, effec tive Saturday. April 1, are hand ling a full line of Standard pro- E. Erickson. of Montana, retiring as governor I A. A. (Dickl Cashion, pro of that state to ho named to fill prietor of the stations. staged out tile unexpired term of late Thomas J. Walsh, has his appointment protested, bids fair to he seated the hud hut Spelling Bee At Kiwanis Meeting this morning that "we are always anxious to give our customers the very best products money can buy and we believe the products of the Standard Oil company meet the highest standards.” With the change to Standard completed. Dick's Service Sta tions have the complete line of Standard products wliich include , ,, -, , V- i o ' Standard gasoline, Esso gasoline, JurolS Have Not let Essolube. the only five-star mo- Drawn; Many Cases To tires. Be Heard During Term ( Mr. Cashion has two stations in the city and a new one on top of the liill is now being erected. .Mr. Cashion is greatly pleased KRAL COURT' BEGIHS MAY 15 HAVES WILL PRESIDE Federal court for the trial of tiersons charged with violating federal laws will convene a Wilkeslioro on May l.">. Jurors for the term have not vet been drawn, according to with Standard products and stales that he is confident his iratrons and friends will approve the change. "Our stations are al ways pleased to serve the public and try to give the very best ob- Deputv Clerk L. Hnmgariier. hut i . , . , , the jury list will be prepared |'a'»able in the way of products. within the next few days. stated. This division is rompos-l_ . ed of Wilkes. Alleghany, Ashe i rnSOnCrS Happy aud Watauga counties. i Over Radio Gift Judge Johnson J. Hayes, of Greensboro, will preside and Di.s- p_ Williams’ Donation To trict Attorney J. U. \jfCrary and (’ountv Jail Welcomed his assistants will prosecute the, p ’ m^ates docket. ! are Legion, Auxiliary Plan Planting Day To Beautify (irounds .\bout New Building On Friday; Shrubbery Needed Rev. J. H, Armbrust Pinch Hits For J. R. Hix At Fri day’s Luncheon Rev. J. H. .4rmbrust. pinch- hitting for I. R. Hix, staged an old-time spelling bee at Friday’s luncheon of the Kiwanis Club. The luncheon was held at Ho tel Wilkes and was well attend ed. Genlo Cardwelt .served as sec retary »in the place of Secretary T. E. Story who accompanied his debating team to Elkin for the triangular debating contest. H. H. .Morehouse and John K. Justice were captains of the two spelling team.s. Edward Finley, most proficient in the art of spelling for the day. brought vic tory for .Mr. Justice’s team and received a stick of chewiii.g gum as the prize. Rev. Mr. Armbrust. versatile entertainer, proved himself an artist at telling jokes. With the completion of the .American i.egion and Auxiliary Hut only a few days off. mem bers of these groups are plan ning a "Planting Day" Friday. April 7. I Wilkes county prisoners ' hanpy over the gift of a hand- I some cabinet radio by Pat M. 1 Williams, popular traveling sales- jman. who not only donated the j radio, but personally installel it in the county jail. The gift was much appreciated, j Jailer J. R. Sheets stated, and 1 the prisoners are very grateful ] to Mr. Williams. I The radio was installed several ^ days ago and the inmates of the jail are enjoyin.g listening to the programs over the air. A COMMENDABLE SERVICE - (AN EDITORIAL) The confidence reposed in the stockholders and officials of the Deposit and Savings Bank and the Bank of North Wilkesboro during the period which the hanks were closed was merited, for no group of stockholders and officials have been metre loyal to their customers than these. ' Every person acquainted with the facts hnows that both local institutions were in sound financial condition,^ were safe and liquid before the banking holiday was de clared. But the fear and lack of confidence in some sec tions of the state and nation caused the state banking de partment to set up a new banking standard—a standard,' which means that if all depositors were to demand their money within thirty days, the banks must have ample as sets to realize the necessary money within that short period. Stockholders and officials of the local institutions and business men of the county %ladly co-operated to at tain that standard and while the banks were strong before the holiday, they are now stronger and safer than ever before. Time was required to complete the audit of the banks. Each item had to be checked and investigated. The pub lic, never losing confidence, watched developments with interest and showed their faith by making large deposits in each bank on opening day. Attainment of the new standard represented a sacrifice to stockholders of the institutions. But with the loyalty that has marked their long service to Wilkes, the men who operate these banks thought not of the sacrifice, but in terms of se^’vice to those who have always shown their faith in them. There is not one among those familiar with events of the past few weeks who is not appreciative of the loyalty and devotion of our bankers to the interest of the public. The Journal-Patriot joins in this expression of gratitude and adds this word of appreciation to those spoken by the hundreds of bank customers. Bank stockholders and other business men who put their shoulder to the wheel to bring about a happy ending to the banking holiday deserve the deepest gratitude of the public. (rf Nordi' Wilkesboro Open For ^ine*i^ Flood of Deposits ^ . Greeted Opening Day Saturday cJ Deposit & Savings Bank Opened Ten Days „ Ago With Large Deposilp/ CONFIDENCE IS NOTED. 1 •1 Both Banks Are Operating Without Restrictions; New Directors Named ’ 4 Normal banking service wa* j restored here Saturday ■when the Bank of North Wilkesboro open- the Deposit and Savings Bank, the only other banking in stitution in the county, having opened ten days previous. A flood of deposits greeted the opening of the Bank of North Wilkesboro. All day Saturday, customers of the bank kept the bank force busy receiving depos its. Bank officials stated Saturday evening that the deposits were Miss Susan Sheppard, daugh-1 ter of U. S. Senator Morris Shep-1 pard, of Texas, and a junior at i Duke University. Durham.'N. C„ i 'a^ger than was anticipat- has been elected to head the j ed. i beauty section of the 1933 Chan-| with normal banking faclli-^ ' ticleer, the student year book. | tie.s restored, a new spirit of con- IREXIERDIES IN CAR WRECK I C. S. Felts In Car With Him j Injured; Chasing Big I Bootlegger WAS EFFICIENT AGENT RECORDER’S COURT MEASURE IS KILLED BY SENATE COMMITTEE fldence was in evidence and the 1 people freely exaressed their I faith in the local banks. ' The Deposit and Savings Bank i which opened March 22 has con- I tinued to receive heavy deposits, j There have been no withdrawals except for legitimate business purpo.ses. W’hile both the Deposit and Savings Bank and the Bank of North Wilkesboro were solvent and in excellent condition when the banking holiday was declar ed. the complete audits made by the state hanking department and resultant steps assure the public that both are stronger .and Mountain View Winn The two organizations are ^ i • i justly proud of their new build-i Triangular Debates ing and they will greatly appreci-, ^, j ate any shrubs that people inter- Double Victory Entitled ested in beautifying the grounds i Teams To Go To Finals wish to give. j At Chapel Hill "If you have anything to' • an official of the Auxil-; HAYS. April 1. — Debating slated Satiirday morning. • just phone -Mrs. J. E. Turner, 3.7 1, who will he glad to call for any shrubs Friday morning.” glV( iarv teams of Mountain View high scliool won both sides of the query in the triangulur contest Friday aflernoon and thus won tile right to represent the tri angle ill the finals at Chapel Hill, i The Mountain View affirma- tive team, composed of Conrad Coni act for the erection of a (and Von Caudill, won handsome brick bungalow on the j m-,.,. TfaphiH's negative at Mt. corner of Sixth and K streets Pleasant. while the negative IMPORTANT—REA^ ChiUlren are killed by dipb- therin, "the .strangler.” They can be pi-olerted easi ly by vaccination. All children between the ages of six months and ten jeiir.s need protection. rareiils, see your physician NOW. NORTH CAROIJNA ST.ATK BOARD OF HE.ALTH Prohibition Investigator Devi jC. Trexler was instantly killed I late Friday afternoon when the j government automobile which he was driving in pursuit of a whis key car overturned on state I highway No. 770. about half-i safer than ever before, j way between Leaksville and | The opening of the Bank of Stoneville. His companion. In-[North Wilkesboro places Wilkes vestigator C. S. Felts, was in-1 in the fortunate group of coun- jured, but his condition is re- ties which have all their banking ported not to be serious. j houses open without any restric- The accident occurred about tion.s whatever. Unfavorable Report Given Thursday Afternoon; Is Death of Measure [car failed to make a sharp curve j North Wilkesboro was complet- on the topsoil highway, Invest!- ed by J. B. Rodgers and com- '4:45 o’clock as the government: The audit of the Bank of For the second time in four [years. Representative Charles H. Cowles carried his bill to place Contract For Home Let To Kenerly And Pearson j Mrs. Masons Will Hold Meeting Tomorrow team, composed of llessie Wiles WHS lei a few day.s ago by J. F. Johnson to Kenerly andja,,^ Fae Miles, took Hie debate Pear.-on, local building c o n-1 ith Mt. Pleasant at ’iTaphill. tractors, , Giading has already tieen com-' Mis.ses Breta Poe Scroggs and has I Liieile Scroggs, o f Moravian DRY OFFICERS CAPhJREFOUR Wilkes county under the provis ions of the general recorders’ court act throiigii the house, only to lose in the senate. The senate’s sub-committee on courts and judicial districts Thiireday afternoon reported the 73 j hill unfavorably, putting an end I to the legislation at this session of the general assembly unless I some senator brings it to the floor on the minority report. Representative Cowles intro- Eight Gallons of Found On Car; “Watch Man Is Caught jdiiced a similar measure in 1929 Liquor the house committee gave it an unfavorable report. Un- i daunted. Mr. Cowles took his ; tight to the floor of that body Four men ^ arrested and | an'l made such a stirring appeal eight gallons of liquor eonfis-1 it carried, cated in raids made Thursday by 1 senate. gator Felts told Deputy Prohihi-1 pany, auditing firm, Friday eve- lion Administrator J. L. Osteen. | ning. .Mr. Rodgers co,mraunicated The machine turned over oncejWitli Gurney P. Hood, state bank and righted itself, according to. commissioner, who immedlatelj the injured officer, and Mr. Trex-j issued license for the re-openlng. ler’.s head was crushed in thej At a meeting of the stock framing of the Stiidebaker road- j holders Friday afternoon the fol- ster’s top. 'lowing officers were re-elected: Pnr.siiel Car .•.thiuI .4n Hour R- Hix, president; S. V. Tom- It was reported that the gov-' A. Finley, vice ernuient car had been pursuing ■ R. W. Gwyn, cashier; the whiskey car, a Ford, for-A- W. Horton. Miss Essie Erwin about an hour when the accident W. W. Starr, assistant cash- occurred as the machines travel-' Directors are; E. M. Black ed in the direction of Leaksville.' burn, R. W. Gwyn, S. V. Tomlin- The Ford, with 50 gallons of,son, Ralph Diincan. John E. Jus- whiskey, was found abandoned, ti®®: R- G- Finley; A. B. John- abont half a mile from the scene |Ston, J. R. Hix and A. A. Finley- of the wreck a short time later, but the driver escaped. The accident was witnessed by a boy as he stood in the yard in front of his home, and members of the family summoned an am- . 1 , hiilance which carried Investiga- prohibition agents in the county. | house committee ten days , i,eaksville hos- Cleve Marley was caught in 'hejaRO ‘^e bill pital.. It was said th?t the gov- It was later kill- Negative Teams Win In Triangle Lewis Fork section Thursday aft-j “le house passed it, but ““^e - ^ in a raid made by Agents | again it struck a shag which j ’ meant extinction at this session.' ‘ pleted and rapid progress North Wilkesboro Lodge To Meet At 7:30 P. M-, In Local Lodge Hall been made toward early pletion of t.he re.sideiice. com- Falls, spent the week-end 1 Greensboro with friends. in H. r. Kilby and D. C. Dettor, | who were assisted by Deputy Sentiment was pretty well di- overtiiriied. Although the identity of the Marshal H. H. Jennings, M. S.. v’ded in the county, many peo-1 whiskey car was not , 1 pie wanting to give the court ai Operetta Will Be Presented At City School Auditorium Friday ' trial, while others vigorously op-; i deflnltely established, Deputy Ad- Phillips and T. M. Setzer. Mar ley, it was stated, was a “watch man and tired a warning shot to | P®«®d operators of a still, which was | jjgggrg John Cothfeu and son, [tor Felts recalled that Mr. Trex- |/boro, ^tated that Investiga- [j. A. Cothren, Amos Brooks. D. | ler said during the pursuit that In compliance with an order Issued by Herbert C. Alexander, grand master of the Grand la)dge of North Carolina. North Wilkes boro Lodge No. 407. A. 1'. & A. M„ will meet tomorrow (Tiie.s- day) evening at 7:30 o’clock at the local lodge hall to join in the state-wide movement. itertainment are to be used to Kpj^ipfheus. Charles Whicker; T. C. Caudill, master, am . song hooks and other Quicksilver, Julian Grissom; equipment much needed by thejijope, Mlckie Bryant; Love, music department of the sohool. .Thomas Whicker. The operetta, "Pandora.” is • Approximately ninety c/hildren based upon the ancient Greek' from the fourth through thejnish bond, were committed to On Friday evening at 7:45 injeape to do what they can to re- the school auditorium the chil-’'i®ve the world of the sorrow dren, of t he elementary grades will present the operetta. "Pan-1 dora" The proceeds of this en-! I’andora. Gwendolyn Hubbard; caused by the evil sprites. The main characters are ' follows: I’a ndora. H H. Waugh, secretary, are very anxious that all .Masons at tend the meeting. Members of the local lodge have been noti fied personally with the hope that there will be a large tendao®®- Triangle Will Not Be Repre sented in Finals At Chapel Hill - . .411 negative teams won Friday afternoon and the Wilkeshoro- Elkin-Mt. Airy triangle will not he represented in the finals at Chapel Hill this year. Arguing the question of wheth er North Carolina ought to adopt the sales tax as a feature of its state system of revenue, the later destroyed, who escv.ifd ^ ^ Before he could get away himself/gijjg DeWitt Billings, of | the rum runner was Frank Hub- d^bators representing however, the officers placed I*’’’'i Lomax, were visitors in the city; hard, a notorious character, 'vlioijjjp three schools fought to a tie under arrest. After a hearing: j (Contin led on page four) ! when neither a'ffirmative could before Commissioner J. W. Diila, j , — — ~|win I Baseball Practice At Wilkesboro I „ , „ Hieb School Started; Play Friday! "2.T r;«ir noTi; Absher and | Cockerham and James Randle- Baseball practice began at; receive the twirling this, season. | man, in the Wilkesboro high Agents J. L. Moore and N. S. | Cooper caught Boss Absher, Doc: eiglit gallons of liquor on their i car in the Lomax section. Pruitt I was releald until the next term I Wilkesboro high school last week | Van Wiles will play first base. I school auditorium. The Mt. Airy, r court uLer bond of foUO.Iand the hoys are rapidly round-. Robert Church will be at second, j team won a two to one decision. while the others, unable to fur-, ing ini® at- f Member. Of Ey.n,di.tic myth. Pandora, a beautiful little' seventh grades will* take part in‘jail at Wilkesboro. girl, is sent by the gods as a dances and choruses. Bright playmate for Epimetheus. Quick-; eostiiines add a final touch to silver ihappens by the home of.this delightful and colorful Epimetheus and asks permission operetta. Arrest of the trio was Thursday night. ST W'u'Cn To Mt. Pleasant ^bers of the Wilkes j to leave a strange box which he ^ The operetta Is under the dl- Flve conducted the I says is by no means to be open- ■ rection of Miss Tim Crawford service at Mt. P’.sas- ed. While Epimetheus is away with Miss Ruby Blackburn assl.st- Pandora opens the box. thereby ant director. letting Into the world a host of i See "Pandora,” and thereby evil sprites, such as hate, spite, enjoy an evening of good enter- worry, sickness, naughtiness and i tainment, boost your school, and. lies. Two good sprites, love and | lend encouragement to the. boys •hope, finally make good tihelr es- and girls. 11 o’clock service ^ ^ i lit Baptist church Sunday morn- lag. Th® ®l“‘' led the service and was w B—’ ’“Tw B Z. o. Eller and W. B. tit Hawkins, ' C Coach R. V. Day is giving con- .siderable attention to his squad, made' Competition is strong for the ! various positions. Particularly is , ! this true for the place on the Couple Married Friday i mound. At County Courthouse| Four youngsters are seeking] Miss Jessie Ana stleele, of i the call to mound duty in the Boomer; and Mr. Lawrence opening game with Fred Sloop Watts, of Taylorsville, were mar-1 seemingly having the inside ried In the office of the register [ track. Pless Carson. Slater Pre- of deeds at the courthouse In; vette and James Wallace are oth- WUkesboro Friday I Sayner. afternoon. | ers tiylng out for the mouud. Miss Gall, Bumgarner, justice of| Morris Davis has the position the peace,^ officiated. ' behind the bat cinched and will Hazel Kennlngton at short stop and Thomas Dula at third. Only an injury will cause a switch in this lineup. Ed Robertson and Cnarles Hul- cher are candidates for the fight field berth. Lawrence Phillips and Archie Yates are being given a chance at center field,'' while the left Held berth Will he filled by either Bob Jones or Sam Ogilvie. -s- Moravian Falls will be played April '7 and Mount > , Pleasant will he played at Mount: Pleasant on April 14. • v Judges were Rev. Avery Church, Willard G. Cole and Prof. T. G. Perry. Wilkesboro’s affirmative, Mar ion Beach and Neil Hartley, lost a two to one decision to Elkin’s negative at Mt. Airy. Miss Grace Gilreath accompanied them vjto the Granite city. t y'7. Sam Ogilvie aud Lncile' Hart ley, who composed the Wllkes-I, hortv negative team, won the da-‘ eislon unatalmouslx from Mt. Airy's affirmative at Elkin.. Prot.^ T. B. Story acopjppa^eii --- team there. -4' ‘

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