:h nk^ itM Week will be observed Wll el tbe North Wflkee- Metbodist ebarcb. I^eeisl Motion M^vicee were . begun ., nd»y ftl*bt and Will be held wfery night i through Saturday. the p^le are Invited. . n 'Ifervlce of epeeial interest «11 be held On-Friday night. The called, “Good J*riday/* or Day of Cruclttctlon.” It Is that Christians should tbe day sacred. A commun- ,*on Service will be held on that l#Sbt. Our Junior Choir In vest- ' bleats will supply the ■lilie MNt Baptist Cbtireh of o ■ .y^/Ko „=««♦« «« ««!: Wflke^how aellvered*t, the b«fr *h f iinwtn? hrnthera caltbraetfl. Sermon to the. gradur vlVed by the following broth^ I .Mferaon and sisters: Cleo, C~^ • _ kmiulCs the PracMaiona »T CHURCHlipMlnweaBloiiiil and two Butaben 4«|ii|g the prOgrai»i’‘AV^the time of the communion the’ 'obtircb lights wni be extlftgutobed and candles lighted. In the soft glow ttte service will be .finished. On Sunday morning the Easter Sunday school lesson will be ard, J. B. and Carl Wyatt taught. At 11 a. m. there vlll bet reception of members, baptism of children, sermon and music in _____ keeping with the day. The last I, ..ye Old-time School" Is the part of the hour will he given to | name of a play to be given at the placing of seld-denial gifts j jjgnntain view high school on] on the altar. ! Tuesday night, ApHl 11, at 8 *"waa InT-charge of tbd 2la«t Bt EofAnwl^iwe Delnran ^ BaecalavrMitt Semon high aohool Sandgy afternoon.. The West Jefferson high school commencement ezprolrwe are now under ^ 5 ' Rev. Jirni.01ive^ whodbame here from Ohatiel IRIU a few months ago, 14; ft; poptttir minister . end speftkw ftbd Will deliver Htentzir-ftddress et one or moi of the Wilkes sobools. Mrs,' ^8. I To Give Program At Mt. View High School Soon m 1 i.'miiBjiVi; Wifes and' this dty. Pelts,'#^!m1ss Edna CyrnstWlles, to LeatsvlMe 8a»> iPeits, who hospital tilf^wt • the^ ten da^ tot ““ lowf^w^ao&bile^acrtldent. 1 At five o’clock in the after-1 o'dock. The admission charges ■ special Is Classified Ads 'tj^ANTED—Work on ' gardens In the Andy Alexander lawns and afternoons. 3-13-tf WANTEI>—To Buy 1 Jersey 1 ^Registered Bull, one or two years old. See J. D. Hall, at Sv ■ Boone Trail Motor Co. 4-13-2t _ flee the WILKES TIE & USED COMPANY for your fertl- tter, seeds, feed, flour and pro- dnce. We pay cash and sell for cash. 3-l.S-tf noon our Annual Easter Sacred |,g 5 15 cents. The pub-1 Concert will be presented under | jjg jg cordially Invited to see the direction of Miss Scroggs, | ^jjjg program, organist. Visiting artists will be Miss Ruby Johnson and Mr. Carl Cronstadht of Statesville. The public is Invited to seasonal services. all of these HOBART WYATT DIES AT WILKES HOSPITAL Funeral services for Hobart Wyatt, of Wagoner, Ashe coun ty, who died at the Wilkes Hos pital here Thursday at 9:20 p. m., were conducted near his I home at Roau.s Creek church Saturday. Elder Everett Thomp^ Mr. G: E. Robinett and son. Dean, of Shellnian, Ga., spent Sunday night with Mr. Robinett’s sister. .Mrs. W. T. Eller, of Pur- lear. Mr. Robinett formerly re sided in this county and made the race for sheriff dh the Dem ocratic ticket in 1928. He spent a short while in the city today. JBRAME’S RHEUMA-LAX FOR RHEUMATISM ' Quick Relief ^ R. M. BRAME & SON North Wilkesbovo, N. C. tJ? H— How Cardui Helps Women Turner Funeral Home North Wilkeshoro, N. C. FUNER.\L DIRECTORS AND EMRAUMERS ^tAmbulance Service -TELEPHONE- 6!)—181—321 "Mal-nutritlon" means that your body is not getting enough to keep it up, so that what it has to do is not done well. You may not be eat ing enough to keep up the work of the body, or there may be something wrong that keeps you from getting full value from the food you cat. Because of mal-nutrltion. some women have aches and pains every month. Such pains should not be neglected. Take Cardui to give you a better appetite, to give you more strength from the food you eat — to build up and increase your feeling of well being. Aches and pains go away as you build up with the help of CarduL NOTHING TOO GOOD We pledge our people the best in Service and Mate rials. Onr Funeral Home is complete, and it is our greatest desire to render a satisfactory, c o in t orting service at a price within the reach of all. Reins-Sturdivant Inc. •THE FUNERAL HOME" Phones— Day - 85 Night - S5-22S The Original Rexall ONE CENT SALE Thursday-Friday-Saturday April 13-14-15 BIGGER SALE - - - ■ PRICES LOWER ONLY A FEW ITEMS ON SALE ARE LISTED BELOW REXALL REMEDIES Corn Solvent 2 for 26c Cherry Bark Cough Syrup 2 for 51c Little Liver Pills 2 for 26c Milk of Magnesia, Pt. Size, 2 for 51c 2 for 51c Hair Tonic PURETEST— Aspirin Tablets, 12s Aspirin Tablets, 100s Mineral Oil, 1 pt. Rubbing Alcohol, Pint Cod Liver Oil, Pint 2 Boric Acid, 4 oz. Epsom Salts, 1 lb. Large Size Mi 31 Antiseptic Solution, 1 pt. 2 for 60c Bargains in Stationery 2 for 16c 2 for 70c 2 for 76c 2 for 51c for $1.01 2 for 21c 2 for 26c TOILET GOODS LADIES— Jonteel Cold Cream Jonteel Talc Powder Jonteel Vanishing Cream _ Cream of Almonds Bouquet Ramee Talc Rexall Cold Cream Toilet Water, All Odors .. 2 Theatrical Cold Cream Tiny Tot Talc Jasmine Face Powder . 2 FOR MEN— Rexall Shaving Cream Mi 31 Shaving Cream Rexall Shaving Lotion Mi 31 Tooth Paste - Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste Ft. Syringe and Hot Water Bottle $1.00, 2 2 for 51c 2 for 26c 2 for 51c 2 for 36c 2 for 51c 2 for 26c for $1.01 2 for 76c 2 for 26c for $1.01 2 for 26c 2 for 51c 2 for 51c 2 for 51c 2 for 51c for $1.01 THE REXALL STORE This Sale Strictly Cash Opposite Postoffice tmmam M •laiiAs.. T.ig- y> - Household Expenses Through Use of T^ORE Kelvinators and other standard makes of electric refrigera- tors are going to be sold in Piedmont Carolinas this year than during any previous year—and the reasons are obvloui. TtHE new low rates of the S. P. U. Co. enable the housewife to have the ultimate in automatic refrigeration at a cost markedly, very markedly, under the cost of ordinary refrigeration. And the new low prices of Kelvinaior, guaranteed only until April 29, to gether with the liberal terms we are offering during our annual Kelvinator activity, make it possbile for a family that is using any refrigeration at all to both pay for and use a Kelvinator at a month ly cost that in P’.inv instances is lower than the cost of ordinary refrigeration. Particularly is this true when the savings in food and through the purchase of foodstuffs in larger quantities are taken into consideration. ELECTRKITY ISCrtEAP-USE IT FREELY- —I Here Are Tyrpical Expressions— Both From Famiiies of Moderate Means— CASH 24 Months To Pay Balance ELECrRKITY 15 CHEAP-USE IT FREELY--- NO. ^ “I knew from what friends had told me that Kei- vinator refrigeration was convenient and economi cal. and that it assured hetier, more palatable and safer food for the L .lily at all times. 1 was utterly astonished, how ever, to find that the saving in the cost of refrigeration, to gether with the easily figured saving in food, was sufficient to take care of the monthly payments on my Kelvinator plus the cost of operating it.” NO. 2 1 purchased my Kelvinator that electric refrigeration was better, more convenient and cheaper than ordinary refrigeration, but 1 must say that I took with some grains of salt the tatement that any marked saving could be made through the purchase of foodstuffs in larger quantities. I have tried it oui. however, and have been very much surprised how much these savings .amount to. And then we never have to throw any food away because it has spoiled; nor do we have to eat the same dish two or three or four meals in succession merely in order to keep it from spoil ing. My Kelvinator is a joy and is effecting practical and substantial economies in my home.' SPEAK TO ANY KELVINATOR USER. YOU WILL GET THE SAME STORY OF ECONOMY. CONVENIENCE AND MORE WHOLESOME LIVING. Y ou cannot afford not to at least investigate what Kelvina tor MIGHT do for you. The new low prices and the liberal terms embraced in our special offer now effective make it possible for you to buy; and our -ow rates make it possible for you ttf have your refrigeration much, very much, cheaper than what your ordinary refrigeration costs you. Southern Public Utilities Co. Listen to Our Radio Program—WBT 9:15 A M.—Mon., ^Ved., FrL i The New Deal Is Here—The Markets Are Swinging Up But our Easter values exceed by far those of former year's. We are ready and willing to work with you. Our business is distributing the necessities to you at the very lowest possible prices. Our stock contains so much variety that it’s out of the question to name prices. Wfe have been charged with lots of things, but one thing we have never been accused of and that is overcharging our customers. We urge and invite you to pay us a visit and see for yourself. Do this before Easter. m The Goodwill Department Store tenth STREET “THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS” NORTH \yiLKESBORO, N..